Exercises for facial muscles. A set of 12 exercises + video

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When we begin to notice age-related changes, the eternal question often arises - what to do? What exercises for the facial muscles should you do to lose 5-10 extra years and look younger?

In this article, I will give you a set of 12 exercises that will help you look younger with regular use. I will also give you several videos with an analysis of the exercises and a link to the YouTube channel, where you can find dozens of other exercises for every day.

How to avoid facial aging

Experts say that the aging process of facial muscles occurs much more rapidly and intensively than the aging process of all other human muscles. At the same time, the average person, as a rule, does not think at all about the state of his facial muscles, paying attention exclusively to the state of his body.

For example: every third person does daily morning exercises, and one in ten do facial exercises.

As a result, the facial skin loses its elasticity and attractiveness, wrinkles and other temporary changes in the epithelium appear.

To avoid this, you need to regularly do special exercises (gymnastics for the facial muscles), and they should start after 25–30 years, and preferably even earlier.

What is Facebook building

We all know what bodybuilding is and remember what people who engage in this sport look like. So, face building is the same thing, only for the face.

However, the facial muscles are not designed for forceful loading. Constant tension is harmful to any muscles, especially facial ones. We already constantly work with our faces - we blink, smile, chew, talk, frown, and because of this, the muscles spasm and contract. And additional stress will only make the situation worse. The muscles will become even shorter, and the tension will be stronger. As a result, new wrinkles and creases appear, and old ones deepen.

The condition of the facial muscles and their effect on health

Muscles are an integral part of the human musculoskeletal system. Moreover, the condition of the muscles determines not only our appearance, but also our state of health. This means that, wanting to always look cheerful, fit, young and attractive, you need to try to keep your muscles in good shape - and you should pay attention not only to the body, but also to the face, because the face is the calling card of a person.

Wait to resort to the help of cosmetologists and surgeons - you can easily improve the condition of your face on your own. Just be patient and take your time - after all, you should do facial exercises regularly. And soon you are guaranteed to notice significant improvements in your appearance - and for this you don’t even have to endure unpleasant cosmetic procedures and spend fabulous money.

To perform exercises for the facial muscles you will need:

  • mirror,
  • special products for cleansing and moisturizing facial skin,
  • as well as the desire to look better.

Do you have everything you need? Then let's get started!

Once again about Facebook building

Facebook building not only does not help, but also harms the beauty of the face. The fact is that the muscles of the body are fixed between the joints, and the muscles of the face are attached to the bone at one end, and woven into the skin or other muscles at the other. When they are “pumped up”, those muscles that are in hypertonicity will also be included in the work. As a result, nothing good will come of it - some muscles will stop performing their functions, while others will contract even more. The facial muscles need to be relaxed, not tensed - any professional doctor with the necessary education will tell you this.

Before you start doing facial exercises

Before you begin exercises for the facial muscles, you need to thoroughly cleanse the skin and apply a good nourishing cream to it. Do this every time before you start gymnastics (and gymnastics, by the way, is advisable to repeat 3-4 times during the week).

Moreover, you can do the whole set of exercises, as well as individual ones - if you want to work only with one muscle group. And after two weeks, the positive results from gymnastics will become noticeable even with the naked eye.

By the way, after some time has passed after you start doing exercises for the facial muscles, you can notice that your subcutaneous fat has become more actively secreted - specific spots form on your face. Don’t pay attention to this - after a while the spots will go away on their own, but beauty and youth will remain with you for a long time!

And one more note before you start doing facial exercises: try to work your muscles selectively. That is, if you tense one of the facial muscles, be sure to relax all the others - otherwise the positive effect will be less bright and noticeable.

And you shouldn’t rush – the main thing is to do the exercises efficiently and accurately enough.

Preparation and execution rules

We will not tell you about the rules of Facebook building, because we do not recommend using it. Let’s better discuss proper relaxation of the facial muscles.

