DOT rejuvenation technique with photos before and after the procedure

Cosmetology today is actively developing, various methods of rejuvenation and improvement of appearance are being developed. Devices appear regularly that help thousands of patients maintain their beauty. One of the innovations in this area is equipment for DOT skin rejuvenation using a laser.

DOT rejuvenation

This technology was patented and released into open use not so long ago, but it has already gained positive reviews and popularity. Today, devices that carry out this procedure are used everywhere. In order to make the right choice whether to use this method or not, it is necessary to understand in detail all the details of the procedure.

A few words about DOT rejuvenation

This type of therapy was developed by the Italian company DEKA, this system is called SmartXide DOT. Testing carried out by competent doctors and cosmetologists has given indicators indicating an excellent positive effect, after which the adoption of DOT systems has become almost universal. Standards for laser rejuvenation and elimination of cosmetic skin defects have become the standard in the field of cosmetology. The main direction in which these technologies are used is the fight against age-related changes in the skin. In addition, there are a large number of other problems that this system successfully combats.

The main purpose of using such technologies is skin rejuvenation

Note! During the procedure, a special carbon dioxide laser is used in fractional mode. The wave created in this case reaches a length of 10600 nm. This results in the creation of small beams of energy that affect the dermis. As a result, ablative channels are formed in the deep layers of the skin.

ELOS rejuvenation: frequently asked questions

What is ELOS rejuvenation?

This is the most gentle method of rejuvenation and non-surgical tightening of the skin of the face, chest, eyelids, forehead, cheeks, eliminates any traces of time: wrinkles, small scars. It turns on the natural mechanisms of the body, activates the deep and superficial layers of the dermis simultaneously, without violating the integrity of the skin.

How does ELOS rejuvenation work?

The name of the technology ELOS means "electro-optical synergy". This new skin rejuvenation system is based on a combination of light energy and radio frequency current. Thanks to the combination of energy, the depth of impact, which does not cause damage to the skin, is 20-30% higher than when using only light energy. As a result, the stimulation and production of your own collagen - elastin complex occurs, the oval of the face is restored, and wrinkles are smoothed out.

How does the procedure work?

An applicator with a gentle temperature regime is brought to the surface of the skin, a flash occurs and you can only feel a slight tingling sensation.

How safe is this technology?

The protective system of the system provides double protection of the epidermis. Active cooling of the surface is complemented by continuous monitoring of the progress of the procedure (unique Active Dermal Monitoring technology). As a result, no burns or redness.

Who is this procedure for?

ELOS is suitable for young women who, at the age of 30, want to fix their oval shape and remove small wrinkles; it helps mature ladies and men correct their facial contours and get rid of almost any signs of age. Elos is suitable for business women and men, as it takes little time and does not require a recovery period.

How many treatments are required to achieve the desired effect?

From 3 to 6 procedures, with an interval of a month. The maintenance procedure is prescribed 1 or 2 times a year. The effect of the course of procedures lasts for many years.

How does the technology work?

There are two factors that determine the effectiveness of DOT rejuvenation systems:

  • temperature effect on skin tissue;
  • influence of an indirect histochemical nature.

Note! This mechanism of action is interesting in that the rays emitted by the laser can only be absorbed in the body by water. This mechanism is based on the temperature and acoustic photoelectric effect.

This procedure is considered extremely effective

As soon as the protein structures are exposed to the laser, the tissue heating process begins. This leads to the most important effect - the selected zone is heated to almost 100 degrees Celsius, the consequence of which is the evaporation of water (vaporization). And along with the steam, dead skin particles and tissue structures are also removed. As a result, a crater with coagulated edges is formed.

Thanks to this procedure you can achieve the following results:

  • thermolifting, manifested by the rapid contraction of collagen fibers inside the skin;
  • the occurrence of aseptic inflammation;
  • elimination of cell debris by the internal structures of the body (blood macrophages).

The result of this procedure is thermolifting

It is important that as a result of therapeutic procedures, nearby tissue structures are not damaged, since heat is distributed evenly. Skin rejuvenation is achieved by creating a thermal shock situation in the skin and adjacent areas. This leads to the activation of enzymes that have the ability to dissolve protein components. That is, only those structural elements that provoke the processes of skin withering are destroyed. During DOT rejuvenation procedures, special amino acids are produced, thanks to which new structures appear in the places that were affected.

Due to the created thermal shock, rejuvenation is carried out


I am writing this guide not out of kindness, but solely because I am terribly tired of noobs (newbies) on the team who are ruining the game. It’s especially unpleasant when these noobs are stubborn, don’t listen to advice, show off, and so on. Do not do it this way. YOU ARE NEW, behave appropriately. Modestly, calmly, you say that I am a noob, help if so. This will eliminate surprises like: “B*tch, where is the stun (stun) blah!!!” or “Where did you throw the arrow, you bastard.” Of course, no one is happy to be a noob on the team (team), but although everyone will know that they shouldn’t expect much from you.

