What to do after the first laser hair removal: tips and tricks

Any method of hair removal injures the skin, causes irritation, red spots, inflammation and other troubles. All this causes discomfort, and it looks completely unattractive. But many negative manifestations can be avoided if you know exactly how to care for your skin after hair removal.

What should you not do after waxing?

The consequences of depilation largely depend on the chosen method. Here it is important to distinguish between depilation, in which only the hair itself is removed, and epilation, which involves the destruction of the bulb. Measures to restore skin after hair removal must correspond to the chosen method.

Depilation can be done using wax, sugar paste or a special cream. There are general rules for all of these options. During the day after the procedure you cannot:

  • Steam the skin - visit a sauna, bathhouse, take hot baths;
  • Swimming in a pool, riding water slides in a water park - chlorine, which is added to the water, can cause irritation;
  • Swimming in open water - microcracks remain on the skin, through which harmful bacteria can easily enter the body;
  • Exercise actively – during physical activity sweat is produced, and this increases the risk of pore infection;
  • Wear tight synthetic clothing and underwear - such fabric rubs the skin, which is already injured, and also interferes with the flow of oxygen. Because of this, the process of restoration of the epidermis is delayed;
  • Apply deodorant to the treated areas - its components can cause itching, irritation, and dry skin.

It is better to postpone massages, body wraps, and cosmetic procedures for a few days. If itching and irritation do not go away for a long time, you may have developed an allergic reaction to the depilatory product. In this case, you need to consult a doctor and choose a different method of hair removal in the future.


To get rid of problems that arise after hair removal, it is enough to know how to take care of your skin after the procedure.

As you can see, care after hair removal has different functions, first of all it is the fight against inflammatory processes. There are quite a lot of products, and which ones to choose - cosmetic, pharmacy or folk - depends only on you.

As a rule, the best option is determined by trial and error. This or that product may be suitable for some, but not for others - everything is very individual. Only your own experience will tell you which products are worth using and which are best avoided.

The video in this article contains an overview of the most popular post-hair removal products.

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Text \ Photo Ekaterina Posted 12/07/2015



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    How to deal with ingrown hairs?

    One of the most common problems after hair removal is ingrown hair. Growing hairs cannot break through the layer of keratinized particles on the surface of the skin, so they begin to grow directly under it. This is fraught with the development of inflammation and unpleasant sensations.

    In this case, it is easier to prevent a problem than to look for a way to solve it. And the best assistant here will be a scrub. It should be used several hours before the procedure to cleanse the surface of the dermis and simplify the process of hair germination. There are special products against ingrown hairs. If such a problem does arise, under no circumstances should you try to squeeze out the hair.

    Hair growth inhibitors

    The list of recommendations from cosmetologists on what to do after depilation includes the use of special products designed to slow down hair growth.

    However, this is not their main task. Most often, such compositions are prescribed to prevent ingrown hairs after depilation. It is especially important to use them when waxing hair yourself.


    The manufacturer has a line of creams and lotions designed to slow the growth of unwanted vegetation. The products have an absolutely safe composition, which also helps fight tissue inflammation.

    Price – from 200 rubles.


    One of the most effective creams, which really extends the duration of the depilation effect up to a week. This is due to the presence of enzymes in its composition, which inhibit the regeneration of new epithelial cells.

    The composition also has a calming effect, so it is often used immediately after depilation.

    Price – from 100 rubles.

    DEPIL MOUSSE Depileve

    The composition has the form of a mousse, so when applied to the damaged area after depilation, it does not need to be vigorously rubbed into the epidermis, which reduces the mechanical effect on sensitive skin.

    The mousse also plays the role of an antiseptic solution, providing an anti-inflammatory effect.

    Price – from 600 rubles.

    How to properly prepare for the procedure?

    Before depilation, it is worth conducting an allergy test: apply a little wax, sugar paste or hair removal cream to a small area of ​​skin, and then remove the composition after the time specified in the instructions. If a rash or irritation appears within 24 hours, you will have to look for another remedy.

