Acid facial peeling: indications, how to do it correctly, before and after photos, reviews. The Best Acid Facial Peels for Home Use

In the article you will find information about such a cosmetic procedure as acid facial peeling.

Modern women strive for perfection in everything, and therefore try to maintain the youth of their skin for as long as possible. Each representative of the fair sex has her own secrets. Some consider a nourishing cream a panacea, others consider anti-aging masks, and still others use all the products at the same time. Recently, another beauty procedure has become popular - acid peeling. It helps to maintain the ideal appearance of the skin in proper condition without expensive salon procedures. We will talk about it in more detail in our article.

Acid facial peeling - types, indications

Acid peeling of the face
Acid peeling is similar in its effect on the skin to a not very pleasant phenomenon for humans - a chemical burn. But don't be afraid of such a comparison. The cosmetic procedure, when used correctly, will not harm you. After applying the active substance, the dermis will become minimally inflamed and begin to reject damaged cells. At this point, you can visually observe how the skin peels off. You should not be afraid of this process, because it is precisely this that starts the process of renewal of the dermis.

Types of acid facial peeling:

  • Fruit - most often used for prevention, it has the most gentle effect on the skin. Significantly increases elasticity and improves the tone of dermal cells.
  • Almond - used if there are age spots and acne scars on the face. After applying mandelic acid to the skin, regeneration processes are launched, which make all flaws less noticeable.
  • Milky - ideal for skin prone to dryness. It perfectly moisturizes the skin, and in addition to this, removes the dullness that is inherent in dry skin. Visibly rejuvenates the face.
  • Salicylic acid is an ideal remedy for combating excess oily skin. Can be used if you have acne. However, remember that the skin should not be very inflamed.
  • Retinol - this acid peel contains vitamin A, which is beneficial for the skin. This makes it possible to have the most intense effect on the dermis, even age-related ones.
  • Glycoic is another remedy that fights pigmentation well, including age-related ones. It can be used before more aggressive beauty treatments.

Indications for acid peeling of the face:

  • Age-related changes
  • Too dry skin
  • Too oily skin
  • Dark spots
  • Acne scars
  • Expression wrinkles
  • Gray complexion

Penetration rate

The concentration of acids determines the renewing ability of the peeling: the higher it is, the deeper the skin exfoliation occurs.

There are very superficial peels, superficial, medium-deep or deep peels. The latter affects the deep layers of the skin, suitable for severe wrinkles and noticeable signs of aging. Treatment involves the use of carbolic or trichloroacetic acid (TCA), the effect is similar to a surgical facelift, the end result is complete rejuvenation. Performed only by specialists.

Home peeling preparations available on the market contain acids in safe quantities; their characteristics are such that it is difficult to harm yourself; they act only in the upper layers of the skin. However, contraindications, precautions, and procedures specified in the instructions should be strictly observed. Errors when choosing a peel, as a rule, are not related to the composition; it is always balanced, but are explained by violation of the procedure, abuse of time or neglect of the skin characteristics.

The best manufacturers combine acid peeling components with other types, enzymatic and mechanical, in one product, thereby enhancing the functionality. They also add caring components, such as hyaluronic acid, plant extracts and oils.

Selection criteria: skin type, individual skin needs, type of acid, its concentration, additional ingredients in the composition, release form, brand.

Acid facial peels for home use: popular recipes

Acid peels for home use

IMPORTANT : Try not to make too aggressive formulations that will remove all dead skin cells in one procedure. It is better to let the homemade acid peeling have a weaker effect, as it will cause swelling and severe redness.

Popular recipes for acid facial peels for home use:

  • Fruit and berry . Take 50 ml of apple juice and 35 ml of currant puree. Combine the ingredients in one container, dilute 10 ml of gelatin, and mix thoroughly. The finished composition is applied to the skin for ten minutes and then removed with still mineral water.
  • Citrus. In this case, you will only need the pulp of citrus fruits - lemon, orange, grapefruit. Puree the pulp as thoroughly as possible and apply it to problem areas. Remove after 10-15 minutes with warm water. Don't forget that lemon is very aggressive, so it is best used for exfoliating your feet.
  • Kefir-curd. Ideal for moisturizing dry skin. To prepare the product you will need 50 g of cottage cheese, 75 kefir and 1 tbsp of crushed oatmeal. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed, and the resulting mass is applied to the face. You can keep it for up to 20 minutes. The product is removed exclusively with warm water.

Procedure step by step

Immediately before starting, consultation with a specialist is required. A cosmetologist examines the skin. The composition of the peeling and the concentration of acids in it are selected individually in accordance with the condition of the skin and the health of the patient.

A test is performed on the skin to show whether there is an allergy to the product. Doctors advise stopping taking medications 2 days before the session. Antiviral drugs may also be prescribed.

