Almond oil for the face: benefits, properties, application, how to use correctly, top best cosmetic oils

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After all, almonds are one of the healthiest snack foods, they can be made into delicious, dairy-free milk, and sweet almond oil can work wonders on your skin.

The benefits of sweet almond oil are many. It's time to stop thinking of almonds as just a nutrient addition to your yogurt. Find out how your skin can make the most of the benefits of almond oil for your face.

  • Properties of almond oil for face
  • The benefits and harms of almond oil for the face: reviews from cosmetologists
  • Using almond oil for the face
  • Does almond oil help with wrinkles?
  • How to use almond oil for skin problems
  • Almond oil in cosmetology
  • The effect of almond oil for the face: reviews with photos
  • Top best cosmetic almond oils for the face according to reviews from cosmetologists
  • Face masks with almond oil
  • conclusions

Benefits of almond oil for the face

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of this natural product in cosmetology. We can safely say that this particular miracle oil is unique due to its high content of fatty acids, which are ideal for skin over 30. The thing is that these acids help fight the first signs of wrinkles, prevent aging and sagging skin. It is thanks to the content of Omega 9 and Omega 6 that this oil is very often included in anti-aging creams and face masks.

It is also important to note vitamin E, which is found in this excellent natural product. If you use almond oil to prepare masks, then you no longer need to add liquid vitamin E, which is so beneficial for the skin.

Surprisingly, this particular product can be used if you have problematic or oily skin. To prevent the appearance of acne on the face, we recommend using this oil in various cosmetic procedures, as it regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands. In addition, with this care, the skin can literally breathe, which is very important to avoid clogged pores.

If we talk about winter care, it is very important to prevent dryness and irritation, because facial skin reacts very sensitively to any temperature changes. This product will permanently relieve you of dryness and various flaking.

Indications for use

Natural almond extract shows the best results on dry and aging skin . It is often used to moisturize the dermis and smooth out wrinkles, including facial wrinkles. It perfectly soothes the irritated dermis and prevents it from flaking. In frosty and windy weather, almond extract will protect your face and lips from drying out and cracking.

The nourishing composition penetrates deeply into the skin, providing healthy color, smoothness and elasticity.

Oil is also useful for oily, problematic dermis, as it helps fight various inflammations - pimples, acne.

Oil plays a special role for the delicate areas of the skin around the eyes. The product reduces the appearance of wrinkles and dark circles, making the look more youthful and expressive. Almond oil is an excellent makeup remover product regardless of skin type. Almost on a par with castor oil, it is used to improve the condition of hair, eyelashes, eyebrows, etc.

What is almond oil used for?

If we talk about the applications of this natural remedy, then we should immediately mention that there are two types of this product:

  • sweet almond oil , the properties of which can be appreciated not only in cosmetology, but also in cooking, is more popular. This is a refined, cold-pressed oil that is actively used in the manufacture of various cosmetics. It contains omega acids, vitamin E, choline and other beneficial substances and vitamins. At the same time, this product is perfectly absorbed and does not leave a greasy film like other oils.
  • Bitter almond oil for the face can be found not so often, if only because this product is considered dangerous due to its high cyanide content. But this oil contains more fatty acids, since it consists of 50% fat. It is used exclusively in medicine and cosmetology.
  • You can also find cosmetic almond oil for the face. This product should only be used in cosmetology.

We have already said that this miracle remedy has become widespread in cosmetology. Let's find out what it is used for:

  • cleanser. Those with dry and sensitive skin can remove makeup or cleanse their face with this oil. Simply apply a small amount of product to a cotton pad and gently wipe your face. By the way, you can safely remove eye makeup with it, while at the same time moisturizing the delicate area around the eyes. This also prevents the appearance of crow's feet.
  • for facial massage. In order to receive this pleasant, relaxing and rejuvenating procedure, it is not at all necessary to visit a salon. Facial massage at home is a great option at any age and at any time of the year. Almond oil is perfect for this manipulation. Cosmetologists recommend removing other oils from the face after the procedure, as they can clog pores. But you can leave this miracle remedy on your face.
  • for preparing facial scrubs. Light and gentle facial scrubs are a must not only for problem skin, but also for normal skin. This procedure prepares the face for further deep procedures, removes dead cells, particles of fat and dust. At home, you can easily prepare a facial scrub with the addition of almond oil. By the way, if you already have a ready-made scrub, you can also add a couple of drops of this wonderful product there.
  • for preparing face masks. Natural oils are a common ingredient not only in ready-made masks, but also in homemade ones. We recommend using sweet almond oil because it is so versatile. You need to make masks at least 2-3 times a week to get the desired effect.
  • for making cream. If you prefer natural creams made with your own hands, we recommend using this particular oil. But do not forget that this product can also be added to a ready-made cosmetic product. For example, a day cream will become more nourishing if you add a couple of drops of almond oil.

Where to buy and how to store

High-quality almond extract is usually sold in dark glass bottles and is accompanied by instructions for use and storage.

Carefully study the composition of the product. The bottle must contain unrefined almond oil obtained by cold pressing . _ The presence of sediment and foreign odors indicates a low-grade product.

Advice. To buy almond oil, go to a pharmacy or store that sells natural cosmetics, organic products, etc.

