Balsamic liniment (according to Vishnevsky) analogues and prices

A purulent formation on the gum is popularly called gumboil. Very often it is not taken seriously, but it is not just a small swelling that will go away on its own. Flux is an ontogenic periostitis, a complex infectious disease that affects the periosteum and jaw bone. Periostitis occurs quite often, but without adequate treatment it is fraught with serious complications, including blood poisoning.

It is almost impossible to cure gumboil without the help of a dentist. The treatment program includes therapeutic, physiotherapeutic, and surgical methods.

Have you noticed purulent formations on your gums and swelling of your cheeks? Do you have acute pain in your tooth or gum? Come for a consultation with a dentist at our clinic. Timely treatment of flux allows you to get rid of the problem within about 7 days.

Why does flux form?

Dental diseases are always the precursor to gumboil. Most often lead to suppuration:

  • Untreated caries. If caries is not treated, the inflammatory process begins to spread to other tissues. Pulpitis and periodontitis gradually develop.
  • Mechanical injury. Injury can lead to more than just crown destruction. Very often, an inflammatory process develops in injured tooth or gum tissues. Without treatment, purulent processes develop and gumboil forms.
  • Periodontitis. In more than half of the cases, gumboil develops precisely against the background of periodontitis, as its complication. This is due to the fact that purulent processes from periodontal pockets can spread to the neck of the tooth.
  • Poorly sealed canals. Before filling, the canals must be completely cleaned and the filling material must completely fill the cavity. If at least one of the conditions is violated, the infection from the canal spreads to other tissues.

Vishnevsky ointment or Levomekol - which is better and more effective

Manufacturer: NIZHFARM (Russia)
Release form: ointment

Active ingredient: chloramphenicol, methyluracil

Both drugs have equivalent indications and results in the treatment of purulent wounds.

Levomekol will be effective in the acute period, when there is an inflammatory process, but there is no pus. This analogue copes well with inflammation due to ingrown toenails.

When an abscess forms that does not reach the surface of the skin (furuncle, panaritium), it would be rational to use Vishnevsky ointment in the form of a compress to stimulate its formation. In the area of ​​influence of the medicine, blood flow occurs and the “maturation” of the abscess accelerates.

After drainage of the cavity and discharge of pus, it is better to continue treatment with Levomekol, which actively suppresses pathogenic microflora and stimulates the healing of the damaged skin area.

When do you need dental help?

Flux has pronounced symptoms. The main one is the appearance of an abscess on the gum next to the diseased tooth. The abscess develops gradually. At first, the gums swell a little and a small red or whitish bump is noticeable on it. After some time, a noticeable fistulous tract forms on the lump, from which pus flows. The development of periostitis is accompanied by other symptoms:

  • Swelling and swelling of the gums, lips, cheeks. Sometimes they can be so large that facial features are distorted.
  • Severe cutting pain in the tooth area. Innervates the temporal region, orbits.
  • The diseased tooth begins to become very loose, even if there was no mobility before or it was insignificant.

Since flux is caused by infection, it is characterized by symptoms that appear during any infectious process. The patient feels unwell, his temperature rises, his head hurts, and weakness appears. Lymph nodes on the head and neck become enlarged.

Any of these symptoms is a reason to consult a doctor. The more advanced the case, the higher the risk of complications. This disease is often accompanied by other pathological processes. For example, a cyst may form in tissues affected by infection.

Balsamic liniment (according to Vishnevsky) analogues and prices

Description Hard gelatin capsules of yellow color No. 0, cylindrical in shape with hemispherical ends. Composition one capsule contains: Active substances: Lipoid C 100 in terms of phosphatidylcholine - 50.0 mg, milk thistle fruit extract dry in terms of silymarin - 45.0 mg, dry vitamin E-acetate 50% DC in terms of α-tocopheryl acetate - 30.0 mg, selenomethionine, premix 0.5% in terms of selenium - 0.012 mg. Excipients: calcium stearate, collidon 30 (povidone), colloidal anhydrous silicon dioxide (Aerosil-300), maltodextrin, calcium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate.

Composition of the gelatin capsule shell: Gelatin, titanium dioxide E171, quinoline yellow E104, azorubine E122, crimson 4R E124, purified water.

Capsule form Pharmacotherapeutic group Combined drug for the treatment of liver diseases.

