TOP 15 best devices for ultrasonic facial cleansing: 2021-2022 rating for home

Update date: 02/07/2022 15:23:40 3206 Share:

Author of the article: Maria Kramar

*Review of the best according to the editors of About the selection criteria. This material is subjective in nature, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

Technological ultrasonic devices for facial cleansing replace a whole list of cosmetic procedures - cleansing, phonophoresis, microcurrents and others. It can also be used at home if special formulations are available to realize its functional abilities. The action of the device allows you to eliminate skin imperfections - peeling, enlarged pores, age-related changes (pigmentation, wrinkles, loss of elasticity, changes in facial shape), tendency to inflammation, but we will touch on its purpose in more detail a little further. Our rating includes devices that have the necessary technical characteristics for carrying out effective beauty procedures and have gained trust among buyers.

What are the functionality of an ultrasonic facial cleansing device?

If you are not familiar with the capabilities of the device, you can find out about them right now. Let's start with what type of skin ultrasound treatments are ideal for:

  1. Combination/oily skin with a tendency to develop inflammation, comedones, acne, etc.
  2. Dry, fragile, lifeless skin that needs increased hydration and nutrition.
  3. Skin with the first age-related changes.

Now more about the action of the beauty gadget:

  1. Deep cleansing of pores.
  2. Delivers moisturizing and nourishing components to the deep layers of the skin.
  3. Certain functions allow you to change the pH of the skin, which promotes alkalization of fatty acids and their emulsification. So, sebum turns into soap and is then easily washed off with warm water.
  4. Removing the stratum corneum improves the aesthetic component of the skin - the color is evened out, fine wrinkles are leveled.
  5. Microcurrent therapy promotes cell activation - the work of the “energy stations” of the cellular structure of the skin is enhanced, which stimulates the accelerated reproduction of protein structures and DNA. Thus, the life cycle of the cell is extended.
  6. The skin becomes more susceptible to the effects of care products - serums, creams and oils are more easily absorbed and absorbed by the deep layers of the skin.
  7. Regular procedures using massage or microcurrent therapy can stimulate the natural production of collagen and hyaluronic acid.

How to choose

The prospect of replacing costly trips to a cosmetologist with easy home care using an ultrasonic facial cleansing device seems very attractive. In order not to make a mistake when choosing a gadget and to enjoy effective procedures, it is important to know what parameters the device is based on, which can meet your expectations and become an indispensable assistant in the fight for beauty:

  1. Power determines the intensity of the impact

    . In this case, more is not always better. The power range of devices on the market is wide. For home use, maximum values ​​reach 2 W/cm2. Optimal values ​​for combination and oily skin range from 0.8 to 1.5-2 W/cm2. The more sensitive the skin, the less powerful the device it needs to cleanse the pores and deliver caring ingredients to the deep layers as delicately as possible. Some devices have several modes adapted to different skin types or pulse modes.

  2. The frequency of ultrasonic radiation determines the depth of exposure

    Ultrasound waves into the layers of the skin. As it increases, the depth of elaboration of cellular structures will increase. For devices that are widely available and at affordable prices, this range is 21-30 kHz. It is enough to affect the outer and middle layers of the skin. This is quite enough for high-quality and safe home care.

  3. Functionality.

    The more functionality the device has, the more salon procedures you can replace with it. The basic function of cleaning is often supplemented by phonophoresis, which is the opposite of cleaning and is carried out after it. If during cleansing the ultrasound waves seem to “knock out” the skin, pushing out the accumulated sebum, dust particles, and stratum corneum, then during phonophoresis the applied serums, masks, and creams are “driven” into the deep layers of the skin. Also, at the same time, the skin cell membrane resonates to increase its diffusion capabilities. Some models provide exposure to galvanic currents that stimulate the natural production of collagen and hyaluronic acid. This is not a complete list of additional functionality of the device.

  4. Shape, dimensions of the device

    . You should be comfortable holding it in your hand, since you will carry out all the manipulations with it yourself. Pay attention to how the device is controlled. It is desirable that the control be as simple as possible.

  5. Ways to get nutrition

    . There are devices that operate from the network - they are not portable and not mobile. Instances powered via a USB cord can be charged from a power bank or laptop.

These are all the main parameters that you should rely on when choosing the ideal ultrasonic scrubber. Now I suggest you familiarize yourself with our rating. We included a variety of models that:

  1. Functional.
  2. Received a positive response from customers.
  3. They have high-quality assembly.
  4. Meet the basic selection criteria.

How to choose a device for ultrasonic facial cleansing in terms of price/quality ratio?

Ultrasonic facial cleansing devices are considered the most effective and safe. They gently remove dead skin particles from the epidermis and are suitable for any skin type.

When choosing a device, consider:

  • Power . The functionality of the device depends on it. It is better to give preference to a more powerful device, as it removes dead skin particles more effectively.
  • Frequency . It refers to the speed of the sound waves of the device. For cleaning to be effective, it is desirable that the frequency be 21-30 kHz.
  • Availability of pulse mode . It is desirable that the device be equipped with this function, since in this case not only cleaning is carried out, but also micro-massage of the face.
  • Nutrition. All ultrasonic cleaning devices are either wired or wireless. Most users prefer wireless models because they do not restrict the user's movements, although they have the same functionality as wired models.

