Laser removal of papillomas: how laser removal works

Papillomas are benign skin tumors. Such neoplasms arise as a result of a child being infected with the human papillomavirus (HPV). Papillomas most often appear in a child’s face, head, neck, and other areas of the skin.

In this article, specialists from the First Children's Medical Center will talk about the need to remove tumors, as well as advanced techniques in this area.

Is it necessary to remove papillomas on the body?

The human papillomavirus (HPV) has more than 100 strains. Statistics show that every second person is a carrier of this virus. It is important to understand that papillomas, which are harmless at first glance, tend to increase in size and quantity as a result of constant trauma (friction against clothing/hygiene items, etc.).

Experts note that timely treatment of papilloma can almost completely eliminate the risk of developing serious complications. It is worth understanding that removing papillomas on your own is unacceptable! We strongly recommend that such operations be performed in specialized medical centers.

Causes of the disease

Under the influence of a provoking factor, skin cells grow.

If a person has multiple papillomas, this condition is called papillomatosis.

Papillomas most often occur in overweight people. Multiple neoplasms can be caused by excess weight, as well as a hereditary factor.

There are papillomas that are of viral origin (for example, genital papillomas).

What is laser treatment for papillomas?

Relatively recently, it was possible to get rid of neoplasms in the following ways:

- surgical intervention;

— cryotherapy (treatment with low-temperature nitrogen);

— electrocoagulation;

— use of chemical reagents.

All these procedures are quite unpleasant and painful, and also require a long time for rehabilitation. Today, a new effective method of getting rid of unwanted tumors is available - laser surgery.

Laser removal of papillomas is an effective and popular method of quickly and painlessly removing papillomas and other skin formations, successfully practiced by doctors all over the world. Let's look at what this procedure is, as well as all the subtleties of the operation.


At the SOYUZ clinic, procedures to remove skin lesions are performed under anesthesia. You will not feel anything during the procedure.

Pain relief options:

Application anesthesia.

We apply a cream to the skin that contains local anesthetics. Cover part of the body with a waterproof bandage. After 20 minutes, the skin loses sensitivity and the doctor removes the papillomas. The technique is suitable for eliminating small formations, including multiple ones.

Infiltration anesthesia.

The doctor injects a local anesthetic into the base of the papilloma with a very thin needle. The injection provides instant and more reliable anesthesia. The skin completely loses sensitivity. During removal of the formation, the patient does not experience even the slightest discomfort. The method is suitable for patients with large skin lesions.

Sometimes we combine both types of anesthesia: first we apply a cream and then give an injection. This approach is used for patients with a low pain threshold or when the papilloma is located in sensitive areas (including the genitals).

How does laser removal work?

Before the operation begins, the child must be examined by a doctor. This is necessary in order to determine the presence of blood diseases or intolerance of the body to such operations. In addition, during the session, in some cases local anesthesia is used. Removing papillomas with a laser is completely safe if done professionally.

Laser removal of papillomas at the First Children's Medical Center is carried out using a medical device based on a copper vapor laser. Such equipment has a number of advantages:

— laser beams penetrate the epidermis, preserving it;

— the wavelength of such a laser is selected in such a way that healthy skin is not damaged, and this ensures maximum cosmetic results of the treatment;

— the radiation of a copper vapor laser is almost not absorbed by water, which prevents overheating of surrounding tissues and the formation of scars;

— focusing the laser beam into a small spot with a diameter of one millimeter allows you to limit the area of ​​influence to the pathological area, avoiding damage to normal tissue;

— the pulsed nature of the radiation and the laser radiation dosage system allow you to control the absorbed laser energy and avoid overheating.

Thus, thanks to high-tech laser equipment, it is possible to carry out procedures without damaging the surrounding tissue with maximum cosmetic effect, which is especially important if the operation is performed on visible areas of the child’s face or body.

It is worth noting that most of the success of the operation depends not on the equipment, but on the experience of the pediatric surgeon. The Center employs a pediatric surgeon of the highest category, Gorodkov S.Yu., who has enormous experience in performing this type of operation. The specialist selects the desired depth of rays depending on the needs and skin type. With laser surgery, it is possible to remove harmful cells without damaging healthy areas of the skin.

