If there are any cosmetic defects, the face looks untidy. Blackheads occur regardless of gender and age. Of course, they are more likely to form in people with oily or combination skin as a result of clogged pores. Increased work of the sebaceous glands contributes to this.
Cosmetology and medicine have gone far ahead; many means have been invented to combat this imperfection. Unfortunately, they do not always help, so you should pay attention to home methods. A protein face mask for blackheads can be easily prepared at home. The main ingredient for such a facial skin care product can be found in every housewife’s refrigerator. Its preparation will not take much time, and the result after the procedure will be amazing.
Cosmetic "benefits" in the composition
The tandem of yolk and white, when added to homemade masks, turns into an endless source of benefits.
- Vitamin A. This is the first element in the fight against acne. It gives healing, smoothes aging skin, completely eliminating fine wrinkles.
- Vitamin B2. Responsible for the unity of the texture of the epidermis.
- Vitamin B5. Participates in protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism of cells. Dr. Roger Williams, who first synthesized pantothenic acid, claimed that it could prolong life.
- Vitamin B12. Eliminates dullness of the face. Once on the skin, this vitamin helps retain moisture in it, thus protecting it from premature fading.
- Vitamin D. Increases the elasticity of the skin, stimulates cells to produce collagen, which resists wrinkles. Moreover, this element suppresses inflammatory processes associated with acne.
- Vitamin N. Protects against harmful environmental influences. Fights dermatitis and inhibits the formation of excessive dry skin.
- Vitamin RR. Keeps the face smooth, even, increasing blood circulation. It is an active participant in the synthesis of collagen and elastin.
- Iron. Provides body tissues with oxygen.
- Iodine. Increases blood flow, relieves rashes on the face, heals, promotes cell regeneration.
- Selenium. Removes excess free radicals, which only bring old age to the skin, so this microelement is the keeper of youth.
Why do blackheads appear on the face?
Very often, blackheads are confused with blackheads or pimples. But this is not true, in medicine this formation has its own name - open comedones (see reference book). As a rule, they form on the nose, forehead and chin, causing many problems. If bacteria penetrate the comedones, an inflammatory process begins, and then they turn into purulent pimples.
This problem occurs not only in women, but also in men. There are several reasons for the formation of blackheads:
- improper facial skin care;
- unbalanced diet;
- increased hormone levels.
The main reason is still inadequate care. It is necessary to carefully select skin care products and use them regularly. Don't think that it's too expensive; home methods are very effective in this case. They can be used not only to combat blackheads, but also for prevention.
Poor nutrition also leaves its mark. Eating fatty, fried foods increases cholesterol levels in the body and enhances the functioning of the sebaceous glands. You should saturate your diet with all kinds of vitamins, give up flour and sweets in favor of plant foods.
An experienced endocrinologist will help you adjust your hormone levels. To do this, it is necessary to undergo tests, based on the results of which therapy will be prescribed.
There are several reasons for the appearance of blackheads; of course, they need to be dealt with. There are several effective home methods to combat this problem.
Egg mask for blackheads: 8 nuances of application
Before you start creating your beauty masterpiece, prepare everything for a safe and effective blackhead removal session. There are eight recommendations to consider.
- Separation of parts. When choosing a recipe, pay attention to the base from which the mask is made: cosmetologists advise not to include a whole egg as an ingredient. The division into two components is considered more correct, since these components are aimed at solving different facial problems.
- Cleansing. Before any cosmetic session, the skin must be clean. To do this, just wash your face with water or use a special milk or gel.
- Opening of pores. To ensure that the cleansing process is deep and effective, prepare your pores. To do this, steam your face by holding it over a hot herbal decoction.
- Consistency. Remember that the egg mask is quite liquid, so either take a horizontal position or use a gauze pad.
- Contraindications. If you are allergic to albumin, dilated blood vessels, inflammation and wounds on your face have not healed, then refuse this procedure.
- No laughter. Due to the fact that the egg has a tightening effect, you should not talk or laugh with the mask applied. This can stretch the skin and give you the opposite of what you want.
- Time. The optimal time for applying the mask to the face is 20 minutes.
- Use of cosmetics. After the procedure with the egg mixture, it is not recommended to apply cosmetics for two hours.
Useful video
The video shows how to make your own egg-based mask.
Egg-based masks magically transform the skin, giving it radiance and youth. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the protein and yolk contain everything for the birth and development of a new life, and these most valuable components transfer maximum vital energy to the skin. Considering the easy availability of this component, an egg-based mask is an invaluable assistant in the process of preserving female beauty.
Yolk masks
Due to the fact that the yolk contains 50% of the daily requirement of lecithin, it not only moisturizes the skin, but also tones it. Masks with a yolk base eliminate imperfections on a dry face, regulate the water balance of epidermal cells, restoring its protective properties.
Pay attention to the color of the yolk: the richer it is, the more active substances and microelements it contains.
Video on the topic: Face mask made from sesame oil and egg yolk
With olive oil
- Take the base and add a tablespoon each of honey and olive oil. The latter can easily be replaced with sesame, almond or grape seed.
- Mix everything until smooth.
- Since the mixture will turn out to be very liquid, take a paper or cotton towel, soak it well in the prepared mixture and apply it to your face.
- The duration of the procedure is 25 minutes. Although you can reduce it to 20 if you feel strong skin tightening.
Clay mask
- Buy pink clay at the pharmacy, you will need 20 g of it.