Once uncorked, store almond extract in a cool, dark place. Most often, the bottle is placed in the refrigerator - it’s safer. Shelf life must be indicated on the label.

You should be wary if the manufacturer suggests using the oil for longer than 6–12 months. You should not smear your face with almond extract if it has acquired a strange smell, has become cloudy or sticky. This product must be recycled.

Almond options :

  • from the Mirrolla company - bottles of 25, 50, 100 ml are sold at prices from 40 to 80 rubles;
  • from Aspera - 30 ml cost about 90 rubles;
  • a bottle of oil of the same volume from the Elfarma company will cost a little less - about 60 rubles;
  • A 100-ml bottle from the Russian brand Zeytun costs about 350 rubles;
  • raw pressed butter TRAWA (Russia) is packaged in glass containers of 250 ml, each of which will cost 1200–1400 rubles. The manufacturer warns that the product can be stored for up to 2 months if opened. It can be used as food;
  • An almond extract from the Swiss brand Weleda, which produces organic cosmetics, will also cost a lot: 1000–1500 rubles for 50 ml.

To improve facial skin, it is recommended to buy edible oil, not cosmetic oil. It is believed to contain more beneficial components.

How to use almond oil correctly

Let's figure out how to properly apply oil to your face. Here are the main rules:

  • Purification stage. You can't miss it. Before applying this natural product, be sure to cleanse your skin, even if there is no makeup on it. You can gently exfoliate your skin using a scrub.
  • Heat the oil in a water bath. This way, the beneficial substances penetrate the layers of the epidermis faster, and we apply it to the face with our hands. You need to gently and gently rub the oil into your skin.

If you have applied too much oil, you can remove the excess with a napkin.

If you have oily skin, you can wash off the oil after 15 minutes. If you have dry skin, you can leave it on your face; it absorbs well.

How to apply a mask correctly

Before applying the mask, you need to cleanse your face. Use a toner for your skin type. Then select and prepare the mask you need.

Application instructions:

  1. Dip your fingertips into the mixture.
  2. Start at the top of the neck and work your way up the face carefully.
  3. Use your fingertips to smooth out the mixture. Be sure to apply an even layer.
  4. Avoid applying the mask to the lips and eyes.
  5. While the product is on your face, relax and just rest for 10-15 minutes. You can practice deep breathing or read a book.
  6. The mask can be overexposed. If the time increases, she still does not have any negative effects.
  7. Wash off masks with clay or oils with warm water. Gently rinse your face with a small amount of water. Continue until completely clean.
  8. Your skin should now look and feel smooth.
  9. Apply moisturizer to damp skin to seal the effect of the mask.

Repeat the procedure several times a week. This will allow you to get a good result faster.

Almond oil for face against wrinkles

We have already said that this product can very often be found in the ingredients of anti-aging creams. The high content of fatty acids makes it indispensable in the fight against wrinkles. How to use this product to prevent wrinkles or reduce existing ones?

  • Perform facial massage with almond oil. It is ideal for this procedure. In addition, this product perfectly fights puffiness and removes dark circles. Even regular stroking will give excellent results. To do this, first apply enough oil to your hands. You need to stroke with your entire palm. In the cheek area, movements go from the center of the face to the periphery. We do the same stroking on the forehead.
  • driving into wrinkles. If your wrinkles are too deep, you can also massage almond oil into the wrinkles. Then be sure to remove the excess with a cotton pad after about 30 minutes.
  • oil is an excellent conductor of beneficial substances into the layers of the epidermis. In order for the anti-aging cream to penetrate the dermis faster and better, you need to apply the oil to a damp face, and then seal everything with the anti-aging cream. In this version, the oil is a conductor for the cream!

Starch instead of Botox - a super mask against wrinkles

Medicinal properties

The pharmacological value of almond oil is determined primarily by its ingredient composition. Due to the high concentration of biologically active substances (fats, organic acids, phytosterols, tannins, vitamins), the product has anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, enveloping, anticonvulsant and laxative effects on the body.

Therapeutic effects:

  1. Stimulates appetite, reduces stomach acidity.
  2. Increases protein anabolism, enhances bile secretion, facilitates the digestion of fatty foods.
  3. Raises vitality, improves cognitive functions of the brain, prevents mental fatigue.
  4. Accelerates the removal of excess fluid.
  5. Improves cholesterol metabolism, normalizes blood pressure.
  6. Strengthens male potency.
  7. Accelerates the regeneration of the skin, stimulates hair growth, normalizes the secretion of the sebaceous glands, and neutralizes the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation on the dermis.
  8. Inhibits the processes of natural cell aging.

For pharmacological purposes, almond oil is used both internally (in its pure form) and externally (as a base for ointments, emulsions, and a solvent for injections).

Indications for use:

  • anemia;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • chronic constipation;
  • cholecystitis;
  • bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, asthma;
  • neurosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, insomnia, memory loss;
  • low blood pressure;
  • chronic hepatitis;
  • diabetes mellitus (in complex therapy);
  • herpes, bruises, abrasions, bedsores, burns, sprains (externally).

In addition, almond oil is used in pediatrics to treat childhood constipation, stomatitis, diaper rash, prickly heat and skin irritations.

