Microsclerotherapy – removal of spider veins (telangiectasia) in Moscow

We all want to have ideal skin: even, smooth, without pigment spots, wrinkles and other defects. However, a visible reddish network of tiny capillaries, which is not so easy to get rid of, can upset both a young girl and an elderly lady.

In this article I will tell you how to treat spider veins on the face, how to remove their consequences, and where to look for solutions to your cosmetic problems.

Why are capillaries damaged?

There are a number of reasons for this, which can be divided into external and internal.

Doctors consider external threats to include:

  • Alcohol and cigarette abuse
  • The predominance of hot, hot, spicy foods in the diet
  • Hot coffee and tea more than 2 cups per day
  • Poor quality care and use of “bad” decorative cosmetics
  • Frequent and prolonged exposure to the sun, especially without the use of high SPF protection products
  • Visiting baths, saunas

Among the internal risk factors are:

  • Autoimmune spectrum diseases
  • Pathologies of the digestive system
  • Atherosclerosis and other vascular diseases
  • Rosacea
  • Hormonal imbalance

It is important to understand that people with fair, sensitive, irritation-prone skin are more likely to suffer from rosacea.

Laser removal of blood vessels for children

In children's clinics, lasers are used to eliminate congenital pathologies. Hemangioma is a benign tumor that looks like a birthmark. This is a vascular formation that disappears on its own by the first year of life, but not always. And then such education interferes with the full development of the child:

  • Grows uncontrollably;
  • Disfigures appearance;
  • May lead to disability.

In difficult cases, surgery cannot be avoided. In the rest, due to the young age of the patient, non-invasive techniques are used. The cost of laser vessel removal in children is higher than in adults, but the price is justified by its high efficiency.

How does rosacea manifest itself?

As a rule, this is a completely painless problem that causes only aesthetic discomfort. However, some patients may complain of intermittent itching or burning sensation in the area of ​​the affected vessels.

Sometimes spider veins on the face appear against the background of liver disease . In this case, this may be accompanied by yellowing of the skin, sclera and mucous membranes, as well as lightening of stool and darkening of urine.

If rosacea develops against the background of autoimmune pathologies and connective tissue diseases, then this is accompanied by inflammatory processes and damage to large vessels.


The causes of the appearance of spider veins can only be disturbances in the body’s hormonal system; often such “failures” affect women and girls.

Factors influencing the appearance of telangiectasia can be: pregnancy, childbirth, menopause in women, abortion, ovarian cyst. All of the above phenomena stimulate the process of restructuring hormones in the body. Contraceptives can be especially active in this matter, which is why it is recommended to seek advice from specialists before taking them.

In some rare cases, a disease such as telangiectasia may be congenital, especially if there is a family history.

Treatment of rosacea

It has three main directions:

  1. Elimination of the cause that led to the occurrence of a cosmetic defect (smoking, liver disease, aggressive cosmetics, etc.)
  2. Working on damaged vessels using injection or hardware techniques .
  3. Proper care is the use of cosmetics and care products selected by an experienced cosmetologist individually for the needs of the skin and taking into account the individual characteristics of each patient.


“Soldering” damaged vessels using electric current . As a rule, this procedure is used to correct damaged large vessels.

Laser Application

Targeted effect on damaged vessels without involving healthy skin. It is especially effective when affecting single, significantly dilated capillaries.

Ozone therapy

Introduction of an ozone-oxygen mixture into the lumen of dilated and burst vessels. This procedure, among other things, improves metabolism and blood circulation in tissues.


An effective procedure to improve the quality, health and appearance of the skin, during which the patient is injected with platelet-rich blood plasma. The drug is prepared immediately before administration using a centrifuge.

Plasmolifting does not guarantee a cure for rosacea, however, it shows good results in complex therapy.