Attention is also paid to the ergonomics of the device. It is desirable that the device has a conveniently shaped handle that will allow you to comfortably hold the device during the procedure.

What to look for when choosing

Before purchasing this device, you need to study some recommendations for its purchase.

  • Power. The greater the power, the better the pore cleansing.
  • Assembling the device. If you see that the device does not have a poor-quality appearance, it is better to discard it. Low quality materials can cause damage not only to the skin of the face, but to the entire body as a whole.
  • Ergonomics. This point is very important. Pay attention to the weight and the curvature of the handle. The weight should be light, otherwise the hand will simply go numb during the procedure. The handle should be as curved as possible so that it is comfortable to hold. Before purchasing, hold the device for a few minutes, then you can accurately determine whether it is suitable for you or not.
  • Functions. A good device should have at least 3 functions. At a minimum: massage, phonophoresis, peeling.
  • Price. Many may not agree with me, since everyone wants to save money, but when buying this device, do not spare money. The higher the cost, the better the quality of the device, and since we are talking about our face - a person’s calling card, then it must be protected and looked after only with high-quality devices.

The best devices for ultrasonic facial cleansing by price/quality for 2021-2022

The rating opens with devices for ultrasonic facial cleansing, which combine an affordable price with a fairly high build quality.

ReadySkin Ultrasound device Glory

Expert rating:9.9 / 10
Owner review
Interesting thing! The face has become much cleaner due to regular procedures. Perfect for home use along with peeling. For cleaning you need to buy additional products, then everything will work more efficiently. I did deep cleaning with ultrasonic cleaning gel, after which I also did mechanical cleaning, it opens the pores perfectly. The skin is super smooth and soft / The device does its job perfectly. I have combination skin with enlarged pores that clog very quickly.

The affordable cost of this device does not mean that it does not cope with its main purpose. Moreover, the device provides several functions at once: soft peeling, lifting, gentle cleaning, rejuvenating massage and moisturizing. The main advantage of the device is that it is suitable for all skin types, even sensitive and prone to irritation. The model also has a unique desincrustation function, which allows you to eliminate acne.

With this compact and inexpensive device you can solve numerous skin problems. In particular, the device perfectly removes impurities from the skin, eliminates sebum, which is formed due to the increased activity of the sebaceous glands, and eliminates flaking of dry skin. Additionally, the device can be used as an effective means of preventing aging.


  • functions: cleansing, massage, moisturizing, peeling;
  • power supply: battery;
  • battery capacity: 600 mAh;
  • weight 89 g;
  • oscillation frequency 25 kHz.


  • inexpensive, but quite functional device;
  • effectively cleanses and tightens pores;
  • can be used to prevent aging;
  • Suitable for all skin types;
  • easy to use.


  • Over time, it holds a charge less.

GESS Device for ultrasonic facial cleansing YOU

Expert rating:9.8 / 10
Owner review
Very pleased! The effect feels like a salon cleaning. It doesn't hurt at all. It was easy to understand the device - in fact, you only need to know about the angle of inclination and safety precautions. The rest is intuitive. The purchase justifies itself after the first use, since one cleaning in a salon in Moscow costs more. Best price. An excellent device. Convenient, compact.

With this compact device you can perform professional ultrasonic facial cleansing at home. The peeling procedure will help eliminate skin flaking, prevent the formation of blackheads and remove post-acne. The device is also suitable for phonophresis, a unique procedure that rejuvenates the skin at the cellular level, enhances metabolic processes in the epidermis and makes the oval of the face more toned.

The device is suitable for all skin types. The instructions with the device indicate that it must be used with special hardware cosmetics. Any will do, but it is better to use special cosmetics from a similar brand. If the user has no experience in using the device, just scan the QR code and watch a detailed training video with recommendations from experienced cosmetologists.


  • functions: cleansing, peeling, acne treatment;
  • power supply: battery;
  • power 5 W;
  • weight 90 g.


  • does an excellent job of cleansing the skin;
  • eliminates skin peeling;
  • promotes rejuvenation at the cellular level;
  • low price;
  • the effect is noticeable after the first procedure.


  • should only be used with special cosmetics;
  • Not a very high quality case included.

Gezatone Facial skin care device Bio Sonic 1007

Expert rating:9.7 / 10
Owner review
It works well, after the first procedure the result is not clear. I think it depends on the product that removes comedones. In general, the benefits are visible due to steaming and removal of dead skin particles. There is no power supply included, it’s a shame that it’s not a complete set. People who write about the lack of effect are obviously just too lazy to read the instructions. To use, you need a special gel for ultrasound procedures.

This stylish device for ultrasonic facial cleansing will be a worthy replacement for salon procedures. The device has a unique skin cleansing function that combines the capabilities of ultrasound and ionic cleansing. Due to this, all impurities are removed from the pores, and the pores themselves are narrowed. After just a few procedures, the user will be able to completely get rid of blackheads, the complexion will become more even, and the oval will be tightened.

Additionally, the model has a micro-massage function. When turned on, it affects the deep layers of the skin, which promotes high-quality rejuvenation and slows down the aging process. Even if the buyer of the device has never carried out ultrasonic cleaning on his own before, he will not have any difficulties, since detailed user instructions are provided with the device.


  • functions: cleansing, massage, moisturizing, peeling;
  • power supply: battery;
  • power 0.8 W;
  • weight 89 g.


