Hair oils: the whole truth about using oils. How does it work? Does the blonde dry out and can the oil moisturize the hair?

To ensure that your hairstyle always looks impressive and neat, hair of any length needs regular nutrition and hydration. Have you noticed that the strands have become dry and lifeless, and the ends have become brittle and split? It's time to pay attention to “superfoods” for hair: saturated oils enriched with vitamins, minerals and fatty acids that will help cope with dryness and restore healthy shine and well-groomed appearance to your hair.

There are a huge number of hair oils on the market: “KrasotkaPro” will tell you how to choose the best and most effective! We have compiled a rating of oils that nourish, moisturize and stimulate hair growth, have a safe composition and will help get rid of many aesthetic problems. The TOP 10 is based on personal sales statistics, customer reviews and Yandex data: let's see which oils are included in this list?

The criteria by which we evaluate the products of each brand:

  • Safe composition.
    The oil should not contain sulfates, fragrances, or synthetic components that provoke allergies.
  • Pleasant aroma.
    Too strong a smell often spoils the impression of a product.
  • Volume.
    The more good oil in the bottle, the better - owners of long hair will especially appreciate this!
  • Versatility.
    It’s good if the oil can be used on both dry and wet curls, on the ends and on the scalp.
  • No traces.
    The use of the product should improve the appearance of the hairstyle and not leave a greasy or sticky residue on the hair.

Modern cosmetics have a balanced composition and a powerful concentration of vitamins, so they can quickly solve the problems of brittleness, hair splitting, itching and redness in the scalp. Our rating is formed thanks to a system of points that we awarded each brand for its product.

By quality:

  • 2 points for a safe composition;
  • 1 point for a pleasant aroma;
  • 1 point for volume up to 50 ml, 2 points - up to 100 ml, 3 points - over 100 ml;
  • 2 points for versatility;
  • 1 point for no greasy marks.

By cost:

  • 4 points for costs up to 300 rubles;
  • 3 points for a cost from 300 to 600 rubles;
  • 2 points for a price from 600 to 900 rubles;
  • 1 point for a price over 900 rubles.

By popularity:

  • 6 points for more than 30,000 queries in Yandex per month;
  • 5 points for 24,000-30,000 queries in Yandex per month;
  • 4 points for 18,000-24,000 queries in Yandex per month;
  • 3 points for 12,000-18,000 queries in Yandex per month;
  • 2 points for 6,000-12,000 queries in Yandex per month;
  • 1 point for less than 6,000 queries in Yandex per month.

Final ranking table for hair oils

OilQuality pointsPoints for valuePoints for popularityTotal points
Constant Delight, Olio Ricostruzione oil62210
Moroccanoil, Treatment Original oil91212
Kapous, Arganoil oil91313
Pantene Pro-V, Intensive Recovery Oil7,53313,5
Estel, OTIUM Diamond oil83314
Elseve, oil “Extraordinary 6 oils of rare flowers”8,53314,5
MATRIX, Oil Wonders Egyptian hibiscus oil93315
Kerastase, Elixir Ultime Versatile Beautifying Oil10,51415,5
Ollin, Tres Oil103316
Londa Professional, Velvet Oil9,53416,5

Properly selected oil will prevent hair loss, stimulate hair growth, thicken the structure and increase shine. To revive damaged strands and make the fabric silky and soft along its entire length, you don’t have to waste time going to expensive beauty salons: high-quality hair oil will become your main assistant! We have compiled a rating of the best oils, which includes time-tested and customer-tested products - we hope that you can choose the right product from this list.

What do oils do?

The main function of oils is nutrition, as well as restoration, but the restorative effect may not appear immediately, and we will look at why.
You can often find references online that oil moisturizes, but this is not true. The main function of oil is nutrition, but to say that oil does not moisturize is also not entirely true. Why? The oil really does not have any moisturizing properties as such, but if you dig deeper and analyze the principle of operation, it will become clear that you can attribute a moisturizing effect to it due to the ability to retain moisture inside the hair.

So how does it work.

The fact is that base oils can also be divided into two types: enveloping and penetrating. This classification is based on the size of the molecules.

Enveloping oils

Enveloping oils have a large molecular size, so they are not able to penetrate the structure and settle on the surface of the hair as a film (the effect is similar to the film left by silicones), which prevents the evaporation of moisture.

  • Enveloping oils include: broccoli oil, argan oil, jojoba oil, grape seed oil, sunflower oil, castor oil, burdock oil.

Therefore, we can say that there are oils that are able to penetrate inside and work with the structure (penetrating), and there are those that work exclusively on the surface of the hair (enveloping).

