Biorevitalization of lips: innovative restoration

Lips are a very sensitive and delicate organ of the human body. And for the fair sex they have a special meaning, or rather, their shape and appearance. Therefore, cosmetic lip care services are always in demand. The most popular treatments have been and remain those that help prevent skin aging. Recently, lip moisturizing with hyaluronic acid has become increasingly popular.

There are a number of questions associated with it that concern both young girls who have never tried anything like this, as well as mature women who have already felt the first signs of skin aging:

1. Why hyaluronic acid?

2. What is this for?

3. Is this procedure really necessary?

4. Is it necessary to have this done by a specialist or can you buy the drug yourself and do everything at home?

The cosmetology clinic offers you the following procedures:

  • biorevitalization of the neck;
  • mesotherapy of the scalp;
  • biorevitalization;
  • plasma lifting;
  • injection cosmetology;
  • etc.

The role of hyaluronic acid

This compound is present in absolutely every human body, in many of its organs. In its pure form, it is a transparent jelly-like or gel-like substance. Hyaluronic acid plays an irreplaceable role - it regulates hydrobalance in tissues and takes part in the synthesis of elastin and collagen. The elasticity and hydration of the skin, including lips, depend on these components.

At a young age, up to about twenty years old, there are no problems with the production of your own hyaluronic acid. However, over time, there is a gradual decline in its production by the body. Its chemical composition also changes somewhat. Together, these factors smoothly start the aging process of the body.

There are two options for getting out of this situation:

  • do nothing and perceive yourself as you are;
  • turn to specialists to carry out the necessary procedures and feel young and beautiful for a long time.

Preparations containing a predominance of hyaluronic acid are widely used in cosmetology. Various creams, lotions, balms, masks and other products for external use are very popular. It is included in some dietary supplements to maintain skin tone.

Injection procedures using hyaluronic acid are almost the most harmless of all those produced, since the composition of a quality product is closest to what the body produces on its own. Its main property is hydrophilicity, it allows you to restore the hydrobalance of the surface of the lips.

But we should not forget that any cosmetic product, even one that is as close as possible in composition to natural, can be perceived by the body as a foreign body. Lips need hydration much more than other parts of the body, and since they are also very sensitive, hyaluronic acid must be of the highest quality.

About contour correction of the lips and area around the mouth

By injecting hyaluronic acid filler subcutaneously into the red border of the lips and the area around the mouth, you can:

  • emphasize the contour and add additional volume;
  • moisturize the skin of the lips;
  • straighten the folds around the mouth - purse-string wrinkles;
  • correct the shape of the lips and eliminate asymmetry of lines in this area;
  • rejuvenate the skin of the red border;
  • raise the corners of your lips.

For this procedure, monophasic and biphasic gels based on hyaluronic acid of a very high degree of purification are used - for a natural and uniform distribution of the gel and varying degrees of viscosity - depending on the problem being solved.

Doctors at our clinic use exclusively certified drugs registered in the Russian Federation and tested in practice. Differences in price are determined by the type of drug, dosage, viscosity and density.

Biorevitalization of lip skin

This is the name given to the method of subcutaneous injection of hyaluronic acid, the purpose of which is to moisturize the lips, but without increasing their volume. In the absence of risk factors and compliance with all sanitary rules, this is an absolutely safe and effective procedure. At the moment, it has proven its effectiveness, so it has a fairly high level of demand.

The procedure is performed using solutions based on concentrated hyaluronic acid. The composition also contains amino acids that trigger the natural process of tissue regeneration. After it, temporary redness or slight swelling of adjacent tissues may be observed. All unpleasant symptoms disappear spontaneously. You can use a cold compress to speed up the process.

It is worth noting that one session of biorevitalization will not achieve a lasting effect. Hyaluronic acid tends to be gradually absorbed by the body.

Therefore, moisturizing, so necessary for the skin of the lips, will need to be repeated periodically. How often to do this depends on the individual parameters of the body.

Advantages of laser biorevitalization

Laser biorevitalization is most in demand for a number of reasons:

  • painlessness;
  • no contraindications or side effects;
  • minimum duration of the procedure (from a quarter of an hour to half an hour);
  • the result obtained lasts for a year.

It is possible to achieve a rejuvenating effect quickly with this procedure, since the laser used is capable of delivering the drug to the deep layers of the skin, almost to the basement membrane.

