What to do with wide pores on your face? Let's find out with the experts

Nothing can beautify a woman more than smooth, healthy facial skin. Unfortunately, many factors lead to the fact that young girls are faced with the problem of enlarged pores, blackheads and acne. And if it is not difficult to get into such trouble, then to correct the consequences you will have to put in a lot of effort, and often money.

Today I will talk about the causes of this scourge, and also reveal the secrets of how to clean and narrow the pores on the face at home and whether it is possible to get rid of them forever.

How to expand pores at home?

For those with enlarged pores on their faces, this task may seem strange - they say, why expand already wide pores? To cleanse them.

In order to make the pores on the nose and other parts of the face more convenient for cleaning, you should take a closer look at the following recommendations:

  • It is worth mixing 25 g of herbs such as string and chamomile. The mixture is poured with a liter of boiled water. All this needs to be put on the stove and brought to a boil. After 5 minutes, the workpiece is removed from the heat. Then the girl needs to lean over the container, covering her head with a towel to prevent steam from escaping.

IMPORTANT: Keep your face over the steam bath for no more than 15 minutes. Otherwise, you can only harm the skin.

To expand pores with a bath, you need to use a towel

  • A steam bath made from oak bark creates a wonderful effect . It not only expands the pores for cleaning, but also gives an antibacterial effect. You just need to pour 600 ml of water into about 20 g of bark. The water needs to be hot and the bark needs to be crushed. The workpiece is placed on the fire and brought to a boil. After a couple of minutes, the saucepan is removed from the stove - and the broth is ready for use!
  • If you don’t really want to do steam baths, you can simply fill the bathroom with a lot of hot water and stand there. The steam will open the pores, and you can clean them immediately on the spot. This is very beneficial, since the constantly present steam will prevent the pores from shrinking.
  • For girls with dry skin, a nourishing and pore-expanding mask made from olive oil, honey and apple cider vinegar is perfect. You just need to mix 1 teaspoon of oil and honey with 1 tbsp. l vinegar.

IMPORTANT: It is preferable to wash off such a mask with a decoction of chamomile or linden.

Honey is what you need to simultaneously enlarge pores and soften the skin

  • Another wonderful mask is a mixture of ¼ tsp soda with 1 tbsp. l oatmeal. The ingredients are poured with milk so that the resulting porridge has a thick consistency. You can wash off this mask with warm water 20 minutes after application.
  • A hot compress is also an excellent way to achieve the desired effect. First you need to wipe the skin, if it is too dry, with aloe juice. Or almond oil, jojoba. Then to 40-45 degrees . A towel is dipped into this water, then thoroughly wrung out and placed on the face. 2 or 3 minutes is enough After 2-3 repetitions, the pores will expand sufficiently.

What are the contraindications?

Methods for expanding skin pores involve performing special thermal and skin-warming procedures, which have their own number of contraindications such as:

  • infectious and inflammatory processes on the surface of the epidermis;
  • fragile vessels and capillaries, as well as those located close to the surface of the skin;
  • abscess formations and compactions;
  • fungal infections;
  • papillomas, large moles and other neoplasms;
  • hypertension and heart disease;
  • asthma and lung diseases.

Exfoliation is a method of combating enlarged pores on the face

Most girls are used to cleansing their faces every day with gels or foams selected for their skin type. They are good at removing fat and dust from the pores on the face, but they can’t do without exfoliation.

IMPORTANT: Squeezing out blackheads manually is extremely undesirable - this step will only injure the skin, but will bring practically no results.

This kind of squeezing of blackheads from the pores increases the risk of injuring the skin.
If you want to clean the pores on your face, it is better not to squeeze out the dots, but to use a scrub. It will remove dead cells that clog pores. As a result structure improves, and any cream is absorbed much better - in a word, an effective procedure.

It is recommended to use the following exfoliating scrubs after cleansing your face with foam or gel:

  • Coffee - both the remaining grounds and ground beans are perfect for this purpose. It is especially good to choose coffee for aging skin , as it immediately becomes radiant and takes on a healthy tone.
  • From eggshells - thanks to this scrub you can saturate the skin with hyaluronic acid and calcium. As a result, the youth of the integument is better preserved.

