Sulfur ointment for age spots: reviews and features of use

General information

An ointment based on sulfur is widely used for various diseases of the dermis. The simple composition makes the ointment accessible to different segments of the population, because prices per jar start at only 28 rubles.

The drug is used not only to relieve unpleasant symptoms, but also as the main medicine that can eliminate the cause of the disease. The main component, which is sulfur in its pure form, better known as a chemical element, is supplemented by the following auxiliary substances:

  • petrolatum;
  • water;
  • emulsifier.

In the pharmacy you can find sulfur ointment packaged in glass jars with a plastic lid or in aluminum tubes.


The ointment exerts its antimicrobial and antiparasitic effect upon contact with the skin. It interacts with substances of organic origin, resulting in the formation of sulfides and pentathionic acid. They make sulfur ointment a natural antiseptic.

When in contact with the skin, the components of sulfur ointment are not absorbed into the blood, which means they do not have a systemic effect on the body: they do not put a strain on the liver, do not require filtration by the kidneys, and do not affect the functioning of other internal organs.

Main reasons

The manifestation of hyperpigmentation cannot be classified as a group of skin defects, to eliminate which it is necessary to use exclusively cosmetic products. This approach can aggravate the situation and complicate the treatment process in the future. It is important to determine the causes of age spots, and only then take action.

UV exposure

A dangerous factor that can trigger the appearance of age spots is excess ultraviolet radiation. Sun rays can irritate melanocytes. These skin cells, which are located in the deep layers of the epidermis, are responsible for the production of melanin. With moderate exposure to ultraviolet rays, a certain amount of the substance is released and a uniform tan forms on the skin. But with prolonged exposure to active sun, cells begin to produce melanin in large quantities. And this is manifested by the appearance of age spots on various areas of the skin.

The degree of negative impact depends on the length of the rays:

  • Short waves are considered the most aggressive. It causes burns on the superficial layers of the skin. With proper treatment, the injury can be easily healed and darkening of the skin does not occur.
  • Long waves penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis. They are the ones who damage skin cells, which provokes increased production of melamine.

Skin injury

Tanning the skin is a protective reaction of the body. Increased melanin production prevents burns from exposure to ultraviolet rays. The dark pigment creates a kind of barrier that scatters dangerous UVB rays.

But if the skin is damaged for any reason, the body’s defense reactions are automatically activated, which is expressed by increased production of melanin. That is why such areas, if not healed quickly, darken more strongly in comparison with those places where there are no violations of the skin. In this case, the damage can be very different: scratches, torn pimples, acne, etc. The most stable pigmentation is after burns.

Other reasons

The production of melanin by skin cells is influenced by hormonal levels. As is known, in women, due to the natural characteristics of the body, its disorders are observed during certain periods of life. This:

  • Pregnancy.
  • Lactation.
  • Climax.
  • Puberty.
  • Menstrual cycle.

Constant changes in hormonal levels are the cause of spots. But in this case they are not pathological in nature. Failures associated with various endocrine diseases are dangerous.

In addition, it is necessary to highlight other reasons that provoke the appearance of dark spots on the skin.

  • Age factor. Over the years, the skin becomes thinner, so the cells that produce melanin rise to the surface. As a result, the release of even a small amount of melanin leads to the appearance of age spots.
  • Taking certain medications. Antibiotics of the tetracycline group, retinoids and drugs used in chemotherapy can provoke the appearance of pigment spots.
  • Pathologies of internal organs. The most common cause of hyperpigmentation is liver problems. Disorders in the gastrointestinal tract can also lead to the appearance of age spots.

Indications for the use of sulfur ointment

Due to its antiseptic properties, sulfur ointment is actively used for various dermatoses:

  • fungal;
  • bacterial;
  • parasitic.

Therefore, with the help of ointment alone, if used correctly, you can cure skin diseases such as:

  • lichen;
  • foot fungus;
  • scabies;
  • seborrheic dermatitis;
  • acne;
  • pigmentation;
  • acne;
  • demodicosis

It is separately noted that such a complex and untreatable disease as psoriasis can be stopped through the use of sulfur ointment. Psoriasis is a skin disease that is not associated with parasites or fungal infections. It is classified as a genetic disease. As a result of disturbances in the rate of cell division, growths appear. They are filled with small capillaries. When they are mildly affected, bleeding begins, which is difficult to stop.

