Expression wrinkles on the face: causes of appearance and methods of correction

Every day our face makes thousands of muscle contractions while we smile, laugh, become indignant and angry, expressing our emotions through facial expressions.

At a very young age, due to its elasticity, the skin quickly returns to its original state as soon as the facial muscles involved in facial expressions relax. But over time, the structure of the skin changes, its elasticity is lost and small creases form at the site of muscle contractions, which are called expression wrinkles.

Expression wrinkles are the first signs of age-related skin changes. And in order to preserve youthful skin for as long as possible, you need to consult a specialist: a cosmetologist will help you choose the right skin care and select a technique for the prevention and correction of facial wrinkles.

Reasons for appearance

Active facial expressions are not the only cause of early facial wrinkles. There are several factors that affect the condition of the skin, reducing its firmness and elasticity:

  • insufficient skin care;
  • influence of the external environment (water quality, air pollution, climate (sharp fluctuations in humidity and air temperature));
  • photoaging (frequent exposure to the sun, lack of skin protection from ultraviolet radiation);
  • low-quality cosmetics;
  • thin and dry skin (usually expression lines appear and become noticeable at the age of 30, but with this type of skin they can appear up to 25 years);
  • congenital hyperactivity of muscle fibers in a certain area (the area around the eyes, on the forehead);
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • bad habits (smoking, alcohol).

The first signs of facial skin aging

At the age of 25-30, visible changes begin. With age, the cycle of epidermal change almost doubles, which becomes noticeable first at the level of tactile sensations, and then in the mirror. At the same time, moisture evaporation accelerates, which provokes tightness and increases peeling. Then the process gains momentum, dark circles and bags appear. If earlier they signaled overwork or lack of sleep, now they indicate obvious disturbances in the functioning of internal organs and the not very rosy state of the epidermis.

By the age of 50, the process accelerates, following a cumulative principle. Previously manifested signs of facial skin aging in women worsen, and a number of new ones appear. These include:

  • loss of clarity of contours;
  • the appearance of so-called jowls and folds around the neck;
  • slowing down the production of hyaluronic acid;
  • increased sensitivity to sunlight and temperature changes;
  • reduction in the amount of moisture, difficulty retaining it;
  • less sebum production by the sebaceous glands;
  • slowing down the regeneration rate.

Many scientists and cosmetologists are looking for ways to get rid of aging facial skin. So far, no one has succeeded in this, but clear patterns have been identified to slow down the process.

To do this, you need to eliminate unfavorable factors. These include smoking, poor environmental conditions and unbalanced nutrition. A person can do this on his own; for the rest, the help of specialists with appropriate qualifications is required. Competent selection of products for comprehensive care is especially important. In this case, a mistake will be very expensive; if you have the slightest doubt, it is better not only to refuse the cream or tonic, but to first consult a cosmetologist.

Anti-age drugs

Curacen Essence (20 fl x 2 ml)

Laennec – solution for injection

Bb Laboratories – Serum “Arcanum”

Premium set “Ideal facial skin. Healthy tone"

Types and types of facial skin aging in women and their characteristics are conventionally divided into several main groups. Each is characterized by specific external manifestations, which are taken into account to develop directions, select measures to maintain beauty and prevent early fading.

  1. “Tired” aging is characterized by drooping features, downward-pointing corners of the eyes and lips, which provokes constant overwork, smoking, stress, and lack of sleep. Manifestations of this type are especially noticeable in the evening. A review of your daily routine, nutritional principles, and regular deep facial massage will help correct the situation.
  2. “Wrinkled” aging is indicated by a clearly defined mesh pattern on the face and neck. In most cases, the prerequisites are genetic; insufficient hydration aggravates the process. It is necessary to reliably protect the skin from the harmful effects of wind, UV radiation and temperature contrasts; among skin care products to prevent skin aging, preference is given to moisturizing creams, fluids and serums with a high degree of penetration into the epidermis.
  3. Age-related deformity is most noticeable in those who have excess subcutaneous fat. Under its weight, the contours begin to blur, a double chin forms, and puffiness under the eyes. For correction, it is advisable to use cosmetics that have a lifting effect and stimulate the synthesis of elastin and collagen fibers.
  4. The combined type is the most common. It combines most of the characteristics of previous species, but not so clearly. Skin aging is characterized by a decrease in the elasticity of soft tissues and the formation of wrinkles. Cosmetologists recommend peeling, mesotherapy, and hyaluronic acid injections.
  5. Late manifestation of age-related changes is typical for older people, when the temples and cheeks recede, the cheekbones and brow ridges move forward and acquire prominence, the eyes and mouth seem deep-set, and facial features become sharper. When these signs appear, large-scale correction is only possible with the help of plastic surgery, and not in all cases; each is considered separately, based on the general condition of the body and its individual characteristics.

