Acne on the chin: what causes it and how to get rid of it?

A pimple on the chin can be either a minor annoying misunderstanding or the first symptom of an incipient serious illness. In men, random inflammation in the chin area most often occurs as a result of microtrauma received during shaving. In women, there can be many more reasons for the appearance of acne on the chin. These include cosmetic procedures performed under non-sterile conditions and cosmetics that cause allergic reactions. However, if acne on the chin is constantly present, and adolescence has long passed, you need to think about a detailed examination for acne tarda, or so-called late acne.

Pustules are small pustules on the face

A pustule is an inflammatory acne element, inside of which there is a cavity filled with purulent contents. Its size can reach 10 mm. The shape can be cone-shaped, flat, hemispherical. A pustule can form as an independent element or from a papule. When pustules appear on the face, the cause must be sought in the inflammatory process occurring in the skin.

You can tell that a pustule has formed by looking at the white head of the pimple*. Its contents are usually white, yellowish, and sometimes greenish. The contents of the pustule may dry out, a crust will form on top of it, the fall of which may lead to the appearance of a hyperpigmentation spot.

If even small pustules appear on the face, it is necessary to take action, as they can turn into indurative acne. With this form of acne, inflammation spreads into the deeper layers of the skin. Resolution of such acneous elements may leave behind atrophic scars.32

Alopecia - take care of your nerves!

There is such a terrible word - Alopecia - pathological baldness both on the beard and on the head. Having already grown a thick, beautiful beard, some men experience excessive hair loss. Watch yourself: when washing and combing your hair, 10 - 20 hairs may fall out - and this is normal. More is worse. Yes, we will have to literally count the hairs in the sink, but in this way we will “make a diagnosis” in advance and turn to a specialist who can stop this disease properly.

Beard alopecia, as a rule, does not progress over the entire area of ​​vegetation, but only in some areas. What are they called - foci or islands, which, naturally, no man wants to see on a thick, lush beard.

Causes of beard hair loss

To accurately determine your individual cause of beard hair loss or in general, you should contact a trichologist - a specialist who will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe a clear treatment. Here are the main causes of Alopecia in men.

  • Stress. This is probably the most important cause of all our ailments. Scientists have long found out that the psychological state greatly influences the processes of hair growth and hair loss. Doctors often recommend not to be nervous. People who have experienced or are experiencing stress are more susceptible to hair loss than anyone else. That is why take care of your nerves!
  • Genetics. Ask your relatives how their beard and mustache grow. If the men in your family went bald early, you most likely experienced the same thing for obvious reasons.
  • Mechanical injuries. Remember that hair cannot grow on scars and scars! Treat your skin with care!
  • Skin infections. Fungus, dermatomycosis, seborrhea and lichen are what can cause hair to fall out in whole strands. Contact your doctor and do it more often to protect yourself from such diseases.
  • Disease. Even a common cold or vitamin deficiency can lead to hair loss. It is worth drinking a complex of vitamins, as we have already talked about earlier.
  • Antibiotics or hormonal agents.

It is worth emphasizing the second point - genetics. Having learned more about your ancestry through the male line, preventing hair loss is very simple: lead a healthy lifestyle. This includes a healthy diet, giving up tobacco and alcoholic beverages, physical activity, and stabilizing the psychological state. Another good tip: hygiene and using quality products to wash, care and style your beard and mustache. All this will definitely help you grow and subsequently have healthy, beautiful and lush facial hair.


OldBoy Cop

Why did pustules appear on the face?

Pimples with purulent contents form against the background of a decrease in the protective function of the epidermal barrier.56

Internal causes that can cause the appearance of pimples* and pustules on the face are56:

  • temperature irritants;
  • skin contamination;
  • dryness of the epidermis;
  • exposure to aggressive chemicals, etc.

Endogenous causes include56:

  • overwork;
  • poor nutrition;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • chronic intoxication;
  • reduced immunity;
  • endocrine disorders.

Weakening of the antibacterial protection of the skin may be associated with autoimmune diseases and diabetes.