Directions for use and dosage:

  1. Cardiopalmus. Orally, 7 drops three times a day (drop on a piece of sugar).
  2. Chronic constipation, colitis. Orally 7-30 ml at night (depending on the patient’s condition).
  3. Pneumonia, bronchitis, tracheitis. Orally three times a day, 15 ml.
  4. Breast neoplasms, bedsores. Topically for lubricating problem areas (at least 2 times a day).
  5. Ear pain. Place 2-3 drops of oil into each ear canal. Perform the procedure twice a day. Before use, the liquid is slightly warmed.
  6. Noise in the head, hardening of wax, acute pain. To eliminate discomfort, almond oil (6 drops) is instilled into the ear, after which it is plugged with cotton wool. The procedure is carried out three times a day until the condition improves.

Refined almond oil is considered one of the best solvents for drugs for subcutaneous injection (especially camphor). In addition, the concentrate is used as a basis for the preparation of medicinal ointments.

Almond oil for the skin around the eyes

If you don't have a special eye cream, don't worry. You can use this product both morning and evening with complete confidence. This procedure will not only reduce wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones, but will also perfectly relieve you of circles under the eyes.

Apply as follows:

  • Apply a small amount of oil to cleansed skin. From below we apply from the outer corner to the inner, and from above, vice versa.
  • leave for 5 minutes. Over time, increase to 10-15 minutes.
  • remove excess with a napkin.

Moisturizing eye mask

Benefits of almonds for skin

Almond seeds, often mistakenly called nuts, are a rich source of beneficial vitamins and microelements that promote natural nutrition and cell renewal. Therefore, even just eating them regularly can significantly improve the condition of your skin, hair and nails.

  • Vitamin E - just 1 handful of seeds (about 30 g) contains more than 70% of the daily dose of this powerful antioxidant, which slows down the aging process and protects the skin from exposure to UV radiation.
  • Vitamin A stabilizes the water-lipid balance and thereby stimulates deep hydration.
  • Vitamin F helps normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and prevents inflammation.
  • B vitamins delicately penetrate the skin layers, fight irritations, restoring healthy radiance and elasticity to the skin.
  • Collagen provides skin elasticity, prevents the formation of new wrinkles and smoothes existing ones.
  • Oleic, linoleic and other organic fatty acids tone and moisturize the skin, making it soft and surprisingly soft.

It is important to note that in cosmetology, organic cold-pressed oil of only sweet almonds and their seeds is used. Unlike its bitter relative, it does not contain toxic hydrocyanic acid. Accordingly, it is non-toxic and harmless. Therefore, be careful when choosing an oil - only cosmetic and in no case essential!

For maximum effect, it is recommended not only to use almond-based products externally, but also to regularly consume a small amount of almond seeds. According to studies conducted in the US and UK, 30 g of almonds per day is enough to protect the body from premature aging, reduce the risk of heart disease and normalize blood cholesterol levels.

Almond oil for acne

We have already written that this product is ideal for oily, acne-prone skin. The thing is that fatty acids dissolve sebum and regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands. In order to get rid of acne, you can use the pure product, and also add it to various masks for oily skin.

Apply in its pure form to cleansed skin and distribute over the skin with massaging movements. It is very important that both the skin of your face and the skin of your hands are clean. We blot off the excess.

We also recommend replacing the cleanser with almond oil. You will see the result in a couple of weeks.

If you prefer to make masks for oily skin, then we recommend adding the following ingredients to this miracle oil: dry kelp, oatmeal, crushed green tea leaves.

Face mask: aspirin, honey, almond oil

User reviews

Almond extract collects a lot of positive reviews and high ratings from consumers. For example, user Alina praises the product on several parameters at once.

The author of this review considers the oil excellent moisturizer , but does not recommend using it at night.

Although almond extract is more recommended for dry skin, the girl who left this review breaks stereotypes. But at the same time he notes that in some respects the extract from almonds is inferior to its analogue from grape seeds.

Almond oil is a common ingredient in many cosmetic products. If you buy a pure concentrate, you can prepare nourishing, anti-aging masks yourself, add the extract to your favorite creams, lotions, and also use this universal product for hair, eyebrows, nails, cuticles, and the whole body.

Do not exceed the recommended dosage, give your skin benefit of this therapy, and the results not be coming .

Almond oil for lips

Did you know that you need to take care of the skin of your lips just like the skin of your face? Dry, cracked lips are a very common occurrence, especially in the fall and winter. Of course, you can buy special hygienic lipstick and lip scrubs, but we suggest replacing all purchased products with this miracle oil.

So what you need to know:

  • 1 teaspoon of honey and a couple of drops of oil - and you have the perfect lip scrub. Apply to the skin and massage for a couple of minutes.
  • Instead of using regular chapstick, simply apply a thin layer of oil to your lips. By the way, this procedure can be performed after scrubbing, then the effect will be faster.

DIY nourishing lip masks

Almond oil face mask

If your skin needs additional nutrition, then you should definitely make face masks with the addition of this oil. We recommend adding ingredients like mashed avocado or mashed banana to this home remedy. They perfectly nourish the skin, make it radiant and elastic.

  • half an avocado. Mash into puree. It is important to choose an already ripe fruit; it should be soft.
  • 2 tablespoons oil.

