Orange face masks: benefits and contraindications

In this article we will tell you:

  1. Orange: a little history, its chemical properties and calorie content
  2. Beneficial properties of orange
  3. Contraindications and harm of orange
  4. The benefits of orange for a woman's body
  5. What are the benefits of oranges for men?
  6. Is orange zest good for you?
  7. Orange in medicine
  8. Use in folk medicine
  9. What are the benefits of fruit for beauty?
  10. How to select and store oranges
  11. Orange essential oil: properties and uses

Orange: a little history, its chemical properties and calorie content

The famous orange fruit is loved by many not only for its taste. By the way, according to statistics, every second Russian calls this particular citrus his favorite fruit. The benefits of orange for the body are known to everyone. The juicy pulp refreshes, gives energy and improves mood. There are far fewer contraindications to its use than its medicinal properties.

Let's start with the history of the orange. Orange is the most famous and widespread citrus. The fruits grow on an evergreen tree. Orange flowers are large, pleasantly scented, and are collected for tea or sachets. According to some botanists, the orange may be a hybrid of a pomelo and a tangerine.

Initially, the orange tree looked completely different. It was low, covered with thorns and had bitter-sour fruits. They were not eaten, but trees began to be cultivated because of the beautiful bright color of the fruits. This happened in China 2300 BC. Gradually, the Chinese crossed trees with the brightest and sweetest fruits, and obtained new varieties.

In Europe, oranges were discovered only in the 15th century. Everyone appreciated the unusual and beautiful fruit, and made attempts to grow the tree in a new climate. To do this, it was necessary to build special greenhouses to protect the overseas fruit from the cold. They were called greenhouses (from the word orange - “orange”).

We borrowed the Russian name “orange” from the Dutch. They called it "appelsien" - which literally translates as "apple from China."

The main suppliers of oranges are still countries with hot tropical and subtropical climates: India, China, Brazil, and the warm states of America. In countries with cold climates, oranges can only be grown in greenhouses, since trees freeze in the open air.

Chemical composition of orange

Oranges are 85% structured water, which is beneficial for the body. Contains many useful substances


  • vegetable fiber;
  • pectin;
  • phytoncides;
  • antioxidants;
  • organic acids;
  • essential oil;
  • monosaccharides;
  • vitamins A, C, PP E and group B;
  • iron, zinc, potassium, copper, calcium and other elements.

A large amount of pectin has a beneficial effect on the intestines and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, pectin suppresses the feeling of hunger, fights insatiable appetite and prevents the development of rotting processes in the intestines.

The peel contains much more useful substances than the pulp. The white partitions inside do not need to be thrown away; they are much healthier than the pulp.

Calorie content of orange

Orange is called a real storehouse of minerals, vitamins and biologically active substances. In addition, they are available to us all year round. It is especially useful to eat them in the cold season, when it is not possible to enjoy local fruits. Of course, we should not forget that producers can process fruits in every possible way so that they retain their freshness and presentation longer.

The calorie content of an orange is small - 40 kcal. It would seem that the benefits are obvious for those who want to lose excess weight. But you shouldn’t get carried away with citrus fruits, as they contain too much sugar. Orange juice is healthy, but its calorie content is 110 kcal, so it is better for those losing weight to drink lower-calorie drinks. In addition, all freshly squeezed juices, due to the lack of fiber in them, have a very strong effect on the pancreas, loading it extremely heavily. There is a large release of insulin due to the consumption of such an amount of fructose, such an “insulin bomb”.

Beneficial properties of orange

  1. Ascorbic acid in large quantities helps fight viral infections

    . Vitamin C protects the body from germs, improves immunity, and has antioxidant properties. If a person regularly consumes citrus fruits or juice, his liver is cleansed.

  2. The fruit rejuvenates the body

    . Nails, hair, especially the skin are put in order. In addition, consumption of fruits cleanses the intestinal tract, removes toxins and eliminates slagging. This is where weight loss comes from.

  3. Pectin and fiber in oranges help with various diseases of the stomach and intestines

    . They envelop the mucous membrane, help accelerate peristalsis during constipation, and nourish beneficial microorganisms in the intestines. By the way, it is pectin that gives orange jam its jelly-like structure.

  4. Limonoids, which oranges are rich in, stop the division of malignant tumor cells

    . The substances also block blood access to cancer tissues, as a result of which patients experience remission. Citrus fruits protect the heart muscle from failure, strengthen vascular membranes, and calm the nervous system.

