Propolis in cosmetology: for acne, wrinkles, oily, dry skin

Uza, or bee glue, is the main apiary product, whose benefits surpass the healing qualities of honey. The properties have found application in folk medicine and cosmetology. The reasons for its prevalence are the function of a natural antibiotic and stimulation of cell regeneration. Therefore, propolis is often used for the face. Preparation of remedies based on bonds is possible at home.

Directions for use and doses

Externally, locally.

  • Areas with superficial damage to the skin (microtraumas) are treated with a swab moistened with propolis tincture 1-3 times a day.
  • For chronic purulent otitis, after thoroughly cleaning the pus, insert a tampon soaked in propolis tincture for 1-2 minutes 2-3 times a day or 1-2 drops into the ear 3-4 times a day.
  • For chronic pharyngitis and tonsillitis, propolis tincture is applied to the tonsils 1-2 times a day for 8-15 days. In addition, for chronic tonsillitis, an aqueous solution of propolis tincture in a ratio of 1:20 is used for inhalation. The course of treatment is 1-2 inhalations per day for 7-10 days.
  • For periodontal diseases, propolis tincture is administered in turundas into periodontal pockets for 5 minutes after deep curettage.
  • In case of damage to the oral mucosa, an aqueous solution of propolis tincture (15 ml per 1/2 cup of warm water) is used for rinsing 4-5 times a day for 3-4 days.

Is it possible to smear propolis* on acne?

The substances contained in propolis, honey or royal jelly are beneficial for the skin of the face, but they will not help get rid of acne*, since acne is a medical problem that needs to be treated with the use of medications prescribed by a dermatologist.

Propolis contains 164:

  • vitamins;
  • minerals;
  • proteins;
  • amino acids;
  • enzymes;
  • flavonoids.

Propolis tincture has anti-inflammatory and antifungal effects, but you should not use it at home to get rid of acne* on the face. To combat acne, there are special medications that are selected by a dermatologist in accordance with the patient’s clinical picture. Propolis helps improve skin condition and accelerates the healing of small wounds. This natural substance easily penetrates the skin, stimulates metabolic capabilities, nourishes and restores it.

Cosmetics containing honey have an antibacterial and sebum-regulating effect, while at the same time moisturizing and protecting the skin from premature aging, as well as ultraviolet radiation. Using propolis can gently soothe facial irritation by preventing bacterial growth, thereby helping the skin, but to get rid of acne*, medication must be used164.

But it should be remembered that beekeeping products are allergenic, so you should not prepare an alcoholic tincture of propolis or an anti-acne mask* with this ingredient at home; it is better to use a ready-made product after first testing for an allergic reaction. Apply a small amount of the composition to your wrist or elbow, if after 15-20 minutes no unpleasant sensations appear (itching, redness, rash), you can apply it to your face.

Contraindications for use

Despite the fact that bee products have undoubted health benefits in general, there are people who have intolerance to bee products in the form of allergies. If a person suffers from allergic reactions to bee stings or honey, then there is a high probability of intolerance to propolis. It can manifest itself as rashes, itching and redness of the skin.

However, it must be taken into account that propolis and honey are different substances, so a person can tolerate one product, but may develop a severe allergy to the other. Therefore, before using bee glue in the preparation of facial preparations, you need to make sure that it does not cause allergies.

You will be interested to read whether and how to properly eat propolis in its pure form.
If you suffer from dermatological problems, try making your own cosmetic masks from bee glue according to the recipes above. The procedures described will have a quick effect and a lasting therapeutic effect, which will help you get rid of skin problems and help you have an attractive appearance at any age.

Who is not suitable for recipes containing bee products?

Honey, propolis, and bee bread contain a huge amount of bioactive substances, and therefore are highly allergenic. Dermatologists do not recommend using masks, creams and lotions with propolis for:

  • contact dermatitis;
  • open wounds on the skin;
  • scaly lichen;
  • tendency to allergic reactions;
  • exacerbation of herpes;
  • allergies to alcohol.

