Chinese massage - types, indications and contraindications + video with instructions

One of the central concepts in traditional Chinese medicine, in addition to acupuncture, is massage. In China, massage is called the “oldest art of healing” (“元老医术”), which has undergone many changes over thousands of years. A big leap in the study of Chinese massage and confirmation of its healing effects has been made over the past 40 years since Western experts became interested in it. Now the whole world knows about Chinese massage, and local specialists are highly respected both among their international colleagues and patients.


  • What is good about Chinese massage?
  • Indications for massage
  • Rules for safe massage
  • Is it possible to do Chinese massage on your own?
  • Preparatory stage
  • Basic Techniques
  • Types of Chinese massage
  • Traditional Chinese massage
  • Cupping Chinese massage
  • Chinese Guasha massage
  • Chinese acupressure massage
  • Energy massage of acupuncture points
  • When is the result visible?
  • Contraindications



“I signed up for acupressure with problems: severe headaches, blood pressure, tinnitus, bladder dysfunction. I was prescribed 10 sessions of general therapeutic massage. After the fourth procedure, I felt relief: the pain went away, sand began to come out of the urine. The doctor also recommended taking a course of acupuncture. Now I do without pills. I feel great” – Valentina, 53 years old.

“I have osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. After five sessions of Chinese massage, neck pain decreased, sleep returned to normal, and became much calmer. I would like to undergo a general energy massage. They say that after it you feel an unprecedented rise in energy” - Andrey, 38 years old.

“Chinese massage helped my child a lot. The procedure was carried out using a special technique intended for children. Before this, the baby slept very poorly, and he did not have much of an appetite. After 10 sessions, the boy stopped waking up at night and eats normally” - Larisa, 30 years old.

What is good about Chinese massage?

Chinese massage is a whole science that originated in Ancient China. Stimulating blood flow helps fight various diseases, remove toxic substances, accelerate skin regeneration, improve posture, and rejuvenate. Massage heals not only the body, but also the soul, uplifting, relaxing, and relieving accumulated fatigue.

When exposed to biologically active zones during a massage, thanks to endorphins, pain ceases to bother you, oxygen and nutrients from increased blood circulation are supplied in the right quantities, and the immune system’s resistance to various diseases increases.

The benefits of massage are that it:

  • helps treat depression and restore the body during stress;
  • accelerates the recovery process after illness or injury;
  • stretches muscles, making them more elastic;
  • fights the appearance of cellulite;
  • rejuvenates.

Useful to read: How to perform anti-cellulite massage at home

Treatment of childhood diseases

By using the natural mechanisms of the human body, such treatment methods do not produce side effects. Therefore, the traditional manual method can be used in pediatrics. Doctors recommend it for:

  • improving child digestion;
  • solving problems with excessive excitability and hyperactivity;
  • treatment of cough and runny nose;
  • improved appetite;
  • increasing attentiveness.

By carrying out procedures that activate certain reflexogenic zones, you can not only eliminate the existing health problem without the risk of complications and side effects, but also improve the child’s health. In some cases, it can be an excellent alternative to medications.

Indications for massage

Indications for Chinese massage are:

  • migraine;
  • joint diseases;
  • asthma;
  • diseases of the trachea and bronchi;
  • diseases of skeletal muscles;
  • high blood pressure;
  • damage to the sciatic nerve;
  • insomnia;
  • decreased ability to work;
  • memory problems;
  • mental exhaustion;
  • decreased concentration;
  • exposure to stress;
  • depression;
  • excessive excitability;
  • permanent overwork;
  • toothache;
  • Ear ache;
  • digestive problems;
  • lack of appetite;
  • hyperactivity;
  • increased acidity and stomach pain;
  • cold;
  • cough;
  • allergic reactions;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • sexual impotence;
  • diseases in the field of gynecology;
  • pain during menstruation;
  • spinal pain;
  • convulsions;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • heart disease;
  • age-related changes, ptosis.

Ancient art for men

Erectile dysfunction is the number one problem of modern men. Doctors identify two basic reasons for weakened potency: pathologies of the genitourinary system or psychogenic disorders. The treatment of men's health in China has received attention since ancient times: centuries-old specialized manual techniques (optimally combining various traditional techniques) actually prevent impotence.

A professionally combined, high-quality, therapeutic and prophylactic course releases powerful reserves of dormant energy: distributing flows, stimulating positive regeneration, improving the condition of the vascular system.

Rules for safe massage

Failure to follow the massage rules can cause a lot of problems, including serious harm to your health.