  1. Before the procedure, thoroughly wash and dry your skin. It is better not to use regular tap water - it contains a lot of chlorine, which dries out the skin. Give preference to natural hydrosol of sage, mint or lavender. You can find them on the website www.beauty365.ru
  2. DO NOT overdo it with moisturizers. You have to make tight, deep movements and oil or cream will only get in the way. Apply, let it absorb, remove excess with a napkin.
  3. Hands must be washed thoroughly.
  4. But after the procedure it is necessary to apply a nourishing agent. It will be able to maximize its properties by working the muscles.

Exercises that are part of the facial gymnastics program

No. 1. Prevention of vertical wrinkles on the forehead

Hold your head tightly with your hands, placing your index fingers on your forehead and your thumbs on the back of your head. Using your index fingers, slightly move the skin of your forehead towards the center and at the same time raise your eyebrows.

Slowly count to six and then lower your arms.

Watch a video with an analysis of the exercise.

No. 2. Creating beautiful brow ridges

You need to strengthen the muscles located directly above your eyebrows. To do this, you need to place the pad of your middle finger on the central part of each eyebrow, and then pull the skin of the eyebrows up and at the same time try to frown.

Stay in this position until you count to six, and then pull the skin of your eyebrows down with your fingers, and with the help of your facial muscles, try to lift your eyebrows up (this is the opposite action to what you just did).

Hold again for six counts.

No. 3. Exercises to prevent wrinkles in the corners of the eyes

Place the pads of your middle and ring fingers on the outer corners of your eyes and gently pull the skin toward your ears.

In this case, the eyes should be closed, and the muscles around them tense - you need to resist external influence.

No. 4. Getting rid of bags under the eyes

Place the pads of three fingers - middle, index and ring fingers - on the area under the eye. Gently pull the skin down, trying to close your eyes at the same time.

Freeze and slowly count to six.

No. 5. Strengthening the chin muscles

Pull your chin down with your index, ring and middle fingers, while at the same time sticking out your lower lip and trying to use your muscles to bring it back.

No. 6. Getting rid of a double chin

Pull your chin down, placing the fingertips of both hands on it.

At the same time, try to resist the pressure - to do this you need to rest your tongue on the roof of your mouth.

Watch a video demonstrating exercises to help get rid of a double chin.

No. 7. Exercise for toned and firm cheeks

Sit up straight, raise your head and tilt it back a little. Using three fingers (middle, ring and index), you need to strongly pull your cheek down, while at the same time trying to lift it up with the help of your facial muscles.

The muscles should work in the same way as when smiling, only under increased load.

No. 8. Exercises to strengthen the lower cheek muscles

Your task is to influence the muscles that press the cheeks to the gums. To do this, you need to put your thumb in your mouth, move it to the very bottom of the cheek, towards the gums, and then pull the cheek from the inside. At the same time, you must make every muscle effort to return the cheek to its place.

Repeat this exercise at least once for each cheek.

No. 9. Toning the lip muscles

Using your fingers, pull down your lower lip until the row of teeth is completely visible.

Now tense your muscles and try to close your mouth, hold this position for a while.

No. 10. Pull up the corners of the mouth

Place the pad of your left thumb on the inner corner of your lips on the right. As a result, your finger should be behind your cheek, and you should place three more fingers on the outside corner of your mouth.

Gently press your cheek and pull it towards the center of your face.

At the same time, tense your muscles, trying to return your cheek to its place.

Take a short break, and then repeat the same exercise with your left cheek.

No. 11. Prevention of wrinkles above the upper lip

Very important muscles go from the corners of the nose to the corners of a person’s mouth - and it is they that need to be stimulated as part of this exercise for the facial muscles.

Place the thumbs of both hands under your upper lip. Place all other fingers on top of your lip and pull it down, while trying to smile.

No. 12. Toning the neck muscle

The condition of this muscle largely determines the appearance of your neck, which means that working with it must be taken very seriously. Lie down on the bed with your head hanging down. And then begin to lower and raise your head, straining your neck.

Do this exercise in five sets of three repetitions, and when you get a little more proficient, in ten sets of six repetitions.

Review of post-gymnastics care products

After exercise, the skin needs to be nourished as much as possible. Pay attention to products with natural ingredients.

