How to do deep facial cleansing at home

The article was prepared by a specialist for informational purposes only. We urge you not to self-medicate. When the first symptoms appear, consult a doctor.

In just one day, our body secretes about 500 ml of water through the skin mixed with salt, urea, sebum, carbon dioxide and lactic acid. And this is only from the inside, and from the outside we are exposed to city dust and dirt, which is mixed with cosmetics. The face has many small pores located close to each other, in addition, it is an open part of the body - therefore, the skin of the face is constantly chapped, exposed to high and low temperatures, and irradiated by ultraviolet radiation. That is why, to preserve beauty, it is very important to provide your face with complete care and cleansing.

Cellular regeneration processes are constantly occurring in our skin, which are accompanied by the death of the outdated upper layer of the epithelium. High-quality facial cleansing involves not only removing impurities, but also exfoliating dead particles that slow down renewal and prevent us from seeing our attractive reflection in the mirror: fresh blush, healthy complexion, elastic and smooth skin. Skin of any type and any age needs regular cleansing, but for this it is not at all necessary to spend a lot of money on cosmetics.

Today we will tell you all about effective facial cleansing at home using natural and affordable ingredients. You will learn how to get rid of blackheads on your nose and prevent their appearance, which skin care products are suitable for your skin, and which ones are not recommended to use. The best recipes for cleansing face masks, homemade scrubs and peelings are waiting for you on this page - try it and see for yourself!

Main signs of contaminated skin

The epidermis of the face is the most vulnerable and unprotected area of ​​the skin, constantly in contact with the external environment and exposed to its negative influences. During the day, a lot of contaminants accumulate on the surface of the face: particles of dust, precipitation, gases, remnants of decorative cosmetics and care products, sebum, dead cells. Insufficient cleansing can cause deterioration of the skin condition.

The first signs of epidermal contamination:

  1. Dull, uneven skin texture.
  2. Enlarged pores, feeling of an oily film on the face.
  3. An abundance of blackheads, small pimples, comedones.

When these symptoms occur, the usual washing becomes insufficient, and the beauty routine must be supplemented with the obligatory stage of deep cleansing of the facial skin.

Skin cleansing with folk remedies

What to do if you went far out of town and forgot your cosmetic bag? Believe me, it is not necessary to rub your eyes with water and a wet towel. Simple folk remedies will help cleanse the skin, remove makeup and soothe the skin.


Herbal decoctions are an excellent skin cleanser. Calendula, chamomile, and nettle not only quickly remove all impurities, but also soothe the skin, relieve inflammation and irritation.

To prepare a decoction of the herbs, pour boiling water over it, leave until it cools completely and wash your face with the mixture.

Vegetable oil

Even the most “armour-piercing” makeup with waterproof mascara can be removed with simple vegetable or olive oil. It needs to be slightly heated in a water bath, moisten your fingers generously and massage your facial skin for 3 minutes, then rinse off the oil with warm water.

In addition to cleansing, the oil will give the skin additional nutrition. However, you should not switch to oil-based makeup remover in your daily life; this product tends to clog pores.

Why is it important to cleanse your facial skin?

The surface of the epidermis is normally inhabited by a variety of bacteria, fungi, viruses - the totality of microorganisms forms an individual microbiome for each person. External pollution contributes to disruption of microflora, damage to the hydrolipid barrier and a decrease in the protective functions of the skin.

Functions of regular and thorough facial cleansing:

  • Helps maintain a balance of beneficial microorganisms on the skin surface.
  • Prevents pore contamination, the appearance of comedones and blackheads.
  • Removes the stratum corneum of cells, promotes cellular renewal and prevents premature aging: the appearance of wrinkles, decreased tone, elasticity and firmness of the skin.
  • Improves the ability of cells to absorb beneficial components from care formulas.
  • Controls the functioning of the sebaceous glands and regulates oily skin: stress, lack of sleep, taking certain medications, an unbalanced diet - all this causes increased sebum production, as a result of which rashes can appear even on skin that is not prone to acne.
  • Prevents oxidative stress and the negative effects of free radicals.

How to cleanse your facial skin: 3 main methods

You can cleanse your skin using three types of procedures; use them in combination for the best effect:

  • Daily cleansing at home
    is a mandatory skin care procedure for any type of skin, aimed at removing makeup, delicately removing residual external impurities from the face and preparing for the application of tonic and corrective products.
  • Weekly deep cleansing at home
    - exfoliation of the stratum corneum and intensive cleansing of the skin at a deeper level using scrubs, peelings, gommages, masks. The frequency of procedures depends on the type and condition of the skin.
  • Salon cleansing procedures
    are cosmetology services aimed at professional hardware facial cleansing, deep cleansing and skin renewal using seasonal dermal peels and highly concentrated masks. The frequency of procedures depends on the type and condition of the skin.