  • stylish and modern design;
  • rich selection of functions;
  • can be used for rejuvenating massage;
  • deeply cleanses and tightens pores;
  • makes the skin velvety and smooth.


  • the result is not noticeable after the first procedure;
  • requires the use of a special gel.

Cleansing facial skin. Why is it important?

We often hear that any skin care begins with cleansing.
Why is this so? Renewal of the epidermis (upper layer of skin) occurs throughout life. Young cells formed in the lower layers gradually rise up, die (keratinize), slough off and separate from the skin. Due to a whole range of factors (age, stress, environment, eating modern foods, etc.), this process slows down, and the skin does not have time to completely get rid of all dead cells. They remain on its surface, mixed with secretions of the sebaceous glands (sebum), particles of makeup and dust. This creates a dense layer of impurities that cannot be dissolved by conventional cleansers.

Skin with such a “shell” feels bad:

  • All its functions are disrupted, and the process of natural renewal is slowed down even more. It loses its healthy color, looks dull and “tired”, its quality deteriorates;
  • Pollution clogs pores, leading to the appearance of “blackheads” (comedones) and blackheads;
  • The active ingredients in cosmetics cannot penetrate deep into the skin in sufficient quantities.

The keratinized epidermis, which cannot “come off” from the surface, looks like peeling. We begin to think that the skin is dry, we heavily use moisturizing and nourishing products - but this only causes dead cells to swell, and flaking becomes even more noticeable. Sound familiar?

The best professional devices for ultrasonic facial cleansing

If your budget allows, you should give preference to professional devices for ultrasonic cleaning of facial skin.

Gezatone for ultrasonic cleaning and phonophoresis / Bio Sonic, 3008

Expert rating:9.9 / 10
Owner review
I bought this particular device after reading many reviews and looking at the summary on the manufacturer’s website. I haven’t had time to purchase gels and creams yet. But I really wanted to try it right away, I know it’s wrong, but I peeled myself without the necessary products. I just turned it on and tried to see how it works. I don’t know how, but now I have a clean face without blackheads. I was pleasantly surprised. Very pleased with the purchase. I recommend!!!!

This device is a complete device for professional use. Considering its size and high cost, it is unlikely to be suitable for home use, but will be an excellent purchase for a beauty salon or cosmetologist's office. The device has a certificate of conformity with ROST and is intended for the correction of aesthetic imperfections in the skin of the face and body.

This device not only removes dead skin particles, but also fights seborrhea, acne and hyperpigmentation. Ultrasound is also used to correct wrinkles and prevent aging. On the body of the device there are regulators that allow you to select the frequency and intensity of ultrasound, a timer is provided to control the duration of the procedure, as well as a pulse mode to eliminate serious skin problems.


  • functions: cleaning;
  • power supply: mains;
  • weight 6 kg;
  • frequency 25 kHz.


  • certified professional device;
  • wide range of functions;
  • can be used to combat acne;
  • suitable for eliminating wrinkles and hyperpigmentation;
  • convenient touch control panel.


  • high price;
  • not suitable for home use.

Yamaguchi Brilliant

Expert rating:9.7 / 10
Owner review
To be honest, I didn’t notice much of a difference with a regular device for 5 thousand. It’s cool that it measures skin moisture, but another person won’t be able to measure it; the person needs to hold the device himself. There are diagnostics, it’s great, of course, but it’s more for fun. Pigmentation is also distinguished by wrinkles if they fall into the camera. Summary: If you have an extra 7 thousand, then take this one, it's cool. And if not really, then don’t bother. Wow effect! I did not see. The same.

Externally, this device is practically no different from budget devices for home use, although the device costs much more. This is explained by the fact that the model is professional and is capable of efficiently removing dead skin particles and effectively removing impurities. The visible effect occurs after the first procedure, but to consolidate it, it is recommended to clean regularly. All information about use is described in detail in the instructions.

Despite the fact that the functionality of the device is limited to cleaning, the use of ultrasound allows you to get rid of blackheads, narrow pores, even out your complexion and smooth out wrinkles. In total, the device has three operating modes, and the device itself can be synchronized with a smartphone for more convenient control. The device is powered by a fairly powerful battery, so it does not have to be recharged after each procedure.


  • functions: cleaning;
  • power supply: battery;
  • battery capacity 250 mAh;
  • weight 82 g.


  • compact professional device;
  • effectively tightens the skin;
  • eliminates blackheads and enlarged pores;
  • good battery capacity;
  • can be controlled from a smartphone.


  • high price;
  • not always on sale.

GESS Device for ultrasonic facial cleansing Exotic

Expert rating:9.6 / 10
Owner review
It is very pleasant to hold in your hand, it does not slip. There are detailed printed and video instructions. Cleans the face well, I also liked the phonophoresis function. The device is good, looks stylish, plus it works very well, the skin is noticeably cleansed. I have something to compare with, since I regularly go to a cosmetologist for facial cleansing. And now, thanks to the device, I clean the house. Of course, it will not completely replace salon care, but nevertheless it will allow you to keep your face looking fresh.

