Reinforcement of the face with gold threads: myths and effectiveness

Even wrinkles are not as much of a cause for concern as deformational ptosis of the face. With this age-related problem, soft tissues migrate downward, causing the face to lose its beautiful oval and clear contours.

The main “framework” of the skin is the extracellular matrix of the dermis, the structure and density of which will determine the shape of the face.

When its structure weakens, loose folds and deformation of the entire face may occur.

What is mesothread

The name “mezzanine” itself is symbolic. The structure is a dense liquid biogel, which contains high concentration hyaluronic acid, zinc chloride and phosphate buffer.

The procedure for introducing liquid mesothreads is intended to reinforce the face.

The components of the cocktail have a complex effect:

  • stimulate collagen production;
  • restore moisture balance, color and structure of the skin;
  • trigger the processes of cell renewal and regeneration.
  • smooth out nasolabial folds;
  • correct the zygomatic arches.

As a result, the number of wrinkles is significantly reduced, the oval of the face is tightened, facial symmetry is restored, the skin acquires an even healthy tone and looks younger.

Efficiency directly depends on the degree of deformation of the skin, the severity of age-related changes and health status.

A pronounced lifting effect will occur in women aged 35-40 years. After 45 years, this technique is recommended to be combined with other rejuvenation procedures.


After you have undergone facial reinforcement, you must follow the rules of rehabilitation. Otherwise, you can ruin the result. The doctor should tell you what is allowed and what is not.

Here are some general recommendations:

  1. Avoid heating areas affected by bioreinforcement. Reduce exposure to direct sunlight to a minimum. Don't forget to use protective cream (SPF 15+). Chemical peeling and laser procedures will have to be excluded.
  2. It is not advisable to massage reinforced areas. Stretching of the facial muscles may distort the position of the injected drug. During the first day after the procedure, it is better not to make sudden movements with the treated area of ​​the face. But applying ice to it, on the contrary, is allowed.
  3. Any physical exercise, as well as visits to the solarium and bathhouse (sauna), should be postponed for at least a day.

If facial reinforcement was done with hyaluronic acid, and you didn’t like the result, everything can be easily corrected. This substance is completely dissolved by the enzyme hyaluronidase.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for the introduction of liquid mesothreads:

  • loss of elasticity;
  • shallow wrinkles;
  • pigmentation;
  • dryness and sensitivity of the skin;
  • scars;
  • interbrow and nasolabial folds;
  • ptosis;
  • changing the line of the oval;
  • aesthetic defects, etc.

The procedure may also be prescribed to speed up healing after using other rejuvenation methods.

In cosmetology, reinforcement using biogel is considered safe, but there are still a number of contraindications:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis, epilepsy, autoimmune pathology;
  • oncology;
  • skin rashes;
  • allergy to components;
  • infectious or viral disease;
  • antibacterial therapy is carried out;
  • age up to 18 years.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

Contraindications also include any acute disease: infections, chronic lesions of internal organs in the acute stage.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • The multi-component formula provides a comprehensive approach.
  • Painless implementation.
  • Fast recovery.
  • The risks of side effects are minimal.
  • Can be combined with other rejuvenation procedures.
  • Long lasting results.
  • The drug self-dissolves and is excreted on its own.
  • High price.
  • The effect is noticeable after a course of procedures.
  • During the procedure, the skin is damaged.


Reinforcement is carried out without the use of general anesthesia. It is for this reason that the patient does not need to stay in the hospital after the procedure.

Literally on days 4-7, microhematomas, swelling and other signs of a facelift disappear. After a month, 100% results are observed.

Photos before and after non-surgical rejuvenation confirm that the effect is visible immediately. This is very important for women.

However, it is worth considering that injection lifting is not a one-time procedure. To achieve the best results, several sessions will be needed.

Review of drugs

Veluderm strongfirm

Available in a volume of 5 ml; Average price: from 1900 rub.

The product contains the following components: D-panthenol, vitamin B1, silicon, hyaluronic acid.

Problems to be solved: correction of aesthetic defects, restoration of structure and color, fight against age-related changes.

Outline gel

Product of Russian-French. Made on the basis of synthetic hyaluronic acid from the Japanese brand Shiseido. Average price: 2000 rub.

The components of the drug are easily absorbed by the body and do not cause complications.

The series includes 2 types:

Skinoprotector (Skinoprotector). The ratio of zinc and hyaluronic acid is 1:5. Available in a volume of 10 ml. Used to tighten skin on the face, neck and hands.

The injection technique is mesh. For serious age-related changes, the retrograde technique is used.

Lifter. Available in a volume of 10 ml. There is more zinc in the composition.

Used to correct the body: abdomen, hips, arms and buttocks. I use 1-3 ml of solution per area. The drug is injected into the deep layers of the epidermis.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

Zinc ions are widely used in dermatology; zinc-containing ointments are effective against bacteria and fungi, as well as skin mites. In addition, divalent zinc interacts with hyaluronic acid, strengthening the lattice of the intradermal framework.

