Features of eyelid lifting with threads and possible complications after

The female beauty industry is one of the most dynamically developing areas of modern cosmetology. After all, in order to preserve youth and attractiveness, ladies are ready to do literally anything.

It would seem that just recently cosmetologists for the first time offered representatives of the fair half of humanity a classic face lift using “anti-aging threads,” but now the time has come for “meso” type threads, which experts consider a real technological breakthrough in face lifting.

However, there are cosmetologists who are sure: reinforcing a woman’s face with mesothreads is fraught with various kinds of complications and has a lot of contraindications, which patients are not always aware of. Let's try to figure it out and weigh the pros and cons of this original procedure.

What are eyelid threads for?

During thread lifting, a material is introduced into the skin of the eyelids, which becomes a frame for it. It can be biodegradable and non-absorbable. After insertion, the threads are tightened and secured. Living tissues move along with them. As a result, wrinkles and ptosis that add age disappear.

The rejuvenating effect is also ensured by the fact that when introducing threads, minor trauma to the skin occurs. As a response, the process of neocollagenesis arises in it, that is, the increased formation of young cells. This also increases the elasticity of the skin, since the frame is formed from its own tissues. Promotes the development of the collagen layer and the gradual disintegration of biodegradable threads. The substances from which they are created stimulate the renewal process.

We recommend reading about facelift with mesothreads. From the article you will learn about the advantages of the procedure, indications and contraindications for it, types of threads, methods of implementation, results, cost. And here is more information about the best threads for a facelift.


While the procedure is safe, you should take into account the circumstances that impede the procedure:

  • period of bearing a child, breastfeeding;
  • oncological diseases;
  • skin tendency to scarring, tissue atrophy;
  • an inflammatory process accompanied by an increase in body temperature and general malaise;
  • diseases that require correction of sugar levels in the body.

Types of threads for lifting sagging eyelids

Threads for lifting sagging eyelids come in the following types: gold, liquid, Swiss, scroll, 6 D, Aptos, Korean, polylactic, silicone. The choice is made by the doctor, who takes into account the condition of the patient’s skin, the severity of age-related changes and the individual characteristics of the body.

Golden threads

The essence of the manipulation is the introduction of gold threads (reinforcement) into the upper layers of the dermis, which are located on the border with the subcutaneous fat layer. After some time, the “conductor” thread completely dissolves and only microparticles of the precious metal remain under the skin.

This tightening is a preventive measure that improves the condition of the skin, but is not able to get rid of sagging tissue. Gold promotes:

  • improving circulation processes at the cellular level;
  • adequate supply of oxygen, nutrients and vitamins;
  • acceleration of metabolism.

Disadvantages of the procedure:

  • the fibrous framework that forms around the gold threads leads to tissue detachment - the problem can only be solved surgically;
  • facial muscles continue to work actively, the “tips” of the threads break and literally “crawl out”;
  • After a lift with gold threads, many anti-aging procedures are strictly prohibited - for example, plasma lifting, exposure to radio waves and lasers.

The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis (maximum 15 minutes), the doctor can administer local anesthesia. Rehabilitation lasts only 3 days, the formation of small hematomas and swelling is possible. The results obtained last for an average of 4 years.

The cost of an eyelid lift with gold threads ranges from 20-30 thousand rubles.

Watch this video about the benefits of reinforcement with gold threads:

Liquid threads

Liquid threads are recommended to be used to eliminate existing signs of aging and to prevent their intensification at the age of 30-35 years. The product is a transparent gel with the highest possible content of hyaluronic acid in the composition. After the manipulation the following are noted:

  • eyelid lift;
  • smoothing out small facial wrinkles;
  • improvement of skin color.

Experts and patients themselves highlight several disadvantages of this drug:

  • a wide list of contraindications;
  • impossibility of introducing liquid threads with already installed implants;
  • a week-long recovery period, accompanied by itching of the skin, swelling, redness, and small hematomas.

Liquid biothreads FIBROLIFT
The manipulation does not require hospitalization of the patient, lasts 10-20 minutes, and can be performed under local anesthesia. The results obtained last for 1-3 years.

The cost of lifting sagging eyelids with liquid threads averages 10-15 thousand rubles.

