Myofascial facial massage - the path to health and rejuvenation

Age-related skin changes are a harsh reality that every person faces sooner or later. The appearance of wrinkles, loss of elasticity, changes in the oval of the face - this is an incomplete list of what the passing years bring with them. Cosmetology today has many ways to pause time and prolong youth. Most of them involve violating the integrity of the skin, which in itself is quite risky. An alternative to surgical interventions has become myofascial facial massage - a technique that involves influencing human muscles using manual manipulation.

The essence of the method

The main difference between the procedure and a regular massage is the effect not on the skin itself, but on the tissues located between the muscles. More precisely, on the connective tissue - fascia. The skin has a deep regenerative effect, which, by relaxing muscles, relieving tension, eliminating many aesthetic problems. Tension is relieved by working out trigger points - places where muscle spasms and tension are concentrated.

Moscow Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine (VAO)

Address : metro station Preobrazhenskaya Square, 1st Bukhvostova street, 12/11, building 53 Website : Telephone Cost : from 5000

The Moscow Institute of Restorative Medicine (MIRM) is a leading educational institution providing advanced training services for medical staff, as well as the largest center for training cosmetology (courses) and massage for people without any training. The Moscow government issued the largest educational license, which allowed MIVM to successfully develop and introduce more than 160 educational programs in the following areas: medical massage, nursing cosmetology, children's massage, administration, healthy eating, non-drug treatment methods, etc.

Anyone who wants to join the field of restorative medicine or improve their qualifications in this area will find an educational program suitable for their goals and objectives. The main emphasis in training specialists is on practical development of knowledge using models and the most modern equipment.

Why choose the Moscow Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine:

  • 20 years of activity
  • Job Guarantee
  • Prestigious documents
  • Proven quality
  • More than 210 courses
  • Teachers are experts
  • 78,863 graduates

For students without medical education, the institute offers training in the following areas:

  • Eastern techniques of restorative medicine
  • Multitaping
  • Chocolate massage
  • Swedish classic massage
  • Aesthetic body correction
  • Chinese massage Tuina
  • Medical massage. Comprehensive program
  • Children's massage. Comprehensive program
  • Thai massage
  • Sports massage
  • Relax massage (Anti-stress massage), etc.

Functions of myofascia

Fascia (translated from Latin as “bandage”) is a sheath of dense connective fibers covering blood vessels, nerves, and organs. They are part of the structure of ligaments and tendons, providing attachment of muscles to bones, forming a kind of “case” around the muscles. The fascia is responsible for motor activity and takes on all the tension that arises. Main functions of myofascia:

  • Muscle mobility, transmission of movement from them to bones;
  • Supporting internal organs, maintaining their correct position;
  • Protection of blood vessels and nerves located in muscle tissue.

Fascial dysfunction

If their functionality is impaired, the following occurs:

  1. The muscles contract, the load on the fascia increases significantly;
  2. Trying to support the skeleton, the fibers stretch or compress, changing their original shape;
  3. Overexertion causes muscle spasms, which leads to damage to the fascia and the appearance of painful seals on them;
  4. Due to metabolic disorders, the fascia does not receive the necessary water and oxygen - a person experiences a feeling of pain in the muscles.

As a result, inflammation in muscle fibers may develop and change, which can develop into a chronic phenomenon.

The massage procedure will improve the flow of lymph and blood, the fascia will return to its original shape, be freed from tension and stagnation, which will relieve the person from painful sensations.

How massage works

The impact of certain techniques on connective tissue leads to a significant improvement in physiological processes in the body:

  • Muscle spasms are eliminated - the muscles acquire the correct shape, clamps and blocks go away;
  • The oval of the face is corrected, asymmetry is eliminated, expression wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • Blood circulation increases - as a result, metabolism and the supply of cells with oxygen and nutrients improves;
  • Lymph flow accelerates - breakdown products are eliminated from the body faster,
  • Improving complexion and skin condition;
  • Excess fluid is removed, swelling is eliminated, pores are narrowed;
  • The production of elastin and collagen increases;
  • Tissue hydration improves - the skin is moisturized.

Indications for use

Myofascial massage is not only a cosmetic, but also a therapeutic procedure that has a positive effect on the entire body. It is recommended when:

  1. Swelling, deep wrinkles, sagging skin;
  2. The need to correct the oval of the face, eliminate the double chin;
  3. Rehabilitation after plastic surgery;
  4. Headaches, migraines;
  5. Muscle pain;
  6. Recovery from diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  7. Diseases of the genitourinary system;
  8. Ringing and pain in the ears, hearing loss.


The myofascial massage procedure is absolutely harmless and is recommended even for children. However, there are a number of diseases that preclude the procedure.

  • Oncological diseases;
  • Open tuberculosis;
  • Rash resulting from infectious diseases;
  • Injuries of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Head injuries, brain bleeding;
  • Eczema, moles, papillomas on the face;
  • Fever.

