Biorevitalization with welle preparations: features of the procedure and the opinion of cosmetologists

Biorevitalization has already become a part of the arsenal of those who care about the beauty and health of the skin. The procedure helps maintain optimal quality of skin in areas most susceptible to age-related and situational changes. Among the mass-produced biorevitalizants, there are those that consist entirely of hyaluronic acid. Drug manufacturers strive to improve products, creating entire cocktails with the most effective effect. Among the options, Welle biorevitalization complexes are of increased interest. The balanced composition of the line’s products allows you to solve various problems, achieving results that receive high marks.

Indications and contraindications

Rejuvenation and restoration of the skin of the face and neck using Welle products is carried out in the following cases:

  • formation of pigment spots;
  • dryness and sagging skin;
  • appearance of signs of photoaging;
  • decrease or loss of elasticity (lifting effect);
  • severe dehydration;
  • damage to the dermis after chemical peeling or laser procedure;
  • consequences of plastic surgery.

The active complex is often used not just for restoration, but also for radical rejuvenation of the skin.

A positive effect is possible only if the patient has no contraindications to the procedure, which include:

  • inflammation in the area to be treated;
  • pathologies of the epidermis;
  • tendency to form keloid scars;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • exacerbation of herpes;
  • severe form of chronic disease;
  • allergy to the components of the administered substance;
  • simultaneous use of blood thinning drugs.

Contraindications to the procedure

Basically, mesotherapy is available to everyone. But there are some contraindications that need to be taken into account so as not to harm your health.

It is prohibited to undergo a rejuvenation course in the following cases:

  • period of pregnancy or lactation;
  • diseases of oncological origin;
  • systemic diseases;
  • infections;
  • diseases of chronic etymology;
  • skin diseases;
  • allergic manifestations;
  • keloid scars.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Reviews from cosmetologists about Butel are often positive. So, this specialist says that all the drugs from the line have been used in his work for a long time and that he purchases them from the official distributor of Melis.

Details here.

This doctor also agrees with the opinion of his colleague. She says that she has repeatedly used it in practice, as a result of which the drug has become a favorite in her work.


But there are those who don’t like Beutel’s work at all. The specialist speaks about this in the following review. She says that she used them for a long time and, comparing them with other more expensive analogues, decided to give up Beautelle

Description of the drug

Welle biorevitalizants are one of the most famous and popular complexes. The line includes such drugs as Welle Multiactive, Welle Stretch and Welle Vasis.

Biorevitalization is the basis of injection care for those who are concerned about the appearance of the skin; it is also an effective prevention of premature aging.

The procedure helps slow down age-related changes, replenishes the level of macro and microelements, maintains the water balance of the skin and improves blood circulation.

The course can range from 2 to 6 procedures with a time interval of 10 to 14 days. The duration of therapy is prescribed by the doctor, with individual recommendations for each patient.


The product has anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties due to its high CO2 content.

  • High molecular weight hyaluronic acid with a concentration of 1.8% promotes skin turgor, moisturizes and nourishes it.
  • Mannitol provides ease of use and has anti-inflammatory properties;
  • CO2 dilates blood vessels, increases the access of O2 and nutrients to skin cells.


The manufacturer of the Welle series is the German innovative pharmaceutical company Leistern Pharmaceuticals.

The company holds licenses and certificates confirming the high quality and safety of the products, and modern pharmaceutical production guarantees the multifunctionality of the components included in the composition.

Pros and cons of Welle

A rejuvenating procedure with Welle products allows you to achieve quick results. The complexes contain only natural ingredients that rarely cause allergies. Thanks to the correct ratio of components, the natural rejuvenation process starts. After injections, the skin quickly recovers.

Cons: painful procedure, restrictions after it. With Welle Vasis, biorevitalization, according to reviews from clients and cosmetologists, can cause temporary redness, the formation of papules, bruises, and swelling.

