How to make homemade eye patches from cotton pads and gelatin: the best recipes

The periorbital zone is thin and defenseless, requiring gentle care. It treacherously reveals fatigue, and even worse, the woman’s age. In the last century, girls tried to fight this problem with the help of cucumbers and tea bags, which were applied to the skin around the eyes to remove bags, dark circles, etc. These are the forefathers of patches!

Today, cosmetology has not only stepped forward, but also works real miracles, which is why modern patches are full of variety. This is a must-have cosmetic bag for every self-respecting girl. Many young ladies are interested in how to make eye patches at home. This is not surprising, since the effect of such cosmetics is comparable to the use of expensive products from well-known brands.

Patch effectiveness

In terms of effectiveness, homemade patches are equal to purchased ones. At the same time, it is important to observe the principle of consistency when using the first and second.

Home patches can have a visible effect, but they are not all-powerful in the fight against significant signs of aging. Patches refresh the skin, improve its color, eliminate signs of fatigue and smooth out fine wrinkles. But, regardless of the method of production of the overlays, they are unable to completely smooth out deep creases and restore the oval of the face.

Any skincare products are powerless against the signs of aging, which are caused by lack of sleep or bad habits. If a person systematically does not get enough sleep, eats unhealthy foods and spends a lot of time looking at the monitor, his complexion will be unhealthy, and dark circles will appear under his eyes. If problems arise inside the body, patches will not be able to solve the problem completely.

The same applies to the consequences of chronic diseases of the body. It is necessary to remove the cause by undergoing a course of treatment. After this, the use of cosmetics will certainly be effective.

Store-bought patches for the skin around the eyes


Homemade patches for the skin around the eyes


Voted: 9


Which side should the patches be applied on?

To relieve swelling and eliminate dark circles, apply with the wide, rounded side to the bridge of the nose; to eliminate wrinkles, apply the narrow, sharp side to the bridge of the nose. Hydrogel pads are applied on either side, while fabric pads are applied on the side to which the protective film is attached (fabric facing out).

How to shoot correctly?

You need to remove the pads starting from the inner corner of the eye (bridge of the nose). It is better to do this with a spatula, but you can also use thoroughly washed hands.

Do you need cream after?

The skincare cosmetic already saturates the skin with moisture and beneficial substances, so there is no need to apply additional cream. It is possible to use serum if recommended by the manufacturer. As a last resort, to obtain a stronger effect, the cream is applied only after the nutritional substance has been completely absorbed by the skin.

What's the best way to use them?

It is best to apply the pads in the morning so that the effect of their use will be noticeable throughout the day. Only some types are recommended for use at night: anti-aging, with microneedles.

How often should I use it?

To obtain a cumulative effect and significantly improve the condition of the skin, patches should be used every day. But minimal care will be provided when used 2-3 times a week.

How to store it correctly?

The cosmetic product should be stored at a temperature no higher than 25 degrees in a dark place. The refrigerator is used only if specified in the manufacturer's instructions.

For which zones should it be used?

In general, the petals are intended for the area under the eyes; they are also used in the nasolabial area, for the cheekbones and cheeks.

How to replace patches

You don’t have to make patches; there are two excellent and time-tested ways to do without patches at all:

Tea bags instead of patches

Such pads soothe the skin, relieve inflammation and remove redness. This is one of the types of skincare cosmetics of natural origin. The product is effective and affordable. The composition is enriched with rejuvenating vitamin P and valuable essential oils. Such patches normalize blood circulation, relieve swelling and tone the skin. Even external use of the product can have a noticeable effect.

To avoid black tea staining the thin skin under the eyes, it is better to give preference to green varieties.

The cooking method is simple. Simply fill the bags with hot water and remove them after they have cooled. Then they need to be slightly squeezed to remove excess moisture and placed on closed eyelids. Exposure time is no more than 10 minutes.

This simple and quick procedure will refresh the skin around the eyes and remove signs of fatigue and lack of sleep.

What's included

Most types of patches include the following components:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • panthenol;
  • allantoin;
  • glycerol;
  • essential oils;
  • peptides;
  • vitamin complexes;
  • collagen;
  • plant extracts.