In this case, sulfur ointment reduces the risk of secondary infection of psoriasis wounds, which, in turn, reduces the incidence of itching. Without touching the growths to scratch, the patient does not tear them until they bleed and does not increase the wounds. Thus, sulfur ointment helps to minimize the spread of ulcers throughout the body.

The use of sulfur ointment for skin pigmentation

You should know that while using this remedy for pigmentation, you should adhere to a diet. In particular, you should avoid sweets, fatty foods, coffee and alcoholic drinks. The fact is that all these products can provoke changes in the epidermis with the appearance of various kinds of rashes on it, which is undesirable in this case.

Rules for using the drug

Sulfur ointment for age spots must be used according to the following rules.

  1. Do not apply the product directly to your face if you are using it for the first time. First you need to find out how the skin will react to it. To do this, apply a small amount of the drug to the area of ​​the epidermis on the wrist. Wait approximately 30 minutes. If during this time the skin does not turn red and itching does not begin, then you can use the ointment on other parts of the body, including the face.
  2. The product is applied to clean skin, so before using the product, wash it with soap.
  3. The ointment should be used in conjunction with a moisturizer, as it can dry out the skin.
  4. Use the drug every other day until the problem is resolved. However, you should not use it for more than 1 month.

Reviews of sulfur ointment for pigmentation

There are many reviews on the Internet about the use of this drug for age spots. Most of them have a positive color. Users claim that after 2 weeks from the start of using the product, age spots became lighter, and by the end of the course they disappeared completely. There are a lot of such reviews and they make up the majority. However, many girls say that, despite its effectiveness, they were dissatisfied with this product. The fact is that it leaves an unpleasant odor on the skin that cannot disappear for a long time. In addition, it is not masked by other scents. In addition, some users say that they developed a terrible allergy to this remedy, which then had to be treated for a long time. There are also reviews that claim that sulfur ointment did not help cope with pigmentation. However, such cases are rare.

Sulfur ointment for age spots, reviews confirm this, helps to quickly solve this problem. However, it has some significant disadvantages and contraindications. That is why, before using it, you must carefully familiarize yourself with all the intricacies of its application.

Instructions for using sulfur ointment

The ointment as a medicine is applied in a thin layer to previously cleansed skin. If water remains on the surface, it will prevent the active components of the product from contacting the infected area. Therefore, be sure to dry the surface with a towel or napkin before applying.

The ointment is used only on the skin, excluding mucous membranes. You cannot rub sulfur ointment into the lacrimal sac, apply it under the lower or upper eyelid, lubricate the mucous membranes of the nasal passages with it, or treat stomatitis. In case of accidental contact with eyes, rinse them immediately with a slightly salted solution of clean water. Accidental ingestion may indicate immediate gastric lavage.

Sulfur ointment is often used as the main remedy for lichen. Apply a moderate layer to the affected area, spreading the ointment evenly over the entire area. It is important to carefully, slowly, rub the product into the upper layers of the skin. The procedure is repeated twice a day. The second application should be in the evening, just before bedtime. The duration of treatment is up to 10 days.

The scabies mite, which causes an itchy sensation on the skin, can be easily treated with sulfur ointment. The difficulty of treatment lies in ensuring that one condition is met: the product must be constantly present on the affected areas. As a result, wearing clothes can be difficult. During treatment, it is better to stay at home, apply a new layer of ointment after each shower, rubbing it into the affected areas. The second mandatory condition is changing bed linen after every night. Sheets and duvet covers must be washed at high temperatures, after which they must be ironed with steam.

For demodicosis, sulfur ointment acts as an auxiliary component of complex therapy. The main therapeutic agent, as a rule, is a drug for systemic use. In this case, sulfur ointment helps to avoid secondary infection and prevents the spread of the affected area throughout the body.

If a pimple on the skin has a purulent body, this indicates that it was caused by a bacterium. Pus is formed as a result of the activity of bacteria. To get rid of acne or pimples with white contents, you can use sulfur ointment. There is no need to open the rash elements first. The product is applied in a thin layer to dry, previously cleansed skin.

