Causes of atheroma behind the ears. Laser removal

Atheromas are cysts of the sebaceous glands that are often found under the skin behind the ears and look like small whitish balls.

Atheromatous sebaceous cyst is not an oncological disease. Often atheromas go unnoticed, but sometimes they can be felt and cause discomfort upon palpation.

Rice. 1. Atheroma behind the ear

Atheromas that occur behind the ears can be located in other places: for example, on the head, back, face, chest, etc.

The most common location for atheromas is the face, neck and torso.

Atheromas can be of different sizes, large and small.

Very often, atheroma does not bother you at all, but sometimes, as a result of friction of atheroma on clothing, rupture due to pressure or injury, or infection, discomfort and pain appear. In this case, the atheroma must be removed.

Atheroma or cyst of the sebaceous gland in the postauricular area

Atheroma is a cyst filled with dead skin cells and sebum.

Behind the ears there are countless sebaceous glands, so it is in this area that atheromas are found very often. However, atheromas can often be found in the ear canal itself.

Rice. 2. Suppurating atheroma behind the ear

Although atheromas do not become malignant (such cases are described extremely rarely), they can become complicated. First of all, atheroma, in the absence of timely treatment, can become infected. When infected, the atheroma becomes inflamed.

If the atheroma is located in the genital area, then when it becomes inflamed, pain may occur during urination and sexual intercourse.

What to do if there is a pimple in your ear?

Pain, discomfort, itching – these are the sensations that a person who has a pimple in the ear may encounter. What to do if this happens? Do not try to squeeze it out under any circumstances, as this may lead to the spread of infection. If the rash appears in the auricle or inside the ear canal, you need to start with a visit to the ENT specialist. When rashes are present not only in the ear, but also on the face and body, this is a job for a dermatologist.

Azelik® is a 15% azelaic acid gel. Its base also includes the emollient auxiliary component squalane, which softens and moisturizes the skin2. Azelaic acid has a micronized substance7, which allows it to more easily overcome the dense stratum corneum and dissolve in the ducts of the sebaceous glands, exhibiting the following properties5:

  • normalization of keratinization processes in follicles;
  • reduce the level of fatty acids;
  • have antimicrobial activity against propionibacteria and Staphylococcus epidermidis;
  • help reduce inflammation by reducing the metabolism of neutrophils and the free radical forms of oxygen they synthesize.

Azelik® is sold in pharmacies in tubes of 5, 15, 30 g.

Why do atheromas appear behind the ears?

Research into the mechanism of atheroma formation is still ongoing.

Today it is known that the epidermis (the surface layer of the skin) consists of layers of cells that constantly peel off from the surface during the process of growth. In the case when skin cells stop exfoliating and, accumulating and multiplying, begin to move into the tissues - a cyst wall is formed - atheroma. Inside the formed cavity, dead skin cells rich in proteins - keratin, and sebum accumulate. This is how atheroma is formed.

On the surface of the atheroma you can always find an enlarged pore through which the cyst can drain. In this case, we may notice yellowish masses with an unpleasant odor of decomposing sebum.

Other cysts, called epidermal, are very similar in appearance to atheromas. However, epidermal cysts are formed from sweat glands and their contents are very different in composition from the contents of atheromas.

Pimples behind the ears and on the neck: home treatment

Hot compress

The most effective way to get rid of pimples behind the ears and on the neck and prevent their further occurrence is a hot water compress, which helps dry out the pimple. Using cotton or a towel immersed in boiling water helps in expanding and opening the pores of the face. Once the pores open, the dirt tends to come out, the skin becomes clearer and can help a person achieve a good condition in parallel with the use of other acne treatments when treating acne. It is recommended to use this procedure three times a day.

Application of citric acid

Citrus juice or vitamin C is very beneficial as its use helps in contracting the tissues and pushing out oils from swollen pimples. The medicinal qualities contained in citric acid help in killing germs and bacteria in the acidic environment in the areas behind the ears and on the neck. To get clear skin, You should apply citrus juice before showering and rinse your skin after ten minutes with contrasting cold water.