Mix everything and apply to clean skin. Don't forget that the skin on your neck also needs constant care.

Hair mask with coconut oil

Botanical description


  • Botanical description
  • Medicinal properties
  • Application in cosmetology
  • Use in cooking
  • Conclusion

The homeland of almonds is the countries of Central and East Asia (in particular China). According to legend, the culture got its name in honor of the Phoenician goddess Amygdala, a girl with an unusually beautiful skin color. Her soft pink complexion reminded people of the flowers of an almond tree, which is why it was named so. The nut was brought from Asian countries to Greece and then spread along the Mediterranean coast. The culture gained particular popularity in Egypt and Italy. So, in Rome it was considered a panacea for all diseases.

Almond is a small spreading tree reaching 10 m in height. During the flowering period, white and pink buds appear on the plant, from which nuts are subsequently formed. Inside the ripened ovaries there are large seeds from which vegetable oil is obtained. Despite the fact that more than 40 varieties of crops are grown today, they are all conventionally divided into 2 types: sweet and bitter (wild). The plants are practically the same in appearance, but have significant differences in their chemical composition.

To obtain vegetable oil, predominantly sweet almonds are used, since the kernels of the bitter variety contain a high concentration of hydrocyanic acid, which is toxic to the human body.

Face cream with almond oil and chamomile

Ideal option for problematic skin. In winter, this cream is good because it relieves skin redness and itching.

You will need these simple ingredients:

  • 2 tablespoons of chamomile decoction. Pour 1 tablespoon of flowers into a glass of boiling water and keep in a water bath for 30 minutes. Since we need very little broth, we suggest pouring the leftovers into ice cube trays and freezing them. This will be a facial tonic that perfectly relieves swelling.
  • 2 tablespoons oil.
  • 1 tablespoon glycerin. This component is found in all creams.

Heat the oil in a water bath to 60 degrees and then add the chamomile decoction and glycerin. Mix everything thoroughly. Keep refrigerated.

Instead of chamomile decoction, you can add any other decoction if you wish.

Kefir for acne on the face

Smoothing and rejuvenating mask

When used as a course, it improves skin condition, smoothes wrinkles, and increases the elasticity of the epidermis.

  • Castor oil – 1 tsp.
  • Almond extract – 1 teaspoon
  • Rose essential oil – 1 drop

Mix both components in a water bath and only then add the essential oil. Apply for 20 minutes, remove any residue with a napkin.

How to make almond butter cream

For preparation, you can also use emulsifiers, which are used to obtain a thick consistency. We recommend using beeswax or shea butter, they are great for making cream. Let's consider two options:

option 1

  • 50 ml almond oil.
  • 15 grams of beeswax. It needs to be grated. We will need exactly the shavings.
  • a couple drops of essential oils if desired
  • a couple of drops of vitamin A and E. We buy liquid vitamins at the pharmacy.

We will prepare our mixture in a water bath. Pour the oil into a container and heat it to a temperature of 60 degrees, then begin to gradually add beeswax shavings. Stir all the time until the wax is completely dissolved. The cream should be homogeneous. Let it cool a little and only then add vitamins A and E and essential oils.

option 2

Here is another option based on shea butter. This cream is suitable for lovers of thick creams.

You will need these ingredients:

  • 2 tablespoons shea butter.
  • 1 tablespoon almond oil.
  • 5 drops of vitamin E.

Melt the shea butter in a water bath, then add the remaining ingredients and beat everything thoroughly with a mixer until a thick mass is obtained.

Hair care

Almond oil is one of the most effective natural remedies for promoting hair growth. It has a beneficial effect on all types of hair, makes its roots stronger, nourishes the scalp, fills it with energy and shine, increases elasticity and helps in the fight against dandruff.

Properties and uses of almond oil for hair:

  • Dandruff. Dandruff is often caused by dry scalp; almond oil moisturizes it and thereby reduces the flaking process. You just need to apply a little oil on your head and massage it into the hair follicles, leave for half an hour, then rinse. After three such procedures, a clear result will be noticeable.
  • Shiny hair. If you apply a little almond oil to the roots of wet hair, then after a short time they will become more vibrant, elastic and shiny.

Almond oil is one of the most effective natural remedies for promoting hair growth.

  • Easier combing of hair. The oil helps nourish and moisturize the hair, which reduces tangles and makes it easier to comb. This reduces hair loss due to increased fragility and rough detangling.
  • Helps against split ends: applied to the ends of the hair nourishes them and eliminates dryness, which prevents split ends.
  • Improves hair growth. Almond oil is especially beneficial when used hot. You need to rub it into your head and hair roots, put on a protective cap and leave it on for several hours, and then rinse well, your hair will become softer and healthier. This treatment, done once a week, improves hair growth.
  • To eliminate oily hair, rub the oil with a few drops of bergamot, lemon, cedar or cypress essential oil. For dry hair, add orange or lavender oil.

Advice! You can add a little almond oil to any homemade hair masks. After this, their composition will be further enriched and the effectiveness of the effect on hair will increase.