You've entered the game, what's next?

I give kudos to the developers for making the tutorial. Of course, you won’t immediately play like a seasoned wolf, but there will no longer be questions: “Where can I buy a boot?” The first most important thing you must do is: COMPLETE THE TRAINING TO THE VERY END! You will master not only basic things, such as skills (abilities) and gear, but also how to farm correctly (earn gold and experience) and line up (a la Last Hit (deadly blow to a creep) and deny (finishing off your own creeps, in order to select the enemy has money and experience)) This is important, often it decides the beginning of the game. So don't neglect your training. Don’t say, “I’LL FIGURE OUT AS I go.” No, you will ruin the mood for both yourself and your teammates (the players of your team), and you will also receive a stream of obscene language and the phrase “f*ck your mom.” So we go through ALL the training first.

So what is next?

Next we start playing with bots. At first the level is easy (no need to be passive, it’s all about kicking ass, you won’t learn) and we play until 5 out of 5 games are in your favor. So we complicate it to the point of being dishonest. With dishonest, not everything depends on you, so 3-4 out of 5 is already normal.

Choosing a hero.

Who to play for?

You need to play for characters that do not require high control and are generally easy to manage. There are many of those. . . . and much more. You should not try to play for high-skill characters (Highly control characters) or characters with a large number of active abilities, , , , and others (Those who have many abilities). I also do not recommend playing for . Not only do they have almost no control, but also against a strong team you will simply be fodder for these characters. Even an experienced player cannot solve the game on Drow against adequate opponents. She doesn’t have any abilities that can turn the battle around, and as soon as you get closer to her (range 400), she becomes shit without an ult. You will say that the Skeleton (now Vraz King) is 1-button, why is it better? Because it can “break the game”, that is, change the scales in your favor. This character in a batch is capable of simply tearing enemies to shreds. And the traksa, when focused (a deliberate attack by the entire team of one character), falls quickly. Very fast. Just like a sniper. Play as interesting characters who decide the game. Why isn't Ricky one of the "cancer heroes"? Because, unlike the traksa and the sniper, it is much easier for him to escape, and Ricky is very good at solving problems. With the advent of heme, problems begin to arise, but overall it is not bad for beginners. Considering, in addition, that he still has more control than a traksa and a sniper.

After you start to understand the abilities, control creeps well (last hit and deny), and most importantly, you will confidently stand in the lane, you can take “average” characters. Well, over time we move on to high skills.

I'll tell you about the characters' roles:


- here are examples of supports. Their task is to stand on the lane and prevent the enemy from approaching the creeps and farming. To do this, they have a whole arsenal: etc. Some supports seem to have healing abilities that help their partner stand more calmly in the lane.

In the future, supports help their team kill enemy heroes, while the supports themselves do not kill them, but help the carries (see below) to kill them. If the carry is in danger, support helps save him, even sometimes at the cost of his own life. This, of course, does not mean that you should lose every opportunity (with a score of 0-10), blaming the carry. No, everything is within reason. If a carry got into a 1x5 mix and died, you shouldn’t go feed the enemy. It was his mistake and he paid for it. Basic support arts: - Depending on the enemies, the items will be different.

2) Kerry

They are divided into Hard Carry and Aggressive Carry. The essence is the same - they are weak at the beginning, but with enough gold and experience they turn into powerful warriors who, as a rule, decide the game. Hard carries are those that require a lot of farm, good support in the lane, and who become very strong in the late game (late game), stronger than most aggressive carries. I call aggressive carries those who are able to kill not only at the end of the game, but also at the beginning. The most famous: , and of course - they stand well on the line, for example, it’s quite possible to stand alone. Main artefacts: (You should be careful when collecting - you should not collect for ranged combat)

3) Jungler (Forester)

These are, for example, those who can go to the forest to farm, who farm by killing neutral creeps, etc. It is worth remembering that a team should have no more than 1 jungler. the main art will be (Not everyone, to each his own).

4) Nuker

Characters who have low cooldown abilities and high magical or pure damage (read about damage below). These include: etc. As a rule, they are excellent in the lane, kill a lot, decide the beginning of the game, towards the end they weaken, but if the farming was good, then their strength does not decrease much.

Basic art for them: (This does not mean that everyone should collect exactly this, to each their own).

5) Tank

These are, you guessed it, characters with huge armor and life bars. These include the majority of security officials: - some of them. They take all the damage into themselves and either leave with 10% HP or die if the procast is very strong. Again, this does not mean that you rush in 1x5 or 2x5, die and scream, where are you? You go to tank ONLY with the whole team. Otherwise you are food, nothing more. Of course, there are tanks that can easily kill the enemy 1v1, both in the early and middle game. The main art for them will be: .