Another professional device for ultrasonic facial cleansing, with the help of which anyone can carry out salon procedures at home. In total, the device has 5 modes: ultrasonic peeling to remove dead skin particles, phonophresis, ionic cleaning, chromotherapy (blue light treatment) and ultrasonic micromassage to eliminate wrinkles and prevent aging. The device is quite powerful, although it is compact, but some users complain that it weighs more than its analogues, so the hand may get tired during the procedure.

Ultrasonic cleaning is suitable for any skin type, and if you have never used such devices, be sure to read the detailed instructions. For the effect to be noticeable after the first procedure, the device must be used in combination with a special gel. The device can also be recommended for people with acne, as the ionic cleaning function allows you to remove impurities from the deep layers of the skin.


  • functions: cleansing, acne treatment, massage, peeling;
  • power supply: battery;
  • power 22 W;
  • weight 220 g.


  • relatively inexpensive but multifunctional device;
  • stylish design;
  • good power and battery capacity;
  • wide choice of modes;
  • effectively fights acne.


  • Many users find the device too heavy.

How to care for your skin after cleansing?

After the skin has been exposed to an ultrasound cleaning device, it needs maintenance care. Ultrasonic peeling does not damage, but dries the skin, which is very good for the epidermis, which is prone to greasiness. However, after the manipulation, the skin should be pampered with moisturizing creams, serums, and regenerating masks. It is better to choose cosmetics from the “sensitive skin” segment.

To ensure that the effect of the procedure lasts as long as possible, treat your skin with care and attention:

  • use sunscreen (SPF at least 20);
  • within 24 hours after cleaning, do not visit the solarium, beach, sauna, or gym;
  • Do not use decorative cosmetics for 24 hours;
  • cleanse the skin using gentle products;
  • replace cosmetics containing alcohol with alcohol-free analogues;
  • drink more clean water.

Violation of the technique, time or intensity of the procedure may negatively affect the condition of your

The best devices for ultrasonic facial cleansing and lifting

Ultrasonic devices of the mid-price category, in addition to cleaning, provide a lifting procedure that allows you to eliminate wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones at home.

1. Xiaomi Ultrasonic Facial Device WellSkins Ultrasonic Cleansing Beauty

Expert rating:9.9 / 10
Owner review
It really cleans out the pores. At first I couldn’t believe it) Now I’ve learned how to do the procedure at home, and not from a cosmetologist. The savings are significant. I also ordered professional peeling from the market. A very high quality and necessary tool for a girl. Any application of a mask or cream now occurs only with it. Excellent, I'm satisfied! You shouldn’t expect instant perfect skin from such a device. Even professional ultrasonic cleaning will not give you perfect skin if you have serious problems.

One of the most effective devices for ultrasonic facial cleansing at home. The device uses ultrasonic vibration technology. The waves penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis and effectively remove impurities without damaging the skin. The model also provides a separate mode for tightening the skin, eliminating wrinkles and preventing the first signs of aging.

Ultrasonic cleaning technology is suitable for all skin types, and the brush of the device itself is made of soft hypoallergenic silicone, so the device can be safely used even by people with sensitive skin. Operating the device is also very simple, because there is only one button on the body to start the device. The device weighs relatively little, so the user’s hand will not get tired during the cosmetic procedure.


  • functions: cleaning, massage, peeling;
  • power supply: battery;
  • skin type: for all types;
  • weight 150 g.


  • inexpensive but effective device;
  • there is a lifting function;
  • suitable for allergy sufferers and people with sensitive skin;
  • simple controls;
  • perfectly cleanses pores.


  • the case overheats;
  • Over time, the battery holds a charge less.

ReadySkin Ultrasound device neoSkin pink

Expert rating:9.7 / 10
Owner review
Great device! I have long dreamed of purchasing one of these, as I have minor skin problems. Most of all I liked the effect of light exposure, there is vibration and a change in red and blue light. Well soothes the skin and affects inflammation, dries out oily sheen. The cleansing mode is also super, it washes out all the dirt from the pores. Massages are useful for accelerating blood circulation. There are a lot of useful functions in one device, I definitely recommend trying it.

This ultrasonic cleaning device belongs to the middle price category, but at the same time is capable of providing full-fledged salon skin care at home. In addition to traditional ultrasonic cleaning, the device can apply microcurrents to the skin, stimulating blood circulation and providing a pronounced lifting effect. After the first procedure, the skin is effectively cleansed and the pores are narrowed, but to achieve a stable result, it is advisable to carry out the procedures regularly.

The device comes with detailed user instructions, so even those who have no experience using such devices will be able to handle using the device. The device itself is powered by a built-in battery, one charge of which is enough for 120 minutes of continuous operation. The device is charged via a standard USB port.


  • functions: cleaning, massage, moisturizing;
  • power supply: battery;
  • operating time on one charge: 120 minutes;
  • weight 145 g.


  • professional care at home;
  • relatively low price;
  • attractive appearance;
  • effectively tightens the skin;
  • perfectly cleanses and tightens pores.


  • needs to be recharged regularly;
  • must be used together with a special gel.

OLZORI Ultrasonic facial scrub-massager U-Sonic white

Expert rating:9.6 / 10
Owner review
Good device, cleans skin well. Of course, the blackheads won’t go away in two or three times, but over time, for sure. I recommend. I thought for a long time whether or not to buy the OLZORI U-Sonic ultrasonic facial cleansing device and in the end I made the right choice. I've been using the device for over a month now and I'm happy with it. With regular and correct use, you can get your skin in order and avoid visiting salons. The device copes with the stated tasks remarkably well and puts the skin in order in the shortest possible time.