If itching, burning or a blistering rash occurs while using cosmetics, you cannot continue to use the recipe. Undesirable reactions indicate individual intolerance to propolis components.

Cosmetics with bee glue are effective means for combating and preventing skin defects. Propolis contains more than two hundred beneficial substances that stimulate metabolism and protective functions of the skin. With regular use of masks, tonics and creams, wrinkles are smoothed out, facial tone is evened out, acne and age spots disappear.

Using propolis tincture for acne* in cosmetics

Honey and its derivatives have been used in medicine for a long time. Cosmetologists could not help but use their antibactericidal, antifungal and regenerating properties for their own purposes.

Therefore, in cosmetic stores you can find a huge number of creams for all skin types, lotions, lip balms and even mascaras containing propolis. For medicinal purposes, ointments, alcohol or aqueous-alcohol solutions of various consistencies are also used.

Products with honey can be used to care for problem skin, but acne treatment should be medicated and supervised by a dermatologist.

Product effectiveness

The use of the described natural beekeeping product in medicine and cosmetology will be effective only when its use is agreed with the attending physician or cosmetologist, and also provided that there are no contraindications and all recommendations are correctly followed. It is important to understand that the use of propolis can be successful only in the initial stages of diseases or cosmetic problems. Although it is possible to get rid of unpleasant symptoms with its help, you should not count on the use of drugs with propolis as the main method of treatment.

Did you know? Altai shamans knew about the ability of propolis to greatly increase the benefits of elements mixed with it, and they believed that if you smeared
magical amulets with bee glue and then placed them in the nests of bees, this would enhance the healing effect they produced.

Composition and properties of propolis

Propolis is a dark sticky substance collected by bees from young buds of various trees (bud glue), and then fermented. They use it as an insulating material and as a means of sealing unnecessary holes in hives.

Did you know? Propolis is called a natural antibiotic produced by bees. Using this product inside the hive, these hardworking insects disinfect the air inside their home, after which it remains sterile for a long time.

Subsequently, beekeepers scrape this substance from special frames with honeycombs, collecting up to approximately 155 g of the substance from one hive.

  • The product has the following properties:
  • has a bitter-spicy taste and a glue-like consistency;
  • the freshly harvested product is usually pale brownish or dark green in color (the color varies depending on the type of tree the bees have worked on);
  • subsequently the product dries out, its color changes to brownish, the consistency thickens, but at the same time it remains fragile;
  • the bond retains all its useful qualities during heat treatment, therefore it is permissible to warm it up before use;
  • the bee product contains more than 200 other different compounds (plant resins, terpene acids, volatile and tannins, balms, essential oils, essential amino acids, flavonoids, nicotinic and pantothenic acids, vitamins A, E, group B, zinc, manganese, potassium, sodium , magnesium, sulfur, phosphorus, copper, selenium, fluorine, etc.), and also contains wax;
  • has a bactericidal effect, suppressing and destroying the activity of many viruses and bacteria (including mycobacterium tuberculosis, influenza virus and the causative agent of hepatitis);
  • Oza, killing harmful microflora, does not provoke dysbacteriosis;
  • the adhesive substance can be used simultaneously with some antibiotic drugs, since it enhances their effect;
  • bee glue is known for its anti-inflammatory and antitoxic effects, and also increases immune strength;
  • serves as a biostimulant, has regenerating properties and acts as an antioxidant;
  • with its help, the body removes dead parasites and their waste products;
  • serves as an anesthetic for exacerbation of gastritis, otitis, as well as for frostbite, wounds, burns (including eyes), diseases of the oral cavity;
  • used as an adjuvant for fusion of bone tissue in case of injuries and fractures;
  • cosmetologists use propolis for rashes and acne, as it is able to heal small wounds on the dermis and relieve inflammation;
  • softens the dermis, making it velvety and elastic;
  • propolis is used in the complex treatment of stroke and heart attack (helps reduce scarring on the heart muscle and accelerate tissue regeneration).

