How to erase wrinkles around the eyes? A set of face fitness exercises

— Early aging of the skin around the eyes is due to complex anatomy and is very often additionally provoked by improper care. The upper and lower eyelids form the orbicularis oculi muscles. These are thin muscles covered by very thin skin. With age, muscles shrink in size and the skin on them wrinkles. Due to the fact that there is practically no fatty tissue under the skin, the skin of the lower eyelids looks drier and older. Acceleration of muscle deformation also occurs due to tension in the muscles, the habit of squinting, swelling and, of course, negligence during care.

Article on the topic Watch your face. Habits that will help you maintain beauty

Olga Shablinskaya, PRO Health: Elena, in your complex, eye exercises are in many ways similar to training for myopia. Why make them?

- Our eyeballs inside the orbit are attached to the extraocular muscles. Thanks to these muscles, we can move our gaze to the side. Like all others, the extraocular muscles contract with age, pulling the eyes inside the sockets. In addition, the blood supply to the eyes is disrupted, swelling increases, and as a result of these processes, aesthetic changes occur - the look becomes dull and lifeless. Exercises for the extraocular muscles help with sunken eyes, restore shine in the eyes and, like any physical activity, improve blood supply to tissues, positively affecting both aesthetics and vision.

— Where do bags under the eyes come from and how to deal with them?

— The so-called bags under the eyes are caused by swelling or hernia. If we are talking about the initial stage - swelling, then they can be easily corrected with the help of exercises. With the help of eye fitness, hernias are slightly reduced, but do not always go away completely. In any case, edema must be dealt with comprehensively. The effect can be very good, but the problem should be looked for not in the eyelids themselves, but in the reasons for the violation of lymph outflow. It is important to do exercises not only for the circular muscles of the eyes, to strengthen them, tighten them and improve microcirculation locally, but also to restore blood circulation and lymph flow in the area of ​​the base of the skull, the back of the head, and also work with posture, the muscles of the back of the neck, and do a lymphatic drainage complex of gymnastics for the body . That is, eliminate the deeper causes of stagnant processes and swelling. Facial gymnastics, self-massage, masks, patches in combination will always give good results.

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- Drooping eyelids make you look very old. Why does this happen?

- Again, there is no one reason for drooping eyelids, as there are many of them. The main ones: gravitational ptosis, swelling, deformation of the orbicularis oculi muscles, their downward displacement, as well as age-related deformation of the tendon helmet of the head, namely its drying out, which gives the effect as if you were wearing a tight rubber cap for the pool and it squeezed your head and lowered it forehead, eyebrows and eyelids.

To effectively work with the upper eyelids, be sure to do self-massage of the head, lymphatic drainage and correctly apply the cream to the forehead (spreading the skin with your palms to the sides), creating a lifting effect. The eyelids recover very well with the help of exercises - if you do them correctly and regularly.


In each issue of our magazine, catch a new portion of exercises from Elena Karkukli. Collect a full range of exclusive exercises. The beginning is in “PRO Health” No. 6, 2022.

Eyes Wide Open

Photo: AiF / Eduard Kudryavitsky
What it gives: ​reducing eye drooping and improving vision.

Open your eyes wide, hold for 5 seconds, relax. Perform 5 sets of 5 seconds. ​

Look up, down, right, left 5 times in turn.​

Make 3 circular movements with your eyes clockwise and counterclockwise. ​Repeat the exercises with your eyes closed.

Next - “Kiss with the eyes”, which helps with sunken eyes.

Starting position: eyes closed. Retract your eyes, protrude your eyes - 10 times. ​After completing the exercises, you should notice that your vision has become clearer.


Warming up is necessary for good blood flow and warming up the facial muscles. Sit in front of the mirror, open your eyes wide and do not wrinkle your forehead. Rotate your eyes in different directions, from right to left, for 30 seconds. After that, blink quickly, also for 30 seconds. The warm-up is over, let's start the exercises.

Expert's comments. For the best effect, warm up your cervical and shoulder girdle. The neck is a “bridge” between the head and the body. Nowadays, “gadget disease” is widespread: the neck is constantly stretched forward and the head is lowered down. The vessels become pinched, stagnation occurs and tissue nutrition deteriorates. Our task is to ensure good blood flow to the muscles. This will enhance the effect of the exercises.