Cytolife body filler

A unique product for intensive reinforcement of soft tissues of the face and body. Available in a volume of 3 ml. Contains hyaluronic acid and zinc chloride.

The result of application is restoration of skin firmness and elasticity, lifting effect.

Frame Fibro Control Complex

The drug of the Optima M line. Available in a volume of 6 ml.

A new generation bioarmirant containing hyaluronic acid, biometric peptides, amino acids, microelements and vitamins.

The result is that the skin condition improves, firmness and elasticity are restored. Suitable for patients aged 35-55 years.


Country of origin: DERLI, Spain.
Available in volumes of 5 and 10 ml. Average price: 7000 rub. Contains high molecular weight hyaluronic acid and zinc.

Problems solved: correction of facial contours, elimination of jowls and double chin, smoothing and prevention of deep wrinkles.

Fibroface evolution

Manufacturer: Dr. Korman Laboratories (Israel).

Available in a volume of 6 ml. Average price: 6000 rub.

Ingredients: native hyaluronic acid, amino acids (arginine, lysine, phenylalanine, ornithine, proline, methionine, glutathione) and trace elements.

Result of application: rejuvenation effect, improved skin tone, hydration and nutrition. The product also helps get rid of pigmentation and acne marks.


Country of origin: Switzerland. Available in a volume of 15 ml. Average price: 15,000 rub.

Ingredients: zinc hyaluronate, hyaluronic acid, vitamins, peptides.

Helps improve complexion, restore skin firmness and elasticity.


Manufacturer: Aqtis Medical (Holland). Contains polycaprolactone.

Intended for patients over 40 years of age. Removes fine wrinkles, nasolabial folds and acne marks, smoothes scars, makes the skin more elastic.

The drug is quite expensive. Cost - 18,000-23,000 rubles.

MezoArm2 V-Shaping+Zn

The drug was created on the Russian market together with the French brand Armorique.
Available in a volume of 10 ml. Price: from 10,000 rub.

Contains: hyaluronic acid (1.2%), zinc hyaluronate (0.1%), K+ ions.

Designed for face and body correction. Promotes collagen production, restores skin turgor, evens out skin texture, fills wrinkles. Application provides a noticeable lifting effect.

Biorevitalization "Aquashine"

Often, before reinforcement, a cosmetologist recommends taking a course of biorevitalization. This procedure significantly increases the effectiveness of lifting.

Over the past few years, the drug “Aquashine” has been in constant high demand. This product from the South Korean company Caregen is now very actively used to correct cosmetic imperfections.

Before proceeding directly to the procedure, the specialist thoroughly cleanses the skin of impurities. Then the face is disinfected with an antiseptic. At this point, the preparatory stage is considered complete.

The next step is light anesthesia. It is performed using a special gel. Then a film is placed on the face. The holding time of the latter is from 30 to 40 minutes. This is quite enough for the anesthetic to take effect.

Now the cosmetologist can give injections. The entire face is treated with injections, including the chin, as well as the neck and décolleté area.

The average duration of biorevitalization is approximately 15-20 minutes. The price varies from 10 to 20 thousand rubles per session.

How does the procedure work?

It is important to trust the tightening procedure only to qualified specialists: a dermatocosmetologist or a plastic surgeon.

Before reinforcement, you need to take a coagulogram and tests for hepatitis and HIV. It is necessary to finish taking antibiotics or antiviral drugs within 3-4 weeks.


  • Give up alcoholic beverages and cigarettes within a week;
  • Do not carry out cleansing procedures;
  • Adjust your diet one day in advance: remove pickles, spices and smoked foods;
  • Do not sunbathe, do not visit the pool or sauna;
  • Reduce physical activity.

How it goes

Stages of implementation:

  • cleansing the face of decorative cosmetics and treating with an antiseptic;
  • marking lines for introduction;
  • anesthesia;
  • removal of residual anesthetic cream and re-treatment with an antiseptic;
  • administration of the drug;
  • disinfection of puncture sites;
  • applying a soothing cream.

The injection technique depends on the tasks:

  • circular lift - punctures are made along the contour of the face;
  • correction of cheekbones and getting rid of wrinkles - injections along the line of nasolabial folds;
  • correction of the forehead and eyebrows - punctures along the longitudinal and transverse muscles of the forehead.

The procedure takes from half an hour to an hour. Once completed, the patient is sent home.

Preparation for reinforcement

To increase the effectiveness of the procedure, you need to prepare for it in advance. The best way to do this is to check with your doctor.

To minimize the risk of hematomas, you should take the drug "Dicinon". It is recommended to start 3 days before reinforcement. Of course, you cannot take medicine without permission. Only with the doctor's permission.

To avoid problems with the circulatory system, you must stop taking anticoagulants and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 14 days before the procedure. The same rule applies to vitamin E.

Women prone to excessive pigmentation are prescribed medications that block the process of melanogenesis. You need to start your appointment one month before the appointed date of reinforcement.