Features of the drugs

The Welle series of biorevitalization complexes is produced by the German company Leistern PHARMACEUTICALS. To maintain the quality of the skin, the manufacturer offers a line of cocktails based on hyaluronic acid. The base component is present in the product in high concentration (up to 1.8%). The substance is used in a unique form enriched with carbon dioxide, which leads to the launch of neocollagenesis.

In addition to the basic ingredient, each option contains a number of essential substances (vitamins, minerals, amino acids, plant extracts), which significantly increase the value of the product.

Features of the drug Well for biorevitalization

The German drug Welle (Well) from Leistern is an innovative product for biorevitalization . The composition of the drug Well includes:

  • 1.8% hyaluronic acid;
  • 8 essential and 16 nonessential amino acids;
  • CO2;
  • vitamins B and H;
  • special anti-inflammatory complex;
  • zinc, sulfur and iron;
  • nucleotides.

Expert opinion

Alexandra Mityaeva

Cosmetology expert

All components are selected in optimal proportions, ideally complementing and enhancing each other’s effects. And thanks to the anti-inflammatory complex, the skin tolerates the administration of the drug more easily, plus the recovery period goes through faster and easier.

As a result of use, a prolonged effect is observed, fibroblasts and metabolic processes in the dermis are stimulated.

Well is intended for biorevitalization of lips, face, hands, neck and décolleté.

Depending on the severity of age-related changes, a course of 3-5 procedures is prescribed with an interval of two weeks. To administer the drug, cosmetologists use papular, linear and grouped techniques.

Instructions for introduction

Before injecting filler, you need to prepare the skin:

  • do not visit solariums and baths a week before the procedure;
  • stop taking anticoagulants and antibiotics 3 days before biorevitalization.

It is also not recommended to apply cosmetics to the face 3-4 hours before the session.

Most often, Beutel is inserted using the papular technique. In problem areas and in the area of ​​deep creases, reinforcement is also used - a retrograde-linear technique.

Features of papular biorevitalization

The drug is injected under the skin in such a way as to create papules with a diameter of up to 2 mm - a kind of depot for the filler, so that it exhibits a therapeutic effect longer. The introduction is made along Langer's lines. Distance between punctures:

  • at least 1 cm on the face;
  • 1.5 cm in the neck and décolleté area.

The depth of drug administration depends on the severity of the problem and is 1–3 mm.


Injections are administered along parallel lines at a distance of 5 to 10 mm. Next, perpendicular lines are drawn according to the same principle. The drug is injected at the exit of the needle.

Needles used:

  • 30G *4mm;
  • 30G *13 mm.

Where the drug should not be administered

Beutel must not be introduced into:

  • blood vessels;
  • periorbital zone;
  • muscles;
  • bone;
  • area of ​​tendons and ligaments.

Description of the drug

This is a filler intended for biorevitalization. Like most modern biorevitalizants, Butel is created on the basis of unmodified, highly purified hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin. The uniqueness of the product is that the molecular chains of hyaluron in it are so large that they remain in the subcutaneous tissues for a very long time. Their mass here varies from 3000 to 4000 kilodaltons. Thanks to this, Beautelle exhibits a rejuvenating effect for a long time. And hyaluronic acid itself attracts moisture for a long time, maintaining the necessary water balance in the dermis.

Despite the high density and mass, the gel is well distributed in the subcutaneous layers, traces of its introduction are invisible, and the skin itself looks natural. This effect is achieved by applying the SIMS formula:

  • soft - soft;
  • integrative - integrative;
  • matrix - matrix;
  • systems - systems.

How it works

Due to the presence of hyaluronic acid in it, the drug retains moisture well in the subcutaneous layers, stimulates the production of its own collagen and elastin, and promotes cell regeneration.


Beautelle is produced at Istituto Ricerche Applicate (Italy) by order of Beauty Pharma Co (France).