Important! All bee products are strong allergens. For this reason, propolis should never be used on the skin of the face without first testing the sensitivity of the dermis.

Features of the use of propolis in cosmetology

The use of bee products for cosmetic purposes has its own characteristics, since in its natural form bee glue is inconvenient to use due to its dense structure:

  • bee glue in the formulation of various skin care products is used only extracted (alcohol tincture or water infusion - the form of the drug depending on the type of dermis);
  • due to its antiseptic, anesthetic, regenerating properties, it is an ingredient in hair removal products, deodorizing preparations, creams and masks, makeup remover tonics;
  • products are made from natural substances to improve the health and strength of hair follicles (nutrients can accelerate hair growth, remove dandruff, make hair shiny and voluminous);
  • Due to its preservative properties, bee products are often used as a preservative for cosmetics.

Benefits of propolis for skin

The healing power of a bee product depends on the composition of its components. Uza is a brown or dark green resinous substance produced by winged workers. Bee secretion is formed by collecting material from tree buds with further processing by insects. To this is added a small amount of pollen and wax.

Composition of propolis material:

  • vitamins – K, A, E, group B, ascorbic acid;
  • minerals, trace elements – manganese, zinc, calcium, potassium, sodium;
  • flavonoids, aldehydes, alcohols, polyphenols;
  • organic acids, essential oils, pollen, resins;
  • enzymes, amino acid series.

Propolis is used in cosmetology due to the listed composition of components, which together show benefits for the whole body. Effect on the skin:

  • restoration or activation of protective, immune functions;
  • cleansing of toxins, waste, decay products;
  • rejuvenating effect, smoothing out fine wrinkles;
  • acceleration of the regenerative abilities of cells and tissues;
  • elimination of acne, blackheads, rashes, age spots;
  • normalization of the production of collagen fibers and elastin;
  • strengthening capillary walls;
  • pain relief, elimination of symptoms of the inflammatory reaction.

Bee glue exhibits natural bactericidal, antiseptic, and antifungal properties. Products made on the basis of Usa are contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity or allergies to beekeeping products.

Homemade recipes for propolis face masks

According to folk recipes, a homemade face mask usually combines other ingredients with propolis (oil, honey, apple cider vinegar, clay, semolina, chicken eggs). This complements the bond and enhances the healing properties of the mixture.

The recipe depends on the skin problem to be dealt with. Remedies for acne and wrinkles, for rejuvenation, nutrition or hydration, and for dry or oily skin surfaces are common. The main thing is to follow the instructions.

Anti-wrinkle mask

The combination of bee glue and coconut oil is an effective home remedy for wrinkles. Beneficial properties: maintaining skin elasticity, returning elasticity, tone, healthy appearance. Recipe:

  1. Melt coconut oil (15 g).
  2. Add propolis shavings (2 g).
  3. Prepare a water bath, place the dishes, stir the mixture.
  4. Boil for 3-4 minutes.

After cooling to a warm temperature, cover the skin on the face with the mixture, spreading it over the entire surface with a brush. After 30–40 minutes, remove the residue with a paper towel or napkin.

Acne mask

Propolis for acne and for cleansing pores and ducts is usually used in the form of an infusion. The main advantage is the removal of toxins and accumulated impurities. Preparation, method of application:

  1. Mix 10 g of black bread pulp and egg white.
  2. Add 20 drops of uzy tincture in alcohol.
  3. Mix the ingredients thoroughly.
  4. Cover the surface of the face with the mixture and leave for 20–25 minutes.
  5. Remove any residue and rinse your face with cool water.

Black bread helps smooth out wrinkles, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, relieve irritation and inflammation, and restore protective functions. Egg whites enhance the listed properties, eliminate acne and redness.

