Non-surgical face and neck lift with Silhouette Lift threads

From this article you will learn:

  • RF face lifting: what is it, reviews,
  • thermolifting, facial thermage – reviews from cosmetologists, photos.

RF lifting (English: Radiofrequency) is a technology for non-surgical tightening of skin that has the first signs of aging. In Russia, this procedure is often called thermage or thermolifting. This procedure is ideal for those who (due to their still young age) do not want or do not trust surgical rejuvenation procedures.

Radiofrequency energy in cosmetology is used to treat sagging skin, face lifting and is best suited for patients aged 30-45 years, who still have a high level of production of their own collagen. The most famous devices for RF lifting are: “Thermage”, “Accent”, “Pelleve”, “Tripollar”.

Indications for face lifting

  • there was a shift in the “fat traps” of the face
  • the skin of the face, neck, and décolleté has become flabby and lost its elasticity;
  • skin color has faded;
  • bags or dark circles appeared under the eyes, the skin of the eyelids lost its elasticity;
  • small wrinkles appeared;
  • facial wrinkles and creases have become especially obvious;
  • excess skin appeared after weight loss;
  • the contours of the face changed, a double chin appeared.

A facelift is a cosmetic procedure to tighten the skin. Previously, lifting was carried out only with the help of plastic surgery, now all these problems can be solved without surgical intervention, using hardware techniques, but only in the skillful and experienced hands of a doctor!

Modern laser techniques allow you to achieve maximum results with minimal rehabilitation. The equipment is very expensive, so not all clinics can afford it. Telos Beauty Prof Clinic is considered one of the first to use the world's best equipment for rejuvenation and lifting. A huge number of grateful clients wholeheartedly recommend us to their friends because they trust us.

Devices for RF lifting – which one is better?

There are a wide variety of devices that deliver radiofrequency energy to treat a variety of skin problems. However, many of them are not approved for use and may therefore be harmful. Below we will look at the most common devices approved by the FDA (the world's most famous medical organization for quality control of medications and treatment methods).

What you need to pay attention to when choosing a device for RF lifting...

  • Different devices operate at different frequencies - for example, there are devices that operate at a frequency of 470 kHz (that's 470 thousand pulses per second).
    There are those that operate at 4 MHz or 6 MHz (4 or 6 million pulses per second, respectively). There are many other devices, but usually the pulse frequency does not exceed 9 MHz. The higher the pulse frequency, the deeper the effect of the device is carried out deep into the tissues. Therefore, for the method to be effective, the device must first of all have high power. However, this can lead to overheating of the epidermis (the surface layer of the skin). Therefore, it is very important that the device is equipped with sensors for monitoring the temperature of the epidermis, as well as a cooling system. Such devices are usually much more expensive than low-frequency ones. The latter do not require either sensors or cooling systems, and therefore their price is much lower (as is their efficiency).
  • Device operating modes – RF lifting devices can operate in two modes. Firstly, radio frequency energy can be delivered in a monopolar mode, which is capable of treating areas larger than the device head itself, and the energy penetrates 20-30 mm deep. This is the second very important point that allows you to achieve a good effect from the procedure.
    Secondly, there are devices that operate in bipolar mode. With it, the penetration depth of radio frequency energy is extremely small (only 2-3 mm), which means that the energy practically does not penetrate into the dermis, limiting its effect on the epidermis ( Bipolar devices are more convenient to use for cosmetologists themselves, but are less effective in terms of results.

    Conclusions : if you want a guaranteed result (especially for cellulite), then we advise you to choose procedures only on a device with a monopolar mode with a high pulse frequency. If you need to remove a double chin or change the contour of your face by burning excess fatty tissue, then devices with a monopolar mode will also be more suitable for you. But if you need to increase skin elasticity, then the bipolar mode will be preferable.

Thermage device –

The Thermage device operates in monopolar mode, has a pulse frequency of 6 MHz, and also uses patented ThermaTip technology to penetrate radio frequency energy into the deep layers of the skin (dermis). Heating the deep collagen structures in the skin results in immediate skin tightening. There are four generations of Thermage devices, and the most effective of them is Thermage 4.

Facial Thermage (popularly called thermolifting) was approved by the FDA in 2002 as a non-invasive procedure for use around the eyes and eyelids to treat fine lines and wrinkles, and to temporarily improve cellulite (in combination with vibration).

Note that the concept of “thermage” has become a household word among patients, and no longer implies the name of the device (as it should have been), but the procedure itself, carried out using any radio frequency energy devices.

Device “Accent” –

The Accent system has two tips at once - a bipolar tip for volumetric heating of the skin, that is, mainly for tightening the skin, and a monopolar tip for penetrating radio waves into the deep layers of the skin to reduce fatty tissue in the fight against cellulite.