Step-by-step fruit peeling:

  1. Cleansing. Impurities and sebaceous secretions are removed from the skin. It is not recommended to use decorative cosmetics on the day of peeling.
  2. Composition distribution. The pre-prepared composition is applied to areas that require deep cleansing. Most often these are the areas of the neck, eyelids, décolleté and face. The product is left for 3-10 minutes.
  3. Removing residues. The product is washed off with clean water in large volumes. Removal is carried out with extreme caution. Otherwise, the acids included in the composition may get on the mucous membranes.
  4. Final processing. After removing the composition, it is necessary to treat the skin with a moisturizing cream with a soothing effect. Cosmetologists recommend choosing products with an SPF filter. In special cases, ointments are used to remove redness from the skin.

After the session, the skin requires special care, because cleaning leads to a lot of stress on the body. On the day after peeling, you should not wear makeup, wash your face, or stay outside for a long time. For the first 14 days you will have to give up scrubs, saunas and baths. Active sports are also not recommended.

Acid facial peeling - can it be done for pregnant women and teenagers?

Acid peels for home use
As you probably already understand, acid peeling of the face is a completely safe procedure when used correctly. And if you are wondering whether it can be done for pregnant women and teenagers, then the answer will be positive. But at the same time, several nuances must be taken into account. So, in order not to harm the body, choose the highest quality products made on a natural basis.

Before applying them, be sure to test for an allergic reaction. If the skin reacts positively to the application of the active substance, you can safely carry out the beauty procedure. And of course, remember that any wounds, cracks and scratches are a direct contraindication to peeling.

It should also be taken into account that pregnancy is a special condition, and if a cosmetic product causes at least minimal discomfort, then it is better not to carry out the procedure. As for teenagers, it is advisable for them to choose acid peels with a reduced percentage of acid and with a minimum amount of scrubbing additives.

How long will the results last?

Peeling with fruit acids is carried out in a course that consists of 5-7 sessions. Between each procedure there is a break of 7 days. The severity of the result depends on the concentration of acid in the composition. Its high percentage causes severe exfoliation, but during application the patient may complain of discomfort.

The first procedure is usually carried out with a milder agent, increasing the ratio of components over and over again. The effect lasts for 4-5 months. after completing the course.

The best acid peels for the face: list

The best acid peels
If you are not entirely sure that you can prepare a homemade acid peel yourself, you can always purchase a ready-made one. We will now introduce you to the best ones.

The best acid peels for the face - list:

  • Apple Smoothie Peeling Gel Mizon is a Korean-made cosmetic product. Has a huge number of positive reviews. It copes well with the assigned tasks and in addition cleanses the face of residual sebum as well as possible.
  • Alpha Complex Rapid Exfoliator - product made in Israel. Peeling is considered not very aggressive, and therefore is most often used for superficial procedures. Suitable for pregnant women and teenagers. Well brightens and refreshes the skin.
  • Biomatrix Mindalin 50% with mandelic acid - the main advantage of peeling is its versatility. It suits all skin types. It can also be used during periods of maximum sun. Forces the epidermis to renew itself effectively, which very quickly improves skin color.
  • Aravia Professional with lactic acid is a Russian-made product. Ideal for caring for problem skin. With this peeling, you can deeply clean problem areas and very quickly improve microcirculation of dermal cells.
  • Fitness Model with gold powder - this product is used to renew the skin. Those who have already used this peeling at home claim that it gives the same effect as salon procedures. It visibly reduces fine lines and wrinkles and stimulates collagen production.

Belita acid peeling: description of benefits

Belita acid peeling
Belita acid peelings are designed for consumers who prefer home care. The Belarusian manufacturer made sure that women received salon-level care for a very reasonable fee. This line of cosmetics can be used to moisturize, add elasticity, and remove facial and age wrinkles.

There are also products that remove the effects of acne. As a rule, almond peeling is used to combat so-called photoaging of the face and eliminate age-related changes. Peeling based on glycolic acid is used to care for oily and combination dermis, and milk peeling is used for dry skin that suffers greatly from a lack of moisture.

You can find Belita acid peeling on sale in the form of cream, mask, scrub, gommage and roller.

All products are equally good and safely cope with the renewal of the dermis.

Acid peeling Mac MiKo: description of benefits

Acid peeling Mac MiKo
Another cosmetic product that, according to the fair sex, can restore youth to the skin. Mac MiKo acid peeling can safely be called anti-aging protection. It contains linoleic acid, which helps our body renew dermal cells in a timely manner and in the right quantity.

Regular use of this cosmetic product will help freeze the aging process, make the skin fresher, firmer and tighter.

Acid facial peeling Mak MiKo will help you:

  • Whiten skin
  • Remove age pigmentation
  • Cleanse and tighten pores
  • Improve facial oval
  • Establish regeneration processes

Products with BHA acids for peeling acne-prone skin

What these acids do: BHAs dissolve in fat. Thanks to this property, they penetrate the skin a little deeper and cleanse the pores of accumulated sebum. AHA acids can't do that. Therefore, this type of acid is used in the treatment of acne. There is also evidence that BHAs can protect the skin from the sun. But since SPF is not indicated on peelings in the store, it is better to use sun protection. Just in case.