Swiss threads

Swiss threads are produced by the Swiss Group, are of high quality and safety, and have the following advantages:

  • completely hypoallergenic and can be administered even to people with a history of allergies and overly sensitive skin;
  • there is no rehabilitation at all - if the doctor performed the procedure correctly, then even small bruises do not remain at the puncture site;
  • anesthesia (even in the form of applying an anesthetic gel) is not required;
  • For two years, the inserted threads serve as a framework.

Before and after a facelift
A few months after the manipulation, the threads begin to dissolve, but this process proceeds slowly, after which no decay products remain in the tissues, and the resulting water and carbon dioxide are removed from the body naturally.

Threads for eyelid lifting are introduced within 20 minutes; the patient does not need to be admitted to the hospital. The obtained result lasts for 2-2.5 years.

The price of one thread (one injection) is about 250 rubles. To tighten sagging eyelids, at least 10 injections are usually required , but the exact number is determined by the doctor. The cost of the procedure ranges from 30,000 rubles.

Scrolling threads in the eyelid area

Spring Eye - threads with scrolling in the eyelid area, which are a spiral, do not migrate under the skin, and do not dissolve for a long time. Visually, they look much thicker and denser than ordinary, “single” threads, but their insertion does not require surgical intervention - the manipulation is carried out using a special cannula.

Advantages of scroll threads:

  • create a dense frame;
  • cause increased production of collagen and elastin by the body’s own forces;
  • retain moisture in the dermal cells as much as possible;
  • make metabolic and regeneration processes complete.

The procedure has practically no restrictions; it can be used both as a treatment for severe sagging eyelids, and as a preventive measure for the occurrence of a similar problem. It is carried out on an outpatient basis, takes only 20 minutes, the rehabilitation period can last 3-5 days.

The cost of one thread in a cannula is about 400 rubles. An eyelid lift requires 5-10 injections for both eyes , so the total cost of the procedure can be 20-40 thousand rubles.

Threads 6 D

If the material for eyelid lift has small notches, then these are 6 D threads, which have the following characteristics:

  • the skin on the eyelids is not damaged so much that a long recovery period is required;
  • the threads dissolve slowly, so the procedure can be repeated after 2-3 years;
  • skin lifting is carried out almost constantly;
  • the regenerative capabilities of dermal cells are restored;
  • a frame is created that tightens the eyelids and prevents them from drooping.

Such materials are introduced through a special cannula; the doctor will recommend that the patient use local anesthesia to avoid pain and discomfort during manipulation. The result will be visible immediately, side effects are recorded extremely rarely and they do not require additional medical intervention.

The price of one thread is 3,500 rubles , but just one injection is enough to lift the eyelids.

Aptos threads

Aptos threads grow into tissues and therefore, in the event of the development of any pathological process (inflammation, infection), they have to be removed surgically. They are injected into the subcutaneous fat layer, are available in different forms, and are suitable for tightening sagging upper or lower eyelids. A distinctive feature is that there are notches along the entire length of the thread, they reduce its strength and therefore breaks in the material are often recorded.

The procedure for installing threads is carried out on an outpatient basis and takes no more than 50 minutes. After the procedure, swelling and internal hematomas may form; recovery will take about 10 days. The result obtained lasts for an average of 2 years, but if the doctor used non-absorbable material, then this period increases to 4 years.

The price of one eyelid lift is about 15,000 rubles.

Watch this video about how a brow lift using Aptos threads works:

Thread blepharoplasty with Korean threads

Korean threads are used at the age of 35-45 years, when thread blepharoplasty is necessary to eliminate pronounced age-related changes. This material is administered without anesthesia and the procedure lasts a maximum of 1 hour.

The first positive result can be seen immediately after the end of the manipulation; it gradually improves over six months - this is exactly the period of time required for the formation of a dense layer of collagen produced by the body itself.

The results last for 2 years, after which the manipulation can be repeated. The cost of 1 Korean thread ranges from 2000 rubles; to lift one eyelid you will need 4000 rubles.

Polylactic threads

Polylactic threads first “get used” to the layers of the skin and provide a lifting effect during the first 9 months after introduction. They not only lift the skin, but also have a beneficial effect on all vital processes occurring in the cells of the dermis. After a specified period of time, they are absorbed and excreted from the body, but for several years lactic acid remains in the tissues and it promotes the production of its own collagen.

The most popular product of this type are Resorblift threads, which are hypoallergenic, are well accepted by the body, are not rejected and give a positive tightening result that lasts for 3-5 years.

The cost of the procedure for an eyelid lift on both eyes is from 18,000 rubles.