After COVID-19

The most popular topic right now is hair loss after a new coronavirus infection. It must be said that any infectious and viral diseases can cause hair loss after recovery, and this does not happen immediately, but after 2-3 months. What is typical for a coronavirus infection: it may not be very active, without the need for hospitalization, but nevertheless, after a few months a person may notice increased hair loss. This is due to the fact that the new virus is quite active and it is difficult for our immune system to cope with and immediately recover from it. Especially if antibiotics and other serious drugs were used in treatment. This, of course, affects the condition of the whole organism. Therefore, in general, there are a lot of complaints about hair loss after covid-19.

Product selection

The choice of vegetable oil for hair growth is always determined by the type of curls and the existing problem.

For each type, certain means are preferred:

Hair typeSuitable natural base oilSuitable essential oil
Dry curlsCorn, sesame, pumpkin, sea buckthorn, avocadoSandalwood, lavender, ylang-ylang, jasmine, geranium, neroli, juniper
Normal curlsCoconut, argan, castor, burdock, olive, flaxseed, corn, peach, almond, cocoa, grape, jojobaYlang-ylang, rose, geranium, orange, cypress, lavender, cedar, lemon, bergamot, juniper, carrot seed, neroli, rosemary, sandalwood, tea tree, thyme, chamomile, clary sage
Oily curlsPumpkin, almond, calendulaGrapefruit, cedar, lemon balm, ylang-ylang, patchouli, geranium, juniper

The choice of oil is also influenced by the hair problem that needs to be solved:

ProblemBase vegetable oilEssential oil
Hair lossBurdock, jojoba, coconutRosemary, lavender, pine, eucalyptus
Rare hairCastor, argan, sea buckthorn, coconut, almond, flaxseed, jojoba, mustard, olive, camphorPatchouli, citrus, cypress, rosewood, cedar, thyme, fir
BaldnessJojoba, coconut, burdockRosemary, lavender, sage, thyme, chamomile, cedar, bay leaf
The need for healthier and stronger hair growthBurdock, castor, coconut, olive, argan, macadamiaJuniper, ylang-ylang, lemon balm, cloves, fir, cinnamon

A complex approach

It often happens that treatment begins with one method and ends with another. For example, after a course of mesotherapy, specialized medications are selected for home care, and then physiotherapy is carried out. Or are some other variations offered? In any case, when the therapy is conscious, when the doctor develops an individual program for the patient, taking into account his characteristics, coordinates it with him and explains what he will do and why, then the result will be good and will not be long in coming.

In order for the oil to work you need:

  • Firstly, it needs to be heated in a water bath
  • Secondly, apply to dry hair (if we are talking about penetrating oils)
  • Thirdly, stand for at least 5 hours. Some oils take up to 14 hours to penetrate the hair structure.

Penetrating oils can be used by everyone, but with caveats. Oils are effective for restoring damaged hair, but it all depends on the extent of the damage.
If your hair has turned into cotton wool, pulling on which, the hair stretches and then breaks - there is no use in trying to do anything with any means, including oil. Oils do not work immediately and you need to be patient. The effect first begins to be felt tactilely, but on severely damaged hair it may not appear in the first months. For example, when restoring terribly dry tow after ombre, I did not feel, but rather saw the effect after about a year of regular use of oils. How often should I use oils? Once to twice a week, more often not worth it. Enveloping oils are great for use as a leave-in and for adding shine to hair. But they are the ones that can dry out your hair. It's not that they are bad, it's the condition of the hair. If the hair is very damaged, but not so damaged that it falls off, it is most likely very porous. This means that their ability to retain moisture inside the hair is impaired, and if you start filling such hair with enveloping oils, it can only get worse. In order to use enveloping oils, you initially need to restore the lipid layer with the help of at least penetrating oils, ideally add restorative care containing proteins, keratin and elastin with collagen, and only then start using enveloping oils, because instead of benefit, if used incorrectly, it can there will be harm.

How to choose quality oil

But in order for the oil to work, among other things, its quality is also important.
The best effect is obtained from unrefined, cold-pressed oils. Moreover, these are not the oils that are sold in pharmacies. Most often there is a chemical there, don’t understand that if we are not talking about food options now. Oils must be of high quality, otherwise I agree with the opinion that oil can be drying. Yes, indeed, low-quality oil can dry out your hair, because oil has the same name. What are the quality oils? I like Spivak oils. I can also consider the oils from Olesya Mustaeva’s workshop, Barak, Levran, and Miko to be good options.

