Asahi massage: technique, effectiveness and contraindications

general information

The name of the technique is Zogan. The literal translation of this word is “creating a face.” The Asahi technique received this name well-deservedly, because it allows you to effectively model the face and restore it even in the most advanced cases. The creator of massage herself is a clear demonstration of its effectiveness.

In a short period of time, the Zogan technique managed to become popular in Japan and spread to other countries and even to other continents. Today there are Asahi massage schools all over the world, many practice it at home, using educational materials - articles, books, videos.

Plastic surgery

The fastest, most effective, but at the same time the most unsafe way to transform any face into the ideal of Korean beauty is plastic surgery. I must say that despite all the risks and high prices, this method is very popular among Asian women. If you have been fascinated by Korean culture for several days, then with a high degree of probability you have already seen a lot of altered chins, by the way, both women's and men's.

The operation to change the contours of the face is quite complex and painful, because in the process surgeons literally cut off “extra” parts of the bones. Typically, this operation is carried out in two stages: correction of the cheekbones, and then the chin.

It is better for the faint of heart to skip this paragraph, but for those who are seriously considering surgery, we definitely advise you to finish reading. If initially the jaw protrudes strongly forward, a preparatory stage is carried out - correcting the bite, but this is not at all scary, but then the most interesting thing happens. When correcting the cheekbones, incisions are made in the temporal region and inside the mouth, then the surgeon moves the bones inward to make the cheekbones more expressive. In order for the bones to maintain their new position, they are fixed with screws. Now the cheekbones are ready, all that remains is to apply stitches. Now it's the chin's turn. An incision is made again in the oral cavity, then the angle of the lower jaw is corrected and the required amount of the upper layer of the jaw bone is removed; if necessary, protruding chewing muscles and fat in the cheek area are also removed. Of course, after such an operation, the result cannot be seen immediately, but at best after a couple of months.

At first, the happy owner of a new chin will experience swelling, bruising and pain. Agree that you still need to have good reasons to undergo such a test. In addition, a survey conducted by a Korean consumer research agency showed that a third of the 1,000 plastic surgery patients surveyed were dissatisfied with the results obtained.

In conclusion, I would like to say that fashion trends are not a reason not to like your appearance, because after all, individuality is valued above all in a person. But if you are still unhappy with the shape of your face, then try to follow our simple tips - makeup, proper care, massage, exercise, diet - and you will be surprised at the metamorphosis!

What is Asahi massage for?

The essence of the technique is this: during the massage, blood circulation is stimulated, facial muscles are relaxed, but most importantly, lymph movement improves as a result.

Due to this, it will be possible to achieve the following results:

  • increase skin firmness and elasticity;
  • improve complexion;
  • enhance the effect of care products;
  • slow down aging;
  • improve tissue nutrition;
  • eliminate small expression wrinkles;
  • completely remove swelling and puffiness of the face;
  • draw out beautiful cheekbones, a chiseled chin.

The effectiveness of the massage depends on how correctly it is performed. It is necessary to take into account absolutely all the details and nuances. Regularity is also important. Like all safe techniques, Zogan massage must be practiced daily for a long time. Only this approach guarantees effectiveness. If you use it once or irregularly, the massage will also be beneficial - puffiness will quickly go away and the appearance of the skin will be refreshed.

But for long-term, sustainable changes, you need to practice massage daily.

Alternative to injections and plastic surgery: 15-minute Kobido facial massage

Expert opinion

Yulia Saifullina, member of the international organization of professional trainers of Russia in facial gymnastics and master of the Japanese technique “Kobido” “The Ancient Way of Beauty” - this is how the name of the facial massage “Kobido”, which appeared at the end of the 15th century, is translated from Japanese.
This is the best option for those who prefer non-surgical and injection methods of rejuvenation, since it is “Kobido” that copes with age-related changes, while simultaneously providing a healing effect for the whole body.” Facial massage is based on the impact on facial meridians and acupressure points; the main goal of “Kobido” is to achieve balance in the facial muscles and emotional balance. During the massage, tension is eliminated and blood circulation improves. If we talk about deep tasks, then, in accordance with Eastern teachings, our physical and emotional balance directly depends on the flow of vital energy qi. “Kobido” harmonizes them by working with acupuncture points and energy meridians.

