Oils for oily skin - 12 best cosmetic and 10 essential oils

Updated: 08/17/2021 12:47:59

Expert: Arefieva Elizaveta Aleksandrovna

It is unacceptable to use oils to care for oily skin. This is exactly what many girls are sure of, however, this statement is just a myth. In fact, you just need to learn how to choose the right products that will provide your skin with nutrition and hydration. After all, she needs them no less than the dry epidermis.

In addition, base (cosmetic) and vegetable oils will help get rid of existing problems. They will narrow enlarged pores and clean them, remove excess sebum and regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands. But for each purpose there is its own oil, and in order to provide comprehensive care, special mixtures are prepared from them according to special recipes.

Features of oily skin

Oily skin is not only a consequence of improper care, dietary errors or genetics. The condition of the epidermis is negatively affected by many external factors.

Problematic epidermis is characterized by a rather thick layer of skin with enlarged pores, acne or comedones. These defects do not necessarily appear immediately, but this skin type is more susceptible to them than others. There is an increased production of sebum. In the absence of proper care and complete cleansing, particles of sebum clog the pores and stretch them, which is why they become enlarged, and the face resembles a “sponge.”

However, oily skin also has some advantages. In particular, it is less susceptible to the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation and does not dry out under its influence. Therefore, inflammation and peeling of this type of epidermis are rare phenomena. Oily skin also ages much later than dry or normal skin, which can also be considered a great advantage.

Necessary measures to eliminate enlarged pores using essential oils

Enlarged pores on the face

As a rule, visible pores and blackheads on the face are inseparable companions. Therefore, the entire series of measures should be aimed at eliminating both flaws.

To reduce enlarged pores you need:

  • deeply cleanse pores of impurities and blackheads;
  • eliminate oily shine by reducing the formation of sebum;
  • accelerate skin regeneration;
  • tighten pores on the face;
  • It is enough to moisturize the epidermis.

Essential oils for narrowing pores on the face will help to carry out these activities.

Why are oils needed for oily skin, and how do they affect it?

To care for problematic skin, 2 types of oils are used:

  1. cosmetic, or basic;
  2. ethereal.

How are oils good for oily skin? With its composition. Products approved for this type of epidermis contain valuable acids - linoleic and linolenic, the deficiency of which is a provocateur of inflammatory processes. In addition, the oils are enriched with vitamins, amino acids, antioxidants and minerals. The multicomponent and diverse composition of this product provides:

  1. smoothing of the skin;
  2. removing free radicals from the dermal layers;
  3. strengthening local immunity;
  4. regulation of the sebaceous glands;
  5. cleansing and narrowing pores;
  6. hydration;
  7. improvement of barrier function.

Oils are included in many cosmetics for oily skin. But they can also be used as an independent element of epidermis care. You just need to choose the right recipe.

How to choose the right one

Lemon oil

An effective essential oil for the face for enlarged pores can be one of the following:


  • Lemon - dries out acne, gets rid of blackheads, removes dead epidermal cells, improves complexion. Widely used as a means to lighten facial skin, freckles and age spots. The product is aggressive and can cause peeling of the skin.
  • Tea tree is an excellent antiseptic. Promotes healing of wounds, tightens pores, tones, dries, reduces the formation of oily sheen. This remedy is used exclusively for local treatment.
  • Peppermint cools the skin, improves its tone, and quickly relieves irritation.
  • Orange - fights purulent inflammation, is a preventive measure for the formation of acne and blackheads. Bitter orange oil increases blood flow and relieves swelling. It is worth noting the property of orange to reduce spots and scars that remain after acne.
  • Lemongrass is an excellent toner for oily and combination skin types. It is milder than lemon, but no less effective. Gives the face a fresh and radiant look, cleanses contaminated pores, relieves inflammation.
  • Cypress - ideal for problem skin, has powerful bactericidal and antiseptic properties. Significantly reduces fat and sweat secretions.
  • Myrtle - exhibits antioxidant properties, helps restore the skin's ability to counteract stress factors.
  • Juniper – serves as an excellent tonic, refreshing and antibacterial.
  • Eucalyptus - evens out facial tone, improves epidermal regeneration, soothes the skin. Pairs well with grape and peach seed base oils.
  • Rosemary - tones, resolves various scars and scars. Most effective when combined with base olive oil and adding a couple drops of lavender oil.
  • Lavender - calms and effectively relieves stress, which helps tighten pores and reduce the number of breakouts.
  • Cloves - protects, tightens and refreshes the skin, and is used as a remedy for enlarged pores.
  • Cedar wood - relieves irritation and performs a protective function.
  • Geranium - eliminates inflammatory processes. To wipe oily skin, it is often combined with lemon or tea tree.
  • Jasmine - tightens pores on the face and has a tightening effect.
  • Grapefruit - refreshes, tones.
  • Rose—used for deep cleansing of facial skin. Combines with lavender and jasmine.
  • Coconut - relieves irritation and heals inflammation, nourishes and protects the epidermis, moisturizes well.