- Combine with yolk.
- Apply the mixture and wait until it hardens.
- Gently wet your face with warm water without removing the mask.
- When the crust gets wet, wash it. Make sure that your actions do not stretch the skin.
With oatmeal
- To dilute one yolk you need a heaped tablespoon of ground oatmeal.
- After mixing, apply to face.
- The mask will harden on the skin within 20 minutes.
- First, soak the resulting crust, then wipe your face with a soft sponge.
Video on the topic Potato mask with milk and egg yolk
Potato mixture
- Grate raw potatoes on a fine grater.
- For one yolk there is a large spoon of prepared puree.
- Add three drops of vanilla essential oil.
- The time required for the mask is 25 minutes.
Once you have applied the egg face mask for blackheads at home, enhance its effect with coconut oil. Lubricate your skin with it. It will deeply saturate the layers of the epidermis, give it a velvety feel and relieve the feeling of dryness. Give it five minutes to absorb, then simply wipe off any remaining shine with a cotton pad or napkin.
Contraindications and possible harm
The only contraindication to the use of eggs for cosmetic purposes is individual intolerance. However, it is worth considering that an allergy to the composition may occur when other ingredients are added to it (for example, essential oils).
Under no circumstances should masks be washed off with hot water: boiling water changes the structure of the protein and it coagulates. A liquid with a temperature of 18–20 °C is suitable for washing.
For very dry facial skin, using products with protein is not recommended.
Protein masks
This part of the egg is also capable of many things. Protein helps eliminate harmful blackheads while drying out the skin. Thanks to its composition, it has a tightening effect, giving a matte appearance to the face, tightens pores, removing excess shine. And:
- has an antibacterial effect;
- whitens;
- eliminates redness left from acne;
- restores skin tone.
A protein face mask against blackheads will be easier to apply if its base is first whipped with a blender until foamy.
Video on the topic How to remove wrinkles using an egg and lemon mask
Lemon mask
- Take a protein base.
- Add two small spoons of lemon juice.
- Use a cosmetic brush to apply the mask.
- Leave the mixture on your face, which will turn into a film in 20 minutes.
- Wash your face gently, without stretching too much.
Against acne and wrinkles
- As always, you will need a main ingredient.
- Add olive oil to it in the amount of two small spoons.
- Grind the rolled oats and add a large spoonful of the resulting flour to the mixture.
- Finish the preparation by stirring in a teaspoon of honey.
- Apply a homogeneous paste to your face and wait 20 minutes.
This recipe is aimed not only at cleansing the skin, but also, thanks to many useful components, gives a smooth face, eliminating fine wrinkles.
Video on the topic Anti-acne mask made from aloe and egg white
With aloe
- Dilute the foamed protein with a small spoon of aloe juice.
- The cleansing process will take 15 minutes.
A mixture of just two ingredients will relieve irritation, cleanse the face, tighten pores, and give freshness and a healthy glow to the skin.
Video on the topic Mask for blackheads with egg white and sugar
Sugar mixture
- Mix a large spoonful of sugar with the protein.
- Preparation is effortless, but the application process consists of two steps.
- Simply leave the first layer on your face until it dries.
- When the second layer has been applied, massage using your fingertips. This must be done before the mixture dries.
- After the film has formed, wash with warm water.
The main thing is to avoid the area around the eyes, since when the protein mass dries, the skin tightens greatly, so if you apply the mixture carelessly and remove it too roughly, so-called “crow’s feet” may appear.
Video on the topic Homemade film mask with egg to clean pores
Homemade film mask
- Separate the egg white and beat it until foamy.
- Apply with a brush to the face, leaving the eye area clean.
- Take a paper napkin and place pieces on top of the protein layer.
- Next, apply the whipped mixture again. Yes, exactly on paper.
- Wait for everything to dry.
- The film must be removed from the bottom up without sudden movements.
- You will see how an egg and napkin mask will draw out all the dirt spots that have been an irritant on your face.
What result
Protein-based compositions show a good tightening effect, reduce skin oiliness, making it matte, and help get rid of acne. The best results in treating acne can be achieved by alternating protein cleansing with a turmeric mask . Protein whitening masks gently lighten age spots. Based on yolk, it nourishes and moisturizes the skin well, smoothing the surface and improving complexion.
Whole egg masks
A whole egg is rarely used in homemade cosmetics recipes, but for combination skin it is a solution. In addition to cleansing, the face will receive a adjusted water balance of cells, relieving fatigue and sebaceous shine.
Simple option
- Beat the egg.
- Apply it on your face and wait 20 minutes.
Depending on your skin's tendencies, you can supplement this recipe. If you need to add cell nutrition, add two teaspoons of good quality vegetable oil. If fat content dominates in areas of the face, then the same volume of raw potatoes will be required.
An egg face mask against blackheads can be prepared with different bases. If you're buying quail eggs, it's a good investment: these little speckled foods have double the benefits for your skin. But even with chicken eggs the effect is decent, as can be seen from the reviews.
Types of acne
Acne affects areas of the body with an increased number of sebaceous glands - face, chest, back. When hair follicles are blocked, either inflammatory elements (ulcers, nodules) or non-inflammatory elements develop - comedones (blackheads) and milia (whiteheads). Such rashes do not cause any unpleasant sensations (there is no itching or purulent contents), but the aesthetics of the appearance leaves much to be desired. Traditional medicine offers an excellent remedy for the skin - an ordinary chicken egg.