Pigment spots under the eyes: types of pigmentation and effective ways to eliminate it

General information

The color of human skin is determined by the presence of a pigment - melanin. This substance is a biological filter that protects our body from harmful ultraviolet radiation. People living in areas with active sun produce a lot of melanin, which is why their skin is dark.

It is thanks to the production of melanin that the skin becomes tanned after a person has sunbathed on the beach or gone to the solarium. There are several types of melanin that are “responsible” for skin color:

  • black or brown pigment (eumalanin) – its main function is to protect the skin from harmful radiation;
  • red or yellow pigment (pheomelanin) gives the characteristic color to the lips and nipples. There is a lot of pheomelanin in the hair and skin of red-haired people; their skin is usually light and turns red when exposed to the sun. It is pheomelanin that contributes to the appearance of freckles and age spots.

The appearance of pigmentation is caused by disruption of the functioning of special skin cells – melanocytes.

Under the influence of certain factors, they either begin to produce an excess amount of pigment or stop producing it altogether. This leads to a change in skin color.

Do you have freckles?

Of course there is! No and there is no need!

The appearance of spots is caused by the uneven functioning of cells, some of them begin to intensively produce pigment, and some work in a “slow” mode. As a result, the skin will darken in certain areas.

Why on the skin around the eyes?

Skin pigmentation appears under the influence of various factors. One reason is that the epidermis in this area of ​​the face is thinner and has a minimal number of sweat and sebaceous glands. This makes the skin more vulnerable to various influences.

Many people note that pigment spots appear under the eyes with age. This process is associated with the death of melanocytes. This process begins quite early - after 30 years. But the active appearance of pigmentation, as a rule, appears after 50-60 years.

Dark circles around the eyes in women: causes and associated symptoms

What causes dark circles around the eyes in women? The reasons for this may vary. Regardless of the factors that provoke this symptom, any girl will want to get rid of it.

It looks unaesthetic and makes a person tired and exhausted. Of course, the easiest way to hide bruises is with makeup. However, their constant appearance should cause concern in a person. Let's find out when you need to worry about eye circles and when you don't have to.

The most common causes of darkening of the skin on the face in the visual area are:

  • Lack of sleep. Blackness under the eyes usually goes away within a day. Due to chronic lack of sleep, the circles will constantly appear.
  • Bad habits. We are talking about alcohol and tobacco abuse. Harmful substances in cigarettes and alcohol accelerate the aging process. The skin on the face becomes even thinner and less elastic. Because of this, capillaries and vessels appear through it. Also, ethyl alcohol and nicotine lead to poor blood circulation, which causes bluish skin near the eye sockets.
  • Unbalanced diet. We can say that the body, with the help of dark circles, bags under the eyes, and swelling, signals a lack of vitamins and minerals.
  • A large load on the organs of vision, due to which more blood flows to them. This causes blood vessels to show through the skin.
  • Stress is one of the most common causes of dark circles under the eyes. Due to stress, a person suffers from insomnia, becomes overtired, and eats little. All this is shown on his face.
  • Exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Thin, sensitive, susceptible to external influences, the skin on the face is very vulnerable. Ultraviolet radiation can cause pigmentation. This happens especially quickly in old age.
  • Dehydration. Lack of water leads to thinning of the skin.
  • Injuries that cause blood vessels to rupture.
  • Allergy.

All these factors cannot be ignored, but they do not indicate the presence of pathology in the body.

To remove dark circles, you must first balance your diet, properly organize your work and rest schedule, and give up unhealthy habits.

If you get injured, you need to buy a special ointment. Allergy sufferers should avoid contact with the allergen. As for vitamins, which the body lacks, if dark circles constantly appear, you should consume foods containing:

  • Zinc. Its deficiency leads to deterioration of metabolism and weakened immunity.
  • Vitamin K, which plays a significant role in ensuring normal blood circulation.
  • Vitamin A, the lack of which causes premature aging of the skin.
  • Vitamin C, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  • Vitamin E, which helps fight free radicals that accelerate the aging of the body.

These are the most common factors that cause dark circles around the eyes in women. The causes of this symptom in men can be exactly the same. Why does this problem bother the fair sex more? Dark circles around the eyes in men most often occur due to an unhealthy lifestyle. Girls take their health and appearance more seriously. They are less likely to abuse alcohol and take care of their skin and diet. Therefore, the appearance of circles is a more alarming symptom for them. They cannot explain it by an unhealthy lifestyle and try to find the true causes of the disease. It’s worth talking about them separately.