Healing period

During the recovery period, you should try to touch your face as little as possible. It is recommended to reduce physical activity, give up alcohol and smoking, and not eat fatty, salty and smoked foods.

It is prohibited to visit the sauna, swimming pool, solarium. You should also not use decorative cosmetics or sleep on a high pillow.

Care measures:

  • carry out daily skin hygiene with products without aggressive components in the composition;
  • Treat puncture sites with an antiseptic;
  • apply cream with SPF factor.

Technologies: needles or cannulas

In addition to fillers for vector lifting, the bioreinforcement procedures themselves differ. The injection can be done with a regular needle, or with a cannula. We all know what a needle is from childhood, and a cannula is almost like a needle, only it ends not in a hole, but in a rounded blunt part. The hole is on the side.

The rounded end of the cannula can be used to perform modeling through the soft tissues of the face, which reduces the number of necessary holes for injecting hyaluronic acid - less discomfort and bruising, puncture marks disappear faster.

Precautionary measures

Any injection rejuvenation may lead to unexpected results.

It is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations of the cosmetologist and follow all recommendations during the healing period.

Side effects

Slight redness and swelling are a normal reaction. All side effects disappear within five days.

Sometimes complications arise

  • formation of hematomas, bruises and swelling;
  • itching and burning at puncture sites;
  • allergic reaction;
  • severe pain when pressed.

If any of the above phenomena occur, you should immediately seek help from a specialist.

Origin of collagen for injection

This protein is quite difficult to synthesize in the laboratory, so in most cases the collagen implanted into the skin of the face is of natural, animal or human origin.

Bovine collagen

When it is injected under the skin, the body perceives this collagen as its own. But the opposite reaction can also occur. The body may perceive a foreign protein obtained from the skin of a bull as foreign, and the threads will be rejected. This can lead to unpleasant aesthetic consequences.

Human collagen

To eliminate the threat of an allergic reaction, autologen is often used for injection - collagen taken from another area of ​​human skin. It is easily digestible, but will also be destroyed much faster.

Although a hostile reaction of the body to foreign collagen occurs in practice, this is a rare case. The most common drugs at the moment - Zyderm and Zyplast - contain protein of human origin, and they are used by cosmetologists all over the world. The only caveat is that before the first injection, a skin test is performed, which will help identify possible incompatibility.

CosmoPlast and CosmoDerm fillers also contain human collagen. They cost more, but eliminate the need for a skin test before the procedure. In addition, they contain lidocaine, which reduces pain.

Some preparations contain protein extracted from the treated skin of a corpse. For example, Cymetra. Collagen facial filler does not cause any inflammatory or allergic reactions. It also contains elastane fibers, proteins and propylene glycans, which have a powerful rejuvenating effect on the skin from the inside.

Photos before and after

Comparison with other types of mesothreads

First of all, liquid threads differ in their composition. They consist of several active components at once. Thanks to this, the product is incorporated very well and distributed evenly, which enhances the antioxidant effect.

Another difference is the technique of drug administration. Liquid threads are administered by injection - this avoids injury to the subcutaneous layers. The chemical effect helps improve the color and hydration of the face.

The reinforcement procedure is cheaper compared to classic thread lifting. It needs to be carried out in courses. The effect is noticeable after 2 weeks.

The action of solid mesothreads is somewhat different. They create the effect of tissue tension. The drug is also administered subcutaneously, but the hypodermis is injured. The process of fibrosis resorption is accelerated and the result appears earlier.

Synthetic (gold or silicone) threads do not dissolve at all. They are used in the presence of severe aesthetic defects and ptosis. They are not rejected by the body and reliably fix the skin. The procedure is performed by a plastic surgeon. The result lasts up to 6-7 years.

Bio-reinforcement with hyaluronic acid

The introduction of hyaluronic acid is the most popular way to preserve beauty, including bioreinforcement. The injection substance itself is obtained from biomaterial, so it practically does not cause allergies. A filler based on it acts in a similar way to how hyaluronic acid, produced by the body itself, works. After a few months, the filler dissolves naturally, but the formed frame will work for up to two years, and the appearance of the face and the obvious tightening effect will only improve during this period.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Cosmetologists on forums share their experience of performing bioreinforcement using liquid threads. They say that when purchasing a drug on your own, you should definitely pay attention to the quality certificate.

Also, in reviews, many experts claim that liquid mesothreads should not be used by women under 30 years of age.

Price list for skin tightening with Cytolife liquid threads (Laboratory Cytolife)

Services Price* Note

Lifting with Cytolife liquid threads (Laboratory Cytolife):

Promotion -5% 1 zone (face, neck, décolleté) 50002 zones (face + neck) 80003 zones (face + neck + décolleté) 120001 zone (shoulder area) 50001 zone (hips area) 80001 zone (abdomen area) from 80002 zones (shoulder area + hips, stomach) 120003 zones (shoulders + hips + stomach) from 15000* When registering online, there is a 5% discount on any of the procedures!
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