Honey and salt scrub for face and body: best homemade recipes

Do you need a scrub and why?

Honey wraps, honey facial scrub and other procedures using this product will be offered to you even by professional cosmetologists in beauty salons.
Honey is an excellent exfoliant and a natural source of substances beneficial to the skin. And at the same time it is affordable - you can prepare a facial scrub from honey at home and get good results. Our skin needs to be helped to get rid of dead cells so that it can breathe better, regenerate more actively and be supplied with oxygen. Honey scrub copes with this task perfectly. It will also help combat the following problems:

  • clogged pores and blackheads;
  • first small wrinkles;
  • peeling, chapping, consequences of vitamin deficiency;
  • lethargy, lack of tone, flabbiness;
  • dry and tight skin.

Indications for use

When the question arises for whom a mask of soda and honey will have the most beneficial effect, it must be taken into account that it is best used in the following cases:

  • When the superficial epidermis secretes excess sebum, causing the skin to appear oily and unkempt all the time.
  • For the problem of enlarged pores.
  • When the complexion seems dull.

Honey scrub with lifting effect

The following recipe will help get rid of blemishes, redness, pimples and blackheads, leaving your facial skin incredibly soft and velvety. To do this you will need acetylsalicylic acid, liquid bee honey and some water. Tablets (3-5 pieces) are placed in a flat bowl, after which a drop of water should be added to them. As soon as the water is completely absorbed, and this will happen in about ten seconds, the aspirin is crushed and honey is added to it, after which the mixture is thoroughly mixed. The finished honey scrub is applied to a cleansed face with massaging movements. You need to keep it for no more than 20 minutes, after which the remaining mixture should be rinsed off well and a nourishing cream should be applied to the face.

Important! If a burning sensation appears on your face immediately after applying the mixture with coffee and aspirin, it should be washed off immediately.

Homemade facial scrubs with a lifting effect are an excellent alternative to salon treatments. Natural products used for their preparation, when properly combined, lead to stunning results.

To maintain the results obtained after using honey scrubs, the facial skin cleansing procedure must be carried out regularly.

Properties and resulting effect from use

The composition of honey is unique, inimitable, and completely depends on the type of plants pollinated.

  1. When honey reacts with water, it forms a compound called hydrogen peroxide, which is known for its antiseptic effects, allowing wounds, cuts, bites and abrasions to quickly heal.
  2. The cleansing properties of honey lie in the ability of deep penetration, opening, and complete cleansing of pores from any impurities and toxins.
  3. Honey is also known for its active moisturizing properties due to the long-term retention of moisture in the epidermis. It promotes cellular respiration, increasing elasticity, softness and density of the skin.
  4. Effective for protecting and restoring the skin from harmful ultraviolet radiation, prolongs youth, reduces wrinkles, and stops the aging process at the cellular level due to the presence of antioxidants.

Only natural bee honey has all the healing properties and is truly effective! We advise you to buy it not in stores, but directly from beekeepers who have an apiary. The best honey is collected by bees in May.

Benefits and harms

Honey scrub is suitable for almost any skin type. It can cause harm only if used contrary to contraindications, the list of which is given below. In this case, you can aggravate your skin condition or provoke an allergic reaction. In all other respects, it will only be beneficial.

Various additional ingredients can be added to the basic scrub recipe, thanks to which the spectrum of its action expands and covers almost all the most common skin problems.

The scrub helps regulate sebum secretion and make oily skin healthier, promotes rejuvenation and exfoliation of the stratum corneum of the skin. If you use it constantly, the balance of the skin is restored.

The benefits of honey for the skin of the face and body

Honey is rich in vitamins, microelements, and sugars. Cosmetics based on products obtained by bees:

  • smooth and soften the skin;
  • tone;
  • improve blood supply to the deep layers of the epidermis;
  • slightly lighten the skin and help get rid of age spots;
  • have a calming and wound-healing effect;
  • fight cellulite and fat deposits.

To get the maximum effect from the procedures, use good quality honey. Prepared scrubs are stored in a tightly closed container for no more than one month.

