Unusual peelings from Tiande - effectiveness and features of use

Cleansing is the most important step in skin care. The keratinized cells accumulated on the surface interfere with the breathing and nutrition of the skin, accelerating the rate of its withering, the appearance of wrinkles, and contributes to inflammatory processes on the face. Peels are the simplest and most effective method to cope with the task. Among the variety of cosmetic products, Tiande facial peeling should be highlighted. This is a simple, non-allergenic, affordable and, most importantly, effective cleansing product.

About the manufacturer

TianDe is a world-famous cosmetics corporation founded in 2007 in Barnaul. Its product catalog contains over 700 items. Among them there are medicinal and decorative cosmetics, jewelry, perfumes, hair, body and face care products, dietary supplements, and more.

Translated from Chinese, TianDe means heavenly perfection. The name of the company echoes the main goal of its developers - the desire for an ideal body, harmony and beauty of appearance, sophistication and perfection of the image.

Unlike other cosmetic brands, Tiande products have a therapeutic and prophylactic effect, created using recipes and secrets of Tibetan, Altai and ancient Chinese medicine.

The company's production capacity is primarily concentrated in China. All TianDe cosmetics meet the requirements of international quality standards ISO 9001-2002.

Review of exfoliation products

To keep your skin looking healthy and maintaining youth and beauty longer, do not neglect the issue of deep cleansing. For this purpose, the Tiande company offers peeling rolls. The formula of the products provides gentle exfoliation, high-quality removal of keratinized cells and their deposits, hydration, nutrition and restoration of the integument.

Peeling based on placenta

The placental series is recommended for clients over 35 years of age. The main active ingredient is sheep placenta extract. The component simultaneously works in several directions:

  • enhances metabolism;
  • increases protective properties;
  • prevents skin pigmentation, whitens;
  • improves tissue elasticity;
  • normalizes water balance;
  • replenishes the lack of important trace elements and minerals.

The product also contains natural ingredients including coconut oil, aloe, wheat germ oil and propolis.

Long-term and regular use of the product allows you to smooth out the relief of the epidermis, increase tone and turgor, even out and improve complexion.

The cost of the peeling roll is 343 rubles for a volume of 80 ml.

Peeling Tibetan Herbs TianDe

Peeling roller from the Tibetan Herbs series is also recommended for the age category 35+. Extracts and esters of Tibetan medicinal herbs in combination with water from healing springs care for and rejuvenate the skin. Natural peeling ingredients include seaweed extracts, aloe, xanthan gum, geranium and lavender oils, rose oil, and others. It contains salicylic acid and an active BHA softener, which help quickly exfoliate dead cells.

The product effectively cleanses the upper layers of the skin, reduces the number of wrinkles, improves skin color, makes it elastic and soft. Peels from Tiande are gentle and do not leave burns or side effects.

Note! In addition to the direct effect on the skin, the Tibetan Herbs TianDe peeling roll calms the nervous system, relaxes, and turns a regular procedure into aromatherapy.

Tibetan Herbs TianDe has no restrictions on the type of cover; there are only company recommendations on the frequency of cleaning:

  • for sensitive and dry skin - 1 procedure every 7 days;
  • for oily skin – 2–3 peelings every 7 days;
  • for normal – no more than two applications in 7 days.

The cost of the Tibetan Herbs TianDe peeling roll is 397 rubles per 60 ml.

Express peeling Zhenfei Perfect

Zhenfei Perfect facial peeling gently cleanses the skin, replenishes the lack of moisture in cells and activates the synthesis of natural collagen. All this is thanks to seaweed extract and hyaluronic acid, which are part of the product.

Zhenfei Perfect express peeling should be used by users over 35 years of age, regardless of skin type. The action of the peeling ray is aimed at correcting visible imperfections on the face, as well as slowing down the aging process with age.

The peeling is made in a soft tube package, has a uniform consistency, and smells pleasant. The price of the product is 628 rubles for 90 ml.

Antioxidant peeling

Extra cleansing and additional protection are guaranteed by antioxidant peeling. It contains malic acid, green tea and cordyceps extract. The product can be used for any type of skin, even very sensitive ones.

