What's the difference between peeling and scrub?
What is the difference between peeling and scrub and which is better?
Peeling and scrub are two procedures for exfoliating the epidermis, helping to renew the skin. Many people
Fractional laser rejuvenation: benefits and side effects
From this article you will learn: The essence of fractional laser rejuvenation 4 types of fractional laser rejuvenation The advantages of fractional laser
how to even out skin tone after acne
What is concealer and how to apply it to make your skin look flawless
Why do you need a concealer? Matte concealers are designed to cover pronounced skin defects. They contain
Devices for microcurrent therapy (microcurrents) in Moscow
Microcurrent therapy is one of the highly effective techniques used in cosmetology: it gives quick and sustainable
Spider veins on the legs - causes and treatment
Stars on the legs. Causes and how to get rid of spider veins
Why do spider veins appear? According to statistics, more than 50% of women and 10
Using sunflower (vegetable) oil for facial skin care
Dermatologists and cosmetologists advise using sunflower oil on the face, as it effectively smoothes
clay masks
Clay masks: reviews, review. Cosmetic clay.
What could be more natural and effective than beauty and youth products created by nature itself?!
Massage for bags under the eyes at home. How to remove bags under the eyes
Massage for bags under the eyes at home. How to remove bags under the eyes
This article was prepared by our beloved partners - the #GMfood project - an online store of superfoods and craft
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Librederm has revealed the best lines of its cosmetic products
Decorative cosmetics do not hide age-related and dermatological problems. Stores offer creams, gels, emulsions that support
How to use Aromacode facial corrector
How to use facial concealer. Step-by-step instructions with photos, diagram: foundation, liquid, dry, colored, pencil, palette
The modern beauty industry offers girls many ways to achieve and maintain an ideal appearance.
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