Patchouli oil for youthful facial skin and financial well-being

oil is an essential oil obtained from the tropical patchouli plant (lat. Pogostemon cablin). It grows primarily in the Philippine Islands, Java, and Sumatra, but produces ether in southeast Asia. Like other esters, patchouli oil is used in aromatherapy or added to perfume compositions. But the healing potential of the oil is especially valuable: it has anti-inflammatory properties, has a positive effect on the nervous and endocrine systems, improves skin condition and much more. Read more in the material.

Patchouli essential oil Now Foods 30 ml

Patchouli essential oil is a viscous liquid with a characteristic odor that smells of wood and camphor. The color can vary: from green with shades of brown to red. Only the oil has a smell; fresh leaves do not have it. The discovered properties make it possible to use patchouli oil not only in aromatherapy, but also for medicinal purposes. Find out why it is so useful below.

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The American company Now Foods offers its customers the “Patchouli” supplement from the “Essential Oils” series (30 ml). patchouli essential , which is 100% extract without additional components. The product is highly concentrated, so it must be used with extreme caution and only in diluted form.

One option for use is adding it to an aroma diffuser. To fill the room with a soothing aroma, just mix 1 drop of patchouli oil , 3 drops of jasmine oil and 5 drops of geranium oil. In other cases, the patchouli concentrate still needs to be mixed with a carrier oil. Suitable oils include jojoba, grape seed, olive or almond oil. This is the only way to avoid irritation and other side effects.

general description

In the tropical regions of Asia and Indonesia, there is a perennial shrub reaching a height of 1 m. It is widely cultivated in Sri Lanka, Malaysia, the Philippines, and South America exclusively for the production of essential oil.

Obtained by steam distillation from fermented leaves. The process is complex and labor-intensive; in the first stages, the collected leaves are dried to increase the quantity and quality of the aroma oil. Steam distillation occurs under high pressure and lasts about 36 hours.

is not possible to make ether at home due to the complexity of the process .

Patchouli also grows exclusively in tropical areas; attempts to cultivate the plant in other climatic conditions, in particular in Abkhazia, were unsuccessful. The oil is found only in the form of ether; it is a viscous, dense liquid with an extremely rich aroma. The shades of the product are also varied; you can find green-brown, mustard, dark orange, red-brown.

The smell is highly persistent; sweet spice, woody balsamic notes, and herbaceous moldy-camphor aromas are discernible. The dense oil crystallizes in the cold ; when applied to paper , the trace remains for several months.

Widely used in cosmetology due to its combination of regenerating and antiseptic properties. Helps cope with dermatological diseases, improves the condition of oily skin.

Note! It is also considered an effective remedy for caring for curls, accelerates growth, and gets rid of dandruff.

Patchouli oil: production

The patchouli bush grows in the tropical region: in the Philippine and Seychelles islands, as well as the islands of Java, Sumatra, Reunion, and Singapore. But, despite this, oil production is located in other countries: India, China, Indonesia, Malaysia. Large fleshy leaves are used as raw material. They are first dried and then the oil is extracted through long steam distillation. This process involves the evaporation of a liquid, after which the vapor is cooled and converted back into a liquid. This leaves only the concentrate, i.e. patchouli oil itself .

Patchouli oil: composition

The composition of patchouli oil is not as diverse as that of borage oil or evening primrose oil. The main component is patchoulol, or patchouli alcohol. It gives the ether a characteristic odor and directly affects its quality: the higher the alcohol content in the composition, the more valuable it is. In premium quality supplements the concentration of patchoulol can be as high as 30%.

The remaining components are represented mainly by sesquiterpene compounds. Among them:

  • alpha-copaene;
  • alpha-, beta-patchoulene;
  • beta-caryophyllene;
  • alpha guaene;
  • gamma-guryunen;
  • Seychelles;
  • boulnesen;
  • church table;
  • nor-patchulenol.

The group of sesquiterpenes are organic compounds, including hydrocarbons, alcohols, and aldehydes. They give the oil viscosity and fix the aroma. In the perfume industry, they ensure the stability of odors, and in pharmacology, they relieve inflammation and calm the nervous system.

Patchouli oil: medicinal properties and benefits

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What are the benefits of patchouli oil ? One of the main healing properties of ether is reducing inflammation. Therefore, it has become popular in cosmetology. Patchouli oil also :

  1. calm the nervous system;
  2. activate immunity;
  3. increase libido;
  4. improve the functioning of the endocrine system;
  5. increase collagen production and improve skin condition;
  6. nourish hair follicles;
  7. improve blood circulation.