  • Jojoba is an emollient and is used as a base for concentrated essential oils.
  • Grape seed is a basic means for diluting various oils. Eliminates dryness, flaking, prevents aging and fading of the skin. Maintains an optimal level of skin moisture.
  • Apricot - nourishes, gives the skin a healthy appearance, softens, eliminates dryness.
  • Peach - perfectly softens and soothes.
  • Argan seed - protects against adverse factors, prevents the appearance of wrinkles.

How to mix and apply oils to the face: rules and tips

In order for oils to be beneficial and give the expected effect, they must be used correctly. To do this, you need to follow the following rules:

  1. the components should be mixed in glass or plastic containers, but under no circumstances in a metal container;
  2. for 5 ml of base (base oil) it is enough to use 1-2 drops of ether;
  3. if several types of essential oils are used at once in the preparation of an oil mixture, then they are added separately, and only with a 2-hour interval between the use of each of them;
  4. It is not recommended to use more than 5 varieties of essential oils at the same time;
  5. Before use, it is recommended to infuse the oil mixture for 4 days;
  6. The finished product must be stored in the refrigerator, the maximum shelf life is 2 months.

Applying oils to the face should take into account the following recommendations and rules:

  1. It is recommended to carry out skin treatment in the evening, since after it it is forbidden to go outside for at least 2 hours. Indeed, under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, some types of oils can become toxic and release carcinogens.
  2. Before using the product, the skin must be cleansed. For this purpose, a tonic, milk, gel or scrub is used.
  3. Oils are applied only to damp epidermis.
  4. Before use, the oil should be poured onto your palms and warmed slightly. Only then can you treat your face with it - this way it will quickly penetrate into the deep dermal layers.
  5. It is recommended to lubricate the skin along massage lines. Particular attention should be paid to problem areas where there are enlarged pores, rashes or other defects.
  6. To enhance the effect, you can cover your face with a napkin soaked in heated water.

Keep the mixture of oils on the skin for about 10 minutes. Then remove the remaining product using a cloth, which should be applied to the face and then removed. You cannot rub the epidermis, otherwise you can injure it.

Base oils can be used daily, esters - at least every other day.

An integrated approach to the treatment of acne and acne

Essential oils are reliable allies in the fight against acne and acne. However, in order to deal with this problem as soon as possible and forget about it, it is best to use an integrated approach. After all, the appearance of acne is a consequence of an imbalance in the body, so the main task is to eliminate this imbalance.

Rejection of bad habits

Avoid alcohol and tobacco completely. Reduce your consumption of tea and, especially, coffee. Drink more regular clean water - it will saturate every cell of your skin with moisture better than any moisturizer.

Vitamins and minerals obtained with food are most effective for facial skin.

Proper nutrition

In the fight for beautiful facial skin, you must follow the following rules:

  • do not overindulge in sweets and baked goods made from white flour;
  • eat less fried and fatty meat foods;
  • give up fast food;
  • eat more fruits, vegetables and herbs (fresh, boiled, stewed or baked);
  • include nuts, unrefined cereals and cold-pressed vegetable oils in your diet.

Reasonable daily routine

Go to bed early, get enough sleep, move more and walk in the fresh air - all this will have a great effect not only on your well-being, but also on the condition of your skin.

