Fractional laser rejuvenation: benefits and side effects

From this article you will learn:

  • The essence of fractional laser rejuvenation
  • 4 types of fractional laser rejuvenation
  • Benefits of fractional laser rejuvenation
  • Indications for the rejuvenation procedure
  • Fractional rejuvenation for the treatment of scars and stretch marks
  • Contraindications for such rejuvenation
  • Preparation and progress of the procedure
  • Number of sessions
  • Possible side effects
  • 7 tips for post-procedure care
  • Approximate prices for fractional laser rejuvenation
  • Frequently asked questions about fractional laser rejuvenation

Fractional laser rejuvenation is know-how in cosmetology. The procedure appeared quite recently, but has already proven itself on the positive side. Everyone who wants to rejuvenate the skin of their face, neck, and hands resorts to it. It has many indications and few contraindications.

This type of rejuvenation allows you to smooth the skin, remove scars and scars, and even out the tone. The procedure lasts a few minutes, and the effect lasts up to five years. Isn’t this what many women dream of – visiting a salon and staying beautiful for a long time? In any case, before signing up for a session, you should consult your doctor, as side effects are possible.

The essence of fractional laser rejuvenation

One of the newest modern developments in the field of cosmetology is the technique of fractional laser rejuvenation. Currently, it is not without reason that it can be called the most popular of all laser therapy procedures.

During the session, a laser beam passed through a special fractional grid breaks up into a large number of microbeams. This method provides a targeted (fractional) effect on the skin without completely disrupting it.

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Many tiny treatment areas are formed in the dermis layer, where the development of renewed young skin tissue occurs very quickly. Cells located around the affected areas begin intensive division, filling the damaged areas. As a result, rejuvenating processes in the deep layers of the dermis are stimulated. Micro-rays, affecting the middle and upper layers of skin tissue, help eliminate pigmentation, wrinkles and scars.

Fractional laser rejuvenation of facial skin helps it gain firmness and elasticity. In addition, thanks to the procedure, pores are significantly reduced, the oval of the face becomes more toned, the shade and texture of the skin becomes smoother, and wrinkles and scars are significantly smoothed out.

Effect of laser beam on post-acne scars, scars

To restore smooth relief, eliminate traces of post-acne, scars of various origins, laser techniques are used in cosmetology. Nanoperforation is a modern and effective way to restore integrity, smooth and healthy appearance to the skin.

According to experts, this method is the only one that allows you to replace the affected tissue with healthy tissue after the procedure.

The impact occurs locally, pointwise, so neighboring healthy areas do not heat up and are not damaged. Under the action of a laser beam, the affected scar tissue is destroyed.

Natural regeneration processes in the body are activated, new healthy fibers are synthesized, cellular renewal occurs, and damaged tissue is replaced with healthy ones. The color and texture of the affected area are normalized. After the formation of a new healthy epidermis, the scar or scar gradually smoothes out, eventually disappearing completely.

The cost of procedures, effectiveness and visible results in the fight against skin blemishes depend on several factors:

  • the size of the scar or scar;
  • the complexity of the damaged skin structure;
  • statute of limitations, etiology.

The course of procedures is individually calculated by a cosmetologist after assessing the condition of the aesthetic problem. Laser nanoperforation makes it possible to effectively correct normotrophic, hypertrophic, atrophic scars, post-acne craters, and burn scars.

Also, indications for sessions are the presence of postoperative scars (removal of appendicitis, cesarean section, abdominal surgery), deep skin defects formed after chemical, thermal or mechanical exposure.

Laser removal technology can be used on any area of ​​the face and body, including particularly sensitive areas.

Benefits of fractional laser rejuvenation

This technology has been used in the field of cosmetology for more than 10 years. It is effective, safe and has a number of advantages when compared with other rejuvenating and healing techniques:

  • practically does not cause side effects;
  • non-invasive, so there is no chance of client infection (including HIV);
  • painless and quite comfortable;
  • allowed from 16 years of age;
  • hygienic, since the instruments do not come into contact with the skin;
  • suitable for atonic skin types;
  • it is possible to choose an individual treatment program;
  • Suitable for clients with any degree of skin pigmentation;
  • areas with defects are treated pointwise, so the possibility of damage to healthy tissue around is excluded;
  • due to the fact that only 25% of the skin is injured, the recovery period after the procedure is short (face – seven days, body – 14 days);
  • the effect becomes noticeable immediately after the first procedure;
  • the result obtained lasts for several years;
  • it is possible to treat delicate areas;
  • in affected areas, elastin production is significantly accelerated.

