9 questions about facial serums with answers from a cosmetologist

This cosmetic product can be called a “dark horse”: it seems that every woman knows that she needs to use a facial serum, but not many understand why. After all, it does not replace the cream, nor does it replace the mask. It is used “for additional care”, so is it necessary? Or can you easily do without it?

In fact, the best facial serums are extremely useful products. And they should definitely find a place in everyday care after 25 years. After all, it is extremely rare to find a lucky woman who is absolutely satisfied with the condition of her facial skin, and with the help of these cosmetics you can solve a whole range of problems.

We talk about the purpose of the compositions, their types and subtleties of choice, as well as how to use facial serum to get the maximum benefit from it.

How to use face serum with a dropper?

To achieve the result declared by the manufacturer, the serum must be used according to the rules. The serum is applied after the tonic, before the cream, a few drops are distributed over the face until completely absorbed.

Many follow bloggers and “water” their face with serum, pressing the pipette to the skin. Why can't this be done? First of all, it's unhygienic. Secondly, you waste the product, and even provoke skin irritation. Apply a minimal pea-sized amount (literally a few drops).

Types of beauty concentrates

Conventionally, funds are divided into:

  • moisturizing;
  • anti-aging;
  • restorative;
  • whitening.

But beauty market experts are increasingly pointing out that you need to choose a composition based on the problem that needs to be solved and your skin type. In this case, it will be possible to select the optimal “cocktail” of active ingredients.

Serum for dry skin

It should contain a maximum of moisturizing components and additives that can restore tissue structure and lipid barrier, eliminating excessive moisture loss. The texture is preferable not only watery, but also oily and greasy. Important Ingredients:

  • vitamin E - it protects the epidermis from external factors;
  • low molecular weight hyaluronic acid - performs the function of moisturizing;
  • glycolic acid - can gently but effectively remove dead cells from the surface of the epidermis;
  • glycerin also moisturizes, which is an obvious plus if you are prone to dryness.

Facial serum with hyaluronic acid will support the action of the moisturizer and enhance its effect. Working in the tissue structure, it will saturate them with moisture and increase tone, while the cream will create a barrier on the surface that prevents moisture evaporation.

Serum for oily, problem skin

It is good both at a very young age, when rashes, multiple inflammations and severe oiliness are bothering, and at an older age with enlarged pores, periodic exacerbation of acne, or a desire to reduce oiliness and shine in the T-zone.

Recommended components:

  • retinol is a substance with antioxidant activity, stimulates cell regeneration and has a mattifying effect;
  • vitamin C - has anti-inflammatory and restorative effects;
  • zinc is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent;
  • salicylic acid - helps cleanse pores and protects against inflammation;
  • fruit acids - gently exfoliate dead cells, improve texture and reduce the likelihood of pore contamination.

Facial serum with acids can be used at any age. These substances normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and reduce the signs of skin aging. Zinc and salicylic acid are companions for young people who are prone to acne and rashes. And facial serum with retinol has both a rejuvenating and oil normalizing effect. It can serve as a universal choice for this skin type both at 20 and after 40 years.

Advice. When using products with retinol, do not forget to apply SPF cream to your face before leaving the house. Retinol increases tissue sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation and can cause pigmentation.

pixabay.com/Sasin Tipchai

Serum for sensitive skin

Reactivity and sensitivity occur against the background of a violation of the epidermal barrier, and therefore regenerating properties are required from the product. A restorative serum for the face should contain:

  • allantoin - for tissue renewal and restoration;
  • niacinamide - improves skin barrier functions, increases the production of ceramides to restore the lipid layer;
  • probiotics - substances for nourishing healthy skin microflora that restore local immunity;
  • algae extracts - for tissue nutrition.

Cosmetologists recommend including a regenerating facial serum in your care after a course of peelings to speed up the renewal of the skin structure. It is indispensable in winter, when, against the backdrop of contrasting temperatures or from the frosty wind, the face turns red, peels, and even thick, nourishing creams do not help to save the situation.

Facial radiance serum

If the skin is normal and does not create problems, you can get by with creams. But a dull complexion is an indispensable companion for residents of large cities, where concentrations of toxins in the air are high, and regular stress and chronic lack of sleep do not contribute to attractiveness.

In this case, you can use a moisturizing facial serum with a high content of urea and hyaluronic acid. High-quality hydration is necessary for any skin, even without severe problems. Other valuable caring ingredients:

  • vitamin C;
  • plant extracts - algae, angelica, pink pepper;
  • thermal water.

If your skin needs brightening, use a vitamin C serum for your face, as well as:

  • arbutin - a substance with a depigmenting effect;
  • acids - exfoliate dead cells, even out tone;
  • retinoids.

This complex will help cope with pigmentation that appears with age or after unsuccessful tanning.

pixabay.com/Gerd Altmann

Anti-aging facial serum

Concentrated products can really significantly improve the condition of aging skin, speed up its restoration processes, improve color, give elasticity and tone to tissues. The best helpers in anti-aging care for oily skin are retinol and vitamin C, for dry skin - hyaluronic acid.

Add to this cocktail:

  • low molecular weight collagen;
  • peptides;
  • glycolic acid;
  • plant extracts.

And you will receive an active anti-wrinkle facial serum that will improve not only tone, but also transform, refresh, and tighten your facial contour. What products will help rejuvenate? Check out FAN's ranking of the best anti-aging facial serums.

Can I apply facial serum under my eyes?

It is not advisable to apply facial serum to the area around the eyes. The skin in this area is very thin and delicate, so it needs special care.

Depending on the needs of the skin, serums for the skin around the eyes are different:

  • moisturizing,
  • smoothing,
  • tightening,
  • brightening,
  • strengthening.