Before the procedure, a conversation with the patient is required. The master asks about his well-being, the presence of chronic diseases, and allergies. Only after a thorough study of each individual patient is an individual course of treatment techniques suitable for a particular case prescribed. The question of how many sessions need to be done is also decided for each individual.

School of Modern Massage (CAO)

Address : metro station Elektrozavodskaya, Bolshaya Pochtovaya street, 36, building 9, entrance 15, office 421/1 Website : Telephone Cost : from 7500

Choose a program to suit your goals

All programs are certified. Each course is verified by practice and optimally balanced. You spend a minimum of time and gain maximum knowledge.

Why is it worth studying at the School of Modern Massage?

  • Upon completion, you will have a document in your hands that is quoted for the largest employers in Russia and the CIS countries.
  • The programs are filled with positivity. The new profession will quickly become your favorite one.
  • You will be taught by the best teachers.
  • School specialists have worked on training programs for years to make them easy but rich.
  • Your certificate of completion of the courses is a full-fledged diploma, the key to success in any endeavor.
  • Increase your skills with the programs “Brazilian butt”, “Anti-cellulite massage”, “Thai slim massage”, “Hardware massage” and many others.
  • “Brazilian bamboo massage”, “Kinesio taping” and other techniques will become your competitive advantage if you are involved in the beauty industry.

The school provides group and individual classes.

Main types. Execution technique

The session begins with cleansing the facial skin and removing any remaining makeup. Otherwise, oxygen will not be able to pass through the clogged pores, which will significantly reduce the effect of therapy. After this, the master proceeds directly to the procedure. Using precise, gentle movements, the massage therapist works on trigger points, removing blocks and clamps, restoring the natural position of the muscles. Several techniques are used:

  • The relaxation and stretching method affects the fascia located very deeply. Both hands are involved. One lifts the skin, and the second moves it and the fascia until resistance is felt. The movements continue until the massaged tissues are completely relaxed;
  • Vertical lifting - not only the skin, but also the connective tissue underneath it is lifted for a few seconds;
  • Muscle fulling is lifting already relaxed muscles and moving them to the side.

The first session usually lasts no more than half an hour. Further, the duration of the exercise, as well as the intensity, increases. During the procedure, the master carefully monitors the patient’s condition, periodically asks him to change his position, and if the slightest ailment is detected, his actions stop. Each procedure makes the muscles more pliable, which greatly simplifies the process.

Massage of head, neck, face

Work with the head begins with its hairy part. Using light twisting movements, the master massages the temporal fascia and the area around the ears. Next, the patient's head is turned to the side. The thumb of the left hand is located on the temple, while the rest of it is on the scalp. The right palm is placed on the neck, rubbing and kneading the skin begins. Next, placing the index and middle fingers on the forehead, and the thumb at the temple, the master moves them towards each other and spreads them to the sides.

The fascia of the neck is numerous. In addition, it is necessary to act on them extremely carefully - here are the largest arteries and nerve endings that are easily injured. Therefore, influences on this zone include careful circular movements, rolling and displacement.

Work with the face begins with twisting the skin of the chin and lower jaw, gradually moving towards the line of the ears. The cheekbones are massaged using tension and twisting. The master stimulates the points located under the corners of the lips. This is followed by lifting and rolling back to the cheekbones and working out all facial wrinkles.

Interesting: Facial massage with herbal bags

Preparing for the session

When preparing for a session, it is advisable to normalize your emotional state, organize your thoughts, and relax. Before the procedure, it is necessary to cleanse the skin. The presence of decorative or skincare cosmetics is unacceptable. The master works with the inner layers of fabrics. To reach them, proper “grip” with the skin is required.

The work happens not only with the facial muscles. The master touches the scalp. The hair must pass freely through the massage therapist’s hands. To do this, the hair is completely freed. Tight hairstyles are excluded.

Posture is important to work properly with fascia. The best body position: lying down. The master dictates what pose to take, turn, lower your head.

Basic techniques

Currently, there are three officially recognized massage techniques.

Methodology according to Tatyana Shubina

Inspired by oriental manual practices, physiotherapist Tatyana Shubina created a multi-stage massage technique that provides intensive treatment of the tendon helmet, skull and ear area. It is aimed at removing excess fluid, correcting the oval of the face, stimulating the production of collagen and elastin. Due to the complexity of the impact technique, the technique is not widespread and is carried out only in specialized institutions.

Plasticizing massage

Specialists refer to SPA procedures. Aimed at combating the main signs of skin aging. Such as dark circles under the eyes, deformation of the oval face, double chin, facial wrinkles, drooping corners of the lips, “crow’s feet”. However, this is not only a cosmetic procedure. The technique helps fight migraines, surges in blood pressure, facilitates recovery after a stroke, relieves stress and nervous tension.


