Thiogamma for the face against wrinkles and its use - how to use the drug

Are you not surprised that despite the abundance of special cosmetics for skin care, with enviable regularity here and there information appears about the use of drugs that are completely far from cosmetology, specifically to combat wrinkles or dark circles under the eyes? Is it possible that the elixir of eternal youth has just been discovered? How do you think? Let's look at the example of Thiogamma.

In this article:

Purpose of the drug Properties of thiogamma Indications for cosmetic use Contraindications Side effects Home conditions BEFORE and AFTER PHOTOS

Action of Thiogamma

Thiogamma is not originally intended for facial skin. This is a pharmaceutical solution for intravenous administration. How did he get into the beauty industry and arouse such increased interest among women? One of the famous beauty bloggers shared the recipe for a miracle anti-aging serum, which was made with Tiogamma. The blogger discovered this solution due to the content of such an active substance as alpha-lipoic acid (ALA). Users were hooked by the visible positive results using a product with a low price.

Now more and more girls prefer a budget alternative to expensive ALA products. Let's remember how this acid is for the face:

  • the protective function of the skin from UV rays is enhanced;
  • cell and tissue restoration processes are improved;
  • the functioning of the sebaceous glands is regulated;
  • the skin is less exposed to pollution;
  • premature aging is prevented;
  • the skin becomes more elastic, wrinkles are smoothed out.

Lipoic acid is synthesized in our body independently, however, with age, its reserves are gradually depleted. Therefore, the substance is most often used as an anti-aging agent against wrinkles. In order to prolong youth and beauty, ALA is also consumed internally with the help of specially developed dietary supplements.

In cosmetology for the face, Thiogamma is taken with a concentration of 1.2%. This is a weak solution that is safe for the skin.

Benefits of the drug for the skin

Thiogamma solution has pronounced antioxidant characteristics. Thanks to this, it successfully copes with the effects of free radicals. As a result, age-related changes slow down and the elasticity of the epithelium increases. A characteristic feature of the drug is the ability to activate its functions in any environment, including water. The drug helps to start the processes of epithelial regeneration.

The active substance of the drug helps prevent the gluing of glucose to collagen fibers. This helps rejuvenate the dermis and smooth out wrinkles. Rapid cell recovery improves the appearance of the epithelium. The solution has antiseptic and healing properties. The substance successfully stops inflammatory processes.

In addition, the product can be used to eliminate acne and oily shine. This effect is explained by the ability of thiogamma to narrow the pores and ducts of the sebaceous glands. An important feature of the medicine is its pronounced healing effect. Therefore, the drug helps to cope with acne and boils. The substance successfully eliminates purulent rashes.

Application in cosmetology

It is recommended to think about purchasing Thiogamma for skin in the following cases:

  1. Unhealthy complexion.
  2. The presence of facial and pronounced wrinkles.
  3. Pimples, acne.
  4. Dermis with increased fat content or dryness.
  5. Redness and other damage.

The substance is sold in almost any pharmacy at an affordable price. It has three release forms:

  1. Tableted. This is a drug for oral administration. To use it in cosmetology, the tablets must first be crushed.
  2. In ampoules.
  3. Injection. Available in 50 ml bottles.

In cosmetology, it is advisable to use solutions with a concentration of 1.2%. They have simple instructions and a convenient release form.

The packaging with Thiogamma usually comes with specialized bags in which the bottles are stored after opening. One bottle is completely enough for the course, so the substance is often purchased individually. The duration of sessions is from 10 to 30 days. If necessary, the course is repeated one more time during the year.

Apply the solution as a toner using a cotton pad in the morning and evening. The face is wiped with massage movements. You can also pour the liquid into a spray bottle and apply it to the skin by spraying. The face is first cleaned. Tap water contains metals, and therefore destroys the properties of the active substance of the solution. To avoid this, wash your face with micellar or rose water before the procedure. Some time after the session, moisturize your skin with your usual cream.