Where can papillomas be removed?

If papillomas bother you and you want to remove them, this can be done in any of our cosmetology centers. We remove papillomas in men and women from any part of the body.

We suggest you choose any center convenient for you; our centers are located near the metro.

are experienced doctors and tens of thousands of satisfied patients since 1994. Over the years, we have constantly gained enormous experience and are constantly improving our skills and offering patients only the most effective solutions in the field of cosmetology.

Cosmetology addresses

You can consult a doctor and have a papilloma removed by first making an appointment by calling


Mon-Fri: 9:00-20:00, Sat: 9:00-18:00

Make an appointment for a consultation on papilloma removal

The initial consultation with a cosmetologist at the REDNOR cosmetology centers on the removal of papillomas during the procedure on the day of the consultation is FREE*.

* when performing the procedure on the day of consultation

Benefits of laser papillomas removal

1. 100% sterility.

2. Contactless. (the risk of mechanical tissue damage is eliminated).

3. No tissue scarring.

4. Security.

5. The risk of damage to healthy tissue is eliminated.

6. Painless

7. Fast rehabilitation.

A particular advantage is that the laser can clog blood vessels, which prevents bleeding. This is very convenient and reduces the risk of an undesirable outcome after the session (bruises or burst blood vessels).

Symptoms of vaginal papilloma

The virus infection scheme is as follows: first, the pathogen enters the dermis layer, affecting the membrane of healthy cells, then the infected DNA is introduced into the cell, after which the virus waits for favorable conditions for activation. In this situation, if the infected girl has a strong immune system, papillomas in the vagina may not form for a long time. In total, there are 3 stages of the disease. The first is characterized by the absence of pronounced symptoms. Depending on the general physical condition and the state of the immune system, this stage can occur over a long period of time, and in the absence of provoking causes, symptoms may not appear for several years. Despite this, the girl is already a carrier of the virus and can infect her sexual partner.

The second stage is characterized by changes in the mucous membrane of the genital organs. Neoplasms can be localized deep in the vagina, so it is not possible to identify them independently. Papillomas at the entrance to the vagina or on the labia can sometimes be detected by touch. Also, due to regular contact with clothing or during washing, they may bleed, which is a serious reason to consult a doctor.

  • the appearance of severe pain during sexual intercourse;
  • itching and burning in the intimate area;
  • the appearance of purulent discharge.

Many girls are interested in what papillomas in the vagina look like. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to detect these growths on your own; to do this, you need to undergo a thorough diagnostic examination.

What are the contraindications for laser removal of papillomas?

Laser removal of papillomas is absolutely safe and painless. This procedure has some contraindications (only in rare cases). The procedure is not recommended/prohibited:

- children with chronic infectious diseases;

- children with severely weakened immune systems.

As a rule, laser removal of papillomas is permitted in most cases, since the probability of complications is only 0.01 percent (subject to all recommendations of the attending physician).

How to prepare for the procedure

No special preparation is required for the procedure. Usually papillomas are removed on an outpatient basis in one day. The patient must be responsible when choosing a medical or beauty salon that provides this service and make sure that they have the necessary certificates and licenses.

Experts recommend that 10-14 days before the scheduled session to remove papillomas, avoid visiting the solarium and use sunscreen when walking in the fresh air. In addition, during the preparatory period it is recommended to avoid contact with household chemicals. If the growths are located on the face or neck, it is advisable to avoid using decorative cosmetics.

Are there any complications when removing tumors?

Naturally, like any surgical procedure, laser removal of papillomas can have its negative consequences. It is important to understand that after surgery, proper care is required - this is a very important part of the treatment. If you do not properly care for the laser treatment site, then after a short time inflammation may begin there.

It is important that the child’s health is dealt with by professionals. If any neoplasms occur, you should immediately consult a doctor. Timely treatment will avoid the risk of developing serious pathologies. At the First Children's Medical Center you can get advice and qualified medical care from leading specialists in the field of pediatric surgery.

For more detailed information regarding the treatment of skin pathologies or to schedule a consultation, please call 8 (8452) 244-000.

Make an appointment with a surgeon

Choose a doctor

Features of papillomas

Papillomas can be of the following types: ordinary or vulgar warts, filiform (the most common type), flat, genital warts, plantar warts, juvenile warts. A dermatologist diagnoses and treats papillomas.