The drug is registered in Roszdravnadzor under registration number RZN 2013/698 as a gel for intradermal and subcutaneous injections.

Types of biorevitalizants

Welle - the main biorevitalizant, contains high molecular weight hyaluronic acid, mannitol and carbon dioxide. The drug is recommended for hyper-hydration of the skin and maintaining its tone.

Multiactive is a complex pharmaceutical product that contains: the most important α, β-amino acids, minerals (Zn, S), vitamin B5. The product is used for tissue regeneration and cellular renewal, which subsequently causes rejuvenation. The use of the drug is possible not only on the face, but also on the neck, chest, and arms.

Vasis contains components such as minerals (Fe, S), ginkgo biloba, antioxidants, centella asiatica, rutin. The drug strengthens the blood vessels of the skin, lightens age spots, and shapes the oval of the face. Helps slow down skin photoaging processes. Has a pronounced anti-age effect.

Stretch. Consists of ascorbic acid, B5, amino acid bases, minerals (such as Fe and S), glucose. The drug has an active effect on increasing skin tone, improving color, increasing hydroelasticity, elasticity, and active production of collagen protein. Pronounced anti-pigmentation effect.

Types of Well preparations and indications for biorevitalization with them

The Well line of drugs includes three drugs that differ in composition and action - Multiactive, Vaziz, Stretch.

Welle is recommended to be used to eliminate the first signs of aging. The drugs are used for radical rejuvenation. A course of Well injections can replace plastic surgery. Direct indications for biorevitation are:

  • deep wrinkles;
  • ptosis and tired face effect;
  • nasolabial and nasolacrimal grooves;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • loss of skin firmness and elasticity;
  • dry and dehydrated dermis;
  • acne;
  • recovery period after peeling and laser resurfacing.

Before and after biorevitalization with Well


Welle Multiactive contains hyaluronic acid, a complex of vitamins, amino acids and a number of antioxidants, anti-inflammatory substances, CO2.

The peculiarity of this drug is its prolonged effect. It has high bioavailability and is very well accepted by the skin. After using the drug, tissue metabolism and the action of fibroblasts are activated. Welle Multiactive is designed to normalize hydrobalance, accelerate regeneration, and restructuring.


The drug is aimed at cellular, structural and functional restoration of the dermis. It provides skin nutrition, normalizes hydrobalance, and increases enzyme activity.

Thanks to regular Welle Vasis injections, the following effects are observed:

  • hyperpigmentation disappears;
  • the oval is tightened, ptosis and hernias under the eyes go away;
  • improves complexion;
  • the walls of blood vessels and capillaries are strengthened.

The composition of the drug is additionally enriched with extracts of ginkgo biloba, Asian centella, glutathione and rutin.

Stretch from Well

The composition is additionally enriched with vitamins C and B5, glucose, mannitol and glutathione.

There are no more products in cosmetology with similar properties. A course of Well Stretch injections may well replace plastic surgery.

Well Stretch is used to deeply moisturize the skin and improve complexion. Thanks to the drug, firmness and elasticity are restored, the oval and contours are tightened, and the synthesis of collagen fibers is enhanced. It even helps treat age spots.

Therefore, Well Stretch is used for:

  • biorevitalization,
  • lifting,
  • revitalization.

Watch this video about the biorevitalization technique:

Carrying out the procedure

Injections of Welle biorevitalizants should only be performed by professional cosmetologists. The doctor must have a certificate confirming his qualifications in the field of injection work

The patient is advised to pay attention to the documents and inquire about the established reputation of the cosmetologist

A preliminary meeting with a doctor prior to biorevitalization is a prerequisite. The cosmetologist collects anamnesis, finds out the patient’s expectations, and performs an examination. The information obtained helps determine the possibility of performing the procedure, select a drug, injection schedule, and prepare for the intervention.