A stylish and effective device for ultrasonic facial cleansing, which has a rich selection of functions and is suitable for any skin type. The device uses modern techniques that guarantee gentle cleaning and effective removal of dead skin particles. Thanks to this, the owner will be able to get rid of blackheads and acne without visiting a cosmetologist's office. After the first use, the skin will become cleaner and fresher.

Ultrasonic exposure also helps to increase blood circulation in the epidermis. As a result, wrinkles are smoothed out and the oval of the face is tightened. The device can also be recommended for people with oily skin, since constant use of the device allows you to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and reduce the oily sheen of the skin. The body of the device itself is made of hypoallergenic materials and has an ergonomic shape so that the user’s hand does not get tired during the procedure.


  • functions: cleaning, massage, lifting, moisturizing;
  • power supply: battery;
  • power 1.5 W;
  • weight 76 g.


  • ergonomic body made of hypoallergenic materials;
  • pleasant massage;
  • effectively removes impurities and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • perfectly smooths out wrinkles and tightens the oval of the face;
  • detailed user instructions.


  • not always on sale;
  • requires the use of a special gel.

Advantages and disadvantages

Here you can see the positive and negative aspects of ultrasonic facial cleansing. After all, each such procedure has its pros and cons.


  • painless session;
  • minimal time spent on the procedure (up to 10 minutes);
  • the session does not require prior preparation;
  • no need to apply special moisturizing creams after the procedure;
  • absence of redness, swelling, peeling, skin without tightness and various damages;
  • the skin acquires an improved, even color;
  • improved metabolism and increased immunity;
  • cleansing the outer layer of the epidermis from blackheads and impurities.


  • the procedure does not promote skin rejuvenation;
  • waves cannot penetrate the deep layers of the epidermis and remove comedones at the lower levels of the skin;
  • For the desired result, you will need a whole course of ultrasonic facial cleansing.

The best devices for ultrasonic facial cleansing with battery operation

Many users prefer battery-powered ultrasonic cleaning devices rather than networked ones, because they do not limit the user’s actions. Three models were recognized as the best in this category in 2021-2022.

Gezatone Device for deep cleansing, lifting and toning of the skin Bio Sonic 770 S

Expert rating:9.9 / 10
Owner review
I really like the device. I cleanse my face once every 1-2 weeks, it cleans perfectly, after cold steaming, the meso effect relieves inflammation well, I did meso in the evening, in the morning internal acne is 2 times smaller, or even not at all, and I like the lifting. I do all the procedures once a week, there is an effect, my face is cleaner, my pores are smaller, and there is less swelling in the morning.

With this compact ultrasonic cleaning device, the user can provide professional skin care at home. After the first use, blackheads will decrease or disappear, and pores will become narrower. The device can also be recommended for people with oily skin, since the use of the device allows you to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Those who have begun to notice the first signs of aging will also be able to use the device.

Regular use of the device will help improve blood circulation in the deep layers of the epidermis. Due to this, fine wrinkles are smoothed out, deep ones become less noticeable, and overall the skin color improves and the oval of the face is tightened. Additionally, the device has a function to combat acne and eliminate scars left after acne.


  • functions: cleansing, peeling, moisturizing;
  • battery capacity 800 mAh;
  • power 0.8 W;
  • weight 80 g.


  • perfectly cleans pores;
  • can be used to combat wrinkles and prevent aging;
  • There are three modes;
  • the lightweight body prevents the hand from getting tired during the procedure;
  • The battery holds a charge for a long time.


  • must be used with special gels;
  • The location of the touch buttons is not very convenient.

Xiaomi Ultrasonic facial brush Inface Sonic Clean, pink

Expert rating:9.8 / 10
Owner review
Miniature, ease of use. Comfortable, stylish, performs the same functions as its expensive counterpart. Several vibration modes. Holds charge for a long time. If you are a lazy face washer like me, then this is for you. It doesn’t require any effort, it washes your face until it squeaks, it feels very pleasant, I recommend it. I didn't find any shortcomings.

This device is inexpensive and even looks different from other models in the rating. In fact, this is not a device, but a brush with an ultrasonic processing function. Even if the user does not turn on the ultrasound function, he will be able to care for the skin, since the device is a brush with soft bristles that can be used as a brush to massage the skin of the face and body.

Unlike most similar devices, this model is as compact as possible, and the body of the product is waterproof, so you can use it even in the shower. Since the device does not operate from the mains, but from a built-in battery, its use is absolutely safe. The battery itself is quite capacious, so one charge will last for quite a long time.


  • functions: cleaning, massage;
  • power supply: battery;
  • battery capacity 400 mAh;
  • weight 83 g.


  • inexpensive and compact;
  • can be used in the shower;
  • sufficient battery capacity;
  • pleasant to the touch body;
  • can be used for massage.


  • not a very high quality case;
  • no battery indicator.

ReadySkin Ultrasonic Cleaner ZX7080

Expert rating:9.7 / 10
Owner review
I liked the scrubber. I'm happy with the purchase. Had a facial cleansing. Because I have dry skin with flaking, a few blackheads on my nose, few pimples, then there was nothing left on the device’s shoulder blade))) But after use, the skin is soft, there is no flaking and the pigmentation also lightens (but I also use vitamin C serum, it too gives this effect). And I regularly use the microcurrent function so that creams and serums are absorbed better and faster.