Helps against split ends: applied to the ends of the hair nourishes it and eliminates dryness, which prevents split ends

Mask for dry skin with almond oil

How to make a super nourishing mixture that not only eliminates dryness and flaking, but also fights the signs of aging. For this recipe we will take the following components:

  • heavy cream. This product perfectly nourishes the skin. We recommend using homemade cream, as it nourishes the skin very well and can replace a whole arsenal of cosmetic products. Take 1 tablespoon.
  • yolk. It perfectly moisturizes the skin, gives it tone and evens out the tone.
  • 1 tablespoon almond oil.

Mix everything and apply to a previously cleansed face. Just 20 minutes and wash off. After this, be sure to apply the cream.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of almond extract:

  • rejuvenates, tones, refreshes the skin;
  • universal in use - suitable for different types of skin, hair, eyelashes, etc.;
  • evens out the shade and texture of the epidermis, lightens pigmentation;
  • helps fight inflammation;
  • improves the absorption of other cosmetics.


  • oil has limitations in use;
  • among the range of products there are low-quality goods;
  • If used incorrectly, almond extract can cause skin problems (dryness, blackheads, acne).

Blue clay and almond oil

What is unique about blue clay? It has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. This product is ideal for problem skin. The minerals contained in this clay have a rejuvenating effect, gently nourish and moisturize the skin. Many cosmetologists recommend regularly doing procedures with this clay with the addition of various oils. Ideal in this case is almond oil. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect and gently moisturizes the skin.

To prepare such a mask, you need to mix dry clay with oil until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.

Face mask with vitamin A and E and almond oil

A and E are very important for maintaining youth and beauty. If we talk about an integrated approach, then they should be present in the diet. This is why a balanced diet is very important. What foods should you add to your diet? We pay attention to fish, avocados, seeds, vegetable oils and nuts. As for vegetables, be sure to include asparagus, spinach and broccoli in your diet. Well, in order to consolidate this effect, you can also safely add these liquid vitamins to scrubs and cosmetic mixtures. If we talk about the mask, we recommend combining these vitamins with our miracle oil, and also adding aloe juice to it.

Homemade masks to preserve a youthful face

Your questions

So, we have studied this issue in detail, but let’s still summarize some important issues that come up every now and then among beginners.

  • Is it possible to use almond oil for the face in its pure form? The answer is definitely yes! This is perhaps the only product that is very easily absorbed and does not leave a film. You can safely take this product in its pure form, and also, if desired, dilute it with other components.
  • Is it possible to apply almond oil to your face at night? The answer is yes! It replaces the nourishing cream that cosmetologists recommend using as night care. The main thing is to remove the excess so as not to stain the bed linen.
  • Is it possible to smear your face with almond oil every day? Very often you can find information that daily use dries out the skin and clogs pores. But in this case this is not the case. Thanks to its light texture, this natural product is suitable for everyday use.
  • Is it necessary to wash off almond oil from your face after a massage? It all depends on what goals you are pursuing. If you want to use only oil, you don't have to rinse it off. If you want to continue the procedure using the cream, then it is better to rinse and apply the cream.
  • Which facial oil is better - coconut or almond This question is often asked by lovers of delicious coconut oil, which is so popular in cosmetology. If we compare the composition of these two natural products, then these products contain different polyunsaturated acids. Coconut is rich in lauric and myristic acid, while almonds are rich in oleic and linoleic acid. Again, we will proceed from what goals you are pursuing. If you need to improve the condition of your hair, then coconut is preferable. If your goal is comprehensive facial skin care, then it is better to choose almonds.

Methods of application

Sweet almond base oil is suitable for daily care. You can use it in the morning after washing your face and in the evening, a couple of hours before bed. Gently massage the heated product into the skin of your face with your fingertips, moving along the massage lines. Remove any remaining residue after approximately 15–20 minutes.

Bitter almond extract cannot be used in the same way. Undiluted ether can cause harm, especially with constant use .

Since basic sweet almonds are more common in cosmetology, it is this oil that is used in basic recipes, unless otherwise indicated.

Makeup removal

A clean, slightly warmed almond extract is suitable for this purpose. Soak a cosmetic disc in it and wipe off blush, powder, foundation, working along the massage lines. Remove lipstick and eyebrow pencil in the same way.

To remove makeup from your eyes, apply cotton soaked in oil to them for a couple of minutes , and then gently wipe the delicate skin. At the end of the procedure, wash your face with your usual product (gel, foam), and if necessary, moisturize the skin with almond extract.

Additive to cosmetics

One popular way to use almond oil is to add it to the finished cream. But not at night, otherwise you will literally cut off oxygen to the skin, cause moisture retention and risk getting a swollen face in the morning.

Choose a baby formula or any other nutritional product with minimal additives.

For every 100 ml of cream, drop 7 ml of almond oil if you have dry skin, 5 ml if it is normal, and 3 ml if your skin is oily or problematic. You can use this cosmetic product continuously for 2-3 months .


no special conditions for using almond oil as a massage product . Warm it to 30°C and gently apply it to the skin with patting movements. Move along the massage lines, from the center to the sides.

Start from the chin and work your way up to your earlobes. Pay attention to the cheekbones, move to the temples. Slowly massage the area from the middle of the forehead to the sides. Gently treat the area around the eyes.