To prevent complications from biorevitalization, the patient is recommended to follow the advice of a cosmetologist (refusal of alcohol, certain medications, intense exposure to the skin). During the procedure, sterility must be observed: performing the intervention in a medical office separately from other patients, manipulating with clean hands and disposable instruments.

Biorevitalization with Welle products takes 20–60 minutes. Actions are performed in the following sequence:

  1. Preparing the skin for intervention: cleansing, anesthesia, disinfection of the sites of upcoming exposure.
  2. Preparing tools and materials for work. Welle gels are completely ready for use. It is enough to break the seal of the blister pack of the syringe and connect the needle.
  3. Injections are recommended using the papular or linear technique. The doctor makes multiple shallow injections with a small amount of gel introduced under the skin. All selected surfaces are processed one by one.
  4. After injections, the skin is wiped with an antiseptic. The cosmetologist gives recommendations for care.

The procedures are carried out in courses. The program is compiled individually for each patient. For prevention, 2–4 sessions with 1 procedure every 10–14 days are usually sufficient. The intensive course consists of 6-8 interventions with a difference of 1-2 weeks. Welle biorevitalizants can be used as single preparations or individual intensive cocktails can be created based on them.

Healing period

Papules are visible on the face after injections with Welle preparations. The skin may become red and swollen. Bruises often form at the injection sites, and swelling may form. The picture returns to normal within a week. No additional influence on manifestations is required.

For skin care after biorevitalization, standard products are used. Only on the first day do they refuse cosmetics; it is advisable to exclude washing. Cleansing occurs with the help of an antiseptic. It is recommended to avoid the use of decorative cosmetics for 2–3 days.

The cosmetologist will recommend giving up:

  • drinking alcohol;
  • playing sports;
  • tanning;
  • swimming in the pool, open water;
  • intense effect on the skin.

The result of biorevitalization with Welle is formed gradually. To obtain optimal results, a course of interventions is required. After single injections, signs of fatigue are noticeably eliminated. Welle's action is characterized by a delayed positive effect, which forms 1–2 months after the course. The result lasts for 6 months. To obtain a continuous effect, it is recommended to carry out at least 2 courses of biorevitalization per year.

Indications, effectiveness of use

Biorevitalization using Welle products is suitable for patients of different ages. The action of the substances in the line is characterized by an integrated approach. Thanks to injections with Welle preparations, not only noticeable hydration is achieved, but also healing and rejuvenation of the skin. Cosmetologists prescribe the use of products to eliminate problems:

  • “tired” appearance (dull, unnatural skin color, bags, dark circles in the eye area);
  • violation of hydrobalance (the appearance of dryness, flabbiness of the integument);
  • signs of aging (wrinkles, sagging facial features);
  • deterioration in the quality characteristics of the skin (firmness, elasticity);
  • various defects (rosacea, pigmentation, predisposition to acne, acne).

Biorevitalization with Welle products is carried out to prevent early aging and combat existing disorders. After a course of procedures, the skin takes on a healthy, fresh appearance and is tightened.

Welle preparations (biorevitalization) have a unique multicomponent composition. It includes hyaluronic acid, amino acids, vitamins, and anti-inflammatory substances. The complex is suitable for any age and skin type.

Welle biorevitalization from Leistern is considered an innovative injection procedure. The drug prevents early wrinkles, fights premature aging and saturates the skin with hyaluronic acid.

The main component is anti-inflammatory and rejuvenating CO2. To moisturize the skin, the composition includes hyaluronic acid. Zinc, sulfur, iron help fight acne and reduce the recovery period after “beauty injections”. Thanks to the content of amino acids and B vitamins, skin color improves.

The drugs have a prolonged effect; they activate the regeneration processes of the dermis. They help in the fight against acne, age spots, and unnatural complexion.

The manufacturer has developed a whole line of active complexes that moisturize, regenerate, and restore the skin. Their selection occurs during a consultation with a cosmetologist. We do not recommend choosing medications on your own or doing the procedure at home.

