Pimples* on the nose: how to treat and what not to do for acne?

Can you imagine that a seemingly ordinary pimple on the nose or on its tip can be fatal? Most likely no. But only if this pimple is not a boil. A boil is a purulent inflammation of the hair follicle, which occurs with unpleasant symptoms and, if not properly treated, can provoke dangerous complications. What do boils look like? For what reason do they appear and how to treat them correctly? You will find the answers in our new article.

Many adult patients think that the most unpleasant diseases of the nasal cavity are associated with inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose and paranasal sinuses. But that's not true. There are other nasal diseases that occur with unpleasant symptoms, and if left untreated, the risk of developing dangerous complications will increase. One of these diagnoses is a boil in the nose.

A boil is a purulent inflammatory process in the hair follicle or sebaceous gland and nearby tissues of the nose.

According to medical statistics, this diagnosis accounts for up to half of all cases of purulent-inflammatory skin diseases. In the literature you can find other names for the disease - abscess or boil.

The location of the abscess can be different: the tip of the nose, the wing of the nose, the inside of the nasal cavity (internal boil).

A boil on the tip of the nose or on its wing can appear at any age, but most often the disease is diagnosed in adult patients under forty-five years of age. Men predominate among them (almost twice as many as women).

A boil on the tip of the nose, like a boil on the wing of the nose, is a common occurrence. Our respiratory and olfactory organs are always “available” to the negative influence of external factors. While our body is covered with clothes and our head is covered with a hat, our nose is always visible. Yes, and what is there to hide, often we ourselves provoke these very negative factors by picking in the nasal passages, squeezing pimples on the tip or wings of the nose, which can lead to microtraumas and their infection.

In addition to painful symptoms and spoiled appearance, boils can become a source of dangerous complications, including sepsis.

There have been cases when a boil on the tip or wing of the nasal cavity led to death. This is due to late seeking help from an ENT doctor and lack of competent treatment.

A boil is not just a pimple on the tip or wing of the nose. This is a serious diagnosis that requires full treatment in the clinic.

How to treat a boil in the nose in an adult? You will find the answer in our new article: “Causes, symptoms and treatment of boils.”

Types of boils in adults

Like any other disease, ulcers inside, on the tip or wing of the nose can have their own varieties. A purulent formation consisting of several ulcers fused together is called a carbuncle. Typically, up to ten pimples form a carbuncle.

Multiple abscesses that appear simultaneously in different parts of the new cavity - on the tip, wings or inside - are called furunculosis.

Furunculosis is the most dangerous manifestation of ulcers. This condition must be treated urgently.

The disease usually occurs in an acute form. But in the absence of proper treatment and neglect of hygienic measures, recurrent boils can occur. This means that the disease has become chronic.

At the location of the abscess, an internal boil or boil on the tip or wings of the nose is isolated.

Based on the stage of the disease, boils inside, on the wings or on the tip of the nose are infiltrative (inside which exudate accumulates), purulent (with the formation of purulent masses) and necrotic (when a necrotic rod with dead cells forms inside the abscess).

A subcutaneous pimple has popped up and hurts: signs

As a rule, if the appearance of a pimple is accompanied by even mild, barely noticeable pain, this cannot bode well. Description of the meaning of the sign if a subcutaneous pimple has popped up and hurts:

  • Often this phenomenon warns that betrayal will soon occur on the part of a very close person, a long-time good friend.
  • If this does not happen, we should expect some changes in the immediate circle - a large-scale quarrel will happen with someone due to a difference of views, and there is a risk of stopping communication forever (or simply for a very long time).
  • There is practically no chance to neutralize the coming troubles.

Pain speaks of fate’s persistent intention to make adjustments.

Causes of boils in adults

The main cause of the disease is the activation of staphylococci and streptococci. These same pathogens cause tonsillitis, chronic tonsillitis and sinusitis. In most adults, these microorganisms are constantly present on the mucous membranes, but diseases do not always develop. For inflammation to occur, predisposing factors must occur:

  • injuries and mechanical damage to the nasal cavity, including pulling out hairs from the nasal passages - infection can easily get into the wounds; This category also includes surgical reasons: rhinoplasty, installation of implants, etc.;
  • a chronic source of infection in the body - chronic tonsillitis, chronic sinusitis, caries, etc.;
  • purulent skin diseases of the nasal cavity;
  • reduced immunity: the cause of the appearance of an abscess in adults can be simple hypothermia, lack of vitamins, stress, diabetes, HIV, oncology and other factors that “hit” the body’s own defenses;
  • violation of basic hygiene rules (neglecting water procedures, constantly touching the face with dirty hands, squeezing pimples are common causes of chirp);
  • unfavorable working conditions, work in hazardous industries with polluted air, constant contact with fuel oil and other fuels and lubricants;
  • Hormonal imbalance is a common cause of ulcers in pregnant and adult women during menopause.

Treatment of an external abscess and treatment of a boil inside the nose will be most effective if its cause is correctly identified. Finding out the cause of the disease and prescribing a competent treatment regimen is the profile of an otorhinolaryngologist.

