Rating of the TOP 10 best facial peels in 2022

Peels are an amazing cosmetological invention with which you can renew your complexion, give it radiance, get rid of dead cells - and, as a result, prolong youth. But are all the products offered by manufacturers today really that good? We know exactly which ones are top! We present to you the ranking of the best facial peels in 2022.

Attention: we are talking exclusively about products for home use, because professional peelings can only be used by cosmetologists and are prescribed after examinations and consultations.

When compiling the rating, we proceeded from reviews of real customers, personal sales statistics of KrasotkaPro and open data from the Yandex search engine.

The criteria by which we evaluate peelings of each brand:

  • Effectively getting rid of dead cells.
    Our main goal.
  • Evening out skin color.
    Great bonus!
  • Sufficient hydration.
    There should be no feeling of dryness after peeling.
  • Perform additional functions.
    It’s great if the product also helps, for example, reduce pigmentation.
  • Compound.
    Most users prefer natural composition with effective ingredients. And, of course, peeling should not cause an allergic reaction.
  • Texture.
    It should be comfortable to use: not drip and not be thick like sour cream.
  • Smell.
    Should be neutral or unobtrusive, soft.
  • Price.
    Saving is always good, but we're looking for the perfect example of value for money.

Point system:

By quality:

  • 1 point for effective removal of dead cells;
  • 1 point for evening out skin color;
  • 1 point for sufficient hydration;
  • 0.5 points for performing each additional function: reducing pigmentation, fighting wrinkles, and so on;
  • 1 point for good composition;
  • 1 point for pleasant texture;
  • 1 point for neutral odor or light aroma;
  • We deduct 1 point for allergy complaints.

By cost:

  • 4 points for costs up to 200 rubles;
  • 3 points for a cost from 200 to 400 rubles;
  • 2 points for a price from 400 to 600 rubles;
  • 1 point for a price over 600 rubles.

By popularity:

  • 6 points for more than 30,000 queries in Yandex per month;
  • 5 points for 24,000-30,000 queries in Yandex per month;
  • 4 points for 18,000-24,000 queries in Yandex per month;
  • 3 points for 12,000-18,000 queries in Yandex per month;
  • 2 points for 6,000-12,000 queries in Yandex per month;
  • 1 point for less than 6,000 queries in Yandex per month.

Once we've covered each of the top 10 facial peel brands and assigned scores, we'll compile all the data into a table.

Please note that several creams can be located in the same place at once - it all depends on the number of points. So…


  • The procedure is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women;
  • When taking medications based on isotretinoin;
  • For herpes and skin diseases;
  • When taking antibiotics;
  • For oncological diseases;
  • For open wounds.

After a chemical peel, the skin is more sensitive to sunlight, so after the procedure it is necessary to use sunscreens and products.

Before the procedure, the cosmetologist must take into account many factors and ask all the necessary questions so that the procedure is as comfortable as possible for the client and gives the best result with the fewest possible side effects.

Have you decided to undergo a chemical facial peel? - be sure to read!

Oh, this peeling - there are so many conflicting reviews on the Internet: for some it is salvation, for others it is several days of discomfort, and still others consider this facial care procedure to be useless.

Let's try to figure it out.

Chemical peels are one of the popular facial care procedures provided by institutions with a valid license to provide medical services (why with a license - just below). They are effective and relevant both at a young age in the treatment of acne and oily skin, and at a mature age - to combat dry facial skin, pigmentation, wrinkles, and as anti-aging preventive procedures.

We have already discussed the differences between peelings and recommendations for use in our other articles, but let's repeat:

As you know, skin cells originate in the basal layer of the epidermis, and gradually rise to the stratum corneum, after which they die and peel off. In this process, skin peeling acts as a tool for removing dead cells.