    It’s worth thinking in advance about how to avoid irritation after hair removal. When using cream, wax or sugar paste, you must choose only high-quality, proven products. You can use a special shaving gel with a soothing effect. A week before the procedure, you should apply moisturizer to the skin daily, and use talcum powder during sugaring.

    Causes of irritation

    Even following all the rules during depilation does not guarantee the appearance of irritation 2-3 days after the procedure.

    There are several reasons for this reaction from the body:

    • microtrauma - injury to nerve endings due to physical impact on the upper layer of skin causes a response;
    • contamination - irritation is accompanied by the appearance of purulent rashes as a result of infection;
    • allergic irritation - possible with some methods of depilation, for example, sugaring, as a reaction to the active substance used during the procedure;
    • Ingrown hairs – the process of the appearance of blackheads is caused by a violation of the natural exfoliation of the skin.

    Irritation after depilation manifests itself in the formation of multiple red dots, accompanied by itching and a burning sensation; in more severe cases, extensive skin lesions occur, including swelling and blisters.

    Irritation can be a consequence of depilation performed by any method: using a razor, wax, epilator, sugaring, laser.

    Ways to moisturize the skin after depilation

    Care after depilation must include moisturizing the skin. To do this you need:

    • Drink enough liquid - dehydration negatively affects the condition of the epidermis, making it rough and dry, and this contributes to the appearance of microcracks and other damage;
    • Do not get carried away with a hot shower - high temperature water and strong pressure wash away the protective layer from the skin, which prevents moisture loss. Having lost this layer, the skin quickly dries out;
    • Monitor the microclimate in the room - if the air is too dry, moisture from the surface of the skin actively evaporates. A humidifier device will help to avoid this phenomenon;
    • Use a product after depilation with a moisturizing effect - such cosmetic products protect the skin and soothe it.

    Products with aloe extract, which have a moisturizing effect, have proven themselves well. In winter, you can use oils that nourish and saturate the skin with microelements. For summer, lotions and emulsions with a light texture are more suitable.


    A mandatory step when caring for sensitive skin after depilation is to use a natural scrub three days after the procedure. It will not only make the skin smooth by eliminating dead epithelial cells, but will also extend the duration of the waxing effect.

    The scrub also prevents ingrown hairs, which is often observed when waxing is performed incorrectly on your own.

    It is recommended to use a natural scrub, since homemade ingredients will help achieve the desired consistency and stronger inflammatory properties. In addition, when using store-bought scrubs, there is always the possibility of an allergic reaction, which will only worsen the situation.

    Care after using the epilator

    Many girls prefer to remove hair with a special device - an epilator. To avoid unpleasant consequences, before the procedure, take a shower with a scrub, dry your skin well with a towel and treat it with an antiseptic. This will help prevent the appearance of red dots after hair removal and infection of the pores. Furacilin, Miramistin and thermal water also help to avoid irritation. But it’s better to avoid alcohol – it dries out the skin.

    This procedure must be carried out especially carefully the first time. Skin that is not accustomed to such exposure may react with severe irritation. Therefore, to begin with, it is recommended to treat small areas, and after the procedure, apply the disinfectant composition again. In this case, under no circumstances should you rub the skin.

    What to do after laser and photo hair removal?

    After photoepilation, care consists of applying a cooling ointment with an anti-inflammatory effect. The procedure may cause redness due to the effect on the hair follicles. Cosmetics that are applied to the skin after photoepilation should not contain alcohol. You can use burn cream.

    After laser hair removal, chemical peeling and antibiotics are prohibited for 2 weeks. In this way, excess hair on the body is removed in several sessions. During the course, you must avoid taking hormonal medications. After the procedure, it is best to lubricate the skin with burn cream, as is the case with photoepilation.

    For the last two methods, the same recommendations are relevant as for depilation: avoiding synthetic tight clothing, saunas and swimming pools, and using cosmetics containing alcohol.