Main advantages of the technique

For those who still doubt the effectiveness of laser nanoperforation, let us summarize and repeat all its main advantages. This list, of course, must include:

  • High level of efficiency.
  • Significant safety and almost complete absence of risk of serious complications.
  • Absence of pronounced pain during exposure.
  • Availability of a wide range of indications.
  • No need for preliminary preparation.
  • Versatility for all skin types.
  • No need for long-term special care after the procedure.

Indications for the rejuvenation procedure

Fractional laser rejuvenation can be used for:

  • general skin rejuvenation;
  • skin lifting (face, neck, décolleté, hands);
  • smoothing scars;
  • skin smoothing;
  • restoration of the oval contour of the face;
  • wrinkle removal;
  • elimination of pigment spots and melasma;
  • removal of stretch marks (striae);
  • eliminating the consequences of acne.

As a result of intense exposure to fractional laser, the skin may become hyperpigmented for a short period of time.

To get a good result, after the procedure it is necessary to treat the skin with sunscreen cosmetics with a protection level of at least SPF 50.

Fractional grinding can be compared with continuous grinding in terms of the resulting effect. Judging by the extensive foreign and domestic experience, this hardware technique is less traumatic and leads to an amazing rejuvenating and tightening effect.

What effect does skin perforation have?

Feedback from our clients is strikingly unanimous: laser skin perforation really works wonders. This is confirmed by numerous photos before and after the procedure. But no miracles happen - the entire effect is created by the efforts of the body itself.

Elastin and collagen, which are produced after laser micro-dotting, tighten and smooth the skin, making it denser, firmer, smoother and more youthful. Wrinkles, even deep ones, disappear, the color and texture of the skin improves.

Fractional resurfacing is effective against stretch marks, and micro-dotting of scars allows you to almost completely even out the skin texture. If laser alone is not enough, fractional thermolysis is perfectly combined with skin biorevitalization, mesotherapy, plasma therapy, and collagen injections.

Perforation is very good for removing spider veins and narrowing enlarged pores, treating post-acne, eliminating all age-related changes - in short, this technique is effective for any skin imperfections, alone or in combination with other non-surgical methods.

Fractional rejuvenation for the treatment of scars and stretch marks

This rejuvenation method is especially effective in treating scar tissue. Fractional laser beams have the ability to crush roughened scar tissue, after which it acquires elasticity, softness, and the tension of the surrounding healthy tissue decreases.

Fractional photothermolysis helps reduce the area of ​​scars, making them elastic, unnoticeable, and as close as possible in appearance to healthy skin.

Fractional rejuvenation is indicated for the treatment of stretch marks. Sadly, stretch marks cannot be completely eliminated, you can only make them more invisible.

The effect of fractional treatment is:

  • reducing the area of ​​stretch marks;
  • reducing tissue fiber breaks;
  • aligning the shade of stretch marks with the tone of healthy skin;
  • increasing the elasticity and firmness of the skin tissue around and relieving tension.


Laser nanoperforation of the face can be performed at any age, but cosmetologists do not recommend using the method before 25 years of age. The most pronounced aesthetic result is observed in women aged 50-55 years.

After 60 years, the technique is ineffective, since the ability of cells and tissues to regenerate is significantly reduced. Nanoperforation can be used for up to 25 years, but taking into account the indications and a number of contraindications. The result is noticeable after the first session, but to prolong it you must complete a full course developed by a cosmetologist based on individual indications.

After nanoperforation, the following positive changes can be seen:

  • damaged skin structure is restored;
  • the relief is smoothed out;
  • the epidermis regains firmness and elasticity;
  • the severity of stretch marks, scars and marks decreases;
  • small facial and age wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • pores are narrowed, sebum secretion is normalized;
  • The complexion is evened out and age spots are eliminated.

Provided you follow the cosmetologist's recommendations and complete the full course, the aesthetic effect after laser nanoperforation can last up to 5 years. The course includes from 2 to 4 sessions, the interval is at least one month. For preventive purposes, sessions are carried out no more than once a year.