6) Pusher (Demolisher)

Characters who are not strong in battles with heroes, but can easily demolish towers and other enemy buildings. I consider push to be the king, and for a reason. Thanks to his teleport with a cooldown of 20 seconds, he is able to destroy lines by quickly moving along them. Often because of him, a game in which everyone merges without a chance is decided by the demolition of the furion, which stealthily carries through the towers while the enemies stand on the other end of the map. In addition to him, others will be pushers. Essentially, they simply have abilities that either summon many additional creeps or spells that cause heavy damage to buildings. Their main task, of course, is to quickly demolish enemy towers and barracks, preventing the enemy from overfarming your team, forcing you to drop everything and return for defense. Basic art for pushers: (Desolator is collected by pushers with a good attack and can be collected with it (not possible, I’ll explain why later)).

Keep in mind that there is no completely pure carry or support. There are mixed classes. The truck not only demolishes well, but also farms, which means he is a semi-carry (partial). Like brood. Vraz king is more of a carry than a tank

that's why he's a seven-tank. However, many simply name characters by their largest role. So don’t be surprised to hear: “SK Kerry!” (Vraz king in short, also sand king, but that’s not the point) Or “Fura pusher!” It's not a mistake, it's just easier to remember. This is all to say that your role is not limited to one channel, you can be universal. Over time, flexibility will come, you will be able to adapt to the peak (choice of characters) of the team.

Important points of the game.

So, I'll give you game statistics. Why are we unsuccessful? Why are games lost?

1) Illiterate skill build (consistent leveling of abilities)

2) Illiterate item building (collecting clothes)

3) Absolute inability to stand on the line.


In order not to fall on your face, read the guides for the selected heroes. Not 1 guide, 2-3 top ones according to ratings, to make sure that it is normal. Let's see how to swing correctly in order to play correctly. Read the descriptions of abilities carefully, pay attention not only to the damage, but also to the type of damage, this is also important.

Let's look at the types of damage of abilities.


Damage that is inflicted in its pure form, that is, ignoring all protection. They are like this.

2) Magic

One of the most common. Blocked only by magic resist (resistance)

Standard protection is 25% for everyone. Some have abilities that enhance defense.

3) Reducing health

Damage that, along with pure damage, is not blocked, but unlike pure and magical damage, it breaks through immunity to magic. These are:


4) Physical

Damage from normal attacks is also physical. Penetrates immunity to magic, decreases from normal armor, but does not cause damage in astral form. These abilities are: .

5) Mixed

Damage that is blocked by both armor and resist. Squalor? No, mixed damage breaks immunity to magic. However, it is not applied in astral form. Examples of abilities with mixed damage: .

6) Universal (special)

Damage that is absolutely identical to magical damage, but penetrates immunity. These are: .


There are items that have orb effects (unique attack modifiers).

There are several types of orbs:

1) Vampirism - restoration of health from damage caused. It is important to emphasize that it is not an orb, but it ONLY works WITH CLOSE COMBAT (melee attack)

2) Burning mana - takes away mana and deals proportional damage.

3) Minus armor - subtracts the enemy’s armor, making it cardboard.

4) Chain lightning strike - strikes the enemy with lightning when activated for 120/160 damage respectively

5) Slow down - they slow down the enemy, the brood skill after an attack has an additional chance that the enemy will miss when attacking, and the viper has additional damage per second.

6) Increased damage - the damage from an attack is increased according to various indicators. Read the description of abilities to understand how to make these abilities stronger.


Hammers with lightning work with all orbs, but at the moment the lightning is triggered, it overlaps the rest of the orbs.

Vampirism works with skadi, but only for ranged combat.

Another catch. With abilities, the orb effect does not work on additional targets and on the second shot.


We also look at the guides. It is important to remember: WE COLLECT THINGS FIRST, RECIPES LAST!!! It is also worth taking the most necessary things first, and then the rest. If everything is equivalent, then we take the most expensive component. It's easier to farm this way.

