Why do nipples peel and is it dangerous? We answer pressing questions

What happens to the breasts during pregnancy? The mammary glands increase in size starting from the first days of pregnancy

Immediately after conception, changes begin to occur in a woman’s body that affect absolutely all organs and systems. The female breast is no exception, therefore, during the period of bearing a child, it also undergoes a number of transformations that affect its size, the condition of the glandular cells, appearance and ability to feed. What happens to the mammary glands during pregnancy? What changes in the breast are characteristic of different stages of gestation (pregnancy)?

Causes of breast changes during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the main reason for changes in the mammary glands is an increase in hormone levels in the body. The following hormones are involved in the process:

  • Estrogen and progesterone, which are produced in increased quantities by the placenta, directly affect the mammary glands. Under their influence, the female breast is prepared for the postpartum period - glandular tissue increases, lactation is temporarily blocked.
  • Prolactin begins to be produced under the influence of estrogen, with its significant accumulation. The tasks of prolactin include controlling the maturation of the mammary gland and the formation of breast milk. After childbirth, when estrogen and progesterone levels drop sharply, prolactin triggers active production of breast milk.
  • Oxytocin is actively produced during lactation, when the baby begins to suckle. The hormone allows milk to be removed from the mammary gland and maintains prolactin levels high.

Important changes in the mammary glands depend on the effects of prolactin, oxytocin and progesterone. Thanks to the combined action of these hormones, the expectant mother will be able to feed her baby with the best nutrition - breast milk.

How to get rid of it?

It will not be news that in order to eliminate dryness it is necessary to influence the cause of its occurrence. In the most common situations, breast skin requires proper care. It is worth giving up aggressive detergents and drying lotions, replacing them with delicate cleansing, softening and moisturizing products (foam, milk, creams). Homemade breast masks made from available ingredients will also help with care:

  • Oatmeal, milk, honey, butter.
  • Banana pulp with olive oil.
  • Crushed oatmeal with grated carrots.

At the same time, it is necessary to normalize the drinking regime and the intake of vitamins from food. During breastfeeding, it is recommended to treat nipples with ointments based on medical lanolin and dexpanthenol. This helps eliminate dryness and faster healing of damage. Lotions made from decoctions of chamomile, string, lemon balm, as well as lubricating the skin with almond oil will help relieve itching during pregnancy.

By removing the allergen (underwear, cosmetics), you can eliminate the skin reaction itself, which is the effectiveness of elimination therapy. If the disease has acquired the character of neurodermatitis, then the use of antihistamines and corticosteroids will be required.

The only situation where radical correction is necessary is breast cancer. Unfortunately, in other cases the prognosis becomes disappointing. Surgical removal of the tumor is combined with radiation, hormone and chemotherapy. There are also biological drugs that act on certain receptors on cancer cells.

What happens to the breasts during pregnancy?

After fertilization of the egg and its attachment to the wall of the uterus, the woman’s entire body is reconstructed to a new regime, a prerequisite for which is changes in the mammary glands. Such changes include:

  1. an increase in the volume of the mammary glands;
  2. increased sensitivity and pain;
  3. darkening of the areolar circles (the area around the nipples);
  4. the appearance of discharge from the nipples;
  5. formation of a venous network on the chest.

The mammary glands begin to increase in size from the first days of pregnancy. On average, during the entire period of bearing a child, breasts can increase by 2-3 sizes. Therefore, at this time, a woman should pay special attention to caring for her mammary glands, which will help maintain their shape and prevent the formation of stretch marks in the future. You should use special bras and creams; it is also advisable to remember a set of physical exercises for the chest and learn how to massage.

One of the early signs of pregnancy is increased sensitivity and pain in the breast area. Often, the expectant mother notices numbness, tingling or itching of the mammary glands, which indicates their preparation for lactation. In addition, the changes extend to the nipples, which become darker along with the surrounding areolas. The diameter of the nipple circles can increase up to 5 cm, while the length of the nipples in most cases reaches 1-1.3 cm.