IMPORTANT: Pigment spots and fine wrinkles are eliminated.

  • Made from walnuts or pine nuts, such a remedy will be extremely nutritious . It will help even out the tone of the face and remove redness. In addition, walnut shells are gentle .

Walnut shells are something that can come in handy when cleansing pores

  • From oatmeal - it is especially preferable for those with oily skin to scrub their face with such flakes. Oatmeal can cleanse the pores and give it a matte appearance by regulating the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Aging skin will gain elasticity.
  • Made from soda - this product can replace luxury scrubs! Oily skin will definitely say “thank you” for eliminating greasy shine and thoroughly cleansing pores.
  • From sugar - it gives the skin a velvety feel by eliminating dead cells. Both white and brown types are suitable.

IMPORTANT: But in any case, the sugar must be fine to avoid a traumatic result.

  • From salt - it should also be fine. If your skin is of a combination type, you should use a scrub weekly. It should be borne in mind that sea water perfectly evens out the structure of the skin, and ordinary food oil eliminates dirt from the pores with a bang and serves as a good preventative against the formation of blackheads.

Salt for a scrub to cleanse pores should be fine.
But abrasive products are important, but not the only necessary part of the scrub. It should also include products with a gel or creamy consistency , which will prevent injury to the skin. For example:

  • Yogurt, sour cream - will leave a feeling of softness upon completion of the procedure. Since both of these products are great moisturizers, you can scrub your skin more often.
  • Fruit puree will enrich the scrub with vitamins and minerals. We recommend using applesauce or banana puree.
  • Olive oil – perfectly moisturizes and gives softness.

IMPORTANT: A scrub based on it will appeal to ladies with sensitive skin.

The consistency of olive oil helps make the pore cleansing scrub as gentle as possible.


Complicated preparation for the procedure is not needed, but visits to beaches, solariums, bathhouses and swimming pools 10 days before and after will need to be postponed. Be careful when using blood thinners - they are not recommended with injections. General contraindications are chronic diseases at the time of exacerbation, acute pathologies, oncological tumors, dermatological and systemic diseases. After injections, swelling, redness, and the formation of papules are possible, which normally disappear within a few days.

Home cryotherapy to tighten pores on the face

Are the pores on your face cleansed? It's time to narrow them down! It is well known that ice helps to do this. This procedure is called “cryotherapy”, and it is available even at home. You can use the following recipes:

  • Frozen mineral water helps a lot You can add a little lemon juice to it . It is recommended to wipe your nose, chin and forehead with these cubes in the mornings and evenings.
  • Ice cubes with aloe juice will not only cleanse the pores on your face, but will also help fight acne . However, aloe leaves should first be kept in the refrigerator for 11 days . Only then the juice is squeezed out of them and mixed in a ratio of 1:3 with sage decoction.
  • from rice water will help cleanse and whiten your skin To create such ice, you need to first wash the rice, boil it, and strain the resulting broth. This decoction is frozen.

IMPORTANT: Initially, the rice must be washed in plenty of water.

Rice will help cleanse your pores and whiten your skin.

  • Ice with orange and lemon will help cleanse the epidermis, as well as say goodbye to acne , improve your complexion, and smooth out small wrinkles. You just need to freeze the juice of these citrus fruits. Moreover, after the ice melts, it is recommended to leave the juice on your face for a while without wiping it off immediately.
  • Salt in the amount of 1 tbsp added to water will help narrow the pores and get rid of inflammation . This salted water is frozen - and now the home cryoprocedure is ready!
  • Frozen herbal decoctions are considered universal Sage, valerian, mint, parsley, and dill can be successfully used as raw materials

Review of the best products for cleansing skin from blackheads

Products for the care of oily skin from the Effaclar range meet all the needs of the type: control the secretion of sebum, deeply cleanse, reduce enlarged pores, and prevent the development of inflammatory processes in them. Comprehensive daily care helps reduce existing imperfections and prevent the appearance of new ones.

