The whole truth about laser facial rejuvenation: debunking the myths

The essence of the procedure

Effects on the skin can be non-ablative and ablative. In the first case, the skin is not injured, the dermis warms up, which leads to the synthesis of collagen and elastin.

With ablative treatment, the integrity of the skin is compromised. The impact can be complete - laser resurfacing is carried out, or incomplete - thermolysis is carried out with a fractional laser.

The use of the ablative method involves the use of a carbon dioxide or erbium laser. The radiation affects the upper layers of the dermis to eliminate such nuances as wrinkles and scars, creases around the eyes, and hyperpigmentation. Ablative laser allows you to eliminate stretch marks and scars. After such rejuvenation, a short recovery is required.

What is the essence of non-ablative fractional skin rejuvenation?

The mechanism of action of non-ablative rejuvenation is based on the principle of fractional photothermolysis:

  • “FRACTIONAL” - the effect on the skin is not carried out by a full laser beam of a certain diameter, but fragmentarily (microzonally), creating thermal coagulation channels at different depths of the dermis (depending on the type of laser);
  • “PHOTO” - pulsed light energy supply;
  • “THERMO” is the thermal effect of a laser beam on water, which is contained in various skin structures. Interstitial and interstitial fluid is dosed to 60 °C, diffusely distributing heat to surrounding tissues. At the same time, the skin structures are exposed to thermal stress, due to which the processes of neocollagenogenesis are launched and metabolic reactions are activated;
  • “LYSIS” - as a result of such thermal exposure, denaturation and lysis of old, “spent” areas of collagen—the framework proteins of the dermis—occurs, which triggers the processes of their renewal and restructuring.

After such rejuvenation procedures, tissue regeneration and restoration are carried out simultaneously at three levels: on the skin surface, in the middle and deep layers of dermal tissue between coagulation thermal channels.

Fractional impact technologies and technical possibilities for their implementation

Cosmetologists at our clinic in Moscow carry out skin rejuvenation procedures using fractional non-ablative techniques using two modern professional machines from the world's leading manufacturers.

What they are and their main advantages:

  1. The FOTONA SP Dynamis laser platform is an erbium laser with a wavelength of 2940 nm and a unique patented Smooth technology. The laser tissue capture depth is up to 1000 microns (1.2 mm). Thanks to Fotona's innovative engineering solutions, the laser makes it possible to carry out an effect (perform a procedure) not only on the surface of the skin, but also on the mucous membranes - these are procedures for the treatment of snoring, 4D facial rejuvenation, vaginal rejuvenation, non-surgical blepharoplasty, etc.;

  1. Modular multifunctional system Palomar Star Lux 500 with two attachments - laser and pulsed light radiation for fractional (islet) skin rejuvenation, with the help of which not only the elimination of wrinkles is carried out, but also the alignment of stretch marks, scars and scars after acne, therapy and correction of sagging and " laxity of the skin, etc.;
      The Palomar 1540 attachment is an erbium fractional laser with a penetration depth of up to 1.4 mm, providing a superficial fractional effect on the skin.
  2. The Palomar Deep IR attachment is an infrared pulsed light emitter, with an exposure depth of up to 7 mm, i.e. The laser works at the level of the deep layers of the dermis, without damaging the surface of the patient’s skin at all. The main function of this laser is thermal stimulation of the basal (growth) layer of the dermis in order to launch the processes of synthesis of new collagen.

After several procedures of complex fractional non-ablative rejuvenation using the laser attachment Palomar DeepIR and Palomar 1540, results are guaranteed in increasing elasticity and turgor, reducing sagging and sagging skin of the abdomen, arms and legs, as well as removing wrinkles around the eyes, in the eyelid area, on the face, neck and décolleté area - this is confirmed by patient reviews.

Advantages of fractional laser rejuvenation using a non-ablative technique

The main effect of rejuvenation, improvement of skin quality and tightening as a result of non-ablative rejuvenation procedures is achieved through renewal, restructuring, tightening of dermal structures and triggering the synthesis of the main framework proteins of the dermis - collagen and elastin.

The great popularity of fractional photothermolysis, and most importantly the effectiveness of the procedures, was ensured by the unique combination of advantages of the technique in the conditions of our medical center:

  • wide range of indications;
  • high efficiency of procedures in our clinic due to the presence of three lasers within one technique;
  • complete safety due to the professional level of both equipment and specialists;
  • the possibility of influencing a variety of areas of the skin and mucous membranes (breasts, eyelid area, mucous membranes of the oral cavity and vagina, etc.);
  • quick (short) rehabilitation (no damage to the surface layer of the skin) and the ability to return to everyday life the very next day;
  • the procedures do not require pain relief, the patient feels a slight tingling and warmth in the affected areas during treatment;
  • do not leave traces on the skin in the form of microholes. All that awaits the patient is redness and, as a rule, slight swelling, and these effects usually last no more than two to three days;
  • procedures are carried out at any time of the year, regardless of the season.

Recovery period

The complications or consequences of the procedure typical for laser peelings and resurfacing are practically not felt with non-ablative laser rejuvenation. In the first 1-2 days, slight redness and increased skin temperature are possible. Then these signs disappear, without even leaving behind peeling.

Rehabilitation after non-ablative laser rejuvenation does not require restrictions or therapeutic manipulations from the patient, however, the cosmetologist should give you recommendations to consolidate the effect obtained. Non-ablative laser rejuvenation can be safely classified as a “lunch break” procedure - immediately after its completion, the patient can return to normal activities and interact with people without being embarrassed about their appearance.