Due to its specific odor, ether is used to control insects. At the same time, the smell does not repel a person. On the contrary, it is so attractive that it can often be seen in perfume compositions.

Application for lips, eyelashes, hair

Essential oil is not used for delicate, thin skin around the eyes, as well as for eyelashes and eyebrows. The presence of sesquiterpene alcohols in the composition can lead to swelling, tearing, and burning. But aroma oil will be an effective remedy for caring for curls. Eliminates dandruff and seborrhea, makes hair lush and voluminous.

Can be added to shampoo or rinsed by mixing with herbal decoction. Eliminates oiliness in the root area, adds shine and radiance to the very ends.

The benefit of the oil for silhouette correction lies in its properties to restore firmness, elasticity, reduce volume, and improve lymph flow. Can be used in massage mixtures, body wraps to tighten the silhouette.

When correcting weight, ether helps reduce appetite, suppresses hunger , and normalizes the psycho-emotional state.

Patchouli oil: application

Patchouli oil is advisable to use in the following cases:

  1. dermatological diseases (eczema, allergic dermatitis);
  2. poor skin and hair condition (cellulite, dandruff);
  3. loss or complete absence of sexual desire;
  4. depression;
  5. depressed state and irritability;
  6. prevention of nervous system disorders.

Patchouli oil does not have to be used for specific conditions. For example, you can use it to make masks for skin and hair to improve your appearance, replacing expensive care products. Aromatherapy can also be performed without the appointment of a psychotherapist. It won’t hurt to calm the nervous system and relieve tension after a hard day at work or.

Indications for use

Patchouli oil is used for meditation, it allows you to open the subtle world of harmony and perfection. No less important are the characteristics of aroma liquids for use in cosmetology:

  • increases elasticity and firmness of tissue;
  • restores clear lines of the oval, prevents ptosis;
  • smoothes superficial wrinkles;
  • tones, refreshes color;
  • stops inflammatory processes, an effective remedy for treating acne;
  • copes with oily shine;
  • gives smoothness to bumpy relief;
  • promotes rapid healing of wounds and cracks.

Used for allergic dermatitis, fungal infections, eczema, acne . Recommended for dry, aging skin, normalizes the condition of oily, porous dermis.

Patchouli oil: action

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The effect of patchouli oil is the same as that of other essential oils. It is based on two mechanisms. The first of these is the neuro-reflex pathway. Receptors are located on the nasal mucosa. They recognize the smell of oil and transmit this data to the nervous system. The second mechanism is humoral. The human respiratory tract (trachea, bronchi and part of the bronchioles) also has mucous membrane with a dense network of blood vessels. Patchouli oil molecules penetrate the blood and spread throughout the body. This is how aromatic substances affect the human condition.

Patchouli oil: for face

Patchouli oil is often included in facial cosmetics. It is used for both healthy and problem skin. In the first case, the oil helps to visually tighten, smooth out wrinkles and lighten pigmented areas. If the skin is prone to rashes, then patchouli eliminates inflammation in acne, pimples, tightens and cleanses clogged pores.

Patchouli oil also useful because:

  1. exfoliates dead cells;
  2. reduces the secretion of sebaceous glands;
  3. removes redness;
  4. tightens and smoothes;
  5. nourishes dry areas;
  6. accelerates the healing of wounds and various skin damage;
  7. Suitable for any skin type.

Almost all of the beneficial properties of patchouli oil are associated with its anti-inflammatory effect. Along with inflammation, swelling appears. A study by scientists showed that the components of the oil reduce swelling and, thereby, relieve inflammation. This occurs due to the inhibition of the NF-κB factor, which is responsible for the process of inflammation, cell division (proliferation) and cell death (apoptosis)1.

Patchouli oil: anti-wrinkle

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Smoothing wrinkles is another property of patchouli oil . Skin aging can accelerate not only with age, but also with improper care, so even young women benefit from procedures. How exactly patchouli smooth out skin folds? One study found that applying oil to the surface increased collagen content2. It is this protein that provides the strength and elasticity of the skin. Even ultraviolet irradiation after the procedures caused relatively minor skin damage.