Pharmacological properties Combined drug. It has a membrane-stabilizing, hepatoprotective, antioxidant effect. Phosphatidylcholine is a structural element of cellular and intracellular membranes, capable of restoring their structure and function when damaged, providing a cytoprotective effect. Normalizes protein and lipid metabolism, prevents the loss of enzymes and other active substances by hepatocytes, restores the detoxifying function of the liver, inhibits the formation of connective tissue, reducing the risk of fibrosis and cirrhosis of the liver. Silymarin has a hepatoprotective effect due to competitive interaction with receptors for the corresponding toxins in the hepatocyte membrane, thus exhibiting a membrane-stabilizing effect, stimulates the synthesis of proteins (structural and functional) and phospholipids in damaged hepatocytes, thus accelerating regenerative processes. The effect of flavonoids, which include silymarin, is also determined by their antioxidant properties and effects that improve microcirculation. Vitamin E is involved in the processes of cell proliferation, tissue metabolism, prevents hemolysis of red blood cells, and prevents increased permeability and fragility of capillaries. The drug inhibits free radical reactions, prevents the formation of peroxides that damage cellular and subcellular membranes. Improves tissue respiration, stimulates protein synthesis (collagen, enzymatic, structural and contractile proteins of skeletal and smooth muscles, myocardium), protects vitamin A from oxidation, inhibits cholesterol synthesis. Inhibits the oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids and selenium (a component of the microsomal electron transfer system). Selenium is one of the essential microelements that plays an important role in the normal functioning of vital organs and systems. Selenium has a protective effect in acute and chronic intoxication with xenobiotics. Selenium is an effective antioxidant at the cellular level.

Indications for use The drug is used in the complex treatment of chronic toxic liver damage; for maintenance treatment in patients with chronic inflammatory liver diseases or cirrhosis, for the symptomatic elimination of loss of appetite and/or heaviness in the right hypochondrium in the following liver diseases: fatty liver degeneration (also in diabetes); hepatitis of any nature, acute and chronic; cirrhosis; toxic liver damage, drug-induced liver damage; alcoholic liver disease, cholestasis.

Contraindications Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, children under 12 years of age (lack of sufficient evidence base). Warnings and special instructions Do not exceed the recommended doses of the drug. Treatment with the drug cannot replace a diet or giving up anything in case of liver damage (for example, alcohol). Use with caution in patients with hormonal disorders (endometriosis, uterine fibroids, breast, ovarian and uterine carcinoma, prostate carcinoma) due to the possible estrogen-like effect of silymarin. If allergic reactions occur, treatment with the drug should be discontinued. Use during pregnancy or lactation It is not recommended to use the drug during pregnancy and lactation. Method of administration and dosage Standard treatment regimen for children over 12 years of age and adults: initial dose - 3 times a day, 2 capsules for at least 3 months, maintenance dose - 3 times a day, one capsule for at least 4 weeks. Take capsules during meals, without chewing, with a small amount of water. The attending physician may recommend a different dosage and duration of treatment, depending on the patient’s condition and the course of the disease.

Side effects The drug is well tolerated. The following side effects can rarely be observed: From the gastrointestinal system: nausea, dyspepsia, diarrhea. On the part of the skin and skin appendages: in some cases, allergic skin reactions are possible - itching, rash. Others: It is rare to see an exacerbation of existing vestibular disorders. Side effects are transient and disappear after stopping the drug.

Overdose There is no evidence of drug overdose. In case of accidental ingestion of a high dose, induce vomiting, perform gastric lavage using activated charcoal and symptomatic treatment if necessary. Interactions with drugs and other types of interactions Interactions with other drugs due to the presence of silymarin: When silymarin is used together with oral contraceptives and drugs for hormone replacement treatment, the effect of the latter may be reduced. Silymarin can enhance the effect of drugs such as diazepam, alprazolam, ketoconazole, lovastatin, vinblastine due to its inhibitory effect on the cytochrome P 450 system. Interactions with other drugs due to the presence of vitamin E: Increases the effectiveness of anticonvulsants in patients with epilepsy in whom An increased content of lipid peroxidation products in the blood was detected. Enhances the effect of steroidal and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and antioxidants. Increases the effectiveness and reduces the toxicity of cardiac glycosides, as well as vitamins A and D. Cholestyramine, colestipol, and mineral oils reduce the absorption of alpha tocopheryl acetate. High doses of iron enhance oxidative processes in the body, which increases the need for vitamin E. With the simultaneous use of alpha tocopheryl acetate with cyclosporine, the absorption of the latter increases.

Impact on the ability to drive a car, work with equipment . No effect.

Pack of 10 capsules in a blister pack. 3 or 6 blister packs in a cardboard pack.

Storage conditions : protected from moisture and light at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life: 2 years. Do not use after the expiration date stated on the packaging.

Flux treatment methods

Treatment should be started as early as possible. If an abscess on the gum opens spontaneously, there is a risk of infection entering the bloodstream. With such an infection, blood poisoning develops, and such a complication can lead to serious consequences, including the death of the patient.