Anti-greasy mask

A product made from oose, wheat oil, and oatmeal will return a healthy matte tone to the face, reduce the secretion of sebaceous secretions and dry out the skin. Recipe:

  1. Combine 2 small spoons of oat flour with thermal water.
  2. Add 20 drops of tincture of water, wheat oil (1 coffee spoon).
  3. Mix the ingredients thoroughly.

The face is pre-steamed, then the entire surface is covered with the resulting mixture, spreading with a spatula. Leave the healing agent for 20–30 minutes. After the procedure, you need to wash your face with warm water.

Mask for oily skin

For high fat content, a product based on tincture and yeast is recommended. The main advantage is the cleansing effect. Preparation steps and application option:

  1. Combine yeast (20 g) with mineral water, 1 ml of liquid from the alcohol.
  2. Mix the ingredients and distribute evenly over the skin.
  3. After 10–15 minutes, wash your face.

Yeast is not very common in folk recipes, which does not negate its effectiveness. Beneficial properties: narrowing pores, eliminating oily shine, reducing the production of sebaceous secretions. Combination with bonds will enhance the healing power.

Mask for dry skin

Using bee glue together with aloe and cocoa extract removes dryness. Recipe, application:

  1. Make an extract from aloe leaves (20 ml), add uzha shavings (1 g).
  2. Place in the refrigerator for 1 day.
  3. Take out and mix with 10 g of cocoa powder.
  4. Cover the face for 15 minutes, rinse.

The beneficial effect of the healing mixture is to get rid of excessive dryness, flaking, nourishment, and saturate the skin with life-giving substances (vitamins, minerals, antioxidants).

Mask with propolis and honey

The combination of natural beekeeping products (honey and bee glue) is a remedy that helps with various facial skin problems. For preparation you will need only natural ingredients.

The recipe is to combine 10 g of honey, 2 ml of propolis tincture with 5 g of semolina. Cover the surface of the face with the mixture, after steaming the skin. Leave for 30 minutes, wash. It is better to wipe your face with a napkin.

Mask with propolis and clay

Clay is often used as a component in cosmetic products. Combination with bee glue significantly enhances the healing power. Recipe:

  1. Dilute red clay (15 g).
  2. Sprinkle propolis shavings (1 g), add pomegranate oil (30 drops).
  3. Cover the skin, leave for 15 minutes, rinse.

Benefits in returning a healthy complexion to the face. Other advantages of a mixture of clay and propolis include the elimination of age spots, sagging, and signs of an inflammatory reaction.

Mask with propolis and apple cider vinegar

A product with the addition of apple cider vinegar to bee glue is used for self-peeling. Recipe:

  1. Mix 5 g of starch with 20 ml of apple cider vinegar.
  2. Add 15 drops of alcohol infusion.
  3. Stir, cover the front surface, leave for 10 minutes.

The useful composition helps to rejuvenate the skin by stimulating the synthesis of collagen fibers and activating cell renewal. The beneficial effect of apple cider vinegar also lies in disinfection.

Rejuvenating mask

For older women, the beneficial composition of an anti-aging product will help them fight skin changes. Recipe:

  1. Rub the banana through a sieve, add the yolk, 5 g of oil tincture.
  2. Mix, cover the face with the mixture, pressing firmly to the surface.
  3. Leave for 40–50 minutes, wash.

The healing properties of the mixture are aimed at removing puffiness, circles under the eyes, smoothing age-related wrinkles and folds. A nice bonus is the correction of the shape (oval) of the face.

Nourishing mask

To nourish the skin, you will need to evaporate 20 g of cottage cheese in milk, grind until smooth, mix with 1 g of propolis and 20 drops of rice oil. The mass should be applied evenly for 30 minutes, then remove the residue and wash. Benefits for the skin in nutrition, moisturizing, getting rid of wrinkles.

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