Factors contributing to the appearance of pigmentation

Various factors contribute to the appearance of age spots on the skin of the eyelids. Most often, the appearance of spots is caused by the following reasons:

  • heredity;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver diseases especially often contribute to the appearance of pigmentation;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • age-related degenerative skin changes;
  • allergic reactions;
  • avitaminosis;
  • using creams or ointments containing hormones for a long time;
  • use of cosmetics containing harmful components;
  • after excessive sun exposure.

Types of age spots

The appearance of pigmentation is possible in a person of any gender and age. Let's figure out what types of age spots can appear under the eyes.


Small spots that appear in the spring and fade in the cold season are often observed in fair-skinned and, especially, red-haired people. Freckles are rarely located exclusively under the eyes. As a rule, spots appear on the nose and cheeks. But freckles can cover almost the entire surface of the face. Freckles are small, round in shape, and their color can vary from light red to dark chocolate.

Do you like your freckles?

Oh yeah! Of course! No, nightmare!

The appearance of freckles is noted in childhood (2-6 years), and with age they fade. After 40 years, there are practically no freckles.

This type of pigmentation is not a disease, it is simply a feature of appearance. But if you wish, you can try to get rid of freckles in a salon or at home. But in any case, it will not be possible to remove freckles quickly; you will have to carry out the procedures regularly.

The most important component of success is protecting your skin from the sun.


This name is given to pigment spots that are 1-2 cm in diameter. This formation is benign, the risk of degeneration into melanoma is extremely low. The likelihood of malignancy increases if the area where the pigment spot is located is often injured.

Most often, lentigo appears at the age of 60-70 years, in women somewhat more often than in men. The following types of lentigo are distinguished:

  • Youthful. Caused by hereditary factors, appears before the age of 10 years.
  • Senile. Appears due to age-related metabolic disorders.
  • Sunny. The formation of pigmentation is caused by excess solar radiation.
  • Associated with Touraine's disease. This is a hereditary syndrome, which is characterized by the appearance of more and more pigment spots throughout life.


This name is given to dark pigment spots that appear as a result of endocrine disorders.

Chloasma can be a single spot; the size and configuration of the spot can be any.


Birthmarks appear on the body during the first few years of a child's life, and some birthmarks may be congenital. Moles are most often flat, do not protrude above the skin, and are brown in color. But sometimes there are other varieties, so some moles protrude above the skin. And vascular birthmarks are not brown, but red.

Secondary pigmentation

Dark spots under the eyes can appear after an injury , for example, after a bruise, burn, cut, or inflammatory process. In addition, pigmentation may be a consequence of a previous skin disease.


This disease is accompanied by bronze coloration of the skin (one of the early symptoms), further development of liver cirrhosis, as well as bronze diabetes mellitus. Skin pigmentation is caused by the deposition of hematogenous pigment - hemosiderin, which is formed due to a violation of iron metabolism, with its accumulation in organs and tissues. Bronze coloration is predominantly localized on the neck and back of the hands. The eyelids turn gray-brown. Hemochromatosis is extremely rare and occurs exclusively in men aged 45-50 years. There are no more than 150 thousand patients in the world.

Treatment: diet including foods with limited iron content, drugs that remove iron from the body, repeated bloodletting in permissibly large doses.


Before removing pigment spots under the eyes, you need to determine their type, as well as identify the causes of excess pigmentation . Therefore, you should not be surprised if the dermatologist whom a person consulted about the formation of age spots refers the patient to an endocrinologist and gastroenterologist. Women may need to consult a gynecologist.

After the diagnosis has been carried out, it will be possible to decide what to do with age spots located under the eyes. For example, you don’t have to touch freckles; now, this appearance feature is not considered a defect. On the contrary, many girls consider the presence of freckles to be their highlight.

If you are categorically unsatisfied with the presence of pigmentation, then treatment may be offered. So, if a convex mole appears under the eye, which is in the way or is often injured, then perhaps the best solution would be to remove it surgically.

You can try to bleach common age spots (freckles, chloasma, lentigo caused by sunburn) at home or in a beauty salon.

Why does swelling of the eyelid occur?

The skin's ability to stretch, loose structure and a large number of blood vessels lead to fluid quickly accumulating in the eye area.

There are various reasons for the appearance of swelling of the eyelids, but from the symptoms you can understand what triggered fluid retention in the body.

If the swelling of the eyelid is bilateral, combined with other edema of the body, and the skin on the eyelids is pale and cold to the touch, this indicates renal or heart failure, as well as severe anemia.

Swelling of the eyelid also occurs with head injuries and angioedema.

