Causes of acne on the temples in women and men

If, after a wild party, you have red spots on your face and hives appear on your body, this may be an allergy to alcohol. And although this fact is surprising to many people, an allergic reaction to alcoholic beverages is a very common phenomenon.

Few people know, but...

According to some reports, 7% of people, or approximately one in fifteen, are allergic to alcohol.

A few more numbers: since school years we have known that a person consists of 70% water, but teachers do not tell us that we have... about 0.19 ‰ of endogenous alcohol.

Note to car enthusiasts

Prolonged oxygen starvation, chronic diseases of the kidneys, lungs and liver, central nervous system and diabetes mellitus can provoke an increase in endogenous ethyl alcohol in the blood!

Ethanol is formed in the cells of the body as a result of various biochemical reactions and in the intestines during the digestion of food. How can an allergy to alcohol occur to a substance that is present in our body almost “from the cradle”?


The development of acne on the head occurs according to the following mechanism:

  • Severe itching, discomfort, which forms even before acne appears;
  • Formation of an inflammatory process with a red border, but small in size;
  • Pain when pressed;
  • Gradual filling of the cavity with pus;
  • Independently for opening the abscess for 5-6 days.

As soon as the abscess has disappeared on its own, it is necessary to disinfect the damaged area. To do this, you can use hydrogen peroxide, Chlorhexidine, and other antiseptics.

Pimples can only start on the scalp. But gradually they move to other areas of the body. For example, neck, upper back, temples and face. To prevent this, it is recommended to promptly identify the cause of the condition and begin treatment prescribed by a dermatologist.

If the purulent contents of the pimple have penetrated to the deep layers of the epidermis, after opening and healing, a connective tissue scar is formed.

Diagnostic methods

Most people rarely turn to a specialist when rashes appear and solve the problem on their own. But if therapy is ineffective, it is recommended to visit a therapist who will prescribe the necessary examinations.

A mandatory point in the diagnosis will be a consultation with an endocrinologist, gynecologist, as well as a dermatologist and gastroenterologist. After this, it is necessary to conduct a laboratory blood test for general and biochemical analysis. An important point will be the analysis of liver tests.

If a hormonal imbalance is suspected, determination of the level of hormones in the blood is indicated. Many patients are prescribed an ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs. Based on diagnostic data, appropriate treatment is prescribed.

Causes of acne formation

Physiological changes and pathological processes can occur in the body, which lead to the formation of pimples. All of them are listed in the table.

Use of low-quality cosmetics and hygiene productsOften, low-quality shampoo leads to profuse rashes all over the body. Pimples form and gradually begin to enlarge. Dermatologists advise choosing a cosmetic product without dyes, preservatives, sulfates, parabens and other harmful substances. Additionally, this leads to intoxication and dry skin.
Poor nutritionIt is important that the body receives a large amount of vitamins, microelements and minerals. If they are concentrated in a small volume or completely absent, electrolyte imbalance and hypovitaminosis occurs. This leads to deterioration in the quality of hair, nails, and skin. Pimples form on the epidermis
StressIf a person is subject to nervous tension, stress, depression, neurosis for a long time, this negatively affects the body. A large number of hormones are released, overwork is formed. The patient is characterized by increased sweating and activation of the sebaceous glands. Pores become clogged and ulcers form
Taking medicationsSome medications have a negative reaction for the human body. They cause side effects. For example, hormones, antibiotics, anabolics, barbiturates. During the course of treatment, a purulent formation is formed, which gradually increases in size and spreads over the upper part of the body, including the head.
Bad habitsFrequent consumption of alcohol and prolonged smoking negatively affect not only the respiratory tract, but also the epidermis. Most patients with bad habits have profuse rashes containing pus
Poor quality clothesIf a patient wears underwear, clothes, or hats with a high synthetic content, this negatively affects the condition of the skin. She begins to sweat a lot and sebum is produced. It accumulates in the pores, and pathogenic microflora begins to multiply. Therefore, it is recommended to use only clothes with natural composition
HypothermiaIf a person is not dressed appropriately for the weather during a cold period, hypothermia may develop. This is especially true for patients who do not have hats. This has a negative effect on the epidermis, it becomes excessively cold, dries, flakes, and pimples appear on it.