To get rid of wrinkles, you can also use wheat germ or geranium oil. But the top seller among anti-aging products is hyaluronic acid. It is a component of connective tissue, so when taken as a supplement it tightens and moisturizes the skin.

Precautionary measures

Before carrying out the procedure, you need to test the prepared cosmetic product for possible allergies. Apply to your wrist and wait about half an hour for the reaction. After cleansing, examine the skin area; in the absence of pronounced redness, rash, or irritation, it can be used to care for the face and body.

The only contraindication for use will be individual intolerance.

Patchouli oil: for body skin

The skin of the body is not as delicate as the skin of the face, but it requires no less care. Patchouli oil helps cope with this task. What effect does it produce:

  1. rejuvenates and tightens;
  2. moisturizes;
  3. reduces inflammation and redness when applied to the spot.

Patchouli oil is especially useful for excess weight and cellulite. Its appearance is associated with impaired microcirculation and lymphatic drainage. To even out the skin and get rid of the “orange peel” in problem areas, you need to massage. A mixture of cream (2 tbsp), olive oil (10 ml) and patchouli oil (3 drops) is rubbed into the skin. Movements should not be rough, but the composition should be thoroughly rubbed into the skin. Carry out similar procedures 2-3 times a week. Alternatively, you can take aroma baths by adding 6-8 drops of oil to water. The benefit of these procedures is that the oil penetrates the various layers of the skin, enters the blood and spreads throughout the body.

Important! To achieve perfect skin, cosmetic procedures alone are not enough. You need to exercise regularly and eat right.


Complete skin care is impossible without the use of lotions. The main purpose of this cosmetic product is to cleanse the skin. In addition, the lotion will help cope with a number of cosmetic problems - they remove signs of fatigue, refresh, improve complexion, and help fight rashes.


Place dry or fresh pink petals and jasmine flowers in a thermos, taking a tablespoon of each. Pour 400 ml of boiling water into a thermos and seal tightly. After 6-8 hours, strain.

Pour 10 ml of floral cologne, one ampoule of thiamine solution and 10 drops of patchouli ether into the liquid. Pour into a bottle and store in the refrigerator. Shake vigorously before use.


This homemade tonic gently cleanses dry, thin skin. You need to pour a spoonful of plain oatmeal into a faceted glass and fill the glass to the top with boiling water. Let stand for four hours, then strain. Add ten drops of patchouli ether to the finished composition. Use for daily wiping of skin.


Prepare a mint infusion at the rate of a tablespoon of finely chopped fresh or dry mint leaves per glass of water. Strain the cooled solution, pour in a tablespoon of boric alcohol, the same amount of lemon juice and alcohol tincture of calendula. Then add eight drops of patchouli ether to the lotion. This lotion option is suitable for problem skin.

Patchouli oil: for hair

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A woman’s hair is her calling card, so the fair sex tries to take care of it and does not spare money on expensive products. But this is not necessary. Many cosmetic companies, including SensoSpa, Davines, L'Erbolario, add patchouli oil . Why is it useful:

  1. stimulates hair growth, improving blood circulation in the scalp;
  2. produces an antibacterial effect, destroying pathogens of dermatological diseases;
  3. nourishes the follicles of damaged hairs (damage is caused by excessive use of hair dryers, straighteners and other styling devices).

One of the simplest recipes for a hair mask: mix peach and grape seed oil (1 tablespoon each), heat and add 7 drops of patchouli oil . Then apply to hair, evenly distributing from roots to ends. Leave for 60 minutes and rinse thoroughly with water. It is enough to do 3 procedures per week for 1-2 months.

Mask options

Enriching homemade cosmetic masks with patchouli essential oil will make them more effective and efficient.


This is a very simple but very effective procedure. To carry it out, it will be enough to mix 10 ml of base oil with five drops of patchouli ether. Apply a thin layer to the skin. After an hour, carefully remove any remaining oil from the skin using a dry swab or napkin.

You need to choose a base oil taking into account the characteristics of your skin:

  • fatty – almond or grape seed;
  • dry – jojoba or coconut;
  • fading - walnut, wheat germ, avocado.

It is necessary to make oil masks in the evening, since the use of essential oils increases the skin's sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation.

With clay

This composition is recommended for problem skin ; when used, the relief is evened out, the number of rashes is reduced, and the complexion improves.