Rules of application

Cleansing scrubs made from coffee and honey can be used to combat various skin problems. The products can be used for both face and body care. These drugs have shown the greatest effectiveness for the following skin problems:

  • The formation of a dark skin tone due to age-related changes. The main reason for the appearance of a gray or dark shade is the growth of the stratum corneum from dead cells. Cleansing masks can soften and remove the top layers of dead cells;
  • Thanks to cleansing of the rough stratum corneum, scrubs are able to reduce the depth of wrinkles, including facial wrinkles;
  • For acne. Cleansing the skin promotes the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands. The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of honey prevent the development of bacteria and inflammatory processes, which significantly reduces the risk of pimples or acne;
  • A honey and coffee scrub can also help with cellulite. The product improves blood microcirculation and lymphatic outflow, which helps eliminate congestion in adipose tissue, leading to its degeneration;
  • Oily shine. During the cleansing process, the sebaceous film on the surface of the skin is dissolved, which normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. As a result, the skin becomes tightened and the oily sheen disappears;
  • Dry skin. In addition to honey, rich in vitamins and microelements, scrubs may contain additional ingredients: for example, vegetable oils or fermented milk products. This set of ingredients will quickly relieve dryness.

Regular cosmetic procedures help get rid of dullness, pallor, oiliness or, conversely, dryness of the skin. The products will improve microcirculation in tissues and give the skin a healthy appearance and attractiveness.

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To avoid negative consequences and get the maximum benefit from cleansing masks, you must adhere to some rules:

  • make scrubs from natural products;
  • Products should be prepared immediately before use;
  • apply masks to clean skin;
  • The products should be applied with light massaging movements - there should be no pain or other discomfort;
  • Before use, test products for the presence of an allergic reaction.

To check for a negative reaction, apply a small amount of the product to the inner surface of the elbow for a couple of minutes. After this, rinse off the drug and wait about half an hour. If after this time no itching, hives or other discomfort appears, the product is safe for further use.

For body

When using a coffee and honey body scrub, more intense massaging is allowed. The body has rougher skin, which is more difficult to cleanse.

Moreover, greater physical impact has a greater massage effect, which improves blood circulation in the tissues, relieves stagnation in the subcutaneous fat layer and thereby contributes to the treatment of cellulite.

Scrubs are applied for 3-5 minutes, then leave the product for another 5-10 minutes and rinse with warm water. To consolidate the effect at the end of the procedure, it is recommended to take a contrast shower.

For face

Facial skin has a more delicate structure. Scrubs should be applied with light massaging movements. Then allow the product to moisturize the cover for another 5-10 minutes. It is not recommended to keep preparations that contain salt for more than 3-5 minutes - this can lead to dry skin.

Finish the procedure with a simple rinse with water. It is recommended to alternate warm and cold water. And to tone the skin, you can wipe your face with an ice cube.

Honey scrub can be used for body and face. Its effectiveness depends on proper use. It is necessary to take into account some nuances that will make the procedure more useful. It is also important to consider the area of ​​use. The face requires a slightly different approach than the whole body.

For body

It is recommended to use a body scrub with these components after a hot shower or bath. Steamed skin responds better to the particles of the product and dead epidermis is removed faster and easier. The composition is applied evenly in a circular motion.

There is no need to vigorously rub the product into the skin. Quite easy to massage. Then the particles are washed off with water, and the body is lightly blotted with a towel. This will remove excess moisture. At the end of the procedure, cream must be applied to the treated areas for additional hydration and nutrition.

For face

The facial scrub must be used carefully. It is important not to damage the skin or stretch it. The composition is applied, easily distributed over the entire face, making massage movements. They start in the lower jaw and move towards the ears. Then from the corners of the lips and nose they move to the earlobes. From below they make upward movements, and from the forehead, on the contrary, they go downwards. Be sure to avoid the eye and lip areas. Too delicate and sensitive skin does not tolerate such aggressive products.

Salt and honey are great for oily and combination skin types. In this case, it is permissible to use the composition weekly. If the skin is dry, it is better to add additional components to the composition and use it twice as often. The scrub with honey should be washed off with warm water.

Facial scrub at home. Rules for using facial scrubs

The intensive action of scrubs is aimed at cleansing and toning the skin, improving blood flow and synthesis in cells. By following the rules of application, you can forever forget about hardware cleanings and professional intervention by a cosmetologist.

  1. For each type of dermis, the use of a scrub has its own regularity. For normal and combination skin – once a week is enough; for oily, problem skin – 2-3 times every seven days; for dry and dehydrated skin – twice a month. When deciding how often to use a deep cleanser, it is necessary to diagnose the current condition of the skin. If excessive dryness and irritation occur, the procedure should be postponed.
  2. After making a facial scrub at home, apply it along the lines of a classic massage with light rubbing movements. The cleansing composition should not be used on the areas around the lips and eyes. Also, the skin is pre-moistened with water or herbal decoction so as not to injure or scratch the epidermis.
  3. The face must be cleaned, pre-steamed with herbal compresses, and only then can you use a scrub.
  4. If any unpleasant sensations occur during the scrubbing process - burning, itching, you must immediately complete the procedure. A possible reaction is caused by an allergy to the components, or too large particles have damaged the integrity of the integument.
  5. After the procedure, moisturizing is mandatory; the pores of problematic and oily skin are wiped with citrus juice, and only then the cream is used.