Properties of sulfur ointment

The principle of action of the external agent

In order to get rid of age spots, you should take products in which the sulfur concentration exceeds 10%. The fact is that preparations with a lower percentage of the product only help the formation of new skin cells, without freeing it from old ones. Products containing more than 10% sulfur primarily dissolve old cells that have already served their purpose, or damaged cells. After this, they carefully remove them from the surface of the epidermis. The final stage is the formation of new, healthy cells. Note that sulfur ointment is even used to treat one of the types of pigmentation, called chloasma.

Advantages and disadvantages of sulfur ointment

Advantages of the drug

The advantages of this product include its low cost and high efficiency. Another plus is that it can be purchased at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. However, this does not mean that specialist approval is not required. Any remedy, especially a medicinal drug, should be used only on the recommendation of a doctor, after examination by him. Removing age spots with sulfur ointment is no exception. Only a doctor can help you find out why this problem occurred and eliminate this cause. After this, you can begin to destroy the stains themselves. If you do not identify the reason that led to them, then all the means used to solve the problem may turn out to be ineffective.

Disadvantages of the drug

In addition to its advantages, sulfur ointment also has some disadvantages, namely:

  1. Has an unpleasant pungent odor. It is the procedure that does not bring any pleasure. In addition, this aroma can cause coughing attacks, choking, nausea, vomiting and headaches. Therefore, this drug should be used with great caution and according to the rules that we will give you below.
  2. The product is difficult to wash off from the epidermis. That is why, in order to completely free the skin from it, sometimes you have to perform repeated soaping.
  3. If it gets on your clothes, there will be no way to wash it off. There will be permanent stains on things. To prevent this from happening, the procedure should be carried out only in home clothes or covered with a towel.

Contraindications for use of the drug

Sulfur ointment for age spots, reviews confirm this, is an effective, but not safe, remedy. That is why before using it you should consult a doctor, as we have already discussed. However, even without this, you should know that the ointment is contraindicated in the following cases.

  1. Individual intolerance to sulfur or elements included in the composition of the product.
  2. Children up to 3 years old. Note that even after the child reaches 4 years of age, the drug should be used with great caution and only after the approval of the pediatrician.
  3. The period of bearing a baby and breastfeeding.

Sulfur ointment: a cheap but effective topical remedy for lightening age spots on the skin of the whole body


The main contraindication to the use of sulfur ointment is individual intolerance to the active substance. If the skin reacts sharply with allergic rashes to contact with sulfur, treatment with the ointment will have to be canceled and another remedy used.

In addition, with extensive damage to the body by fungal or bacterial infections, there is a high risk of getting sulfur poisoning - if more than 30% of the skin is covered with the drug. If scabies spreads throughout the body, use less dangerous sprays.

If the patient has not previously had experience with sulfur ointment treatment, it is recommended to first test it on the wrist by applying a small amount of the product. If redness or burning occurs, you will have to stop using sulfur ointment.

How effective are whitening creams?

You should not expect that after the first application of a whitening cream to your skin you will be able to immediately get rid of pigmentation.

As a rule, high-quality products have the following effects:

  • You will be able to notice the first result no earlier than the 3rd day from the start of using the cream. As for home-made products, the effect will be more delayed in time; it can be seen no earlier than 4-5 days from the start of using the product. This is explained by the fact that the active substances, penetrating the skin, destroy coloring pigments gradually, and not at lightning speed.
  • You should not stop treatment after the pigmentation area has become a little lighter. The course must be completed, this may take about a month, but not less than 3 weeks. It is important to follow all the manufacturer's recommendations and apply the cream to the skin regularly.
  • Gradually, pigment spots will become less noticeable and then disappear altogether. The skin will become bright, elastic, healthy and radiant.
  • Whitening cream not only eliminates pigmentation, but also helps reduce inflammation. This means that with its help you can get rid of acne, as well as smooth out shallow wrinkles.

The effectiveness of whitening creams should be assessed objectively, without expecting any magic. This will avoid disappointment from unfulfilled hopes. In addition to positive effects, most bleaching agents also have side effects. Therefore, in this regard, it is safer to use homemade whitening products. But their disadvantage is that the effect will be delayed over time and not as noticeable as when using store-bought creams.

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