Non-surgical facelift: injection and hardware techniques

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Hardware and injection methods of skin tightening can significantly improve its condition and provide a noticeable and sustainable lifting effect for a long period of time without surgery.

At the same time, anti-aging non-surgical lifting procedures have a number of advantages over plastic surgery:

  • less invasive
  • using local anesthesia instead of general anesthesia
  • no preliminary preparation or analysis required
  • fewer contraindications (minimally invasive cosmetology may be the only alternative for patients who are contraindicated for surgery)
  • shorter rehabilitation period (you will not fall out of your usual rhythm of life)
  • there is no need to wear bandages after the procedure

The choice of one or another facelift method in consultation with a cosmetologist is made depending on the task identified by the patient.

Non-surgical facelift”, Doctor: Kwak Yu.V.:

To achieve a noticeable and lasting rejuvenation effect, the Gradient clinic uses hardware (laser, radio frequency) and injection methods of facelift:


Mesotherapy is an injection of a cocktail of vitamins, enzymes, plant extracts and hormones. These products improve skin tone and help get rid of excess fat. Mesotherapy is especially effective for those who are afraid of the appearance of jowls, sagging skin under the lower jaw.

Mesotherapy sessions can begin from the age of 30. Around this age, preventing the signs of aging gives the best results. At a younger age, mesotherapy is used to combat acne. The injections also get rid of the vascular network.

To get the best result, you need to undergo a course of procedures. On average, it takes 3-4 visits to a cosmetologist to get rid of skin problems. The intervals between sessions are 10-14 days.

Unfortunately, mesotherapy does not eliminate deep wrinkles, but after the injections the wrinkles will become smaller.


  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • infections, exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • individual intolerance to drugs;
  • problems with blood clotting;
  • neoplasms;
  • vascular and heart diseases;
  • renal failure.

Sometimes side effects appear after the session - redness and bruising. Allergic reactions are rare.

Skin care recommendations:

  • Avoid other cosmetic procedures.
  • Do not visit the bathhouse, sauna, swimming pool, or solarium for another 2 days after the session.
  • Avoid makeup for 24 hours after the procedure.

Impact zones

Doctors distinguish three zones of influence of the Altera apparatus: lifting the upper zone of the face, forehead, lifting the middle zone of the face and lifting the lower zone of the face. Thanks to the presence of various attachments, it is possible to work on tissue in a variety of areas, including thin and sensitive skin around the eyes and lips.

Upper face and forehead

Due to the deep effect on the muscle layer, the activity of the forehead muscles decreases and they become smoother. Wrinkles in the corners of the eyes - the so-called crow's feet - also disappear. Eyebrows rise, revealing a beautiful look.

Middle face area

After Altera lifting of the middle zone of the face, a clear oval is formed, folds in the nose and lips are effectively removed, the corners of the mouth are raised, the skin in the cheekbones is smoothed, and the facial tissues in the cheeks are lifted.

Lower face and chin

The lower part of the face changes its shape after 35 years. This occurs due to loss of skin elasticity and sagging. The mouth area forms folds, and the chin changes its usual shape. Due to the lift using the Altera apparatus, the most clearly defined transition from the chin to the neck is obtained.


The injection drug is based on hyaluronic acid. It attracts water molecules that fill creases and wrinkles. Biorevitalization helps saturate the skin and get rid of dryness and sagging, maintains water balance. Additionally, cocktails may contain vitamins, amino acids, and peptides.

The best age to start rejuvenation with hyaluronic acid is after 30 years. Injections eliminate the first signs of aging, so the best results are achieved at the age of 30-45 years. The result of the course lasts up to 1-1.5 years.

Within one course, 4 sessions are carried out, with breaks of 2 weeks between them. During breaks, it is very important to monitor the condition of your skin, nutrition and drinking regime.

Biorevitalization is a painless procedure, despite the fact that it involves injections.

To avoid pain, the face is treated with anesthetic cream. Without anesthesia, the effect of the session increases by one and a half times.

Recommendations for post-session care:

  • do not touch your face or do makeup for two days;
  • do not visit swimming pools, baths, saunas, or gyms for a week;
  • Do not sunbathe for two weeks.

Biorevitalization has contraindications. Some patients exhibit severe sensitivity to the components of the drug and should not receive injections. Pregnant and lactating women are also prohibited from undergoing biorevitalization. It is better to reschedule your session if you are taking blood thinning medications.

Absolute contraindications:

  • skin infections;
  • diabetes;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • herpes;
  • psoriasis;
  • neoplasms in the body.

What affects the change in the lower third of the face

A person’s emotionality also leaves its mark. His natural expression wrinkles are transformed into static folds that lie in the lip area, pulling them down, giving his face a sad expression. In addition, the shape of the face in general, and the lower third in particular, is extremely influenced by the presence of bruxism (periodically occurring episodes of involuntary contraction of the chewing muscles, accompanied by clenching of the jaw). Prolonged tension of the masticatory muscles visually makes the lower third of the face heavier and leads to a change in the shape of the face. The face of such patients becomes square, in some cases leading to asymmetry. Visually makes the oval heavier and the tension of the platysma muscles becomes heavier. Soft tissues are pulled down, which leads to a change in the shape of the face and asymmetry. In some patients, the chin area becomes heavier due to an increase in the volume of adipose tissue. This can occur due to poor nutrition and lifestyle, and due to genetic predisposition - if the parents also have a pronounced fat trap in the submental area.