Women experience frequent changes in hormone levels. Therefore, rashes appear more often on their body, including on the head and face.

Types of allergies to alcohol

Hereditary predisposition plays a major role in the likelihood of any allergic reaction. A person whose parents have allergic diseases also becomes allergic in 80% of cases. This reaction of the body is called innate. By the way, intolerance to alcohol, as well as congenital allergy to alcoholic drinks, is more common among residents of Asian countries. Additionally, alcohol allergies are common in people with lactose intolerance.

A person “earns” an acquired allergy throughout his life as a result of exposure to external allergens (food, pollen, household dust, alcohol, etc.)

Pathological causes

There are biological reasons that can cause excessively large ulcers to form that require treatment from the inside:

  • hypersecretion of sebum, clogging pores, which causes inflammatory processes;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome, which causes sudden hormonal changes;
  • pathologies of the adrenal glands;
  • dysfunction of the immune system with a sharp increase in the number of viruses and bacteria in the body;
  • chronic infectious process.

Most often, the functioning of the sebaceous glands becomes difficult. This leads to excessive production of sebum, which spreads to the supports and clogs them. A large number of pathogenic microflora multiply in this area, which leads to an active inflammatory process. Therefore, pimples become larger and hurt a lot. Sebum often accumulates in the hair growth area on the head. As soon as the pimple bursts, the purulent contents come out, and the pimple begins to heal. But in its place a scar forms.

Women often experience hormonal changes not only due to diseases, but also physiological changes:

  • onset of menstruation;
  • adolescence;
  • birth of a child;
  • menopause

In a woman’s body, not only changes in the levels of progesterone, estrogen and testosterone occur. All this leads to sudden changes in hormonal levels, which causes an increase in the number of acne. A similar mechanism develops due to dysfunction of the adrenal glands.

Pathogenic microflora can multiply in the head area. It is constantly there, but is activated under the influence of negative factors. For example, using low-quality shampoo. The microbe multiplies, clogs the hair follicle, and leads to suppuration.

If pimples continue to spread even after purchasing a good shampoo, it is better to consult a dermatologist.

Solutions to the problem

If massive clusters of acne appear on your face, you should consult a dermatologist to determine the cause of their appearance. To carry out complex therapy, it is also necessary to consult a therapist, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist and gynecologist, who will definitely send you to the laboratory for tests (blood for biochemistry, liver tests, etc.) to determine the type of microbes or bacteria.

General therapeutic areas include:

  • hormone therapy (if necessary);
  • external treatment methods using medications;
  • drugs with glucocorticosteroids for allergic reactions;
  • it is possible to use cosmetic and traditional methods of treatment.

Drug treatment

To get rid of the problem, dermatologists prescribe the following medications:

  • medicinal ointments (Ichthyol, Zinc, Sulfuric), which have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects;
  • Isotretinoin is a remedy that helps reduce the production of sebum (sebum), is effective against many types of acne, and stimulates rapid healing of wounds without marks or scars;
  • Erythromycin ointment, Differin, Skinoren, Pinoxide, Klenzit-S, Baziron help cope with rashes and acne of any severity;
  • Zinerit is a product with a strong bactericidal and wound-healing effect;
  • Dimexide and Retinoic ointment are anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • antihistamines (Loratadine, Cetrin, etc.).

If the cause of the rash is microorganisms, the doctor prescribes antibiotics in tablet form (Erythromycin, Oxytetracycline, Doxycycline, etc.). During the period of hormonal changes (menopause), therapy with drugs containing hormones is indicated.

Cosmetical tools

To remove and treat acne in the temple area, cosmetic preparations containing medicinal herbs and other natural ingredients (aloe, calendula, celandine, etc.) are used - nourishing creams, lotions and cleansing tonics.

Salon treatments

The most popular methods of treating acne on the face:

  • resurfacing in a beauty salon is carried out using a special device that treats inflamed and problem areas of the dermis, but the procedure has contraindications, which should be known in advance;
  • microdermabrasion, which removes dead epidermal cells; the procedure stimulates the intensity of cell renewal processes; improvement is observed after 6-8 sessions.
  • chemical peeling is carried out using natural acids; During the procedure, the upper layer of the epidermis is completely destroyed, which is restored within a few days.