Thiogamma is also used to care for eyelids. To do this, make lotions from cotton pads soaked in a solution. The compresses are kept for 5 minutes.

Important information! After the first session, the skin may turn red. A tingling sensation may also occur. This is a normal reaction. In subsequent times, the skin will tolerate the substance more calmly.

Indications for use

The annotation for thiogamma contains no information regarding the use of the product for facial care. The medicine has not undergone appropriate clinical trials, and therefore there is no reliable information regarding its use in cosmetology practice.

However, the medicine is often used in the following cases:

  • increased skin sensitivity to water and cleansing substances;
  • excessive dryness of the epithelium, tendency to peeling and cracks in the corners of the mouth;
  • facial wrinkles in the lip area, in the area between the eyebrows, and in the eye area;
  • acne, uneven epithelial structure;
  • vitiligo;
  • dark marks under the eyes;
  • sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, tendency to burns.

Reviews from experts

Reviews from cosmetologists about Tiogamma for the face are different. And yet, most specialists are inclined to abstain from the pharmaceutical drug. No, not because of harm. It's all about ineffectiveness. The most common opinion of cosmetologists is not to save money and purchase high-quality cosmetics containing ALA.

The fact is that you need to know how to properly use Thiogamma for the face, observing all the nuances of the capricious alpha-lipoic (thioctic) acid. Otherwise, the result will be zero. In professional products from the world of cosmetology, the acid is stabilized, so its properties are not destroyed during use.

Reviews from many cosmetologists are collected into a single opinion, which is expressed by Olga Fem in the following video:

Thiogamma for the Face - another Beauty Myth?

What kind of medicine is this?

Thiogamma is a remedy that is used to regulate lipid and carbon metabolism. In medicine, the medicine is used to treat patients suffering from alcoholism or diabetes. The medicine can be found on sale in various forms. It can be tablets, injection solution or concentrate. The active component of the drug is meglumine salt of thioctic acid. Additionally, the product contains elements such as macrogol and purified water.

The product perfectly restores metabolism in patients suffering from diabetes. In this case, the medication is used internally. But external use can significantly reduce the number of wrinkles. The active ingredient helps improve sugar metabolism. As a result, collagen fibers stick together much less. The skin regeneration process is faster, the number of skin creases gradually decreases. A good result from the cosmetic use of the product will not be immediately noticeable. It is necessary to conduct a course of therapeutic procedures.

Correct use of the drug Thiogamma will achieve the following results:

  • elimination of small facial wrinkles;
  • elimination of acne;
  • narrowing of pores;
  • normalization of the sebaceous glands;
  • elimination of inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • significant reduction in the visibility of deep wrinkles.

With the help of the drug it is possible to solve a whole range of problems. But you cannot use the medication without first consulting a cosmetologist. Any medicine has its contraindications. Thiogamma for the face is no exception.

It is not advisable to use the drug in patients under 18 years of age. During pregnancy, it is also advisable to avoid cosmetic procedures using Thiogamma. Under the influence of hormones you can get unpredictable results. In rare cases, women may develop an allergic reaction associated with individual intolerance to one of the components of the medication.

Storage of the solution

The substance is stored in the refrigerator. Once opened, the solution should not be used for longer than 30 days. According to the instructions, the product has a longer shelf life. However, for cosmetic purposes, it is not advisable to store Thiogamma for a long time, since its beneficial properties disappear over time.

Some people do not open the bottle completely, but make a kit using a syringe. Also, after opening, the bottles are packed into bags.

Interesting to know! Did the solution thicken during storage? Dilute with saline solution.

Efficacy of the drug

You should not expect significant results after one procedure. To achieve a noticeable effect, you need to carry out treatment for at least 1 month. The course of therapy is repeated several times a year. The specific frequency depends on the condition of the epithelium and the desired effect.