Mix a spoonful of blue and white clay, dilute this mixture with water until a thick paste is obtained. Add 15 drops of calendula tincture and five drops of patchouli ether into it. Apply with rubbing movements and wash off after twenty minutes. This composition is not recommended for use in cases of rosacea and in the presence of purulent acne in the inflammation stage.

With colorless henna

Effectively rejuvenates the skin , smoothing wrinkles and tightening. It is necessary to purchase colorless henna (under no circumstances use colored henna, otherwise the skin will turn brick-colored).

Pour a tablespoon of henna with hot milk so that you get a thick “porridge”. Leave until completely cool. Then add three drops of patchouli ether and a pinch (no more) of turmeric powder. Apply a thick layer to steamed, moistened skin. Wash off after a quarter of an hour.


This composition option is recommended for dehydrated skin prone to flaking. After a course of banana masks, the skin becomes fresher, small wrinkles are smoothed out.

Prepare banana puree, take the same amount of sour cream on a spoon of sweet mass, stir. Add three drops of patchouli ether to the mixture. Remove after a quarter of an hour.


This composition perfectly tightens and nourishes , it is recommended for sagging skin. Beat egg whites chilled in the refrigerator until fluffy. Mix 10 grams of liquid honey and three drops of lemon and patchouli esters with foam. Apply the composition using cosmetic acid. After the first applied layer has dried, apply a second one. Wash off a quarter of an hour after applying the top layer.


Recommended for use in winter , as it protects the skin well from the negative effects of dry indoor air. Such care will be an excellent prevention of the formation of wrinkles.

To prepare, you will need dark chocolate containing at least 75% cocoa. Milk chocolate and bars with additives (with nuts, raisins, etc.) are not suitable. Melt 20 grams of chocolate, let the mixture cool slightly. Add the yolk, previously ground with three drops of patchouli essential oil.


The composition allows you to restore moisture balance and nourish the skin with healthy vitamins. To prepare, you need oatmeal, which you can make yourself by grinding oatmeal in a coffee grinder. The basis of this composition is natural yogurt. You need to mix 20 grams of yogurt with 10 grams of prepared flour and add 3 drops of patchouli ether. Apply a thick layer for twenty-five minutes, remove with a damp swab.


Helps tighten sagging skin. For preparation you will need the vitamin preparation Ascorutin. You will need to crush two tablets, grinding them to a powder. Mix the resulting powder with a spoonful of starch, dilute the mixture with water until a paste is obtained. Add three drops of patchouli essential oil. Apply the composition to the prepared skin in a thick layer. Wash off the composition half an hour after application.

Remember! To achieve good results, masks with the addition of patchouli esters should be applied twice a week for a month. After completing the course you need to take a break. As a result, you will notice that the skin has become more elastic, smooth, toned and fresh.

Patchouli oil: aromatherapy

Patchouli oil is excellent for aromatherapy because it can regulate the psycho-emotional state. It has a mild sedative effect without disrupting the functioning of the body. As a result: a person calms down, gains strength and feels cheerful. After an important event or work day, mental clarity returns and some cognitive functions improve (for example, attention, concentration).

Patchouli oil also effective during depression. Aromatherapy relieves nervousness and helps to objectively assess the situation. During depression, a person becomes incapacitated, so it is impossible to postpone treatment “for later”.

Ways to use patchouli oil in aromatherapy:

  1. Oil burner. This is a special device for evaporating essential oils indoors. patchouli oil to it , taking into account the squaring: 3-5 drops per 15 m2.
  2. Aroma pendant. This is a small piece of jewelry that a person wears on himself. You need to add 2-3 drops of essential oil to it and enjoy the aroma.

Important! Patchouli oil does not have a strong calming effect. For nervous breakdowns or prolonged depression, it is better to use damiana for brewing tea or pregnenolone.

Patchouli oil: an aphrodisiac

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Patchouli oil is a natural aphrodisiac that can enhance the sexual desire of both partners. In the plant’s homeland, it is believed that patchouli opens the sexual chakra and awakens femininity in girls. There are several ways to use essential oil to boost your libido:

  1. Aroma baths with the addition of 6-8 drops of oil. You can use milk or sea salt as an addition.
  2. Massage. 3 drops of patchouli oil to 20 ml of carrier oil. You can also add cedar oil and sandalwood, 3 drops each.
  3. Oil burner. The technology of application is the same as for stabilizing the nervous system. You can use combinations with grapefruit or rose oil.