Advantages and disadvantages

Homemade scrubs have a number of undoubted advantages.

  1. 100% natural. Even if the jar of supposedly organic cosmetics says that it is made from completely natural ingredients, you cannot be sure of this. You haven’t been to the factory, you haven’t seen the conditions under which these cosmetics were prepared and what was actually added to it. You just have to take the manufacturer's word for it. If you made a scrub at home in your own kitchen with your own hands, you know exactly what’s inside.
  2. No parabens, preservatives or other dangerous chemicals . Factory-made scrubs and masks are designed for a long shelf life; they cannot be used without preservatives. Homemade cosmetics are used immediately after you prepare them, so there is simply no need for chemistry.
  3. Cheap . Home remedies are inexpensive and made from simple and affordable ingredients, and they contain a lot of beneficial substances and vitamins for the skin. Cheap store-bought cosmetics will not bring any benefit; they are full of harmful components.

There are few disadvantages to homemade cosmetics. One of the first is that it cannot be hypoallergenic. Honey, lemon juice and other natural products can cause allergic reactions. Although in rare cases, this cannot be completely ruled out.

In terms of effectiveness, homemade scrubs still cannot be compared with expensive professional products, and even more so with the procedures that can be offered to you in a cosmetologist’s office.

Rules and frequency of use

It is necessary to take into account that honey is an allergenic product, so if there is a food allergy to it, then a dermatological allergy may also occur. Therefore, you should not tempt fate and it is better to smear a small piece of skin in the elbow area with a bee product. Leave for 10-20 minutes and then rinse. If redness does not occur in this area, then you can use masks with such ingredients without fear.

You should not use such masks more often than 1 or maximum 2 times a week, and then only when absolutely necessary.

All formulations are applied to slightly moisturized skin, this rule especially applies to scrubs. In this case, excessively intense friction and disruption of the integrity of the epidermis can be avoided.

Be very careful when using formulations when there are non-healing ulcers on the face.

Caring body scrubs

  • Lemon scrub with honey

Mix fine sea salt (5 tablespoons) with olive oil (2 tablespoons) and honey (30 ml). Enrich the composition with five drops of “essential”: lemon, tangerine or grapefruit. The resulting scrub is enough for 2-3 applications. Store it in a sterile glass jar. Immediately before taking a shower, add the grated zest of one lemon and a tablespoon of citrus juice to the scrub. Apply the composition with the palm of your hand to the surface of the body, avoiding delicate areas. Massage very gently, preferably without a washcloth. Rinse with warm water.

This scrub effectively cleanses the skin and exfoliates the stratum corneum of the epidermis, acting in two ways at once - mechanical and chemical. Salt plays the role of an abrasive. Lemon juice works on the principle of acid peeling. Essential oils serve as conductors for the nutritional and emollient substances contained in honey and olives.

  • Indian scrub “Lakshmi” made from honey and sugar

Take half a glass of fine salt. Mix it with the same amount of sugar and olive oil. Enrich the resulting composition with “essentials”: ​​eucalyptus, juniper, limetta. There should be a total of 20–25 drops of oils. Place a container of honey (half a glass) in a water bath. While it is heating, add a pinch of ground cloves, cardamom, coriander, turmeric. You can add more ginger and cinnamon - 0.5 teaspoon. When the honey has absorbed all the spices, remove it from the bath and pour it into the sugar-salt mixture. Finally add ghee and mix everything.

Apply honey body scrub in portions while steaming in a bathhouse or sauna. Apply to well-warmed skin with soft, stroking movements. Rinse off with warm water. This composition works not only as a scrub, but also as a mask: it improves blood circulation, makes the skin velvety, smooth, and elastic.

Facial scrub made from honey and sugar. Scrub recipes with honey

Below are basic recipes that have long been known and are deservedly popular. However, no one forbids lovely ladies to experiment by mixing honey with those ingredients that will bring even more noticeable positive results.