Most often, papillomas are localized in the armpits and inguinal folds, hands, on the surface of the foot, neck, under the mammary glands in women, as well as on the genitals. Papillomas located on the mucous membranes of internal organs are very dangerous; they can cause ulceration or bleeding. As a rule, papillomas that have a pronounced cosmetic defect are removed with a laser, i.e. which are located in open areas of the body, as well as those with a high risk of cancer.

Removal of keratomas

Keratoma (seborrheic keratosis) is the most common benign skin tumor. Develops from the epidermis (top layer of skin), usually in middle and old age.

Keratoma removal:

Doctor: Revin A.A.

Elements of seborrheic keratosis are often multiple; keratomas are located on the chest, neck, abdomen, face, groin and other parts of the body. Their diameter varies from 0.2 to 3 cm. Early elements are flat small spots, yellow-brown or barely distinguishable in color from the surrounding skin. Then they become more dense, covered with crusts, with numerous cracks. The thickness of the crusts can reach 1 cm, dark brown or black.

There are currently no methods of prevention. Treatment for seborrheic keratosis involves removing the keratomas. Originating from the epidermis, the removal of keratomas does not affect the underlying tissues - thus, along with radicalism, high aesthetic results are achieved.

Today, the “gold standard” is the removal of moles using an ablative laser.

The CO2 laser used in the clinic has the following advantages:

  • Thanks to the small thickness of the beam (200 µm), it is possible to precisely influence the tissue;
  • The procedure for removing a mole is radical and one-time;
  • Lack of direct contact of the device with the wound, asepsis, hemostasis (the wound does not bleed);
  • Favorable effect on regeneration, rapid wound healing, virtually no scar.


To avoid HPV infection and the formation of papillomas in the vagina, women should adhere to preventive measures and recommendations.

  • maintaining intimate hygiene;
  • maintaining a healthy lifestyle;
  • no abuse of tobacco and alcohol products;
  • regular examinations by a gynecologist;
  • use of barrier methods of contraception during sexual intercourse;
  • increasing immunity (regular consumption of vitamin complexes, minerals and trace elements);
  • maintaining a proper balanced diet.


If the above symptoms appear, it is recommended to promptly seek help from a gynecologist. To detect papillomas inside the vagina, the doctor will collect anamnesis and send the patient for further diagnostics (laboratory and instrumental). The medical history includes the collection of information about possible unprotected sexual intercourse, the approximate time of formation of growths, and other disturbing symptoms.

Further diagnostics consists of the following activities:

  • linked immunosorbent assay. It is used to determine the presence of antibodies to the virus in the patient. This allows you to determine the degree of progression of HPV;
  • PCR (polymerase chain reaction) analysis. It allows you to establish not only the presence, but also the quantity and type of pathogen present in the body;
  • histological analysis. This diagnostic method is aimed at determining changes in the structure of vaginal tissue;
  • colposcopy. Using a special device, the doctor examines the vagina and cervix to determine the affected areas;
  • anoscopy. This method involves examining the patient’s anal area for the presence of papillomas;
  • oncocytology. The specialist takes scrapings from the cervix and cervical canal and examines them in the laboratory.

Based on the diagnostic examination data, the doctor determines or denies the presence of papillomavirus infection. If a virus is detected, the patient is immediately prescribed treatment. During the growth of condylomas in the vagina, the virus is not contagious. The risk of infection appears when the pathogen reaches the epidermis.

Impact of laser radiation on the human body

Despite the apparent simplicity of the procedure, there are a number of contraindications to its implementation:

  • Oncological diseases (except melanoma and basal cell carcinoma);
  • The period of bearing a child;
  • Problems with blood clotting;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Diabetes mellitus and insulin resistance;
  • Individual intolerance;
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Side effects of laser tumor removal may occur after surgery:

  • Moderate pain and swelling in the injured area is normal, but severe pain and extensive inflammation are alarming symptoms;
  • Capillary bleeding or a consequence in the form of hyperpigmentation may occur;
  • If the rules of postoperative rehabilitation are violated, there is a possibility of wound infection.
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