Using sunflower (vegetable) oil for facial skin care

Dermatologists and cosmetologists advise using sunflower oil on the face, as it effectively smoothes out facial wrinkles and helps get rid of acne. Sunflower oil is considered a natural product obtained from sunflower seeds.

Today there are two varieties of this product:

  • The refined product is subject to additional processing;
  • Unrefined is produced without additional purification and is characterized by a distinctive aroma and dark shade.

In the field of cosmetology, in recent years, a product made from sunflower seeds has reached the first stage. Modern creams, lotions and masks are made based on this product. The article presents topics from the cosmetic field: composition, benefits and harms, use for caring for the dermis of the face and body, recipes for making masks.

Benefits and contraindications of sunflower seed oil for skin

It is precisely because sunflower oil is made from a natural product that it has many more beneficial properties than contraindications.

Beneficial properties of sunflower oil

Dermatologists and cosmetologists recommend resorting to masks and compresses, which include a sunflower product, for those people who have problems with the dermis of the face (for example, wrinkles and acne).

Favorable qualities that the sunflower seed product provides to the dermis:

  • The epidermis is restored;
  • Blood supply and circulation improves;
  • Protection of the facial dermis;
  • Getting rid of wrinkles;
  • Narrowing of enlarged pores;
  • Relief restoration;
  • Healing of cracks;
  • Hydration;
  • Improved skin color.

The product made from sunflower seeds consists of elements that give rise to beneficial properties:

  • Vitamins A, B, E;
  • Fatty acid;
  • Mineral elements;
  • Caratanoids;
  • Phospholipids;
  • Vegetable fats

Contraindications to the use of sunflower seed oil

Sunflower oil is considered the only product that does not harm the skin. Thus, cosmetics based on sunflower oil can be used for any dermis without fear for your health.

The only contraindication may be individual intolerance - allergies. To recognize an allergic reaction, it is necessary to conduct a test, which will be described below.

Brief historical background

The birthplace of the product is North America. Sunflower was domesticated by the indigenous population of America, after which its products and the plant itself spread to other continents. In Europe, the product began to gain popularity in the 16th century; Oil came to Rus' much later - in the 18th century. Peter Ⅰ brought with him an overseas product after traveling to Holland. At first, peasants grew sunflowers simply for beauty. The solar plant attracted everyone with its aesthetic and bright appearance. Occasionally the seeds were used as food, but in general, only in 1829 did the plant begin to be used on an industrial scale. Oil mills were established throughout all provinces, which brought unprecedented income and popularity. The church also evaluated the product and recognized it as lean.

Recommendations for the use of sunflower oil

Before using cosmetics to improve your skin, you must adhere to at least 3-5 recommendations from the following list:

  • You should buy a product that is cold-pressed and does not contain additives.
  • It is recommended to warm the sunflower seed product slightly (water bath) before mixing it with other ingredients.
  • Before using sunflower oil-based cosmetics, it is necessary to check your skin for an allergic reaction. To do this, apply a few drops of the product to your wrist. If after 25-30 minutes the characteristic features of an allergy (burning and redness) do not appear, then you can use sunflower oil for cosmetic purposes.
  • Before the procedure, the skin of the face must be washed using herbal baths. It is advisable to scrub oily skin.
  • Masks are applied with light movements and patting. Refined sunflower oil without additives can be applied to the wings of the nose, as well as around the eyes and lips.
  • The product should be absorbed within 15-60 minutes. Absorption time depends on the type of dermis. If the mask is overexposed, redness or peeling may occur.
  • It is recommended to wash with purified water at room temperature.


Lipids play an important role in ensuring the full function of the skin, therefore, traditionally, animal and plant oils, as well as mineral oil, were used for skin care, including for newborns. Various oils are also used in the production of most skin care products, but the issue of the advantages and disadvantages of oils of different origins is still actively debated. Skin care practices for newborns and infants vary and are largely dependent on cultural traditions and the subjective experiences of parents and healthcare professionals. In 2016, European skin care guidelines based on evidence-based clinical research were published. According to modern recommendations, skin care practices should ensure the preservation of the skin, the physiological adaptation of the skin barrier of newborns to environmental conditions, and protect against skin contact with potentially toxic substances [1].

Use of sunflower oil for face and body skin care

There are three main ways to use vegetable oil to care for the dermis of the face.