The purpose of laser nanoperforation is to rejuvenate the face, as well as correct skin defects, scars, scars. This method is able to have a complex beneficial effect on the skin structures and is considered one of the safest, fastest and most painless methods in aesthetic cosmetology today.

Article design: Mila Friedan

Contraindications for such rejuvenation

Fractional rejuvenation, like any cosmetic procedure, is not suitable for everyone. Therefore, in order to avoid negative consequences, before the session it is necessary to carefully study all contraindications.

Fractional photothermolysis is not recommended:

  • during pregnancy and during breastfeeding, since any changes that occur in the body of a pregnant or lactating woman affect the baby - you should not risk the child’s health, it is better to postpone the procedure;
  • in case of inflammation (or redness) in the treated area, the cosmetologist will refuse to carry out fractional laser photothermolysis in the cheek area if they are covered with an allergic rash (the laser beam can damage the skin up to deep scars);
  • for chemical peeling - if you have cleansed your face, you need to allow the layers of the epidermis to strengthen for two weeks (minimum) and prepare for exposure to the laser beam;
  • in the presence of oncological diseases, since spontaneous complications may arise as a result of laser exposure;
  • with diagnosed diabetes mellitus;
  • in the presence of viral and bacterial infections - in order to avoid the invasion of foreign elements into the cell structure during fractional rejuvenation, it is first necessary to recover completely.


Despite the general safety and lack of tissue trauma, a number of contraindications must be taken into account before deciding on a course of procedures.

Perforation is not recommended:

  • in the presence of acute infections in the body;
  • in the presence of malignant neoplasms in the body;
  • endocrine and cardiovascular pathologies;
  • blood clotting disorders;

  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • in case of exacerbation of any chronic diseases, including skin diseases;
  • with increased body temperature, chills, fever.

Laser nanoperforation sessions are not recommended during menstruation. At the preliminary consultation, the cosmetologist collects an anamnesis. During the conversation, it is important to talk about the characteristics of the body, previous injuries, interventions, individual intolerance, as well as previous experience in performing cosmetic procedures.

Preparation and progress of the procedure

To avoid disastrous consequences in the form of complications after a cosmetic procedure, it is necessary to carefully prepare for it.

First, you need to consult with a cosmetologist and get an assessment of the condition of the skin on your face. The specialist will determine a list of contraindications and give the necessary recommendations.

Before the procedure, it is not advisable to visit the bathhouse, sauna, or solarium for 3–4 weeks. In addition, sunbathing in the open sun is prohibited. Before going outside, you need to apply sunscreen to your face.

It is very important to stop taking certain medications, particularly antibiotics and blood thinners. In addition, doctors recommend taking antiherpetic medications.

No later than two weeks in advance, it is not recommended to perform manipulations that injure the skin tissue.

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Fractional laser rejuvenation of the eyes and other areas takes place in several stages. First, the cosmetologist must prepare the skin areas for the procedures. To do this, it removes the remnants of decorative cosmetics from the skin, as well as dirt, dust, and sweat. Then the surface is treated with an antiseptic.

The next step is to apply an anesthetic cream, which is left on the skin for about an hour.

After anesthesia, contact gel is evenly applied to the face so that the sensor glides smoothly and evenly over the surface of the skin.

The tip is then used to process the skin tissue in straight lines in several directions. The device is equipped with nozzles of different sizes. Typically, 2 cm² of skin is treated in one pass.

At the end of the procedure, the specialist should remove the remaining contact gel and apply a soothing cream.

Comparison of grinding and nanoperforation

Many patients confuse two concepts: laser resurfacing and nanoperforation. It should be noted that although these two procedures have a certain similarity, consisting in the principle of their implementation (laser exposure), the differences between them are significant.

Type of procedureGrindingNanoperforation
TargetRejuvenation and elimination of defectsRejuvenation and elimination of defects
Need for preparationRecommendedNot required
Nature of impactMore often deepMore superficial, gentle
ConsequencesSignificant, controlled burnMild, controlled burn, slight redness
Recovery3 to 4 weeksUp to 2 weeks
ResultAlmost instant manifestationThe first changes immediately, significant changes after 2 weeks
Necessity of anesthesiaMandatoryAccording to the client's request

Number of sessions

After fractional laser rejuvenation of the eyelids and other problem areas, rehabilitation of 3–7 days is required. The duration of the rehabilitation period will depend on the patient's lifestyle. For example, bad habits, poor nutrition, excessive physical activity, stress and disturbed sleep can significantly slow down skin regeneration after the procedure.