Silicone thread

Silicone threads are a kind of support that does not “freeze” facial muscles. Optimally suitable for tightening at the age of 40 years and older, they belong to the non-absorbable category, and are injected into the deep layers of muscles. There is only one drawback to using such threads - over time, silicone loses its elasticity, so sagging of the eyelids may resume.

To prolong the results obtained, you need to use special care creams (they must have a lifting effect). Repeated lifting procedures should be carried out after 2-3 years.

The price of the full procedure (lasts 30 minutes) is about 23,000 rubles for both eyes.

Watch this video about the types of threads for face lifting:

general description

Wilting most often becomes noticeable in the periorbital region. It has fewer sebaceous glands than other parts of the face.

With age, the skin around the eyes gradually loses elasticity. Stagnation of blood in the vessels leads to the appearance of bruises or dark circles. Photoaging and moisture deficiency lead to wrinkles.

Due to hormonal changes and thinning of the skin in the lower eyelid area, intraorbital fat begins to protrude forward. The sagging of the soft tissues of the forehead and their creeping (ptosis) progresses.

The great advantage of the threadlifting technique is the use of mesothreads, which do not cause rejection by the body.

The hypoallergenic suture material polydioxanone has proven itself well during surgical operations on the heart and brain. It completely breaks down under the skin into CO2 and H2O within 5-8 months.

The procedure has virtually no side effects and can be used repeatedly if necessary.


Timely introduction of mesothreads slows down the processes of age-related deformations, helps tighten the skin and maintain attractiveness for many years.

Until the threads of type 1 collagen and fibrous tissue dissolve, a new natural frame is created for 1.5-2 years.

Polylactic acid in the composition is aimed at moisturizing the epidermis.

To enhance the effect, thread lifting can be combined with other cosmetic procedures: laser and RF lifting, contouring and mesotherapy. They are carried out after 2-4 weeks.


The threads are inserted under the skin using flexible guide needles made of medical steel or thin blunt-ended cannulas. They remain there and enter the superficial layer with the middle network of capillaries - this avoids large hematomas.

When reinforcing in the periorbital area, the fixed part of the eyelid is involved.

  • When correcting the lower eyelid, the threads are introduced in parallel, with an interval of 2-3 mm. In case of more serious defects, they are implanted at an angle.
  • In the area of ​​the outer corners of the eye - under each of the fan-shaped wrinkles. Next, a cross pattern is used.

To achieve maximum effect and stimulate lymphatic drainage, the cosmetologist expands the implantation area, involving nearby sections.

The liquid is distributed evenly within the frame, thus minimizing swelling after the procedure.

Who should get a facelift?

The procedure does not help in all cases. It makes sense to carry it out if:

  • the patient is 25 - 45 years old;
  • he does not have significant excess skin;
  • there are fine wrinkles around the eyes;
  • there is an initial stage of ptosis of the skin of the eyelids;
  • their surface has become flabby;
  • the skin of the paraorbital zone has become thinner and sagged;
  • there are first signs of the formation of fatty hernias;
  • there are bags and dark circles under the eyes;
  • The nasolacrimal groove was noticeably outlined.

If these signs are severe, thread lifting will not have a visible effect.

Pros and cons of eyelid lifting with threads

Manipulation has many advantages:

  • no need for general anesthesia;
  • insertion of threads occurs quickly;
  • the result does not violate the natural features of the face;
  • the effect lasts quite a long time;
  • living tissues are minimally damaged;
  • there are no postoperative sutures left;
  • rehabilitation takes place quickly and without major restrictions.

The procedure also has disadvantages:

  • it may be painful despite anesthesia;
  • even when using non-absorbable threads, the effect will disappear after some time;
  • Complications cannot be ruled out.

Advantages and disadvantages

Thread lifting is in demand among patients of different ages. Unlike traditional blepharoplasty, the procedure:

  • performed quickly;
  • does not require major tissue changes;
  • allows you to avoid general anesthesia;
  • promotes rapid rehabilitation;
  • does not interfere with appearance.

The disadvantages of the procedure are: pain, quick elimination of the result, high demands on the skill of the specialist. To obtain the same effect, you can use superficial hardware effects and injection correction methods.

Scheme for placing threads to lift eyelids and tighten outer corners

Scheme for placing threads to lift the eyelids - injections are made from the outer corner of the eye to the nasal passages diagonally. If the outer corners need to be lifted, the threads are inserted in the direction from the problem area to the tip of the eyebrow.