In the last weeks of pregnancy, a woman begins to notice the appearance of discharge from the nipples. This is how colostrum (secret) appears, which is necessary for babies in the first days of their life. If such discharge becomes abundant, it is advisable to use lactation pads. In most women, a venous network protrudes on enlarged breasts, which occurs due to increased blood flow. This goes away after childbirth and does not pose a health risk.

As a rule, pain and increased sensitivity in the breast area disappear after the first weeks of pregnancy. In later stages, a woman no longer worries about the pain associated with breast growth, but other changes appear in the form of darkening of the areolas and enlargement of the nipples2.

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Future mom

The abdomen is actively growing, and the fundus of the uterus occupies a position midway between the navel and the woman’s pubis. The normal weight gain for a given week is 5 kg. Also, the 17th week of pregnancy is characterized by an increase in the total blood volume of the expectant mother, because her fetus needs intensive nutrition. You may also notice a rapid heartbeat due to large amounts of blood passing through the heart. Additional heart contractions or tachycardia may not be felt at all by the pregnant woman or may cause her discomfort. In case of active manifestation of tachycardia, you should seek help and advice from your gynecologist or cardiologist, who can identify the symptoms of heart disease in a pregnant woman, as well as prescribe the correct treatment to maintain normal well-being.

A sharp increase in the volume of blood in the usual circulation can cause the expectant mother to have an increased level of bleeding gums, as well as nosebleeds. Increased load on the capillaries often leads to a malfunction in their operation. The mucous membranes of the nose and mouth are especially vulnerable. Properly selected vitamin complexes will correct this situation and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. In addition, doctors recommend using a soft toothbrush for hygienic purposes, which will reduce the risk of bleeding gums. It is also recommended to rinse the nasal passages with solutions such as AQUAMARIS, PHYSIOMER, SALIN. You can prepare a similar solution at home if you wish. For this you will need 1 teaspoon of salt and a glass of water. All ingredients should be mixed before use. If these simple recommendations are ineffective and bleeding becomes more frequent, you should seek help from a specialist.

Changes you can't ignore

Each woman’s body is individual, so all the changes that occur in the mammary glands also manifest themselves differently. Despite this, there are a number of alarming breast symptoms that should not be ignored under any circumstances. These include:

  • the appearance of bloody discharge from the nipples, as well as secretion with an unpleasant odor or dark green color;
  • severe pain in the area of ​​the mammary glands with the formation of a lump that hurts and twitches;
  • retraction of the nipples and the appearance of the so-called orange peel on the surface of the breast;
  • uneven increase in mammary glands in volume, the appearance of a hard and painful area in the breast, the presence of depressions and an increase in local skin temperature over a specific area of ​​glandular tissue.

Such pathological symptoms should never be ignored. If a problem is detected, you must immediately contact a specialist. It is important to remember that disruption of the normal development of the mammary glands during pregnancy may be a sign of a frozen pregnancy or indicate an ectopic pregnancy. In addition, the absence of changes in the breast confirms the fact of insufficient production of hormones, which carries the risk of miscarriage, the formation of inflammation in the thickness of the glandular tissue or on surfaces of the internal genital organs.

Often women do not notice changes in their breasts, and also do not pay attention to other changes associated with the growing baby in the stomach. It is important to understand that only careful attention to your body and your special situation will help you determine the presence of a problem in time and prevent troubles. Pregnancy requires careful treatment of your body, and your breasts are no exception.


At the 18th week, the child weighs about 200-250 g, and its length is approximately 20 cm. During this period, the structure of the brain becomes more complex, and its total mass also increases; nerve fibers are covered with myelin, a special fatty sheath that promotes accelerated nerve conduction. nerve impulses. After the birth of the child, this shell will allow the child to respond to stimuli from the outside.

The appearance of the fetus already slightly resembles a newborn baby and is actively approaching this state. Facial features become more and more distinct, the ears, which were previously tightly pressed to the head, are straightened, the middle ear is formed, and its perception is also improved. At this stage of pregnancy, the baby can already perceive stimuli from the outside and respond to various kinds of sounds. The noises that occur in the mother’s body due to the active work of the internal organs are completely normal and familiar to him, and also contribute to the training of auditory perception.