Recommendations from cosmetologists

To prolong the effect of home facial cleansing, it is recommended to follow the following rules:

  • cleanse before bed;
  • on the first day, before going outside, you should apply a cream that protects against ultraviolet radiation;
  • Minimize exposure to the sun for several days after the procedure;
  • do not visit the sauna and bathhouse for at least 7 days;
  • do not forget to use moisturizer;
  • Make a nourishing mask every 7-10 days.

Facial cleansing at home is a fairly simple procedure that you can easily do yourself. It will not only help get rid of unpleasant rashes, but also restore youth and freshness.

How to properly carry out daily cleansing: instructions

Facial cleansing is the longest and most important skin care procedure that is performed at home and depends on you. It consists of several basic stages.

Preparation or makeup removal

The stage of removing surface impurities that have accumulated on the surface of the skin during the day or night.

Many people neglect morning cleansing, believing that the epidermis did not have time to get dirty overnight. While we sleep, the body's metabolic processes are continuously working, internal cleansing and cell restoration occur. For example, the peak of sebum production occurs at 4–5 o'clock in the morning, so it is important to take care of cleansing the facial skin twice a day (more often it is not recommended so as not to damage the hydrolipid mantle).

The following products are suitable for makeup removal:

  • micellar water (for all skin types);
  • milk (for dry and sensitive types);
  • cleansing lotion (often does not require rinsing with water);
  • Makeup remover wipes (travel version).

Washing (basic cleansing)

The second step is to wash your face with water and cleanser. At this stage, you need to cleanse the facial skin of any remaining impurities dissolved in the first stage and completely empty the pores.

There are special products for washing:

  • for oily and combination skin – foams with a sebum-regulating effect, facial gels + “2 in 1” scrub;
  • for sensitive people – soft mousses, foams;
  • for dry and dehydrated skin – moisturizing and softening milk, cream, balm.

Apply a small amount of product to damp facial skin. Then use gentle circular movements with your fingertips to massage the entire surface of your face, avoiding the eye area. Finally, rinse off the cleanser with water and pat your face dry with a clean, soft towel.

Moisturizing and toning

The final, but not the last most important stage of cleansing is skin moisturizing. After washing your face, wipe your dry face with a cotton pad soaked in a toner with a moisturizing formula. This will restore the pH balance of the epidermis, prepare for the further corrective stage of care and improve the penetration of beneficial components from care cosmetics into the deep layers of the skin.

Makeup removal

Remember, it is best to remove makeup from the eyes and lips using a two-phase product. Under no circumstances should you vigorously rub the delicate skin around your eyes with your hands—it is much thinner in this area of ​​the face. When removing makeup, do not stretch it, trying to remove impurities from all pores. Any active mechanical manipulations provoke the premature appearance of folds and wrinkles.

Also, don't rush it if the mascara doesn't stay on the cotton pad two seconds after you apply it to your eyes or lips. Wait 20-30 seconds until the makeup remover softens the makeup and removes it from the eyelashes and skin. Proceed with care.

And only after complete removal of makeup can you proceed to the next stage of skin cleansing - washing.

How to cleanse different skin types?

In order to cleanse your facial skin properly and maintain its health and youth, you need to choose special cosmetics for washing that are suitable specifically for your skin type.

After all, insufficient cleansing can lead to clogged pores and the appearance of acne. And too zealous cleansing can disrupt the skin's hydrolipid mantle and lead to dehydration. Therefore, choose cosmetics from reliable brands and be sure to pay attention to the label; most products indicate what type of skin it is intended for.

Oily skin

Oily skin types are characterized by enlarged pores, increased sebum production and a greasy shine. That is why cleansers should have a sebum-regulating function, tighten pores, clean thoroughly, but at the same time provide the skin with moisture and not dry it out. Oily skin, like any other, needs hydration.

For such facial skin, cosmetics containing thermal water, kaolin and zinc are well suited. Keep in mind that the composition should not contain ethyl alcohol!

Dry skin

Dry skin is usually quite thin and sensitive, it requires gentle and careful cleansing. Cleansers for dry skin types should be gentle and softening, have restorative functions, and should not contain alcohol. Most often these are creams, mousses or foams.

The exfoliation procedure should be approached with caution and the means chosen wisely. Scrubs with rough abrasive particles can damage dry skin.

Normal skin

Lucky people with normal skin type have the widest choice among cosmetics. They are not limited by either product types or textures. Suitable products must be labeled “for normal skin” or “for all skin types.”

Combination skin

Those with combination or mixed skin types will have to adapt when looking for cleansers. This is necessary so as not to harm the already dry areas of the skin in the U-zone. If after washing your face there is a feeling of tightness, then the product is not suitable for you. It is better to stick to products for dry or normal skin types.