Based on reported skin problems, it is recommended:

  • Welle - biorevitalization with a basic agent renews the structure of the dermis, rejuvenates, and has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Welle Vasis - biorevitalization with the drug improves complexion, eliminates age spots, fights rosacea, removes bags under the eyes.
  • Stretch – moisturizes, smoothes fine wrinkles, prevents age-related ptosis, eliminates hyperpigmentation.
  • Welle Multi Active - injection biorevitalization with this product regenerates, restores, and enriches the skin with vitamins.

The drugs are used to rejuvenate the face, lips, hands, neck, décolleté, and shoulders. The cost of one procedure is 4500-8000 rubles, depending on the complex.

With the basic drug Welle, biorevitalization, according to patient reviews, moisturizes the skin and eliminates early signs of aging (wrinkles, sagging, dryness).

With Welle Stretch, Vasis or Multiactive products, biorevitalization eliminates hyperpigmentation, redness, acne, bags under the eyes.

After introducing mineral complexes and hyaluronic acid under the skin, the natural rejuvenation process begins. The results of the injections are visible immediately, but the maximum effect is observed 3-5 months after the end of the course of procedures.

The procedure is not recommended during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Contraindications: cancer and autoimmune diseases, inflammation, ulcerations, the likelihood of keloid scars, bleeding disorders, herpes. You should not give injections if an allergy to the components of the drugs is revealed during the test.

A rejuvenating procedure with Welle products allows you to achieve quick results. The complexes contain only natural ingredients that rarely cause allergies. Thanks to the correct ratio of components, the natural rejuvenation process starts. After injections, the skin quickly recovers.

Cons: painful procedure, restrictions after it. With Welle Vasis, biorevitalization, according to reviews from clients and cosmetologists, can cause temporary redness, the formation of papules, bruises, and swelling.

Reviews from cosmetologists about Welle biorevitalization are contradictory:

Elena: “The best product from a German manufacturer is Multi Active. The drug even fights deep wrinkles and age-related dryness. In my practice, there were no allergic reactions. During the recovery period, slight swelling and hyperemia appears.”

Marina: “Well is best suited for women with dark skin prone to pigmentation. For patients over 45 years old I use Stretch. To maintain water balance and improve complexion, a basic complex is suitable.”

Reviews about Welle Stretch (biorevitalization) and other complexes from patients:

Tatyana, 52 years old: “Six months ago I completed a course of 5 procedures using Vazis. I'm very pleased with the result. The face is radiant, the dark circles under the eyes are gone, the spots and sagging in the décolleté area are gone.”

Alena, 38 years old: “I had a slight allergy to Well Multiactive. The skin itched, reddened, and swollen. I couldn't go outside for more than a week. But after the first procedure, my face became 10 years younger. Therefore, next time I will use a single drug for biorevitalization.”

Side effects

They are rarely recorded and most often their appearance is associated with the incompetence of the dermatocosmetologist or violation of sanitary conditions during and after the procedure. These include:

  • necrosis - tissue death;
  • infection;
  • lymphostasis - impaired lymph outflow;
  • blockage of blood vessels;
  • erythema.

Each of these phenomena requires immediate treatment, so if any unwanted symptoms appear, it is important to consult a doctor immediately. Side effects include allergies, which occur in very rare cases.

As a rule, its appearance is associated with the action of an anesthetic, antiseptic and other agents with which the skin came into contact during the procedure

Side effects include allergies, which occur in very rare cases. As a rule, its appearance is associated with the action of an anesthetic, antiseptic and other agents with which the skin came into contact during the procedure.

Expected consequences include:

  • redness;
  • pain;
  • swelling;
  • enlargement of papules due to excessive absorption of water by hyaluronic acid.

These symptoms go away within a few days. But if the condition worsens or pain or swelling does not go away, this is a reason to visit a doctor.

