What is the difference between peeling and scrub and which is better?

Peeling and scrub are two procedures for exfoliating the epidermis, helping to renew the skin. Many people confuse them with each other and choose the wrong cleanser, which can lead to a deterioration in the initial condition of the skin. Therefore, before starting, you need to familiarize yourself with the differences between these types of cleaning, as well as contraindications for use.

What is the difference between them and which is better?

Scrubbing is a cosmetic procedure that removes dead cells, dirt and oil from the face by chemical or mechanical means. Removal occurs using solid particles. They are:

  • natural – crushed fruit seeds or nut shells;
  • artificial - included in special creams.

Peeling is a cosmetic procedure whose purpose is to remove the stratum corneum and prevent freckles, age spots and facial contamination. Its main components are fruit acids, which weaken the connection between skin cells and promote their accelerated exfoliation.


Peels and scrubs have almost equally aggressive effects on the skin. The former cause her a chemical burn, which can be controlled, and the latter grind the skin with particles. Due to skin injury, cell renewal occurs.

Difference between procedures

Below you can find out how these facial procedures differ:

  1. It is advisable to use peelings from autumn to spring, and scrubs – all year round.
  2. The scrub can be done at home without harm to the skin using simple ingredients: coffee, sugar, salt, honey, etc.
  3. Peelings have a complex composition. When preparing, be sure to take into account every gram of component.
  4. Scrubs work better on the surface of rough skin.
  5. The results from home peels are less effective than from salon peels.
  6. The result after scrubbing the skin is visible immediately.
  7. Peels must be followed in a course, then the effect will last for a long time.
  8. You can make a scrub both on the face and on the scalp.
  9. Peels can be used on the hands, neck, décolleté and face.

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Which of these procedures is better? A cosmetologist will tell you briefly about the differences between scrub and peeling:


The composition of peelings and scrubs differs in that:

  • the scrub consists of large solid particles and is a thick and viscous substance;
  • The peeling contains tiny particles, and it itself is in the form of a liquid gel.

In addition, there are 2 main types of peelings:

  1. Enzymatic - enzymatic . The effect on the skin is carried out using special enzymes.
  2. Chemical . Their main component is various acids that activate skin cell renewal processes.

There are also 2 types of peelings:

  1. Hardware . It affects the skin using ultrasound, laser, high or low temperatures.
  2. Mechanical . Cleanses the face with abrasive elements.

The scrub contains particles that do not have such an aggressive effect on the epidermis. It may be based on:

  • clay;
  • gel;
  • regular cream.

And abrasive elements can be:

  • coffee;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • grape seeds, etc.


Exfoliants (“exfoliators”) use a much wider arsenal of methods than just a scrub (“scraper”).


They not only clean and degrease the epidermis, but also cope with a whole range of cosmetic problems. For example, with spider veins or subcutaneous mites.

Deep exfoliation can replace or even surpass surgical lifting. After all, it launches the natural renewal processes of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid.

As a result of a course of exfoliation, the composition of the skin changes qualitatively, in contrast to simply pulling the skin, like on a drum.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for use of peeling:

  • acne;
  • post-acne;
  • lumpy and uneven skin;
  • sebaceous plugs;
  • keratosis;
  • increased fat content;
  • dullness of the skin;
  • sagging skin;
  • wrinkles;
  • chronic pathologies;
  • dark spots.


  • very sensitive skin;
  • Herpes virus;
  • tattoos and a fresh tan;
  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • the presence of moles, wounds, scratches, papillomas, warts on the skin.

Indications for scrubbing are:

  • dark;
  • dull complexion;
  • enlarged and contaminated pores;
  • comedones;
  • flaky lips.

Contraindications to scrubbing are identical to contraindications to peeling and other cosmetic cleansing procedures.

Important ! These products should not be applied to or get into the eye area.

Execution Sequence

As you know, peeling with acids is quite traumatic, so during sessions you wait 14–21 days so that the skin can recover.
If your dermis tolerates exfoliation well, can you try combining peeling with scrubbing? Of course, yes, but only when you do superficial exfoliation. Stages of combined use:

  1. Steam your face, which will help open the pores.
  2. They start with a scrub. The face is washed with baby soap, and then a scrub is applied and a light massage is performed, avoiding the area around the eyes. After 2 minutes, wash off the product with warm water or wipe with a napkin.
  3. Gentle cosmetics are applied to the skin for superficial peeling (in no case with strong chemical peeling!). Wait a few minutes (the manufacturer always indicates the holding time on the packaging).
  4. If the scrub can be wiped off with a regular napkin, then the peeling suspension is washed off with plenty of water or soda solution.

Cosmetologist Rene Rouleau advises alternating both procedures, after consulting with a specialist. For example, on Wednesday and Saturday you can treat your skin with scrubbing in the shower, and on Monday treat it with a superficial peeling agent.

Important point: Scrubbing after deep chemical peeling is prohibited, because the skin has been burned. Your dermis should recover in 14–21 days. As soon as you see that the condition of the skin has returned to normal (at least a month after the session), you can start using scrubs at home.