Cosmetic products made from biologically active gold, seaweed, pearl dust, snail secretions, swallow's nest components, black caviar extract, royal jelly, etc. are popular.

How to make hydrogel patches yourself

Such pads are prepared on the basis of gelatin and agar-agar. Both of these thickeners are of organic origin. On their packaging, manufacturers describe how to dilute these substances. Following the recommendations, you can prepare the basis for hydrogel patches.

How to give gel patches the desired shape

You can purchase ready-made forms in the form of traditional droplets for patches. They are sold on Chinese portals and in stores for making home cosmetics.

If you couldn’t find the molds, you can take the molds that were left over after using purchased patches.

If you have a silicone mat, spread the mixture onto it and cut out the patches after cooling. You can use a regular plastic container. Pour the prepared liquid into its bottom. The optimal width of future patches is 3-4 mm. After cooling, cut the linings into the required shape with a knife.

Before preparing hydrogel patches, treat your hands and tools with alcohol.

Storage and use of homemade hydrogel patches

For better contact, the following substances can be applied to the skin before applying the pads:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • collagen serum;
  • aloe extract;
  • vitamin E.

This is especially true for those with dry skin.

To store self-prepared patches, use any container of a suitable size. This could be a cream jar or small food containers. Patches must be in liquid. If a decoction of herbs was added to the thickener, then the finished patches are dipped into this decoction for storage. In addition, the pads can be stored in hyaluronic acid, aloe extract or collagen serum. Patches are stored in the refrigerator.

Secretkey Marine Racoony Hydrogel Eye & Multi Patch

The bright light green colored linings are in an exclusive jar with an original raccoon on the lid. The cosmetic product contains: chlorella, hyaluronic acid, kelp and many other useful components.


  • absence of sulfates in the formula;
  • delicate aroma of sea breeze;
  • ease of use.


  • quickly “slide”;
  • sometimes cause irritation.

Approximately 1250 rub.

Hydrogel patch recipes

Gel patches will take longer to prepare than soaked cotton pads. But they are much more convenient to use.

Elderberry, mint and parsley

We will need:

  • agar-agar or food gelatin - 0.5 tbsp. l.;
  • stems, inflorescences of elderberry - 0.5 tsp;
  • chopped parsley - 0.5 tsp;
  • mint - 0.5 tsp.

Brew chopped parsley, mint, elderberry in 50 ml of boiling water. The ingredients can be fresh or dry. Strain the liquid through cheesecloth and place on low heat. Dissolve agar-agar or gelatin there. Stir. After 1-2 minutes, remove from heat and pour into molds. Leave the overlays in the refrigerator to harden.

Coffee and vitamin E

We will need:

  • water - 50 ml;
  • agar-agar - 0.5 tbsp. l.;
  • brewed coffee - 1 tbsp. l.
  • vitamin E - 2-3 drops.

We brew coffee in water. We filter it through cheesecloth. Place the coffee broth on the fire and dissolve the thickener in it. Stir. Remove from heat after 1-1.5 minutes. Add vitamin E and pour the mixture into molds. Place in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes.

Calendula and chamomile

We will need:

  • warm water - 4-5 tbsp. l.;
  • gelatin - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • chamomile - no more than 0.5 tsp;
  • calendula - no more than 0.5 tsp.

Brew calendula and chamomile. Dissolve gelatin in this broth. To do this, place the solution in a water bath or on low heat for ½ minute. You can also use a microwave. The resulting solution is poured into molds and sent to the refrigerator to harden.

With chamomile

We will need:

  • chamomile - 1 tsp;
  • green tea, brewed - 1 tsp;
  • water - 250 ml;
  • agar-agar - 0.5 tsp.

Brew green tea with chamomile. Leave the broth for 5-7 minutes to infuse. You can use herbs in bags or loose. If necessary, strain. Add a thickener to the broth. Stir until it completely dissolves. Pour into molds.

Aloe and cucumber

We will need:

  • small cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • aloe gel - 1 tsp;
  • water - 50 ml;
  • agar-agar - 2 tsp.