The use of thiogamma for cosmetic purposes helps to obtain the following results:

  1. Achieve a noticeable reduction in minor wrinkles. After 10 days of active use of the substance, small expression wrinkles in the area of ​​the eyes and lips are smoothed out.
  2. Make deep wrinkles less pronounced. Coping with such defects without serious intervention is very problematic. However, using thiogamma within a month helps make wrinkles less noticeable.
  3. Improve complexion. Thanks to the restoration of metabolic processes in the structure of the epithelium, it is possible to make it fresher and more beautiful. The use of the substance helps lighten age spots on the skin.
  4. Smooth out acne scars. Thiogamma helps smooth the surface of the epithelium. After just 2 months, the face becomes smoother and more beautiful.
  5. Restore the functioning of the sebaceous glands. After using thiogamma, oily shine is eliminated and the face becomes more matte. At the same time, it is better not to use this product for owners of dry skin.
  6. Achieve narrowing of pores. Thanks to this, the skin becomes smooth, its strength and elasticity increases. The medicinal substance has a harmonious effect on the skin. First, it restores metabolism, and then narrows pores. Thanks to this, the pores are cleaned of impurities and then closed. This helps prevent inflammatory processes.
  7. Cope with rashes and acne. The use of thiogamma helps eliminate inflammation on the skin, cope with pimples and acne.

What harm can a pharmaceutical product cause?

The substance may cause harm in rare cases. It is enough not to resort to frequent use of the solution (2 times a day, 2 courses per year - maximum). It is also worth studying the contraindications:

  • children under 18 years of age;
  • dehydration;
  • allergy;
  • individual intolerance;
  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • pregnancy and lactation period.

Before use, do an allergy test. Apply a little product to the inner elbow area. Observe your skin's reaction throughout the day.

Tiogamma solution for inf. 1.2% 50ml n10

from 1550 ₽

More details


Thiogamma is not at all harmless as it might seem. There are also restrictions on its use:

  • childhood and adolescence;
  • individual intolerance;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding

There may also be latent health threats, so before using the substance, consultation with a specialist is necessary. The most common is the occurrence of allergic reactions, which an allergy test will help to avoid: a drop of Thiogamma is applied to the wrist and after a quarter of an hour the skin’s reaction to the substance is assessed.

Photo by cottonbro: Pexels

The appearance of itching, burning, redness of the skin is a taboo for using the drug. The product must be washed off your hands and forgotten about its existence. If nothing like this happens, the skin is inert - there are no obstacles to use.

Cosmetics or pharmaceutical product

Why do some people prefer to purchase products with thioctic acid, if they can buy the same substance much cheaper? The pharmaceutical product Tiogamma, which is taken for the face, has a price much lower than any cosmetic product.

Yes, the active ingredient is the same - ALA. However, how effective is it in the Thiogamma solution from the pharmacy? ALK is a very capricious molecule that is poorly adapted to many external factors:

  • metals (often found in tap water);
  • ambient temperature;
  • sugar;
  • light;
  • air.

It is enough to wash your face before applying Thiogamma for the skin or after - and there will be no effect. You are wasting the substance. The thing is that ALA in a pharmaceutical solution is not stabilized.

In cosmetics, the acid is hidden in liposomes (most often), so the capricious molecule is adapted and ready to enrich the dermis with all its beneficial properties. And this confirms that cosmetic preparations are more effective than drugs from the pharmacy.

Interesting to know! The maximum concentration of ALA in cosmetics is 1%.

If you know the rules for using Thiogamma for the face, follow all the conditions, taking into account the vagaries of the active substance, then the result is possible. Only a-lipoic acid behaves much better together with other components. Therefore, it is advisable to make facial masks using Tiogamma.