The most common patient complaints about changes in the lower third of the face:

  • the appearance of wrinkles;
  • increased expression of physiological folds;
  • drooping corners of the mouth and decreased lip volume;
  • changing the shape of the chin;
  • soft tissue ptosis;
  • deformation of the oval of the face.

The most common wishes of patients for correction:

  • provide lifting of soft tissues of the face;
  • reduce the depth of folds and wrinkles;
  • improve the oval of the face;
  • change (reduce or increase) the width of the face;
  • raise the corners of the mouth;
  • adjust the shape of the lips and chin;
  • harmonize appearance (for example, create a more feminine, sensual image).


Plasmolifting is skin rejuvenation with injections of your own plasma. Due to its biocompatibility, the drug is ideally absorbed in the body and does not cause an allergic reaction. Cosmetologists use sterile tubes made of hypoallergenic material to collect blood. The procedure is safe.

Before the session, the client's blood is drawn. It will then be spun in a centrifuge to isolate the plasma.

Plasmolifting not only rejuvenates the skin, but also treats acne, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and eliminates post-acne scars.

Before the session, careful preparation is required, including a blood test for infections.

A few hours before the procedure, avoid alcohol, fatty, smoked, and spicy foods. At this time, you should not drink strong tea or coffee. Before going to the cosmetologist, do not eat for 5 hours.

Contraindications to plasma lifting:

  • chronic diseases;
  • oncology;
  • acute infections;
  • tuberculosis, hepatitis, HIV;
  • diabetes;
  • taking blood thinning medications;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • blood diseases.

Principle of operation

During ultrasonic lifting, the superficial muscular aponeurotic system is exposed to focused ultrasound, which heats the soft tissue to 60-70°C. The tightening process affects microthermal points at depths specified by the cosmetologist.

The main feature of Ultraformer ultrasonic lifting is that it works locally. Therefore, a specialist can control the thermocoagulation zone, which allows achieving the maximum lifting effect.

The clinical effect of this procedure manifests itself as:

  • Contraction and compaction of SMAS tissues;
  • Rapid regeneration and repair of epidermal structures;
  • Increasing skin density and elasticity due to increased production of collagen and elastin.

Botox injections

These injections smooth out the facial muscles, making the face look younger and fresher. Botox is great at fighting expression lines.

The drug is based on botulinum toxin and blocks nerve impulses going to the facial muscles. The injections will not interfere with facial expressions or distort them.

No anesthesia is required - the needle is so thin that it does not cause discomfort.

Avoid alcohol before your session. Doctors believe that due to drinking alcohol, swelling and bruising may occur after Botox injection. If you have been prescribed antibiotics or blood thinners, do not visit a cosmetologist and wait until the end of the course of treatment.

Botox injections are not suitable for everyone.


  • high sensitivity to botulinum toxin;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • high degree of myopia;
  • taking strong medications;
  • myasthenia gravis;
  • infections.

Do not touch the injection sites. For quick recovery, avoid physical activity for 2-3 days. In the first days, it is not advisable to even bend over. Get all recommendations from a cosmetologist.

RF lifting

Impact on wrinkles with radio waves. The collagen fibers in the skin become more elastic, causing the skin to tighten. For facial skin lifting, bi- and tripolar devices are used. They show high and proven effectiveness.

There is no need to prepare for RF lifting. You can come for a session at any time of the year, even in summer it can be highly effective. The cleanliness of the face greatly influences the result of lifting. First, the cosmetologist performs peeling, and then applies a conductive agent. Next, work begins on skin imperfections using a manipulator.

Due to the action of the radio beam, the blood vessels dilate, so side effects include redness of the treated areas and increased temperature on the face. In the evening on the day of the session, your face may swell slightly. For most patients, these symptoms resolve on their own in about 2-3 days.

Do not overuse lifting, keep pauses between sessions and carry out skincare procedures as recommended by a cosmetologist. Neglecting the recommendations can lead to skin fibrosis.

RF lifting has contraindications:

  • acute period of infections;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • diabetes;
  • skin diseases, wounds;
  • prostheses, implants in the body;
  • high blood pressure;
  • menstruation.

Lifting with radio waves is prohibited for people under 25 years of age. The procedures cannot be combined with Botox injections.

1-2 courses per year of 4 procedures are enough for the effect to last for a long time. During menopause, the number of sessions increases to 6-8.

Why Ultraformer is more popular than Alter

The Altera device is a pioneer among devices for non-surgical smas-lifting. Before its development, lifting was performed only surgically. Today there are many analogues on the market, among which the Ultraformer device has similar characteristics to Altera, while allowing the procedure to be offered at an affordable cost. Among the advantages are targeted effects on individual areas, which eliminates the risk of damage to blood vessels. The effectiveness of the Ultraformer device remains high, which is confirmed by the large number of positive reviews from clients after smas-lifting.