In a blender bowl, grind the cucumber until smooth. We combine it with aloe gel or with the juice and pulp of a fresh leaf. Dissolve the thickener in hot water and mix all ingredients until smooth. Next, pour into molds and into the refrigerator.

Homemade gold patch recipe

We will need:

  • natural yogurt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • turmeric - 0.3 tsp;
  • brown sugar - 2 tsp;
  • olive oil - 1 tsp;
  • gelatin - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • vitamin E - 5 drops;
  • water bath;
  • bowl and spoon;
  • forms.

Cooking instructions:

  1. Combine yogurt, turmeric, sugar and gelatin. Leave the mixture for 40 minutes to swell. Place the bowl in a water bath. Stir the mixture continuously. We achieve its homogeneity and liquid consistency.
  2. Add olive oil, vitamin E and mix.
  3. Pour the mixture into molds in a thin layer.
  4. Place the patches in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes. Ready!

Before applying the pads, we remove makeup and cleanse the skin. Place the patches on the skin under the eyes for 10 minutes. Carry out the procedure regularly and enjoy the results.

Patches under the eyes at home for swelling and wrinkles

With age, the amount of collagen in the skin decreases. It becomes prone to wrinkle formation. Collagen patches will help slow down the aging process. The express method evens out tone, smoothes out unevenness, and saturates with nutrients. Collagen patches are used to maintain tone and add elasticity. They do it like this:

  • take one part of gelatin,
  • 10 parts liquid
  • 2 parts dry parsley,
  • 3 parts glycerin,
  • 1 part unrefined vegetable oil.

It is better to prepare the mixture in the evening and use it the next day. First, gelatin, glycerin, liquid, and herbs crushed into powder are combined. If desired, water can be replaced with green tea. Then add oil, mix everything, close it, and put it in the refrigerator.

You should get a thick gel-like mass. In the morning, plasticity is assessed and water is added if necessary.

The mass is carefully applied to problem areas, left for 7-10 minutes and washed. The effect will be noticeable immediately: the skin will become younger and wrinkles will be smoothed out.

Patches based on banana puree

For swelling, it is better to use fresh young zucchini. They are prepared in the same way as cucumber patches. And for the first wrinkles they use banana puree. To do this, chop a piece of ripe banana, add a few drops of olive oil and parsley juice.

Precautionary measures

  1. If there is damage to the skin in the patch area, refuse the procedure.
  2. Before use, make sure that none of the components can cause you an allergic reaction. The test is carried out in this way: the product is applied to the elbow for 10 minutes; washed off; The skin area is examined after 2 hours.
  3. If wearing the pads causes you discomfort, remove them and rinse off the product. We are talking about itching, burning and other unpleasant sensations.
  4. Cleanse skin thoroughly before applying patches.
  5. After removing the pads, as after any mask, rinse the composition from your face and apply a nourishing care product for this area of ​​skin.


If you decide to make patches at home, then first read the contraindications for their use. The main ones include:

  • rosacea;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • dermatological diseases (acute and chronic);
  • abrasions, burns and scratches on the skin of the face;
  • individual sensitivity to components.

Allergy rarely occurs to patches made independently at home. This is because to prepare them you select the ingredients yourself, based on your preferences. You don’t know the exact composition of the purchased products.

Application time

It depends on the individual characteristics and purposes of using the patches, but most often the instructions say to apply them for about 15-20 minutes. This is exactly the time that is enough for the patches to transfer all their beneficial properties and elements to the skin. If we talk about moisturizing patches, they can be worn a little longer - about 30 minutes.

There are also products that are designed for night use. Patches are applied before bed and removed in the morning. Such products are suitable for busy women.

With gold

The top best eye patches for wrinkles include a collection based on aurum molecules, which are especially effective in the anti-aging process, as their effect occurs at the molecular level. Ions penetrate deeply into the dermis, triggering collagen production and saturating it with oxygen.

FarmStay Black Pearl Gold Hydrogel Eye Patch

The stickers are generously filled with gold concentrate. They perfectly smooth, tighten and tone the skin. The product perfectly evens out color and hides freckles and age spots.