Device "Tripollar" (Tripollar) –

The Tripollar system can use both monopolar and bipolar types of effects on the skin. It should be noted that when treating facial skin, bipolar devices allow you to achieve better results with less pain. In addition to professional devices, there are “Tripollar” devices for home use, the price of which starts at approximately $550.

But if we talk about RF body lifting, reviews among patients with initial signs of cellulite are positive only if the procedures are performed with devices with monopolar effects. This is due to the fact that from a monopolar tip the waves penetrate much deeper into the skin, which is important for the treatment of cellulite.

Combined devices –

Time does not stand still and device manufacturers in the beauty industry have begun to use radio frequency energy combined with other types of energy. This has provided many more options for treating a wide range of skin problems on the face and body. Typically, the energy of high-frequency light pulses is combined with radio frequency energy

Combined systems include the following devices:

  • "Syneron" and "The Aurora" (pulsed light + RF),
  • "Polaris", "Comet" (diode laser + RF),
  • "VelaSmooth" and "VelaShape" (infrared light + RF),
  • "Aluma" (vacuum booster + RF).

The combination of pulsed light (IPL) + radiofrequency energy (RF) in the machines is used for facial rejuvenation procedures, and the technology itself is called “Elos”. By the way, this combined technology is used not only to correct age spots and age spots on the skin, but also to epilate unwanted hair.

Price for facial skin lifting

Are there possible consequences or complications?

Failure to comply with contraindications may result in negative consequences. These include:

  • swelling;
  • burns;
  • itching;
  • exacerbation of herpes;
  • the appearance of high skin sensitivity.

In a situation where swelling and redness have not disappeared within three days, you should come for a follow-up appointment at the clinic where the procedure was performed. You can reduce the risk of unwanted reactions if, within 4 days:

  • do not sunbathe;
  • do not visit the solarium, bathhouse, sauna;
  • do not carry out cosmetic procedures;
  • do not engage in too vigorous physical activity.

On the day of the procedure, it is not recommended to use other techniques aimed at deep and aggressive effects. If all rules are followed, there are no side effects.

Why face lifting at the Telos Beauty clinic prof.

  • We have developed programs aimed at tissue restoration and lifting. Our doctors will never perform a procedure unless there is an indication for it. It is very important.
  • We value our impeccable reputation; it cannot be bought!
  • The appointment of a specific program is carried out by a cosmetologist, subject to mandatory agreement with the patient, collection of anamnesis, taking into account all individual characteristics. Only joint work between the doctor and the patient gives the maximum result.
  • If thin, finely wrinkled skin is diagnosed, then he will most likely be offered superficial laser peeling procedures, biorevitalization, facial plasma therapy, and botulinum toxin injections.
  • If the patient’s skin is quite thick, with pronounced gravitational ptosis, he may be recommended ultrasonic lifting procedures using the Ulthera System device, Fraxel laser resurfacing, BBL rejuvenation procedures, volumetric thread modeling and face lifting using contour plastic surgery.

RF lifting – how the procedure works

Before the procedure -

Before RF lifting, the skin of the face or body must be thoroughly cleaned with soap and water to remove any remnants of cosmetics, creams or oils that may affect the quality of the procedure. Sometimes before the procedure, a special anesthetic cream is applied to the skin to numb the skin. After a certain time, immediately before the procedure, this cream is washed off by the cosmetologist with an alcohol-containing solution.

Depending on the device used and the experience of the esthetician, special markings may be applied to the skin to ensure even coverage of RF (radio waves) and to prevent accidental overlap of treatment areas.

Depending on the device used, a special pad may or may not be used and placed on the patient's abdomen or under the back. This pad is necessary for grounding (most often used for monopolar devices). Again, depending on the device used, a special gel may be used to act as a barrier between the surface of the patient's skin and the tip of the RF device.

During the procedure -

The cosmetologist moves the tip of the device over the surface of the skin, while radio frequency energy heats the skin in the range of 40 to 44 degrees Celsius, maintaining this temperature for some time. The heat produced has a positive effect on the lymphatic and vascular system and increases the flow of fluid to the cells.

Heating the inner layers of the skin causes microscopic changes in the tissue and an initial reduction in collagen, which promotes subsequent collagen remodeling over the next few months.

RF lifting: video

After the procedure -

A soothing gel or lotion may be applied to the skin. Immediately after the RF face lifting procedure, reviews show that patients feel skin tightening, which gradually increases over the next 1-2 months.

The result after the procedure - RF lifting - reviews from most patients confirm that the result is noticeable for up to several years. If minor changes are necessary, just 1 procedure may be sufficient (most often after the Thermage 4 device, which is by far the most advanced and effective). However, if more significant changes in skin condition are needed and/or the patient has significant skin thickness, then the cosmetologist may offer a series of 2-6 procedures performed every 1-3 weeks.