  • With milk and almonds. The main task is hydration. Take 15 grams of honey and a teaspoon of milk. To cleanse oily skin, choose a low-fat dairy product, for normal skin - with high fat content, for dry skin - cream. Add chopped almonds (25 grams) to the mixture. Gently rub the paste in for three minutes, then rinse your face with water.
  • With coffee. The main task is deep cleansing of the skin. Mix olive oil, sour cream, natural coffee and honey in equal proportions. Apply the resulting composition to damp facial skin and massage for a minute. Afterwards, rinse with warm water.
  • With oatmeal. The goal is skin rejuvenation. First, grind the oatmeal (3 tsp), add 15 grams of liquid honey, 5 ml of apple cider vinegar and 2 drops of tea oil to the powder. Apply the oatmeal and honey scrub to the skin with massaging movements, rinse off after 5 minutes.
  • With salt. The goal is deep facial cleansing. Take 50 grams of sea salt, 20 ml of olive oil and 25 grams of liquid honey. Mix everything (wait for the too large salt granules to melt) and apply it to the skin very carefully. Wash off after 4 minutes.
  • Cinnamon. The goal is to get rid of acne. Mix 25 grams of runny honey and ½ teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Apply the vitamin-cleansing composition to the face with gentle movements. It is best to leave the mask on overnight to achieve the desired result.
  • With sugar. The goal is to get rid of swelling and edema. Take 25 grams of runny honey and 10 grams of sugar (regular or brown). Apply the resulting mass to the face, massage, and pat the skin. Wash off after 5 minutes.
  • With cucumber. The task is to whiten the skin, lighten freckles and age spots. Peel and grate the green fruit, add 15 grams of honey, 10 ml each of almond and wheat germ oils. Apply to the face, massage and after 5 minutes rinse with warm water.
  • With clay. The goal is to clean problem skin. Heat 15 grams of honey, add 20 grams of clay and rice grains crushed in a coffee grinder. Dilute the mixture with boiled water until an acceptable thickness is obtained. Apply the composition, massage the skin, after 5 minutes rinse with water.
  • With banana. The goal is enhanced skin nutrition. Pour 50 grams of crushed oatmeal into 15 ml of milk, add 20 grams of crushed banana and 30 grams of runny honey to the gruel. Apply a homogeneous mass to the face, leave for 6 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Scrub recipe

The basic option is a scrub made from honey and sugar for the facial skin. It is prepared in a matter of minutes from simple and affordable ingredients and works great. To solve specific problems, you can add additional ingredients to the standard recipe (this will be discussed below).

Ingredients and their properties

The main ingredients in the scrub are honey and granulated sugar. Honey must be natural, but otherwise it is not so important which product to take and what condition it will be in. Liquid honey is just as good for a scrub as thick honey, there is no difference. For better mixing, frozen honey can be slightly heated in a water bath. Just remember that you cannot heat honey too much - when heated, it quickly loses its beneficial properties.

Sugar can be anything - either regular white or brown cane. The result will not change. Both ingredients are needed in equal proportions.

Sugar here serves as a natural abrasive and helps exfoliate dead skin particles. Honey is a natural anti-inflammatory agent and is good for preventing the formation of acne and blackheads.

Just remember that if inflammatory processes are already in full swing on your face, you cannot use the scrub. First you will have to get rid of existing acne.

The scrub also contains fruit acids. Thanks to their effects, the skin will brighten and look more youthful.

Cooking method

Preparing a honey-sugar scrub and performing the procedure with it is very simple and quick. Follow this instruction:

  • Take any suitable container and mix honey and sugar in it (50/50). The basic scrub is ready. It cannot be stored for a long time.
  • Before the procedure, remove makeup and impurities using the cleansers you usually use.
  • For best results, steam your face with a hot towel. If you have delicate skin, you can purchase special cosmetics that have the same effect, but are more gentle.
  • Apply the scrub to your face and gently massage into the skin for about two minutes.
  • Rinse with warm water and remove any remaining residue with a tissue. Then rinse your face with cold water to soothe your skin.
  • Finally, apply a light moisturizer.

It is better to scrub in the evening. Direct sunlight should be avoided for several days after the procedure.

Scrub options

The honey scrub recipe can be modified depending on what cosmetic problem you are going to solve.

  • If you want to deeply cleanse your skin, add ground coffee, olive oil and sour cream in equal proportions to the mixture in addition to the main ingredients.
  • To moisten, add milk, one spoonful. When the skin is dry, it is better to take cream; if, on the contrary, it is oily, it is skim milk; when it is normal, it is of medium fat content. For thickness and as a scrubbing element, add another 25 g of ground almonds.
  • To get rid of acne, add half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder to the mixture.
  • To get rid of freckles and age spots, add grated cucumber, wheat germ oil and almond oil (10 ml each). For the same purpose, you can add a mixture of freshly squeezed lemon juice (one spoon) and soda (25 g) to the base composition. The effect of both masks is equally good.

