Fundizol in the treatment of nail fungus: instructions and reviews

Infection with nail and skin fungus can occur at any age. Those who frequently visit swimming pools, gyms and baths are primarily susceptible to this disease. But, if almost any drug can be used when treating an adult (depending on the presence of chronic diseases), most of them are not recommended for use in children. This is mainly due to the negative impact of certain toxic compounds on the growth and development of the child. One of the products that does not contain potent substances, but is no less effective, is Fundizol.

Composition and release form

Fundizol is available in the form of a cream, which has a thick texture and a pleasant smell. Due to its low fat content (unlike many ointments), its use is not associated with unpleasant sensations.

Pharmacological action is based on the constituent substances:

  • salicylic acid,
  • potassium iodide,
  • zinc oxide (oxide),
  • esters of parahydroxybenzoic acid (methyl, propyl),
  • celandine extract,
  • oak bark extract.

All these active compounds are contained in a special base, which promotes their penetration deep into tissues and has a moisturizing and softening effect.

pharmachologic effect

Fundizol cream has an antiseptic and antifungal effect due to the presence of salicylic acid and potassium iodide. Zinc oxide relieves inflammation and dries. Plant extracts have powerful fungicidal and bactericidal effects. The product helps soften infected nail tissues and facilitates their removal.

The components of the drug enhance the effect of each other. At the same time, tissue regeneration is stimulated and unpleasant odor is eliminated.

Indications for Fundizol

Fundizol is used to treat mycoses, onychomycosis, the cream helps get rid of ingrown toenails. The instructions indicate that the cream can be used to treat certain dermatological problems.

Indications for use:

  • purulent rashes;
  • increased sweating of hands and feet;
  • unpleasant odor of feet;
  • excessive dryness, roughness of the epidermis;
  • cracks on the heels and in the interdigital space;
  • bacterial lesions of the epidermis;
  • prevention of infection with fungal diseases.

Fundizol will relieve cracked heels

Fundizol can be used as first aid for acne, sunburn and insect bites. The cream perfectly moisturizes dry skin, prevents flaking, and eliminates swelling of the limbs.

Directions for use and dosage

Instructions for use assume long-term use of the drug. This is mainly due to the slow growth of a healthy nail plate (2-3 months). When treating skin fungus, it takes less time to recover.

For adults

To treat the skin, it is necessary to distribute a small amount of cream over its surface. If there are obvious symptoms of fungus, treatment should be carried out twice a day. For prevention, it is enough to use the product once a day.

In order for Fundizol to be effective in getting rid of nail fungus, treatment must be carried out according to a different scheme:

  1. Before applying the cream, your feet should be steamed with a warm bath. In this case, you can add soda (1 heaped tablespoon) and a little liquid soap to the water.
  2. After the moisture has completely evaporated, trim the affected part of the nail as much as possible.
  3. Then you need to apply the preparation in a thick layer to the entire surface of the nail plate, cover the top with compression or wax paper and secure with a band-aid. Leave it like this for 6 hours.

Using cellophane or a rubber fingertip may make the situation worse, as these materials will restrict air circulation. In conditions of high humidity and heat, fungal microorganisms will multiply at an accelerated pace.

The procedure is repeated daily until the symptoms of the fungus are completely eliminated. To prevent relapse, it is recommended to disinfect all things that came into contact with the area infected with fungus (towels, shoes, socks, pedicure tools).

For children

According to the instructions, Fundizol is not prohibited from being used to treat fungus in children. The method of application does not differ from that described above. But when treating the drug at a younger age (up to 12 years), you should consult a doctor.

Antifungal agent FUNDIZOL - reviews


Nail fungus is a rather unpleasant thing. It can be easily picked up, but sometimes it is very difficult to get rid of it.

After unsuccessful treatment with one rather expensive advertised remedy, I decided to try something “simpler” and cheaper. I decided on Fundizol cream. I rubbed it into the affected nails twice a day for three weeks. And the fungus disappeared! Now I use Fundizol as a prophylactic before and after visiting places where I can become infected with the fungus again.

In addition, Fundizol cream has an excellent softening effect: after it, the heels become like those of a baby.


I don’t think that Fundizol can be considered an effective remedy for fungus. He is weak and cannot heal on his own. When I had a fungus, I was treated under the supervision of a doctor, they prescribed me several medications, and I used Fundizol as a supplement. means. If other medications worked against the root of the problem, then this cream helped cope with its manifestations: dryness, cracks and peeling. The cream is greasy, absorbs in ten minutes, leaving the skin without a film, clean. You need to apply a thin layer, then it will be absorbed faster and will last longer. The more often you smear, the better, I tried to smear 3-4 times a day, fortunately, I was not working at that time. In less than a month I saw results: the fungus was still being treated, and the skin on the heels and between the toes became smooth and soft, as it should be. Now I continue to periodically buy Fundizol, already for prevention. I rub it on my feet after visits to the pool or manicurist. It copes well with this task; the fungus has not bothered me for over a year now. The composition of the cream is safe, it itself is not expensive, within a hundred rubles, you can afford frequent use, without consequences for your wallet or health.


