What and how to perform face resurfacing at home

Facial resurfacing is a mandatory cosmetic procedure that is included in the skin care complex. You can do it with the help of professional cosmetics; it is possible to use masks made from natural products and homemade scrubs. In any case, the cleansing effect will be present even after one use of the product, and a full course of resurfacing will significantly rejuvenate the dermis, making it firm, elastic and smooth.

An alternative to laser resurfacing at home

Laser resurfacing cleanses and restores the skin of the face so thoroughly that this procedure is popular in beauty salons. Some sources claim that with special equipment, laser procedures can be performed independently at home. But cosmetologists claim that this is not so - only a certified and experienced specialist can perform such serious manipulations.

But there is an alternative to laser resurfacing at home - these are mechanical and chemical peels. These procedures do not require any specific knowledge in medicine; you just need to learn how to prepare the correct composition.

If we are talking about mechanical peeling, then the most effective would be a combination of bodyaga powder and a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide in equal quantities. The result is a foamy mixture, into which you dip a cotton pad or swab and treat the skin of the face, avoiding the area around the eyes - it is better to lubricate it with a rich cream to protect it.

You cannot rub bodyaga with hydrogen peroxide, you just need to leave the applied product on your face for a maximum of 10 minutes, and then rinse with warm water without detergents.

As an alternative to laser resurfacing, gommage is performed at home - a procedure during which dead particles of the epidermis are removed. After the first session, facial skin becomes lighter, smoother, more elastic, and firm.

For the procedure, you can use a product you prepare yourself - combine 2 tablespoons of semolina and oatmeal, add 1 tablespoon of citrus zest. Apply the finished mixture to a cleansed and well-steamed face, leave for 10 minutes and massage thoroughly with your fingertips before rinsing.

Such resurfacing methods should be used once a week; if the skin of the face is hypersensitive, excessively dry and thin, then the procedure should be done once every 10-15 days. To enhance the effect of gommage, you can add 1 teaspoon of ginger root, cinnamon powder or dried medicinal herbs (oregano, string, sage) to the mixture.

We recommend reading an article about what is better to choose for facial care: laser peeling or resurfacing. From it you will learn about the differences between these procedures, the advantages and disadvantages of each of them. Read more about facial dermabrasion here.

Looking stylish in winter is more difficult than in summer.

And it’s not so much about weather conditions, but about Russian reality.
We have already written about the ups and downs of the struggle for shoes. The best leather will not withstand Russian roads without proper care. But this is not enough. A stylish man simply has to keep his shoes shiny. Naturally, this does not replace shoe care. And not every couple is capable of sparkling. This applies to products made of suede, nubuck and similar materials. Surely everyone who saw colleagues or acquaintances in shoes with glitter experienced a slight feeling of envy. But all you need to know is how to properly clean shoes. This art appeared among the French, who gave the process the name "glassage". Exactly translated, the term means bringing shine. If you consider yourself to be a stylish man, then the material about the secrets of glassage will be interesting. Believe me - it's worth your time.

Recipes for masks

Chemical peeling is another alternative to laser resurfacing. The procedure can be carried out using professional cosmetics made on the basis of fruit acids. But you can use a simpler, more accessible method - prepare a fruit-based mask and cleanse your face with it.

From orange

You need to take 1 medium-sized citrus fruit and grind it together with the zest into a paste. To it add puree from any fruit that has a soft structure - for example, banana, plums, peaches, apricots. After combining all the ingredients and mixing thoroughly, the mixture is applied to cleansed facial skin in a thick layer. You cannot rub the mass or massage the skin with it - the composition is too aggressive.

You just need to wash your face after 10 minutes and apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream to the already dry skin.

Citrus zest

From lemon juice

According to cosmetologists, chemical peeling based on lemon juice will be the most effective of all known. You just need to dilute natural lemon juice with clean water in equal proportions and lubricate cleansed facial skin with it. After 5 minutes, you can wash your face and apply moisturizer.

Strawberry + apple

You need to prepare a puree from 5 large strawberries and ½ medium apple without peel. The finished mixture is applied to the facial skin in a thick layer and left for a maximum of 5 minutes. Then everything is washed off with warm water, and a moisturizing or nourishing cream is applied.

During the strawberry and apple cleansing procedure, you may feel a slight burning sensation on the skin - this is a normal reaction of the body. But if the unpleasant sensations are too pronounced, accompanied by itching or lacrimation, then you urgently need to wash off the mask with warm water and take an antihistamine (Suprastin or Tavegil tablet).

Exotic "cocktail"

Grind equal amounts of ripe papaya and pineapple, add ½ of the total volume of liquid honey to them and mix everything. Apply an exotic chemical peeling product to the facial skin in a thick layer and remove with a tissue after 10 minutes. You will definitely need to treat the dermis with a nourishing or moisturizing cream, but only after washing with warm water.