Side effects

If the drug provokes unwanted side reactions, you should stop using it and consult your doctor. The undesirable consequences of using thiogamma include the following:

  • If the immune system is damaged, there is a risk of allergies. In severe cases, anaphylactic shock may develop.
  • From the hematopoietic and lymphatic systems, subcutaneous pinpoint hemorrhages, hemorrhagic rashes, and thrombophlebitis may appear. There is also a risk of thrombocytopenia and thrombopathy.
  • On the part of the nervous system, there is a risk of impaired taste, seizures, and epilepsy attacks.
  • When the digestive organs are affected, nausea and vomiting are observed. There is also a risk of bowel dysfunction and abdominal pain.

With rapid administration of the drug, intracranial pressure may increase or breathing may be impaired. The medicine may cause a decrease in the amount of glucose in the blood, which will lead to signs of hypoglycemia. It manifests itself in the form of excessive sweating, headaches, blurred vision and dizziness.

Anti-aging masks at home

Drugs with ALA are in particular demand among older women. However, it is permissible to use the product from an adult age for prevention purposes.

Check out super recipes for anti-aging masks at home. Prepare all the ingredients for future use; do not store leftovers.

With oils

This mask not only helps you rejuvenate, but also gets rid of acne and blackheads. Suitable for oily skin.


  • almond oil - 1.5 tsp;
  • avocado oil - 1.5 tsp;
  • tea tree oil - 1 ml;
  • Thiogamma - 1-2 ml;
  • cranberry juice - 3 ml;
  • silk protein - 2 ml.

The mixture of oils must be slightly heated by steam, then combined with the rest of the components. The mixture is kept for min. 15. Frequency - 2-3 times a week.

With cognac and caffeine

Thiogamma is great for wrinkles. And in combination with other components it can eliminate other shortcomings. This mask not only rejuvenates, but also tightens pores and improves skin color.


  • drug in tablets - 4-5 pcs.;
  • caffeine ampoule;
  • 15 ml of weight loss product from Grandma Agafya’s Recipes;
  • 20 ml cognac.

The tablets are crushed and combined with the other components. The mass is kept for up to 20 minutes.

With sea salt

An excellent remedy against facial wrinkles. Suitable for all derma types.


  • pair of tables aspirin;
  • wheat germ oil;
  • sea ​​salt + some water;
  • 2-3 ml of solution.

Salt is mixed with water until it becomes mushy. Then it is applied to the face for about 10 minutes. After that, it is washed off and a mass of crushed aspirin, oil and the drug is prepared. The mixture is kept for the same amount of time. Finally, the skin is wiped with chamomile infusion.

Composition and release forms of Thiogamma

Thioctic acid is a universal and powerful antioxidant. It fights free radicals, stopping the aging process. The advantageous difference from other antioxidants (vitamins C and E) is the ability to become active in a fatty environment.

It is known that adequate production of collagen by the body is responsible for maintaining youth and elasticity of the skin. Over time, its amount gradually decreases, which leads to the formation of facial wrinkles, and later age-related wrinkles.

Important! Expression wrinkles are superficial, occurring when expressing emotions. Age folds are deep wrinkles.

The acid contained in the drug stops the glycation of collagen or its gluing with saccharides. Thiogamma helps retain moisture in the skin by activating glucose metabolism.

The medicine has the following forms:

  1. Pills. Pills are available from pharmacies only with a prescription. They are not intended for use in cosmetology.
  2. Solution. The product is sold in bottles and can be used to eliminate facial wrinkles at a concentration below 1.2%. The solution has a yellowish tint.

Attention! A concentrated solution, characterized by a greenish tint, cannot be used to smooth out wrinkles.

After opening the package, the solution can be used within a month. It is advisable to draw the required amount of substance from the vial using a sterile syringe.

Consumer Opinions

There are quite a lot of responses on review sites about using the substance on the face. There are more pros than cons. The skin is moisturized, smoothed and rejuvenated. Another significant advantage of the product is its cost.

Disadvantages include inconvenient use. Some write that they expected more, however, they are happy with this result.