I'll tell you about some clothes

Mask of Madness. It has become very fashionable to collect it. Because 100 adds a lot to attack speed and also to running, and for only 1900... Well, at the request of most readers, I’ll explain why I don’t like mom so much. This artifact nullifies all protection from and... It is simply FORBIDDEN for a beginner to collect it! Don't collect it for anyone except Baratum, he needs it anyway, because his is based on running speed, so the mask gives him a lot of speed. The rest don't need it - because its bad side: INCREASES DAMAGE ON YOU BY 30%!!! Any character with this mask loses his stamina, becomes cardboard, and easily killed. Think 100 times before buying this mask. There are examples where you can assemble a mask. But these are exceptional cases. In fact, it is better for the same characters to collect, which will give not only attack speed, but also armor. This looks especially good when combined with desol. You will kill any enemy as a creep. But there are games where you can’t farm for the ribs, and speed is desperately needed. Abaddon, who is not particularly afraid of additional damage from mom. However, you should not abuse this artifact. There is no need to collect it on - you are already not very strong, with this you will fall very quickly. There is no need to talk about “fat and misses.” You may not have time to give fat, and the misses are not 80%, but 40. A lot, but this does not mean that you are invulnerable.

But once you get caught, you will regret that you turned on the mom, and later, that you collected it.

Let's discuss an example.

You went out to the river. Here we met Lyon. What will happen? Let's imagine the situation that there is no canopy (the cooldown of the canopy is 120 seconds is quite a lot, there will often be moments that you are without it). Your task is either to kill or hide. You have 872 HP at lvl 6 with pt on strength (it’s better not to bet on agility, HP is very little). Lion has nukes: 260+600=860 mage damage. Now let's count. 860 - 25% (standard resist) = 645 damage. You will grab so much without MoM. I think you can get away with 200+ HP? And now with mom: 645+30%=838 damage. Let me remind you that you have 872 with a boot. Total remains 34 hp. Will you leave? Nope, if you're unlucky with dodges you won't get away. Do you like to rely on chance? I think no. Better guarantor.

And it's not just Lyon. Lina, skymag and many other nukers will kill you with an incomplete cast under the mom. Are you going to say in the dome that you will kill everyone? Nothing like this.

Firstly, you won’t kill 5 people for the dome.

Secondly, you will not gather 5 people under the dome

And then you will be killed by those behind the dome, or by those who survive the dome. It is a fact. There is one way to avoid: BKB. Oh, it seems now the price of mom is no longer 1900? It’s much more profitable to buy a hammer for 5400, you will not only get almost the same PASSIVE attack speed, but also 24 damage (a small thing, but nice) and most importantly 160 lightning damage. The hammer is assembled at 20-23 minutes. With it you can kill not 1, but even 2 flimsy characters in the dome. Many will still stand their ground: They say, MoM 1900 gives attack and run speed... And don’t forget that you collect it with the carry who gets killed FIRST. Therefore, you need to think not only that you are hitting harder, but also that YOU are being hit even harder... And also - YOU ARE PLAYING AS CARRY, your role is to carry the late game. You won't become a ganker, you will still be weaker in the middle game. Your task is to outfarm the enemy carries, reach the 30th minute (before that, single ganks in 1v1 skirmishes) and destroy the enemies in 5v5 skirmishes. All. There is no need to invent anything.

Discord. A very cheap and effective artifact, but not worth collecting for all nukers (characters who deal a lot of magical damage in a short period of time), few need it.

Here I received a request to write about Dagon.

A very useful artifact, but in specific situations. There is no need to collect it for everyone you come across. Several characters need it (In the astral plane, Dagon will do damage no worse) (procast needs reinforcement in the form of Dagon), perhaps even in the case when you have picked up supports, there is no one to damage, for the ultimate, procast is normal. Although I certainly don’t advise Necrophos to do this. Another case is the so-called “Team Dagon” strategy - when the whole team collects dagons, but this is already fun, you don’t need to do this in a regular game. The rest do not need to collect dagon. Especially supports. Therefore, you help farm the carry, and do not kill yourself. Remember. Many people get confused, thinking: “I have a score of 13-3, I’m cool, and this stupid troll with 1-5 lost the game.” Of course it may be so, but if the troll had 13-3 maybe your team would win...

Therefore, all beginners should read the guides. You don’t need to invent anything yourself, it’s too early. A year will pass, then two, then you can already gain experience.

About recommendations and a little about sad things...

NO. Simply no. Don't go by recommendations. 70% of recommendations are complete nonsense. Guides, top rated, right on this site. Just please don’t read the guide about Lyon on the top. Look elsewhere, or my guide (link below). What is written in the top is nonsense. Of course, my writing may not be so colorful, but I wrote how to get ready CORRECTLY, and the design is a mess. But that's not the point. It’s important to understand what to collect, and the top one offers a refresher... It’s sad, but the author of that guide is a cancer (a mediocre player)... Lyon is a support. You play the role not of a nuker, but of a support.

Standing on the line.

I am adding this at the request of the community.

1) Play carefully, every death you make makes the enemy stronger. Every mistake can be fatal. Keep in mind that when enemies have a lot of stun/disable procs, avoid going out because of creeps. If you feel that the enemies are stronger than you, then try not to climb forward and especially under the towers and stay closer to the tower.