The upper eyelid is much easier to tighten - just place a few threads along horizontal lines on the bridge of the nose to get the desired result.

Preparation for the procedure

Before the procedure, the patient must:

  • consult with a doctor which threads are suitable in his case, how many of them are needed;
  • inform the surgeon about past illnesses and allergies;
  • 2 weeks before the procedure, stop taking medications that affect blood clotting;
  • at the same time, give up alcohol and smoking;
  • dose physical activity.

If you follow these rules, you will be able to reduce the risk of complications and make rehabilitation as short as possible.

Contraindications for mesolifting

Of course, mesotherapy is a relatively new procedure. And despite the assurances of its creators that it is absolutely harmless, it must be treated with reasonable caution. Not only superficially familiarize yourself with the standard list of contraindications, but also read live reviews of people who have already experienced the “cosmetic miracle of rejuvenation” on themselves.

You should carefully decide whether this operation is suitable for a particular patient. Being beautiful and young is tempting. But contraindications are contraindications. You can't just brush them aside.

Face lifting is strictly not recommended for patients with:

  1. Infectious diseases (influenza, acute respiratory infections, ARVI, etc.) in the acute stage and another 2 weeks after complete recovery.
  2. Neoplasms or inflammatory processes in areas that will be penetrated.
  3. Any cancer.
  4. Heart disease (and primarily with ischemia).
  5. Hypertension II and III degrees.
  6. Nervous and mental disorders.
  7. Biodegradable implants that were introduced earlier.
  8. Fever of any etymology.

Mesolifting is also contraindicated for pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers.

In general, in any salon, a specialist will most likely declare that the meso-procedure is completely harmless. But you shouldn’t blindly trust words. There are indeed few therapeutic contraindications, but they still exist and cannot be neglected. In addition, in many respects the success or failure of the upcoming thread lifting operation will depend on the professionalism and experience of the cosmetologist who will undertake it. And here it is better to listen/read real reviews about a specific specialist from those who have already been in his hands.

Technique for lifting the upper and lower eyelids

The procedure consists of several stages:

  • The skin is disinfected with an antiseptic. For women, makeup is removed first.
  • The patient receives pain relief. Anesthesia can be applied or in the form of an injection.
  • Using a cannula, the threads are alternately inserted from bottom to top, while simultaneously moving the skin to a new position. The patient's eyes are closed.
  • The cannulas are removed, and the threads remain in the skin. Its surface is wiped with an antiseptic. The ends of the threads remaining above the surface are cut off.
  • Cold is applied briefly. An anti-inflammatory agent is then applied to the skin.

To learn how thread eyelid lifting is performed in combination with blepharoplasty, watch this video:

Insertion of threads

The thread blepharoplasty procedure begins with facial cleansing. The beautician uses a mild cleanser. Subsequently, the skin is treated with an antiseptic solution. For pain relief, a local anesthetic will be applied in advance or injections will be made into nearby tissues. The threads are inserted using a cannula. The specialist softens the puncture lines.

One by one, starting from the bottom border, stretches the threads. After filling the line, the skin is stirred upward, compacting the frame. The patient's eyes must be closed during work. After inserting each thread, the cannula is removed. The ends of the material that extend to the surface of the skin are excised.

Impact areas are treated with an antiseptic. To prevent bruising and swelling, sterile cold compresses are applied to the skin.

The procedure ends with treatment with an anti-inflammatory, wound-healing agent. The procedure takes 20-40 minutes. If all manipulations are performed in accordance with the rules, then they will not harm the appearance. The cosmetologist gives recommendations for recovery and sends the patient home.

Recovery and care

Rehabilitation after thread eyelid lifting makes several rules mandatory:

  • hygiene and care for 3 - 4 days are carried out using an antiseptic and applying “Bepanten” or “Panthenol”;
  • you should not touch your eyelids unless necessary; you should protect them from contact with any surfaces;
  • 7 - 10 days sleep on your back;
  • for a week eat only warm, not hot or cold food;
  • do not visit the sauna, swimming pool, or sunbathe;
  • limit physical activity and facial activity;
  • postpone massage and other cosmetic procedures in the eyelid area.

The restoration will be complete in a month.