  5. Accumulation of bioflavonoids protects the body from premature aging

    . Free radicals, heavy toxins, and possible volatile compounds are eliminated from internal organs. Citrus fruits are good to eat for people who work in a polluted enterprise.

  6. Sodium with potassium, iron and copper ensure smooth blood pressure

    . Enzymes maintain values ​​at the correct level and reduce values ​​in case of sudden changes (relevant for hypertensive patients). At the same time, all of the above elements increase physical endurance and brain activity.

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  8. The white layer located between the peel and the pulp contains synephrine. Alkaloid compound responsible for the removal of cholesterol and the breakdown of its plaques

    . Against this background, blood sugar levels decrease, insulin is produced evenly. This makes citrus beneficial for diabetics.

  9. Citrus fruit reduce the likelihood of atherosclerosis, cardiac ischemia, bradycardia, heart attacks and strokes

    . The incoming minerals partially thin the blood and eliminate blockage of blood vessels (relevant for people with varicose veins).

  10. Folic acid contained in fruits ensures the correct course of pregnancy

    . The element helps the central nervous system of the fetus to form correctly, eliminating the risk of congenital abnormalities.

  11. Phytoncides, which are concentrated in the orange shell (zest), are considered natural antioxidants

    . The elements reduce heat during fever, kill pathogens, and promote rapid recovery. Therefore, oranges should be eaten after surgery or illness in order to recover faster.

  12. Citrus fruits of all types are valued by people for ability to repair bones

    . If you have musculoskeletal disorders, you need to include orange in your daily menu. It will strengthen tooth enamel, fill voids in bones, and lubricate joints and cartilage.

  13. Regular consumption of fruits along with zest will increase all metabolic processes

    . Citrus fruits speed up the digestion of food by increasing the production of gastric juice. That is why it is useful to consume fruits for people with chronic constipation.

  14. The value of orange has been noticed in cosmetology

    . Incoming vitamins retain moisture and oxygen in the skin structure, smooth out deep creases and fine wrinkles, and remove dark bruises and puffiness under the eyes.

  15. The benefit for men is due to the accumulation of folic acid, which affects sperm motility and volume.

    . Also, other elements increase blood flow to the genitals, as a result of which prostate diseases are prevented.

Harmful products

Endocrinologists talk about a balanced and proper diet for a reason. According to WHO statistics, over 670 million people in the world suffer from various forms of hyperthyroidism, and more than 1.7 billion are at risk of developing pathologies of the endocrine system. Almost 70% of this number love and eat junk food daily. This is a reason to think!

What foods should you avoid if you have thyroid problems?

  • Sugar. All popular and cheap foods contain sugar in incredible quantities. These are sweet and carbonated drinks, pastries, cakes, candies and more. There is more harm from such food than good. Autoimmune diseases and diabetes are caused by uncontrolled consumption of sweets. With such a diet, the level of hormones decreases, almost all systems are overloaded, and the body does not perceive insulin.
  • Fried and fatty foods contain trans fats that are unhealthy. If you like to eat fried foods, try to add more greens, fish and seaweed to your diet. If there are obvious problems with the endocrine system, you should reduce or even eliminate the consumption of fried foods, because it reduces the production of hormones T3 and T4.
  • Gluten is a substance (gluten) found in cereal plants and causes great harm to a healthy body. Foods high in gluten have been linked to autoimmune disorders such as Addison's disease, type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and hypothyroidism. Gluten is found in baked goods, wheat bread made from premium flour, etc.
  • Convenience foods, fast food, preservatives - all this food cannot be called beneficial for human health and the endocrine system.

As for alcohol, coffee, cigarettes and strong tea, they should also be excluded from the diet if there are problems with the production of T3 and T4 hormones. A healthy person can afford to drink coffee or wine in moderation, but with pathologies of the immune system, such “weaknesses” will lead to serious complications.

Contraindications and harm of orange

Orange, which has the ability to increase acidity, poses a danger to patients with gastritis and ulcers. In order not to provoke pain, heartburn, or belching, you can drink a small amount of juice diluted with water. You can also try eating orange with other foods so as not to overly irritate the stomach lining.

The abundance of glucose and fructose in the fruit makes it dangerous for patients with diabetes, especially in the acute stage of the disease. In this regard, it is freshly squeezed orange juice that poses the greatest danger, since the lack of fiber causes a strong rise in glucose.