Yohimbe is a powerful aphrodisiac. This is a supplement from the tropical tree of the same name. It is popular among women because it helps not only relieve tension, but also cope with frigidity - lack of sexual desire.

Advantages and disadvantages

A unique natural remedy can stop aging, activate renewal processes, and promote tissue healing.

Natural recipes are effective for solving a whole range of aesthetic problems. But when using it, it is worth considering not only the advantages, but also the disadvantages.


  • suitable for oily, dry, aging skin;
  • can be used throughout the year;
  • economical consumption, a few drops are enough for a pronounced effect;
  • combines with base oils, esters, and other ingredients of natural cosmetics;
  • over time, the beneficial properties only increase.


  • high price;
  • has a specific odor, many people smell of mud and mold;
  • not used for individual intolerance.

Patchouli oil: fragrance in perfume

Like any essential oil, patchouli oil is added to perfumes to create a special aroma. It is most often combined with musk, violet, sandalwood and spices. World brands add ether to their perfumes: Christian Dior (Patchouli Imperial fragrance), Molinard (Patchouli Eau de Parfum fragrance), Chanel (Coromandel Eau de Parfum fragrance).

The oil can also be used on its own, applied directly behind the earlobes, on the solar plexus and wrists. The skin will not only thin out the smell, but also attract the opposite sex. This is the effect of patchouli oil as an aphrozidiac.

Steam baths

To deep cleanse and prepare the skin for applying masks, it is recommended to use steam baths. It is better to use not just hot water, but water with the addition of essential oils. For half a liter of water, just add three drops of essential oil. You can use only patchouli ether or a combination of esters (take one drop of each):

  • patchouli, neroli, leuzea;
  • patchouli, jasmine, lavender;
  • patchouli, ylang-ylang, sandalwood.

Hold your face over the fragrant steam for about five minutes. After completing the procedure, do not wipe the skin, let it dry naturally. Then you can apply cream or mask.

Patchouli oil: to attract men

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To attract men, patchouli oil is used due to its aphrodisiac properties. The woman applies the ether to herself, after which she herself feels a surge of energy and causes excitement in her companion. An analogue is ylang-ylang oil. Its components act on the pituitary gland, and nerve impulses transmit this information throughout the body.

Patchouli oil: to attract money and success

Since ancient times, patchouli oil has been credited with magical properties, which some still believe in today. For example, that ether attracts money and success. There are several rituals aimed at improving financial condition:

  1. Add a few drops of oil to liquid soap and think in terms of money while washing your hands. It is believed that this method attracts funds to the wallet.
  2. Add a few drops of patchouli oil to the candle and light it. During decay, think about desire.

Whether or not to believe in the magical properties of patchouli oil is everyone’s choice. And, if they raise doubts, then the healing potential of the oil has been proven by scientists.

Cosmetic ice

It is recommended to use cosmetic ice to wipe the skin in the morning. To prepare it, you can take mineral water or a decoction of chamomile, sage, and mint. Add 10 drops of patchouli ether to a glass of liquid, stir and pour into molds.

To rejuvenate aging skin, it is recommended to prepare honey water. Stir in a glass of warm water with a teaspoon of liquid honey. Add ten drops of patchouli ether to the cooled solution. Pour into molds and freeze. With daily use of this cosmetic ice, the skin tightens, becomes smoother and velvety.

Patchouli oil: mosquito repellent

Patchouli oil is a natural insecticidal agent that fights mosquitoes, flies and other insects. Its main advantage is that artificial means are dangerous both for nature and for people. If they contain nerve gas, the person may feel unwell.

In 2015, scientists conducted a study and found that patchouli oil is toxic to mosquitoes. Moreover, it is not as harmful as compared to artificial pesticides3. It has a similar effect on flies. In 2008, scientists proved that annoying insects cannot tolerate the aroma, as do several species of urban ants4. If you are allergic to patchouli oil , you can replace it with juniper oil or clove oil.

Patchouli oil: in the pharmacy

If you want to buy patchouli in a pharmacy, you may not succeed the first time. Typically, ether is rarely available or is too expensive because the highly concentrated oil is the most valuable. You can also find domestically produced oil on pharmacy shelves, but it “loses” compared to American additives. Therefore, patchouli oil at an affordable price. Residents of Moscow, St. Petersburg and other populous cities are accustomed to ordering goods via the Internet. This is much more convenient and saves time and money.