Pros and cons of using Well

The high efficiency of the preparations is due to the content of hyaluronic acid in a concentration of up to 2%. Other advantages of using Well for biorevitalization include:

  • rapid manifestation of results;
  • painless procedure, no discomfort;
  • high degree of efficiency;
  • short rehabilitation period.

The disadvantages include minor side effects such as swelling, bruising and skin flushing. They should go away on their own within a couple of days. If the condition does not improve, or discomfort appears, you should consult a doctor.

Disadvantages include limitations, but they are mandatory after biorevitalization, regardless of the drug chosen. Experts recommend refraining from thermal procedures in a bathhouse, sauna, steam room, solarium and hot tub. For a couple of weeks, you should not wear makeup or use daily care products other than those prescribed by a cosmetologist.

Advantages and disadvantages

The quality of the effects of Welle products is ensured by the high content of hyaluronic acid in the products - about 2%. The biorevitalization procedure has its advantages:

  • quick results;
  • low level of discomfort and pain;
  • high efficiency;
  • short recovery period.

But the patient should be prepared for the fact that in the first 1-2 days after administration of the product, minor side effects may be observed - slight redness or paleness of the skin, mild swelling and small hematomas at the puncture sites. If after a couple of days the swelling does not disappear, discomfort occurs, you should urgently inform the specialist who performed the procedure.

For two days after the manipulations, you cannot use any cosmetics on your face; for another 1-2 weeks you will have to refrain from visiting the sauna, solarium and gym, and long exposure to the sun.

Patient reviews

Welle biorevitalizants arouse the interest of potential patients: they ask for the price, clarify the details of the procedure. Not everyone decides to try the drug. When biorevitalization is performed, patients are satisfied with the results.

High assessment of the drug’s performance after the procedures.

Precautionary measures

If during a preliminary consultation with the patient contraindications to the procedure are identified, then biorevitalization with Welle products is not performed. Restrictions include:

  • during pregnancy, lactation;
  • the presence of autoimmune and oncological diseases;
  • wounds, active inflammatory processes in areas of upcoming treatment;
  • high probability of keloid scars;
  • acute period of any disease;
  • allergy to Welle ingredients.

Some diseases in the anamnesis (diabetes mellitus, severe cardiovascular disorders) may also cause refusal to undergo biorevitalization. The intervention is not recommended to be performed during periods of poor health, in a weakened state (after illness), or during peak menstruation.

Some side effects are typical for the procedure: short-term appearance of papules, hyperemia, slight hematomas, edema, and feelings of discomfort. In rare cases, complications appear: inflammatory processes, allergic reactions.


Biorevitalization with Well preparations cannot be carried out if:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • inflammatory processes in the body and on the skin;
  • blood clotting disorders;
  • diabetes;
  • violation of skin integrity;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • allergies to components;
  • predisposition to the formation of keloid scars;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • herpes and infectious diseases.


Biorevitalization with Welle is performed exclusively by professional cosmetologists. A doctor must have a certificate confirming his qualifications.

The first meeting with a cosmetologist is a kind of consultation, where in a personal meeting he must talk about the progress of the procedure, notify the patient about contraindications and possible complications.

He is also obliged to warn what should be avoided before carrying out therapy, recommend the necessary dosage and type of drug.


Before visiting, 3-4 days before visiting, it is recommended to refrain from:

  • Alcohol;
  • Coffee;
  • Black tea;
  • Energy workers;
  • Taking medications.

Process description

Biorevitalization can take from 30 to 60 minutes.

  1. Before the procedure itself, the skin goes through the stages of cleansing, anesthesia, and wiping the necessary areas with an antiseptic.
  2. Next, the doctor prepares all the necessary instruments. The Welle product is produced in the form of syringes, which simplifies its preparation for the procedure.
  3. The cosmetologist performs a large number of shallow injections with a minimal amount of drug consumed.
  4. At the end of the procedure, antiseptic treatment of biorevitalization areas is carried out. The doctor talks about skin care after the procedure. Demonstrates self-massage techniques for quick and effective subsidence of swelling.