Peeling roller gently removes dead layers, stimulates cell regeneration and prevents early skin aging, refreshes complexion and evens out skin texture. The product will be useful at a young and mature age.

The cost of peeling is 414 rubles per package of 120 g.

Active peeling gel Marine Collagen

Peeling gel Marine Collagen has a dual effect: cleanses and cares for facial skin. The gel effectively gets rid of dead cells, moisturizes, rejuvenates the face, and increases the effectiveness of the cream and serum then applied.

The product can be used when you have time, regardless of the time of day, summer or winter, even before an important event or a walk. Marine Collagen acts quickly and leaves no residue on the face other than refreshed and smooth skin.

The product is odorless, the texture is dense, gel-like. Conveniently and evenly distributed, does not cause allergies.

Purchasing a facial cleansing gel will cost 793 rubles per 80 g tube.

Snake skin and fat peeling

A peeling roll made from snake skin and fat will help cleanse the skin and pores, correct the relief of the integument, refresh the face and give it a healthy shine. Snake oil has long been used in oriental medicine; it is known for its high anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties. Snake skin extract stimulates metabolic processes in epidermal cells, including their renewal. The formula also includes highly moisturizing components and vitamins.

You can use the peeling roll up to two times a week, this indicator depends on the type of skin.

The product is used sparingly, so a package (100 ml) will last for a long time. The cost of the product is 283 rubles.

Series of universal peelings

A series of universal peelings will help improve the condition of the epidermis, free it from dead cells, refresh and replenish the lack of important minerals and vitamins. In this series, everyone will find their favorite skin cleansing product:

  • “Olive” - moisturizes;
  • “Grape” - restores;
  • “Milk” - rejuvenates;
  • “Lemon” - evens out the complexion tone;
  • “Cucumber” - refreshing;
  • “Pomegranate” - increases defense;
  • “Peach” - makes the skin soft and velvety;
  • “Apple” - replenishes the lack of vitamins.

The age and skin type of the user does not matter for the peeling roll; it is absolutely universal.

The composition contains vitamin supplements, fruit acids, and flavorings.

The consistency of the peelings is gel-like and homogeneous. The smell is pleasant, unobtrusive. It is used very economically. The cost of packaging (120 g) is 414 rubles.

Composition of milk peeling from Tiande

The main component of the drug is lactic acid. It is able to dissolve sebaceous plugs and eliminate keratinized skin flakes. Improves collagen synthesis, promotes skin hydration. Milk proteins accelerate recovery processes and reduce irritation, accelerate cell regeneration, and soften the skin.

In addition to the main ingredient, “Milk” peeling contains:

  • water;
  • Glycerin is a medical preparation; when used in peeling, it can moisturize the skin and eliminate crow’s feet and other wrinkles around the eyes. It coats the skin with an invisible barrier, protecting against pollution and germs;
  • Lactoferrin is a powerful antioxidant and immunomodulator; it is able to prevent disruption of the main vital processes at the cellular level. In addition, it nourishes cells with the necessary substances;
  • carbomer - a polymer, belongs to acrylic acid derivatives, serves as a thickener for the composition. It also has moisturizing and soothing properties;
  • propylene glycol is a synthesized additive from petroleum products, but biodegradable. It binds water in the product and is an emulsifier that conducts odors well;
  • malic acid, which stimulates metabolism. It improves blood circulation and tones the skin. Dissolves sebaceous plugs;
  • cytokines accelerate the process of regeneration of epidermal cells. The growth factors of these substances stimulate the body to replenish the loss of old ones in the required quantity. Due to this, an accelerated process of skin renewal occurs;
  • Hydrogenated castor oil prevents moisture loss and moisturizes the skin. It is quickly absorbed and has a calming effect;
  • diazolidinil - urea. This substance is formaldehyde and is highly soluble in water.

The main advantage of carbon laser peeling is considered to be a simultaneous anti-aging effect, as well as an excellent result and a solution to many other dermatological problems. Watch a video about laser carbon peeling.

Egg roll face masks are very beneficial for the skin, they are especially good for oily and problematic skin. Add recipes for protein masks to your home storage box here.