Techniques for performing Japanese massage “Kobido”:

Step #1

For massage you will need light texture oil. A few drops on your fingers is enough. Apply with soft, stroking movements to the décolleté and face. Movements should be sliding and smooth.

Using the palm of your hand, we stroke the neck from bottom to top, alternately on one side and the other for 10-15 repetitions. This way we start lymphatic drainage and smooth out horizontal wrinkles on the neck. We pass through the thyroid gland area as delicately as possible.

Step #2

Let's move on to the cheekbone area. Place your thumbs and index fingers together. We turn the palm so that the thumbs can be placed under the jaw, and the folded index fingers are on top. And we begin to make lingering movements along the cheekbones from the chin to the ears. We do 10-15 repetitions. This is the study of the oval of the face.

Step #3

Place your palms on your temples, closer to the hair growth area, and massage in a circular motion towards your ears. We work on the nasolabial folds. We draw figure eights with our index fingers along the lines of the nasolabial folds. It is enough to perform 10–15 repetitions.

It is believed that Kobido massage is one of the secrets of the unfading beauty of Japanese women.

Step #4

Place the bones of your thumbs at the base of your nose and press lightly. And start massaging in a circular motion in the direction of eyebrow growth. Then fold your index and middle fingers, leaving a gap between them and sort of letting your eyebrows pass between them. And perform stretching movements from the base to the tip of the eyebrows, completing the circle under the eyes. All the same 10–15 repetitions.

Step #5

Place the brushes on the top of the forehead so that the emphasis is on the index fingers, and with the thumbs we smooth the area between the eyebrows. This is a very effective exercise for vertical wrinkles. Also 10-15 repetitions.

We fold our fists and use the four finger bones to move in a circular motion across our forehead from the center to the sides, working through every centimeter.

And finally - a mandatory, stroking massage from top to bottom. Using our fingers, we start moving from the center of the forehead and move along the contour to the neck, discharging the lymph downwards.

At what age can you practice massage?

There is an opinion that Asahi facial massage is a procedure that should be started after the first signs of aging appear. In fact, this is not so, the technique comprehensively solves facial problems and can be used much earlier, from 16-18 years old, but not on an ongoing basis. The sooner the massage is started, the longer the skin will remain elastic, fresh and beautiful.

Exercise technique: it's simple - try it!

Since Asahi massage affects the lymphatic system, before starting it, you should carefully study the movement pattern and also remember the location of the lymph nodes.

To learn massage techniques, carefully watch the video of Japanese massage.

The massage technique is not complicated, but don’t be scared by the fact that some exercises need to be performed against the “massage lines” that we are all accustomed to.

The complex consists of simple exercises, each of which must be repeated at least three times. Before starting the massage, as well as at the end of each exercise, be sure to walk with gentle movements from the lymph nodes near the ears, then along the neck and finish near the collarbones. In this case, everything must be done very smoothly, without pressure or massaging movements.


Lymphatic drainage facial massage is allowed for almost all people, but there are diseases and conditions in which it can harm not only the skin, but also negatively affect the condition of the entire body.

Contraindications to massage:

  • acne;
  • all types of dermatitis;
  • neuralgic diseases of the face;
  • diseases of the lymphatic system;
  • oncological diseases of any localization;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • rosacea;
  • face too thin;
  • blood diseases.

In addition, doctors recommend temporarily abstaining from massage during menstruation, as there is a risk of developing uterine bleeding. After the end of the critical days, you can resume the practice.

In some cases, for example, in the presence of chronic skin diseases, Zogan massage is allowed during the remission stage, but it is important to consult with your doctor. A seemingly harmless procedure can easily lead to an exacerbation of existing problems or even a deterioration in well-being.

Efficiency of the procedure

The complex effects of Japanese massage involve the skin, muscles, connective tissue, and skull bones. Deep study helps to quickly achieve tone. After the sessions, the tissues acquire firmness, elasticity, and take on a natural shape. There is an emergency tightening of sagging skin and smoothing out wrinkles. The lifting effect is the most popular result of such procedures.

The effect on lymph flow has a significant detoxifying effect. Accumulated toxins and impurities are removed. The skin begins to function fully. Internal processes are activated, the quality of the integument improves.


The result of the massage depends not only on the accuracy of the movements, but also on the preparatory stage.