Against pimples, acne

fight local skin inflammation with the following recipe :

  1. Combine 15 calendula tinctures with 7 ml almond oil.
  2. If desired, add a couple of drops of ether (such as tea tree).
  3. Pour into a dark glass bottle.
  4. Let it brew for a day.
  5. Shake before use.
  6. Use a cotton swab to spot treat pimples and blackheads.
  7. Do not touch healthy skin.
  8. Do not wash off the product.
  9. Distribute it over problem areas a couple of times a day.
  10. The duration of treatment is from 7 to 10 days. After a week's break, the course of procedures can be repeated if necessary.

A simple protein mask will also deal with acne . Thoroughly beat one chicken white until fluffy. Pour in 1 tbsp. l. almond extract, wash after 20 minutes.

If you have an inflammatory process on your skin , try this mixture:

  • add 2 tsp to raw protein. almond extract;
  • pour in 1 tbsp. l. St. John's wort tinctures;
  • apply to face;
  • after 15 minutes, wash off.

Use St. John's wort tincture in another anti-acne recipe. It is not suitable for heavy rashes, but at the same time it will help cope with pigmentation . Measure out 1 tsp. St. John's wort tincture, add twice as much almond oil. Pour in 0.5 tsp. lemon juice.

Apply to face, avoiding sensitive areas. Keep it on for 5-10 minutes, but if you start to experience tingling or burning, wash it off sooner. Treatment duration is 10–20 sessions with a frequency of 1–3 procedures per week.

Attention! For delicate skin, choose St. John's wort tincture not with alcohol, but with water.

homemade is suitable for daily use . Prepare a decoction of chamomile, mint or linden. Add almond oil (2 tsp) to it. Wipe the dermis with a cotton pad.

Skin whitening

A preventive and therapeutic agent can be prepared based on almond extract (1 tablespoon) and tea tree ether (1-2 drops). It will not only slightly lighten pigmentation, freckles, and even out the complexion, but will also help with acne and pimples. Apply the oil composition to the skin with tapping movements, moving along the massage lines.

To reduce the severity of post-acne and rashes, and tighten pores , try another mask with tea tree. In addition to 2 drops of this ether, you will need 1 tsp. almond oil, 1 tbsp. l. blue clay. Spread the mixture over your skin and cover your face with cling film. After 15–20 minutes, rinse off using a cosmetic disc. Moisturize your skin with cream.

To combat age spots and whiten freckles , a recipe that requires wheat flour is suitable. Measure out 2 tbsp. l., add 2 tsp. almond oil, as well as ¼ tsp. honey and turmeric powder. Distribute over your face and after 20 minutes wash with warm water. Wipe the skin with tonic, moisturize with cream.

whiten and at the same time moisturize the epidermis . Peel ¼ of a ripe apple and grate it to a paste. Pour in 1 tbsp. l. almond butter and heavy cream. Apply to face, after 20 minutes wash with warm water. Treat your skin with tonic and cream.

For wrinkles

A mixture of strawberries, heavy cream and almond butter can be used to smooth out wrinkles on the face and neck. Amount of ingredients: 2-3 ripe berries, 1 tbsp. l. dairy product and 2 tbsp. l. almond extracts. Mix everything, spread over the skin for 20 minutes.

a cream at home that smooths out fine wrinkles. To do this you need to combine 1 tbsp. l. almond extract and 2 tsp. argan oil, add 1 tsp. liquid honey and chicken yolk. The mixture is stored in the refrigerator for about a week, applied to the skin in the evening, 2 hours before bedtime.

With one fresh egg and almond oil in stock, you can make simple mask that will smooth, moisturize and soften the skin. Combine raw yolk with 1 tsp. oily liquid. Distribute over entire face, including areas under the eyes.

saturate the skin with vitamins, improve its elasticity and slightly smooth out wrinkles . Take any fruit, peel and puree. Pour in 1 tsp. almond oil. Keep on your face for 20-30 minutes.

Or grind the pulp of a small apple, add 2 tsp. almond extracts. Enrich the mixture with 2 tbsp. l. sour cream or cream. Apply over your face for 15 minutes to get rid of fine wrinkles.

Advice. For the same purpose, use a mixture of almond and sandalwood oils twice a week (proportions - 5:1).

To reduce the appearance of deep folds , a product made with olive extract is suitable. Measure out 1 tbsp. l. this oil. Pour in 4 drops each of lavender ether and almond extract. The butter smoothie can be stored in the refrigerator for several weeks.

For oily dermis

Skin with enlarged pores will benefit from the following exfoliating agent:

  • mix a little almond oil and fine sea salt to get a thick paste (proportions - 1:1);
  • spread it over your face for 3 minutes;
  • then gently massage the skin for another couple of minutes;
  • rinse your face;
  • moisten it with pure almond oil;
  • After 20 minutes, blot off any remaining residue.

Sea salt can be replaced with coffee grounds or sugar.

For dry skin

A mixture of will help moisturize the epidermis and at the same time hide the signs of its withering . Grate the pulp on a fine grater and squeeze out the juice. Dilute with almond oil to make a not very liquid paste. Spread a thick layer over the skin. The duration of the mask is 20 minutes.

The curd and fruit composition promises additional nutrition and hydration of the skin

  • rub 2 tbsp. l. fermented milk product with the same amount of apple, watermelon or kiwi pulp;
  • pour in 2 tsp. almond extract;
  • apply to face;
  • After 30 minutes, wash your face.