Reviews of mesothreads and the cost of the original procedure

They say that mesothreads help you look much younger than your age. However, on online forums you can find a lot of the most controversial reviews about thread lifting. And this is understandable. Such a procedure should be chosen strictly individually, with the hope of your own result.

As for the cost, such a lift is not cheap. In different salons and aesthetic clinics, of course, it is different, but the price of one mesothread varies from 700 to 1,500 rubles. And they require from 150 to 200, depending on the condition of the skin and specific medical recommendations. So you can easily calculate how much such rejuvenation will cost.

Result before and after

With the help of thread lifting of the eyelid area, the following changes can be achieved:

  • the skin stops hanging over the eyes, the bags disappear;
  • the nasolacrimal line is smoothed;
  • wrinkles on the lower eyelids and “crow’s feet” disappear;
  • the skin becomes elastic;
  • eyes appear larger.

Before and after eyelid lifting with threads
When using biodegradable threads, the effect will last for 1-2 years. If non-absorbable ones are introduced, it will be present for up to 3-5 years.

Materials for the procedure

For the bioreinforcement procedure, special tools and materials are used that allow the sensitive skin around the eyes to be treated as gently as possible.

Among them:

  1. Blunt cannulas or guide needles 0.1 mm thick made of surgical steel with laser sharpening.
  2. Mesothreads. The average length for reinforcement in the periorbital zone is 38 mm.

The most popular types of threads made from biocompatible materials:

  • APTOS from caprolactone with L-lactic acid;
  • 3D and 4D made of polydioxanone coated with polyglycolic or polylactic acid;
  • "Ettio" from polydioxanone (PDO);

They differ in purpose: smooth linear “Mono”, spiral or screw, needle-shaped with notches (notched), double “braids”.

To treat the periorbital area, thin linear mesothreads (Mono) are mainly used.

Spiral (Double Screw) are responsible for the nasolacrimal groove and raising the eyebrows. Their ability to return to their original state after stretching is actively used to correct crow's feet.

Needle-shaped with notches - eliminate asymmetry. Mainly used for modeling the lower part of the face and neck.

Possible complications

Errors in the procedure technique or ignoring rehabilitation conditions can cause problems:

  • hematomas;
  • severe swelling;
  • uneven skin;
  • tightness of tissues, which makes the face unnatural, may make it difficult to close your eyes;
  • infection;
  • moving threads to other areas;
  • their contouring, that is, shining through the skin;
  • dents at the thread entry and exit points;
  • allergy to the material, causing a delayed reaction.

Cleopatra's gaze with threads

Threads can replace plastic surgery, which is performed to achieve the look of Cleopatra. The result will be temporary, but the following manipulation:

  • quite simple to perform and can be performed by cosmetologists;
  • involves placing threads in the area of ​​the outer corner of the eye and lifting the eyelid to the tip of the eyebrow;
  • performed under local anesthesia on an outpatient basis;
  • practically does not require rehabilitation;
  • may be accompanied by the formation of edema and hematomas, which resolve on their own within 1-2 days.

The procedure will have to be repeated every one and a half to two years so that the effect remains at the original level.

Reviews about thread blepharoplasty of the eyelids

Regina, 50 years old

An employee recommended this method of eyelid lift to me. She has already had blepharoplasty with threads in one of the clinics in our city, and was satisfied. I developed a lot of skin on my upper eyelids, and it even became difficult for me to open my eyes in the morning. Because of this, apparently, I always looked tired, my eyes lifeless. The cosmetologist advised me to use milk threads, the effect of which is quite long-lasting and the risk of complications is minimal. I agreed, in principle, the changes are clearly visible, the skin tightened, even some wrinkles around the eyes disappeared. But, unfortunately, this did not last long; after about a year, the skin began to grow again. Now I’m looking for other ways, I may have to do upper blepharoplasty

Fox look with threads and injections

A fox look is most often done using a full-fledged operation, but there are always options to replace surgery with cosmetic procedures - implantation of threads to lift the upper eyelid and injections.

How to get the fox eye effect with threads

To do this, you need to lift the upper eyelid - the fox-eye effect is achieved by implanting threads into the upper eyelid. The doctor calculates the injection site of the material in such a way that the outer corner of the eye is pulled up and at the same time the eyebrows are raised.

The procedure lasts only 30-50 minutes, absorbable threads are used for it, so repeated manipulation will be required after one and a half to two years.

An alternative option is injections.