Separately, it should be noted that honey-salt scrub for a bath or sauna is a very popular product. In this case, sugar is replaced with sea salt and mixed with honey in a two to one ratio. Thanks to the combination of salt and steam, the stratum corneum is perfectly removed from the skin, all impurities come out, and honey nourishes it with vitamins and increases sweating.

You need to apply the scrub after visiting the steam room; you can safely use it not only on your face, but on your entire body.

The best recipes for handmade honey-salt scrubs

Sea salt scrub for body and face is prepared based on honey, natural oils, spices, chicken eggs, and dairy products. However, regular table salt is no less effective. Finely ground salt is recommended for the face and neck, and coarsely ground salt for the body.

General rules for preparing and applying honey-salt scrubs:

  • the components of the mixtures (honey, oils) are heated in a water bath (not higher than 40 degrees, otherwise the beneficial micro- and macroelements of the nutritional mixtures will begin to deteriorate);
  • a scrub of honey and salt for the body and face is used on clean skin after washing;
  • Skin massage will help clear away dead skin cells and better absorb nutrients;
  • leave the mixture for 5-10 minutes (unless the recipe specifies a different time);
  • wash off with water at a comfortable temperature.

Classic scrub “Honey and salt”

Mix two tablespoons of honey and sea salt. Add a tablespoon of vegetable oil to the mixture - olive, flaxseed, wheat germ oil, argan.

Mask-scrub “Milk clay”

This express mask perfectly nourishes the skin tissue in just a few minutes. Combine half a glass of salt with dry milk and cosmetic clay (30-50 g of ingredients is enough). Prepare a homogeneous mixture of melted honey and shea butter (30-50 g of each component).

Combine the powder part evenly with the oil-honey base. For express effects, it is better to make a scrub from sea salt , since it is more enriched with beneficial vitamins and minerals than regular food salt.

Curd hydration

The best cottage cheese for masks is homemade cottage cheese. In the absence of it, they use a purchased product: for skin prone to greasiness - low-fat, 1-2% fat content, for normal and dry skin - 5-9%.

Beat 30 g of cottage cheese and milk into a homogeneous mass. Add a teaspoon of honey and salt to the nutritional mixture. The mask is intended for the face, neck, and décolleté area.

Peeling and moisturizing

For 40-50 g of coconut oil you will need an equal amount of honey and 20-30 g of salt. The composition will effectively cleanse, as well as nourish and moisturize dehydrated skin. Especially recommended for the care of mature skin.

Coffee-honey salt

Coffee and honey salt body scrub has a powerful warming effect. It is especially recommended for eliminating the orange peel effect, preventing cellulite, and in the fight against excess weight.

Mix 50 g of salt, honey, plus 2-3 tablespoons of drunk ground coffee (the ground grain is first poured with boiling water for 5-10 minutes, then using only the grounds).

Semolina mask-scrub

Semolina can be replaced with rolled oatmeal flakes. 50 g of unleavened milk porridge is mixed with salt and honey (20-30 g of each ingredient). Beat half a chicken yolk into the mixture. The nutritious mixture moisturizes the face, neck, chest, and hands.

Honey and egg for acne

Beat the chicken egg. Add 20 g of honey and salt to it. Apply to problem areas prone to pimples: face, chest, shoulders. For lasting results, the scrub mask is used in a course of 1-2 times a week for a couple of months.

Scrub “Gift of Lakshmi”

The healing mixture is named after the Indian goddess of beauty and wealth, and is compiled according to the laws of Ayurveda, the ancient science of health. The composition is complex, but the effect of its use is worth the time spent on preparation. This sea salt and olive oil scrub is enriched with a variety of spices, each of which contributes to skin rejuvenation.

Mix 50 g of sea salt, crushed cane sugar, and olive oil into 100 g of honey. Add to the mixture a teaspoon of ghee (its Indian name is ghee), a pinch of cardamom, nutmeg, turmeric, and ground cloves.

You can enrich the composition with a few drops of your favorite essential oil (jasmine, orange, bergamot, sandalwood, eucalyptus are perfect). The mixture is infused for 1-2 days in the refrigerator.

"Sea Orange"

You will need fresh orange juice (squeeze 70-100 g) and a teaspoon of citrus zest (grate with a fine grater). Mix 100 g of sea salt with 30-40 g of olive oil. Add “orange” ingredients to the composition. This salt scrub is more suitable for the body, since orange juice can cause irritation on sensitive facial skin.

