How to squeeze out a wen correctly and how safe it is

How to squeeze out a wen and whether it can be done is of interest to everyone who has discovered an unpleasant growth under their skin. The reason for the appearance of wen lies in hormonal imbalances, metabolic disorders, and insufficient skin care. A lipoma can appear in any part of the body; its size varies from a couple of millimeters to several centimeters. Miniature lipomas that look like white grains have their own name - milia. Despite their apparent harmlessness, these formations cause a lot of aesthetic problems, especially when they appear in prominent places - the face, head, neck, limbs.

What is a wen

To squeeze out a wen, you will have to spend much more effort than for a similar mini-operation with a regular pimple. Lipoma, although it looks like a large pimple because it also has the shape of a tubercle, is fundamentally different from it. A pimple has a canal through which pus comes out when it is ripe. Additionally, the pimple becomes inflamed and a purulent core is formed. Lipoma is sebum in a capsule from which there is no way out. Therefore, there is no point in pressing.

Wen on the body appears in a single copy or one by one in those places where there are fat deposits. The causes of the occurrence are not always clear, but are often associated with metabolic processes in the body.

Advantages of Surgitron

Radio knife has many advantages:

  • tumor removal in 1 session without the use of general anesthesia;
  • no thermal effect on healthy tissue;
  • almost zero risk of infection;
  • painless intervention;
  • fast rehabilitation;
  • absence of scars;
  • coagulation of blood vessels occurs simultaneously with tissue incision;
  • the method is suitable for people with a high sensitivity threshold;
  • reduction of pain in the postoperative period;
  • no hospitalization required.

The patient is ready to return to everyday life immediately after the follow-up examination and receipt of medical recommendations.

Is it possible to squeeze out a wen?

Squeezing out a wen is the first thing that comes to mind when a person is faced with this skin disease. However, due to the specific nature and structure of the lipoma, you will have to use other means to get rid of it.

Lipoma does not allow you to simply squeeze out the fat inside it. He simply has no choice. Therefore, you will have to visit a cosmetologist or surgeon who will do everything professionally.

Procedure with a specialist

Surgeons are well aware of how to squeeze out a wen correctly. Moreover, there are certain indications for lipoma removal. These include:

  • dimensions more than 5 cm;
  • fast growth;
  • a large number of neoplasms;
  • localization in a visible place.

Today, several methods have been developed for removing rather than squeezing out lipomas. In each specific case, a different technique is selected, depending on the size of the wen:

  1. The traditional surgical method helps to remove a wen either on the face or on any other part of the body. Manipulations require the appropriate tool. The location of the lipoma is anesthetized, an incision is made in the skin, the filling is removed along with the capsule, and a drainage is installed. Only by removing the capsule can you get rid of the lipoma for good. If you remove the fat, but leave the shell in which it accumulated, it is quite possible that it will collect in it again, and you will have to do everything again.
  2. Other ways to squeeze out a large wen involve using an endoscope through which the fat is sucked out after first destroying its cells. The contents of the capsule are also removed using liposuction. But there is no guarantee that the contents will not be returned.
  3. Do not squeeze it out, but you can remove the subcutaneous wen using a laser or cryodestruction. The laser removes both the capsule and the fat; liquid nitrogen acts with cold, but also does not leave the wen a chance.
  4. There is also a known medical method for treating lipoma. You will need the drug Diprospan. It is injected into the tumor with a needle - and the fat is broken down.

How to squeeze at home

Self-squeezing of the wen is extremely undesirable. There is a danger of getting an infection or not completely getting rid of the lipoma, and it will grow again. In addition, depending on the location, you risk hitting a nerve, which is painful and serious.

But if a person really decides to practice on himself, then he will have to set up a mini-operating room at home. You will need:

  • alcohol;
  • needle;
  • cotton pads;
  • sanitary napkins.

There is no guarantee that a scar will not remain. The skin of the neoplasm must be pierced with a previously disinfected needle, very carefully grasp the wen at the base and press firmly. The contents of the lipoma should come out. After the operation is completed, it is necessary to treat the area with a disinfectant solution.


Failure to comply with the rules described above, as well as squeezing out the wen with your fingers, contributes to the addition of a secondary infection. Infection with pathogenic microorganisms provokes:

  • tissue suppuration;
  • exacerbation of chronic skin diseases;
  • active growth of acne;
  • appearance of scars.

It is not always possible to completely remove the millet wen with your hands. The tumor shell remains in the same place, which increases the risk of relapse. Under these conditions, the new tumor grows faster, reaching large sizes. As the tumor grows, the intensity of pain in the problem area increases.

In extreme cases, wen cells transform into cancerous ones. This is facilitated by inflammation of the skin tissue, which occurs when the epidermis becomes infected.

You cannot remove tumors from the body on your own without consulting a doctor. Failure to comply with the rules for treating skin tumors leads to serious consequences.

After extrusion

After removal, you will need a course of anti-inflammatory and healing masks. If the wen was large, then such measures will prevent the appearance of scars.

Traditional medicine gives a lot of advice on how to open a lipoma and what to do if inflammation occurs. For example, it is proposed to make compresses from coltsfoot, aloe or Kalanchoe leaves. They should be changed several times a day.

From pharmaceutical products, it is good to use Levomekol or Ichthyol ointment.