Many inflammatory eye diseases, such as the following, are also accompanied by swelling of the eyelids:

  • stye, abscess, blepharitis, contact dermatitis and other inflammations of the eyelids;
  • diseases of the paranasal sinuses;
  • acute purulent, pseudo- and membranous conjunctivitis;
  • phlegmon, acute dacryocystitis and other diseases of the lacrimal sac;
  • ednophthalmitis, iridocyclitis and other pathologies of the eyeball.

Swelling of the eyelids (most often unilateral) is characterized by redness of the skin, pain on palpation and a local increase in temperature.

Salon methods

To whiten a pigment spot, you should go to a beauty salon. Experts will help you choose the most optimal way to get rid of pigmentation.


One of the whitening options is peeling. The skin around the eyes is especially sensitive and thin, so the procedure in this delicate area of ​​the face can only be entrusted to a specialist.

Peels for the skin around the eyes are different:

  • Daily procedures. To carry out this peeling, you will need products containing a small amount of fruit acids. A cosmetologist will be able to select such a product. Apply the cream every evening, leaving the composition overnight. In the morning, you need to wash your face and apply an intense moisturizer.
  • Light peeling. To eliminate pigmentation under the eyes, a light peeling can be performed. This procedure is carried out in the salon, the concentration of fruit acids in the compositions is 7-8%. Whitening pigmentation may require 5-10 procedures performed once a week.
  • Middle peeling. This procedure has a deeper effect on the skin. Such peeling should only be carried out in a salon; the composition should be selected and applied by a qualified specialist. Mistakes in performing this type of peeling can result in burns.

A good whitening effect is achieved by using glycolic peeling. For the skin under the eyes, formulations with a low acid content are used.

Laser removal

One of the most effective ways to remove pigmentation, including under the eyes, is a technique using a laser. The main advantage of this procedure is that the very cause of pigmentation is eliminated - melanocyte cells that produce excess pigment are coagulated.

The disadvantage of this method of struggle is the high price, as well as the inability to predict the long-term consequences of the procedure. Some cosmetologists believe that after a few years, new age spots may form on other areas of the skin.

In addition, it must be taken into account that there are a number of contraindications to the use of laser techniques, especially if you plan to eliminate pigmentation under the eyes. Therefore, before deciding to undergo the procedure, you will need to visit not only a therapist and a dermatologist, but also an ophthalmologist.

Laser whitening procedures can only be performed in trusted salons with an impeccable reputation. A highly qualified specialist must work with the laser. The procedure itself does not last long (10-30 minutes) depending on the size of the spot. The sensations when using a laser can be assessed as mild discomfort, tingling and tingling. After completing the first session, it takes some time for the skin to recover (about 10 days). Then the session will need to be repeated. To completely eliminate pigmentation, 2 to 10 sessions are required. During the treatment process, you will need to carefully protect your skin from exposure to the sun.

Other types of procedures

To lighten pigmentation under the eyes, other salon procedures may be recommended. This:

  • Microdermabrasion. This is essentially a mechanical peeling performed using diamond tips or aluminum oxide crystals. The procedure in the area under the eyes should be carried out as delicately as possible.
  • Mesotherapy. Introduction of microdoses of preparations containing hyaluronic acid into the middle layer of the skin. This version of the procedure is recommended if the appearance of pigmentation is associated with age-related changes in the skin.
  • Light treatment. The procedure uses high-frequency infrared radiation on the pigmented area. This leads to the destruction of melanin.

Home methods

Visiting salons is not accessible to everyone. Some people do not have enough time, others do not consider it necessary to spend significant sums on visits to cosmetologists. Therefore, many people plan to fight pigmentation at home. To do this, it is recommended to use a whitening cream (it is better to buy it at a pharmacy), as well as proven folk remedies.

Whitening cream

If you plan to deal with pigmentation on your own, then you need to purchase a whitening cream. Please note that the product should be intended specifically for the skin of the eyelids, since the skin in this area of ​​the face needs special care.

Basic Rules:

  • Before applying the cream for the first time, do not forget to do an allergy test, this will help to avoid big troubles;
  • carefully read the instructions; some creams are recommended to be applied exclusively to areas of pigmentation, without smearing them on the skin of the eyelids;
  • You can use whitening cream every day, but only in the evening. It is not recommended to use the cream before going outside. Do not use cream under makeup;
  • Please pay attention to the duration of the course of use recommended in the instructions, many products cannot be used for a long time, the maximum duration of the course is 15-20 days.

Folk remedies

There are many folk remedies that can whiten pigmentation. When choosing recipes, you need to give preference to those that act gently. The skin around the eyes lacks sebaceous glands, so it is dry and prone to wrinkles. Therefore, the use of drying agents such as pure lemon juice should be avoided. For use under the eyes, it is recommended to mix lemon juice with emollients, such as vegetable oil.