2) Write “ss” if the enemy has left the line, this will prevent enemies from attacking by surprise. Write more than once, as many may miss your “ss”. Accordingly, if a teammate writes “ss,” then we play much more carefully and do not move far from the tower.

3) Don't be greedy, seriously. If the enemy has 120 HP, but he is far away, do not try to kill him. Especially climbing under towers. You will be swept away with a 90% probability. It's not a fact that you will have time to kill.

4) If you are a beginner, then... NEVER GO MID (MID LINE OF THE CARD), leave it to someone more experienced. This line often decides the whole game. It requires impeccable control, which you, beginners, definitely don’t have.

5) Auto attack. Don't use auto attack in lane at all . The fact is that your creeps begin to win, the battle moves to the opponent’s tower, but you can’t climb there (see point 1). Thus, you give your creeps to them for farming, and you yourself lose gold and experience from their creeps. Your task, no matter who you play, is to deal a fatal blow to the creep (and to the hero, if convenient (see point 3)). But only.

6) Denay. We kill our own creeps and don’t give farm to the enemy. But again, wisely. You don't have to climb forward or under the tower to deny the creep. You denite how convenient it is. It's okay if you miss a couple of creeps - over time you will improve this indicator. By the way, there are characters who benefit from denying: . Their abilities also work on their own creeps. And one more important feature of skill players: if your ally is dead (let’s say he’s hanging, but there are no [item=Tango] cans), then we can deny the allied hero when his HP is below 5%. This is done for the same purpose: so that the enemy loses gold and part of the experience.

7) Harass (beating heroes)

Hit enemy heroes at any convenient moment (see point 1). However, don't overdo it - when you start hitting the enemy, the creeps will attack you. So we took 1-2 hits and moved away. You can also harass with spells like . You won't lose much, but if the enemy makes a mistake, you can try to kill him.


There are situations when the mid hero goes to the lane. The goal of this coming is to finish off 2 enemy laners. Accordingly, the task of these two “sufferers” is to escape the gank, or, if possible, kill someone. I don’t recommend going for kills during a gank, because their mid player is stronger. If you are sure (that is, not you 1, but your partner too) that you can kill someone (for example, you have the strongest procast -), then try to kill the mid player - for him you will get more experience and gold. However, you must remember , that many mid-laners become incredibly strong after reaching level 6 (). If such a mid-laner ganks you, then run away, don’t even think about going into this swamp. At the same time, when you run away, stand further from the forest in order to avoid some abilities of the type, which when if hit, you are guaranteed to be sent to your forefathers. Another 1 rule: even if you have 20% HP, go under the tower, but do not move not only towards the enemies, but also towards you - they can bypass you and kill you. Wait, make sure that the enemy didn't go around, then just run.

If your mid is ganking, then you should let the enemy closer to your tower so that your mid can get around them from behind - this will allow you to deal more damage to them, and accordingly increase the chances of success. Try to kill the weaker one first. There is no need to bite the tank, it is important for you to just kill it, there will be no additional bonuses for killing the tank. Well, don’t forget that if you succeed, there is also point 3.

9) Master class

Dodging type projectiles is in itself an indicator of good skill. How to dodge such projectiles? There are abilities that allow you to avoid them. (active ability bkb - invulnerability to most abilities) - abilities that allow you not to receive magic and pure damage, as well as most effects (stun, slowdown, etc.). If you are not yet dexterous enough to control, then you should turn on these abilities immediately, just before the batch. But you can try to “stun” the enemy. While he is flying, we turn on and actually dodge their spells, and the enemy wastes them. However, you can only play like this in a 1x1 batch, don’t play in 5x5 batches - you can get hit by a procast that you can’t dodge, a la and others. There is no need to show off here, we turn on the anti-magic right before the batch. There are also other dodging abilities, such as blinks. The same scheme - a projectile flies, we blink. There are abilities that provide short-term invulnerability - . If you leave them ahead of time, you will catch everything in full. But if the projectile hits while these abilities are active, you will not receive them. Well, the last option is invisibility. Keep in mind, they have a delay to invisibility. For SK and Shadow Blade - 0.25 sec. In bh from 1 sec 9 on 1 lvl abilities) to 0.25. Also keep in mind that if the enemy sees you with help, then you will get everything at once.

That's all for now.


In conclusion, I will say that playing Dota 2 normally will not be easy to learn. It will take about a year for you to play at least averagely. Well, over time, you will become more and more experienced, you will be able to gather yourself, feel the situation, farm correctly, and so on. Good game!

If you have any comments or suggestions, I will be glad to listen.

The main advantages of this technique

As we have already mentioned, DOT rejuvenation is considered one of the most effective methods in the field of aesthetic medicine - a person’s appearance changes before our eyes, age-related changes disappear, and youth returns. In addition, it is necessary to note the safety of this method for human health.