The fact is that “cooked plasma” helps improve the skin’s immune response , normalizes the condition of blood vessels and blood circulation at the injection site, and starts the processes of collagen production and skin restoration. Within a few days after the first procedure, the appearance of the koi begins to improve. Moreover, it is important to understand that changes occur not only outside, but also inside, which allows you to maintain the acquired effect for a long time.

Phototherapy using the M22 device

Unfortunately, until recently it was almost impossible to cope with the problem.

However, phototherapy is now available using the M22 device from Lumenis.

Phototherapy coagulates, that is, “cauterizes” dilated blood vessels, has an anti-inflammatory effect and accelerates skin renewal.

The M22 device can remove even very deep and hard-to-reach vessels , for example, rosacea on the wings of the nose. At the same time, it acts safely - the light rays affect only the hemoglobin in the vessel and do not affect the surrounding tissues. No risk of burns, hyperpigmentation or scarring.

Make an appointment

Is it painful to remove blood vessels with a laser?

The pain of the procedure depends on:

  • Individual sensitivity of the patient;
  • Laser type and power;
  • Areas of vessel location;
  • Use during the cryo installation procedure;
  • Vessel diameter.

Absolutely everyone experiences discomfort when blood vessels are removed. Typically, patients feel moderate discomfort, which manifests itself:

  • Warmth;
  • Tingling;
  • Light burning sensation.

Some compare laser flashes to electric shocks. When eliminating superficial vessels, local anesthesia is usually not used. But it is often practiced when working with childhood hemangiomas. Up to the use of general anesthesia where complete immobility of the child is necessary.

How is the procedure done?

Treatment includes several successive stages:

  • Protect your eyes with special glasses and apply gel to create contact with the skin and protect it from overheating
  • Operation of the M22 apparatus using light beams with areas of dilated vessels
  • Applying a protective agent to the skin after completion of the procedure and recommendations for care after phototherapy

It is impossible to assess the result of spider vein removal immediately after the procedure due to redness of the skin, but the effect will be noticeable after 3-4 days.

To completely remove rosacea on the face with the M22 device, a course of procedures will be required, depending on the severity of the problem.

Questions from patients about the procedure of microsclerotherapy (removal) of spider veins

How much does modern microsclerotherapy for spider veins cost in Moscow?

A session of modern microsclerotherapy for spider veins in our Moscow city center costs 8 thousand rubles. You can find out more detailed information about the cost of treatment by phone or on our website page:.

Where is the best place to do microsclerotherapy for spider veins in Moscow?

Microsclerotherapy of spider veins in Moscow is best performed in a good city phlebology center, where they work according to modern European standards.

Is microsclerotherapy for telangiectasia and reticular veins performed simultaneously in Moscow?

Simultaneous microsclerotherapy sessions for telangiectasia and reticular veins are performed in the best Moscow clinics. This is a good procedure for quickly eliminating unsightly venous vessels.

Where can I read reviews about microsclerotherapy for spider veins and reticular veins?

Reviews from patients about microsclerotherapy for spider veins and reticular veins at the city phlebological center can be read on our website page: .

Recommendations after the procedure

After the procedure, swelling and redness of the skin may persist for 1-3 days.

To consolidate the result and speed up recovery, it is recommended:

  • Refrain from sunbathing, visiting bathhouses, saunas and solariums for a month
  • Avoid sudden temperature changes
  • Use sunscreen and nourishing cream selected by a dermatologist according to your skin type
  • If possible , refrain from wearing decorative cosmetics for 1-3 days after the procedure.
  • Phototherapy eliminates the aesthetic consequences of vascular problems; to strengthen capillaries and prevent recurrent problems, it is recommended to use vascular strengthening products

Treatment of rosacea with M22 is an effective way to achieve beautiful and healthy skin!