During the first three days after the session, redness and slight swelling may appear on the skin. To reduce the level of discomfort, you can take painkillers and use skin cooling products.

It is considered normal if during the first week the skin feels tight and peels in some places. Side effects include a bronze tint to the face, which disappears after 14 days.

A lasting result can be achieved by performing two to five procedures. A cosmetologist can tell you exactly how many sessions are needed, depending on each individual case and the client’s initial data.

The interval between sessions should be at least 3-4 weeks. Fractional laser rejuvenation slows down aging: wrinkles decrease or disappear completely, turgor increases, pores narrow, and complexion evens out. This method effectively removes pigmentation, post-acne, stretch marks and scars.

Laser nanoperforation - personal experience

The post promised yesterday, continuing the series of self-exposures - this time my experience of performing laser nanoperforation on my individual face :)

But first, a couple of phrases on the history of the issue and a few policy statements :). I grew up in a family where my dad was a renowned orthopedic dentist and my mom was (and still is) an oral and maxillofacial surgeon. Therefore, my childhood was quite specific. Firstly, I have had my teeth treated all my life, as far back as I can remember. (Not because my parents showed excessive zeal, but because I had teeth - literally tear them off and throw them away. I suspect that a child with such teeth, if he were born in some other family, would not have survived at all. But with me there was a chance!) Secondly, the parents endlessly discussed among themselves bridges, molars, premolars and birth defects like cleft palate and cleft jaw. (These Hare Mouths and Wolf Jaws were my childhood fairy-tale heroes. I assumed that they were as real as Piggy, Stepasha and Moidodyr.) Thirdly, my parents also watched TV in a peculiar way. While watching the “Time” program, they discussed Angelina Vovk’s bite. Watching some operetta, my mother sighed, “They could have done Shmyga’s plastic surgery better.” And watching the demonstration on November 7, when the camera spent a long time scanning the faces of Politburo members on the podium of the Mausoleum, turned into an analysis of the work of Kremlin dentists at home. And as “Funny Pictures,” I sometimes looked at cut-out upper and lower jaws and noses in cross-section from textbooks on maxillofacial and orthopedic dentistry. By the way, there were a lot of “before” and “after” pictures, but they could be trusted, since Photoshop had not yet been invented.

I say all this now so that it is clear:

a) I perceive plastic medicine and aesthetic cosmetology as something completely everyday;

b) I am not afraid of blood, injections, swelling, stitches, bruises and other “related products”;

c) I don’t believe in the myths and legends that ordinary people surround this area with;

d) I believe that if some defect (no matter congenital or acquired) torments you, then you need to get rid of it and stop suffering; but I also believe that if you can stop tormenting in another way - for example, by explaining to yourself that with this shape of your nose you can be happy without a scalpel, then it’s better to explain and not do anything with your nose.

e) I don’t believe in the “before” and “after” photographs that clinics equip their advertising modules with, because Photoshop has long been invented. I know that a good result is often not visible in a photograph, a bad result is not obvious in a photograph, and that the concepts of “good result” and “bad result” can be very different from each other, that is, from the point of view of the doctor, the result may be good, but from the patient's point of view - bad. Because the patient may have a strong image of Marilyn Monroe in his head, whom he (the patient) wants to be like at all costs. But I, of course, understand that these “before” and “after” photographs are still terribly interesting to look at.

f) I believe in good doctors - that they exist. And I know that even they are not Gods and are not immune from mistakes. No one is safe from them.

And no, I didn’t do any plastic surgery on myself. But yes, I have been injecting hyaluronic acid injections in different types in different places for quite a long time :) I resorted to facial mesotherapy, reviews of which are very varied, but I finally decided. And yes, I did this same laser nanoperforation several times, which I now want to write about. And I believe that all this should not be done when everything is already obvious to everyone, and all your photos can already be safely placed in the “before” category. And then, when you start to not like something about yourself, but others still like you out of habit, and they don’t notice anything. (Here, of course, a certain amount of common sense is required in the head, but with this - who is lucky :)