Thus, what to choose: peeling or scrub is up to you. But if you really want to not only cleanse your pores, but also improve the condition of your dermis, make an appointment with a cosmetologist for chemical peeling. Although this procedure is not the cheapest, and has a number of contraindications, it not only removes dead skin cells, but also normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, eliminates acne and minimizes wrinkles. If going to a specialist is alien to you, it is recommended to combine superficial peeling with scrubbing at home to enhance the cleansing effect.

Methods of application

The peeling procedure consists of three main stages:

  1. Preparation . Before applying the peeling product, clean your face with a cotton pad soaked in micellar water or makeup remover. Then wash your face using gel or foam.
  2. Application process . Apply the peeling composition to dry skin and leave for 5-10 minutes. Next, rinse with plain water.
  3. The final stage . Apply toner and moisturizer to clean, dry skin.

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It is better to use peeling in a course, the number of times depends on what result you want to get and where exactly you perform the procedure - at home or in the salon.

Scrubbing is also divided into several stages:

  1. Skin cleansing . It is necessary to cleanse your face with foam or makeup remover.
  2. Warming up . Using a cotton pad, napkin or towel, as well as boiling water, you need to steam your face before the procedure. This will open the pores and allow the scrub elements to penetrate deeper.
  3. Application . Using gentle massage movements, apply the scrub to the face and rub for 3 minutes.
  4. Excerpt . Then it is left for 5-10 minutes. This way, the active substances can saturate the epidermis with beneficial properties.
  5. Removal . The scrub is washed off with warm water.
  6. Completion . Apply the moisturizer you usually use.

Reference ! To get a noticeable effect, use the scrub in the evening.


Scrubs and peelings differ in composition. The first products are based on abrasive particles of sugar, salt, coffee beans, crushed nut shells and seeds, pearl powder, and synthetic granules. The product may contain cream, gel, oil, clay, dried plant extracts.

The composition of the second preparations differs in the content of tiny particles, acids, enzymes, plant and algae extracts. Exfoliating creams and solutions often contain vitamins, minerals, and coral powder. Alkaline peels contain calcium carbonate, while acid peels contain lactic, salicylic, glycolic, fruit and other acids. Enzyme peels include proteins of plant, animal or fungal origin. These ingredients trigger chemical processes in the skin.

Advantages and disadvantages

Peels and scrubs have many pros and cons, thanks to which you can understand whether this procedure is worth using or whether it is not suitable for you. Let's list the most basic ones.

Pros of scrubs:

  • excellent against cellulite and sagging skin;
  • stimulate microcirculation in cells;
  • help remove excess fluid from the body;
  • speed up metabolism;
  • makes the skin softer, smoother and improves its color.


  • hard particles injure the skin and lead to inflammation;
  • before going out into the sun, due to recent scrubbing, you can get pigment spots;
  • Constant scrubs can erase the top layer of the epidermis.

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Peeling benefits:

  • improvement of complexion and structure of the face;
  • cleansing and narrowing pores;
  • normalization of sebum production;
  • renewal of tissues and cells;
  • acne treatment.

Disadvantages of the procedure:

  • complications may arise due to incorrectly selected components and acids;
  • the effect will be noticeable only after several procedures or even a complex;
  • partial dark spots may appear on light skin;
  • light pigmentation is possible on dark skin;
  • After the procedures, prolonged redness of the face is possible.


Using a scrub around the eyes is, of course, contraindicated: it will injure and stretch the delicate tissues of the periorbital area.

But some types of exfoliation, for example, milk-glycolic, can also achieve an effect for the delicate eyelid area. They reduce expression lines, dark circles under the eyes, and fight dryness and pigmentation.

It is worth remembering: the procedure also has its contraindications. Nursing mothers, as well as patients with high fever or herpes, should refrain from exfoliating the eyelids.

What should not be done after the procedures?

The cosmetologist who performed your facial cleansing procedure should explain what can and cannot be done after scrubbing or peeling. If you still don't know what is prohibited, read the following list:

  • Do not use daily creams;
  • you cannot wear makeup for several days after the procedure;
  • if the epidermis peels off, do not remove the crusts yourself;
  • Do not touch the treated area of ​​the body; there is a possibility of causing a serious infection.

Tips from cosmetologists

In order not to injure the skin after peeling and scrubbing, cosmetologists advise you to remember and use a few simple rules.

After scrubbing:

  • do not wash your face for 4-5 hours, wipe your face with tonics that do not contain alcohol;
  • do not go to the bathhouse, sauna or swimming pool in the next week;
  • Apply moisturizers at night.

After peeling:

  • do not wash your face for 24 hours;
  • do not visit solariums and beaches;
  • use alcohol-free cosmetics;
  • Before going outside, in warm weather, use sunscreen.

Scrub and peeling are interesting procedures for cleansing the face, differing in some properties. The result after them will remain effective only if they are performed correctly and efficiently.

Is it possible to combine a facial scrub with peeling?

When using soft peeling with a low acid content daily, it is allowed to use a facial scrub no more than once every 7-10 days - this will help to perform a deeper cleansing.

Expert opinion

Anastasia Zaslavskaya

Dermatologist, cosmetologist

If a salon peeling course with high acidity has been selected, you must completely abandon the use of scrubs for the entire duration of the procedures and the rehabilitation period, otherwise severe irritation can be provoked.

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