It is impossible not to note the intensive work of the fetal endocrine system. At 18-19 weeks, the release of “baby” hormones is large enough that even the mother’s body can be supplied with them. If a woman’s body lacks its own hormones, they are compensated for by children’s hormones, and the mother’s condition returns to normal.

Constant fatigue and loss of strength.;

These early signs of pregnancy occur primarily as a result of the body's natural reduction in immune defenses so that the embryo can fully grow and develop. Try to reduce your stress at home and at work and distribute tasks in such a way that you do not get tired. You should not drink a lot of coffee and supplements with a high caffeine content: it depletes the body's internal resources, giving a temporary boost in strength for a short time.

Sudden mood swings.

You woke up in a good mood, but a minute later absolutely everything irritates you? This is not a mental disorder. Until hormonal levels stabilize, constantly changing emotions, a sudden transition from negative to positive, can accompany a woman throughout pregnancy. Explain to your loved ones that now you are more sensitive to everything that happens around you. When your hormonal levels return to normal, you will feel better. This usually happens in the second trimester of pregnancy. If emotional problems bother you too much, be sure to ask your doctor to prescribe you a mild sedative that is not contraindicated for pregnant women.

Dizziness, fainting.

Brief loss of consciousness is usually associated with pressure changes. Even if a woman has never lost consciousness before, she should be especially careful. If you feel dizzy, you should provide access to fresh air: ask those nearby to open the window and ventilate the room. To avoid fainting, try to choose loose clothing made from natural materials that is appropriate for the weather. If your job involves physical labor, then you should consider reducing your workload during the day.


The appearance of heartburn in the early stages is also explained by changes in hormonal levels. This symptom can occur at the very beginning of pregnancy and does not disappear until childbirth. A feeling of discomfort or burning behind the sternum is provoked by the reflux of acidic stomach contents and usually does not indicate a serious pathology. Drinking chocolate, strong tea and coffee, as well as citrus fruits increases heartburn attacks. You may want to avoid these foods at least during the first trimester of pregnancy. Wearing tight and uncomfortable clothing can also cause heartburn. It is worth monitoring your diet more carefully and avoiding long periods of time between meals.

The appearance of colostrum

Many women in the last stages of pregnancy have itchy and flaky nipples. The reason for this is the abundant secretion of colostrum. Often the problem is faced by women who have already given birth and whose milk ducts are well developed. The secreted colostrum dries out on the skin of the breast and causes itching and flaking.

All this is an absolutely normal pattern. To reduce irritation to sensitive skin, shower more often. If it is not possible, wipe the skin with baby wipes. Special absorbent breast pads can also help.

Isolation of irritating secretion

During pregnancy, nipples can not only itch, but also become irritated. Often the skin on them turns red and peels. The reason for the appearance of this symptom is the release of a special secretion.

If you look closely at a woman's breast, you will be able to notice small whitish bumps on the areola of the nipple. Many women believe that this is a sign of illness or even begin to squeeze them out. In fact, this is an absolutely natural structure of the female breast. These sacs contain a special secretion that is released in large quantities during breastfeeding. This function of the female body is intended for the normal organization of lactation. The secreted substance lubricates the nipple areola and protects it from drying out and cracking.

Increased abdominal volume.

To bear a child, not only the mother’s internal resources are required, but also reliable protection. The layer of subcutaneous fat in the abdomen is necessary to maintain the optimal temperature of the internal organs. Weight gain in this area is a feature of the female body that has existed since ancient times, which allows, in case of hunger, to use reserves as an energy substrate to support the life of the expectant mother and baby. Eating “for two” is not an option in this case: it is worth distinguishing between emotional and physical hunger. Excessive weight gain is harmful to the baby and complicates the course of pregnancy, and is also a risk factor for gestational diabetes.