There are several types of chemical peeling:

Superficial - impact on the surface of the epidermis, at the level of the stratum corneum. Usually used for still young, young skin as a cleanser or solution to specific aesthetic problems, often these are peelings with alpha hydroxy acids (AHA, pyruvic, salicylic and fruit acids)

Medium - exposure in the middle of the epidermis, where layers of living cells are already affected. This type of peeling usually causes severe peeling, redness and requires a recovery period. It is used to solve specific problems and combat age-related changes in the skin, as well as post-acne, pigmentation, expression wrinkles, small stretch marks, scars - peelings with TCA (trichloroacetic acid), 30% salicylic acid are used, including and Jessner peel.

Deep - affects all layers of living cells, down to the basal layer, partially damaging the basement membrane. It is considered an operation and is comparable to a 3rd degree burn. The rehabilitation period can last up to six months, but the effect will last up to several years. It is used for radical correction of age-related changes: removal of deep wrinkles, scars - this is, for example, phenol peeling, peeling with trichloroacetic acid in high concentration.

Chemical peeling is essentially a controlled chemical burn of the face using a gel, cream or solution based on acids, which, depending on the type, concentration and time of exposure, improve the condition of the skin:

  • The bridges between cells (desmosomes) are dissolved. As a result, dead cells are exfoliated, and the epidermal barrier is not broken.
  • Stimulate cellular restoration - when the upper stratum corneum is destroyed, the cells of the lower basal layer begin to actively divide.
  • Stimulate fibroblasts and promote the synthesis of hyaluronic acid, collagen, elastin.
  • Under the influence of acids, the stratum corneum decreases and the thickness and density of the dermis increases - the skin becomes firmer and more elastic, wrinkles are smoothed out.
  • They attract water and deliver it to the epidermis, moisturizing the skin, cleanse pores and normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands, thereby reducing oily skin and preventing the appearance of acne.
  • They provide an antioxidant effect and reduce the activity of the tyrosinase enzyme, which in turn suppresses melanin synthesis and leads to skin lightening.

It is precisely because of these properties of the effect of acids on the skin that there are many indications for the use of chemical peeling. Chemical peeling helps solve a very wide range of cosmetic problems:

  • Hyperpigmentation.
  • Wrinkles.
  • Dehydration.
  • Dryness.
  • Hyperkeratosis.
  • Seborrhea.
  • Acne.
  • Post-acne.
  • Rosacea.
  • Scarring.
  • Stretch marks.
  • Prevention of aging.

But at the same time, there are contraindications, even for the mildest and most superficial peeling:

  • Violation of the integrity of the skin (injuries - wounds, scratches, cuts, etc.).
  • Invasive procedures performed less than 2 months ago (deep cleaning, mesotherapy, laser resurfacing).
  • Active inflammatory process.
  • Pronounced rosacea.
  • Pregnancy, lactation.
  • Fever, cold.
  • Any chronic and acute skin diseases, infectious skin diseases.
  • Herpes in the active phase.
  • Asthma.
  • Hypertension.
  • Oncology.
  • Taking medications that increase sensitivity to the sun, immunosuppressants.
  • Prolonged exposure to the sun and a fresh tan.
  • Hormonal disorders
  • Individual allergic reactions caused by intolerance to components and compounds in cosmetic products.

!!! To avoid discomfort and complications both during the peeling procedure and after, be sure to follow all the instructions of a cosmetologist, and do not ignore pre-peel preparation and post-peel skin care.

As we said earlier, chemical peeling is an operative procedure. Unfortunately, even the most highly qualified specialist - cosmetologist, when performing chemical peeling, cannot guarantee and foresee all the consequences of the effects of the drugs used, largely due to your individual characteristics and the state of the body at the time of the procedure.