All of them have a restorative effect and help solve a specific problem, be it dark circles, bags, tired eyes, puffiness or facial wrinkles.

Serum for the area around the eyes CAFFEINE 15 ml

Face Serums

Brand: Q+A

35.00 rub.


LIFT INTEGRAL Lifting serum for eyelids and cont. eye / LIFT INTEGRAL SERUM LIFT REGARD YEUX & PAUPIER

Face Serums

Brand: Lierac

120.00 rub.

SUPRA RADIANCE Serum for radiance of the skin around the eyes SUPRA RADIANCE SERUM ECLAT REGARD 15 ml

Face Serums

Brand: Lierac

109.00 rub.

What is serum and what is it for?

Facial serum is a highly concentrated product for additional, not primary care.
The product is used not instead of, but before using basic care, enhancing its effect. Serum is usually applied after cleansing and before main care. Powerful active ingredients (they can make up up to 70% of the composition) can affect cell metabolism, which is why serums are not recommended for the care of very young skin. The ideal age to “get acquainted” with a highly concentrated product is 20-30 years old. It is important to understand that the serum is not able to solve all problems at the same time; it works in 1-2 directions. If we select a cream based on skin type, then with serums it’s a different story. When answering the question “How to choose a serum?” It is important to take into account the problems that need to be solved: lighten pigment spots, even out skin texture, improve complexion, moisturize or nourish the skin, get rid of post-acne, normalize sebum production, smooth out wrinkles, slow down the aging process, etc. Although there are universal serums that can be used for any skin type. As a rule, such serums include moisturizing ones.

Serums have a very light and fairly liquid texture (with the exception of oil products and anti-aging serums), are quickly absorbed, penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis, have a cumulative effect, have increased bioavailability (well accepted by the body) and begin to act almost immediately. Due to their weightless consistency, serums are often confused with fluids, but these are different products, so be careful not to confuse them. According to their action, serums can be antioxidant, moisturizing, regenerating, nourishing, sebum-regulating, brightening, rejuvenating, vitamin, acne-fighting, softening, soothing, regenerating, protective.

Korean products

Koreans have every chance of making a breakthrough in the field of cosmetology by developing formulations for new products. The popularity of Korean brands is due to two factors: serums always contain predominantly natural ingredients, including snail secretion extract, plant extracts, vitamins, collagen and much more, and the price for the products is not overpriced compared to French brands.

In terms of quality and effectiveness, serums produced in Korea are not inferior to the famous giants of the European cosmetics market. Professionals are sure that a limited budget is not a reason to leave your face without proper care. Anyone who is not ready to pay a lot of money for French serum will benefit from Korean products at lower prices.

How to make whey at home

Let's look at several options that will tell you how to prepare whey at home:

First (fast) method

Take a pack of kefir and place it in the freezer compartment for quick freezing. When it becomes completely solid, remove it and defrost it on gauze (roll it several times) or on a sieve. This cooking method will help preserve all the acids and vitamins in the target product. No other treatment is required, you can use the product.

Second way

Pour fresh milk into a saucepan and place in a warm place until it sours. To speed up the process, throw in a slice of rye bread. When everything has turned sour, put the milk on low heat. If the milk has curdled, immediately remove from the stove and let cool. After this, filter through cheesecloth. The liquid is ready, and the remaining milk, which has become curd, can be eaten.

Third way

This method differs from the previous one. Fresh milk needs to be poured into a container, placed on the stove and boiled. Then add the juice of half a lemon, stirring all the time. This causes the milk to curdle. Remove from the oven immediately and cool. Then do the same: filter and use as intended.

Serum composition

Here are its main ingredients:

  • antioxidants - enzymes, polyphenols, minerals;
  • vitamins C, E, group B, retinol;
  • hydrofixatives - hyaluronic acid, glycerin;
  • acids AHA, BHA, which provide peeling;
  • ceramides, restoring the water-lipid balance and protective properties of the skin;
  • peptides that stimulate the production of collagen and elastin.

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Features of the product

  • Typically, a serum, unlike a cream, does not create an occlusive film on the skin, and therefore requires subsequent application of the cream. If it provides “sealing,” manufacturers recommend using it as a stand-alone product.
  • The great advantage of the serum is that it acts as a catalyst for the effectiveness of creams. By supplementing your care with serum, you will increase the intensity of other products and, accordingly, notice the result earlier.
  • Some serums prepare the skin for cosmetic procedures, prolong their effect, and speed up the rehabilitation process.
  • Serums work well in pairs - for example, antioxidant and moisturizing.

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How to choose the right product

You need to buy the serum at a specialized cosmetic store or pharmacy. It is important to check expiration dates and the conditions in which the product was stored. If the bottles were placed under bright light, it is better to refuse the purchase. The active substances included in the drug are easily destroyed, such cosmetics will be useless, and in some cases can cause severe skin irritation.

When choosing, you should take into account your skin type, your own age, and the problems that need to be solved. Concentrated preparations are not suitable for young girls. The exception is serious skin defects, but in this case it is better to use professional cosmetics prescribed by a doctor.

You should not buy serum for future use. The product has a limited shelf life; once opened, the bottle should be used as quickly as possible. It is better to place the opened package in the refrigerator. Sealed ampoules and vials can be placed in a cool, dark place away from batteries and bright lamps.

It is recommended to test for an allergic reaction before purchasing. For this purpose, there are testers in stores; if necessary, you can ask the seller for a mini-sachet. A small amount of concentrate is applied to the crook of the wrist. If the skin does not turn red or itch, the drug can be safely used on the face.

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