Expert opinion

Tatyana Somoilova

Cosmetology expert

Chemical peels at home should be carried out in spring, winter and late autumn - the mixtures make the skin defenseless against ultraviolet rays. There is no need to increase the time of the procedure, as this can lead to burns of the epidermis. The frequency of the cleansing procedure is 1 time per week, the full course is 8 procedures.

Shoe glassing. Secrets of the masters

The main thing in this matter is training. Prepare a pair of smooth leather shoes, a special wax that matches the color of the shoes, a piece of cotton cloth, a soft bristle brush, whiskey and a container of water. And there's no rush. We carry out all operations slowly, having first read the instructions. Three or four independent glassages, and you will be able to add shine “automatically”.

Stage one. Preparing shoes

Be sure to take out the laces, if any. We seal the toes of the shoes with crumpled paper. This is necessary in order to avoid surface deformation. We clean the boots from dirt using a brush. We recommend using products with soft natural bristles. At the end of the preparatory work, wipe the surface of the shoes with a damp cloth. This operation will remove any remaining dust and dirt.

Stage two. Waxing shoes

To do this, it is better to use natural waxes, which are applied with your fingers or a piece of soft cloth. The composition is taken in small portions. Be especially careful when handling thin leather. The wax is rubbed carefully, gradually covering the entire surface. The composition should be completely absorbed into the material without remaining on the surface.

Stage three. Handling creases

Most men wear their shoes carefully, but they cannot avoid cracks and creases. These are the most difficult areas to treat. We advise you to start waxing with a small crease. Back off about half a centimeter and apply the composition with short circular movements. This will make the transition between matte and glossy areas invisible. By the way, bright glitter should be on the toes. As you remove it, the surface should become more matte.

Uniform polishing is achieved by carefully processing the joints of the soles and leather. The wax is applied until a characteristic squeak appears. This result is obtained in about 5-10 approaches. Yes, that's right, each shoe is eventually covered with 5-10 layers of wax. After this, use a piece of soft cloth to remove the remaining wax.

Stage four. Sanding shoes

And now an equally important procedure. We take a basin with warm water and place it near us. Wet a piece of cotton cloth thoroughly and wring it out. The matter is wound around two fingers. There is no need to wrap “kilometers” of fabric, a piece of 20 by 20 centimeters is enough. Use the resulting winding to scoop up the polishing compound and polish the surface of the boots. This is done with smooth circular movements. After the fabric has dried, a small amount is applied to the surface of the shoe. The polishing process is repeated, each time reducing the amount of water and polish. While working, try not to make sharp transitions in gloss.

Stage five. Final polishing

Optional, but implies eliminating the flaws of previous work. At this stage, stains, stains and areas without wax are removed. Now attention! We use whiskey. Just not inside, 4-5 drops are applied to the surface and rubbed with a soft cloth. The alcohol solution tightens the pores of natural leather and dries it out. This provides an additional mirror effect.

Correctly carried out glassage will allow you to see yourself in the tips of your shoes.

It remains to add that the described method is applicable for high-quality shoes made of genuine leather. For a variety of leatherettes, you will most likely have to use other means. If in your reviews you want to see an article about glassing shoes made of artificial materials, we will take care of the problem. And one last thing. Perhaps the French have some kind of special skin or little effort was made, but we couldn’t see ourselves in our web designer’s shoes. Although they sparkled great!

Home grinding machine

To carry out facial skin cleansing procedures at home, you can use the Gezatone “Diamond Dermabrasion” device. The principle of its operation is based on grinding the skin using attachments coated with diamond. There are 3 of them in the set, which allows you to select the grinding strength for specific data - how sensitive the skin is, whether there are peelings and areas of inflammation on it.

The device implies that the woman herself must guide it along the massage lines of the face - the nozzle will lightly suction to the skin and will thoroughly clean it. Using Gezatone is very easy - just study the instructions and experimentally select a nozzle with the appropriate diamond coating.

The procedure is performed once a month, even if it has age-related changes such as facial wrinkles, sagging and age spots. By the way, an additional pleasant effect will be an increase in the firmness of the dermis, its elasticity and the smoothing of fine wrinkles. Immediately after polishing, the face acquires a red tint, after a day it turns pale and begins to actively peel off, but already on the 3rd day the skin is renewed and becomes smooth, without visible flaws and fresh.


The causes of lumpy facial skin are often diseases such as:

  1. Smallpox.
  2. Intoxication of the body.
  3. Furunculosis.

This type of skin often occurs in adolescents during puberty. This is due to the fact that at this time a lot of sebum is produced and the pores are forced to expand. As for intoxication of the body, bad habits such as alcohol and poor nutrition often lead to it. Furunculosis often develops due to low immunity.