Pure, without additives, sunflower seed product can be used to rejuvenate the dermis around the eyes - smooth out wrinkles, get rid of bruises and bags under the eyes.

Below are the main ways to use sunflower oil on the face.


A cream made from vegetable oil is an excellent replacement for night cream. Its properties extend to both the dermis of the face and the entire body.

Buttercream can be prepared at home. The following is a recipe for an anti-aging cream.

Required ingredients:

  • ½ medium onion;
  • 5 dandelions;
  • 100 ml sunflower oil.

Onion and dandelion are finely chopped. These cream components are seasoned with a sunflower seed product and mixed. The resulting mixture must be heated over low heat for ½ hour. Then it freezes for about 12 hours. After the mass has cooled, it must be strained. The cream is ready.

The cream is applied to the desired area of ​​skin in a circular motion, like a massage. You can pat this area of ​​the dermis. A third of an hour after application, the cream is removed with a napkin.


It has been said more than once that a product made from sunflower seeds is an effective remedy for facial wrinkles. The main way to use processed sunflower seeds is in compresses.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make an oil compress:

  1. First you need to heat the oil over low heat.
  2. Next, soak the gauze napkins in warm sunflower oil.
  3. Apply the resulting compress to the problem area.
  4. The maximum time for using this compress is ½ hour.
  5. After the gauze is removed, the skin is wiped with a dry cloth.

Oil compresses can be applied to all areas of the face. To do this, you need to prepare a mask from cotton or gauze fabric. Holes are cut into the fabric for the eyes, nostrils and lips.

Cosmetologists recommend contrast washing after the procedure. This type of washing promotes blood circulation in the dermis of the face, and therefore helps the beneficial substances to be absorbed faster and better.


Masks are the most popular method that has a beneficial effect on the dermis of the face and neck. The main qualities of using cosmetic masks:

  • Deep penetration of substances with beneficial properties into the pores of the dermis;
  • Smoothing wrinkles;
  • Soothing the skin;
  • Improving the tone of the dermis.

What types are produced?

It is generally accepted that the bulk of useful substances are found in unrefined oil. It is produced by two methods:

cold; hot.

In the first case, sunflower seeds are cold pressed and the resulting substance is filtered. This oil contains the highest concentration of useful substances, but its shelf life is not too long, since preservatives are not used for this.

External characteristics:

rich dark shade; there may be sediment; bright aroma.

In the second case, the product is obtained by hot pressing. The seeds are heated, pressed and filtered.

Its characteristics:

light yellow tint; the presence of suspension at the bottom is allowed; characteristic smell.

Refined oil is obtained through a more complex process. The seeds are filled with a solvent of organic origin and the extracted oil is separated. As a result of mechanical cleaning, sunflower oil becomes almost transparent. It has almost no taste or smell.

Recipes for making masks based on sunflower seed oil

You can add freshness to the dermis of the face by making masks based on vegetable oil. In addition to the main ingredient, you can use any products that are sold in a grocery store or pharmacy to create them. One procedure helps maintain the freshness of the facial dermis for a long time.

The following article presents several recipes for homemade masks based on sunflower oil.

Oil mask with quail egg

An oil mask with quail egg is recommended for those who have tired skin with fine wrinkles.

Components that make up this mask:

  • Sunflower seed oil – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Quail egg – 1 pc.;
  • Fermented milk product (yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk, etc.) – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Starch.

First, beat the quail egg. Next, it is mixed with a fermented milk product. Add oil to the resulting mixture. The mask should thicken. To do this, add starch until the mixture has the consistency of cream.

This mask is applied for a maximum of 20 minutes.

Oil mask with kelp

According to the recommendations of cosmetologists, it is advisable to use this mask for women aged 40 years or more, because the procedure promotes rejuvenation, elasticity and smoothness of the skin.

Ingredients from which the mask is prepared:

  • Laminaria – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Aloe extract – 1 ampoule;
  • Sunflower oil – 1 tsp;
  • Green tea or chamomile decoction – ½ cup.

If kelp is purchased in tablets, then before preparing the mask it must be crushed to a powder state. It is also sold in pharmacies in the form of a ready-made powder.

Laminaria should be poured with cooled green tea or chamomile decoction. The liquid is added little by little until a porridge of semi-liquid consistency is formed. Next, the mixture is infused for ½ hour. Aloe extract and vegetable oil are poured into the infused mass.

The mask should remain on the face for no more than ½ hour.