The orange fruit can cause allergies if the body has a predisposition to intolerance to citrus fruits. A rash or irritation that appears may be the result of an allergic reaction.

Sugar and acid, which are almost the main components of the product, are dangerous for tooth enamel. Rinsing your mouth after eating orange and other citrus fruits will protect the enamel on your teeth.

Symptoms of an allergy to oranges

The reasons for an allergic reaction to it can be different: the body’s inability to digest and absorb the product due to the lack of necessary enzymes, the presence of chronic diseases of the digestive system, the saturation of the fetus with chemical components that are not accepted by the body.

A reaction to the fetus may occur


  • rashes on the face and body;
  • severe itching;
  • redness of the skin;
  • eczema and conjunctivitis.

Intolerance to orange and products made from it can affect the functioning of the respiratory organs and manifest as swelling of the mucous membranes of the lips, nose, mouth, difficulty breathing, wheezing, and a suffocating cough.

After eating an allergy sufferer, an allergy sufferer may feel dizzy, low blood pressure, increased heart rate, even to the point of fainting. After eating an orange, someone feels sharp pain in the stomach, nausea, which can later turn into vomiting and diarrhea. Such intolerance rarely goes away with age in humans, so after consumption it is necessary to monitor the body’s reaction.

Orange face mask. Rules of application.

  • An orange mask, and test each one you prepare on your wrist to find out if you are allergic to the orange or the components of the mask.
  • Remember that any face mask should be on the skin for no more than 10 minutes, then it should be washed off with water. This is due to the fact that orange contains many natural acids. To avoid irritation, do not keep the mask on your face for more than 10 minutes.
  • The orange juice for the mask should be fresh, and not from a pack, box or bag.
  • Since citrus fruits are allergens, orange masks are not suitable for sensitive skin.
  • Make an orange face mask once a week, this will be enough.

The benefits of orange for women's body

Citrus fruit will be very useful for the fair sex due to its composition. The antioxidants included in its composition slow down the aging process and help maintain skin in good condition. Regular consumption of oranges keeps it soft and elastic. Also, these substances prevent the development of cancer. In addition to antioxidants, orange citrus contains limonoids, which also prevent free radicals from actively developing and protect the female body from breast, stomach and intestinal cancer. It is recommended that pregnant women include oranges in their diet. Thanks to the presence of vitamin B9, disturbances in the development of the unborn baby can be avoided.

What are the benefits of oranges for men?

As mentioned above, vitamin C promotes sperm production and improves its quality. Therefore, this fruit must be included in the daily diet of men when planning a child. It is enough to eat 1-2 oranges every day to avoid genetic damage to sperm, which, in turn, can lead to birth defects in the baby.

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Banana kefir face mask. Banana masks for normal skin

Oil mask - you will need one mashed tropical fruit, fresh yolk, 1 tsp. olive oil, fresh sour cream. The mixture of the listed components is applied for a quarter of an hour. Remove the banana mask with slightly warmed mineral water.

Mask with banana and honey for face - wash a small banana, alternately adding 1 tbsp. honey, 1 tsp. cinnamon, 2 tbsp. fatty cream. As soon as the mass becomes smooth and homogeneous, apply to the face and open neck area. Apply twice in 8 days, for a quarter of an hour.

Orange - grind 1/2 banana with the addition of a spoonful of citrus juice, add 1 tsp. sour cream. Application time is a quarter of an hour. Apply after 2 days.

Dairy - about the bottom half of a tropical fruit, 2 tbsp. a little warmed milk, 1 teaspoon of olive oil are ground until a composition without lumps is obtained. Let it sit for a while. Remove the banana mask with slightly heated water. Apply once every three days.

Mask with banana nut oil - combine half a tropical fruit, 3 tbsp. honey, one fresh yolk and 1 tsp. nut oils Valid for 1/4 hour. Apply an effective banana mask once every 8 days.

Banana and honey for the face - with ashitsu of three ripe fruits, 3 tbsp honey and 1 tbsp. grated apples are mixed until smooth. Apply a banana mask with honey for a quarter of an hour, once every three days.

Kefir - grind 1/2 banana, a spoonful of kefir, add honey and oatmeal for thickness. Effective for 1/3 hour, used every other day.