By the way. You can prepare a multi-component mask if you take all the indicated fruits for it, and not just one of your choice, and add the same amount of pears and strawberries.

There is another recipe based on fatty cottage cheese. You will need 1 tbsp. l. of this component, the same amount of grape puree and 2 tsp. almond oil Mix everything and leave on the skin for 30–40 minutes. The mask moisturizes and tones the skin, slightly smoothes out small crow's feet.

An oil mixture of the following ingredients will help eliminate peeling

  • 15 ml almond extract;
  • 1 drop of lemon ether;
  • the same amount of sandalwood extract;
  • 1 drop of rose essential oil.

You can apply the composition to the entire face or only to problem areas. After 10–15 minutes, you should wash your face or remove any remaining mask with a dry cosmetic pad. Do this every evening for a month. Then preventive procedures are allowed at intervals of 3, 5 or 10 days.

For normal epidermis

Skin care that does not have any special problems should still consist of regular use of masks. For example, based on white or pink clay:

  • measure out the amount of this ingredient sufficient for one procedure;
  • dilute the clay with warm water;
  • pour in 1 tsp. almond oil and twice as much - grape seed extracts;
  • spread over skin for 20 minutes.

You will increase the effectiveness of this product if you cover your face with cling film or a clean napkin.

Rejuvenating, refreshing, toning recipes

A mask based on oatmeal is considered effective . Take 1 tbsp. l. this ingredient, grind with a blender. Dilute slightly with water to make a paste. Pour in 1 tsp. lemon juice and the same amount of almond oil. Keep on your face for about 20 minutes.

You don’t have to grind the flakes, but simply add 2 tsp of yolk to them. liquid honey and almond extract. The mask lasts about half an hour. It is suitable for mature dermis with wrinkles.

Another oatmeal-based recipe will help improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands:

  • Grind 20–30 g of flakes with a coffee grinder or blender;
  • pour in about 10 ml of almond oil to obtain a viscous mixture;
  • leave for 15 minutes;
  • add 1-3 drops of sandalwood, rose or citrus essential oil;
  • let it brew for another 15 minutes;
  • spread over wet face.

Attention! On oily skin, keep the mask for up to half an hour, on normal skin - no longer than 10 minutes. The mixture is not suitable for dry dermis.

If the skin is covered with pigment spots and has lost its former elasticity , try this composition:

  • 1 tbsp. l. dilute cocoa with warm milk to obtain the consistency of liquid sour cream;
  • pour in 2 tsp. almond extract;
  • add 1 tsp. natural honey;
  • spread over facial skin;
  • leave for 30 minutes.

in the fight against the first signs of skin withering :

  • puree one medium-sized tuber;
  • pour in 1 tbsp. l. tinctures of calendula, lemon juice and almond concentrate;
  • spread over skin;
  • after 20 minutes, wash off.

This version of the mixture is especially effective for oily skin suffering from frequent inflammation and irritation.

To add the skin , apply a compress. Add a few drops of almond, neroli or patchouli oils to a decoction of any medicinal herbs that suit your derma type. Soak gauze folded several times with this mixture, cover your face with it and lie down for 10 minutes so that the nutrient liquid is well absorbed into the dermis.

A strawberry-banana is designed to improve the condition of mature skin . Take 2 ripe red berries and one yellow fruit. Turn everything into a flavorful puree. Pour in 1 tsp. almond oil, contents of ampoules of liquid vitamins A and E (1 pc. each). Distribute over your face and wash after 30 minutes.

Banana is also useful for this anti-aging remedy:

  • half of the ripe yellow fruit is pureed;
  • pour 1 tsp into it. almond oil, stir thoroughly;
  • add a little cottage cheese to achieve a paste-like consistency;
  • if the mixture is thick, thin it with 1 tsp. milk or almond extract; if too runny, add banana or cottage cheese;
  • a fresh mask is distributed over the face and décolleté and kept for up to half an hour;
  • It is important to prevent the mixture from drying out - periodically spray it with water.

Advice. Repeat the procedure 1-3 times a week for 30-90 days.

The next mask - hot - will help maintain the firmness and elasticity of the epidermis for as possible . Prepare a piece of cotton fabric. Soak it in hot water, drop a little almond extract. Place the cloth over your face and neck, with a towel on top. Keep for about 40 minutes.

To eliminate swelling and correct the shape of the face heat 15 ml of almond oil in a water bath. Add a couple of drops of patchouli or any citrus essential oil. Distribute over clean and slightly steamed skin, avoiding areas around the eyes, and tap on it with your fingertips. Move only along the massage lines. After 5–15 minutes, remove the remaining mixture with a dry cloth. Repeat the session 1-3 times a week.

Citrus esters provoke pigmentation , so after the procedure , try not to be exposed to sunlight for at least 2-3 hours. Or use cream with SPF.

To reduce the severity of the vascular pattern on the sensitive dermis, combine 1 tbsp. l. almond extract and 1-2 drops of mint or rosemary ether. Spread over your face and after 15 minutes, wash with cool water. Repeat 1-2 times a week.

The following yogurt-based recipe will be useful for girls who dream of soft, moisturized, velvety skin . Take 1 tbsp. l. natural fermented milk product without dyes, flavors, etc. Add raw yolk and half a teaspoon of almond extract. Spread the homogeneous consistency over your face, after 20 minutes, wash with warm water.