  1. Vegetable squalane serum - light sugar cane oil will quickly saturate your skin without chemicals.
  2. Coconut oil is a unique product that is ideal for caring for the entire body and even hair. But people with oily skin types should use it with caution.
  3. Camellia sasanqua oil contains vitamins and acids that will nourish not only your skin, but also your hair and nails.
  4. Eye pads with a relaxing effect - after eye exercises, they will help you achieve an additional effect, and then fall asleep.

How can you enhance Facebook building?

The exercises you do with your own hands are good, but you can improve the results with additional tools.

  1. Cosmetic glass jars work on the vacuum principle and allow you to erase wrinkles like an eraser and a simple pencil. In addition, with the help of cupping you can reduce swelling and get rid of acne.
  2. Amber massager - allows you to improve the classic massage. Relieves muscle spasms, improves blood microcirculation and lymph flow, makes skin color healthier.
  3. Dry massage brush - promotes cell renewal, improves lymph flow, cleanses pores. Regular use of such a brush allows you to get rid of the “rings of Venus” and a double chin.
  4. Guasha massager - activates the lymphatic system, reduces swelling and allows you to quickly remove toxins. As a result, not only the skin tightens, but inflammation also goes away.

The beauty of the face directly depends on the condition of the spine. No matter how much you crush your skin and smear it with expensive care products, there will be no noticeable qualitative changes. Therefore, first of all, take care of your spine. A roller made of buckwheat husk will help you with this. It helps lift the corners of the lips, makes teeth straighter and gets rid of drooping eyelids.

At the “Flourish” marathon, we work not only on the beauty of our face, but also improve the condition of the entire body. Starting from nutrition to spiritual practices. As a result, you will improve the overall condition of your skin, get rid of a few extra pounds and achieve a calm moral state. Join us!

Preparing for classes: trainer's advice

To get the maximum effect from gymnastics, Anastasia has developed a list of recommendations, the purpose of which is to help in performing the elements of face-building correctly.

  1. Before starting classes, you need to clean your face of makeup. There is no need to apply massage oil to the face, since the fingers will slip and will not be able to fix at a certain point;
  2. Massage movements should be painless and light; in order to avoid injury to the skin, jewelry should be removed from the hands;
  3. After classes, you need to wash your face with water at room temperature. Apply nourishing moisturizer. Exercises should be done daily - morning and evening. It is recommended to work with a mirror in the first days and analyze each movement, comparing it with that presented in the video lesson;
  4. The effectiveness of facial gymnastics from Anastasia will significantly increase if you also use other facial rejuvenation techniques: lifting, peeling, etc. Burdyug advises doing gymnastic exercises by slowly counting from 10 to 50. 13 exercises should take at least 8 minutes.

These nuances are easy to remember, however, they help you organize your time and purposefully achieve a good effect.

How to remove nasolabial folds?

Now that you know the reasons for nasolabial folds , I think you already have a rough idea of ​​what you need to do to remove nasolabial folds:

  1. With the help of facial gymnastics exercises, it is necessary to “revive” overstrained facial muscles in order to warm them up and pump blood and lymph with their help in the central part of the face. This will increase blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, the skin will receive nourishment, will be able to cleanse itself, swelling will gradually go away, and the nasolabial folds will soften.
  2. Then you need to relax and stretch these muscles to return them to their natural shape. This way they will stretch to their natural state - and the nasolabial folds will gradually smooth out.
  3. Using massage techniques, it is necessary to “disperse” swelling in the cheek area, as well as further relax and stretch the facial muscles.

Relaxation, self-massage and nasolabial traction

After the power complex of gymnastics for the face, we move on to the stage of stretching the worked muscles and relaxing them more deeply.

Relaxation technique #1

We will now fill our cheeks with air and roll it from one cheek to the opposite. First, we do this dynamically from five to twenty times. And we add static: we take air into one cheek, stay in this position for five to ten seconds and then do the same on the opposite side.

Massage of nasolabial folds No. 1

In order to work the muscles even more, you can, at the moment when your cheeks are filled with air, press and massage the area of ​​the nasolabial folds with your finger.