At the first consultation, the cosmetologist selects the optimal mode of operation of the device, setting the degree of depth of damage caused by the laser and the area of ​​impact. Typically, such decisions are made taking into account the desired outcome and the patient's baseline condition. During the procedure, full control is carried out using a special scanner, which clearly shows the depth to which the laser beams penetrate.

The doctor will determine the optimal mode of operation of the device based on the goals the patient wants to achieve

There are several modes of operation of laser rejuvenation equipment, with their help you can perform the following actions:

  • regulate the total area of ​​laser exposure to the skin;
  • control and change the duration of the pulse;
  • maintain stable focus;
  • adjust the frequency of location of treated areas;
  • ensure that treated and already damaged layers do not overlap each other;
  • Maintain suitable radiation power.

Note! Through laser treatment, only one fifth of the selected area is exposed to microdamage. Due to this, regeneration occurs at a faster pace, and obvious results appear within two weeks.

Skin regeneration occurs quite quickly, so the effect can be seen soon

Collagen fibers are formed and elasticity returns to the skin. That is, we can say that the skin is remodeled again in a much better condition than before this procedure.

The number of required sessions is regulated by the doctor depending on what result the patient is aiming for and what problem he had to face. Usually, only one session is enough to combat age-related changes in the skin. More severe damage, such as stretch marks or scars, will require multiple treatments. The main difference between this method in cosmetology and others is the speed of achieving visible results.

The required number of sessions depends on the problem

The time it takes to restore the appearance of the skin may vary - with simple procedures affecting the upper layers of the dermis, you can notice the effect after 2-3 days, and the full result from other procedures appears in about two weeks. The first signs can be noticed immediately after the laser therapy procedure, and the maximum effect will appear after about 1.5-2 months.

Note! Another indisputable advantage of such procedures is that DOT rays can transport medicinal and cosmetic preparations directly into the layers of the skin. This provides a large number of advantages in contrast to using the same drugs exclusively externally.

If medications are simply applied to the skin, no more than 5% of the active substances reach the subcutaneous fat, while with DOT therapy these figures are much higher due to the channels that the laser leaves in the layers of the skin. This technique has proven itself in the study and therapy of eliminating scar tissue and the consequences of complex cases of acne.

With the help of DOT therapy, you can “deliver” drugs into the deep layers of the skin

DOT is used for:

  • loss of skin elasticity (sagging);
  • stretch marks, that is, stretch marks;
  • pigmentation;
  • presence of scars;
  • wide pores;
  • drooping eyelids and the formation of bags around the eyes;
  • rosacea;
  • wrinkles of varying degrees;
  • seborrheic keratomas.
  • Find out the current offers
  • Sign up for a consultation
    Online registration

At what age is it better to do DOT? This question interests many. In principle, both girls and women can achieve what they want, but only if there are indications (problems). Optimal age: 35-65 years.

photos before and after the dermal optical thermolysis procedure

A few words about the CO2RE laser

This laser affects both the upper and deeper layers of the skin. Thanks to its effect, areas appear that produce elastin and collagen, which are responsible for the “young” appearance of the skin and its elasticity. Thus, the skin begins to “breathe”, and its visual condition improves significantly.

There are six operating modes of this device, designed for different problems due to different laser penetration depths.

There are several modes of operation of the CO2RE laser

This method can easily remove pigment spots, perform a facelift, smooth out or completely eliminate damaged areas (for example, scars or scars that appear after acne therapy). This allows you to avoid traumatic methods such as laser resurfacing or surgery. A specially programmed control system operates with high accuracy and eliminates the possibility of erroneous actions.

This method allows you to eliminate scars and scars

Here are the benefits of using a CO2RE laser.

  1. You can achieve uniform skin renewal, thanks to which the complexion becomes healthy, and minor imperfections, such as scars after acne therapy and age spots, will be eliminated.
  2. Recovery after the procedure will be quick, swelling and redness of the skin will be avoided. Complete regeneration and return to your normal lifestyle takes no more than two days.
  3. Your appearance improves literally every day - after the first procedure you can get an obvious result and see with your own eyes how the skin is evened out. Time passes, and the appearance becomes better and better. The duration of the pronounced positive effect is about 2 years - this is the best result to date using laser technologies.

The duration of preservation of the effect of such a procedure can be two years.

Note! It is worth noting that the procedure using the CO2RE laser causes significantly less discomfort and makes you feel better. To reduce pain to a minimum, a special cream containing an anesthetic is used.