RF face lift: before and after photos

RF body lifting: before and after photos

Techniques for facial skin tightening

  • During the consultation, the doctor takes into account all the features, clarifies the client’s expectations, selecting the optimal technique.
  • ultrasonic face lifting Ulthera System (Altera) - acting on the lower layers of the dermis, SMAS allows you to tighten the skin and get the effect of “minus 5-10 years”;
  • laser therapy Fraxel (Fraxel) - suitable for both rejuvenation and correction of defects. Due to the deep impact of waves of a certain length on various layers of the skin, the process of cell restoration is launched in the body;
  • botulinum therapy using only certified drugs Botox, Dysport and Xeomin - allows you to relax the muscles and, thereby, rid the face of wrinkles and creases;
  • injection procedures for biorevitalization and plasma modeling of the face - allow you to restore the necessary balance of substances in skin cells, return its moisture and elasticity to the desired level.

Doctors at our clinic use each of the described methods both in combination and as monotherapy, based on many criteria, including the needs of the patient.

Features of the procedure

During heating with high frequency currents, intense destruction of protein tissue and strengthening of collagen fibers occurs. Despite the fact that the current damages the latter, this leads to the formation of new cells that actively replace old ones.

In addition to enhancing collagen restoration, fat cells are destroyed and blood circulation is increased. Thanks to this, facial wrinkles are smoothed out and the appearance of the skin improves.

Operating principles

To obtain a positive result, two principles of action are used:

  • Diathermy. It heats up the tissue. The substance that carries the current contains heat. In tissues with high resistance, the thermal effect is especially strong. These include fat and skin. Devices based on this operating principle have metal electrodes.
  • UHF. This technique allows tissue to be heated using an electromagnetic field. The mechanism of action is similar to the operation of a microwave: the molecules change their location with the same frequency as the electromagnetic field. Such devices use electrodes coated with a dielectric.

When using this type of lifting, the skin and layers underneath are heated at temperatures up to 50 degrees. Collagen fibers turn into spirals, create a strong frame, and maintain intercellular connections.

Under the influence of high temperature, fat dissolves and is excreted physiologically. Therefore, we can talk about a lipolytic lifting effect.

Before and After Results

Thread lifting

Thread lifting gives an excellent effect - a simple, painless and non-invasive way to rejuvenate the skin.

PDO lifting threads are made of polydioxonan, consist of two twisted solid fibers (polyfilament) or one (monofilament), which dissolve over time and stimulate collagen synthesis, making the skin lighter, smoother, and fine wrinkles and sagging disappear.

The effect of treatment lasts up to 3 years. The first result is within a month, excellent visible results occur in the 3rd month, when new collagen begins to be induced.

Insertion of threads is a quick and minimally traumatic procedure, performed under local anesthesia. They are inserted using a special cannula needle to a depth of 3-5 mm.

Thanks to PDO threads, we can also limit the strength of the facial muscles and achieve an aesthetic effect similar to the injection of botulinum toxin - relaxation and smoothing of facial muscles. The aesthetic effect is more natural than after the injection of botulinum toxin, since the facial muscles, although they relax, still remain active.


  • skin diseases, including the presence of various lesions (wounds, ulcers) in the treatment area;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • diabetes mellitus and other endocrine diseases;
  • hypotension, hypertension, any cardiovascular diseases;
  • any chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • fungal, viral, bacterial infections;
  • any (benign, malignant) neoplasms;
  • recent cosmetic procedures using gold threads;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

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What do you need to know before choosing?

Despite the fact that the procedure is safe, there are some subtleties. There are three types of devices. Monopolar ones are among the most powerful. They have a deep impact and are used only once. When used, a high-frequency current is created that heats the tissue to a temperature of 60 degrees. Due to the risk of damage, devices of this class are rarely used.

Bipolars are soft. With their help, individual areas are treated, the depth of impact is insignificant. To obtain a good result, a longer course will be required, but there is less chance of side effects and complications.

A new word in the world of cosmetology is tripolar lifting. It involves the use of several electrodes, with the help of which the poles are regularly changed within one procedure. Thanks to this, energy enters different layers of the skin. It is used as an auxiliary procedure after liposuction and plastic surgery. It accelerates collagen synthesis and is part of weight loss programs.

Surgical lifting

Rydectomy (circular lift) is a traumatic lifting operation, correction of the neck area, middle facial area, forehead, temples, cheeks and corners of the mouth.

The surgeon cuts a section of skin near the temple and under the lower jaw, and then removes excess skin and fat. The operation is performed under general anesthesia and lasts several hours. The patient remains in the hospital for 3-5 days. Stitches are applied for a week, the patient wears a special elastic bandage. The effect lasts up to 10 years.

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