One of the most compact ultrasonic facial cleansing devices. Despite its compact size and low price, the device can cope with a wide range of skin problems. In particular, the device perfectly removes skin impurities, removes blackheads and tightens pores. The device can also be used for massage. After just a few such procedures, fine wrinkles will smooth out, and deep ones will become less noticeable.

The massage function also helps improve blood circulation in the deep layers of the epidermis. As a result, the skin color is evened out and the oval of the face is tightened. The device is suitable for all skin types, including dry and sensitive, and the body and attachment itself are made of hypoallergenic materials, so they do not cause irritation. The device is powered by a built-in battery, the charge of which will last for a long time.


  • functions: cleansing, massage, lifting, moisturizing, peeling, acne treatment;
  • power supply: battery;
  • battery capacity 600 mAh;
  • weight 200 g.


  • low price;
  • ergonomic body shape;
  • effectively cleanses the skin;
  • eliminates wrinkles and serves to prevent aging;
  • maximum ease of use.


  • must be used with a special gel;
  • Over time, the battery drains faster.

How to use the device correctly?

You should know a few instructions for use for a high-quality and painless procedure.

  • The first thing you need to do is cleanse your face of makeup. If you wish, you can steam your face. This is an optional condition, but the effectiveness of further actions increases.
  • The first procedure should last no more than five minutes, with the time of each subsequent manipulation increasing. The time should be increased to 25 minutes using a special timer installed on each device model.
  • Next, you should apply a special gel to the skin for the most positive result.
  • Using smooth and light movements, move the electrode at an angle of 45 degrees.
  • After the procedure, take a lying position and relax for 30 minutes.
  • Last step: wash your face, apply a light moisturizer. And your face won’t have to wait long for results. After the first use, you can notice a general improvement in the skin of the eyelids and face.

The best inexpensive devices for ultrasonic facial cleansing

If your budget is limited, you should give preference to budget devices from well-known brands. It is better not to buy products from unknown companies, as they are unlikely to provide proper care.

Xiaomi Ultrasonic facial brush Inface Sonic Clean

Expert rating:9.9 / 10
Owner review
I've been using it for six months now.
The skin is smooth after it. The charge holds for a long time, it stays in the shower) An excellent brush, not inferior to its more expensive counterparts, and the price tag is much lower. It massages very pleasantly and relaxes the facial muscles well. Cheaper than going to cosmetologists. Cleanses the skin well. There is practically no inflammation anymore. The complexion has become more even.

A small and inexpensive brush that is designed for ultrasonic facial massage. Soft silicone bristles are gentle on the skin, and ultrasonic vibrations carefully remove impurities from the deep layers of the skin. Additionally, the device features a unique T-Sonic technology, thanks to which the device produces 8 thousand ultrasonic vibrations per minute. Due to this, the device gently massages the skin, removes fine wrinkles and tightens the oval of the face.

The body of the product is sealed, so it can be safely used in the shower. A built-in battery of sufficiently high capacity is used as a power source, so one charge is enough for several procedures. Recharging is carried out via a standard USB port. The visible effect is noticeable after the first procedure, but for lasting results it is recommended to clean regularly.


  • functions: cleaning, massage;
  • power supply: battery;
  • battery capacity 400 mAh;
  • weight 83 g.


  • inexpensive but high-quality device;
  • the body is reliably protected from moisture, so the brush can be used in the shower;
  • soft silicone bristles provide a gentle massage;
  • suitable for sensitive skin;
  • The battery holds a charge for a long time.


  • not the most powerful massage;
  • It is impossible to charge while the brush is in the case due to the short cord.

HASTEN ultrasonic facial massager-cleaner HAS1410 silver

Expert rating:9.7 / 10
Owner review
A good device for home care, complements seasonal facial skin care procedures (microcurrents and cleansing). Completely lived up to expectations. Cleanses pores very well, the skin after the procedures is smooth and toned. Functional and easy to use. I already have quite a lot of devices from this company. Therefore, there is something to compare with. I recommend.

Another inexpensive, but high-quality and functional model of a device for ultrasonic facial cleansing. The device boasts an increased frequency of ultrasound, so the device thoroughly cleanses the skin, eliminates flaking, and helps get rid of blackheads and acne. The device is made in a stylish and ergonomic case and has a convenient stand on which the device is recharged.

The device is also recommended for use by people with oily skin, since regular use of the device helps normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Additionally, the device has a phonophoresis function, thanks to which cosmetics penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin and are better absorbed.


  • functions: cleaning, massage;
  • power supply: battery;
  • battery capacity 500 mAh;
  • weight 90 g.


  • inexpensive but high-quality device;
  • lightweight, ergonomically shaped body;
  • helps smooth out wrinkles;
  • effectively removes pollution;
  • easy and simple controls.


  • touch buttons are too sensitive;
  • not always on sale.

Doctor Comfort US-1 “Doctor Comfort” white

Expert rating:9.5 / 10
Owner review
Easy to use, skin feels better after the first use, exfoliates better than any scrub. For cleaning you need to buy additional products, then everything will work more efficiently. I did deep cleaning with ultrasonic cleaning gel, after which I also did mechanical cleaning, it opens the pores perfectly. The skin is super smooth and soft. It is quite suitable for home care.