Cleansing the dermis

If your skin is normal or dry , use a cleanser recipe . It is suitable for everyday use. Add 1 tsp to the raw yolk. water and pour in 20 drops of almond extract. Apply to face and wash after a few minutes.

A scrub made from kernels is suitable for dry skin . Grind them to flour, measure out 2 tbsp. l. Add the same amount of almond oil. Leave on the skin for 5 minutes, lightly massaging your face. Rinse off with warm water.

The following will help clear the epidermis of blackheads , post-acne :

  • mix 0.5 tsp. fine sea salt and 1 tbsp. l. black clay;
  • add 1 tsp. almond extract;
  • Using boiled water, bring the mixture to a thick paste;
  • gently rub into skin;
  • leave for 15–20 minutes.

Sensitive epidermis, which does not respond well to many soap products, can be cleansed with almond bran. Steam 1 tbsp. l. of this ingredient, after 10 minutes add 0.5 tsp. almond oils. Distribute over the face, after 10 minutes, rinse with gentle massaging movements.

For the eye area

Almond oil nourishes thin, dehydrated skin, restores its freshness and radiance, eliminates puffiness and dark circles under the eyes, smoothes out fine wrinkles. The easiest way to use the oily liquid in pure form. Warm it slightly and carefully distribute it around the eyes using patting movements.

Move along the upper eyelid from the inner to the outer corner, and vice versa along the lower eyelid. Whatever is not absorbed, blot it off with a paper napkin after 15 minutes.

Recipes for compositions for delicate areas of the skin:

  1. Moisturizing and nutrition. Combine 30 ml of almond oil with 5 ml of retinol and 10 ml of tocopherol (these are vitamins A and E, which can be bought in liquid form at the pharmacy). Turn into a homogeneous mixture, distribute in the area around the eyes.
  2. Removing bruises. The previous recipe is suitable for this purpose; only retinol and tocopherol can be taken 3 drops each. You will also need less base oil, about 1 tbsp. l. Rub the mixture into the skin under the eyes up to 3 times a day. But don't leave it on for longer than 20 minutes each time.
  3. Freshness and nutrition. Take some avocado pulp, enough for the areas under the eyes. Puree and add a little almond oil. Stir and spread over skin. Hold for 15 minutes.
  4. Smoothing and moisturizing. Combine liquid honey, almond oil and still mineral water in equal proportions. Apply to the area around the eyes. This composition can be used before massaging delicate skin. If desired, omit mineral water.
  5. Elimination of dark circles and wrinkles. Measure out the same amount of milk powder and almond extract (for example, 1 tsp each). Mix and apply to areas under the eyes. After 10 minutes, remove the residue with a sponge and wash.
  6. Nutrition and elasticity. Prepare 2 tbsp. l. banana puree. Add 1 tbsp. l. almond oil Distribute over closed eyelids, after 15 minutes remove the mixture with a paper napkin.
  7. Improves the condition of thin, dull skin. Take 2 quail or 1 chicken yolks. Measure out exactly the same amount of almond extract. Apply to the skin of the eyelids, rinse off after 10 minutes.

For lips

Almond extract serves as an excellent prevention of peeling, chapping, and cracking of lips. If trouble has already happened, the product will help quickly restore the skin.

Rules of application:

  • heat the almond oil until barely warm;
  • Using a brush or fingertips, spread over sponges;
  • after 15 minutes, massage them;
  • do not wipe off the residue with a napkin;
  • use the product as needed, especially if you are going outside.

To eliminate peeling lips, use a chocolate scrub. It's very easy to prepare. Combine 0.5 tsp. cocoa powder and a few drops of oil. Distribute over lips. After the product has hardened, after about 20 minutes, remove the remaining mixture with a cotton pad soaked in warm water. Move in a circular motion along the contour of your lips.

To heal microcracks and make delicate skin velvety make a mask of almond oil and liquid honey. Proportions - 1:1. Distribute the mixture over your lips, cover with cling film. After 15 minutes, rinse with warm water and apply a small amount of pure almond extract.

For eyebrows and eyelashes

The following will help nourish weakened eyelashes :

  • to 12 ml of almond oil add 2 ml of vitamin E (in liquid form);
  • drop 3 ml of vitamin A there;
  • pour into a dark bottle;
  • Apply regularly with a clean brush left over from used mascara;
  • After 15 minutes, remove the residue with a cotton sponge.

You can do it even simpler: soak 2 cosmetic discs in lukewarm oil and apply them to your eyelashes and eyebrows for 15 minutes. Remove any remaining residue with a paper napkin. Repeat the procedure once a week.

Advice. To restore hairs and accelerate their growth, almond oil is mixed in equal proportions with olive, burdock, and castor oil.


For these purposes , only food extract from sweet is suitable . Look for the corresponding mark on the bottle. It is not recommended to heat the oily liquid; it is often used to dress salads or add to sauces. The norm for an adult is approximately 1 tsp . per day.

The content of vitamins and fatty acids makes almond extract an assistant for atherosclerosis, heart, liver, kidney and skin diseases. Taking the drug has a beneficial effect on memory.

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