Laser lifting

The laser beam of light stimulates the production of elastin in the skin, restoring elasticity to the tissues. Rejuvenation in a natural way with excellent cosmetic effect.

There are two types of laser tightening:

  • fractional - part of the upper layer of skin is removed for deeper penetration of the beam. Used after 40 years.
  • non-ablative – occurs without damaging the skin. An effective technique that does not require incisions, is offered in beauty centers.


  • epilepsy, bronchial asthma;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • neoplasms in the body;
  • increased fundus pressure;
  • dry eye syndrome.

Laser lifting is contraindicated when taking certain medications. For drug therapy, consultation with a doctor is required.

Redness after laser exposure is a normal reaction for patients with thin skin. Crusts may form on the face, but this is not a sign of illness. Carriers of the herpes virus with weak immunity may experience an exacerbation of this disease after a laser lifting session. This happens extremely rarely. Patients with oily skin sometimes develop blackheads with white heads.

After the session, apply a high SPF cream or panthenol to the treated areas. You should not sunbathe in a solarium or in the active sun - this can cause burns.

2 weeks after the procedure, start using creams with hyaluronic acid. The doctor may give additional recommendations, be sure to listen to them.


Ultrasonic lifting is indicated for patients if they have the following aesthetic defects:

  • Pronounced expression wrinkles on the face, as well as on the neck and décolleté;
  • Signs of involutive aging, in particular, ptotic areas: ptosis of the cheeks, jowls, double chin;
  • Hernial bags under the eyes;
  • Skin that has lost its elasticity;
  • Flabby, overstretched skin;
  • Asymmetrical contour of the face or body.

Lifting with absorbable and permanent threads

Today, a lift without surgery is done using threads. Some threads dissolve on their own over time, while others remain under the skin forever.


  • Pregnancy and lactation period.
  • Period of menstruation.
  • Poor blood clotting.
  • New growths on the skin.
  • Diabetes.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Allergic reactions to thread material and anesthesia.

When interviewing a specialist, do not hide the presence of contraindications. If they are, then you can always use other tightening techniques.

Permanent threads

Polypropylene threads are inserted into the subcutaneous fat to create a frame that supports the skin and muscles of the face. This frame does not affect the functioning of blood vessels and the nervous system. There are cones and notches on the surface. They are needed to fix the threads under the skin. Over time, the cones dissolve, and the frame is fixed in the skin.

The appropriate age for installing polypropylene threads is different for each person - it depends on individual aging processes. Threads will not help if the skin is already very sagging. In this case, surgery will have to be performed.

Cost of non-surgical facelift

The price for a non-surgical facelift at the International Hemostasis Clinic depends on the rejuvenation technique chosen by the cosmetologist, the severity of age-related changes, and the desired effect.

To clarify the details and make an appointment with a cosmetologist, call +7 (495) 106-90-74 or fill out the online form offered on the clinic’s website. Our administrators will contact you to clarify the details and answer all your questions.

Non-surgical lifting using the VIPline device

RF lifting of the face, neck and décolleté

Microcurrent skin therapy using the Gezatone device

Absorbable threads

These threads are made from polylactic acid. They perform rejuvenation and gradually dissolve. They are also called nanothreads, bionithreads, mesothreads. Visually they resemble a fishing line with notches. Irregularities are needed to secure the frame.

The introduction of threads stimulates the formation of natural collagen, which makes the skin more elastic. The skin rejuvenation effect of degradable threads lasts up to 2 years.

For mild age-related changes, absorbable threads are well suited. They are ideal for thin skin and small fat layers. With the help of such threads you can correct expression lines and deeper folds. A side effect of installing degradable threads is a slight tingling sensation on the skin. This is normal and signals collagen production. Tingling begins approximately 2 months after the procedure and goes away on its own later.

Non-surgical circular facelift

Contour plastic surgery is a non-surgical circular facelift, the essence of which is the injection of stabilized hyaluronic acid preparations under the skin. Fillers will fill deep folds, help change the oval of the face, make the contours clearer and tighter.

The filler injected under the skin breaks down on its own over time. The results after the procedure last for an average of 12 – 20 months. The active substances contained in fillers are:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • collagen;
  • polylactic acid;
  • calcium hydroxyalate;
  • acrylic Powder.

The following types of fillers are used for facial contouring:

  • Natural. The composition includes hyaluronic acid and collagen. The drug is well tolerated by the body, does not cause allergies, and triggers regeneration processes at the cellular level.
  • Synthetic. The active ingredient is polydimethylsilicone. Provides stable, long-lasting results, but since the drug consists of synthetic components, the body can reject it.
  • Semi-synthetic. They are a gel based on hyaluronic acid. The filler provides good support and elasticity to soft tissues and is generally well accepted by the body without causing rejection or other side effects.

The drug is administered subcutaneously using cosmetic syringes equipped with ultra-thin needles. During the injection of fillers, the patient does not experience pain; there may be slight discomfort in the form of tingling. But if the client has a high pain threshold, before administering the drug, the cosmetologist will treat the skin with an anesthetic and only after the anesthesia has taken effect will he proceed directly to the manipulations.

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