Basic principles of massage:

  1. It should be done slowly and rhythmically.
  2. In case of inflammation, skin that has not healed completely and other violations of the integrity of the skin, massage should be postponed.
  3. When massaging the abdomen, any pressure should be applied at the moment of exhalation.
  4. The mammary glands, armpits, groin, and lymph nodes should not be exposed to any impact during the procedure.

Who can be harmed by the procedure?

The presence of the following restrictions determines a temporary or permanent ban on acupressure physiotherapy:

  • increased body temperature;
  • fever;
  • appendicitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • heart attack;
  • Congenital heart defect;
  • kidney pathologies;
  • hypertension stage II, III;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • neoplasms;
  • blood related diseases;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • ulcers;
  • psychological disorders;
  • pregnancy;
  • menstruation;
  • exacerbation of the inflammatory process of the facial nerve.

Acupressure is prohibited while under the influence of alcohol, drugs or on an empty stomach.

The effect of the procedure can be unpredictable during periods of sudden changes in atmospheric pressure.

The specialist has the right to refuse massage to elderly people or children under two years of age.

Is it possible to do Chinese massage on your own?

If you have sufficiently studied the massage technique, there are no obstacles to doing it yourself. But only the simplest self-massage, carried out through gentle pressure, is allowed; it is not capable of harming the internal organs. Stronger and more intense massage can only be performed by specialists in this field.

It is advisable that the first procedure be carried out by an experienced massage therapist, who can thoroughly explain what technique should be performed and assess whether the patient can carry out the massage independently.

It is very important to create a cozy environment that will help relax your muscles. Clothes should be loose and your stomach should be empty. It is acceptable to drink herbal tea immediately after the procedure. Massage is carried out either every day or every other day.

A little history

In the medicine of Ancient China, special attention was paid to the regime of general hygiene and general strengthening procedures: gymnastics, solar irradiation, water procedures, massage.

Chinese massage technique is mentioned in one of the oldest literary monuments - the Nei Jing manuscript. It dates back to the third millennium BC. The book talks about diseases for the treatment of which, in addition to taking healing potions, it is necessary to use massage and gymnastics. Using special equipment, ancient Chinese healers stimulated blood flow, which facilitated healing. The basics of massage techniques and methods were systematized by the Chinese doctor Kan-Fu approximately 1000 years ago. They formed the basis of massage techniques used today.

Preparatory stage

Before starting the procedure, it is important to prepare the patient for it by intensively warming up his body with pinching and rubbing for twenty minutes. You can also use a special warm compress. After this, the procedure begins, maintaining the same warm temperature achieved in the body.

It is also important for the patient to follow several rules:

  • completely relax on the physical and psychological levels;
  • Do not eat an hour before the procedure and after the procedure you should also refrain from eating for an hour;
  • visit the toilet in advance;
  • take a shower before the procedure;
  • do not use perfume on massage day;
  • During the session, take a comfortable relaxing position;
  • be sure to notify the massage therapist about your diseases and familiarize yourself with contraindications;
  • if the patient is prone to frequent allergic reactions, then you should bring your own massage cream or oil to the massage session;
  • in case of any discomfort, be sure to notify a specialist;
  • choose a massage therapist who evokes positive emotions, since establishing emotional contact is important for the final result.

Rules of application

Before deciding on a course of therapeutic massage, you should definitely consult with your doctor. You cannot “prescribe” such treatment for yourself. If used incorrectly, even massage can cause significant harm to the body.

The second rule concerns the duration of treatment. One massage session, even from the most highly qualified specialist, cannot bring the expected benefits. Illnesses and pain cannot disappear instantly. For this reason, real therapeutic massage is always prescribed in courses (10-15 procedures).

The number and frequency of sessions is determined by the doctor. It is imperative to follow his recommendations. In some cases, daily massage is required, in others - with breaks of 2-3 days. If the problem is severe enough, treatment may take several weeks.

Consultation with a doctor is also necessary because each patient requires an individual approach. There is no general treatment plan for everyone. When prescribing a course of therapeutic massage, the doctor takes into account the age, health status and specific disease of the patient.