Despite its low cost, this device is able to provide high-quality and gentle skin cleansing and helps get rid of blackheads. The device boasts an increased frequency of ultrasonic waves that penetrate the deep layers of the epidermis. Thanks to this, the device successfully replaces a visit to a beauty salon or cosmetologist's office.

The body of the product is well assembled and has an ergonomic shape, so the user’s hand will not get tired during the procedure. The product comes with detailed user instructions that describe how to use the device correctly to achieve maximum effect.


  • functions: cleansing, massage, lifting, moisturizing, peeling;
  • power supply: battery;
  • weight 200 g.


  • inexpensive, but high-quality device;
  • eliminates fine wrinkles;
  • effectively cleanses the skin;
  • pleasant to the touch ergonomic body;
  • low price.


  • not always on sale;
  • cannot be used in the shower.

Best lists

In addition to the assortment presented above, we suggest taking a look at another list of cleaning devices that differ from each other in their special characteristics. This list includes:

  • Budget.
  • In the form of a brush.
  • Professional.

Let's move on to the description of the products presented.

Gezatone AMG106SA – budget

This drug cleanses the skin of dead cells, preparing it for cosmetic procedures. A soft vibration massage that does not stretch or deform the skin improves metabolic processes and stimulates the production of natural collagen and elastin. It is a high-quality budget option.

Price tag: from 1000 to 1390 rubles.

facial cleanser Gezatone AMG106SA

Gezatone Clean Pleasure AMG188 – in the form of a brush

The presented device is equipped with an effective base brush, which provides effective and high-quality skin care. A brush with bristles less than 1mm thick. Gently cleanses pores and exfoliates dead cells. Does not cause irritation or allergies. The device increases blood flow, improves oxygen saturation, and evens out skin tone. Suitable for delicate and sensitive dermis.

Price: from 1000 to 1300 rub.

facial cleanser Gezatone Clean Pleasure AMG188

AB Peel – professional

This device is actively used both in salons and at home. It helps speed up metabolism and collagen production. Moreover, after its exposure, the skin becomes more elastic, smooth and naturally radiant. After a couple of months of regular procedures, you can notice obvious rejuvenation. The device also copes with cleaning deep layers and regulating the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Price category: from 7000 to 9600 rubles.

AB Peel facial cleansing device

Where can I buy?

The best devices for ultrasonic facial cleansing by price/quality for 2021-2022
1ReadySkin Ultrasound device GloryFind out the price9.9 / 10
2GESS Device for ultrasonic facial cleansing YOUFind out the price9.8 / 10
3Gezatone Facial skin care device Bio Sonic 1007Find out the price9.7 / 10
The best professional devices for ultrasonic facial cleansing
1Gezatone for ultrasonic cleaning and phonophoresis / Bio Sonic, 3008Find out the price9.9 / 10
2Yamaguchi BrilliantFind out the price9.7 / 10
3GESS Device for ultrasonic facial cleansing ExoticFind out the price9.6 / 10
The best devices for ultrasonic facial cleansing and lifting
1Xiaomi Ultrasonic facial device WellSkins Ultrasonic Cleansing BeautyFind out the price9.9 / 10
2ReadySkin Ultrasound device neoSkin pinkFind out the price9.7 / 10
3OLZORI Ultrasonic facial scrub-massager U-Sonic whiteFind out the price9.6 / 10
The best devices for ultrasonic facial cleansing with battery operation
1Gezatone Device for deep cleansing, lifting and toning of the skin Bio Sonic 770 SFind out the price9.9 / 10
2Xiaomi Ultrasonic facial brush Inface Sonic Clean, pinkFind out the price9.8 / 10
3ReadySkin Ultrasonic Cleaner ZX7080Find out the price9.7 / 10
The best inexpensive devices for ultrasonic facial cleansing
1Xiaomi Ultrasonic facial brush Inface Sonic CleanFind out the price9.9 / 10
2HASTEN ultrasonic facial massager-cleaner HAS1410 silverFind out the price9.7 / 10
3Doctor Comfort US-1 “Doctor Comfort” whiteFind out the price9.5 / 10

Comparison table of characteristics

In order to have a correct idea of ​​the models, we suggest looking at a comparative table of characteristics of all devices.