Having tried a lot of antifungal drugs to treat a fungus on one of my toenails, I decided to try the budget cream Fundizol in order to use this product to remove my affected nail. Fundizol is sold in a pharmacy, it costs more than a budget (in comparison with other antifungal drugs) from 70 to 100 rubles per 30 ml of product.

Read the instructions for Fundizol cream:

The cream itself is very dense, thick, yellowish-white in color, has a smell, by the way, not particularly unpleasant; during storage, liquid may appear inside the bottle.

You need to apply Fundizol to the affected nail 2 times a day in a thick layer, then cover it with compress paper (according to the instructions), I covered it either with cling film or parchment, then sealed it with an adhesive plaster and walked with this application for 8 hours.

The process of treatment with Fundizol, I must say, is quite troublesome, and the first time I approached it carelessly, I applied only once a day at night, sometimes I walked less than the allotted time, missed applications and when, as a result of such treatment, there was no effect from the drug ( my nail absolutely didn’t want to come off), in general I wasn’t particularly surprised.

Later, I decided to approach Fundizol treatment more seriously, bought another package and began to apply it daily, however, only at night (there was no way for me to bother with these applications in the morning), but EVERY evening without skipping. As a result of such regular treatment, I managed to remove a small part of the nail, but the process was VERY slow, the nail came off in tiny pieces, I, to be honest, was hoping for a faster effect.

However, I found Fundizol to have one remarkable property! I treat all my nails and feet with it once every one or two days. Firstly, this is an excellent foot care product that softens the skin of the feet no worse than any specialized cream. Secondly, Fundizol provides prevention of fungal infection of the skin of the feet and nails. At the moment, the fungus from my affected nail has not spread to the neighboring nails, and I consider this to be the merit of Fundizol!

I decided to leave my affected nail alone for now and treat all my feet and nails with Fundizol (fortunately, the price is more than affordable and such treatment will not put a significant dent in my pocket).

This cream, by the way, is very economical, spreads perfectly over the skin and one package lasts a long time! A small drop of Fundizol (the size of a pea) is enough to treat all the nails and the foot on one foot!

I recommend taking a closer look at Fundizol both for caring for the skin of the feet and for the prevention of fungal infection (after visiting a sauna, swimming pool, bathhouse), but it turned out to be not very effective in removing the nail plate affected by fungus.

Elena Kuntseva

I don’t often write reviews, but here I really decided to leave my response to this problem. My fungus started on one nail (it became very itchy) some time ago. At first I didn’t even understand what it was, but then pretty soon the nail began to thicken and peel, and then changed color. And then I really started to panic that it was a fungus. I started trying completely different remedies, but absolutely nothing helped. This list, which also included iodine and soda, could go on for a long time. I suffered with this for three and a half months. Already desperate, I completely accidentally came across the product fundizol and decided to buy it at the pharmacy. I started using it for a long time, about two and a half months. And my old diseased nail fell off and a completely new healthy nail grew in its place! After that, I smeared it for prevention for another month. I still can’t believe that I cured the fungus. And now my advice to those who are faced with this big problem, because fundizol alone will not help in this scourge, and so:

1) wash your feet every day with soap - hygiene comes first - naturally change your socks

2) apply iodine once every three days (I did this in the morning), you should not abuse it; you will burn the entire nail and the skin around it, then you will suffer even more

3) take fluconazole (I took 3 tablets during the entire treatment)

4) a mandatory diet, which includes a list of products: sugar, sweets, alcohol and various fats, of course mushrooms, yogurt and kefir are prohibited. Without this diet, no matter how many medications you take, they will not help you

5) and of course fundizol, I smeared it 1-2 times a day, in the evenings and wrapped it with a band-aid for several hours

6) try to keep your feet open at least once a day (I didn’t always succeed) because closed shoes create an excellent environment for the spread of infection

7) general support of the body’s immunity, because at some point the body itself begins to fight the infection

Here are the main tips that helped me cure fungus, and I decided to share this with those who also encountered this problem. I wish you great patience in the fight against this scourge, which is simply impossible to cure. I wish you all good health.


Fungus is such an infection that ruins the lives of good people that it’s better not to mention it by nightfall. And the prices for antifungal drugs are so exorbitant, as if out of spite. Apparently, manufacturers understand when you have a fungus, and God forbid, you will give any money just to get rid of it.

Moving on to the topic. Somewhere I caught a fungus on the nails of my big toes, and even in the month of May, when you can take off closed shoes and sandals are already washed, polished and two pairs of new ones have already been bought.

The prospect of paying almost a thousand rubles for drops was already looming right under my nose, but at the pharmacy I caught my eye on fundizol, which cost only 90 rubles. “Some kind of bullshit,” I thought and went here to look at the reviews, oddly enough, the reviews turned out to be positive and I decided to take responsibility. I always have time to give a thousand, but here it’s such a gift of fate.

Although the instructions say to smear almost in the morning at lunch and in the evening, I followed it very poorly and smeared well if every evening, or even every other day.

Two weeks later I had a pedicure and discovered. that the situation has improved markedly! I was pleasantly surprised.