Banana sour cream for the face - grind 1 yolk, 1 ripe fruit, add a spoonful of sour cream. Apply - 1/4 hour.

Is orange zest good for you?

Orange peel has a bitter and cloying taste. The essential oil content in it made the upper part of the peel rough.

To prepare the zest, you need to remove the white part of the peel, which has no value. But the juicy zest remaining after processing is considered a pantry with the main supply of ascorbic acid and solid fibers, on which the successful functioning of the digestive organs depends. It is in the zest that phosphorus and calcium are also found.

Even distant ancestors noticed that wounds and ulcers were cured faster if an orange peel was applied to them. This is explained by the presence of citric and platinic acids and phytoncides in them. Their properties are similar to antibiotics that kill harmful microbes, but they are natural and therefore safer.

There are claims from experts that orange peel can cure atherosclerosis, cleanse the walls of blood vessels, and rid the blood of cholesterol. Crusts added to dishes, for example, salads, sauces, tea, baked goods and even soup, not only add flavor to them, but also lift the mood and give vigor.

It is known that eating orange peel relieves heartburn and nausea and improves metabolic processes in the body.

Many studies have been conducted and the antioxidant and anti-cancer effects of orange peel essential oil have been proven. The essential oil has an inhibitory effect on the proliferation of cancer cells, in particular lung and prostate cancer cells.

Useful properties of the zest:

  1. Asthmatics will get relief by taking the powder of the peel, which will remove accumulated mucus from the airways. An orange peel placed in a room will help a patient with ARVI and fill the room with a pleasant aroma.
  2. The property of essential oils to destroy harmful microbes allows people suffering from intestinal disorders and increased acidity of gastric juice to feel relief after regular use of orange peel. Its benefits have been proven for relieving the liver, strengthening the body’s protective properties, getting rid of sleep disorders, feelings of fear and stress.
  3. Problems with water-salt imbalances, swelling, accumulation of waste and toxins in the body are solved if a person constantly consumes orange peels or the product itself.
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  5. Masks and scrubs prepared using it help get rid of fine wrinkles. The face and neck begin to look fresh. A mask of heavy cream with zest powder will help rejuvenate the skin.
  6. An infusion made from orange peel will help women experiencing pain during menstruation.
  7. People who want to get rid of unnecessary pounds need to use the zest. The metabolism in the body is activated due to the beneficial substances present in it. This leads to weight loss, for which it is enough to brew the crust in a glass of boiling water and after a while drink it on an empty stomach at the beginning of the day and in the second part of the day.
  8. The zest helps break down fats, which is the main condition for getting rid of fat deposits from the waist and hips.
  9. Grated orange zest can be frozen and then used as a seasoning in salads, baked goods and other dishes.

There are no contraindications for consuming the peel, unless a person is allergic to this type of product.

Orange zest is useful as an additional remedy for various health problems.

Orange peel mask.

For masks, not only orange juice is used, but also orange peels. There are recipes for masks using orange peels.

  • Orange peel masks reduce oily skin.
  • Cleanses the skin and reduces enlarged pores on the face.
  • Orange peel masks make blemishes and scars on the face less noticeable.
  • Help regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Use masks with orange peels only after testing them on the skin to make sure that you are not allergic to the components of the mask.

Pore ​​cleansing mask with orange peels.

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of yogurt
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of orange zest

Orange peels need to be crushed. To do this, wash the orange, dry it with a towel and grate the zest, note that you need to grate it on a fine grater. Mix one spoon of orange zest with two spoons of yogurt or kefir. The mask is applied to the face for 10 minutes. This mask cleanses pores and removes dead skin cells.

Mask of orange peels and honey.

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of orange zest
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of honey
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice

This wonderful, fragrant and healthy mask of honey and orange peels will help cleanse your face and make your skin more even and beautiful. We need two tablespoons of orange zest, which we mix with a spoonful of natural honey and a teaspoon of lemon juice. The mask is applied to the face for 10 minutes and then washed off with warm water.

Among other things, orange oil is used for the face and hair. It is added when preparing masks. You can also add orange essential oil to creams and shampoos.

Orange oil is used in masks to lighten the skin from freckles and age spots. It is also used in masks against blackheads. I already wrote on the blog about how to get rid of blackheads on the face, I found a very effective mask, tried it, the recipe pleased me and I shared it in the article “How to quickly remove blackheads on the face.”