  • Yulia, 26 years old: I bought a fragrant product at the pharmacy. I've been using it for 8 days, but I'm already happy with the result. The face acquired a fresh, healthy complexion, the pores narrowed, and there was no trace left of problematic acne.
  • Marina, 35 years old: I add a few drops of fragrant product and bergamot ether to the day face cream. Firstly, the aroma is divine, and secondly, the effect has noticeably increased. They say that patchouli oil is used to attract money. I am not sure. But one thing I know for sure is that it attracts youth and beauty 100%.

Patchouli oil: instructions

Before using patchouli oil, you should carefully read the instructions. Manufacturers themselves indicate the required dosage and possible methods of use. The method of storing oil also deserves attention. The bottle should be kept at room temperature: in the refrigerator the viscous consistency quickly hardens, and in the sun the oil oxidizes. It is advisable to choose oil in a dark glass bottle to preserve its beneficial properties for as long as possible.

Important! Patchouli oil is highly concentrated and can cause allergies. Before using it, you need to check the body's reaction. You need to add 1 drop of ether to the base oil and apply to an open area of ​​skin, for example, on the wrist or the inside of the elbow. If after 10 minutes redness and itching appear, then you should stop using patchouli oil .

Patchouli oil: how to use

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There is nothing complicated in the question: “How to use patchouli oil ?” The main thing to remember is that it is used only in diluted form. Other essential oils are suitable for the base, for example, lavender, geranium, neroli, jasmine, mandarin, rose, sage, etc. These mixtures can be added to face and body masks, creams, and lotions. 6-8 drops are added to baths, aroma lamps and other aromatherapy devices. 1-2 drops are enough to make a soothing tea based on other herbs. The dosage should absolutely not be exceeded so as not to cause irritation. It is better to start with 1-2 drops and gradually increase the dose, observing the reaction of the body and skin.

A little history

The ether traditionally used in Japanese, Chinese, and Malay medicine, used to treat ulcers and dermatitis, restore dry skin, and scars. But the oil became widespread thanks to Indian merchants supplying goods to Europe. To protect against insects, they fumigated woolen shawls and pieces of silk with bush leaves, as a result the fabric absorbed the specific aroma of a tropical plant.

During the reign of Napoleon, ladies of the court smelled of patchouli , and perfumers urgently had to create a composition based on an ester. But in Victorian England they did not appreciate the musky smell; it seemed too heavy and intrusive to local fashionistas.

Today, patchouli is widely used in luxury perfumes and is an essential component of oriental compositions. It is used as a natural odor fixer, giving strength and sensuality to the aroma.

Mostly Indian beauties are familiar with the cosmetic properties. The ether was added to recipes for aging, aging skin; the oil is known for its rejuvenating effect. It was also used to treat wounds, inflammations, and was used to care for curls, adding shine, strength, and elasticity to strands.

Patchouli oil: contraindications

Patchouli oil has its contraindications. It cannot be used:

  • for allergies or hypersensitivity;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • children under 3 years old;
  • for serious mental disorders.

If a large dose of undiluted oil comes into contact with your skin, it may cause burns or severe irritation. If patchouli oil into your eyes, you should immediately rinse them and consult an ophthalmologist.

Basic properties

To produce ether, only young patchouli leaves are used, the raw materials are subjected to extraction to extract essential substances. The uniqueness of the resulting product lies in its composition. The main substance is patchouli alcohol or patchulol, it makes up almost 50% of the composition.

Let's figure out how this ether affects the skin. With regular use you can expect the following effects:

  • increased skin tone;
  • lifting effect, increasing the degree of elasticity;
  • effective treatment of acne and other inflammations;
  • elimination of edema;
  • cleansing pores, narrowing them;
  • normalization of sebum production;
  • elimination of peeling;
  • hydration supplement;
  • stimulation of cell renewal;
  • elimination of small scars, dark spots left after deep acne;
  • smoothing of superficial wrinkles.
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Chinese Candy Lo is a woman who has completely conquered aging. At 52 years old, she continues to act and make plans for her life. What is the secret of her eternal youth? Read more…

Patchouli oil: price

The price for patchouli oil in the online pharmacy presented below is available to people with any income level. Only tested natural products are sold here, which are an excellent alternative to expensive medications. The catalog contains dozens of supplements: coenzyme Q10, curcumin, prenatal vitamins, Peruvian maca and much more. Prices are 1.5-3 times lower than in other pharmacies, and the quality of many products is premium.

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