The result of peeling (including the rehabilitation period), like the result and consequences of many other skincare procedures, is individual , which is why we can so often come across completely different (both positive and negative) reviews about this procedure. Of course, our Center also faces such situations. For example, when providing superficial peeling services using a drug that is quite popular today, and very loved by our cosmetologists because of its high efficiency and short rehabilitation period, like PRX-T®33, a frequent Client of our Center was faced with exactly this situation - a complete recovery period lasted up to three weeks. Of course, we regret this situation, but, as the manufacturer states, PRX-T®33 is a comprehensive program of professional procedures and home care for active natural restoration and rejuvenation of the skin, as a result of which the epidermis is not damaged, but new collagen is formed and the structure is renewed cells, penetrating to the papillary layer of the dermis, triggering a cascade of reactions, deeply stimulating the skin. The drug has an international patent for a unique formula after 10 years of clinical trials, more than 100 scientific studies have been conducted proving the effectiveness of the drug and more than 100 million procedures, it is safe to use even at home, there are no seasonal restrictions, the procedure takes place without much pain and has no rehabilitation period. But, even with such characteristics of the drug, after its use there may be deviations associated with your individual characteristics and skin reactions, which the specialist performing the procedure cannot determine in any way; accordingly, the rehabilitation period can be increased.

!!! In this regard, we strongly advise you to take a thorough and balanced approach to making the decision to undergo a chemical peeling procedure and be prepared for the need to carry out the procedure in a course with a stronger concentration of the agents used or, conversely, for an increased rehabilitation period after the chemical peeling procedure, as well as the maximum inform the specialist about any individual or previously encountered allergic reactions to certain cosmetics and medications, about the cosmetics used and the current state of the body.

During a chemical peel procedure, the following are often possible:

  • increased skin sensitivity (due to thinning of the epidermis);
  • skin redness;
  • a feeling of dryness, tightness, tingling up to a slight burning sensation, peeling of the skin;
  • rash (for example, with acne this is normal, their number gradually decreases and finally disappears).

Pre-peeling preparation

  • Adapts the skin to the effects of acids, evens out the upper layer of the epidermis, which ensures better and more uniform penetration of the peeling.
  • To prepare for 2 weeks before starting the peeling course, use cosmetics with a small percentage of acids - cleansers, serums, creams with an acid content of 6-12% and a fairly high pH.
  • So, for AHA acids, the minimum effective indicators for a daily product are 5-8% at pH 3-4, and for BHA acids (salicylic) - 1-2% at pH 3-4.

Post-peeling care

  • For 2 weeks after the chemical peel procedure, use the same daily products with a small percentage of acids as during the pre-peel preparation. Use soothing, healing, restorative, therapeutic post-peeling masks, serums and creams. This will help avoid complications, soothe the skin, speed up regeneration and saturate the skin with active ingredients as much as possible.
  • Choose products from the list prescribed by your cosmetologist and strictly follow his recommendations.

We hope that now you understand why most cosmetology services , including peelings, are included in the list of works (services) that constitute medical activities and are subject to mandatory licensing (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2012 N 291 On licensing of medical activities) . The Beauty and Health Center “Philosophy of Excellence” has the appropriate license and has the right to provide this type of service.

The presence of this license imposes certain obligations on the institution, including on staff in terms of its level of education.

Thus, the minimum requirements for a specialist performing chemical peeling, according to the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated April 18, 2012 N 381n (On approval of the Procedure for providing medical care to the population in the field of cosmetology) and order dated October 13, 2022 N 804n (On approval nomenclature of medical services) is the presence of additional education - professional retraining in the specialty “Nursing in cosmetology” with secondary vocational education in one of the specialties: “General Medicine”, “Midwifery”, “Nursing”.

A cosmetology nurse must have:

  • depilation techniques with wax, sugar, cosmetics;
  • care techniques, which include: massage (face, body, anti-cellulite, medical), skin cleansing (chemical or mechanical abrasive peeling), wraps and masks; techniques used in cryotherapy (when the body is exposed to low temperatures in order to achieve a rejuvenating effect);
  • injection techniques: mesotherapy (intradermal injection of nutritional cocktails of vitamins and biologically active substances), botulinum therapy, contour plastic surgery, PRP technologies; hardware procedures - laser and photoepilation, vacuum massage, etc.;
  • first aid techniques in case of allergic reactions in a patient.