Types of acne on a man's chin

Pimples of various types and shapes can form on the chin. By assessing these parameters, the dermatologist can make a preliminary diagnosis.

  1. Red nodules without inflammation that appear over large areas of the skin are a sign of an allergy. If this is the case, the process of damage to the chin causes itching.
  2. Pimples with signs of inflammation. These formations appear on the skin during the development of a bacterial infection. It develops at the site of injury to the skin. This often happens after shaving with a low-quality razor, or when a man uses someone else's razor.
  3. Small white formations. They indicate clogged pores and accumulation of subcutaneous sebum.
  4. Acne vulgaris with suppuration or discharge. This is a sign of bacterial infection. You need to fight it using antiseptics.

The appearance of some pimples is accompanied by severe pain; even lightly touching them brings noticeable discomfort. The formation of others, on the contrary, does not manifest itself in any way.

Pustules on the face: what to do?

Since pustules indicate an inflammatory process, most cosmetic procedures are contraindicated for them. What remains is drug treatment and home care. Here are some guidelines to follow:

  • Gentle care. If there are an abundance of pustules, it is necessary to take more careful care of the skin so as not to damage them. It is necessary to discard the idea of ​​squeezing out acne elements. This is fraught with the spread of inflammation and aggravation of the clinical picture.
  • Exclusion of alcohol-containing products from care. Attempting to dry acne will not be beneficial. The skin will respond with even greater sebum production and hyperkeratinization. And these are already two links in the mechanism of acne formation.
  • Nutrition correction. Since the appearance of acne may be associated with the consumption of certain products, for example, dairy. There is evidence that if there is an excess of sugar and fat in the diet, as well as eating on the go, it can provoke an exacerbation of acne.60
  • Light makeup. Pustular rashes are very difficult to hide with cosmetics. As a rule, applying a generous amount of foundation creates a mask effect. The face looks unnatural and the skin cannot breathe. As a result, the pores only become more clogged. Makeup for acne is acceptable, but it is better to keep it light. In the evening, it must be carefully removed, for example, with micellar water or milk.
  • Refusal of traditional methods of treatment. Do not try to prepare masks or creams yourself. Firstly, the use of multi-component compositions prepared by yourself can provoke irritation, itching, redness, and an allergic reaction. Secondly, you will waste time and may make the problem worse.

You can get rid of pustular rashes only by using medications prescribed by a dermatologist.

A few precautions during the cold season

In one of the previous articles, we already considered all the issues, pros and, most importantly, cons of wearing facial hair. Among all of the above, there was such an important point as “care”. And special emphasis needs to be placed on this. Hygiene is the very first thing any person should think about, and men who prefer to wear a mustache, beard and sideburns must pay special attention not only to visual neatness, but also to personal hygiene. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting an unsafe “incubator” of harmful bacteria and, what is most unpleasant, during the season of viral diseases, not only yours.

Doctors note that human hair is a kind of filter that attracts both beneficial and harmful bacteria. And in the beard, mustache and other open areas of the skin with hair, comfortable conditions are created for the reproduction of both. Therefore, if you do not have the time or opportunity to care for your beard and mustache, you should get rid of them during the cold season.

Doctors also recommend taking vitamins during this period: this will help not only in saving you from infection, but also from vitamin deficiency.

In addition, if you are already sick or have been sick, with a beard and mustache there is a high probability that you will get sick again. The fact is that when you cough, bacteria settle on your beard, so while on the mend you can bring them back without even knowing it.

Care at such times consists of daily washing, minimizing tactile contact with vegetation during and after public places and transport, and using antibacterial wipes and handkerchiefs for personal purposes.

Treatment of pustules on the face

There are systemic and topical medications designed to combat ulcers on the face; treatment should be selected by a dermatologist. When making a diagnosis and prescribing therapy, the doctor relies on the clinical picture. As a rule, when pustules appear, combination treatment including systemic antibacterial drugs is required.

For mild to moderate acne, a dermatologist may prescribe medications with azelaic acid, for example, Azelik®5,9 gel. It normalizes keratinization processes, reduces the level of free fatty acids, and exhibits antimicrobial activity against Propionibacterium acnes and Staphylococcus epidermidis5. Azelik® gel reduces the metabolism of neutrophils and their synthesis of free radical forms of oxygen5.