Effaclar anti-blackhead purifying mattifying mask


Purifying mattifying mask

Absorbs excess sebum, deeply cleanses, helps tighten pores and thereby has a mattifying effect, and also controls sebum production.

RUB 1,061 more details

Cleansing foaming gel to remove blackheads


Cleansing gel for oily skin

Effectively removes remaining impurities, delicately cleanses pores, mattifies the skin.

951 rub. more details

Anti-Blackhead Micro-Exfoliating Cleansing Gel


Micro-exfoliating gel

Thanks to an active formula that combines two types of acids and components that restore skin balance, the gel gently but intensively cleanses and exfoliates the epidermis and does not contain scrubbing particles that can injure problematic skin.

RUB 1,218 more details

Cleansing cream-gel for dry problem skin Effaclar

Effaclar H

Cleansing cream-gel

Gently cleanses, restores the hydrolipid mantle of the skin, has a sebum-regulating and antibacterial effect.

RUB 1,259 more details

Effaclar Ultra micellar water for oily problem skin


Micellar water

Thoroughly cleanses the skin of impurities, delicately removes makeup, and does not require rinsing with water. Mattifies, does not cause friction and damage to the protective barrier.

RUB 1,092 more details

Recipes for homemade masks to tighten pores on the face

The following masks are great for tightening the pores on your face:

  • Tomato will tighten the pores and improve the complexion. You just need to prepare tomato puree It is left on the face for 10 minutes and then removed with warm water.

IMPORTANT: Of course, you must first remove the seeds from the tomato.

This tomato puree will wonderfully tighten pores.

  • Made from white clay, it will be a real find for girls with oily skin. Clay will do a wonderful job of narrowing pores and also get rid of oily shine. You just need to dilute the clay with warm water - and you can apply it for 20 minutes , as soon as the mixture becomes similar in consistency to thick sour cream . 5 drops of lemon juice won't hurt
  • Made from green clay, this mask will perfectly cleanse pores before narrowing them. Enriched with minerals. It is recommended to mix the raw materials with olive oil, lemon juice and honey. It is applied in a thicker layer, since it needs to be left on for half an hour - during this time cracks will certainly appear and a thin layer may simply crumble.

Green clay mask perfectly tightens pores, healing the skin

  • Orange - citrus must be finely crushed to a paste , and then applied to the face for 10 or 15 minutes. After the specified time has passed, you should wash your face with boiled water, then nourish the skin with cream.
  • Protein - to prepare it you need to thoroughly beat the protein and mix it with lemon juice . 1 tsp won't hurt either. potato starch. Or a mixture of potatoes and flour. The mask lasts about 10-15 minutes.

IMPORTANT: Since this mask strongly tightens the skin, it is recommended to take a horizontal position while it is on your face.

  • Almond – consists of carefully ground almond nuts. They are diluted with water to a paste and applied to the skin for half an hour. You need to wash off the mask with lukewarm water. After rinsing, it is recommended to treat the skin with apple cider vinegar dissolved in water.

Almond mask is a godsend for those who want to tighten pores

Why do the sebaceous glands become overactive?

The skin can be affected by cleansers that contain a lot of alcohol, sulfates, silicones, and parabens. Pores can also expand due to the use of hydrophilic oils and frequent scrubbing of the stratum corneum.

If you regularly use such products, you can, of course, cleanse the skin, but there is also a risk of destroying the lipid barrier. It becomes thinner and integrity is compromised. The sebaceous glands want to help the skin, which is why they produce secretions. But as a result, the pores begin to actively expand. The more sebum, the wider the pores will become.

Pore ​​enlargement also occurs in case of hormonal imbalance. When there are disturbances in the female body, testosterone begins to manifest itself more actively, as a result of which the production of sebum increases. That is, testosterone irritates the glands, and sebum promotes the expansion of pores.