I hope you like the recipes for orange masks and you can choose a mask for your skin type.

Orange in medicine

The medicinal benefits of oranges have been proven by numerous studies. It is an additional component to traditional medicine in the treatment of various diseases, but there is a list of diseases for which the use of orange is prohibited.

For pancreatitis

Inflammation of the pancreas requires the exclusion from the patient’s diet of any product that can lead to irritation of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. Pain, heartburn, bloating, severe vomiting and diarrhea - such a reaction of the body is possible after drinking an orange or its juice, because they act as an irritant.

For gastritis

When the stomach is affected by gastritis, oranges have a negative effect on its mucous membrane. Therefore, eating it is prohibited, especially during periods of exacerbation of the disease. But in cases of low acidity, small doses of this product are acceptable.

For the intestines

This citrus is very useful for a normally functioning intestine. The abundant fiber content promotes a feeling of satiety and activates intestinal cleansing processes.

For constipation

When a person has problems emptying the intestines due to constipation, the best help in this will be a couple of oranges eaten before bed. Regular use of the product will make your stool normal and your bowel function complete. Sour taste is an essential part of the diet if you have constipation.

For gout

Swelling and redness of the joints due to gout occurs due to the accumulation of uric acid crystals in them. Vitamin C helps relieve some symptoms of the disease and slow down its progression. The increased content of ascorbic acid in orange makes it a very important and necessary product in the daily diet of such patients.

For cholecystitis

Patients suffering from this disease are contraindicated in acidic foods, which include orange.

Why do you need to whiten your skin?

Why does facial skin lose its attractiveness and its color deteriorate? The most common causes of this common problem are:

  • bad habits;
  • constant exposure to the sun;
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • bad weather conditions;
  • poor nutrition;
  • problems with blood vessels.

In such cases, a woman invariably faces the question of how to make her facial skin attractive, as well as return it to a healthy color. In what cases will it be useful to use orange peel to whiten your skin?

  1. The appearance of age spots.
  2. Seasonal freckles.
  3. Too much tan.
  4. Naturally dark skin.
  5. Gray or yellow complexion, which appears as a result of bad habits or diseases of the body.
  6. The presence of traces (scars, nodules, broken capillaries) that may occur after cosmetic procedures.

Use in folk medicine


- not only a delicacy, but also a medicine. If you eat 2-3 slices of this fruit during a heavy dinner, it will help you digest food faster.

  1. Fever, high temperature

    - Pour 3-4 orange slices into 100 ml of warm water and leave for 30 minutes. Take every 2 hours.

  2. ARVI

    - Pour 400 ml of boiling water over the crushed fruit and leave for 30 minutes, then strain. Use 100 ml before each meal.

  3. Hangover

    - add raw yolk to 200 ml of orange juice and mix.

  4. Weakening of the immune system - add 1 tsp to 200 ml of orange juice. honey and 3 drops of essential oil. Take morning and evening.
  5. Constipation

    - Squeeze the juice from the orange and mix with the chopped pulp. Take before bedtime.

  6. Lack of appetite

    - 4 grams of leaves and flowers, pour 200 ml of water, take 70-80 ml 3 times a day.

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  8. Migraine

    - chop 3 fruits with peel, add 100 grams of horseradish roots and 1 kg of sugar. Pour in 1 liter of white wine and cook for 1 hour, then strain. Take 60 ml 2 hours after each meal.

  9. Infected wounds, ulcers, burns

    — grind the fruit and use externally 2-3 times a day.

  10. Pustular skin diseases

    - squeeze out the juice and use it as an ingredient for masks and compresses once a day.

  11. Upper respiratory tract diseases

    - pour boiling water over orange peels and breathe in the steam 2-3 times a day

  12. Gastritis with low acidity

    - pour 200 ml of boiling water over the orange peel, calamus and centaury roots, and wormwood (in the same ratio). Warm in a water bath for 15 minutes, drink 100 ml 30 minutes before the main meal.

  13. Hypertension

    - squeeze out the juice and add ½ tbsp. honey, take 70 ml 3 times a day.

Cons of an orange mask

But, along with its beneficial properties, orange is also a serious allergen. It can be a strong irritant. Therefore, before using it, you need to do a small test and check if there is a negative reaction on the skin.

Apply the prepared orange mask to your wrist and hold for 10-15 minutes. If there is no redness or discomfort, the mask can be applied to the face.