!!! Therefore, even if a specialist has a certificate of completion of any courses in peeling techniques, but does not have the appropriate education, such a specialist does not have the right to provide this type of cosmetic procedures, even if the institution is licensed to provide medical services in the field of cosmetology. Unfortunately, few people know about this nuance, which unscrupulous beauty salons and private masters take advantage of by providing their clients with such certificates, which in fact do not give either the right to provide such a service or confirm the required educational minimum, thereby putting their client’s health in danger.

At the Philosophy of Excellence Beauty and Health Center, all employees have the appropriate education - we strictly comply with all the requirements of the licensee and take care of the health and safety of our Guests. You can always view information about the education of our employees, as well as other information required to be published by a medical institution, on our website.

Dear girls, women! Be careful in choosing an institution and a specialist when deciding to undergo a chemical peeling procedure! Taking care of your health, Beauty and Health Center “Philosophy of Excellence”.

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Who is the procedure not recommended for?

Contraindications to exfoliation are:

- herpes infection and other infectious diseases in the active stage

- diseases of the kidneys, liver, cardiovascular system, cancer and other severe somatic diseases

- diabetes

– pregnancy and breastfeeding period

- minor age (under 18 years old)

- individual intolerance and allergic reaction to the ingredients of the composition

- damage to the skin, inflammation of the skin

Before the exfoliation procedure, consultation with a specialist is necessary in any case, because In addition to absolute contraindications, there are other reasons that may justify postponing the procedure for some time. Thus, peeling is not recommended while taking a number of medications (immunosuppressants, retinoids, etc.) or in the case of recently performed traumatic cosmetic procedures (deep cleaning, mesotherapy, etc.). In addition, contraindications also include the presence of a tan and menstruation period.

Recovery period

The duration of recovery after the procedure depends on the depth of acid exposure. So, after superficial peeling, recovery will take several days, after medium peeling – up to 14 days. Skin regeneration processes after deep peeling require more time - up to six months.

Regardless of the type of peeling and the duration of the recovery period, it is important to take care of your facial skin and follow your doctor’s recommendations. There are few restrictions during this period, but it is highly advisable to comply with them; first of all, it is to refrain from visiting the bathhouse, sauna and, of course, the solarium. Protecting the skin from ultraviolet rays, even in winter, is also the main rule during the recovery period. It is recommended to drink plenty of fluids and touch your face as little as possible.

In addition to generally accepted restrictions, there may be individual ones, which are prescribed by a cosmetologist. A professional specialist will also give recommendations on the use of skincare and decorative cosmetics during the recovery period after the procedure.

Almond peeling for normal skin

Daria Serova Content director, 29 years old

Skin type : normal, combination

Problem : oily T-zone, spot inflammation, mild expression lines

Desired result : elimination of oily shine, post-acne and fine wrinkles

Cosmetologist's solution : almond peeling

Description : mandelic acid acts very gently and is suitable for sensitive and thin skin. It gently exfoliates the skin and does not cause discomfort. The advantages of almond peeling include the fact that it is suitable for various skin phototypes, and can also be used despite solar activity, although for most peels this is one of the main contraindications. First of all, almond peeling rejuvenates, cleanses and heals the skin.

Feedback : “I am very pleased with the result. Although I didn’t decide to have the procedure right away. It is generally accepted that peeling requires at least a week of rehabilitation and no sun. And I was planning a trip to Bali very soon. During the consultation, I was told about all-season peels that can be done even before a beach holiday. The main thing is to protect your skin with cream with SPF 50 at first. Did I get the desired result? Rather yes than no. The skin became matte and smooth. True, facial wrinkles remained with me. But I think we need to learn to love them - these are traces of a smile and happy emotions.”

Rating : 7 out of 10.

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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