This involves the introduction of meso-cocktails that smooth out wrinkles or Botox. In the first case, injections will only help girls with young skin, when it has not yet lost its own elasticity; botulinum toxins provide “tightening” and paralysis of muscles at an older age.

The injections have a short-term effect; after 3-4 months the first signs of skin “sliding” will appear.

What rules should you follow when installing 3D fox eye threads?

Rules for installing 3D threads to achieve the effect of fox eyes, which a woman must adhere to:

  • immediately after the manipulation and for 5-7 days, do not take thermal procedures - hot baths, saunas and steam baths are prohibited;
  • do not use caring cosmetics for 10 days;
  • refuse facial massage for 1 month;
  • do not sleep face down, try to position yourself in a horizontal position so that your eyes “look” up.

3D threads tend to dissolve only after 9 months, and during this time processes of enhanced production of its own collagen occur in the dermis, which then becomes the framework for the eyelid. If during this period you use aggressive care methods (peeling procedures, massage, rubbing in creams and gels) or use inappropriate decorative cosmetics, the resulting effect may quickly disappear.

Features of the healing process

The process of introducing foreign material leaves an imprint on subsequent care. The rehabilitation time after thread blepharoplasty is individual for each patient. Typically, the younger the patient, the faster the healing. The main thing is to properly care for the skin of your eyelids. Be sure to do careful cleaning, use an antiseptic and a regenerating cream.

At the time of recovery, you need to give up:

  • any effects in the eye area;
  • sleeping on your stomach;
  • applying cosmetics to the treated area;
  • visits to the swimming pool, sauna, bathhouse;
  • tanning;
  • carrying out any cosmetic procedures;
  • high physical activity.

You need to control your facial expressions. Muscle tension and skin shifting will affect the quality of recovery. After 1-2 weeks, restrictions are gradually lifted. If you follow the prohibitions for 2-4 weeks, you can completely get rid of possible side effects.

Threads around the eyes after the procedure

After the procedure, the threads around the eyes remain in the tissues for 6-9 months if they are classified as self-absorbable. During this period of time, all processes at the cellular level are activated, and a frame is created from one’s own collagen. Subsequently, the material breaks down into water and carbon dioxide - natural substances for the body, which it removes through the blood/lymph flow.

If the procedure was carried out correctly, the threads are not visually detected. A lay person will not notice any signs of an eyelid lift procedure at all.

What is the essence of lifting with mesothreads?

Mesolifting has been practiced in Russia for less than 5 years. And the unique cosmetic idea itself was born in South Korea. It was Korean doctors who proposed a tightening technique, which turned out to be effective and safe even for the delicate skin of Asian ladies. To this day, in all countries, “mesothreads” are considered the least traumatic and most “working” method of rejuvenating the face and body that actually exists.

The principle of mesolifting is not much different from classic thread cosmetic techniques. The injection needle passes through the skin, leaving the thread fixed in the tissue. But here it’s all about the composition - both the needle and the thread.

The needle, or otherwise “conductor,” is made of special flexible steel. And the threads are produced on the basis of polyoxidane. This is a synthetic absorbent material for surgical sewing. Plus, each inserted (implanted) thread is coated with polyglycolic acid. The materials are completely decomposed (into carbon dioxide and water), which means that after 180-200 days (about 2 years, depending on the characteristics of a particular organism), not a trace will remain of these threads in the skin tissues. But for 2 years (and for some, longer), the lifting effect will be obvious.

Frequently asked questions from patients

How long does recovery take after a lower eyelid lift?

Full recovery lasts 3-5 days. If the threads were installed incorrectly, or the patient did not comply with the rehabilitation rules, the period can be extended to 10 days.

How many threads are needed for an upper eyelid lift?

On average, 2-5 threads are required per eyelid. It depends on the "source material" and the desired effect.

Reinforcement of the periorbital area with monofilaments

How much do the thinnest threads for eyelid correction cost?

The thinnest threads for eyelid correction cost from 100 rubles apiece. The specific price depends on the manufacturer and the seller himself - this can be a company representative or an intermediary.

Is it possible to open your eyes with threads?

You can “open” your eyes if threads are implanted into the upper eyelids and the doctor lifts the outer corner of the eye.

Botox or threads - which is better?

Botox is a toxic substance that causes temporary muscle paralysis. Doctors prefer threads because they do not change facial expressions and dissolve after a while without leaving decay products (toxins) in the tissues.

Is it possible to do blepharoplasty after installing threads?