Symptoms and signs of atheroma

Many patients, having atheromas behind the ears, do not even pay attention to them. However, sometimes atheromas become a serious concern.

It is worth paying attention to the following signs indicating the need to seek medical help:

  • There is a small round ball under the skin;
  • There is redness, swelling, thickening;
  • There are signs of inflammation and infection;
  • On the surface of the atheroma there is a small pinhole closed with a black plug;
  • It is possible to extract thick yellow contents with an unpleasant odor from the atheroma.

You should consult a doctor immediately if the atheroma:

  • Suddenly it began to grow quickly;
  • Suddenly burst;
  • Inflamed;
  • It became sharply painful.


Consultation with an otolaryngologist is necessary first of all to exclude ear, nose and throat diseases. If necessary, the doctor will refer the patient to specialists.

At your appointment, the ENT doctor will conduct a survey and examine the lump. To collect anamnesis, the doctor will check whether there is pain when pressing, whether there have been infectious diseases. In addition, he will take into account whether the bump behind the ear is soft or hard, whether it is pedunculated or tightly adjacent.

Next, the doctor will order a blood test to diagnose inflammation. To determine the cause of the tumor, an ultrasound or x-ray is performed.

Removal of atheromas behind the ears.

Atheroma behind the ear can be removed in two ways:

  1. Laser;
  2. With a scalpel.

With traditional removal with a scalpel, after injection anesthesia, a skin incision is made to expose the atheroma. Then the cyst is removed along with its contents. The skin wound is sutured.

Rice. 3. Bursting atheroma behind the ear

It is clear that when working with a scalpel, a scar is left on the skin, comparable in size to the atheroma itself, and sometimes larger.

Laser technologies make it possible to remove atheroma entirely without a single drop of blood from a small puncture in the skin, which allows for the best possible cosmetic result.

Tea tree oil

The oil obtained from tea tree leaves as well as milk is very beneficial in treating acne.

The use of lactic acid peeling, which contains alpha hydroxy acids or tea tree oil, helps to displace lifeless skin; The pores tend to break through by removing the outer layer of dead skin along with accumulated oil and dirt. Tea tree oil contains medicinal compounds that kill germs and speed up the healing process of the skin. This process should be done three times every day.

Alcohol and alcohol

Gently rubbing the neck with alcohol or alcohol is very helpful in treating pimples and unwanted blemishes on the skin behind the ears and neck. Using a clean cotton cloth or washcloth immersed in alcohol helps in getting rid of such pimples. This liquid helps in removing germs and bacteria from the skin and opens pores.

Chicken egg yolk

If a person tends to be very prone to pimples on the neck behind the ears or anywhere on the skin, he can use eggs to get the skin back to normal. The presence of vitamins and zinc in eggs helps in fighting pimples. The whites of eggs should be mixed well and used in the treatment. acne on different areas.

Advantages of laser removal of atheroma behind the ear:

  1. Speed ​​(removal is possible on the day of treatment in just 15-20 minutes);
  2. Atheromas of any size and in any condition can be removed (even festering atheromas can be removed, since the laser has a sterilizing effect on tissue);
  3. Bloodlessness (the laser seals the vessels that feed atheromas and removal takes place in a dry field);
  4. Fast recovery;
  5. Almost complete absence of relapses and complications in the postoperative period.

If you have atheroma, we suggest seeking help from laser medicine specialists at the ATLANTIC Laser Surgery Center.

Pimples behind the ears and on the neck: causes in adult women

Poll: When did your acne appear? (Number of votes: 4295)

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Adult breakouts are definitely different from the ones you had in high school. Teenage acne usually appears in the middle of the face, these acne lesions are easier to remove because they were just below the surface of the skin. In contrast, adult acne and pimples in women are usually more often found on the neck , chin and along the chin, as well as in the area behind the neck, which appear as deep cysts or subcutaneous pimples that often cannot be completely removed until the skin is sufficiently exfoliated through the use of gels or lotions for problem skin.