There is a cosmetologist in my life whom I trust, although I do not often annoy him with my presence. The cosmetologist's name is Evgeniy Karpov. Zhenechka (sorry, Evgenia Leonidovna) is an expert when it comes to injections, laser peels, improving the shape of the lips and, in general, all that part of cosmetology that is somewhere in the middle between plastic surgery and massages-masks-and-other-pleasures. Doctor Karpova receives her in Polyanka, which is completely devoid of any glamor and pathos. But I personally don’t care - I don’t go there for pathos, to be honest :))

Here is my cosmetologist at work (the patient is not me):

And here is the Cosmopulse device, on which Dr. Evgenia Karpova performs laser nanoperforation. This is a procedure roughly similar to Fraxel - enlarged pores are removed from the skin using a laser beam, the effects of acne are eliminated, wrinkles of varying degrees are erased, and the complexion is evened out. Along the way, there is a small but pleasant bonus in the form of a lift. (You can also remove scars and stretch marks, but I didn’t have fun with that. Although there are a couple, you can have fun :))

In general, I know about myself - when I actively begin to dislike myself, then it’s time.

The main difference from Fraxel is a different type of laser. Fraxel uses a cold erbium laser, here it is a hot CO2 laser. Erbium does not affect those layers of skin that are deeper; this one works mainly at depth. On the outside, skin renewal occurs both here and there. At depth - only in cases where the cosmetologist works with CO2 laser. (True, fraxels have recently proliferated and acquired a lot of different attachments, so perhaps they have some versions similar to this one). The Cosmopulse laser beam does not remove the skin, it passes through it, only those places through which it works are damaged - that’s why the procedure is called “nanoperforation” and not “peeling”, for example.

Naturally, the depth of the beam and its intensity may vary. And they vary precisely by the doctor. Well, that is, it is the doctor who sets the regimen. This unit has five parameters, they can be changed and different programs can be obtained - and, accordingly, different results, depending on what the patient needs. That’s why, perhaps, there are so many conflicting reviews of these procedures—some people like them, others say they’re not very effective, others say they’re too traumatic. In fact, a lot depends on the skill and experience of the doctor - which zone to go through, where to add, where to subtract, where to push, where to let go. I don’t delve into these subtleties, I just trust Dr. Karpova. The nozzle through which the laser beam passes looks like this:

The next picture is for those who like “before” and “after” photos. This is me - “before”. Anesthetic cream was applied to my face. But in this case, I almost don’t care, because I got into the procedure just after the dentist, who, having previously injected a bunch of anesthetics, cut into my upper jaw and screwed the formers into the implants. (Yes, yes, my backstory about dental torment was precisely this. I still treat teeth, yeah. I’ve been enthusiastically doing dental implants for the last year. Not because the old ones were bad. Because there are practically no old ones left:) As always, it’s not visible in the photo, but my jaw hurts :)) And yes, one of the motives for going for nanoperforation right now was that with a swollen jaw, I still have to cry for three days and sit at home, so why waste my time lose?!

Well, after 40 minutes, when my face completely became wooden due to general anesthesia, the process began. If you look closely, you can see how in some frames my skin is still intact, and in others there is white dust. This dust is actually laser-burned epithelium.

To make it easier to see, here’s a close-up:

The sensations with all this are not the most pleasant, but quite tolerable. But here you have to be careful, of course: everyone’s pain threshold is different, and their ideas about “hurt” and “not painful” are also different. And not everyone, of course, has something to compare with. I now compare everything with the process of implantation. Compared to this, it doesn't hurt. I no longer like the smell of my own burnt skin, which is inevitable during the process - the laser burns it. Immediately, you know, some rudimentary memories of concentration camps come to mind :) But perhaps this is personal :))

In some places the pain is higher (for example, on the forehead and on the cheekbones, where the bones are close), in others it is lower. It’s nice (although is the word “pleasant” appropriate here?:) that Dr. Karpova treats all areas of the face, neck and décolleté with this laser. Even the upper and lower eyelids. Even hands. Hands, by the way, without any anesthesia at all - it’s quite possible to endure.

All this lasts 15-20 minutes. (In my case, it lasted about 30 minutes, but this is because we were not only doing business, but also posing in front of the camera. Especially me:) After this, his face burns, despite the anesthesia - that is, he feels hot and cold at the same time. The advertisements say that you look like you've been sunbathing in a solarium. Well, I don’t know if it’s possible to re-tan in this way - I’ve never succeeded :) Here’s a photo from the “immediately after” series. Hanged mainly to prove that “after” you don’t lose the ability to smile. Some roughness of the muzzle, in my opinion, can also be seen.