And one more very important point: it is not advisable to use orange masks more than once every seven days.

Orange oil increases the photosensitivity of the skin, so you should use sunscreen after using it.

What are the benefits of fruit for beauty?

In beauty care, orange is used both as a food product and as an ingredient for cosmetic procedures.


Orange reduces hair oiliness, nourishes it along the entire length, improves structure and soothes the scalp


  • the acids in the fruit smooth and nourish the hair, promote its restoration;
  • vitamins C and K accelerate hair growth, make it strong and shiny, and maintain the brightness of the color of dyed hair;
  • orange juice moisturizes and strengthens hair shafts, giving strength, volume and shine.

Application of orange


  • Aroma combing. Combing with drops of oil ensures silkiness and elasticity, and gives the hair a pleasant aroma.
  • Masks with pulp, zest and juice of the fruit. There are many recipes for masks against dandruff, for thin, dry hair, against hair loss, for strengthening hair, etc.
  • Oil masks in which orange oil is mixed with other oils. Such masks help restore hair structure.
  • Adding orange oil to ready-made shampoos, balms, and conditioners enhances their effect.
  • Rubbing orange oil into the hair roots for 10 minutes relaxes, opens pores and allows the skin to breathe.

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Orange masks are suitable for all hair types

: dry, normal, oily, weakened.


Thanks to its natural composition, orange improves the condition and color of the skin, gives it youthfulness, and also promotes


  • skin cell regeneration;
  • narrowing of enlarged pores;
  • giving firmness and elasticity to the skin;
  • oxygen metabolism;
  • getting rid of acne, acne;
  • skin whitening;
  • smoothing its texture;
  • production of natural collagen.

Citrus has anti-inflammatory properties, which is important for sensitive skin.

Using orange to improve skin condition


  • washing and wiping with orange juice;
  • peeling with fruit acids;
  • baths with citrus zest;
  • skin masks with orange.

To prevent premature skin aging, it is recommended to eat one orange a day and use it in skin care.

For weight loss

Orange is actively used in the fight against excess weight. Eating oranges does not make a person gain weight. This provides dietary fiber, which replenishes hunger and improves digestion. Pectin in orange stimulates the breakdown of fats and reduces their absorption.

There are many diets with orange. Along with eating the fruit, wraps and scrubs with citrus oil are used. These procedures make the skin elastic and eliminate cellulite.

Preparing the peel for use for cosmetic purposes

To prepare products for skin whitening, you can use the zest in fresh or dried form, its effect does not become less effective. Most often, dried orange peel is added to whitening masks. Preparation of the zest consists of three stages:

  1. Peel the fruit and place it carefully in a dry, sunny place.
  2. After several days (a week will be enough), the dried zest will need to be crushed using a blender or coffee grinder.
  3. Place the finished powder in a cool place for several hours.

After this, the zest can be used directly to make whitening masks. There are many recipes based on crushed orange peel that can provide gentle whitening to the skin. Since these masks do not contain artificial ingredients, they will not only be useful, but also safe. Masks will help you get rid of age spots and unhealthy complexion; it is important to choose the right recipe. As a rule, orange zest is added to other natural ingredients (milk, honey, yogurt), thereby the resulting product will lighten the skin, moisturize it and provide additional nutrition.

How to select and store oranges

The orange season in Russia lasts from December to March. It is recommended to choose recently picked fruits that contain the maximum amount of nutrients.

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Points to pay attention to when buying an orange


  1. Color

    . It does not affect the taste of the fruit, but it should be bright and uniform, with a smooth surface without dents or defects. Oranges with thick pores are less juicy.

  2. Weight

    . The heavier the fruit, the juicier it is.

  3. Size

    . The small fruits have a sweet and juicy taste. Excessively large oranges are most likely chemically grown.

  4. Aroma

    . The fruit should smell nice.

  5. If the fruit is too soft, it has probably started to spoil.
  6. A hard orange is unripe and has a sour taste.
  7. Thick-skinned fruits are easy to peel, but they are less sweet.

At home, at room temperature, oranges retain their properties for a week. To prolong the freshness of fruits, it is recommended to store them in the refrigerator or cool room. In such conditions they retain their quality for up to 2 months. Bright lighting and direct sunlight have a negative effect on the storage of oranges.

Optimum temperature – +2…+6°C, humidity – 85%.

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