How to whiten your facial skin from annoying age spots and freckles using homemade masks https://ilcosmetic.ru/uhod-za-litsom/maski-uhod-za-litsom/domashnie-ot-pigmentnyh-pyaten.html

Indications for use

The effectiveness of using TianDe Milk Peeling depends on its regular use. If you follow all the recommendations, you can achieve the following improvements:

  • moisturize the skin;
  • smooth out fine wrinkles and make deep ones less noticeable;
  • accelerate the regeneration of epidermal cells;
  • restore natural complexion;
  • normalize the production of collagen and elastin;
  • lighten age spots;
  • balance fat metabolism;
  • soften the skin;
  • protect the skin from external influences and stress.

Cinnamon face masks are one of the extremely effective and popular home cosmetology products. Watch the video of a face mask with cinnamon from Olga Seymour.


“Milk” peeling is considered a pellet, since when it is used, old epidermal cells form pellets and are removed from the surface of the skin after the procedure. It does not have a mechanical effect on it; on the contrary, it forms an invisible protection against moisture loss and the penetration of microbes. But its use should be avoided by those who:

  • there are cuts and wounds on the skin;
  • herpes popped up;
  • high sensitivity to lactic acid;
  • diabetes;
  • period of lactation or pregnancy;
  • oncological diseases of the skin.

Peeling will help rejuvenate the skin, cleanse it and improve complexion. Read more about what ultrasonic facial peeling is and whether it can be done at home.

Watch a video review of the product

Features of application

Before using a peel, it is important to test for an allergic reaction. This will help avoid irritation, allergic rashes, and inflammation. No other special preparation is required for cleansing.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Cleanse your skin of makeup, sweat and dirt. To do this, you can use cleansing milk or lotion.
  2. Dry the surface of your face with a paper towel.
  3. Distribute a little product onto dry, clean skin, with the exception of the area near the eyes and the surface of the lips.
  4. Massage your face with your fingertips for 1-2 minutes. You will notice how the peeling gel begins to roll off, taking with it dead particles and dirt.
  5. Wash yourself.
  6. Finally, apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream or serum.

TianDe chemical peeling acts gently, leaving no redness or burns. After the procedure, the face looks fresher and younger. The manufacturer does not provide any special recommendations for skin care after cleansing. But it is still worth protecting weakened tissues from solar ultraviolet radiation. To do this, use sunscreen cosmetics before going outside.

Important! Do not use peeling rollers too often. For dry skin, 1 cleaning every 7-10 days is enough, for normal skin - 1-2 cleanings per week, and for oily skin, the number of procedures can be increased to three.


  • Nadezhda : “Until the moment I was given the Tiande milk peeling, I was wary of such procedures and creams. I thought they scratched the skin. But Tianda received a truly gentle peeling. There is no pain from using it, the skin does not redden or burn. I have dry skin, so I did not find a place for myself because of its hardness and rigidity. Before starting to use milk peeling from Tiande. Now I buy it myself and give it to my friends and relatives!”
  • Svetlana : “Peeling and scrub are two different things. The scrub harshly removes the entire top layer of skin. It needs to be rubbed with effort. Peeling is the chemical effect of milk on dead cells. The living epidermis remains intact.”
  • Natalya : “I use Tiande milk peeling. It gently and, most importantly, painlessly, removes only dead skin. This means that no dangerous deep changes occur inside. The small balls that roll off after this peeling are dead particles of the epidermis. I recommend Tiande milk peeling to everyone who wants to make their skin young and beautiful in the shortest possible time.”
  • Ekaterina : “Girls! Tiande “Milk” peeling is a miracle! I didn’t even think that you could get such an effect in one session at home. I’m already over thirty, so I used to spend more than one thousand rubles a week on cosmetics. “Milk” peeling allows me to really save money. But the main thing, of course, is the real and long-lasting effect of it. I recommend it to everyone and at any age!”
  • Alevtina : “After using TianDe milk peels, I felt the same feelings that I had twenty years ago. The sensitivity of the hands returned, the skin of the face became matte and smooth. The feeling of dryness after using it lasts no longer than two minutes. Then everything is fine. So I advise you to try it, because it is quite inexpensive compared to other professional cosmetics.”