Oil mask with aspirin and white charcoal

The main effect of an oil mask with aspirin and white charcoal is cleansing pores and rejuvenating the dermis of the face.

To prepare the mask you will need:

  • Acetylsalicylic acid – 5 tablets;
  • White coal – 5 tablets;
  • Cucumber – 1 pc.;
  • Sunflower oil – 1 tsp.

Acid and charcoal tablets must be ground to powder. Fresh cucumber is grated on a fine grater. One tablespoon of the mass obtained from cucumber is mixed with the powder. Everything is filled with sunflower oil.

Cosmetologists recommend keeping the mask on for no more than 20 minutes.

Oil mask with oatmeal and strawberries

The main beneficial properties of this mask are the effect of refreshed skin with a healthy color.

To prepare an oil mask with the addition of oatmeal and strawberries, you need to use:

  • Strawberries – 5-10 pcs.;
  • Sunflower oil – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Oat flour.

Strawberries need to be pureed. To do this, mash it with a fork. Next, mix the berries with butter. Add flour and mix everything.

The mask is applied in a thick layer for 20 minutes.

Oil mask with banana and ginger

The composition of the oil mask with banana and ginger helps get rid of wrinkles and fight age-related pigmentation.

Required ingredients:

  • Banana – ½ piece;
  • Unrefined sunflower oil – 1 tsp;
  • Dry ground ginger – 1 pinch.

First you need to make porridge from a banana. After this, add oil to the fruit and mix. Sprinkle the resulting mixture with ginger and mix again.

The mask is applied to the dermis of the face for no more than 20 minutes.

Oil mask with cosmetic clay

Cosmetologists recommend using an oil mask with cosmetic clay for people with enlarged pores and age-related skin problems.

  • Cosmetic clay (green or pink) – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Cold boiled water – ½ cup;
  • Unrefined vegetable oil – 1 tsp;
  • Rosemary essential oil – 5 drops.

Clay is mixed with water. The result is a mass of thick consistency. Sunflower oil and rosemary are added to the mixture. Mix the ingredients of the future mask.

The mask stays on the face for a maximum of ¼ hour.

Chemical composition

Nutritional value (per 100 grams of ingredient)[7]

Calorie content899 kcal
Squirrels0 g
Fats99.9 g
Carbohydrates0 g
Alimentary fiber0 g
Water0.1 g

Nutrient balance (in milligrams per 100 grams of ingredient)

Tocopherol (E)44
Phylloquinone (K)0,0054
Phosphorus (P)2
Saturated fatty acids11,3
Monounsaturated fatty acids23,8
Polyunsaturated fatty acids [8]59,8

Hazardous properties

The list of beneficial qualities of sunflower oil is overshadowed by possible side effects from consuming the product. Among them:

  • increased risk of developing various types of cancer;
  • obesity;
  • exacerbation of diseases of the gallbladder and biliary system.

Unstable fatty acids

The product is based on polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are unstable in chemical structure and undergo rapid oxidation. When oil is heated, free radicals are released, which accelerate the aging process, aggravate pathologies in remission and make them chronic.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids are deposited in cell membranes, causing rapid cell death or partially reducing its productivity.


It would seem that “omegas” are substances that cannot harm the human body. However, the benefits of Omega-6 are determined by its quantity and qualitative ratio to other fatty acids. Consumption of sunflower oil quickly upsets the balance, and Omega-6 levels rapidly rise. What does this mean? Chronic pathologies form, cholesterol levels rise, and blood vessels become blocked, which leads to heart attacks and strokes.

Moreover, the increased content of Omega-6 complicates digestion. It is much more difficult for organs to digest and assimilate foods. As a result, there is a violation of stool, sharp abdominal pain, lack of appetite, nausea/vomiting.

Product storage rules

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All oils must be stored until the expiration date. Getting severe food poisoning is not a happy prospect, so keep track of the expiration date and better get rid of the oil 1-2 months before the end date.

The container in which sunflower oil is stored tends to become dirty and sticky. This looks unsightly and can really affect the quality of the product. Periodically pour the oil liquid into glass bottles and thoroughly clean greasy used containers. Screw the lid of the container tightly, otherwise the oil may become bitter and unsuitable for consumption.

There is no point in storing the product in the refrigerator: it becomes thick. Keep product container in a dark place to minimize exposure to ultraviolet rays. The best container is a dark glass bottle with thick walls.

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