It is recommended to delay phototherapy if:

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • Having a pronounced and intense tan
  • Some skin diseases: psoriasis, dermatitis
  • Acute infections, including skin infections
  • A course of use of drugs that increase sensitivity to sunlight
  • Eye diseases
  • Presence of pacemakers or other metal-containing structures

Phototherapy with the M22 device helps to get rid of even deeply located vessels, while the procedure is completely safe, approved by the FDA and used by leading cosmetologists in many countries around the world.

The M22 device does not disrupt the pH balance of the skin and the protective lipid layer of the dermis, and rehabilitation after the procedure takes no more than a couple of days.

The M22 device allows for an individual approach - the doctor can select the type of platform module and light filter for each patient in accordance with his needs.

Types of modern sclerosants

All modern sclerosants can belong to one of the following groups:

  1. Detergent preparations. The chemical structure of these substances is based on fatty acids or alcohols. The mechanism of their action is based on the extraction of protein molecules from the surface membrane of the endothelial cell of venous vessels, the cell is irreversibly damaged and dies. This effect works only in the range of a certain sclerosant concentration, below which there is no effect on vascular cells. This group is represented by the following drugs:
  • Ethoxysclerol (Polidocanol).
  • Sodium tetradecyl sulfate (fiberwein).

Everything is ready for microsclerotherapy

In addition to these drugs, the following detergents are also used in the world: sodium morruate, ethanolamine oleate, glycerin.

  1. Cell toxin preparations are used by some specialists for sclerosis of vascular formations.
  2. Hypertonic and ionic solutions. Modern European phlebologists also use the following sclerosants of this group:
  • Hypertonic sodium chloride solution (20 and 23.4% solutions).
  • Sclerodex (a combination of a solution of 25% glucose and 10% sodium chloride).
  • Ionized iodine preparations (variglobin, sclerodin).
  • 75% glucose solution.

In Russia today only drugs from the detergent group are approved for use: polidocanol (ethoxysclerol) and tetradecyl sulfate (fiberwein). The issue of admitting 75% glucose solution into medical phlebological practice is being actively resolved.

Prevention of spider veins

In order to prevent recurrent cases of rosacea, it is recommended:

  • Refrain from using low-quality decorative cosmetics , as well as aggressive care products and procedures (rough scrubs, mechanical manual cleaning, dermabrasion, laser resurfacing, liquid nitrogen massage, etc.)
  • Refuse thermal facial procedures - warming masks, compresses, paraffin applications
  • Limit visits to saunas and baths
  • Do not wash your face with hot water or take an excessively hot bath or shower.
  • Reduce physical activity if it is too intense
  • Use high SPF sunscreens
  • Be careful when drinking hot and alcoholic drinks
  • Stop smoking

Preventive actions

Knowing what capillaries look like on the face, as well as the causes of the problem, you can follow simple rules:

  • apply sunscreen before going outside;
  • do not use cosmetics with abrasive particles and alcohol;
  • eat right, exclude pickles, smoked foods, spicy, fried and fatty foods from the menu;
  • give up alcohol and tobacco;
  • play sports and be outdoors more often;
  • If you are predisposed to rosacea, do not use deep facial cleansing or peeling.

Benefits of IPL

  • Non-contact influence. The risk of infection is completely eliminated;
  • Minimum discomfort. During treatment, only a slight tingling or slight burning sensation is felt;
  • There is no need for complicated preparation. The procedure itself takes a minimum of time;
  • Treatment of capillaries at a depth of up to 4 mm. The flashes will even reach those vessels that are located not in the superficial layers of the skin, but at a depth;
  • The effect is noticeable after the first session. For the complete disappearance of the capillary network, several visits to the clinic will be required (the number is determined individually);
  • Fast rehabilitation. Recovery takes no more than four days;
  • Complex impact. Phototherapy is used not only to eliminate dilated capillaries, but also to even out skin tone, remove pigmentation, and increase the elasticity and firmness of the skin. Under the influence of flares, collagen production increases and skin rejuvenation occurs.

Important: the skin will become more youthful and elastic only in the treated areas.

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