It is recommended to make homemade whitening masks twice a week. The best time for procedures is evening. After removing the cosmetic composition, do not forget to apply a moisturizing eye cream.

Here are a few recipes that can be used for the skin under the eyes:

  • Parsley whitening mask. This is a universal recipe that can be used for any area of ​​the face and body. You need to finely chop a bunch of parsley. You can chop it with a knife and grind it, but it is much more convenient to beat it in a blender. It is recommended to mix the resulting green pulp with a small amount of thick sour cream. Instead of sour cream, you can use heavy cream. Apply to the eyelid area for half an hour.
  • Fresh cucumber juice works well against pigmentation To prepare the composition, you need to grate the cucumber, squeeze out the excess juice and mix the pulp with eyelid cream or hypoallergenic baby cream. Add a little cream “for binding”. Apply the resulting product to the skin of the eyelids for half an hour. It is recommended to mix the squeezed cucumber juice with an equal amount of fresh milk. Pour the resulting liquid into molds and freeze. In the morning, wipe the skin of your eyelids with ice cubes (you can wipe your entire face). Allow the skin to dry naturally. Then you should wash your face and apply your usual cream.
  • the apple-almond bleaching composition as follows: grind 2-3 almonds (without skins), mix nut flour with an equal amount of dry milk, dilute until a very thick paste is obtained. Then add a spoonful of finely grated apple. Apply the composition to the skin of the eyelids for twenty minutes. This composition will whiten the skin and saturate it with nutrients.


Prevention plays an important role in combating the appearance of pigmentation under the eyes and other areas of the face. You need to adhere to the above measures even after removing or lightening spots, since exposure to the sun can provoke the appearance of new pigmentation.


  • regularly use creams with filters that protect against ultraviolet radiation; in summer you need to use cosmetics with a high level of protection;
  • in sunny weather it is recommended to wear high-quality sunglasses, not only in summer, but also in winter;
  • If you have chronic diseases that can cause pigmentation, they must be treated persistently. You need to undergo regular examinations and follow all doctor’s recommendations;
  • it is very important to properly care for the skin around the eyes, choosing only high-quality cosmetics;
  • When pigmentation appears, it is better not to delay a visit to a dermatologist; the sooner treatment is started, the easier it will be to achieve results.

Treatment of skin diseases around the eyelids

If suspicious inflammation in the eyelid area, redness, or pain appears, you should consult an ophthalmologist. After the examination, the doctor will make an accurate diagnosis and explain what to do for eyelid swelling and other symptoms, prescribe adequate treatment, and recommend preventive measures. This can be a massage of the eyelids with rinsing of the lacrimal ducts, opening of formations on the eyelid, the use of ointments and medications.

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It will not be possible to quickly whiten stains, but, if desired, you can mask the pigmentation using cosmetics. The main assistant in this matter will be concealer. This product can be used to hide dark spots under the eyes. Colored concealers are used for concealment. Pink concealer can successfully cope with brownish formations; yellow and light brown spots are masked with lilac concealer. To disguise spots of uneven color, you have to mix several shades of the correcting agent. It is convenient to use concealers in pencil form.

The product is applied pointwise to problem areas, then a dense cream-powder or other foundation with a high content of mineral additives is applied to the face. The tone is chosen according to the complexion of the face; you should not use a dark product, trying to disguise age spots. The last stage is dusting the skin with mineral powder. It is important not to apply too much powder as this can highlight fine lines under the eyes. It is enough to go through the puff once, after shaking off any excess.

Cosmetologists' opinion

Currently, there are many effective methods for removing pigmentation. However, before going to a cosmetologist or trying to remove spots under the eyes on your own, you should consult a therapist and gastroenterologist. Often, pigmentation is the result of problems with the liver and other gastrointestinal organs. Therefore, to eliminate stains, you need to treat existing diseases. After recovery, the pigmentation will go away on its own, or it can be removed in a beauty salon.

If the root cause is not eliminated, then, despite all efforts, pigment spots will appear again, even if the most modern and effective techniques are used.

Is it possible to remove age spots on the face using folk remedies?

Pigment spots on the face can also be lightened using folk remedies, for example, masks made from grated almonds, lemon juice, honey, parsley and sour cream. Such home methods are not effective and can provoke an allergic reaction and skin irritation, and also increase photosensitivity, so they are not recommended for use by dermatologists and cosmetologists.

Cosmetic formulas use standardized modified plant extracts that act specifically and have a lasting and more pronounced effect, and therefore are more reliable.

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