Upper eyelid treatment

Photo: AiF / Eduard Kudryavitsky
What it gives: raising the upper eyelids.

Starting position: back and neck straight. Place your thumbs, as in the photo, under the orbital bone. Press on the points along the bone, moving your fingers from the center to the temples (about 4-5 points). Each point is worked out (massaged) for 2 seconds. 1–2 approaches. Do not move the skin.

The benefits and effectiveness of gymnastics for the face

Gymnastics as a way of facial rejuvenation has become incredibly popular in recent years. This is the most progressive beauty trend, which arose as a healthy alternative to punitive cosmetology. After the world became overrun with “muckles” (faces pumped with fillers, Botoxed into a mask, unnaturally tense faces), it became obvious that beautiful is only natural. Millions of women “sculpt” their faces themselves, erasing wrinkles without injections or scalpels.

What idea has been imposed on us by cosmetologists for decades? Cosmetology is necessary for the beauty and youth of the face. In the West this has been happening for more than half a century, in Russia for about 20 years. Sufficient time to evaluate the real, destructive impact of surgical, injection and hardware techniques on appearance and health.

Yes, we are a little behind the Western view of the problem (we simply have less experience), but we will soon catch up. Many of our women have already realized that they can only rejuvenate their faces with their own hands.

Look at those who are on various “youth injections” - Botox, fillers, meso-cocktails - for at least five years. What happened to them? It’s the same thing everywhere: natural physiological mechanisms are disrupted. Vessels, muscles, skin have forgotten how to perform their functions. And now “the injections of youth” are their sentence for the rest of their lives.

  • The capillaries have atrophied, the vessels have stuck together - the blood does not deliver the required amount of nutrients and oxygen to the skin and muscles.
  • Some facial muscles spasmed, others atrophied, the configuration of the muscular system became abnormal - hence the wrinkles, folds, creases, nasolabial lips, drooping corners of the mouth, drooping eyelids, jowls, etc.
  • The skin experiences a chronic nutritional deficiency - it coarsens, becomes dry, flabby, wrinkled, and sallow-gray.

Having made an injection in the face, another woman can no longer stop, gets hooked on the needle, wants to somehow smooth out the rapid aging, but only makes everything worse. She wanted a magical, instant transformation and got her “cheese in the trap” - a bloated, immobilized, old face with distorted features.

Gymnastics for the face is completely different. She:

  • Safe.
    Naturally, obstacles to the full functioning of all tissues are eliminated, and rejuvenation mechanisms are activated.
  • Effective.
    The causes of age-related changes are eliminated and long-term results are achieved.
  • Convenient.
    You don’t depend on anyone, you don’t “work for a cosmetologist.” Spend 10-15 minutes a day on your face and do simple exercises.


Photo: AiF / Eduard Kudryavitsky
What it gives: wide eyes, reduction of crow's feet, strengthening of the skin of the eyelids.

Starting position: Place your fingers on the area around your eyes, as in the picture. Firmly fix the orbicularis oculi muscle (try not to press on the skin with your hands). Make sure that the outer part of the eyelid is fixed. To do this, relax your arms and lower your elbows slightly down. Open your eyes wide, then squint. Feel the muscles trying to move your fingers. Then do this kind of opening and squinting dynamically 20 times, statically for 10 seconds.

What you need to know and fix

First of all you need to:

  1. Get rid of bad habits, as they affect the blood vessels, which in turn nourish the eyelids. If the skin under the eyes is thin, dry, blood vessels and bruises are visible, then it’s time to sound the alarm;
  2. Facial gymnastics for wrinkles will also help, in particular gymnastics for wrinkles around the eyes, which can be carried out in any conditions. It will not only help restore youthful skin, but also improve vision;
  3. Proper nutrition and taking vitamins also play a special role. For example, abuse of caffeine and various products containing cholesterol leads to disruption of blood vessels, which leads to early aging of the skin;
  4. If exercise for wrinkles around the eyes does not help, then it’s time to think about creams that will nourish the eyelid. You can choose not only the usual anti-aging or anti-wrinkle products, but also those containing various substances that affect blood vessels. For example, caffeine in creams is much healthier than inside, and you should also take care of sunscreen, because often the cause of crow's feet is burns or frostbite of the skin.
  5. Also, eye exercises for wrinkles can be combined with a massage for facial wrinkles, various injections and other medical procedures. The most important thing is not to stretch the eyelid, so to carry out manipulations you need to turn to professionals.