The most unpleasant thing in this story is the next morning. There is no anesthesia anymore, the face is burning without any cooling, plus swelling. The size of the swelling depends. The first time I did this nanoperforation, it was simply many times larger - it coincided with the cycle, in the second phase I generally swell with or without reason. The second time it’s easier. This (third) time can be considered close to ideal :) This is what this “ideal” looks like:

Gradually, the face stops burning, but begins to actively roughen. Dr. Karpova gives all patients a tube of Bipanten cream (sold in all pharmacies at some ridiculous prices, and a great thing, by the way, when some wounds need to be healed or the consequences of hair removal are reduced to zero) and a small “drip” of Unigel. Unigel is a drug that should be lubricated on the face after washing twice a day. It is cloudy white, odorless, and, according to Dr. Kryukova, works wonders. Well, I don’t know whether it’s miracles or not, but on the second day my swelling completely went away. And here's what's left:

Such a mesh, as if gauze had been placed on the face, pressed firmly - and traces remained. This is the evening of the second day. What will happen on the third, fourth and fifth, I already know from experience - active peeling, from under which very smooth, very delicate and almost flawless skin will begin to appear, only slightly too pink. Then there will be more areas of pink skin, and fewer “peeling” areas.

Then I'll just look really good.

But, despite the fact that I know all this, I will still make another post-photo report. And I’ll add some details and feelings that I don’t remember now.

And more good news - Dr. Evgenia Karpova agreed to be a beauty insider's expert in cosmetology. Soon we will come up with a permanent page where you can ask her questions. In the meantime, you can ask questions here in the comments.

PS: I almost forgot about the prices: nanoperforation of the face - 18,000 rubles, face + neck + décolleté - 37,000 rubles, eyes or hands separately - 5,000 rubles, scars individually - 1,500.

Possible side effects

Complications after fractional laser rejuvenation procedures are extremely rare. Most often, negative consequences are observed due to the unprofessional actions of a cosmetologist who neglects the processing instructions. Sometimes side effects occur due to the client's failure to follow skin care recommendations.

Most likely complications:

  • severe hyperemia of the skin, which goes away on its own after three days;
  • swelling;
  • dark skin tone;
  • excessive dryness and flaking of the skin;
  • burns;
  • scars and cicatrices;
  • white or yellow milia raised above the surface (dense nodules that form under the skin);
  • inflammatory processes in damaged areas;
  • the phenomenon of hyperpigmentation (may appear as a result of exposure to sunlight).

Complications after fractional laser rejuvenation will not appear if you prepare well before the procedure, choose a reliable clinic and an experienced professional.


The procedure is performed in a salon or clinic by a qualified specialist. No complex pre-preparation activities are required.

Algorithm for conducting a laser nanoperforation session:

  1. The skin is cleaned of contaminants with a special degreasing agent with disinfectant properties.

  2. To prevent pain during the procedure, an anesthetic gel is applied to problem areas.
  3. The eyes are covered with special glasses to avoid damage from the laser.
  4. They begin the laser treatment session, smoothly moving the handpiece along the surface of the zone. The laser operates contactlessly, at a short distance.
  5. After the end of the session, a soothing cream is applied to the treated area, after wiping with a tonic.

The exposure time for facial treatment is no more than 20 minutes. During the procedure, the patient may feel a slight burning sensation.

Frequently asked questions about fractional laser rejuvenation

Minimum age allowed for laser facial rejuvenation

There are practically no restrictions. The procedures can be performed as early as 17 years of age to get rid of acne scars.

For women over 40 who want to maintain youth and attractiveness, the technique is especially useful, since laser beams provoke the production of their own collagen by skin cells.

The recovery period after fractional laser rejuvenation is usually 7–14 days. The duration of rehabilitation depends on the complexity of the problem and the type of laser treatment.

When can I start working?

This depends on what type of laser treatment was used, on the area of ​​problem areas, and on the experience and skills of the cosmetologist. The recovery period, based on the method and complexity of the defects, ranges from two days to three weeks. It happens that the patient can start working just a day after the session.

How long does it take to see results?

It takes about six months for the skin to be completely renewed and the effect to become noticeable. The result lasts for about five years.