Blepharoplasty is not prohibited after the installation of threads, because the materials used for eyelid lifting are as natural as possible and are not rejected by the body.

What threads are suitable for lifting drooping eyelids?

To correct the upper eyelids, threads are used:

  • Aptos;
  • Beramendi (complete analogue of the previous material);
  • Tissulift;
  • "Happy lift";
  • Silhouette Elevator.

Is it possible to tighten the upper eyelid with a brow lift using threads?

If a brow lift procedure is performed with threads, the upper eyelid will automatically lift - this nuance is taken into account by the doctor when planning the work. If ptosis (drooping of the upper eyelid) is caused by pronounced age-related changes, then separate threads will need to be implanted to solve the problem.

Who needs thread eyelid lifting and why?

The area around the eyes is one of the areas that most clearly shows age. Over the years, first facial wrinkles appear in the eyelid area, then age-related wrinkles. The upper eyelid droops, making the look tired and gloomy.

Thread eyelid lifting successfully eliminates these negative changes.

Indications and contraindications

Thread lift is indicated for:

  • not too pronounced ptosis (drooping) of the upper eyelid;
  • the presence of deep wrinkles;
  • incomplete effect after surgical lifting.

There are few contraindications to thread eyelid lifting, including:

  • individual intolerance to the material of reinforcing threads;
  • local inflammatory processes (conjunctivitis, blepharitis);
  • any acute or chronic diseases in the acute phase;
  • malignant tumor of any location;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • pathology of the blood coagulation system;
  • predisposition to the formation of keloid scars.

Thread lifting is not performed during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The procedure is ineffective for hernias of the upper and lower eyelids, significant (II-III degree) ptosis of the upper eyelid - only surgery can eliminate these shortcomings.

To find out whether thread eyelid lifting will help in your case, sign up for a consultation at the S.Lux aesthetic medicine center.

Positive effects

Almost immediately after an eyelid lift with threads, the client sees a pronounced rejuvenating effect:

  1. The look becomes open, as in youth (the obtained result is clearly demonstrated by comparison with photos of younger years).
  2. Expression and age wrinkles are significantly smoothed out.

Over the course of six months, the positive effect of the tightening increases as your own collagen is produced.

How often should you resort to thread eyelid correction?

The duration of the aesthetic effect of eyelid thread lifting depends on the individual characteristics of the patient and the type of threads. For some clients, stable results last for several years, but on average, the need for a repeat procedure arises after 6-15 months.

Why choose our center

Eyelid thread lifting is a simple but responsible procedure. Most of the possible adverse consequences (impaired facial expression, overcorrection effect, uneven surface of the eyelids, infectious and allergic complications) arise as a result of the doctor’s inexperience, insufficient knowledge of topographic anatomy, savings on materials, and also when the patient violates post-procedure recommendations.

The S.Lux Center for Aesthetic Medicine values ​​its reputation. We work only with certified, safe materials from leading global manufacturers.

Our employees constantly improve their qualifications and skills by undergoing regular training. You will appreciate the comfortable interior and calm, friendly atmosphere.

A lively, open look captivates the interlocutor, makes communication pleasant, and attracts new friends. This is easy to achieve - sign up for a thread eyelid lift at the S.Lux aesthetic medicine center. To make an appointment for a consultation, call, leave a request for a call back on the website or write by email, our administrator will select a convenient time for your visit.

Alternative Methods

There are other ways to rejuvenate the eyelids without surgery:

  • laser resurfacing;
  • fractional thermolysis;
  • rf lifting;
  • photorejuvenation;
  • mesotherapy;
  • Botox injections;
  • microcurrents;
  • contour plastic surgery.

We recommend reading about vector lifting. From the article you will learn about what the procedure is, indications and contraindications for it, methodology, recovery period, cost. And here is more information about what the face looks like after threads.

The method of eyelid correction with threads has been used for a sufficient time to be considered safe. A prerequisite for this is the correct choice of a doctor and the use of only certified material. And to maintain the effect, a healthy lifestyle and good skin care are important.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Many cosmetologists consider bioreinforcement a breakthrough in the field of aesthetic medicine. The possibility of atraumatic, quick and fairly long-term rejuvenation attracts a huge number of people.

Professionals urge you to take the procedure responsibly, not to resort to it without sufficient indications, and to contact only trusted specialists.

Useful video

Watch this video about the complications and side effects of thread lifting:

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