Basic Techniques

The main techniques of Chinese massage are:

  1. Stroking is a sliding movement that does not create folds on the skin. The intensity and force of pressure changes during the session. This technique relaxes the muscles, tones the skin and soothes.
  2. Kneading is the longest and most complex technique that helps relieve muscle tension. The principle of this massage is to “grind” the tissue by pulling and squeezing.
  3. Rubbing is an effect on the skin by moving the skin in all directions, increasing blood circulation and helping to fight swelling and neoplasms. This technique is used for injuries and neuralgia.
  4. Pushing is pressing on the skin towards the center of the point that needs to be affected. The intensity increases progressively.
  5. Pressure is a technique to which one moves from kneading. It consists of varying degrees of intensity of pressure in an amount from 21 to 75 times per procedure. The skin does not move during the session, and the pressure increases gradually.
  6. Piercing is a technique of one-finger or two-finger impact. The intensity of the piercing also increases during the massage, but does not exceed more than thirty seconds at one point.
  7. Vibration – the technique is carried out in combination with thrusting. Both techniques alternate with each other - each thrust is followed by vibration. The maximum vibration time at one point is no more than twenty seconds.
  8. Cutting - the technique is carried out with a nail, usually the thumb. It is important to take care not to injure the skin. The intensity increases during the massage. Such manipulations are used in critical situations when the patient is in a state of shock or fainting.

What do you need to know?

  • Acupressure can have both a calming and tonic effect. Intense pressure soothes, and weak pressure raises tone. During a tonic massage, the effect on BAP lasts 20-30 seconds. Duration of massage – 1 hour
  • The intensity of pressure also depends on the client’s constitutional characteristics. With a thick fat layer, a stronger effect is necessary.
  • If after several sessions a feeling of pulsation appears (it indicates increased blood circulation in the massaged area), it means that the procedure is being performed correctly.
  • To increase the force of pressure on the point, body weight is gradually directed towards it.
  • It is not recommended to apply strong pressure on areas with increased sensitivity (calf muscles, face). A more intense effect is exerted on the shoulders, back, and buttocks.
  • The duration of the session is 1 hour. Each point can be treated for from a few seconds to 10 minutes, and one area can be worked for no longer than 15 minutes. Longer massage may cause headaches and deterioration of well-being.
  • When self-massaging, breathing should be slow and deep. It helps eliminate tension and pain.

Types of Chinese massage

The concept of “Chinese massage” has concentrated more than one performance technique. The most popular of them are traditional, cupping, Guasha and acupressure massages , which help restore health and prevent all kinds of diseases. To carry out the procedures correctly, the massage therapist must have high professionalism and knowledge in order to select the right technique for each patient individually. The result after completing the course depends on this.

Traditional Chinese massage

Traditional Chinese massage is allowed to be performed only by specialists with a medical diploma, since diagnostics and a complete study of information about the patient’s diseases are first required. During the massage, a process is launched that helps the body recover on its own.

A good massage therapist will always develop in the field of Chinese medicine, helping his patients cope with musculoskeletal problems, such as:

  • muscle strain;
  • rachiocampsis;
  • dystrophy of articular cartilage, called osteochondrosis;
  • joint disease;
  • hernias;
  • fractures;
  • and others.

For neurosis and heart disease, traditional Chinese massage is also indicated.

We advise you to read: Traditional Eastern medicine - the secrets of rejuvenation and longevity

Cupping Chinese massage

Chinese cupping massage is considered therapeutic and promotes healing, and is better known as Chinese vacuum massage. It is used mainly to relax muscles during spasm by increasing blood circulation, as well as to eliminate back pain, migraines and cellulite. In addition, the use of cups is recommended for weight loss. A positive result requires from one to fifteen procedures.

Chinese Guasha massage

Universal Guasha massage has three directions: therapeutic, preventive and cosmetic. It is recommended both for chronic fatigue and for dissatisfaction with your appearance due to ptosis or cellulite.

Massage techniques are also divided into modes, since movements can be either fast and intense or slow with minimal pressure:

  • se-gua (strong and fast massage);
  • bu-gua (weak and slow massage);
  • pin-bu pinse (slow).

Method of implementation

Chinese acupressure massage

Chinese acupressure can only be performed by a certified specialist with extensive knowledge in this field. After a course of massage, which lasts no longer than seven weeks, you can immediately notice the complete elimination of defects in the form of cellulite or age-related changes, as well as a cure for various ailments.

The method involves influencing biologically active zones (points) by pressing and relaxing the muscles. Pain usually disappears after the procedure. The course should be repeated only after two months. Mostly not recommended.

For diseases of the respiratory system

Energy massage of acupuncture points

Chinese energy massage involves influencing more than 700 biologically active points on the human body. Each of them belongs to a specific group that affects a specific zone or system. There are several main groups:

  • general action;
  • spiral;
  • segmental;
  • local;
  • regional.