So, what are the main causes of acne in women around the neck and behind the ears? The main culprit is changes in hormone levels: premenstrual dips in estrogen and fluctuations that occur during menopause, pregnancy or the floating cycle of menstruation, which can cause such pimples to appear and cause or worsen breakouts on the neck, behind the neck and other areas.

But there are other causes of acne. Your makeup, skin care regimen, food choices, cell phone, and ingrown hairs behind the neck and behind the ears in women may also be to blame. The good news is that we can control their occurrence and We can make changes to the regime and methods of skin care.

Characteristics and locations of acne behind the ears and on the neck

Pimples on the back of the neck

Breakouts in this part can be caused by the use of certain lotions, shampoos, conditioners and hair products that clog the pores and cause problems in the skin in the form of acne.

Pimples on the back of your neck are often caused by oils from your hair, which can clog your pores. This is especially true if you have long hair, or if you experience excess oil in the pores on your scalp.

Large pimples behind the ears

This can happen due to polycystic ovary syndrome, which can cause some changes in hormone levels that can cause irregular cycles. Some male hormones that cause abnormal hair growth, including large amounts of hair, or are associated with acne on the neck.

Small pimples behind the ears and on the neck

According to WebMD, small pimples behind the ears and on the neck are usually associated with heat rash, which is caused by swollen sweat ducts in the neck gland. Heat rashes can be pink or red in color and can also develop on the neck and shoulders. Heat rashes are more common in infants, but in Adults can also develop a similar skin condition. Any of the reasons we discussed earlier can cause small pimples like this.

On the neck and lower jaw

The neck and jaw are the most common areas prone to breakouts due to various factors such as hormonal shifts and imbalances in the body that lead to acne appearing in these areas.

Coconut oil is a powerful natural remedy for long-lasting acne!

Pimples on the underside of the neck

Typically, pimples on the underside of the neck appear as large, deep, sometimes cystic pimples. These spots are full of fluid (pus) and can be painful to the touch. Some are blind pimples or breakouts that are not very noticeable but are deeply rooted, they are uncomfortable and have been under the skin for a long time.

Pimples on the front of the neck

Pimples on the front of the neck can be caused by a number of reasons, especially including ingrown hairs. They can be small, large or cystic pimples located in inflamed hair follicles on the outer and inner parts of the skin. They can also be painless, depending on their nature and specific reasons for their appearance.

Why do acne appear on the head?

The causes of acne on the head may be the following:

  • disruption of the sebaceous glands;
  • poor nutrition;
  • insufficient or improper hair or skin care, as well as the wrong choice of care products;
  • hormonal disturbances or physiological changes (for example, during puberty);
  • increased sweating;
  • folliculitis (its development may be indicated by purulent pimples on the head);
  • constant wearing of hats made of synthetic materials;
  • allergic reactions;
  • frequent scratching, traumatic effects;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • dysfunction of the adrenal glands;
  • decreased immunity;
  • autoimmune disorders;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • infectious diseases;
  • taking certain medications (for example, corticosteroids).

Pimples on the scalp in men are most often caused by hormonal activity, stress, exposure to chemicals (for example, during industrial work), and skin reactions after shaving. In addition, breakouts can be a result of using dull trimmer blades while trimming. Acne on the head of women sometimes appears when using oral contraceptives.

Also, among other reasons, they can signal ovarian diseases, in particular polycystic disease. That is why, if the phenomenon is recurrent, a consultation with a gynecologist may be required.

Treatment of acne on the head

The course of therapy depends on the causes of the problem, however, as a rule, it includes:

  • antimicrobials;
  • enterosorbents;
  • retinoids;
  • means that dry out rashes.

In addition, clinical procedures such as mesotherapy, laser treatment, biocomplex, and plasma therapy are effective in this case.

When the rash spreads severely, it is sometimes necessary to take antibacterial drugs, as well as drugs to correct hormonal levels. To prevent the recurrence of acne on the scalp, the patient is advised to choose the right hygiene products, normalize nutrition, monitor the hormonal status of the body, take precautions when interacting with chemicals, take vitamins and microelements, and give up bad habits.

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