Relaxation technique No. 2

We pump air under the upper lip, under the lower lip, under one corner of the lips, under the second, over the first and second corners, under the corners of the lips and then roll the air in a circle in one direction and in the opposite direction.

Pay attention to this exercise for up to one minute. If it is more difficult for you to pump air into one of the zones, this means that it is this zone that is more tense; the muscles are in greater change here. Pay more attention to this area, relaxing it.

Massage of nasolabial folds No. 2

Well, let’s finish our work with the area of ​​the nasolabial folds with a massage, which will very well help stretch and relax the muscles.

Place your thumbs under the nasolabial folds and place your index fingers on top. Then gently massage the muscles, knead them and stretch them.

Try to get your fingers as deep as you can. Feel where your most tense areas are and pay more attention to them.

You can continue this massage, covering not only the nasolabial area, but also working with the cheeks, upper lip, lower lip, and corners of the lips.

Facebuilding is a modern safe way of facial correction

People first started talking about Facebook building in the mid-30s of the last century; the trend has many followers, among whom the most famous is Carol Maggio. It was on the basis of her set of exercises for facial correction that Anastasia Burdyug developed her “SuperFACE” course and became a leading Russian instructor in face and neck correction.

Today, Anastasia Bugdyug’s online courses have moved from the site anysports.tv to the new site anyclass.tv. The new platform has a whole range of different courses that help people. This is an updated gymnastics for Anastasia’s face:

  • SUPER Face 2.0;
  • SUPER Face PRO;
  • SUPER Day;
  • Secrets of SUPER Faces.

There are also other marathons in different directions:

  • Health;
  • Physical training (including dancing);
  • Beauty;
  • Psychology.

In the photo: Anastasia Burdyug and Carol Maggio

Recommendations for performing the complex

Perform this complex no more than once every two days.

: trained for a day - rested for a day - trained for a day - rested for a day.
Under no circumstances do strength exercises every day!
This can increase the spasm of those muscles that are already in an overstrained state. After a power load, it is very important for our muscles to rest and recover properly.

You can practice relaxation techniques every day. Some even several times a day, for example, rolling air from cheek to cheek, from nasolabial to nasolabial, and rolling air around the lips.

I highly recommend adding lip exercises to the complex for nasolabial folds. You can find these exercises in my Free video course on facial gymnastics. In addition to these exercises, in the Free video course you will find exercises for rejuvenating six areas of the face


And here you can see the results of women who did facial gymnastics using my method.

I wish you pleasant training and beautiful results!

I wish you to remain young and beautiful at any age!

Yulia Kovaleva, your facial gymnastics instructor

Facebook building effectiveness

The effectiveness of the technique is still poorly understood. And those studies that exist are ambiguous. They do not have control groups and a randomization process, which are necessary for a quality result. Moreover, the evaluation of effectiveness was mainly subjective, since the studies were conducted under the guidance of centers that promote Facebook building.

Other studies that are independent have proven the harm of such gymnastics. They highlighted several points that show the ineffectiveness of such a procedure:

  1. Uneven muscle development - due to facial expressions, some muscles are relaxed, while others are in constant tension. In some areas they have shrunk and cannot straighten out. And the procedure, instead of relaxing and getting rid of tension, adds new spasms.
  2. The appearance of wrinkles - in theory, when you start training, your main goal is to get rid of wrinkles. Pumping up the muscles triggers the compensatory function of the muscles. They bear additional stress, which leads to the appearance of new wrinkles, and old ones become even deeper.
  3. Facial deformation - gymnastics can lead to pinched nerves. It hurts and distorts facial features. Most often, a doctor can solve this problem. So think about it - are you ready to take that risk?

Is it possible to perform face building on your own or do you need the help of a specialist?

You don’t need to do it at all, either on your own or with the help of a specialist. But self-massage is a cool and effective procedure that you can do with your own hands at home.

This procedure will not take much time, and the result will not be long in coming. The main thing is the precision of the exercises and the regularity of the exercises. In addition, there is a huge number of different exercises for each zone - so you won’t get bored and will enjoy the exercises.

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