How to treat

If you notice acne on your chin, you need to take a number of measures. To begin with, it is worth remembering that they should absolutely not be touched, crushed, pierced or picked apart. Violation of the texture of the tubercle can lead to the spread of streptoderma, infection of wounds, and the formation of scars. The ban on touching with dirty hands is especially strict.

It is necessary to adjust your diet: give up fatty, salty, sweet, smoked and spicy foods. It would not be superfluous to exclude peelings, deep cleansing gels, scrubs, and new cosmetics. Often, aggressive drugs dry out the skin and create a favorable environment for the proliferation of pimples.

Video: Causes of acne on the chin

Treatment of acne begins with the elimination of intestinal dysbiosis, for this purpose the enterosorbent Enterosgel is used. Due to its delicate gel-like structure, it is delicately distributed on the surface of the membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, collects and removes toxins, pathogenic bacteria

An important difference between Enterosgel and other sorbents is that harmful substances are firmly bound to the gel and are not released in the underlying sections of the gastrointestinal tract. Other enterosorbents may miss some of the adsorbed toxins, maintaining inflammation in the intestines and skin

It is also worth remembering that other finely dispersed sorbents act like a vacuum cleaner, absorbing not only allergens, but also essential microelements and beneficial microflora. Enterosgel acts in a targeted manner, absorbing mainly harmful substances.

The first step in the fight for healthy skin is proper nutrition.

Until the exact cause of the problem is identified, you can use gentle folk recipes. The only note is that there must be absolute confidence in the absence of allergic reactions to the components.

Treatment with folk remedies

Decoctions and infusions of herbs will help calm inflammation and resolve small pimples on the chin. People try not to use alcoholic options unless acne is caused solely by pollution.

The juice is squeezed out of aloe and diluted with a few drops of water. Wipe the chin with the resulting mixture 2-3 times a day using a cotton pad.

Prepared from herbs:

  • decoction 1 tbsp. plants are filled with 1 glass of water. Cook for 15 minutes over low heat or water bath;
  • infusion. 1 tsp herbs pour 0.5 cups of boiling water. Leave for 15-20 minutes.

The solution obtained by any option is filtered after cooling to room temperature. Next, use one of the methods.

Cosmetic treatment

This stage of eliminating acne from the chin should begin with careful daily cleansing of the face. Washing is carried out with warm water in the mornings, soft foam in the evenings. It is necessary to completely remove makeup and rinse the skin with cool water upon completion of the procedure. It is better not to use cosmetics for problem skin before consulting a specialist.

Effective skin cleansing

A cosmetologist's office may prescribe deep professional cleaning using manual, ultrasonic, ozone or other methods. Sometimes cryotherapy, a course of darsonvalization, chemical peelings, laser resurfacing, and vitamin mesotherapy are useful. Strong disinfectants will be used. In some cases, steaming is carried out, which allows you to open the pores and remove the contents of the tubercles.

Cosmetic procedures are not performed during inflammatory stages. Also, most of them are prohibited for pregnant women, teenagers and those with thin skin. The selection of procedures is carried out strictly individually.

Drug treatment

Drug therapy begins only after examination and diagnosis in a doctor’s office. Depending on the identified problems, antihistamines, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial drugs are prescribed in the form of tablets and ointments. In case of endocrine and gynecological problems, one has to resort to hormonal drugs. Rarely, broad-spectrum or narrow-spectrum antibiotics are required.

Ointments suitable for external application:

  • Baziron. Successfully copes with different types of bacteria, suitable for different types of acne;

Popular products Klenzit, Skinoretin, salicylic acid, Retasol, Dalatsin have similar principles of action.

Acne on the chin from overeating and gastrointestinal problems is most often treated with the use of enterosorbents (activated carbon, Smecta, Polysorb, Enterosgel) and probiotics (Hilak Forte, Normabakt). Even such safe medications should not be abused without control - overdoses can lead to vitamin deficiencies.

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