Read also: How to get rid of facial wrinkles at home quickly


Photo: AiF / Eduard Kudryavitsky
What it gives: lifting the forehead and upper eyelids, relaxing the forehead, reducing wrinkles.

Starting position: fix the entire surface of the forehead, including the temples, with your palms, pressing them tightly to your forehead. Pull the frontalis muscle down and slightly to the sides with your fingers (1 mm), slowly raise your eyebrows up (as if you want to wrinkle your forehead), offering resistance with your hands. 20 times in dynamics, 20 sec. in statics. Do the exercise at a slow pace.

Exercise 4

Close your eyes and place your index fingers on your upper eyelids. Try to open your eyes, resisting with your fingers - you will feel the tension of the eyelid. Do this 20 times, rest for 10 seconds. Repeat the approach 2 more times.

Expert's comments. This exercise, like the first, is aimed at lifting the upper eyelids. Again, watch your forehead: if the tension goes into the frontal muscle, the eyelids will work less effectively. Practice regularly, and over time you will learn to relax your forehead without difficulty.

For lower eyelid lift

Photo: AiF / Eduard Kudryavitsky
What it gives: reduction of bruises, swelling, hernias, eyelid lift.

Starting position: gently fix the outer and inner areas of the lower eyelid with your fingertips. Pull your lower eyelid up. Look up. 20 times dynamics, 20 sec. statics. Don't press on your eyelids with your fingers!

Preparing the skin and muscles of the face for exercise

The main thing is to choose the right set of exercises, which will be designed primarily to eliminate hypertonicity - the main problem of the facial muscles. And a bonus to this task should be the return of healthy tone to weakened muscles.

If you find such a complex, then no difficulties will arise.

No special preparation is needed. Is your face clean and without makeup? Are your hands clean? It's enough. For convenience, it is better to take your hair back.

You can begin.

For eyebrow and upper eyelid lifting

Photo: AiF / Eduard Kudryavitsky
Starting position: put your hands on your forehead, place the bases of your palms under your eyebrows, slightly pull your forehead and eyebrows up with your palms. The forehead is tightly fixed with the palms to avoid folds and wrinkles.​

Look down and blink slowly and forcefully 20 times. Then stay static for 20 seconds.

Exercise 5

Place your hands on your forehead so that your eyebrows peek slightly out from under it. This position and slight pressure on the forehead should be maintained throughout the exercise. This way you will fix the skin, preventing it from forming wrinkles. Now open your eyes wide, raising your eyebrows. Feel the tension on your eyelids. Create resistance with your fingers, preventing your eyebrows from rising. Keep your eyes open for 5 seconds, then close them for 5 seconds. Rest 10 seconds and do 3 more sets.

Expert's comments. You need to work with this zone regularly, but without fanaticism. If you do eye exercises 4-5 times a day, it will not get better. Muscles need moderate load. Depending on your age, you need to do face fitness 3 to 6 times a week.

For lifting the temples and corners of the eyes

Photo: AiF / Eduard Kudryavitsky
What it does: lifts the outer corners of the upper eyelids.

Starting position: place your palms to your temples, as in the photo (slightly pull your temples towards the top of your head).​

Close your eyes slowly and tightly. 20 times in dynamics, 20 sec. in statics. Feel the movement of the muscles under your palms.

Next, do the following exercise.

Starting position: place your palms to your temples, as in the photo (slightly pull your temples towards the top of your head).

Open and close your mouth slowly and widely 20 times.

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How to make beautiful lips? 8 useful exercises

How else can you help?

Eyelid creams and masks are available in a wide range, so not only exercises for the eye muscles against wrinkles can help.

You shouldn’t skimp on buying quality cream. It can also restore the epidermis and reduce the mesh.

The most important thing is to apply the cream correctly. It is necessary to apply a pea-sized amount of cream to problem areas on cleansed facial skin with light tapping movements.

Do not overload your eyelids, otherwise they will swell in the morning. In addition, be sure to use the cream an hour before bed so that it has time to be absorbed.

While you are using the cream, you can simultaneously perform an exercise against wrinkles around the eyes. Rotate your eyelid.