Honey-salt-yolk for mature skin

This composition not only cleanses, but also rejuvenates mature, aging skin of the face, neck and chest. For one chicken yolk you will need a tablespoon of honey, salt, and a teaspoon of cognac (or vodka). The mixture actively warms the skin, improving blood circulation, nutrition, and cell renewal. This salt scrub is suitable for the body as well as for the face and neck.

Scrub for combination skin

Combination skin (oily in some areas, dry in others) needs gentle cleansing. Mix 30-40 g of finely ground salt with an equal amount of honey and low-fat (10%) sour cream. Gently treat oily areas of the face with the mixture, immediately washing off the composition. Keep on dry skin as a nourishing mask for up to 10 minutes.

"Honey soda" for problem skin

Baking soda, like salt, has antibacterial and disinfectant properties. Salt scrub “Honey soda” will significantly reduce the number of pimples on the face and body.

To make the composition, take a tablespoon of salt and soda for 3 tablespoons of honey. The mixture is applied to problem areas of the skin, rubbed in, and washed off after 10 minutes.

Salt-sugar-honey for skin restoration

Sugar peels for skin are valued no less than salt peels. To effectively restore aging skin, the healing properties of both salt and sugar are used.

For 50 g of olive oil take an equal amount of honey. Add 20-30 g of salt, sand and cane sugar to the mixture.

Honey scrubs with salt

For the health of the skin of the face, it is necessary to use only those products that contain natural ingredients. And for this, recipes for preparing honey-based masks at home are perfect. Thus, a honey-salt scrub will help to significantly improve the condition of the skin and prolong its youth. To prepare it you will need:

  • liquid honey – 1 tbsp. l;
  • coarse table salt – 1 tsp;
  • cinnamon – 2 tsp;
  • olive oil – 1 tsp.

Instead of olive oil, you can use any other oil, such as sunflower or almond oil. All ingredients are mixed in a suitable bowl, after which the resulting mass is applied to the skin of the face with gentle massaging movements and left for several minutes. After time, the honey mass is washed off with cool water. If you use salt scrubs regularly, your skin will become healthy and beautiful.

Very often, cottage cheese is used to prepare nourishing scrub masks at home, which helps smooth out wrinkles and soften the skin. To make a healthy honey scrub-mask, you need to mix one teaspoon of sea salt and liquid honey with 1 tbsp. l cottage cheese. The resulting mass is applied to the face, where it is left for 10 minutes and then washed off with warm water.

Getting rid of blackheads and comedones

Mix 50 g of honey and fine salt. Add 10-20 g of lemon juice to the mixture. Before cleansing, the face must be steamed. The composition thoroughly massages problem areas of the skin - usually the T-zone, temples, chin, forehead. Salt cleanses and disinfects pores clogged with sebum and prone to inflammation, and lemon juice tightens them, removing and brightening blackheads.

Having assessed the effect of honey-salt scrub on the skin, it is easy to develop your own unique recipe for a nourishing and cleansing mixture. When used regularly, a honey and salt scrub is effective in maintaining the health and beauty of the skin of the face and the whole body.


A honey scrub may not always be useful. It is better to abandon the idea of ​​using it if you:

  • an allergy to honey was discovered;
  • thin, sensitive skin;
  • inflammatory processes in the acute stage (pimples, acne);
  • the integrity of the skin is damaged (scratches, cracks);
  • rosacea (vascular spider veins on the face).

Remember that scrubbing is, in principle, a rather rough mechanical process and is only suitable for completely healthy, not too delicate skin.

The need for regular exfoliation

In order for the skin to shine with beauty and health, dead scales are periodically removed from its surface. For this purpose, exfoliating agents are used - scrubs, which:

  • deeply cleanse the skin of impurities and sebum;
  • stimulate blood circulation;
  • improve nutrition and breathing of skin freed from dead cells;
  • reduce inflammatory processes;
  • tone, promoting cell regeneration, production of elastin and collagen.

How to use it correctly

When scrubbing with honey, it is important to follow a number of rules:

  • Before applying the product, clean the skin of any remaining cosmetics and steam it well;
  • apply the composition, avoiding strong rubbing, so as not to damage the epidermis;
  • scrub in the evening or a few hours before going outside;
  • The frequency of using honey scrub should not exceed twice a week.

If honey has crystallized, you cannot use boiling to achieve a liquid state, since this will deprive it of all its beneficial properties - just dissolve this product using a water bath.

Expert opinion

Ekaterina Dudikova

Dermatologist, cosmetologist

To reduce the risk of a negative effect from a cosmetic procedure, it is recommended to do an allergy test before using a honey facial scrub.