  • cumulative action;
  • minimize dark circles;
  • refresh, relieve tension;
  • delicate smell.


  • uncomfortable spoon;
  • may slide down.

Estimated cost from 1399 rub.

Petitfee Gold & Snail hydrogel eye patch

The best patches for young skin. The cosmetic product moisturizes well, relieves swelling and inflammation of the dermis. The composition includes extracts from grapefruit, wormwood, colloidal aurum and snail mucin. For a noticeable effect, you must use the product for at least a month.


  • comfortable packaging;
  • pleasant aroma;
  • ideally refreshing;
  • do not slip and do not stick too much.


  • sometimes they pinch.

From 1199 to 1299 rub.

Ezilu Golden Collagen Eye Mask

An excellent mask for the eye area with an active mineral complex. The healing impregnation includes extracts of chamomile, seaweed, legume extracts, purslane and pomegranate. Ease of application makes this product one of the most convenient.


  • significantly improve the condition of the skin;
  • remove fatigue, flabbiness;
  • refresh;
  • very pleasant aroma;
  • reliable packaging.


  • not detected.

Price about 750 rub.

You can purchase the best cosmetic compositions and perfumes in the online store We offer a wide range of products at affordable prices.

L'Sanic Snail and 24k gold premium eye patch

Universal applications that not only give the skin a glow, remove facial wrinkles, but also perfectly treat acne. Immediately after application, a person feels a slight cold, then hyaluronic acid penetrates the pores of the dermis. After just 10 - 15 minutes, the bruises disappear and the swelling goes away.


  • instant effect;
  • tight fit, no stickiness;
  • good sealed jar;
  • delicate smell.


  • not detected.

The estimated cost of the mask is 1250 rubles.

Benefits for the skin around the eyes

Basic properties:

  1. Nourished with vitamins. Patches containing extracts of natural herbal products, retinol and placenta give the skin a nourishing effect, thus ensuring its elasticity and giving it a fresh and healthy appearance.
  2. Moisturize. The composition of the patch impregnation product includes a complex of vitamins A, a group of vitamins B, as well as vitamin D, which helps take care of the skin and saturate it with moisture.

  3. Smooth out . Patch masks with collagen and hyaluronic acid do an excellent job of getting rid of the first wrinkles. There are also eye mask patches on the market, the effects of which resemble those of Botox. Such products cope with several aging problems at once - smoothing out the first barely noticeable wrinkles, getting rid of age-related pigmentation. The effect of such eye products is visible only with frequent use - approximately once every 7 days.
  4. Drained. A variety of patches that help remove swelling and hydrogel patches. This is due to the fact that they adhere very tightly to the skin, the beneficial components are absorbed more intensively and bring the necessary effect in a short period of exposure.
  5. Restore and rejuvenate . Typically, collagen, coenzyme, and seaweed extracts are used in the impregnation of such products. This composition independently starts the process of skin rejuvenation. It retains its elasticity and firmness for a long time.


Hydrogel patches make a different impression on everyone. But still, the majority of those who have used them are satisfied. Cosmetologists can definitely say about the possible benefits and harms of a product.

Reviews from cosmetologists

In general, reviews from cosmetologists about hydrogel patches are positive. They claim that the products really help get rid of many imperfections in the area around the eyes. But these products are just express help, and not a therapeutic and (or) corrective remedy for years.

The cumulative result is present in some patches. This applies, first of all, to those containing hyaluronic acid. Such products are used in comprehensive rejuvenation programs.

Cosmetologists use professional products in their work. They have larger packaging volumes. The same applies to the concentration of active components. It is also significantly enlarged.

Customer Reviews

Many consumers are satisfied with the results of using express products to eliminate imperfections in the epidermis around the eyes. Most note a noticeable effect, especially with regard to moisturizing, smoothing, and toning.

Not everyone can remove dark circles. But it is not at all necessary that the problem is the poor quality of the patches. Perhaps the hydrogel product was simply chosen incorrectly.

Almost everyone notices the specific effects of products. They tingle and/or tingle slightly. But there is no irritation or redness observed. The exception is when the impregnation gets on the mucous membrane.

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