But there is an interesting point. You don't always need cosmetic oil. If you come across any oil in the food section, I advise you to give it your preference. Most often, it has good quality, a larger volume, and such a purchase turns out to be more affordable.

I’ll end this review with my modest results after using the oils. The before and after speaks for itself, although it would seem that bleached damaged hair and oils are incompatible. But now you already know that this is not so.


Trichologist services at the AZALIA clinic

It’s easy to be beautiful when specialists help you with this! And the trichologists of our clinic prove this every day, because they cope well with the most complex and advanced diseases of the hair and scalp.

We offer 4 categories of services in the field of trichology.

  • Treatment of seborrhea (dandruff and oily hair at the roots) is a complex of examinations, physiotherapeutic procedures, the use of special shampoos and ointments, as well as a course of vitamins and minerals.
  • Plasma therapy of the head is a uniquely effective method of hair restoration. It will help restore hair thickness, eliminate brittleness and hair loss, and is good for treating psoriasis, atopic dermatitis and other diseases.
  • Scalp mesotherapy is an expert procedure for restoring the beauty and health of hair. It will help speed up growth, restore volume to your hair, get rid of dandruff and much more.
  • Treatment of alopecia (baldness) – a course of treatment and care procedures is individually developed. New technologies and achievements of hardware cosmetology are used, which make it possible to stop baldness and practically restore hair.

As you can see, none of your problems will be left without a solution. Trichologists at the AZALIA clinic will always listen to you carefully and find the correct and effective methods for hair restoration. We will professionally take care of your beauty!

Healing properties

Vegetable oils (castor, coconut, flaxseed, burdock) act as base oils, and various ointments are created on their basis. Their benefit lies in their high content of fatty acids that are beneficial to the body. Essential oils contain active substances that are antiseptic and antimicrobial . They are able to regenerate the skin, preserve and maintain the beauty of the body and hair, and support the human body.

Before you start using oils, we recommend reading this article, in which we will talk about such a popular procedure as peeling, because it will help to effectively cleanse the scalp and prepare it for subsequent manipulations.

Causes of split ends

Dry needles, distributed along the entire length of the strands or concentrated at the bottom of the hairstyle, do not appear just like that. The main causes of damaged ends are:

  • curl dyeing;
  • frequent hot hair styling using curling irons, hair dryers, and straightening;
  • improper hair cutting with dull scissors;
  • deficiency of vitamins and microelements (the most important for the health of curls are vitamins A, C, E, D, H, F, PP, B1, B2, B3, B6, B7, B8, B9, B12, as well as magnesium, calcium, zinc and silicon);
  • lack of fluid in the body;
  • metal combs that care for hair carelessly.

Hair can show thorns to the owner due to various external reasons. Visitors to swimming pools often complain about split ends; chlorine has a depressing effect on their hair. Strands are also damaged by prolonged exposure to a dry room, hot water, frost and wind.

Contraindications and precautions

Like any natural remedy, oils can have both positive and negative effects.

Some people have an individual intolerance to pomace. Persons with allergic reactions should use such products with caution.

Before using cosmetic oils, you must conduct a test. For this purpose, a few drops of the product are applied to the inner surface of the wrist and the reaction is observed for 12 hours. The appearance of red spots, burning or itching indicates intolerance to the cosmetic product.

Esters in undiluted form can cause skin burns, so they should be used only in combination with base oils: olive, castor, coconut and others.

When preparing masks, you must strictly follow the recipe and observe the proportions of the components used.

All esters must be used only in combination with solvents. For this the following can be used:

  • basic vegetable oils: olive, almond, sunflower, jojoba, avocado, castor, grape seed, coconut, peach;
  • fatty dairy products: sour cream, yogurt, cream, milk, kefir, yogurt, whey;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • decoction of medicinal herbs;
  • ready-made shampoo or cosmetic mask.

The use of ethereal extracts is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • the presence of areas of inflammation, purulent formations, burns and open wounds on the scalp;
  • individual intolerance;
  • tendency to sudden allergic reactions;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • epilepsy;
  • use of homeopathic remedies;
  • psoriasis, dermatitis.

Features of the drug

The minerals in the product are beneficial for the health of curls: zinc, iron, chromium, etc. These elements accelerate growth, reduce the likelihood of thinning, and prevent hair loss. Thanks to them, the hair acquires shine and the hair becomes elastic. The complex of minerals promotes the renewal of hair cells.

Other important substances in the product:

  • Inulin. It has moisturizing properties, which promotes the penetration of nutrients deep into the tissues.
  • Fatty acids that protect against negative external influences.
  • Tannins that strengthen curls.
( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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