Enlarged pores under the eyes can also occur as a result of loss of elasticity of the skin. The collagen framework sags after some time, because the body produces less elastin and collagen. The skin becomes flabby. Due to the fact that the condition and density of the skin changes, the pores change their shape.

Salon procedures to tighten pores on the face

If you want to turn to professionals, you can take a closer look at the following salon procedures:

  • Microdermabrasion is the first thing anyone who wants to deal with large pores should pay attention to. The master uses special equipment with crystals of fine sand and aluminum oxide. But do not be afraid that the crystals will hurt the skin - they are extremely small. As a result, the pores will not only shrink, but also give you a smooth, fresh face.

IMPORTANT: For this effect you need to attend at least 6 sessions.

  • Laser resurfacing is another effective technique. It involves treating the skin with a laser beam. He carefully removes the top layer, thereby renewing the integument. This grinding allows you to say goodbye to post-acne, various pigmentations, and scars. Cleans even the deepest pores on the face. Usually prescribed in a course of 10-15 procedures.

This is what laser pore resurfacing looks like

  • Ultrasonic cleaning not only makes pores narrower, but also regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands and gets rid of comedones. It is noteworthy that each skin type requires its own ultrasound mode. The frequency of repetitions is also individual - sometimes you need to go for the procedure twice a month, and sometimes you need it more often.
  • Darsonvalization - treatment of the skin with pulsed current. The current triggers cell regeneration, due to which they are renewed, pores are narrowed to the maximum, and overall the quality of the integument is improved. The procedure is extremely effective and extremely safe. As a rule, along with darsonvalization, the cosmetologist prescribes other skin care procedures.

IMPORTANT: This procedure is suitable for everyone without exception, it is truly universal.

And this is what darsonvalization looks like to narrow pores.
It is difficult to protect yourself from the problem of enlarged pores on the face. Excessively dry or oily skin, dehydration, aging, exposure to sunlight or inappropriate skincare products are all triggers. Even heredity plays a role. But if you find yourself in a risk zone, you can always solve the problem!

Why is this procedure carried out?

Periodically it is necessary to deep clean the skin

In the absence of deep cleansing of the skin pores, over time they become clogged, which contributes to the accumulation of sebum, infection, inflammation and, as a result, the formation of acne with ulcers, as well as other problems.

From time to time it is necessary to carry out deep cleansing of the skin, which consists of persistently expanding the pores of the epidermis in order to remove all the contaminants accumulated in the process of life.

After such a procedure, the skin actively absorbs all the incoming components contained in care products that are valuable for maintaining its health and youth.

How often should you clean your skin?

The above arguments indicate that maintaining healthy skin requires the right comprehensive approach. Then the face will look fresh, radiant and healthy pores will only decorate it.

Skin care procedures can be divided into home and professional. Methods for self-healing facial skin include homemade masks, lotions, and industrial cosmetics. The beauty industry offers a wide range of professional care treatments and products.

How comedones are formed

The pore looks like a depression or a sac with a narrowed mouth. Its inner surface is lined with keratinocyte cells, which also make up the surface layer of the epidermis. The main property of these cells is the gradual death and formation of a protective stratum corneum of the skin. Their death occurs similarly inside the pores.

With excessive formation of skin secretion, dead cells do not have time to be removed; they mix with sebum (sebum secretion) and clog the pore. At the top, the contents of the pore oxidize and turn black. Due to the excess content, the pore and its mouth expand, and the epidermis takes on the appearance of an orange peel.

Improper use of skincare products worsens the problem. Alcohol-containing preparations dry out the epidermis and cause active growth of the protective stratum corneum, which clogs the pores. The sebaceous glands continue to work, but there is no outlet for secretion. Therefore, clogged pores expand and look like blackheads on the face.

Cleaning in the cabin

When visiting a salon, cleaning of nasal pores clogged with dirt will be carried out by a qualified specialist - he will select the optimal type of procedure and perform cleansing, preventing further spread of infection throughout the face.

The following effective salon cleaning methods are highlighted.