When and who should not cleanse?

Many people believe that visiting a beauty salon or similar manipulations at home on their own is allowed for absolutely everyone.

This is a deep misconception. Mechanical facial cleansing has a number of prohibitions:

  • acute dermatitis;
  • herpetic rashes;
  • eczema;
  • dry or sensitive skin;
  • any manifestations of allergies;
  • inflammatory skin diseases;
  • blood diseases;
  • hypertension;
  • bronchial asthma.

You should not clean your face during menstruation or with pronounced premenstrual syndrome.

The tendency to inflammation is also an obstacle to the procedure.

Indications for mechanical facial cleansing:

  • large pores;
  • excessive skin greasiness;
  • the presence of wen in large quantities;
  • decreased skin turgor;
  • blackheads, especially in the T-zone.

Important. Mechanical facial cleansing gives a pronounced lifting effect by improving the movement of blood and lymph in the upper layers of the epidermis.

Technique for deep skin cleansing at home

Deep cleansing and exfoliation (exfoliation) of the skin is primarily necessary for oily skin types with a predisposition to acne - dead skin cells of the epidermis mix with sebum and clog pores, causing rashes.


To exfoliate the skin, use soft scrubs with small natural abrasive particles or mineral masks, carry out the procedure 1-2 times a week.

Other types (dry, normal) also need deep cleansing - corneocytes (dead cells of the epidermis) disrupt the functioning of the sebaceous glands and prevent the penetration of active cosmetic substances into the dermal layers. Without sufficient cleansing, the skin loses its tone, elasticity, becomes dull in color and uneven in texture.

Carry out the exfoliation procedure once a week, choose delicate peelings or soft gommages. Look for products labeled “hypoallergenic” and “suitable for sensitive skin” on the packaging.


When caring for very sensitive skin prone to allergic reactions, it is worth excluding the stage of skin exfoliation so as not to injure the already weakened epidermis.

Is it worth doing deep facial cleansing at home?

It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally. Salon cleaning can go wrong if you get to an inexperienced specialist.

The solution here is simple - choose a salon that has proven itself well.

At the same time, a procedure carried out at home in compliance with all recommendations can give an excellent effect, as close as possible to the salon effect.

Should you do deep facial cleansing at home? Yes, and this procedure has many advantages:

  1. Time and place. Everything takes place in a cozy home environment, which temporarily turns into a beauty salon. During the procedure, you can relax without thinking about your appearance.
  2. Delicate impact. If you approach deep cleansing wisely, consequences such as redness and pain can be minimized.
  3. Possibility of using additional agents to relieve inflammation.
  4. Minimal risk of allergic reactions. All manipulations are carried out using natural (not chemical) substances.

On a note. Before deep cleansing your face, determine your skin type. This will help you choose the right products for the procedure.

Methods for cleaning leather in the salon

Cosmetologists also offer a list of aesthetic procedures aimed at deep cleansing and renewal of the epidermis, for example, chemical and hardware exfoliation of the facial skin. Such procedures involve the use of acids and enzymes that literally dissolve the stratum corneum of cells.


After chemical or acid peeling, the photosensitivity of the skin increases. Be sure to use a daily sunscreen with at least SPF 30 to prevent photoaging.

The most popular salon procedures for deep cleansing of facial skin:

  • Ultrasonic cleansing (ultrasonic peeling) – cleansing pores of excess sebum and dead cells by exposure to ultrasonic waves.
  • Vacuum cleaning is a gentle hardware method of cleansing the skin. The procedure effectively cleanses pores, gets rid of blackheads, and tightens the oval of the face due to the lymphatic drainage effect.
  • Mechanical (manual) cleaning is the most traumatic and effective procedure for cleansing clogged pores. A classic option for cleansing the skin using a loop spoon (UNO).
  • Galvanic (disincrustation) cleansing is suitable for thick, oily skin: a salt solution is used and microcurrents are applied to the skin. As a result of the procedure, the pores are cleaned, blackheads and comedones disappear.
  • Microdermabrasion (resurfacing) is aimed at intensive renewal of the epidermis and smoothing out stagnant spots (post-acne).


Washing is a more serious action on the skin. Particular attention should be paid to the selected gel, foam or other means of influencing it. Dermatologists recommend giving preference to formulations that contain not only cleansing, but also moisturizing components.

An excellent cleanser would be La-Cri Cleansing Gel, intended for daily skin hygiene of adults and children. This mild product is suitable even for those with skin prone to dryness and irritation and is recommended for use in children from the first days of life.

  • Hypoallergenic detergents in the gel gently and carefully cleanse the skin.
  • Derivatives of olive and avocado oils restore its barrier function, moisturize and nourish the skin.
  • Licorice extract has anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Walnut extract has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and healing effects.
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