Women suffer the most from enlarged pores. Probably everyone is interested in the question: “How to get rid of unevenness on the face?”

Basic methods of face resurfacing

Facial resurfacing is increasingly being used in cosmetic medicine. During this procedure, the top layer of skin is removed, and in its place the regeneration of new tissue begins. This allows:

  • Remove scars;
  • Narrow enlarged pores;
  • Align the contour of the face;
  • Remove age spots;
  • Increase skin tone and elasticity;
  • Get rid of wrinkles.

As you can see, in addition to removing obvious defects - scars, blemishes, scars and wrinkles, facial resurfacing can improve the overall condition of the skin!

There are several ways to resurfacing your face:

  1. Chemical grinding;
  2. Microdermabrasion (superficial treatment);
  3. Dermabrasion (deep impact);
  4. Laser resurfacing.

As you understand, chemical resurfacing is quite effective, but has a big disadvantage - exposure of the skin to chemicals, which entails the risk of burns and other troubles. Mechanical grinding, superficial or deep - it doesn’t matter, can also negatively affect the condition of the skin: removing scars in one place, you can get a scar in another place if the procedure is carried out incorrectly.

The most optimal options are diamond peeling (this is one of the improved types of mechanical grinding) and laser grinding.

What it is?

Laser resurfacing of facial skin is one of the latest achievements of modern cosmetology. One of its advantages is that it helps to remove not only minor facial skin defects, but also solve serious problems in the form of scars - colloidal and resulting from a burn or surgery. Laser peeling by resurfacing the skin of the face is an alternative to visiting a plastic surgeon: the procedure will help rejuvenate the face without surgery, incisions and a serious recovery period. The procedure is absolutely safe if done by an experienced specialist using modern equipment! Otherwise, you will suffer from the consequences after this procedure (long-term restorative skin care, bruises, inflamed wounds and crusts on the skin).

The essence of the procedure can be described as follows:
the laser evaporates the upper layer of the dermis, cells not touched by the laser begin to actively regenerate, and as a result, the polished areas of the skin are replaced with new ones: fresh, young, smooth and beautiful.

Popular methods of resurfacing facial skin in the salon

Among the types of polishing available to cosmetologists, the most common are the following:

  • microdermabrasion;
  • dermabrasion;
  • laser resurfacing.

The first option is considered the most gentle. It cleanses the surface of the skin without affecting the deeper layers. The active substance in this case is microcrystalline aluminum oxide powder. And, despite the relatively mild impact, the effectiveness of such face polishing is immediately visible in the photo.

Microdermabrasion can:

  • smooth out surface irregularities;
  • stimulate skin regeneration;
  • smooth out scars;
  • reduce the depth of fine wrinkles.

Since the procedure is gentle, it usually requires doing it several times for the full effect. By the way, there are also kits for sale for home use. However, the results from them are more modest when compared with those provided by the procedure in the salon.

The next method, called dermabrasion, can achieve more significant effects literally after a single use. In this case, a special facial resurfacing device erases the surface layer of the skin. Special cutters or brushes, rotating quickly, process the upper cells. At the same time, small wrinkles and scars may disappear completely, and deep ones will become almost invisible.

Dermabrasion is performed exclusively under local anesthesia and lasts about an hour.

After sanding is completed, the result may not be visible immediately. At first, the skin will become red, irritated and worn out in appearance. Sometimes the face swells. Then a crust appears on the treated area, which disappears after a week. And only after 14-21 days will a woman be pleased with her reflection in the mirror.

Naturally, after such a serious procedure, the skin must be protected from cold and sunlight. Also, you should not go to the sea or mountains in the coming months. Be sure to use sunscreen. Otherwise, pigmentation will soon appear on the renewed skin.

Laser facial resurfacing is a very effective deep procedure. It differs from dermabrasion in that it does not injure the skin, so complications are practically excluded. Also, recovery almost always occurs without such an unpleasant phenomenon as swelling. In just a couple of weeks, the skin appears completely renewed and refreshed.

In cosmetology, several types of laser are used to perform deep facial resurfacing. The most common are erbium and CO2. To understand what the device does, you need to imagine how cells under its influence evaporate layer by layer. Since the cosmetologist strictly controls the dose of exposure, there are no burns left on the face.

Laser resurfacing will do a great job on fine wrinkles, shallow scars and other irregularities. After this treatment, the skin will become elastic and firm because collagen production is activated.

This procedure is also performed under general anesthesia. Be sure to properly prepare for it. This requires taking antiviral and antibacterial drugs.

Skin restoration after laser resurfacing can occur in different ways. Rehabilitation depends on several factors:

  • area of ​​the treated area;
  • accuracy of compliance with doctor's recommendations;
  • skin features.