To do this, apply a little of the composition to your hand and leave for at least half an hour - if after time no itching, red spots or inflammation appears, you can use the selected scrub.

Sugar prevents the spread of bacteria, and due to its physical characteristics (quick dissolution) it has a fairly mild effect. But if you want to get the maximum benefit from the procedure at home, sugar should be:

  • As fine as possible, especially if you want to cleanse your face and neck.
  • The sugar scrub will be healthier if you use unrefined brown sugar to make it.
  • Sometimes you can find small dark particles in the composition that remain after poor-quality processing. Make sure they don't get into the sugar scrub.
  • If you have coarse sugar, you can grind it in a coffee grinder.
  • You should not use crushed refined sugar. It will not be possible to crush it to the desired consistency, but by grinding it, you will get a powder.
  • There should not be too much sugar in the composition. The ideal ratio of abrasive to base is 1:2.

Carefully select ingredients for such a procedure at home, since we are talking about your beauty.

Honey lip scrub. DIY honey lip scrub

Everyone knows that there are no sebaceous glands on the lips, so they need special care, especially in the cold season, when they are constantly flaky and chapped. Lip scrubs are a very delicate matter, it is best to prepare them yourself.

A lip scrub made from honey and... This product not only perfectly moisturizes lips, but also prolongs their beauty and youth. This scrub will contain coconut oil, which is a natural source of antioxidants and fatty acids. These natural substances perfectly moisturize and nourish the skin. So, honey will heal wounds and cleanse, brown sugar will soften the skin.

All components of a homemade homemade scrub will be edible and natural, so they do not pose any threat to the body. However, it should be taken into account that some people are allergic to this, so this scrub is contraindicated for them. Many people also like this scrub because it can be used not only on the lips, but also on the whole body. The rules of application and the effect are exactly the same.

Making homemade honey lip scrub

To prepare a homemade lip scrub you will need the following ingredients:

  • honey;
  • Coconut oil;
  • Brown sugar;
  • tablespoon and teaspoon;
  • container for preparing the product;
  • bowl in which all ingredients will be mixed.

Coconut oil must first be softened to such a state that you can scoop it with a spoon. If the butter has melted too much, simply place it in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. If, on the contrary, it is too hard, then place it in a bowl of hot water for 10 minutes.

Mix tbsp. butter with tbsp. honey The mass should be stirred until smooth so that not a single lump remains. Then add brown sugar (2 tsp) and mix everything. The scrub is completely ready. This product can be stored for up to two weeks (in the refrigerator). Before use, the honey scrub should be removed from the refrigerator and left for 20 minutes at room temperature. A small amount of scrub should be rubbed into the lips in smooth circular movements. After this, the remaining scrub should be washed off with warm water.

After this, your lips will look just wonderful, they will be tender and soft. If the scrub's shelf life is coming to an end, and there is still a lot of it left, it can be applied to the arms, legs and other parts of the body. This will only be beneficial, because in this case it will act as a body scrub.

This scrub is also used by those who want to enlarge their lips at home. After using it, your lips will visually look fuller and larger. The recipe described above is not the only way to prepare such a scrub..

Other recipes for lip scrubs with honey

  1. Scrub with soda. To prepare this product, mix tsp. honey with tsp. baking soda until smooth. Apply the product to your lips for a few minutes, then gently wipe them to remove any unpleasant flaking. After this, wash your lips with water and apply a few drops of vegetable oil to them.
  2. Scrub with Vaseline. Mix equal parts of salt, petroleum jelly and sugar with a little honey. Apply the resulting mixture to your lips and gently rub them in a circular motion to remove dead cells. For flaky and dry lips, this product should be used at least twice a week.
  3. Aloe vera scrub. To prepare this homemade scrub, take a partial tsp. citrus zest, grind it with a few drops of healing aloe vera and a small amount of honey. Apply the mixture to warm and damp lips, leave it like this for three minutes, massage gently and rinse with water (you can use a damp cloth).

Homemade honey lip scrub is an excellent way to cleanse the skin of impurities and dead cells. With the help of such products, your lips will remain soft and youthful for a long time.


Every woman from a young age tries to look her best, so she spends a lot of time on her face. Various means come to the rescue, and one of the most effective is a honey scrub, prepared independently. Its effectiveness has been proven by leading experts in the field of cosmetology, and anyone can verify this.

The simplest mixture of an effective scrub would be a spoonful of honey with a spoonful of ground coffee. If the composition turns out to be very dense, you can dilute it with milk to the desired consistency.