How to treat acne on the nose?

For acne on the nose, the causes can be relatively harmless. Sometimes just changing your cosmetic product or stopping certain medications is an important step in controlling your rash. Is it worth the risk of popping pimples yourself?

The treatment of acne, boils, and other inflammatory elements should be handled by a specialist. A dermatologist conducts an examination, makes a diagnosis and prescribes therapy based on the severity of acne or other disease.

For acne, your doctor may prescribe topical antibiotics18. These drugs include Clindovit® gel. The main active ingredient in its composition is the antibiotic lincosamide clindamycin6. It helps reduce the colonization of propionibacteria by exhibiting antibacterial activity against a wide range of propionibacterial strains6. The drug helps reduce free fatty acids on the skin6. Clindovit® gel is recommended to be combined with azelaic acid (for example, Azelik® gel) or benzoyl peroxide; this combination helps reduce the risk of developing antibiotic resistance28.

Symptoms of the disease

Regardless of the location, the formation of an abscess goes through the same stages, so the symptoms of a boil on the wing of the nose and the symptoms of an internal boil are the same.

The disease occurs in two stages. The first stage is the infiltration stage. It begins with inflammation of the hair follicle. The stage lasts a day or two. Clinically, this is manifested by the following symptoms: the appearance of a painful lump that turns red and swells. A black dot is visible in the center of the seal. The pain intensifies while talking or eating. Headaches, weakness, and elevated body temperature appear - these are symptoms of an ongoing inflammatory process.

The next stage, the abscess formation stage, takes from three to seven days. Its main symptom is a softening of the compaction and the appearance of a white-yellow tip on it, which is called the core of the boil. Relief occurs when the rod breaks through and the contents of the abscess come out. At this moment, the unpleasant and painful symptoms begin to subside, and the patient feels much better.

Let's neutralize bad predictions

So, it was said above that bad, disliked predictions can be “neutralized” by simply getting rid of them. Fortunately, in most cases (exceptions have also been discussed above) this is indeed possible. You just need to perform a simple ritual. It will require a small mirror if we are talking about acne on the face, and a not too brightly lit, quiet room where no one will disturb. So, let’s neutralize bad predictions:

  • First you need to relax thoroughly - calming breathing exercises and any available meditative practices will not be superfluous.
  • As soon as your consciousness comes into balance, take the mirror in your hands and, looking carefully at the pimple, visualize all the predicted negative images and consequences. You need to present them in detail, in detail, so that the connection to reality is maximum.
  • As soon as you are confident that the picture in your head is sufficiently complete, the mirror should be closed and taken out of the house or apartment - preferably straight to the trash.

This simple action will help you “get rid” of negativity. For the best effect, you should not subsequently return to thoughts about the worst outcome; on the contrary, think as positively as possible. The attitude in this matter is already a fundamental part of success.

What are the sebaceous glands for?

Normally, the sebaceous glands are designed to produce sebum in order to protect and strengthen the skin, but under the influence of improper care, poor ecology, nutritional habits and hormonal levels, their work malfunctions.

In addition to the volume of sebum secreted, its thickness also matters. The thicker the secretion, the more difficult it is for it to come out. The abundant thick secretion literally “bursts” the walls of the gland, which is why seals of different diameters are visible on the skin: from tiny balls to quite large nodes, over which the color of the skin can even change, acquiring a slightly bluish tint. The accumulation of sebaceous secretions attracts bacteria that live on the skin, since sebaceous secretions are an excellent breeding ground for them. As they multiply, they cause inflammation, soreness and redness of the skin. When the main defect is not eliminated - stagnant accumulation of sebum - such local inflammation can “smolder” for weeks, forming acne or pimples.

Based on the above, there are three steps to healthy skin.


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Home care for problem skin

When caring for your skin, maximum attention should be paid to cleansing. Currently, gel-based washes with a high pH are widespread. They irritate the skin less, but often “under-wash” it. This can be easily determined by running your finger over your cheek after washing your face. Ideally, clean skin resists and literally “creaks” from cleanliness. If the skin is not sufficiently cleansed, there will be a “film” feeling. Therefore, experienced dermatologists often recommend that their patients wash their face with... soap. But the choice of soap is also a responsible matter; varieties with moisturizing components are absolutely not suitable. There are also gels that wash the skin well, but it is better to entrust their choice to a dermatologist.

The choice of care product is also of great importance. Problem skin does not tolerate creams with a dense texture, since the mouths of the glands immediately become clogged with the fatty base of the cream. At the same time, alcohol and other drying “rubs”, “burners” and cleansers severely dehydrate the skin. This leads to the development of the phenomenon of so-called “oily dry skin” - the mouths of the glands are clogged with sebum, and the surface of the skin is overdried. The ideal choice in this case is a light gel-based serum with no or minimal fat content. It is also better to entrust the choice of serum to a dermatocosmetologist. Sometimes it's best to choose a serum that's marketed as "anti-aging" even though it contains great anti-acne ingredients.

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