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Recipes for facial skin rejuvenation

How can you achieve an instant effect before an important event? It is worth preparing a remedy based on the medicine, adding other useful ingredients. It is no coincidence that the recipe that will be described below is popularly called “slaughterhouse”. After all, small wrinkles can be smoothed out almost immediately, and deep creases become much less noticeable. To prepare, you will need a solution for infusion, a little vegetable oil (you can use olive oil), and a few drops of vitamin E. All ingredients are mixed in equal proportions. Leave the mask on for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water and apply a suitable moisturizer. Alpha lipoic acid will help restore the natural texture of the skin, and vitamin E accelerates cell regeneration.

Other medications that contain thioctic acid can also be used for rejuvenation.

The main component of Thiogamma is also found in other medications. Thus, a rejuvenating recipe based on Korilip candles is popular. You will also have to prepare sea or table salt, as well as Aspirin powder (can be replaced with tablets previously crushed to a powder). The salt should also be ground and diluted with boiled water until the consistency of thick sour cream is obtained. Before starting the procedure, the face must be thoroughly cleansed. The salt mixture should be used to fill facial wrinkles (it is advisable to apply it with a cotton swab).

Korilip candles, which also contain thioctic acid, are pre-melted in the microwave until liquid. You also need to add a little aspirin powder to the hot mass. You should get a marshmallow mass. The resulting mask is applied to the creases where the salt mixture was previously used. This must be done as quickly as possible. The fact is that candles tend to harden very quickly.

Upon completion of the procedure, the skin should be moisturized with a suitable cream.

In those places where wrinkles are deepest, the mask should be lightly tamped with patting movements. Leave the mixture on your face for 5-10 minutes. Then you should massage the problem areas for about 30 seconds. After this, the mask is washed off with warm water, and a moisturizer is applied to the skin of the face. It is advisable to carry out the procedure in the evening, before bedtime. In the morning you will notice that small wrinkles are practically unnoticeable, and deep ones have significantly decreased.


Tiagamma solution has analogues. Check out the TOP 3 drugs with identical active ingredients.


Octolipene conc.d/inf. 30mg/ml 10ml n10

from 385 ₽

More details

Smoothes out fine wrinkles, ideal at the initial stage of skin aging. Before use, the drug is diluted in other liquids. It is prohibited to use octopylene on the face in its pure form.

Berlition 300

Berlition 300 concentration d/inf. 25mg/ml 12ml n5

from 576 ₽

More details

A popular and effective anti-wrinkle product. It has a minimum of contraindications and side effects.

How else to use Thiogamma: mask recipes

To more effectively combat wrinkles, you can resort to using a complex mask. First of all, you will need finely ground sea salt; it must be mixed with a small amount of water to obtain a thick paste. The resulting mixture is applied directly to the wrinkles using a cotton swab, making tamping movements. After 10 minutes, the mass is removed, and the next stage is carried out - a mixture of Thiogamma with aspirin powder is applied to these areas with light pats. Without washing off the product, perform a light 30-second facial massage, after which you wash thoroughly with warm water. Finally, you can wipe your face with chamomile infusion. Thanks to this multi-step process, it is possible to achieve truly noticeable results. You can also prepare an active tonic by adding an oil solution of retinol to the Thiogamma bottle.

There are no special recipes for masks with this drug, since it itself has an excellent anti-aging effect. The product is quickly absorbed, and if desired, you can apply cream to your face after the procedure.

Key provocateurs for the appearance of wrinkles in the eye area

Experts identify various factors that influence the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes. Among the main ones are frequent smiles or grimaces. Although emotions are necessary, it is important that active facial expressions do not overstrain the area around the eyes and do not provoke the appearance of wrinkles and creases in the skin.

Another factor contributing to the formation of wrinkles is poor vision, which causes frequent or almost constant squinting.