For the procedure to go well, you must first perform the following steps:

  • cleanse your face well using cleansing gel or micellar water;
  • steam the skin so that the pores can breathe;
  • Apply a massage product selected according to your skin type.

You can start applying the product along the massage lines, but the movements should be soft. This will warm up the skin before the main set of movements.


Japanese gymnastics has found numerous followers of this technique among Russian women. It solves the problems of facial wrinkles and age-related wrinkles, representing almost an equivalent replacement for plastic surgery.

Even expensive cosmetics cannot compete with Japanese technology in terms of effectiveness. With its help, you can maintain a well-groomed face, regardless of external environmental factors, for a whole year. The skin also benefits from such exercises - it acquires elasticity, becomes more elastic and fresh.

Choosing a massage product

To perform daily facial massage using Zogan technology, you need to choose a massage oil or milk that suits your skin type. Depending on your skin type and existing problems, you need to choose a massage product that will complement and enhance the effect of the massage.

Here are the best options:

  • oat milk - to improve complexion and active nutrition;
  • coconut oil – to eliminate wrinkles and improve skin elasticity;
  • flaxseed oil – eliminates puffiness, evens out skin tone;
  • cosmetic cream – for dry and sensitive skin;
  • avocado oil to tighten the contour, eliminate deep wrinkles;
  • apricot oil for those with oily skin.

The best way to choose an effective massage product is to consult a cosmetologist. After diagnosing the skin condition, the specialist will recommend the best option that will help achieve maximum results in combination with massage.

Secrets and tips on how to do it correctly

  1. Massage cannot be performed on dry skin, so choose a product with which you will feel comfortable performing the procedure.
  2. Make sure that your fingers slide easily over the skin and do not stretch it in any way. Take any cosmetic or massage oil. If oils are not suitable for you, you can take a regular cream (preferably oily); when choosing a cream, be guided by your skin type. Using oil or cream, you will minimize the discomfort that may occur when pressing on the facial muscles.
  3. With the correct massage technique there should be no pain or discomfort. If you experience discomfort, try to ease the pressure and act less vigorously.
  4. Don't massage just with your fingertips, use your whole hand, draw lines with your knuckles, this way you will massage the deep muscles of the face.
  5. During the massage, movements should be continuous and always end near the collarbones.
  6. When doing a massage, try to relax, turn on some soft music.
  7. The procedure can be performed not only lying down, but also sitting and even standing. The main thing is to remember to control your posture and “keep your back.”
  8. The massage should be carried out on a clean, makeup-free face. Don't forget that you need to cleanse your face after the procedure.
  9. The basic rule for any massage is “do no harm,” so you should absolutely not put pressure on the lymph nodes. Here your movements should be especially delicate and gentle.

If you are happy with your reflection in the mirror, then you are on the right track. The main thing is not to give up and then you will see lasting positive results. Then you can perform Japanese massage not every day, but several times a week to maintain the effect.

Negative consequences

Lymphatic drainage facial massage has very contradictory reviews. This is not surprising - there are two reasons why the rejuvenation technique may not work. First, there were contraindications to the use of the Zogan technique. Second, the massage was performed incorrectly.

If mistakes were made or warnings regarding contraindications were ignored, the consequences could be as follows:

  • rash;
  • irritation;
  • swelling;
  • excessive facial weight loss;
  • general deterioration of health;
  • exacerbation of ENT diseases.

In order not to harm yourself, you should not use the Zogan technique if there are contraindications. You also need to strictly adhere to the massage rules.

About facial skin care

Skin care helps preserve its youth and health. It consists of four important steps:

  1. Cleansing. It is necessary in the morning to remove sebum secreted overnight, and in the evening to remove dirt, sweat, and cosmetic residues.
  2. Toning. Tonic removes remnants of cleansing cosmetics, refreshes the skin and restores its acidity.
  3. Basic care consists of applying a cream appropriate to your skin type. At night, use a moisturizing, nourishing cosmetic product.
  4. The skin needs protection - the application of special serums and concentrates.

Attention! Serums contain concentrated active ingredients, so they are recommended to be applied at night.

In order to maintain a beautiful face, you also need to:

  • use night and day skin care products;
  • eat well;
  • do not drink a lot of liquid to prevent bags under the eyes;
  • apply anti-aging masks to the skin;
  • exfoliate periodically.
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