Important: the package must be opened directly in front of the patient. Do not agree to use an previously opened product

In addition, it is necessary to check the expiration date of the drug.

Answers on questions

What is the cost of injections with Welle?

Average price for the procedure:

  • “Welle” - from 3 to 8,000 rubles.
  • “Welle Multiactive” - from 5 to 10,000 rubles.
  • “Welle Vasis” - from 7 to 10,500 rubles.
  • “Welle Stretch” - from 7 to 10,500 rubles.

The cost differs in different beauty salons and clinics.

Who makes the drugs?

The official manufacturer of the “Welle” series of drugs is the German company Liestern.

In what form is the product sold?

The drugs are sold already packaged in special syringes, each containing 2 ml of substance.

Is it possible to do biorevitalization to prevent aging?

For preventive purposes, such injections are recommended in case of disturbance of the water balance in the dermis, low content of hyaluronic acid, which manifests itself as signs of early aging. In this case, the course includes only 2 procedures, carried out with an interval of 3-4 weeks.

How does the procedure work?

Before biorevitalization, the cosmetologist asks the patient several questions:

  • presence of chronic or other diseases;
  • possible allergies;
  • whether the patient is taking any medications;
  • what problem needs to be solved.

Taking into account the indications, a filler is selected from the existing line.


Regardless of the treated area, biorevitalization occurs as follows:

  1. The surface of the skin is cleaned and treated with an antiseptic.
  2. Then an anesthetic cream is applied and the time is waited for it to take effect - about 30 minutes.
  3. After this, the anesthetic is removed with a cotton pad and asepsis is repeated.
  4. Next, the drug itself is administered in an amount determined depending on the treated area. As a rule, one 2 ml syringe is sufficient for the face and neck. At this time, the patient may feel a slight tingling sensation and how the filler is distributed in the subcutaneous layers.
  5. After the injections, the skin is again treated with an antiseptic.
  6. A soothing and regenerating cream is applied to the treated areas - Traumeel S, Bepanten and others.

Biorevitalization lasts from 40 minutes to 2 hours. The duration depends on the area being treated and how quickly the anesthetic takes effect.

The injections are administered by a doctor with a higher education who has undergone special training and knows the specifics of the action of the drugs. An important condition is maintaining sterility during the session, so it can only be carried out in special clinics that have permission to conduct injection procedures.

To achieve the desired result, biorevitalization should be completed in the following courses:

  • with Butel 30, 4 sessions are done - one every 2 weeks;
  • Butel 40 - after the first session, the next procedure is carried out in the third week, then on the 6th and last time biorevitalization is done in the 10th week;
  • Beutel Age - done once every two weeks in a course of 6 procedures.

Types of complexes

The Welle line contains 4 variants of biorevitalization complexes:

Welle. The basic biorevitalizant of the line. The drug consists of sodium hyaluronate, supplemented with manitol, an anti-inflammatory complex. The product is used for deep moisturizing and providing a hydro reserve for the skin.

Multiactive. In addition to sodium hyaluronate, Multiactive contains: amino acids, vitamins (H, representatives of group B), minerals (zinc, sulfur), nucleotides (cytosine, thymine, adenine, uracil). The substance not only effectively normalizes the hydrobalance of the dermis, but also stimulates the work of fibroblasts and activates local metabolic processes. This leads to large-scale tissue renewal, causing visible rejuvenation. The drug contains anti-inflammatory ingredients that facilitate and accelerate subsequent recovery. The complex can be used on delicate areas: around the eyes, lips, neck, décolleté, and hands.

Vasis. Additional ingredients in Vazis include: minerals (iron, sulfur), ginkgo biloba, antioxidants (glutathione), Asian centella extract, rutin. The complex helps not only improve the quality of the skin, but also helps strengthen the vascular network, lighten age spots, eliminate hernias under the eyes, strengthen and compact the oval. Used to slow down chrono- and photoaging.