So I recommend everyone to try it!


I personally have not encountered this problem; my mother once picked up this infection in the pool. And her friend gave her this cream. And he really helped her. Firstly, it softens and removes the damaged part of the nail plate, secondly, it softens the skin of the feet, heals skin cracks, but also eliminates the unpleasant odor of the feet. Thanks to this effect, I even sometimes give it to my husband to smear against unpleasant foot odor. It can also be used as a prophylactic before going to the beach, pedicure room, gym, swimming pool and solarium. It is often used even for bites of various insects, because... it relieves itching and irritation well. And sometimes it is recommended for acne.



smells nice.


not effective.

After another trip to the pool, I discovered a fungus between my toes, bought this cream on the advice of a pharmacist at the pharmacy, promising that it was effective and also eliminated the unpleasant odor of foot sweat. I came home happy, well, I think now I’ll put it on and everything will be fine, I washed my feet thoroughly and put on the lotion. And it didn’t help, I used it for 2 weeks, did everything according to the instructions, applied a thick layer as expected 2-3 times a day. But the burning sensation still remained, and something like ulcers appeared between the fingers. The only good thing I want to say about this cream is that my feet really smell nice after it, it probably eliminates sweating after all. And the cream itself has a pleasant smell. But, unfortunately, it does not cure fungal diseases. So. that do not waste your money on this drug.



inexpensive, effective



Good day to all Otzovik readers! The antifungal cream Fundizol was recommended to me by a pharmacist friend at the pharmacy as an inexpensive remedy for preventing the appearance of fungus on the place on my leg where I removed the diseased nail. This product cost 98 rubles and I bought it. I also liked the composition of the drug. It contains plant components - oak bark and celandine herb extract. I have been smearing it on growing nails and on neighboring nails, as well as between the toes for the second month, 2 times a day in the morning and evening, until I find no signs of fungus, my nails are growing clean . I will recommend this remedy as a preventative - inexpensive and effective.



treats inflammation



I accidentally read reviews about Fundizol cream and decided to buy it because it is inexpensive (84 rubles) and the composition seems to be good. This cream is intended for the treatment of fungal infections of the skin and nails, as well as for the treatment of pustular rashes. Since during my periods, or rather, in the period before them, small pustules often pop up either on the face or on the back. And this cream copes very well with inflammation! At the moment, this is perhaps the most effective remedy for fighting inflammation. The cream has a smell similar to Boro Plus cream, if anyone knows. The aroma is quite strong, but tolerable. The cream is very greasy and doesn’t spread well, but it’s convenient to apply precisely. The tube volume is 30 ml, so this cream lasts for a long time.

nina udodod




I wasn't looking

Good day, friends and guests of the review. I will share a review of the Fundizol cream for nails and skin. Many people suffer from damage to the nails and skin of their feet. There are so many different creams and ointments in the pharmacy chain, but not all of them help. The cream is packaged in a cardboard box. The cream helps eliminate cracks, corns, calluses on the feet, sweaty feet and prevents fungal infections. When caring for nails, it reduces their fragility and strengthens nails. The cream is not only for fungal diseases, but also comprehensive foot care. The tube contains 30 ml, the color of the cream itself is not white, but light cream. There are instructions for use, and the shelf life is 24 months, apply the cream 2 times a day. Which cream to take, everyone will choose for themselves. Health to everyone.

Interaction with other tools

When used with other drugs, there was no effect of Fundizol on the degree of their absorption and effectiveness. But this does not guarantee the absence of chemical reactions when two or more products are applied simultaneously. Therefore, the drugs should be used separately or several hours apart.

During the treatment period, it is not recommended to use nail polish, as they prevent the penetration of active substances into the nail plate.

Contraindications and side effects

The main advantage of the drug Fundizol is the absence of contraindications, but clinical trials of the drug have not been conducted. Therefore, during pregnancy and during breastfeeding, women should definitely consult a dermatologist first. The drug can also be used to treat children, but only under constant medical supervision.

Children should be treated with Fundizol under the supervision of a doctor.

There are no side effects, but with increased sensitivity or individual intolerance to the ingredients of the cream, allergic reactions may occur in the form of a rash, burning, and redness.


You won’t be able to find products with identical composition in a pharmacy . But there are many analogues according to the type of action provided:

  1. Nailtivitis - intended for softening and painless removal of the nail plate. The method of application also involves applying the product for several hours under a bandage. But the effect appears much faster.
  2. Fukortsin is a disinfectant solution containing boric acid, phenol, resorcinol, fuchsin and alcohol (95%). But due to the content of aggressive compounds, it cannot be used in children and pregnant women without a doctor’s permission. Apply to the nail several times a day.
  3. Creolin is a powerful drug that requires careful application and protection of surrounding (healthy) tissues.

As a rule, the price of these analogues, as well as the cost of Fundizol, does not exceed 100-200 rubles.

As an alternative, you can use products that contain stronger antifungal compounds:

  • Lamisil,
  • Terbinafine,
  • Mikozan,
  • Lamitel spray,
  • Exoderil,
  • Mycoseptin.
( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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