What will provide additional hydration?

Should you moisturize your lips at all? Some consider this a waste of time and money. Everyone has the right to their own opinion, even if it is erroneous or does not coincide with reality.

In fact, hydration is necessary, first of all, for the health of the mucous membrane of the lips, because, as you know, it is much thinner and more delicate than the skin. It is because of this feature that the mucous membrane often dries out, its elasticity decreases, and small wrinkles and even cracks appear. Lips appear thinner, lose their original shape and do not look as attractive as before.

Just in order to avoid all these troubles associated with premature aging, a procedure is carried out to moisturize the lips with hyaluronic acid. The expected result is getting rid of minor aesthetic defects and improving the overall appearance of the lips.

Depending on the initial condition of the tissue, the lips may slightly change their shape after the procedure. However, lip hydration is carried out without increasing their volume, and to change the size there is a separate procedure for which other means are used.

Moisturizing the lips with hyaluronic acid without increasing their size helps to form their correct contour. This is expressed in details such as:

  • raising the drooping corners of the mouth;
  • removal of wrinkles around the lips;
  • reduction of nasolabial folds.

Natural or acquired pallor of the lips also does not make a woman beautiful. The moisturizing procedure will also cope with this problem. Thanks to hyaluronic acid, lips acquire a healthy color and a brighter shade for a long time. The natural turgor of the skin increases.

Which product should I choose?

Of course “BioReVitaLips”. This is a unique product that is designed specifically for lips.

The product was developed taking into account all factors and special substances were selected that eliminate fine wrinkles, saturate the lips with moisture and protect against environmental influences.

Lips are a delicate area that requires special care and sometimes we simply forget that soft and sensitive skin needs doubly care.

"BioReVitaLips" moisturizes lips, returning them to their former volume and contours.

The product is indicated for patients with dry lips, those who want to get “plump” lips, those who want to avoid aging and simply emphasize the contour.

Like any medical product, BioReVitaLips has a number of contraindications. Before the procedure, you need to consult a specialist and not hide your illnesses.

Prerequisites for the procedure

It is an obvious fact that lips undergo age-related changes over time. However, external factors also have a significant impact, such as:

1. Ultraviolet. In the sun, lips are always the most vulnerable area. This happens because protective agents are not applied to them, and the effect of the lipstick does not last long.

2. Poor quality cosmetics. Everything is clear with cheap lipstick, but buying branded cosmetics is also not a guarantee of impeccable quality. Or rather, the problem is not the price of the product or the reputation of the manufacturer. It may contain any ingredient that causes an allergic reaction. Absolutely any component has a chance of becoming an irritant or causing individual intolerance.

3. Injuries of various types. Lips are extremely mobile, but at the same time, very vulnerable tissue of the human body. Every day they have to take part in processes such as eating food, expressing emotions, producing sounds, etc. It is not surprising that quite often one has to experience unpleasant sensations due to their traumatization. The reason for this may be weathering, cracks, peeling, burns from food or drinks, or accidental mechanical injuries.

4. Herpes and other infections. The frequency of herpetic rashes directly depends on the state of the immune system as a whole. This explains the fact that some people have no idea what herpes on the lips is, while others do not have time to treat it. When the body’s protective properties are weakened, the virus rapidly develops in microcracks in the thin skin of the lips. This applies not only to herpes; any pathogenic bacteria, once in an environment favorable to them, begin to actively function. The consequences of such unpleasant phenomena are scars and scars on the lips, the presence of which does not bring pleasure.

5. Asymmetry. It can be congenital, or appear as a result of trauma to facial tissues or previous diseases.

Any of these reasons leads to a deterioration in the appearance of the lips and can be at least partially corrected by professionally moisturizing the lip skin with hyaluronic acid.

Due to frequent drying, the mucous membrane of the lips loses its natural water balance and needs to be stimulated. Hyaluronic acid is the very component whose absence causes dryness, which entails the manifestation of the first signs of aging. In this case, we are not talking about an increase, this is a conscious choice of the client.

Moisturizing lips with hyaluronic acid is a procedure most often chosen by patients who have previously changed the volume or shape of their lips. The periodic process of moisturizing is a necessary measure to maintain tone


Photos before and after



I am happy to be among your guests at the clinic, I enjoy our communication, I am grateful for your super professionalism, for giving beauty and a sense of confidence in your professional actions, protection from “age-related changes”

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