Despite the fact that laser therapy is safe for health and highly effective, there are a number of contraindications to its use:

  • a history of epilepsy;
  • pregnancy;
  • skin diseases such as neurodermatitis in the acute stage and psoriasis;
  • inflammatory processes in the area of ​​influence;
  • period of skin restoration.

There are some contraindications to this procedure

It is important to understand that the full effect after the procedure will not be noticeable immediately - usually after the session is over, redness of the skin and slight swelling are noticeable. Some experience a slight burning sensation. Such symptoms are considered completely natural and there is no need to worry. Despite the discomfort, this will subside within three days after completion of the procedure.

Note! A common pattern: the higher the strength and intensity of the laser effect on the skin, the longer the recovery period. However, the effect will also be more pronounced after the appropriate time.

If the intensity and strength of the laser on the skin is quite high, the result will be more vivid

It is recommended not to use decorative cosmetics for approximately two days after completing the DOT rejuvenation procedure. Plain water is ideal for washing, but it is best to avoid using tap water due to the presence of a large number of impurities in it. To speed up the recovery process, ointments based on dexpanthenol are used (this remedy is well known to everyone who has ever treated burns).

It is very important to follow all the instructions of the cosmetologist after completing the procedure. Most often, they are developed taking into account the individual characteristics of each patient and are not always universal. Often, to achieve faster results, it is recommended to perform other cosmetic procedures, such as mesotherapy or plasma lifting. This is necessary to speed up metabolic processes in the skin.

You can combine the DOT rejuvenation procedure with, for example, mesotherapy

Note! Rehabilitation does not take much time - just a few days after the DOT rejuvenation session, you can return to your normal lifestyle. During the recovery period, it is better to abandon your usual cosmetics and not use products to disguise skin imperfections.

Positive consequences of the laser rejuvenation procedure:

  • visually noticeable skin rejuvenation;
  • increased skin tone and tightening due to collagen production;
  • even skin color, absence of unwanted pigmentation;
  • a significant reduction in the severity of pigmentation caused by hormonal changes (melasma);
  • restoration of the skin and smoothing of stretch marks;
  • stimulation of recovery processes in the area of ​​scars and scars, the emergence of healthy tissue in their place.

Thanks to this procedure you can get rid of pigmentation

One of the disadvantages is the occurrence of swelling and redness of the skin in the treatment area. Also, after about two days, a film forms on the surface of scars and damage. These consequences are completely eliminated in about a week. The duration and severity vary depending on what parameters of laser radiation were used, as well as on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.

Laser DOT rejuvenation using SmartXide DOT devices is a unique modern technique that can significantly reduce the risk of skin damage and scar tissue formation after the procedure compared to, for example, laser resurfacing using traditional methods. Also, this procedure is much easier to tolerate by patients and has a short recovery period.

This procedure will result in a short recovery period.

In addition, as already mentioned, very good results are achieved by using DOT technology to deliver medications and necessary active components to skin tissues in a transepidermal manner - this provides much more opportunities for aesthetic cosmetology.

Indications for the procedure

Before carrying out the procedure, it is necessary to consult with a specialist and only after his permission to carry out rejuvenation using DOT technology.

A cosmetologist may recommend this manipulation due to the following signs of natural skin aging:

  1. The appearance of sharp, deep wrinkles on the face, neck and décolleté.
  2. Age-related pigmentation on the skin.
  3. Scars and scars on the face left after smallpox or acne.
  4. Stretch marks formed due to weight loss.
  5. Weakened muscles on the face, as a result of which the oval of the face begins to sag.

As for the cost of the procedure, the price of DOT rejuvenation is very attractive compared to other methods and averages 5-7 thousand rubles, depending on the area of ​​application. And reviews about dot therapy are extremely positive.

Advice for patients

How to prepare for the procedure? Usually, before a DOT rejuvenation session, no special actions are required. It may be advisable to pre-exfoliate and cleanse your facial skin yourself.

You can cleanse your skin before the procedure

Recommendations for the recovery period after a session are usually made by the doctor who supervises the procedure. Special balms are prescribed, for example, “Cicaplast”, and the use of thermal water. The use of decorative cosmetics is limited for several days; purified water and special preparations are used for facial care to help combat consequences such as swelling and redness.

During the recovery period, doctors often recommend using Cicaplast balm.

Before choosing a clinic and starting the procedure, it is recommended to pay attention to what equipment is used there. To achieve a good result, only high-quality and certified equipment, for example, the SmartXide DOT laser, is suitable. A qualified cosmetologist will help you choose the appropriate procedure parameters, taking into account all the individual characteristics of the skin. Most negative reviews about laser DOT rejuvenation are due to the fact that the procedure was carried out using inexpensive equipment, usually made in China, or by a specialist without sufficient qualifications.