It should be understood that non-ablative laser rejuvenation is essentially a therapeutic, too soft and “gentle” procedure, so it is naive to expect an effect comparable to that of a surgical lift. The procedure is suitable for maintaining facial skin in a healthy and youthful state, but does not provide global anti-age results. For patients with obvious sagging and ptosis of the skin, dark and heavy pigmentation, loose wrinkles and folds, classic laser resurfacing or “fractional resurfacing” - procedures with an ablative effect - are more suitable.

Stages of the procedure

A laser eyelid rejuvenation session consists of 4 stages. They are carried out in strict sequence:

  1. Rejuvenation from within. The cosmetologist uses a thin laser beam to target the mucous membrane. Collagen production is stimulated. The soft tissues around the eyes are tightened, folds and sagging disappear. Small wrinkles are smoothed out.
  2. Biorevitalization effect. The laser beam deeply heats the tissue around the eyes. Blood circulation in the capillaries improves. The skin is moisturized and becomes elastic.
  3. Light peeling. The device removes the upper layers of the epidermis. The skin around the eyes brightens and evens out, becoming velvety. Small wrinkles and areas of pigmentation disappear.
  4. Launching natural mechanisms to restore youth. The natural collagen framework is restored. This stage continues for 2 weeks after completion of the procedure. The effect is cumulative.

The procedures can be done with a break of 4 weeks. Laser rejuvenation of the lower eyelids is carried out as an independent procedure or for rejuvenation of the entire face. It can be done at any season of the year.

When will the result be noticeable?

The first visible changes occur within a few days after the procedure. First, small wrinkles are smoothed out. The skin becomes lighter and smoother due to the renewal of the surface layers of the epithelium.

After a week, loose folds of skin are tightened. Deep wrinkles are reduced. If you compare photos before and after laser eyelid rejuvenation, the maximum effect will be noticeable after a month. The results last for 3-5 years. Then the course can be repeated.

Where to get fractional laser rejuvenation in Moscow

Contact the aesthetic medicine clinic in Moscow “Absolut Med” near the Airport metro station in the Northern Administrative District, which uses innovative technology - the MCL-30 Dermablate erbium laser. This laser can be considered a revolution in aesthetic cosmetology.

NamePrice for 1 procedure
Fractional photothermolysis - face23 000 ₽
- face, neck27 000 ₽
- face, neck, décolleté30 000 ₽
- buccal area10 000 ₽
- neck10 000 ₽
- neckline10 000 ₽
- upper eyelids4 000 ₽
- lower eyelids4 000 ₽
- paraorbital region7 000 ₽
- perioral region5 000 ₽
- chin area7 000 ₽
- nasolabial triangle5 000 ₽
- nose3 000 ₽
- forehead8 500 ₽
Fractional photothermolysis-body
- Hands7 000 ₽
- stomach (1 zone)7 000 ₽
— back (1 zone)7 000 ₽
- lateral thigh7 000 ₽
- back of the thigh7 000 ₽
- inner thigh7 000 ₽
- anterior thigh7 000 ₽
- one full thigh12 000 ₽
- shoulders7 000 ₽
- shins7 000 ₽
- mammary gland12 000 ₽
- buttocks12 000 ₽
- forehead8 500 ₽
Fractional photothermolysis (per 1 ₽
Laser facial resurfacing30 000 ₽
Laser resurfacing of the eye area9 000 ₽


The cosmetologist selects the procedure method, the intensity of radiation, and the treatment area. The client goes through 4 stages:

  1. Accommodation. The patient lies down on the couch, taking a comfortable position, in which he will spend from 10 to 30 minutes. Hair is removed from the forehead under a disposable cap;
  2. Facial cleansing. The doctor removes remaining cosmetics, sebum and other contaminants;
  3. Laser processing. The cosmetologist processes the required areas in scanning mode;
  4. To reduce redness, a cream with panthenol is applied to the treated area.

Most people experience no pain during the non-ablative rejuvenation process. For a client with sensitive skin, the doctor will provide local anesthesia.


The recovery period after blepharoplasty lasts from 2 to 5 days. The eyelids may turn red, swell, and have a slight burning sensation and itching. At this time it is recommended:

  • avoid bright light, wear sunglasses;
  • do not visit baths, swimming pools, solariums;
  • avoid mechanical impact - do not rub your eyes, do not put pressure on your eyelids;
  • do not use decorative cosmetics;
  • wash only with boiled or ozonated water;
  • apply special moisturizing gels or creams if recommended by a cosmetologist;
  • Sleep on your back with your head elevated for 2 weeks.

In people who smoke, the rate of rehabilitation is reduced. They should give up this bad habit and start taking vitamin complexes. Slow recovery occurs when there is a lack of zinc, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and vitamins A and E in the body. This deficiency can be compensated for by medications.

CO2 eye rejuvenation without surgery

The method involves exposing the eyelids to a carbon dioxide laser using a special device. The procedure is completely safe and does not injure the skin. Recovery takes place within a few days.

The peculiarity of CO2 laser eyelid rejuvenation without surgery is its long-term effect. The first visible changes are 2-3 weeks after the session. Over the next 6 months, skin renewal occurs and the rejuvenation effect accumulates.

The procedure is contraindicated in acute infections, diabetes, cancer, and increased tissue susceptibility to scarring. It is not recommended to undergo sessions during pregnancy and while taking certain medications.

Indications for fractional rejuvenation

  • Reduction of depth and complete correction of wrinkles;
  • Reduction of pore sizes;
  • Correction of gravitational ptosis;
  • Restoring skin elasticity;
  • Removal of pigment spots;
  • The need to remove traces of post-acne, scar changes and stretch marks;
  • Getting rid of hyper- and atrophic, postoperative and post-traumatic scars;
  • Improvements in skin structure and color.
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