After peeling, the patient is prohibited from going outside in severe frost, wind, or bright sun. The method is used only for normal skin type; high sensitivity of the epidermis is a contraindication.

Folk remedies

To relieve inflammation and improve skin health, traditional medicine recipes provide for the use of medicinal plants at home:

  • calendula in the form of a tincture or homemade decoction (1 tablespoon per glass of boiling water, cook for 10 minutes, leave for half an hour) - use 2 times a day, wiping the temporal area;
  • aloe juice - has a wound-healing and antiseptic effect, applied in its pure form (grind the leaves and squeeze out the liquid through gauze) in the morning and evening, rubbing into the skin, course of treatment - 3 weeks;
  • celandine juice - used only for normal and oily skin, before use it is diluted in half with water and the inflamed areas are cauterized, the course - no longer than 10 days, repeat after 2 weeks;
  • chamomile flowers are one of the best anti-inflammatory drugs, used for sensitive types, the decoction is prepared from 20 g of dry or fresh raw materials per 300 g of water, boiled for 20 minutes, infused for 60 minutes; can be used for 1 month;
  • tar soap has an astringent and drying effect and is used for washing;
  • tea tree oil is applied to problem areas with a cotton swab 3 times a day, therapy can be continued until complete recovery;
  • clay masks (1 tablespoon each of white, green and blue) in combination with crushed 3 Aspirin tablets, used in the form of a paste, which should be applied in the temple area for 20 minutes, washed off with a decoction of chamomile or calendula, the procedure is carried out three times a week, the result appears within 30 days;
  • masks made from oatmeal, cucumbers, yeast, carrots, etc.

Correction of eating habits

To reduce rashes and acne, doctors recommend following a proper diet:

  • eat more vegetables and fruits;
  • include fermented milk drinks and cottage cheese in the menu every day;
  • eat 3-4 times a day, 1 tsp. wheat or oat bran, which helps remove toxins;
  • remove sweets and baked goods, fatty, fried, smoked and salty foods from the diet, limit the consumption of meat products.


There are 2 main types of acne on the head:

  1. Comedones
    . These are blackheads that clog the pores. They become very inflamed, forming a pain syndrome. Comedones are difficult to notice under the hair, so they continue to spread.
  2. Inflamed acne
    . These are also acne prone to inflammation. But in the center they are white, redness is observed only at the edges.

It is important not to confuse purulent formation with wen, which are formed due to changes in metabolism and other processes.

Skin care rules

Tips from dermatologists to help reduce inflammation and remove pimples in the temporal region:

  • It is not recommended to squeeze pus out of acne, because... this can worsen their condition and stimulate inflammation when infected.
  • It is allowed to wash your face no more than 2 times a day using soft foams or gels intended for the care of sensitive, problematic and oily skin;
  • regularly consume vitamin complexes containing zinc;
  • observe the rules of facial and hair hygiene;
  • Do not touch the surface of your face with dirty hands, because this may introduce bacteria and germs;
  • drink more clean water (at least 1.5 l), because this helps eliminate toxins.

Therapy options

When pimples appear, go for a consultation with a dermatologist. He makes a diagnosis using the following methods:

  • initial examination;
  • bacteriological culture;
  • general blood and urine tests.

If systemic diseases are detected, additional consultation with specialists is required. For example, neurologist, allergist, endocrinologist.

Once the root cause is determined, the patient is given treatment instructions:

  • applying hygiene rules, using only high-quality cosmetics, including scalp and hair care;
  • following a special diet that normalizes metabolism, improves intestinal activity, and saturates the body with useful substances;
  • local or oral administration of antibiotics to eliminate pathogenic microflora;
  • antifungal medications, if the internal contents of acne are filled with fungal microflora;
  • antihistamines to reduce swelling and inflammation;
  • hormones that normalize endocrine levels.

To improve the condition of skin, hair and nails, it is recommended to take multivitamin preparations.

It is important to treat the body’s condition not only from the inside, but also from the outside. Therefore, the following types of local remedies are used:

  • Ichthyol ointment
    - has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, drying effect, effectively eliminates all types of pimples;
  • Salicylic acid
    , other alcohol tinctures - antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect.