TianDe peeling rollers should be postponed if:

  • there is an allergy to the components of the product;
  • there are wounds, abrasions, inflamed pimples or herpes on the face;
  • the client has diabetes, has oncological neoplasms, tumors;
  • during lactation;
  • during pregnancy;
  • The client is concerned about skin diseases, dermatitis, psoriasis.

It is not advisable to perform peeling during menstruation or during hormonal imbalances. Some peeling rollers are recommended for clients 35+; such products are not suitable for younger girls.

Pros and cons of the line

Users noted the strengths of TianDe cosmetics:

  • gentle and gentle cleansing;
  • the effect is noticeable immediately;
  • after peeling, the face becomes fresh, moisturized, the texture and tone of the skin are evened out;
  • minimum contraindications and restrictions;
  • no side effects;
  • no burning or discomfort occurs during cleaning;
  • simplicity, speed and ease of use;
  • affordable price;
  • applied evenly;
  • smells good;
  • It is used sparingly.

The manufacturer's stated promises do not always coincide with the final result; there are many chemical additives in the composition. This causes dissatisfaction on the part of clients and is considered the main disadvantage of TianDe peeling rolls.

User reviews

User reviews are mostly positive. Many were satisfied with the simplicity and ease of cleansing and the achieved effect. They noted the soft, uniform texture, pleasant aroma, lack of side effects, and traces of chemical exposure. And all this at an affordable price.

There are also those who are not ready to recommend TianDe due to lack of results. There can be many reasons for this, including exaggerated hopes and expectations. There are comments due to the difficulty of removing product residues.

Some users are concerned about the chemical composition. Even with the end result, this factor leaves doubts and dissatisfaction. The next client used a universal olive peel.

TianDe peeling rolls are a gentle and delicate cleansing of the skin from dead skin layers. With their help, the skin becomes soft and moisturized. It is difficult to find users who have not noted positive changes and improvement in skin condition.

A simple solution

So how can you rejuvenate your facial skin at home? Peeling is the cleansing of the skin using special compounds. It should be understood that this is by no means a mechanical removal of the top layer. Some women have tried apricot kernel scrubs and other abrasive mixtures. The result is disastrous. Redness of the skin, a short-lived effect, destruction of the upper layer of the dermis and pain forced them to look for a new way. The link describes all types of facial peels in cosmetology.

Milk peeling acts on the surface layer of the skin thanks to lactic acid. The common people call it “Cleopatra’s bath,” since it is reliably known that this beautiful woman took baths with pure milk. This allowed her to maintain youth and amazing softness of her skin until her death.

From English “peeling” – “to peel”, translated as “exfoliation, cleansing”. This procedure refers to chemical measures affecting the uppermost layer of the epidermis. Today there are many creams, gels and suspensions to combat old skin. Let's talk about the peeling cream from the Tiande company.

TianDe is a dynamically developing company producing cosmetics for the whole family. The peeling mixture contains only natural ingredients. Thousands of women around the world have become convinced of the miraculous properties of Tiande milk peeling.

In the video - Tiande milk peeling:

Indications for use

  • Expression wrinkles;
  • Rough skin of hands and face;
  • Pimples and blackheads;
  • Impaired skin pH;
  • Lack of elastin and collagen in the upper layer of the epidermis;
  • Unaesthetic pigment spots;
  • Dry skin;
  • Skin laxity;
  • Stretch marks and sagging.

As you can see, Tiande milk peeling will be useful for any woman. And for ladies over forty, it is generally mandatory! After all, over the years, the upper layer of the skin of the face and hands becomes denser, which negatively affects our sensations and appearance.

The natural composition and innovative production technology (we won’t go into details) allow Tiande milk peeling to produce results after the first use.

Here is a short list of positive changes that occur after using this “miracle remedy”:

  • The top dead skin cells are peeled off;
  • Improves complexion;
  • The acid-base balance is restored;
  • The skin becomes soft and tender;
  • The moisture supply to the top layer is restored. Moreover, Tiande milk peeling attracts water vapor from the surrounding atmosphere. Therefore, after using this cream, the skin has a normal supply of water.
  • There is a natural enhancement of the regenerative potential of the skin.

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