Representatives: most often - salicylic acid and its derivatives, less often - beta-hydroxybutyric and tropic acids.

  • Peeling Shine Is Lightening Control, 1000 rubles - several types of acids are mixed inside. A little salicylic acid was added to the AHA acids - lactic and glycolic. The product also contains vitamin C. Peeling solves several problems at once: removes pigmentation, makes the face radiant, and also fights inflammation. It is recommended to keep the product on the face for 3 minutes at first, and eventually reach 10 if the skin gets used to it.
  • Exfoliating lotion DTM Skin, 1,890 rubles - lotion from the brand Adele Miftakhova. Inside is salicylic acid, flavored with niacinamide and azelaic acid. The product reliably gets rid of open and closed comedones, reduces skin oiliness and evens out tone.
  • Facial peeling based on BHA acids Seveki, 339 rubles - a budget product with a good composition. The percentage of acids in your jar can be adjusted. Beginners will be introduced to a product with a lower acid content. Grooming connoisseurs can switch straight to full strength 2% salicylic acid. Each product is provided with detailed instructions on how to use the serum, how often and what can be added to it.
  • The Ordinary red exfoliating peeling with AHA and BHA acids, 1,340 rubles - the product is suitable for insensitive oily, combination or normal skin familiar with acid care. The red color is just a decorative element; in fact, the product is not dangerous for the skin. Use no longer than 10 minutes and no more than 2 times a week.

Acid facial peeling - price in the salon

As for the price of acid facial peeling, it will depend on where you will have it done. If you prefer a salon procedure , it will cost you from 1,500 rubles. True, the price will include not only acid peeling, but procedures that help the skin quickly get rid of stress. If you plan to rejuvenate your body at home, the price will range from 600 to 1000 rubles . Everything will depend on the cost of the chosen product.

But don’t let such a small difference between a home and salon procedure confuse you. It is only at first glance that it seems that the price is almost the same. But we must take into account that in the salon you will pay 1,500 rubles for one procedure, and at home for the same money you can do several skin treatments. Therefore, we can definitely say that homemade acid peeling is much more profitable, although you still shouldn’t skimp on the active substance.

Acid facial peeling: reviews

  • Olga: I have very oily skin, which is also prone to the appearance of blackheads. As a teenager, I suffered greatly from this, because ugly pimples regularly appeared, after which red spots remained. When I grew up a little, I went to a cosmetologist and he suggested that I do a couple of acid facial peeling procedures. I agreed with caution, but when I saw the result, I was very happy. The pores narrowed, the skin brightened and became more elastic. Since then, I regularly renew my dermis in this way, and I do not regret any money on it.
  • Lyudmila Ivanovna: Until a certain age, I belonged to the category of women who do not particularly like facial care products. But when I turned 50, my reflection in the mirror stopped making me happy. And since I don’t accept any kind of facelift, I began to look for a more gentle way to get rid of age wrinkles. My daughter advised me to regularly do acid peeling on my face. At first I was quite skeptical about this method of rejuvenation, but still decided to try it. The first two procedures, it seemed to me, did not give any results. But since the products were purchased, I continued to do cosmetic procedures. Somewhere after the fifth I saw the result. The wrinkles, of course, have not gone away, but my face has become much fresher.
  • Julia: My experience with acid facial peeling was not very successful. I decided to save money and make a home remedy. For this I chose citrus fruits, or rather lemon. But I didn’t take into account that my skin is very delicate, and therefore after the procedure, it became very inflamed, the redness did not go away for more than 5 days. I had to go to a cosmetologist and fix the problem. Now I use salon procedures exclusively, and try not to skimp on skincare products.


I think the same about the PRX-T33 peel, which you often ask about. It was widely advertised last winter and was positioned as universal, suitable for all skin types, including sensitive ones.

Because this formula uses a hybrid molecule of TCA and hydrogen peroxide, which prevents the damage of protein denaturation.

The upper layer of the epidermis does not suffer as much as with TSA, and the rehabilitation period is more comfortable.

But still, this peeling contains 33% trichloroacetic acid and 5% kojic acid, which also has a pronounced irritating effect.

TCA easily penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin, the depth of exposure is difficult to control, and sensitive skin is already more permeable.

Last year I consulted with several girls with thin, sensitive skin who asked for help to restore their skin after PRX-T33. Because it took a long time for the skin to recover after peeling, and the cosmetologists who performed the procedure said: “This means this peeling is not suitable, and the redness and hypersensitivity will go away over time.”

But it's not right. The skin needs to be helped to recover in time, otherwise prolonged inflammation can lead to side effects, for example, post-inflammatory pigmentation, which will then be very difficult to get rid of.

Therefore, if you have indications for TCA peeling, but have sensitive skin, it is better to pay attention to pyruvate peeling, which is based on pyruvic acid.

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