Myofascial massage performed on the back. Indicated for cerebral palsy, scoliosis, intervertebral hernia, osteochondrosis and neuralgia.

Interesting: Fire rejuvenation is a miraculous fire massage of Ho-Liao.

Myofascial massage by Tatyana Shubina

Dysfunction of muscle tissue triggers a chain of consequences leading to tissue atrophy and aging. Facial massage is the most powerful tool for working with so-called gravitational ptosis - skin aging with subsequent sagging and folding.

Shubina Tatyana Alekseevna, based on many years of experience, developed anti-energy massage techniques and received excellent results. This technique is effectively used throughout the world by her many students.

Training in the technique is divided into two parts. At the first stage, students learn techniques for actively influencing the lymphatic system to relieve tension in the muscles of the head and face. The task is set to detect the maximum number of spastic “clamps”, techniques and finger movements are demonstrated when “listening” to the deep muscles.

A massage technique is taught aimed at eliminating swelling of the face and double chin. The achievements of the obtained effect are illustrated using photographic recording (photo before the procedure and photo after).

At the second stage, the teacher teaches techniques for working on the face, the art of “sculpting a face,” and competent actions that lead to solving clients’ problems.

Numerous reviews confirm the effectiveness of the technique.

Massage at home

Despite the ongoing debate between supporters and opponents of self-massage, with regard to myofascial techniques, the number of the latter is much larger. Due to the complexity of the procedure and the need for training in physiology and anatomy, experts do not recommend performing the procedure at home. One wrong movement can significantly worsen the patient’s condition and cause serious harm to health.

However, with special devices - a ball, foam roller or roller - self-massage is still possible.

The main thing is to carefully study the rules of their use and self-massage lessons, and also avoid self-massaging the neck and collar area - this area should be entrusted to a specialist.

Session cost

The price of the procedure depends on the areas involved and the problem being solved. The salons practice an individual approach to patients. The cost of a single session varies between 1500–3500 rubles. When implementing an integrated approach to shaping your appearance, many establishments provide discounts.

Trying to perform the procedure at home is not recommended. To correctly reproduce the technique, special knowledge is required. An existing massage therapist needs additional training to work using the technique.

To obtain a high-quality result, it is recommended to contact a specialist who has experience working with myofascial techniques and has positive customer reviews.

Results of the procedure

Carrying out a massage by a specialist gives a long-lasting effect, which appears after the second procedure.

  • Improves complexion;
  • The pores are narrowed, the water balance of the skin is restored;
  • An oval face is formed, the double chin is eliminated;
  • The skin acquires firmness, elasticity, wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • Metabolism improves, skin permeability increases;
  • Headaches, stress, neuroses are reduced;
  • The body tone increases and overall well-being improves.

Patient reviews

The cost of such a procedure in Russia ranges from 1 thousand to 3 thousand rubles. The price is considerable, considering that the full course involves at least five procedures. However, positive reviews and photos of clients who have experienced the positive effects of myofascial massage say the following:

“I used to be skeptical about massage, especially if it was cosmetic in nature. But several sessions of myofascial massage pleasantly surprised me with their results. The face is fresher, looks more toned, and the hated crow’s feet have finally disappeared.” Olga, 38 years old.

“Constant neck pain was my constant companion. Neither expensive ointments nor plasters helped. After completing a course of myofascial massage, I forgot about the problem, like a bad dream! The pain went away, and the reduction of the double chin became another pleasant bonus. The sensations during the massage were not pleasant, but it was worth it.” Anna is 40 years old.

“I’ve been thinking about Botox injections for a long time, but I was terribly afraid of the procedure. The cosmetologist advised me to try a plasticizing facial massage first. I don’t regret for a minute that I agreed. The result exceeded all my expectations. The complexion has improved, the skin is tightened, there are no bags under the eyes. At the same time, no pain or swelling! I recommend it to everyone who, like me, is afraid of operations.” Tatyana is 44 years old.

“The first impression caused negative emotions. There were painful sensations from the procedure, but no particular result was observed. A friend advised me to change the master. Progress was obvious. After the first procedure, I noticed positive dynamics, wrinkles around the eyes and mouth disappeared, the skin became more toned and fresh.” Irina is 41 years old.

Course duration

The introductory exposure lasts no more than 40 minutes. Subsequent sessions increase to 60–90 minutes. The effectiveness of the procedure is noticeable after the first exposure. Tension goes away, congestion and swelling disappear, skin quality improves, muscles become toned.

To achieve global transformations, 7–10 sessions will be required. It is advisable to distribute the procedures 1-2 times a week. It is recommended to take no more than 2 courses of myofascial massage per year.

Advice. To maintain the effect, it is advisable not to overstrain the muscles, giving them a moderate load. It is recommended to monitor facial expressions, weight gain, health, and take good care of your skin. Procedures that promote rejuvenation can enhance the cosmetic effect of myofascial massage.

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