Flux treatment is always complex. The treatment program depends on the degree of tooth decay and the spread of infection.

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It must be remembered that all of the above remedies should be used only after consulting a specialist, especially if you were diagnosed with an abscess during pregnancy. Vishnevsky's treatment for bartholinitis will be much more effective and efficient together with traditional medicine. Remember that you are responsible not only for yourself, but also for the life of your unborn baby.

Unfortunately, both at home and after professional treatment, the unpleasant “sore” can reappear. It is better to take preventive measures: wear comfortable underwear, monitor genital hygiene and do not change partners.

If the size of the lumps reaches the size of a nut and it causes severe pain, then be sure to make an appointment with a urologist.

Opening an abscess on the gum

The abscess is always opened. This reduces the risk of spontaneous opening, which can cause complications. The flux is opened under local anesthesia. If the patient has panic or other indications, the doctor may choose a different method of anesthesia.

A small incision is made on the anesthetized gum in the area of ​​the gumboil, no more than 2 cm in length. After the dissection, the doctor completely cleans and sterilizes the purulent cavity and treats it with antiseptics. A crust should not be allowed to form in the area of ​​the incision, as it will interfere with the outflow of ichor and purulent contents. To do this, a drainage is inserted into the incision. After the cavity is cleared of pus, you can begin general treatment, the purpose of which is to eliminate the causes that caused periostitis.

General treatment

Methods depend on the reasons that caused the flux. The only exception is periostitis, which develops against the background of periodontitis. In this case, immediately after opening the abscess, the doctor begins periodontal treatment. No medical manipulations with the tooth are required. In other cases of dental disease you need to treat:

  • Pulpitis. First, the dentist drills out carious cavities and performs pulp removal. After this, endodontic canal treatment is performed.
  • Periodontitis. Treatment depends on whether depulpation and canal filling have been previously performed. If periodontitis has developed for the first time, the doctor will remove the pulp, clean and fill the canals. If filling of the canals has already been performed previously, they need to be unfilled and treated again. Since it is very important that the pus comes out of the flux completely, when treating complicated pulpitis and periodontitis, a temporary filling is not placed.
  • Tooth after restoration. At the first stage, the doctor is faced with the task of completely removing inflammation. After this, the damaged tissue of the root apex is removed. If the condition of the root allows, the tooth is restored again using a core tab or pin and an artificial crown. When the damage is very severe, it is more advisable to remove the tooth.


Physiotherapeutic methods are used as additional ones. They allow you to quickly cope with the infection and stop the inflammatory process. The following methods can achieve good results:

  • Fluctuarization. The inflamed tissues are exposed to low voltage current.
  • Electrophoresis with lidase. Electrical current is applied to the tissue, allowing the drug to be effectively distributed.
  • Ultrahigh frequency therapy. The method is based on the influence of an electromagnetic field.
  • Ultrasound therapy. The effect of ultrasound on infected tissues accelerates their regeneration.
  • Laser therapy. Damaged tooth tissue is treated with a laser beam.

Indications for use of Vishnevsky ointment

The drug is prescribed for external use in the following processes:

  • purulent-inflammatory processes of the skin (carbuncles, boils, phlegmon, abscesses);
  • infected wounds of a purulent nature;
  • trophic ulcers of various origins (diabetes mellitus, varicose veins);
  • osteomyelitis;
  • burns, bedsores, frostbite;
  • psoriasis;
  • obliterating endarteritis.

This medication is used as a remedy for subcutaneous acne, for the treatment of external hemorrhoids, and nonspecific diseases of the female genitalia (syphilis).


They are used as an additional treatment in order to completely remove pus and ichor from an opened abscess and prevent the infection from spreading to healthy areas. Soda-salt baths and rinsing with antiseptic solutions help make treatment more effective and speed up gum healing. When rinsing, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • During the day, do 4-5 gentle rinses or baths. To do this, just take the solution into your mouth and hold it for about 30 seconds.
  • During the day, do 4-5 gentle rinses or baths. To do this, just take the solution into your mouth and hold it for about 30 seconds.

Vishnevsky ointment instructions for use

According to the instructions for use of Vishnevsky ointment, the drug is used externally in the form of bandages, compresses, tampons. The product is applied to a gauze pad, which is applied to the affected area and fixed.

The bandage with the medicine is changed up to 3 times a day, depending on the extent of the pathological focus and the degree of activity of the inflammatory process. The use of Vishnevsky ointment continues until purulent discharge on the wound surface is completely cleared.

In gynecological practice, treatment of inflammatory phenomena with Vishnevsky ointment is carried out using tampons soaked in medication. They are inserted into the vagina. This therapy is recommended by a gynecologist for 7 days and under his mandatory supervision.

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