Cleaning clogged pores on the nose is performed using a device that generates high-frequency ultrasound. The procedure is performed in several stages:

  1. The face is cleansed of surface impurities or cosmetics.
  2. The problem area of ​​the skin is treated with a conductive gel.
  3. Cleansing is performed with a metal spatula - using an ultrasonic wave, the pores are cleansed and the keratinized layer of the epidermis is removed.
  4. Cleaning the pores on the nose with ultrasound is contraindicated if there is inflammation or ulcers - this can lead to the spread of infection.

Chemical peeling

Cleaning with fruit acids helps to easily get rid of surface dirt. Pores on the forehead and nose clogged with sebum are removed using products whose acid content does not exceed 30% of the composition, otherwise it can cause severe peeling of the epidermis and lead to a burn.

Atraumatic cleaning

This technique has proven itself to be one of the most effective ways to cleanse the pores on the nose of impurities. It is performed using sequential treatment of the problem area with various professional preparations.

Expert opinion

Anastasia Zaslavskaya

Dermatologist, cosmetologist

Superficial chemical peeling is also carried out, which contains lipolytics - they help remove excess fat.

For severely clogged pores, use a Uno spoon - after the described softening, it removes impurities without injuring the skin.

Manual cleaning

Most often, this cleansing is recommended for owners of oily and combination skin types. In spring, this procedure will help get rid of flaking and have a moisturizing effect on the face.

In the autumn, manual cleaning will replenish the lack of vitamins and reduce the number of age spots.

How pores work and why they get clogged

From a school biology course, we can remember a picture where the skin is depicted as a multi-layered cake with hairs growing out of it. The layers of skin have different functions. Together, they are responsible for our appearance and skin health.

The depressions visible on the surface of the skin are skin pores, which are formed by hair follicles. The ducts of the sebaceous and sweat glands emerge into them.

Pores perform several functions:

  1. Production of sweat to remove metabolic products and cool the surface of the body.
  2. Production of specific substances that give the smell to sweat.
  3. Releases the secretion of the sebaceous glands to naturally soften the skin.

Cosmetologist's advice

In general, pore size is determined genetically, so it cannot be changed. But each hole has a “collagen cuff”, which becomes thinner and decreases in size with age or due to unfavorable factors.

Before using all available means and methods, you need to understand the cause of dirty and wide pores. Most often, the causes of this condition can be:

  • hormonal problems due to malfunctions of the thyroid gland or pancreas;
  • poor quality skin cleansing;
  • accumulation of toxins in the body;
  • presence of bad habits;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • drinking disorders.

Also, do not discount constant stress, a weak immune system, taking hormonal medications, as well as the abuse of heavy decorative cosmetics.

It is possible to narrow the pores on the face with folk remedies and skincare cosmetics if the problem is not advanced. The main thing is to do all this regularly, without expecting an instant effect after the first procedure. In other cases, you will have to undergo cosmetic procedures in a salon.

Skin types as a basis for choosing cleaning products

Starting from the beginning, cosmetologists created a skin classification and adhered to these characteristics when choosing the type of care. Most women still do the same, and, having intuitively determined their skin type, choose suitable cosmetics.

Let us list the main skin types, according to the accepted classification:

  1. Dry.

    This is thin, light skin, with almost invisible pores and without rashes. Subcutaneous fatty tissue is thin, sebaceous glands are small.

  2. Fat.

    Thick skin with large sebaceous glands. The surface is shiny and prone to acne. A thick layer of fat contributes to the later appearance of wrinkles.

  3. Normal

    . The most unpretentious skin type, has slightly visible pores. Doesn't dry out after washing.

  4. Combined

    . This is the name of the skin, which can combine different skin types: dry, normal, oily.

  5. Dehydrated

    . This includes any skin type that has a water imbalance. Dehydration is expressed in a faded appearance, flaking and irritation.

Innovative cosmetology has moved away from old traditions, and now types of skin care are based on specific problems. It is still recommended to determine the type in order to understand its structure and susceptibility to the influence of various factors.

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