Fractional laser facial skin rejuvenation is a highly effective cosmetic procedure. It has many advantages compared to similar anti-aging techniques. But you need to know that this procedure is not suitable for everyone and has contraindications. Therefore, you must first consult with a specialist. And to reduce the risk of complications, you should choose only reliable and trusted clinics.

Why clients choose Veronika Herba Beauty and Health Center:

  • This is a beauty center where you can take care of yourself at a reasonable cost, while your face and/or body will be treated not by an ordinary cosmetologist, but by one of the best cosmetologists in Moscow. This is a completely different, higher level of service!
  • You can receive qualified help at any time convenient for you. The beauty center is open from 9:00 to 21:00, seven days a week. The main thing is to agree with your doctor in advance on the date and time of your appointment.

Sign up for a consultation with a specialist by phone +7 (495) 085-15-13

, and you will see for yourself!

For facial skin rejuvenation

Laser facial perforation is a fractional method of rejuvenation, restoration of the structure of internal tissues by activating the body’s own natural processes. The essence of the rejuvenation method is a laser beam directed at the problem area, which is divided into many thin rays.

They are placed on the surface of the epidermis like a mesh. At the point of contact of the laser with the skin, an effect occurs that promotes the opening of internal channels. Neighboring healthy cells begin to actively regenerate, releasing elastin, collagen, and hyaluronic acid.

All these substances are responsible for the youth of the skin, and their synthesis under the influence of laser promotes the rapid restoration and strengthening of intercellular structures.

The method works delicately; the laser attachment can be used to treat hard-to-reach areas of the face. Unlike a similar, but more traumatic method - laser resurfacing, nanoperforation can be carried out regardless of seasonality. Nanoperforation for the purpose of facial rejuvenation is carried out in a course.

The number and interval between sessions is determined by a cosmetologist after assessing the problem. As a rule, the course can include up to 4 sessions, the interval between them is 3-4 weeks. For a visible result and prolongation of the aesthetic effect, a specialist may recommend a complex of nanoperforation with biorevitalization, superficial salicylic peeling or facial mesotherapy.

The cost of the course depends on the qualifications of the cosmetologist, location and level of the clinic and averages from 10,000 rubles. for one front zone . The cost of a full course of facial rejuvenation is from 25,000 rubles.

How is the laser neck skin rejuvenation procedure performed?

There are three stages that include a method of cleansing and rejuvenating the skin.

  1. Application of a specialized product to the skin of the face and neck, which provides the epidermis with nutrients, preparing it for subsequent laser exposure.
  2. A cosmetologist aims a laser beam at a problem area of ​​the skin. The length of the beam and the time of its exposure are set by a specialist and depend on the problem being solved and the actual state of the epidermis. The method of pain relief is selected according to the type of procedure. If during the session the superficial or middle level of the skin is involved, then local anesthetics are used, if deep, general anesthesia is indicated.
  3. At this stage, a specialized paste is applied to the face and neck, which promotes the regeneration of subcutaneous tissues and rapid healing of the dermis.

All stages of the procedure take place under the close attention of a doctor. The operation of the equipment is also carried out under the supervision of a specialist who sets the necessary parameters on the laser device (beam length and duration of action). For these reasons, there are simply no unexpected situations.

The laser beam is directed to the problem area of ​​the skin, burns its top layer, thereby eliminating defects. In addition, the beam stimulates nearby cells to restore and multiply. This cell reaction to the laser activates the independent production of collagen, which is responsible for skin elasticity.

It is worth noting that the laser beam is capable of destroying microbes. It eliminates pathogenic flora on the skin and immediately disinfects it.

Read material on the topic: Mesothreads for facelift: pros and cons of the procedure


Nanoperforation contributes to the formation of a positive result after the first application, however, it should be remembered that the consolidation of the pronounced effect occurs only after the results of a full course of procedures. The cost of one session can fluctuate significantly and is determined by a number of factors, including:

  • qualifications of the specialist performing the manipulations;
  • area subject to treatment (its size and location);
  • availability of additional services (this could be primary or secondary consultations, anesthesia, etc.)

You can see approximate prices for laser processing of this type in the table below. Do not forget that all amounts are given for one visit to a specialist, and to obtain a 100% result you will need a full course, the cost of which can reach 50 - 70 thousand rubles.

Treatment areaAll areas of the faceIndividual areas of the faceIndividual areas of the body
Price (rubles)From 20,000 to 30,000From 8,000 to 12,000From 4,000 to 8,000
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