To carry out the procedure correctly, which will give a positive result, it is important to know the exact location of the points and how to influence them so as not to harm and achieve the desired result.

Foot massage

The massage points located on the feet are associated with internal organs such as the liver, kidneys, bladder, thyroid gland, etc., so it is very easy to diagnose diseases with a simple press. If there is a disease, impact on the points will cause pain or discomfort.

Foot massage helps treat diseases even in chronic form, as well as fight depression, fatigue, stress, insomnia, high blood pressure, back and lumbar pain, etc.

Hand massage

First of all, exposure to biologically active points located on the hands relieves migraines. They are located in three zones: in the recess between the thumb and index finger, between the ulna and radius bones, and on the joints of the elbows in the bend area. Proper massage of these areas helps improve overall well-being and simultaneously cure a number of diseases. For example, for pain in the head, you can perform a two-minute head massage, affecting the areas between the thumb and forefinger using fairly strong pressure.

Abdominal massage

Impact on points in the abdomen helps:

  • influence vital energy;
  • make the abdominal muscle frame stronger;
  • normalize all vital processes;
  • remove harmful substances;
  • restore normal functioning of the digestive system.

Massage burns fat, thereby helping you lose weight and regain your health.

Back massage

Energy active points located on the back help to diagnose where exactly the malfunction has occurred, after which a massage is carried out on them, since they are directly connected to the internal organs. If there is an obvious problem, painful sensations appear when pressing on a specific point. This type of influence is the most popular, as it is considered simple to perform. Back massage helps fight insomnia, neurosis, hypertension, and osteochondrosis.

We also recommend reading: General classic full body massage

Face massage

In addition to the cosmetic effect, facial massage has a therapeutic effect for muscle tension, any kind of spasms, poor vision, migraines, lack of sleep, enlarged thyroid gland, mental problems, loss of consciousness, stress, etc.

We advise you to read: Lymphatic drainage facial massage at home

Chinese facial massage techniques

The mechanism of action of acupuncture technique

By influencing the points, the massage therapist achieves increased blood flow to a certain area of ​​the human body, as a result of which the tissues receive more oxygen, spasm is relieved, and decay products are removed from the sites of disease.

Chinese medicine bases its treatment method on activating the joy hormone endorphin, which relieves pain and allows the body to return to its usual mobility. Acupuncture points are associated with different organs. Impact on them allows you to regulate the functions of organs by activating blood flow and vital energy. Ancient Chinese medicine saw the relationship between internal organs and integumentary tissues, perceiving the body as a single system.

Modern medical data explain this effect by complex-reflex unconditioned reactions of the human brain and spinal cord, autonomic and peripheral nervous systems. Therefore, this technique of classical acupressure is still actively used today in the treatment of many diseases, as well as for prevention purposes.

When is the result visible?

Cosmetic Chinese facial massage for wrinkles gives results after just three procedures. You may notice an improvement in complexion and skin elasticity. After a month, the wrinkles gradually begin to decrease, and very small ones disappear altogether. Therefore, Chinese massage for rejuvenation is considered one of the most effective procedures.

Therapeutic massage eliminates painful sensations already in the first session. As for dealing with more serious internal problems, treatment will require a longer period. The result of the course is most often positive. Body and foot massages, for example, are universal procedures that eliminate a huge list of diseases. Therefore, the method is used more often than others.

Preventing diseases and maintaining health

Chinese massage has great potential. They can both heal and carry out effective preventive measures. In Chinese therapy, manipulations are continued until the pain goes away, vigorously massaging the body or face.

To prevent diseases and improve health, several pressures are applied to certain reflex zones. Using simple manipulations, people heal themselves by studying the instructions for the location of acupunctures. When active points can be reached without the help of external means, self-massage is performed to relieve headaches or toothaches, painful menstruation, cramps and spasms.

Important! Mastering various techniques will allow you to give up pills, which modern people consume in large quantities, and will help you help yourself and your loved ones.

Benefits of regular foot massage:

  • There is an improvement in the movement of biological fluids;
  • Metabolic processes begin to function better;
  • The digestive system works better;
  • Leg fatigue disappears;
  • There is a gradual relief from urinary incontinence, constipation and hemorrhoids.

In addition, joint mobility increases, the condition of ligaments and muscle tissue improves. Additionally, the client will receive a relaxing effect, excellent mood and relief from emotional stress.

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