    Effect of laser on skin

    In most cases, the skin after a laser hair removal session looks healthy and undamaged, but we must not forget that it has been subjected to serious stress, so it requires restoration and careful care. Our center’s specialist gives basic recommendations for skin care to the client at the stage of preparation for the hair removal procedure. At the same time, the recommendations are both general and purely individual in nature, since the level of sensitivity and characteristics of the epidermis differ for each person.

    Any side effects in our work are excluded, since we select an individual approach to each client thanks to the professionalism of our specialists. Before prescribing a course of hair removal, our master clarifies the presence of contraindications (chronic heart pathologies, oncology, pregnancy), takes into account the phototype and other characteristics of the skin, planning the principles of working with a specific client. The seriousness of our approach allows us to carry out laser hair removal as efficiently as possible without consequences for your skin.

    To receive detailed advice from our specialist and directly conduct a laser hair removal course, today you can visit our office, located in the center of Moscow at the address: st. Alexandra Solzhenitsyn 1/5. More detailed information about the center's services can also be found in the laser hair removal section.

    Depilation and tanning

    Since hair removal is especially relevant in the summer, when girls wear revealing clothes, the question of tanning often arises. After depilation with cream, wax, or sugar paste, you can sunbathe in the sun or in a solarium within a day after the procedure. The main thing is not to forget about sunscreen. If the procedure is carried out in the summer, when contact with the sun's rays is inevitable, it is better to apply a cream with a maximum protection factor immediately after depilation. This applies to all hair removal methods.

    With laser hair removal it is somewhat more complicated: sunbathing is prohibited for at least a week, otherwise you can easily get burns and severe skin irritation, allergies and age spots. You should not sunbathe for 3-4 days before the procedure. This is due to increased sensitivity of the skin when exposed to sunlight, which increases the risk of scarring.

    After photoepilation, you can also go to the beach no earlier than a week later. Before such a procedure, you should not sunbathe for 6-7 weeks. Tanning is an increase in the concentration of pigment in the skin. It reacts with photographic equipment, causing side effects. In addition, the sun's rays destroy the protective film from the surface of the skin, so it takes longer to recover after hair removal.

    Anti-irritation products

    To increase the effectiveness of caring for a sensitive area after the procedure, you should know how to soothe the skin after depilation. There are quite a lot of products and solutions used to treat the epidermis, but not all of them effectively combat irritation and restore the structure of epithelial cells.


    Most often, Bepanten is used when a thermal burn occurs, which occurs when the wax overheats. The composition stimulates the natural regeneration of epithelial cells, accelerating skin healing.

    However, it is also often used for ordinary irritation. It relieves itching in just a day. You can also apply its analogue - Panthenol.

    Price – from 300 rubles.

    Baby cream

    The skin after waxing is most often severely dehydrated, which is associated with a sharp reaction of the nerve endings to the aggressive procedure. To restore the water balance of tissues and soothe them, you can use regular baby cream.

    It is advisable to apply a herbal-based baby cream; any ingredients will do - nettle, chamomile, calendula, string, etc.

    Price – from 30 rubles.

    Gel Green Mama

    The gel is applied immediately after depilation and has cooling properties that help quickly relieve side effects after the procedure. The gel is poorly absorbed, so you need to apply it in a thin layer or make compresses for 30-40 minutes.

    Price – from 250 rubles.

    Caramel Lady

    The post-depilation cream has a uniform, pleasant consistency that is quickly absorbed. The main component of the cream is Shea butter. It helps relieve dryness and irritation that occurs after waxing.

    Additionally, the cream can be applied 10-12 hours after the procedure.

    Price – from 200 rubles.

    Essential oils

    In addition to the calming effect, essential oils have antiseptic properties, which make waxing safer for a girl.

    There is no need to use oils in their pure form, otherwise it can lead to the opposite result - increased inflammatory processes or even an allergic reaction. Essential oil is diluted with any cosmetic in a ratio of 1:4.

    Price – from 70 rubles.

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