ModelIndications for use (how many times a week)EffectModesSkin typePrice, rub)
ReadySkin ZY8300 + gel 250ml1-2peeling and cleansing, increasing skin elasticity, reducing pores, lifting, eliminating blackheads, smoothing wrinkles, even complexion, lightening pigment spotsthermal massage, lifting, micromassage, iontophoresis, disincrustation, ultrasonic peelingany5790
ReadySkin Glory1-2cleansing, reducing pores, improving blood supply, liftingmicromassage, iontophoresis, lifting, peeling, disincrustationany2690
MUYE-88151-2increasing skin elasticity, reducing pores, improving blood supply, lifting, smoothing wrinklesmicromassage, peeling, phonophoresisanyfrom 1487 to 1653
WIEKK HX-021-2increasing skin elasticity, reducing pores, improving blood supply, liftingmicromassage, peeling, phonophoresisanyfrom 2691 to 2990
UltraSonic-3S1-2increasing skin elasticity, reducing pores, lifting, eliminating blackheads, even complexionmicromassage, peeling, phonophoresisanyfrom 1454 to 1616
GESS YOU1-2reducing pores, smoothing wrinklespeeling, phonophoresisAllfrom 3329 to 5990
Welss WS 70501-2reduction of pores, smoothing of wrinkles, lightening of age spotspeeling, phonophoresis, ionizationAllfrom 3350 to 3800
Gezatone Bio Sonic 770 S1-2increasing skin elasticity, reducing pores, eliminating blackheads, smoothing wrinkles, even complexion, removing scarspeeling, phonophoresis, micromassageAllfrom 2744 to 3990
Xiaomi InFace MS71001-2Pore ​​reduction, lifting, blackhead removalpeeling, deep cleaning, micromassage, nutritionAllfrom 1941 to 2600
GESS Exotic1-2cleansing, acne treatment, peeling, massage, enhancing the effect of cosmeticspeeling, ionic cleansing, micromassage, iontophoresis, phonophoresisAllfrom 5850 to 6500

Rating results

Let's summarize the rating and distribute all the models described in the categories by place.

Category of the best devices for ultrasonic facial cleansing in terms of price and quality

  • The ReadySkin Glory device took 3rd place. Despite its affordable price, not all users like the quality of cleaning, although most owners like the advanced functionality.
  • We decided to give 2nd place to the Gezatone Bio Sonic 1007 device. It is relatively inexpensive and functional, and the quality of cleaning is not inferior to salon devices.
  • The GESS YOU model is in 1st place. It is average in cost, but at the same time it allows not only to thoroughly cleanse the skin, but also to rejuvenate it at the cellular level.

Category of the best professional devices for ultrasonic facial cleansing

  • We placed Gezatone Bio Sonic, 3008 in 3rd place. This is an expensive professional device that is not suitable for home use, although it does an excellent job of cleansing the skin and smoothing out wrinkles.
  • The 2nd position is occupied by the Yamaguchi Brilliant model. Externally, this device is similar to the usual models for home use, although it has an expanded selection of functions and convenient controls. The only drawback of the model is its high cost.
  • The GESS Exotic model is in 1st place. This is a relatively inexpensive, but high-quality device that will allow you to carry out 5 salon procedures at home for high-quality cleansing and rejuvenation of the skin.

Category of the best devices for ultrasonic cleaning and lifting

  • 3rd place is taken by the Xiaomi WellSkins Ultrasonic Cleansing Beauty device. It is the cheapest in the category, but still provides fairly high-quality skin care. The only drawback of the device is that over time its battery begins to discharge faster.
  • In 2nd place is the ReadySkin neoSkin model. It is stylish and inexpensive, provides comprehensive skin care, including cleansing and rejuvenation. But at the same time, the device is the most expensive in the category, although in many stores the device can be found on sale.
  • The leading 1st position is occupied by the OLZORI U-Sonic device. It is average in cost, has an ergonomic body and a very wide selection of functions, thanks to which you can provide professional facial skin care at home.

Category of the best devices for ultrasonic facial cleansing with battery operation

  • We decided to place the Xiaomi Inface Sonic Clean model in 3rd place. The device is inexpensive, but at the same time cleanses the skin efficiently, although in terms of functionality it does not reach the level of a professional ultrasonic cleaning device.
  • In 2nd place is the ReadySkin ZX7080 model. It is light and compact, has a sufficient selection of functions for cleaning and tightening the skin, but many users note that the device charges quickly.
  • 1st place is occupied by the Gezatone Bio Sonic 770 S. Despite its low cost, the device has a wide range of functions, so it is suitable for comprehensive professional skin care at home.

Category of the best inexpensive devices for ultrasonic facial cleansing

  • It was decided to place Xiaomi Inface Sonic Clean in 3rd place. This is a compact brush with silicone bristles that can even be used in the shower to cleanse the skin and massage the face. But many users note that the brush does not produce a pronounced massage effect.
  • The 2nd position is occupied by the HASTEN HAS1410 device. It is inexpensive, compact and easy to operate, but is slightly inferior in functionality to other models.
  • We gave 1st place to the Doctor Comfort US-1 “Doctor Comfort” model. Despite its low cost, it boasts a rich selection of functions, so it will successfully replace a visit to a cosmetologist's salon.

What are the indications and contraindications for the procedure?

Ultrasonic facial cleansing is a kind of panacea for blackheads, dull complexion, swelling, excess sebum, seborrhea, enlarged pores, low skin tone and inflammation. The care is suitable for any skin type, starting from 20-25 years.

To obtain the most positive effect, it is recommended to carry out the procedure in courses rather than once. The duration of the course is determined by the condition of the dermis and the number of problems. For example, for dry skin, just one cleansing per month will be enough, and for oily skin, at least two.

But despite the miraculous effects of an ultrasound machine, this cosmetic procedure is not suitable for everyone. There are a number of contraindications that you need to be aware of before purchasing the device. Ultrasonic cleaning is not recommended under the following circumstances:

  • profuse acne in the acute stage;
  • pregnancy;
  • infectious diseases in the inflammation stage;
  • implantation of threads under the skin;
  • severe forms of cardiovascular diseases;
  • epilepsy;
  • facial paralysis;
  • endocrine diseases in severe forms;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • impaired skin sensitivity.
( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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