The main condition for successful skin restoration is caring for it and using sunscreen.

Contraindications for laser facial resurfacing

Any cosmetic procedure has contraindications, therefore, if you come to the salon for laser resurfacing, the specialist should ask you about the following contraindications:

  • The presence of inflammation and acne on the skin;
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding – young mothers should not take risks;
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis, severe diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Herpes and other infectious diseases;
  • Poor blood clotting;
  • Predisposition of the skin to the formation of keloid scars.

You should also postpone laser peeling for a while during PMS in women: during this period, due to hormones, the sensitivity of the skin increases, so you should not risk your health.

What should you do during the recovery period?

A cosmetologist should tell you how to care for your skin after the procedure: after all, an individual approach is important here. But there are a few general points:

  • In the first week after peeling, you should not use cosmetics or wash your face;
  • Then for 4 months you need to protect your skin from sunlight, using a cream with SPF 50 protection to help.

The appearance of peeling, redness or crusting in the treated area is a normal skin reaction. If you feel that something is wrong, such as painful blisters, contact a specialist immediately!

Types of laser peeling

Laser peeling can be different and is divided into three types depending on the type of laser used:

  1. Erbium laser
    : removes the superficial layer of dermis on the skin of the face, neck, and décolleté. Eliminates shallow wrinkles and has minimal impact on adjacent areas of the skin. There are few side effects, the rehabilitation period after the procedure lasts about 7 days.
  2. Dioxide laser
    : an outdated method, but still in use. The procedure removes a thin layer of skin, including warts, wrinkles and scars. The main disadvantage is the long rehabilitation period, lasting 2 weeks.
  3. Fraxel laser or fractional laser facial resurfacing
    : effectively helps fight signs of aging, as it triggers the process of skin production of new collagen. Among the advantages: the ability to use even on dark skin and a short recovery period.

Reviews about all three types of laser peeling are encouraging, but if you have a choice, it’s better to pay attention to the erbium laser or Fraxel rays.

Contraindications to face resurfacing

Like any other procedure, resurfacing has a number of contraindications. It cannot be done:

  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • for serious skin diseases (vitiligo, psoriasis, scleroderma);
  • with a tendency to form keloid scars;
  • for acute chronic diseases.

It is difficult to predict what the skin will be like after laser resurfacing for women with thin and sensitive skin. The same applies to those women whose spider veins are clearly visible. In this case, even home mechanical peeling is not recommended. Any rashes on the area where the procedure is planned are a contraindication to resurfacing.

Laser skin resurfacing should only be performed by a specialist.

If we are not talking about a home procedure, then the determining factor in its success will be the choice of a salon and a specific specialist. Of course, for any woman, an important question is how much does face resurfacing cost? However, keeping in mind the possible side effects, you can hardly trust an untested specialist just because of the cheapness of his services.

If you dream of prolonging your youth or getting rid of skin defects, you should not abandon the developments of modern cosmetology. Although some of the procedures are frightening with their initial effect, after some time, pleasure from your own appearance is guaranteed! If you choose the right grinding method, your face before and after the procedure will be significantly different. May your reflection in the mirror bring smiles and delight to others for many years to come!

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Each of us wants to look young and beautiful. And when a woman wants to be beautiful, she does it with the help of cosmetics. Modern cosmetics are a whole world of different products, but no matter how miraculous they are, they cannot cope with some skin defects. We can cover up a pigment spot by leveling it with foundation, we can make a scar or scar almost invisible, but this is only “cosmetic repair”. Modern facial resurfacing procedures will help remove these imperfections. Today we will tell you about laser resurfacing of facial skin, introduce you to positive and negative video reviews, and also show you photos before and after this procedure.

Side effects of the procedure

Any resurfacing method can leave behind side effects. But, as a rule, they all pass without a trace within a fairly short period. For example, if skin is resurfaced with a laser, the following phenomena are occasionally observed:

  • dark and light spots;
  • acne;
  • exacerbation of herpes.

Due to the specific nature of its effects, dermabrasion results in more obvious side effects, ranging from redness to scarring. Unfortunately, there are also cases where scars remain for many years. However, this outcome is explained in most cases by the unprofessionalism of the cosmetologist.

Cosmetologists always warn that the initial effect of dermabrasion can be even frightening, but after that everything returns to normal.

Microdermabrasion, due to its gentle method of action, leaves virtually no long-term side effects. At the very least, the appearance of scars is excluded provided that the specialist is professional. The results of such facial resurfacing in the video are more often inspiring than causing negative impressions.

Sometimes even home polishing can end in failure. As a rule, a negative result is caused by using the wrong product. For example, for women with dry skin, solid particles in the preparation for mechanical grinding can cause microtrauma. Therefore, creamy products are acceptable for them.

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