It is better to choose masks with collagen or algae extracts. They will not only tighten the dermis, but also give elasticity and smooth the skin.

With the use of cosmetics, gymnastics against wrinkles under the eyes will be more effective.

Causes of wrinkles

  • hereditary factor;
  • gesticulation and emotionality;
  • frequent squinting due to myopia and poor vision;
  • frequent muscle strain around the eyes;
  • strain on the eye area due to frequent blinking, crying, laughing;
  • age category;
  • hormonal changes that affect skin elasticity;
  • constant or chronic fatigue;
  • frequent lack of sleep;
  • poor and unhealthy diet;
  • frequent exposure to the sun;
  • constant stressful situations;
  • alcohol addiction;
  • smoking;
  • polluted environment;
  • use of cheap and low-quality cosmetics;
  • erroneous use of cosmetics that are not suitable for this area of ​​the dermis;
  • too frequent application of creams, scrubs and masks to the eye area;
  • excessive amount of mascara on eyelashes;
  • prolonged use of the computer;
  • increased eyestrain;
  • impaired blood circulation and metabolic process in the eye area;
  • individual features of facial anatomy.

The most important reason why wrinkles form around the eyes is the effect of age on the skin of the face.

How to tighten eyelids and enlarge eyes at home

As we have already understood, the main cause of eye aging is deformation of their muscles, as well as the forehead and temporal region. For this reason, lymph stagnation occurs and blood supply in this area deteriorates.

Therefore, in order to restore your eyes to their former youth, you need to put your muscles in order. Gymnastics for eyelids and eye rejuvenation will help us with this. We will use the techniques of the author's rejuvenation techniques: face-building, revitonics, cantienics, face-forming and face-fitness.

Let's start working with the forehead area, where massage and exercises are extremely effective for lifting the eyelids and correcting sunken, sunken eyes.

Main types of injection correction

Gradually we reached more powerful products available only in the salon.

Expression wrinkles are called “expression wrinkles” because they are formed from excessive work of the facial muscles. In young people, the skin in the projection of the facial muscles quickly straightens out, but with age, in place of the skin folds, “creases” of the skin are formed, which become deeper over the years. Therefore, it is logical to slightly calm the work of active muscles. Botulinum toxin preparations have been used for this for decades; drugs such as Botox, Dysport, Xeomin are considered the gold standard of cosmetology for solving this problem. The effect is already in a week!

To improve the quality of skin in areas with expression wrinkles, mesotherapy works well. A dermatologist and cosmetologist will help you choose the composition of the drug. It is injected with a thin needle to a depth of 1-2 mm, covering the entire surface of the facial skin after preliminary anesthesia with a special external cream. If hyaluronic acid predominates in the preparation, this is biorevitalization.

When both of the above methods have already been completed and the trace of the wrinkle is still visible, the depression can be filled with a special “soft” hyaluronic acid and contour plastic surgery can be performed.

To improve the quality of the skin, plasma therapy (or “Plasmolifting”) can also work well; the essence of the method is the introduction of one’s own plasma obtained from the patient’s blood by centrifugation. In addition to stimulating skin cells, plasma is nourishing and immunostimulating. The result is smooth, brightened, tightened skin without wrinkles.

Do you want to get a quick effect that is noticeable to the naked eye? Then you should turn to various types of injections that smooth the skin.

ProfEstetika offers:

  • mesotherapy;
  • contour plastic;
  • biorevitalization;
  • plasmatherapy.

All these methods involve the introduction into the deep layers of the skin using injections of certain compounds. It could be some specially selected cocktail of nutrients. Or even your own blood, pre-treated in a special way.

Your doctor will tell you which specific method of injection correction is right for you. But all of them are highly effective and provide quick results - which is why women all over the world love them very much.

Effects of Botox injections around the eyes

Complications and side effects after Botox injection into the periorbital zone develop rarely and most often manifest themselves in the form of swelling and hematomas, which quickly resolve without additional treatment. Even less commonly, allergic reactions and headaches may occur, which are a consequence of individual hypersensitivity to the drug and are detected in only 1% of the population.

One of the most unpleasant complications of eye Botox can be drooping of the upper eyelid, which is accompanied by the inability to fully open the eye. This effect is leveled out along with the removal of the drug from the body, after which the motor activity of the eyelid is restored.

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