And yet, the main symptom, the appearance of which may mean pregnancy, is a delay in the onset of menstruation for more than three days

. Obstetrics classifies it as probable signs, and the above symptoms are only speculative. From the very first days of the delay, the presence of pregnancy is confirmed with fairly high accuracy using special tests that respond to an increase in the content of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in the urine. These are various test strips that are convenient to use at home. There are several rules that reduce the likelihood of false positive and false negative results:

  • It is worth using morning urine, since the hCG content in it is higher.
  • It is not recommended to increase the amount of fluid consumed before the test. Urine diluted with water has a lower concentration of the hormone and is not informative for the test.
  • It is important to check the expiration date of the test. Expired tests may show incorrect results.

The most rational decision if the test result is positive is to consult a doctor in order to determine the quantitative value of hCG and undergo a transvaginal gynecological ultrasound. This procedure allows you to most accurately determine the duration of pregnancy and ensure that the embryo develops inside the uterus, excluding ectopic pregnancy.

Experts' opinion

An important component of the emulsion is licorice extract, the anti-inflammatory activity of which has been clinically proven as part of a study of the biological activity of aqueous extracts of chamomile flowers, raspberries, licorice rhizomes and their combinations at the Bashkir State University.[1]

A clinical study of La-Cri products proves their high effectiveness, safety and tolerability for daily skin care of adults and children. The products are recommended by the Union of Pediatricians of Russia and are safe for the delicate skin of the expectant mother.

Frequent urge to urinate.

The nerve endings located in the bladder react to even the slightest impact. The growing uterus puts pressure on the bladder during pregnancy, causing a constant desire to visit the restroom. This symptom is often detected at 5-6 weeks of pregnancy after a missed period, but can appear already at the beginning of the first trimester due to individual characteristics. There is evidence that progesterone reduces the tone of the bladder, which affects its physiology.


The 19th week is characterized for the fetus by intensive growth of the limbs in length, an increase in size, and a slowdown in head growth. Its length is already 25 cm, and its weight is approximately 250-300 g. The child changes greatly in appearance, his body no longer looks disproportionate.

The fat under the skin allows the relief of the body to change slightly and become rounded. This brown fat is formed at 19-20 weeks. After birth, it is he who will perform the function of thermoregulation and protect the child from hypothermia or overheating. With age, this fat disappears and remains only in certain places: in the thickness of a person’s cheeks, kidney area, under the armpits, and shoulder blades.

At this stage, the formation of permanent teeth, which are located in the dental plate under the rudiments of milk teeth, and the maturation of the brain also occur. Special processes allow connections between neurons to be established. Cells intertwine with each other and create a whole system for transmitting impulses, ensuring the synchrony of the brain. The structures responsible for touch, taste, vision, hearing, and smell are actively developing.

Changes also occur in the hematopoietic system. The spleen is connected to the process of formation of blood cells, produces leukocytes, the task of which is to protect the child’s body from external and internal factors. Until 19-20 weeks, the fetal blood consisted only of red blood cells, and at this stage its composition changes sharply and approaches the composition of the blood of a newborn.


Toxicosis of pregnant women usually appears at 4 or 5 weeks after conception, but nausea and vomiting can begin to bother the expectant mother as early as the first month. Nausea is usually accompanied by weakness, lack of appetite, and headache. These symptoms during pregnancy cause a lot of trouble for the expectant mother, especially if vomiting is repeated and interferes with daily activities. Antiemetics that are not contraindicated for pregnant women are available today at any pharmacy, but you should consult a doctor before using them.

The danger of cracked nipples

It may seem that microtraumas do not cause much harm to the mother, but this is not so. It is not worth neglecting them and feeding them forcefully, ignoring the pain. In reality, damaged nipple skin is an open door for a variety of infections. If bacteria get into the crack, an inflammatory process may begin, which will subsequently spread to the entire mammary gland. Cracks can cause mastitis.

In addition, inflammation can lead to serious consequences: you will need to take medications and possibly stop breastfeeding. Therefore, if cracks appear on the nipples, you need to pay attention to it immediately, do not endure it and do not think that pain is normal. It is easier to deal with cracks when they are still shallow; The more severe the injuries, the longer they will take to heal.

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