How to squeeze a pimple without leaving a scar or causing an infection

Stasya Sokolova: Hello everyone, this is “Unshameful Question” - a Flacon Magazine podcast about the body. Today our guest is Natalya Chigrova, Candidate of Medical Sciences, dermatologist, cosmetologist. Natasha, everyone knows that you shouldn’t squeeze pimples, but they do it anyway. Here I am, for example. What do you have to say about this?

Natalya Chigrova: Let's start with the fact that as a doctor I must say that pimples should not be crushed. But, as we have already found out, everyone is crushing them. Even, most likely, doctors. Why can't this be done? Firstly, there is such a thing as the triangle of death - this is the area of ​​​​the nose and the skin of the upper lip. If you squeeze out a particularly large pimple in this area, the infection can enter the bloodstream and then into the sinuses of the brain. This occurs due to the characteristics of the blood supply to the area. As a result, there may be huge problems, because of which one can even go to the forefathers. There really are such cases. Their cause, as a rule, is boils, that is, very large purulent elements.

Stasya: So a pimple on your nose can kill you?

Natalia: Yes, a pimple on your nose can kill you.

Stasya: Ler, will that stop you?

Lera: Firstly, this doesn’t stop me, and secondly, it still sounds like a conspiracy theory. The only triangle of death that I know about is the Bermuda Triangle, and nothing has been proven there.

Natalya: Unfortunately, it’s true about the triangle of death. I'm not sure that this is a directly medical concept described in anatomical reference books, but among doctors we use this term. The only thing I have to make a reservation is, of course, we are not talking about some small pustules. It’s still unlikely that you can die from a squeezed out blackhead, although, probably, anything can happen.

Why are dermatologists against us popping pimples ourselves?

Because most of us don't know how to do it correctly to avoid consequences. All of them are unpleasant, painful and only worsen the appearance of the skin: if you use your fingers or, worse, nails, there is a risk of infection, and the damage can turn into a scar.

There is an area on the face with the ominous name “triangle of death”. This is not a medical name, but a colloquial name. The zone is a figure with a base at the corners of the lips and a peak at the back of the nose. In this area, due to the peculiarity of the blood supply, it is dangerous to squeeze pimples, since there is a connection with the blood vessels of the brain. If an infection is introduced through a wound, the microbes travel through the blood directly to the brain - this is how meningitis develops. This happens rarely, up to one and a half cases per 100 thousand people per year, but it is better not to touch acne in the area of ​​the death triangle.

In other areas of the face, the worst thing that can happen if you do not follow safety precautions is a staphylococcal infection. According to statistics, this happens in 200 cases per year per 100 thousand people. Symptoms: the face is swollen, red and very painful, and you cannot do without the help of a doctor.

If you follow the rules of hygiene and arm yourself with an arsenal of effective remedies, you can squeeze out a small pimple at home. But first, we’ll tell you which pimples are best left untouched.

Dermatillomania: symptoms

In itself, squeezing pimples* is not a sign of a mental disorder. Although it’s still not worth doing this. The symptoms here are similar to addiction. The person cannot stop, then there is a short period of relief, followed by guilt, discomfort and the cycle starts again.

You should be wary if31:

  • it interferes with daily activities;
  • makes you avoid social contacts;
  • you have to wear closed clothes to cover scars or fresh marks;
  • pimples*, crusts or any other formations on the skin are perceived as something foreign and incorrect, which should be gotten rid of immediately, regardless of the consequences;
  • you have already made repeated attempts to stop, but in vain.

Most often, the pathology occurs in girls 16-24 years old.31

Which pimples should never be squeezed?

First you need to define what you call a pimple. This word is more colloquial; it is correct to call the disease acne.

Non-inflammatory forms of acneInflammatory forms of acne
Open comedones - blackheads Closed comedones - whiteheadsPapules - small reddish bumps Pustules - similar to papules, only with a white shaft at the top Nodules - large, hard, painful growths under the skin Cysts - the most severe type of acne, pimples filled with pus under the skin

Acne can look different.
There are several types. The pictures above show what acne looks like on the face, and below show how one or another type is formed in the skin. Comedones are just pores clogged with sebaceous secretions and particles of dead skin. There is no inflammation in them, so there is no point in squeezing them out. To cleanse your skin of comedones, you need to provide it with three mandatory steps. This is cleansing, moisturizing and sun protection.

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