Sudden weight loss affects the condition of the skin of the body and face, including the area around the eyes. The tone decreases, small wrinkles appear.

The genetic predisposition to dry skin and sensitivity is especially pronounced where the epidermis is particularly thin. Therefore, the area around the eyes is one of the first to suffer.

Fatigue of the muscles of the periorbital zone can provoke an acceleration of the appearance of wrinkles; the problem is complemented by an incorrectly selected pillow for sleeping.

Improperly performed self-massage of the face can harm the skin, causing the development of wrinkles.

The appearance of wrinkles in this area can also be influenced by poor nutrition and drinking regimen, deficiency of minerals and vitamins, digestive pathologies and endocrine diseases, allergies (including to cosmetics).

Refusal to wear sunglasses provokes accelerated photoaging and constant squinting.

Bad habits, especially smoking, seriously affect the condition of the eyes. Stress and constant anxiety contribute to a certain extent. In addition to combating these factors, in modern cosmetology there are real ways to effectively remove crow's feet around the eyes.

Questions and answers

Here are answers to frequently asked questions about Tiogamma for the face

Do I need to consult a doctor before using Thiogamma?

Despite the widespread use of Thiogamma in facial cosmetology and numerous positive reviews, before starting use, you should consult with a dermatologist or cosmetologist in order to exclude medical restrictions and not harm your own health.

Which form of the drug is more convenient to use?

The most convenient and effective solution for the face is Thiogamma solution, 1.2% yellow liquid in a bottle. The tablets need to be crushed and dissolved correctly, and this is not entirely convenient.

Can Thiogamma solution be applied undiluted?

You can apply Thiogamma, which is available in an infusion bottle at a concentration (1.2%) of 12 mg/ml undiluted. The tablets must be crushed.

The effect of using Tiogamma for the face

  • The active ingredient activates the natural production of collagen and accelerates the function of cell restoration. Under its influence, the dermis is deeply saturated with oxygen, which provides the skin with elasticity and firmness.
  • If you regularly apply the product to cleansed facial skin, morning and evening, the depth of wrinkles is noticeably reduced, and small expression lines completely disappear. The skin is rejuvenated, the size of the pores decreases, the skin of the face takes on a radiant appearance, becomes smoother, as if polished, dark circles and bags under the eyes also disappear.
  • Roughness, marks and post-acne scars are smoothed out well, the skin texture is evened out and takes on a natural and healthy appearance.

Hardware techniques

The use of modern devices allows us to stimulate the synthesis of natural collagen, activate the processes of rejuvenation and tissue regeneration.

Laser wrinkle removal is used in the course of photorejuvenation . Various types of lasers affect the skin, stimulating its renewal and tone. In addition, non-surgical blepharoplasty is also performed using laser machines.

Microcurrent therapy can also be used .
It helps stimulate metabolic processes in tissues, removes excess fluid, and increases the flow of oxygen. Information materials on the site are posted for informational purposes, not self-medication. Any plastic surgery is a surgical intervention. When deciding to have surgery, be sure to consult with a qualified professional.

Active substance

The name of the drug "Tiogamma" is consonant with the name of its main active component. It is thioctic, or alpha-lipoic acid. This substance is an antioxidant that affects metabolism. The result of this effect is the binding and removal of waste in the body, as well as increased breakdown of fats and cholesterol. In a healthy person, thioctic acid is produced by the body itself. However, in the presence of a pathological condition, it becomes necessary to administer this substance externally.

The drug "Tiogamma" has analogs that also contain thioctic acid. These are medicines such as “Berlition 300” and “Berlition 600”, “Octolipen” and “Neurolipon”, “Lipomide” (tablets) and “Tiolepta”, “Lipothioxone” and “Espa Lipon”, “Tioctacid BV” and “ Thioctacid 600.” Just like the drug "Tiogamma", these analogues are prescribed for symptoms of diabetic polyneuropathy, as well as alcoholic neuropathy.

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