Related factors

In addition to the main reasons that provoke the appearance of facial wrinkles, there are also associated factors that make them more pronounced:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • passion for solarium and sunbathing contribute to a decrease in skin firmness and elasticity;
  • hormonal changes, due to which facial wrinkles can become more noticeable;
  • diets and lack of nutrients contribute to the deterioration of skin quality and the early appearance of wrinkles;
  • stress and nervous shock (any stress has a negative effect on the skin);
  • any active facial expressions (the habit of pursing your lips, the habit of frowning during a conversation, squinting, etc.) provokes the appearance of early wrinkles.

If age-related wrinkles form at a more mature age, then the first facial wrinkles appear quite early and it is more difficult to resist them, because our facial expressions work constantly.

It is worth mentioning that the fight against expression wrinkles is immediately doomed to failure if you neglect skin care and do not monitor your health, since any changes in the skin largely depend on these factors.

Magic injections

As soon as expression lines begin to appear on your face, it’s time to get botulinum toxin injections. Injections of Botox, Dysport, Relatox, Xeomin and their analogues are the most famous cosmetic procedure, which even those who have never been to a cosmetologist have heard about. There are many myths associated with it. For example, some believe that one injection is enough to get rid of wrinkles forever, while others believe that injections poison the body. There is a very common fear that injections will turn the face into a motionless mask, completely “freezing” facial expressions. Let's figure out how such drugs actually work on a person.

Muscle relaxants—drugs that relax muscles—really contain a powerful toxin. However, as Avicenna said, everything is poison, and everything is medicine. Botulinum toxin is deadly when administered in large doses, measured in hundreds of thousands of units, but if up to 100 units of botulinum neurotoxin are injected into the facial muscles, the toxic substance will not cause any harm. On the contrary, this is the most effective method of getting rid of facial wrinkles in an absolutely harmless way.

Botulinum toxin blocks the transmission of nerve impulses to the muscle, as a result the muscle tissue relaxes and the skin over it smoothes out. The effect increases over two weeks as the effect of the toxin stabilizes. In this case, no other tissues are affected; the toxin acts exclusively on the nerve fibers in the muscles into which they were injected.

If the dose is taken correctly, then the facial expressions do not disappear completely, but only become slightly less pronounced. This is quite enough to straighten the skin. “Frozen”, “inanimate” faces are a sign of unprofessional work of a cosmetologist.

A qualified doctor will correctly calculate the dose to avoid this effect. As a rule, they start with a minimal amount of botulinum toxin, and then, if necessary, give additional injections after a couple of weeks.

All muscle relaxants based on botulinum toxin act the same. The only difference is in the concentration of the active substance, so the calculation of the required number of units of Botox, Dysport, Xeomin and Relatox is carried out using different formulas. However, this does not affect the final result and the cost of the procedure (less concentrated preparations are cheaper than more concentrated ones).

You won't be able to get rid of facial wrinkles forever using muscle relaxant injections. Over time, the nerve tissue is restored and the muscles regain mobility. As a rule, this takes from 3 to 6 months. You can repeat the procedure in the future.

A pleasant side effect of injections of muscle relaxants is that people wean themselves from overly active facial expressions and do not return to them even after the effect of the drug wears off. As a result, the skin is smoothed and wrinkles do not appear for a long time.

Recommendations from cosmetologists

It is impossible to completely avoid the appearance of facial wrinkles, but it is quite possible to slow down the aging process.

Prevention of the early appearance of facial wrinkles must include:

  • skincare treatments: facial massage and deep cleansing improve skin condition and help delay the appearance of wrinkles;
  • proper skin care must include creams, sun protection, nourishing and moisturizing masks suitable for the condition and type of skin;
  • timely injection and hardware procedures serve as excellent prevention of skin aging;
  • A healthy lifestyle is also very important: good sleep, sports, physical exercise, facial fitness exercises, a balanced diet, and the absence of bad habits are necessary for beautiful and youthful skin.

Theories of skin aging

The mechanisms of age-related changes are quite complex and have not yet been sufficiently studied. In scientific circles, it is customary to divide molecular genetic theories into two large groups. The first included hypotheses about hereditary factors, the second - about the accumulation of mutations at the cellular level. It will take decades to develop and prove one of the points of view, but you can learn about it in general terms and take into account for practical application some postulates in the fight against premature decline.

Telomere theory

It appeared thanks to the research of the American scientist L. Hayflick. According to his findings, fibroblasts are capable of dividing up to 50 times, partially shortening at the same time. At a certain point, the cells lose this property and die. Confirmation was the discovery of the enzyme telomerase, which ensures the constant completion of shortened telomeres in tumor, stem and germ cells, which thereby become practically immortal. This has become an interesting contribution to the explanation of the aging process of the skin of the face and body.