It is recommended to use alcohol tinctures only on the recommendation of a doctor, with great caution. Otherwise you may cause harm. The skin will become dry or burnt.

How to cure an allergy to alcohol?

First of all, you need to stop drinking alcoholic beverages and consult a doctor. You should not look for treatment on the World Wide Web, rely on the experience of a neighbor, or act at your own discretion. Therapy is selected individually for each person, especially for people with alcohol addiction.

If signs of allergy appear after drinking alcohol, it is necessary to induce vomiting and rinse the stomach.

It is worth having Enterosgel in your home medicine cabinet - a proven medicine for effectively removing allergens and toxic substances from the body, although some are accustomed to relying on pills for alcohol allergies. Antihistamines will also help.

In severe cases, doctors prescribe intravenous infusions of detoxification solutions. To improve liver function, hepatoprotectors are prescribed.


When starting to treat allergies, it is important to remember that many medications are incompatible with alcohol, and they should be taken only after eliminating alcoholic beverages! Otherwise, if you have allergy symptoms, you may also get an unpredictable response from the body.

Fasting days will help to cope with intoxication of the body: fruit, kefir-milk, vegetable.

Treatment methods

Acne appears due to the formation of a superficial or internal pathological process. Depending on the identification of the root cause, different types of drugs are recommended that can be used in combination.

  1. Antibiotics
    . Use local products with an antibacterial component to destroy pathogenic microflora on the surface and inside the pimple.
  2. Ichthyol ointment
    . Eliminates purulent contents, dries, reduces inflammatory processes on the skin.
  3. Salicylic alcohol
    . Disinfects the skin area, reduces and gradually eliminates pimples. It must be used with caution so as not to harm the epidermis or cause burns.
  4. Tar soap
    . Has antiseptic properties, destroys bacteria and fungi. Often used as an additive to shampoo.
  5. Oral antibiotics
    . They are required in severe cases when there is an infection system in the human body, so an additional symptom occurs in the form of acne. Ceftriaxone, Amoxicillin, Sumamed are recommended. But they additionally use probiotics to prevent an imbalance of intestinal microflora.
  6. Ultraviolet treatment
    . Typically used in beauty salons. Under the influence of rays, all pathogenic microflora on the skin and mucous membranes die.

If there are rashes or ulcers on the skin, immediate treatment is required. This is not only a cosmetic defect, but also a risk of developing various internal diseases. Therefore, it is better to make a preliminary diagnosis, and only then begin treatment.

How does an allergy to alcohol manifest itself?

The more often an allergy is provoked, the more severely a person’s symptoms are tolerated each time.

Allergies on the face, neck, diarrhea, red spots on the body, burning in the mouth, swelling of the lips and tongue - this is how an allergy to alcohol manifests itself in most cases.

For people allergic to alcoholic drinks, drinking alcohol is undesirable: at one “wonderful” moment the body can react with life-threatening conditions - Quincke's edema or anaphylactic shock.

In the development of allergies, the key factor is the contact of the allergen (any substance in the air, food, clothing, etc.) with the body. Accordingly, minimizing or eliminating such contact prevents the development of the reaction, which explains the effectiveness of Enterosgel.

It is known that the intestines play a critical role in the functioning of the immune system. Enterosgel removes allergens from the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, Enterosgel removes bacterial endotoxin, promotes the regeneration of damaged mucosa and normalizes the intestinal microflora. Thus, the functioning of the intestines and immune system is restored, and allergic manifestations are reduced.

At the first signs of a possible allergy, you can take Enterosgel in a standard dose. Then use the drug according to the instructions for 1-2 weeks.

By the way…

If treatment with Enterosgel sorbent is started on time, severe anaphylaxis can be avoided.

An allergy to alcohol also manifests itself with other signs, not just redness on the face. In particular, after drinking alcohol the following may occur:

  • suffocation;
  • sweating;
  • nasal congestion;
  • stomach ache;
  • headache;
  • diarrhea;
  • swelling of the neck, face;
  • vomit;
  • heartbeat;
  • dry cough;
  • skin itching;
  • decrease in pressure.

Alcohol, like food allergens, plays a leading role in the development of chronic urticaria.

Most signs of allergy disappear after taking Enterosgel. Otherwise, medical attention is required!

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