Stretch. Stretch additionally includes: vitamins (C, B5), amino acids, minerals (iron, sulfur), glucose, glutathione, mannitol, anti-inflammatory components. The complex is aimed at improving the quality characteristics and overall toning of the skin. After a course of procedures, not only color is normalized, but also firmness and elasticity are stabilized, collagen production is more active. Tissues are tightened and strengthened. Hyperpigmentation is eliminated.

Advantages of Welle biorevitalizants

  • Biorevitalization with Welle preparations not only leads to an improvement in the general condition of the skin, but also stimulates the restoration and restructuring of the skin.
  • Hyaluronic acid with a concentration of 1.8% helps moisturize and increase skin turgor.
  • The products in the line are supplemented with an anti-inflammatory complex that facilitates skin restoration after aggressive procedures.
  • Carbon dioxide CO2 used in Welle complexes dilates blood vessels, increases access of oxygen and nutrients to skin cells, and improves venous and lymphatic drainage.

Indications for use

Biorevitalization with Butel is carried out for:

  • prevention of dermal aging;
  • activation of protective processes;
  • skin renewal at the cellular level;
  • hydration;
  • smoothing wrinkles;
  • fight against pigmentation;
  • regulation of the sebaceous glands;
  • improving skin color;
  • eliminate dark circles under the eyes.

Also, biorevitalization with Butel is recommended as a preventive measure before:

  • traveling to hot places to protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation and dehydration;
  • plastic surgery to reduce scars;
  • Botox and contouring - for health improvement and better results;
  • peeling.

As a supporting agent, the drug can be prescribed after:

  • course of antibiotics;
  • stressful situations;
  • transferred diseases.

Biorevitalizant Beautelle is effectively used on different parts of the body: face, neck, hands, and décolleté. As a rule, it is prescribed to patients over 30 years of age.

Due to its properties and high effectiveness, the drug has received many positive reviews from both patients and cosmetologists. But it is worth considering that filler is not intended for contouring. Its purpose is to renew the cells of the dermis and heal the skin. It does not create volumes and contours in the desired places.

Results after biorevitalization with Well

The Welle biorevitalization course gives the following results:

  • skin elasticity and tone increase;
  • the severity of ptosis and facial sagging decreases;
  • the dermis becomes moisturized, dryness, tightness and peeling go away;
  • the color of the skin is evened out, pigmentation is lightened;
  • acne and traces of it disappear;
  • sebum secretion is normalized.

Before and after biorevitalization Well

Types of drugs

Hyaluronic acid in Beutel preparations comes in different concentrations and with different molecular weights. According to these criteria, filler is divided into several types, and its use is recommended taking into account age-related changes.

Beautelle 30

Biorevitalizant Beautelle 30 (Byutel 30) is intended for women aged 30–35 years. Compared to other products in the line, this filler has the lowest density of hyaluronic acid - 10 mg/ml, and the lowest molecular weight - 3000 kilodaltons (kDa). The product is used to prevent the first signs of skin aging.

Beautelle 40

Beautelle 40 (Byutel 40) is recommended for biorevitalization of the skin of women of more mature age - from 35 to 45 years. The density of hyaluronic acid in the preparation is 15 mg/ml, molecular weight is 3500 kDa. Such characteristics allow the drug to effectively eliminate skin sagging, smooth out medium and small wrinkles, restore color, and eliminate defects.

Beautelle age

As for the Beautelle age filler, it is used to eliminate noticeable wrinkles and other skin problems in women after 45 years of age. The drug has the highest density of hyaluronic acid - 20 mg/ml, and the highest molecular weight - 4000 kDa.

Among the products of the same name, Beautelle culinary cosmetics stand out. It has nothing in common with biorevitalizant, since its production is carried out by another company - ArtLife, which specializes in the production of biologically active additives (BAS).

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