Don't miss the main sleep hours to maintain beautiful skin - from 22:00 to 24:00

Minimum cosmetics

The vast majority of industrially produced cosmetics (especially decorative ones), in addition to useful components, contain many harmful substances (preservatives, dyes, fragrances). Regular use of such products only aggravates the condition of problematic skin. Try to give up skincare and foundation creams, as well as powder, for at least 2-3 months.

Instead of store-bought creams, use natural vegetable oils with the addition of essential oils.

Natural care

Oatmeal or rye flour gruel gently cleanses the skin and acts as a delicate peeling, promoting cell renewal.

To prepare it, mix a small amount of flour with water to the consistency of sour cream. For added healing benefits, add a drop of your chosen essential oil. Apply to face with light massage movements and then rinse.

Instead of oat flour, you can use oat flakes crushed in a blender

Also, high-quality soap without harmful additives is suitable for washing. Often the composition contains various essential oils, which makes it even more beneficial. This soap can be purchased in online stores of soap-making supplies, as well as ready-made handmade soaps: it has a “greasy” feel and does not dry out the skin. Please read the ingredients carefully before purchasing.

Effective recipes for masks and oil mixtures: top 3 best remedies

It is best to use oils to care for oily skin in the form of masks or combined mixtures. You can prepare them according to the following recipes:


  1. Mix 1 tbsp. l. any cosmetic clay with 1 tsp. filtered or boiled water. Pour in half a teaspoon of calendula alcohol extract or fresh lemon juice. Add 3 drops of lavender essential oil, stir and apply the mask to your face. Leave until the clay dries, then wash with plenty of running water.
  2. Any type of base oil in an amount of 15 ml is mixed with 2 drops of lemon ether, 1 drop of eucalyptus, neroli and mint ester. Stir everything thoroughly, preparing a mixture of oils according to the principle described earlier. Using a cosmetic brush, spread the mask over the surface of the face, paying special attention to the most problematic areas. Leave for a maximum of 15 minutes, then remove the remaining mixture if necessary.
  3. Mix 10 ml of base oils – hazelnut, grape seed and jojoba – into 1 container. This mixture is prepared without adding esters. It copes well with increased oily skin and enlarged pores, acne and inflammation on the face.

It is recommended to choose the optimal recipe and use it on an ongoing basis.

Rules for the use of esters

Before using ether, you must ensure that there are no contraindications or individual intolerances:

  • Dilute a drop of essential oil in half a teaspoon of any vegetable oil and apply it to the back of your wrist or elbow. If irritation, redness, burning or itching does not appear within 12 hours, then the ether can be used.
  • Another test is olfactory. Apply a drop of ether to a handkerchief or napkin and inhale its scent throughout the day. If shortness of breath, cough or difficulty breathing occurs, ether should not be used.
  • Do not create new compositions of 5 or more essential oils on your own, as their effects are unpredictable.
  • If you don’t like the aroma of the ether or cause negative associations, you don’t need to use it.
  • Do not use oils with a relaxing effect before driving, or stimulating ones before going to bed.
  • Do not use one scent for more than a month. It can be addictive, and the effect of its use is reduced.

Essential oils in pure concentrated form are used only for the treatment of acne, pimples, herpes, rosacea, flaky areas of the epidermis.

To avoid causing burns and skin irritation, esters must be dissolved. They interact poorly with water, but dissolve in organic liquids. Therefore, it is best to dilute esters using base types of oils.

Possible side effects

If you use oils without neglecting contraindications, no side effects should occur. But in the process of applying mixtures and mixing components, it is necessary to avoid contact of oil particles with the mucous membranes of the eyes and the respiratory tract. Otherwise, the following may develop:

  1. respiratory rhythm disturbances;
  2. tachycardia;
  3. a sharp deterioration in general health;
  4. redness and inflammation of the conjunctiva;
  5. bronchospasm;
  6. rashes and swelling on the skin.

Other adverse reactions are also possible - it all depends on the individual characteristics of the body. Often, the symptoms described above appear when you are allergic not to base oils, but to essential oils. An overdose or their use in pure form can cause a burn.

The ban on the use of oils for those with oily skin types is just a myth. The right choice of product will reduce the production of subcutaneous fat, improve the general condition of the epidermis, dry it and remove rashes.

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