With the help of elementary folk remedies, used regularly for quite a long time compared to the operation to remove the wen, you can also get rid of it:

  1. A paste of baked onions and crushed laundry soap should be applied to the lipoma for several months. Experts say that sooner or later it will burst - and only then can the contents be removed.
  2. For lipomas on the face, a paste of a clove of garlic and a drop of sunflower oil is suggested. It is necessary to lubricate the tubercle with this and wait for it to open.
  3. To force the lipoma to come out, you can use a mixture of ammonia and water. You need to moisten the problem area several times a day for a week. After 7 days, removal will be easier.
  4. Blue, red, black and green cosmetic clay degrease the skin and regulate the secretion of sebum.
  5. For two to three weeks, you can apply a cotton swab soaked in alcohol with a teaspoon of black pepper sprinkled on it. After the lipoma gives up, squeeze out everything that is inside.

How to treat a wound after removal

After the seal has been squeezed out, proper care of the affected area must be observed.

There is a risk of contamination by pathogenic microflora.

Immediately after the intervention, it is necessary to treat the wound with antiseptic solutions, then apply a drug to stimulate regenerative processes and rapid healing.

Depending on the size of the wound after eliminating the lipoma and the presence of accompanying symptoms - redness, suppuration, pain, medications are used:

  • Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, Vitasept - solutions used for the purpose of disinfection and prevention of the development of infectious lesions;
  • an aqueous solution of iodine is used to relieve inflammatory reactions and disinfection;
  • You can cauterize the wound after squeezing out the contents using ethyl alcohol. The product is not recommended for use in the presence of inflammation or open bleeding;
  • I use topical medications to reabsorb edema, prevent infection and relieve hyperemia - liniment (according to Vishnevsky), Ichthyol ointment, Videstim, Vitaon;
  • To prevent the appearance of secondary microflora, they resort to ointments with antibacterial components - Levomekol, Tetracycline ointment, Streptomycin liniment, Baneocin.

Is it possible to squeeze out the wen or will it go away on its own?

To avoid possible complications, such as infection of a self-exposed area or nerve injury, non-professionals should not squeeze out wen. You should contact a surgeon who will remove the annoying formation in a matter of minutes.

It’s also a good idea to get rid of the possible causes of lipomas. To rule out endocrinological disorders, consult a doctor of the appropriate profile, get tested, and determine whether the metabolism in the body is proceeding correctly.

Increasing physical activity, reviewing your diet, and reducing the amount of fatty and sweet foods in your diet will help.

The answer to the question whether it is possible to squeeze out a wen will always be negative if we are talking about unprofessional manipulation. The risk of infection, incorrectly performing “surgical intervention”, which will lead to re-accumulation of fat in the capsule, is the reason why you need to go to a specialist.

Causes of wen under the eyes

If a fatty pimple that forms near the eye is the consequence of illiterate eyelid skin care, then the pimple, to a greater extent, appears due to impaired metabolism. However, there are other reasons such as:

  • problems with the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract;
  • high cholesterol;
  • disorders of lipid metabolism of the skin;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • hormonal disbalance.

If any health problems are identified, treatment of wen should be comprehensive, eliminating problems not only of an external nature, but also of internal organs.

Fig. 2 Milia are wen, found in the eye area.

Contraindications to removal of wen on the eyelid

As a rule, there are no serious contraindications for removing wen. However, in some cases, surgery is not recommended. This may be if the patient has:

  • HIV infection.
  • Diabetes.
  • Increased skin sensitivity.
  • An open wound at the location of the wen.
  • Pregnancy at any stage.

It is strictly forbidden to squeeze out the wen on the eyelid with your hands, pierce it yourself or cut it. As a result, a scar or scar may remain, as well as the appearance of new wen and their rapid growth.

Cost of laser tumor removal:PRICES, IN RUB.
37.1Removal of benign skin tumors: papillomas and hemangiomas590 (up to 10 units)
37.2Removal of benign skin tumors: papillomas, hemangiomas490 (from 11 – 20 units)
37.3Removal of benign skin tumors: papillomas, hemangiomas390 (from 21 or more units)
37.4Removal of benign skin tumors/warts, moles, keratomas, nevi, etc./up to 1 cm1100
37.5Removal of benign skin tumors/warts, moles, keratomas, nevi, etc./up to 2 cm1600
37.6Removal of benign skin tumors/ warts, moles, keratomas, nevi, etc. / 3 cm2100
37.7Removal of benign skin tumors/ warts, moles, keratomas, nevi, etc. / price depends on the complexity (anesthesia is not included in the price)2600 — 5200
37.8Injection anesthesia550
For questions regarding the removal of papillomas, wen and warts, call or.

How to remove wen on the eyelid using a laser

It should be noted that this method is suitable for those who do not suffer from disorders of the circulatory system. Laser removal of wen on the eyelid is the safest and most gentle method. Among other advantages, the operation takes place completely without blood.

The procedure usually takes 25 minutes. The wen is cut with a laser, and its edges are carefully moved in different directions. The fat capsule is grabbed with a clamp and pulled out. Most often, a carbon dioxide laser is used to remove lipomas. It takes 2-3 weeks for the wound to completely heal and restore the skin. Often, after removing a wen with a laser, patients do not have any traces on their skin.

The method of removing the wen is determined by a specialist. The laser is used if the diameter of the formation does not exceed 3 cm. If the lipoma is large, the doctor prescribes its removal using a scalpel.

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