Elevation (ontogenetic) theory

In the middle of the last century, the scientific community was shocked by V. M. Dilman’s bold assumption about the existence of a special regulatory mechanism responsible for age-related changes. It is understood that this is a continuous and inevitable series of transformations that are a side process of the development of the organism. This model has opened new horizons in the prevention of a number of hereditary and acquired diseases.


It proves the genetic programming of age-related changes. Scientists stated that along with the processes of destruction, there is creation, but of completely different proteins and other elements, which leads to the development of pathologies.

Free radical theory

According to the ideas of scientists D. Harman and N.M. Emanuel, put forward almost simultaneously in the middle of the last century, it is reactive oxygen species synthesized in mitochondria that become the causes of the development of most serious diseases, including impaired brain function, weakened immunity, cataracts, and oncology. According to them, nature has developed effective protective mechanisms, such as the action of antioxidants. A person receives them with food. The required daily amount has also been determined, which is quite achievable with a balanced, balanced diet.

Error catastrophe theory

American researcher and scientist M. Szilard has a hypothesis that radiation significantly reduces life expectancy. This, in turn, is a factor that affects skin aging and contributes to its fading. Over time, the DNA repair system wears out, and in combination with the accumulation of undirected mutations, it leads to a natural decrease in vitality and reserves. At the same time, there are no descriptions of individuals who were not exposed to radiation, which leaves the hypothesis at the level of a probable explanation without an extensive evidence base.

Apoptosis theory

Proposed by V.P. Skulachev. Based on the process of cell death, which was pre-programmed. Destruction can be caused by infection with a virus or mutation. Through death, an element unsuitable for functioning is eliminated. The activity is significantly different from necrosis, in which there is violent damage due to external factors. In this case, the cellular material is reused to build new structures.

How to get rid of facial wrinkles?

There are many effective techniques:

  • hardware correction of facial wrinkles (phototherapy, laser resurfacing, microcurrent therapy);
  • botulinum therapy (Botox and other drugs based on botulinum toxin allow you to temporarily block the active work of facial muscles and thereby, by relaxing the muscles, remove facial wrinkles on the forehead);
  • contouring using hyaluronic acid fillers to fill existing deep wrinkles;
  • comprehensive skin care procedures to prevent the early appearance of wrinkles;
  • PRP therapy (plasmolifting);
  • SPRS therapy to treat the skin and increase its cellular potential, that is, its ability to heal itself;
  • mesotherapy with a personally selected cocktail of vitamins and nutrients;
  • biorevitalization.

Before making injections in a clinic or testing other beauty procedures, it is important to first hear the expert opinion of a cosmetologist.

Each method has its own indications and nuances; its effectiveness in your case can only be assessed by a doctor during a face-to-face consultation.

Brief characteristics of different types

In order to understand and clearly understand what we are talking about as accurately as possible, it makes sense to identify the main “symptoms” of aging in various cases. Not all options for anti-aging procedures are universal and suitable for everyone without exception, so you should consider the issue carefully, without haste. Sometimes rash actions lead to serious consequences, which are not so easy to get rid of.

Morphotype name Signs
Muscular The clarity of the oval.

Lack of lipid tissue.

"Crow's feet."

Active nasolabial.


Drooping eyelid.

Tired Purse string creases.

Drooping corners of the mouth.


Dull or grayish skin tone.

finely wrinkled Lack of fatty tissue.

The clarity of the oval.

A large number of small wrinkles on the face and neck.


Deformation Molars.

Large nasolabial folds.

Double chin.

Excessive amount of lipid layer.

No small folds.

"Floating" oval.


One of the main conditions for preventing wrinkles from appearing on the cheeks when smiling is to control your facial expressions. But constantly thinking about how to remove the expression of emotions does not work. They still arise. But with the help of exercises you can reduce their manifestation or reduce the negative effect of emotions. In the morning and evening, spend 5-10 minutes doing facial exercises. In the morning, it will be especially useful, because by increasing muscle tone, you will reduce the likelihood of all types of folds - both longitudinal, which appear on the cheekbones and near the mouth, and vertical, which appear in the upper part of the cheeks.

  • The main exercise is a virtual ball. It could be just air or a little water in your mouth. Having puffed out your cheeks, begin to move this ball in your mouth from one side of the jaw to the other. If you feel the pressure of air and water on your gums, it means you have tensed your muscles correctly. 5 minutes of such exercise will provide a whole working day with healthy muscle tone.
  • For the top of the cheeks, an exercise with a piece of paper on the forehead is suitable. A strip of thick paper with nourishing cream is attached to the forehead. Every time you try to raise your eyebrows or frown, the paper will remind you of this. Thus, you will straighten not only the vertical folds on the cheeks, but also the longitudinal ones on the forehead. After 20-30 minutes, the paper can be removed.
  • The muscles around the mouth are best oxygenated and trained by stretching the lips forward and moving them in different directions only with the help of the muscles of the lips and cheeks. When you feel slight discomfort, the muscles are tense enough. After 1-2 minutes you can stop the exercise.

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