It is important that the clinic uses certified equipment

It is also important to take into account that for 3-4 weeks after the procedure the patient should avoid visiting a solarium, as well as being in direct sunlight. In addition, skin exfoliation and exfoliation are prohibited for a month.

Note! If you carefully follow all medical recommendations, you will be able to achieve the maximum result from the procedure.


Preparatory stage

The patient does not require any special preparation, but there are a number of things he can do to increase the effectiveness of the procedure. These include light peeling, scrubbing and cleansing of the face.

A few days before the procedure, sunbathing and sunbathing are prohibited. It is advisable to refrain from exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the skin.

Rehabilitation period

Rehabilitation is important because it determines whether the patient has complications. The recovery period averages 5 days.

Firstly, you should not be afraid of the resulting swelling and redness, as this is normal and will go away after a few days. Secondly, you cannot peel off the crust that may appear on the skin; it must come off naturally.

After the procedure, the cosmetologist prescribes a number of personal care products (moisturizing lotions, creams, masks). They should be used during the first 2-3 days after surgery to relieve discomfort and inflammation. This will also help consolidate the effect obtained from therapy.

Attention! Decorative cosmetics will be allowed for use only 5 days after the session.

Questions and answers

How will my appearance change after the procedure?

At first, skin redness and slight swelling may be observed, but these effects will subside in about two days. Full recovery occurs within a week. The doctor gives recommendations that must be followed during rehabilitation.

Side effects disappear approximately two days after the procedure

What is the preparation for the session?

It would be optimal to perform a shallow peeling and chemical cleansing of the face. You can even do this at home.

Will I experience discomfort during the procedure?

No, this procedure is absolutely painless. Patients note that the sensations they experience during the session are even pleasant. Therefore, this method is recommended even for those who have a low pain threshold.

The patient does not experience any discomfort during the procedure

Do I need to undergo a course of procedures to get the effect?

It all depends on the condition of your skin and the result you want to achieve. It is quite possible that one procedure will be enough for you to correct minor skin defects. If the problem is more complex, 2-3 procedures will be required, which should be done at least 2 weeks apart. It is better to consult with your cosmetologist, who, after an examination, will accurately indicate the required number of sessions.

If I am taking oral contraceptives, can I have this procedure?

The DOT rejuvenation procedure does not have such a contraindication, but it is better to first consult with a specialist.

Patient reviews

Inna, Krasnoyarsk

“The consequences of acne made me uncomfortable, so I resorted to a variety of cosmetic procedures, but did not achieve the desired effect. Finally, I managed to get an appointment with a competent cosmetologist, who spoke in detail about DOT rejuvenation. I signed up for the procedure - the session lasted about two hours, I didn’t experience any unpleasant sensations, and after 9 days I noticed a good result.”

Most often, patients respond positively to the DOT rejuvenation procedure

Arina, Tula

“Rejuvenation using DOT technology helped me get rid of facial wrinkles and the effects of skin aging. The procedure is absolutely painless, takes no more than 1-2 hours, and after a couple of weeks the skin smoothes out and looks much younger. I can recommend this procedure to anyone who wants to look younger.”

Nadezhda, St. Petersburg

“I can say with confidence that laser DOT rejuvenation works real wonders on facial skin. It was hard to believe that a procedure during which I felt nothing could have such a positive effect on my skin. The top layer is sanded, making restoration much faster. After the procedure, you may notice some redness, but don't worry, it will go away quickly. I recommend it to anyone who wants to quickly and painlessly become 5-10 years younger.”

This procedure makes you look much younger

Vladislava, Perm

“The results of the procedures are pleasantly surprising - it was hard to believe that such a wonderful effect could be achieved. In a couple of hours, under the guidance of an experienced cosmetologist, all the necessary actions were completed. The procedure can be called pleasant, I didn’t experience any pain or discomfort, but I was a little discouraged by the redness afterwards, however, it quickly went away, and after 5 days I was able to fully enjoy the result.”

Anna, Ivanovo

“A couple of years ago I had surgery to remove a wart on my face, which left me with small scars that were very noticeable. Decorative cosmetics did not help much, so I decided to resort to the DOT rejuvenation procedure. The result exceeded all expectations - the skin looks great, it is smooth, the color has evened out, and the consequences of the operation are now almost invisible. I think that in the future I will again resort to this procedure, but this time to eliminate age-related changes. You always want to look younger than your age and receive compliments!”

You can achieve an even complexion

Cost of the procedure

We will indicate the average cost for one procedure in different cities of Russia.

CityCost of one procedure
Moscow6000 rub.
Saint Petersburg5600 rub.
Volgograd4500 rub.
Nizhny Novgorod5000 rub.
Novosibirsk4800 rub.
Orenburg4500 rub.
Samara4100 rub.
Krasnoyarsk4200 rub.
( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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