To make your skin smooth and improve its color, you can add oatmeal with a drop of lemon juice to melted honey. As a result, roughness and minor irregularities will disappear, and pigment spots will become less noticeable. This method is especially popular among beauties, as evidenced by reviews on the World Wide Web.

For mixed skin types, a scrub with honey, salt, cosmetic clay and a few drops of any vegetable oil is suitable. After the procedure, the general condition of the facial dermis will noticeably improve.

Recipes depending on skin type

Recipes for scrubs with honey for facial care are also divided depending on skin types.


Scrub components:

  • 1 tbsp. l. milk powder;
  • 0.5 tsp. acacia honey;
  • a pinch of sea salt;
  • 0.5 tsp. cosmetic clay.

The resulting composition is applied to well-steamed skin, and then washed off after 7-10 minutes.


Those with delicate and thin skin are recommended to use a scrub mask, which includes:

  • 1 tbsp. l. banana pulp;
  • 1 tbsp. l. oat bran;
  • 1 tsp. milk with a high percentage of fat content;
  • 1 tsp. honey

The mixture should be intensively rubbed into the skin for 10 minutes, then rinsed with water.


For deep cleansing, a mixture containing:

  • 1 tbsp. l. linden honey;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt;
  • 1 tbsp. l. linseed oil.

Distribute the mixture over the entire face, thoroughly treating problem areas, rinse after 5 minutes with warm water.

How to prepare and use the scrub

In addition to salt, coffee and honey, other components are added to the scrubs to enhance the effect and obtain additional benefits. In any case, to prepare a scrub, you must first mix all the dry ingredients, and then gradually add honey and moisturizing agents to them. Candied honey can be heated over steam until it becomes liquid again. If the composition is enriched with oil, then first pour in half, mix the mixture, then add the rest and mix everything again.

To get the maximum benefit from the procedure, you need to do it according to certain rules:

• steam your skin by taking a bath or shower;

• apply the required amount of scrub to damp skin and treat it with massaging, vigorous movements;

• on the face, the scrub should be distributed along massage lines, you can make spiral movements, but be sure to bypass all delicate areas: the area of ​​​​the eyelids and lips;

• leave the mixture on the skin for about five minutes and rinse off;

• dry your face and body, apply a soothing or moisturizing cream (milk, balm, lotion).

The remaining scrub can be transferred to a glass jar and stored on the refrigerator shelf. If the home remedy includes fermented milk products, eggs, fruits, such a scrub cannot be stored.

Beneficial features

By combining two main components - honey and soda, you can prepare recipes from them that will have the most beneficial effect on the condition of the epidermis. This is ensured by the fact that soda is able to cleanse even the oiliest skin that is prone to acne. And honey saturates the epidermis with all the necessary nutrients.


Sodium bicarbonate can relieve impurities from skin prone to problematic rashes and excessive sebum production. If you first expand the pores, then baking soda very effectively removes accumulated secretions, preventing the appearance of inflamed pimples.

In addition, it always has a drying effect and is able to narrow overly enlarged pores, which has the most beneficial effect on oily skin.


This bee product has an antimicrobial effect, so it perfectly complements sodium bicarbonate. In addition, it is able to soften keratinized or too dry areas on the face, hands and neck area.

Prevents further drying out even in unfavorable weather conditions. And as an additional bonus, it is worth noting that honey can saturate the skin with essential microelements and vitamins.

Pros of homemade scrubs

A salt scrub for the face and body with the addition of honey, prepared independently, has undoubted advantages:

  1. Using completely natural ingredients. Homemade honey scrub does not contain harmful preservatives, dyes or fragrances.
  2. The nutritional value for the skin of homemade scrubs is many times higher than that of purchased products.
  3. The composition of the scrub is selected taking into account the specific “requests” of the skin today.

The composition is prepared for one or two servings and stored in the refrigerator.

Attention! Before using homemade scrubs, a skin test for an allergic reaction is required. Apply the finished honey scrub to a sensitive area of ​​skin (for example, behind the ear) for half an hour without rubbing. The absence of itching, peeling and discomfort confirms the possibility of using the composition for cosmetic procedures.

Where to order and buy

Many cosmetic brands produce ready-made scrubs with honey; they are sold at almost any retail outlet. As for natural products, they can be purchased in specialized ECO stores. There are many cosmetologists who produce custom-made natural cosmetics; their contacts are easy to find on popular social networks: Instagram, Odnoklassniki and Vkontakte. You can order honey scrub online on popular websites that specialize in selling cosmetics.

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